Abs program for 30. How to quickly pump up abs for a girl at home. We pump up the lower abdominal muscles at home

At all times, representatives of the fair sex want to look attractive. Standards are changing female beauty, but this desire always remains.

Beautiful is in fashion today toned body, elastic buttocks, slender legs, slim stomach. Today’s article is about how to pump up a girl’s abs at home.

When is the best time to pump up your abs?

When training at home, many recommend doing exercises in the morning on an empty stomach. This is effective because the body uses up all the evening energy during sleep, so morning workouts use fat energy. A sure step towards getting rid of belly fat.

However, remember that in the morning the glycogen reserve (these are “canned” carbohydrates, the energy reserve of our body) is practically zero, so power training It is not recommended to do this. It's good to do yoga, stretching, simple exercises without load. Monitor your well-being.

Perform the exercises using the correct breathing technique: force as you exhale, relax your muscles as you inhale. The most effective training will not give desired result without correct technique breathing.

How quickly can you pump up your abs?

As for the timing, on average it takes at least a month to give the abdominal muscles definition (pump up the abs with “cubes”) regular classes. It is better to exercise every day, spending half an hour on exercises. Assurances that there are miracle programs thanks to which you can achieve perfect abs in a week is just a myth. The task becomes more complicated if the girl is overweight. A layer of fat on the abdomen more than 1 cm thick will hide the cubes even during the most intense exercise. In this case strength training must be accompanied by exercises for weight loss (running, walking), healthy eating and drying the body.

Abdominal exercises for girls at home: contraindications and warnings

Contraindications to performing abdominal exercises may include various diseases and ailments of the organs located in this area, hernias, recent surgeries, and problems with the spine. I think this is already clear, but I’ll say it once again - pregnancy is also a significant contraindication to performing this kind of exercise. The first month after childbirth is also better to refrain from physical activity.

Rules for home training for girls

  • You need to exercise no earlier than two hours after eating;
  • you can go to bed a few hours after training;
  • It is better to do exercises on a hard surface, since a soft one will not give the desired effect and can damage your back;
  • It is better to train every other day, so the body will have the opportunity to recover;
  • The most suitable training for girls will be a workout where each exercise will be repeated 10-15 times, and the number of approaches will not exceed 4;
  • the load should be increased gradually;
  • You should warm up before exercising.

For the last point, running, warming up or intensive cleaning of the apartment are perfect. Which will help you combine business with pleasure, warming up, and clean housing.

Exercises for girls to pump up the abs

If you're training at home, here are a few great exercises to get started:

  1. Crunch for 4 counts – 10 reps. As you perform the exercise, think about lifting your shoulders off the ground or mat as you crunch.
  2. Crunches – 10 reps. When crunching, you don't have to lift your entire back off the ground like you do when you sit down. You just need to tear it off top part backs. Lie down on a mat, floor or carpet. Keep your hands at your head or crossed over your chest. Use your abdominal muscles to lift your shoulders and hold them at the top. Exhale as you lower down.
  3. Circular crunches - 10 repetitions. Get into a crunch position. Bend your upper body to the left for the left circle, and to the right for the right circle. For easy execution, make small ones. circular movements. To add difficulty, make large circular movements.
  4. Reverse crunches – 12 reps. Start the exercise with your knees in line with your hips. Bring your knees to your chest and then slowly return to the starting position. Use your arms for support at your sides.
  5. Bicycle – 10 slow reps, 8 fast reps. Bend your knees towards your chest, lift your left knee and rotate right shoulder towards the knee. For a complete repetition, switch legs and repeat on the other side.
  6. Straight Leg Raises – 10 reps. Start the exercise with your knees level with your hips. Raise your knees to your chest. Then extend your knees up. For full implementation reps, lower your legs straight to the mat. For additional resistance, keep your hands under your lower back.
  7. Abdominal stretch – hold for 30 seconds. Stretch your arms and legs. Tighten your abs as if you were pulling your fingers and toes toward opposite walls. Try taking a deep breath.
  8. Oblique muscle stretch – hold for 30 seconds. The exercise is performed in a sitting position. Bring your right leg forward, keeping your feet flat on the mat. Wrap left leg around the right one and bend it in right side. Breathe deeply. Repeat the exercise on the other side.
  9. Side plank – hold for 30 seconds. Place your elbow below your shoulder. Raise your hips while balancing on your feet and elbow. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
  10. Hip raises – 8 reps. After the plank, lie with your back on the floor. Lift your hips up towards the ceiling. After that, lower them to the floor. Do you want to get sculpted muscles in a month? Accelerate your results with this effective plan workout.

Abdominal exercise programs for 30 days

Exercises for forming “cubes” for girls

However, many women who are wondering whether it is possible to pump up abs in a month want to get sculpted abs with noticeable six-packs. For this purpose, you can use the following exercises:

Sit on the edge of a chair or bed with your legs extended forward. Bend them and pull them towards your chest, tensing your abdominal muscles as much as possible, then return to the starting position.

Lie on the floor, straighten your legs forward, put your hands behind your head, hold on to the edge of the sofa. Raise your straight legs slowly and smoothly lower them.

Do the bicycle exercise.

Lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your hips at right angles to the floor surface. Pull your knees closer to your chest, tightening your abdominal muscles, then return to the starting position. These exercises are called reverse crunches.

Effective abdominal exercise on video

We pump up the lower abdominal muscles at home

There are a lot of exercises for girls to build muscles lower press at home. Take the method described above for strengthening the abdominal muscles as a basis. But be sure to complement it:

  • Lying on your back, place your hands behind your head and bend your knees. Raising your pelvis slightly, try to pull your knees towards your chest. If you can’t perform this action right away, pull it up as much as possible.
  • Maintaining the previous position, straighten your legs and lift them slightly off the surface, keeping them parallel to the floor. Now we perform “scissors”, alternately spreading our legs and crossing them together.

Do you want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you

We pump up the muscles of the upper abs at home

  • Lie on the floor with your knees bent and hip-width apart. Your arms can be behind your head or crossed in front of you. Raise your shoulders and shoulder blades. No need to try and raise your lower back! It should not come off and be pressed tightly.
  • Another complex on upper press- raising legs. Lying on the floor, straighten your legs. Raise them up until you reach right angle with the floor. Lower it. To make it more difficult, you can raise your legs not perpendicular to the floor, but at 45° and hold them.

A toned stomach is the desire of many girls and women all over the world. What makes ladies think about how to pump up their abs in 30 days are pictures from glossy magazines in which athletes and actresses show off their toned bodies.


A table for girls compiled by experienced trainers will help you figure out how to pump up your abs in 30 days. To do this, you should perform some simple exercises:

  1. Raise your legs. You need to lie down on the floor at home and raise your legs 45 degrees and put them back. This technique is repeated 9 times, and at the end you need to hold your legs in a raised position for about 10 seconds.
  2. Raise your torso. Made from supine position. The torso should be raised and lowered back. This is done with straight knees.
  3. The previous exercise is repeated, but the legs are bent and the torso is lifted in jerks.
  4. Twist the oblique muscles diagonally. The woman is lying down. Legs bent, hands behind head. Raising your torso, you need to touch your right knee with your left elbow, and your left knee with your right elbow (alternately).
  5. Twist the oblique muscles to the side. A lying girl squeezes her legs, placing her hands under her head. The torso rises so that tension is felt in the side muscles.
  6. After completing these techniques, you can stretch. It significantly increases the effectiveness of the set of exercises.

In order for the complex to help you pump up your abs in 30 days, there is a table for girls that explains how to gradually increase daily loads- she is shown in the photo.

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Of course, this complex is not a panacea. To pump up your abs in 30 days, there is another table for women that tells you what other measures you can take. They are related to nutrition. During the period of working on the press you should:

  • To drink a lot of water. 1.5 liters is the minimum amount required by the female body.
  • Oddly enough, you can and even need to eat sweets.
  • Eat foods rich in calcium - milk, cottage cheese and eggs.
  • Don’t forget about vegetables and fruits, because they contain microelements and vitamins important for the body.
  • Limit or avoid fatty meats, as well as flour and fried foods.
  • Vegetarianism is not the answer. You can eat meat, but it is better to replace pork with chicken and other low-fat options.

All the ladies who comply with these simple rules, will definitely achieve success and get what they want - excellent abs.

For a month at home. By combining the right ones, without carbohydrate nutrition, and applying a simple program training. We will get a beautiful, deep and aesthetic belly with six-pack abs.

What is a press

The abs are a solid abdominal muscle that is not divided into lower and upper sections, as many people like to divide it.

In fact, everyone has cubes, only some people have them under subcutaneous fat, and someone is very thin and their abs do not have enough volume.

The rectus abdominis muscle performs the function of bringing the chest to lumbar region and holds the body. It's like a bridge between the ribs and the pelvis.

Training principles

The abdominal muscle is relatively small and progresses quite quickly,

One month is enough to see significant results!

Of course, we are all individual, but there are also basic values: on average, for a burning sensation, 20 repetitions are required, and for complete atrophy, 3 intense sets of 20 repetitions.

Common Mistakes

Especially for beginners who have watched enough videos about how to pump up abs in 1 month, and sit for days pumping them up, thinking that the more, the better.

This is where the first error comes from:

♦ 1. Lots of load


Little ones muscle groups:

  • press,
  • triceps

do not require a large amount of training, one full workout per week is enough. (Abs, you can train every day, but apply the load in small portions).

♦ 2. Execution technique


I noticed how some people perform strange movements, as they think for the abdominal muscles.

To check what exactly you are currently pumping - (during the abdominal exercise, place one index club on chest, and the second at the end of the abdominal muscle, near the groin area). If they come closer, the exercise is performed correctly!

♦ 3. Poor nutrition

In order for the cubes to appear, you definitely need to monitor your diet. Less carbs and more proteins.

More details at the bottom of the article. ↓

Pump up your abs in a month, a program of 3 exercises

In this six-pack program, I will offer you 3 exercises that you need to do every day, just 1 set. In total, it will take no more than 20 minutes, and after 30 days, you will be able to enjoy relief press.

Monthly exercise list

Leg raises while lying on your back

This exercise fully engages the entire muscle, stretching the abs and filling it, it is the leg lift that is considered basic movement which can be performed on the horizontal bar, parallel bars or floor.

Execution technique

  • We lie down on the floor, put our hands behind our heads and grab something, for example a sofa.
  • Next we raise our legs at an angle of 90 degrees, the lower back pressed to the floor
  • Lower your legs while inhaling, almost touching the floor

To make this abdominal exercise easier, simply bend your knees.

Leg-elbow on back

The exercise also involves the lateral, as well as serratus muscles abdomen, which is responsible for the width of the waist.

Execution technique

  • Starting position is the same, lie on your back and raise your legs 90 degrees
  • Then we bend our knees and begin to touch the knee to the elbow of the opposite hand
  • Exhale at the moment of touch

Plank with knees to chest

I'm sure you know what a plank is, we'll use the same starting position but add a little more dynamics.

Execution technique

  • Get into a plank position, elbows on the floor, back straight, fulcrum - toes
  • As you exhale, begin to alternately bring your knees to your chest and hold for a short time.

How to perform the complex?

All abdominal exercises are performed every day for a month. The complex should be carried out without rest. Each exercise should have 20 high-quality repetitions with a delay, do not forget to monitor your breathing.

♦ Remember: 1 round every day, on an empty stomach

Proper nutrition for the press

First of all, you should learn to monitor the amount of carbohydrates entering your body. And here is a list of nutrition tips that you can follow to quickly see your six-pack:

  1. After sleep, drink a glass of water on an empty stomach.
  2. Eat 4-5 times a day in small portions
  3. Carbohydrate meal once a day
  4. Don't eat after 6
  5. After lunch, do not eat fruits or other foods containing sugar.
  6. Avoid flour products and fatty meats
  7. Eat more greens, they promote faster digestion

Thank you very much for reading the article, I hope now you know how to get toned abs in a month and will do it!

In its turn, I wish you success, be sure to subscribe to the blog and find out a lot of useful information every day!

Muscles abdominals created by nature to protect organs abdominal cavity and “help” the muscles of the back and hips. Muscular system The human body is designed in such a way that it is impossible to train any one muscle or group of muscles in isolation: they immediately come into play “neighbor” muscles, “companion” muscles and “helper” muscles.

Before you begin, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Abdominal training should be done at least 3 times a week, ideally - daily.
  • If you have never trained your abs before, you should start with 1 approach, and then, focusing on how you feel, work your way up. number of approaches up to 4.
  • Throughout the entire workout, the abdominal muscles the press must be kept in a state of tension, do not let them relax: this will make the classes as effective as possible. The most important thing is not how many times you can “swing” your abs, but how hard you can contract your muscles with each repetition of the movement.
  • It is recommended to train the abdominal muscles without weights: weight work own body quite enough to form a strong and elastic “muscle shield” in the abdominal area.
  • As you know, the abdominal muscles are divided, in particular, into straight and oblique. When training your abs, maximum attention is required focus on the rectus abdominis muscles, and it is advisable not to overload the oblique muscles (internal and external). The thing is that developed oblique abdominal muscles make the waist visually wider, and the effect of abdominal training should be just the opposite.


Lie with your back on an inclined board set at any angle (the steeper the angle, the more work you can do Bottom part waist). The feet should be secured to the bench with a strap (or the feet should be placed under a special crossbar on the board). Your hands clasp behind your head and you bend your torso upward. Keep your knees slightly bent.

Target: working out the upper part of the abs.

You definitely need a "Roman chair" to secure your legs in a certain position and allow your torso to drop below a position parallel to the floor. Thus, the abdominal area is better worked out. Do this in a steady rhythm and without any bounce at all.


Lie with your back on an inclined board (its angle can be changed), and secure the position by holding on with your hands. Raise your legs, bending your knees as you rise. Slowly lower your legs until they are straight and repeat.

Target: working out the lower part of the abs.

Hang on the horizontal bar, spread your hands 75 cm. Straighten your legs, raise them to a position parallel to the floor, then lower them - and repeat. Try not to sway.

For those who cannot perform this exercise with straight legs, it is recommended to start with bent knees. Pull up bent legs to your waist and pull your toes down. After a few weeks, your legs can be straightened.

Target: working out the lower part of the abs.

This exercise is performed on parallel bars or on a machine with elbow supports. Turning your back to the apparatus, grab the bars, lean on them, hanging on your elbows. Stretch your legs straight down, then bend them at the knees. This is the starting position. Next, begin to lift your pelvis up towards your chest. Return to the starting position.

Target: working out the upper part of the abs.

Lie down on the floor. By effort abdominal muscles lift your shoulders off the floor and lift your body towards your feet, but don’t try to touch your thighs with your forehead or stomach. At the same time as you rise, slightly turn your torso to the right. Do the next repetition with a left turn.

Target: working out the upper part of the abs.

For this exercise you will need inclined bench. Lie with your back on the bench, bend your knees and place your feet under the support. Place your hands under your head, spread your elbows to the sides. Using your abdominal muscles, begin to lift your upper body and pull it towards your knees.

Target: working out the upper part of the abs.

Choose a weight to do 25 reps with. Kneel down facing the pulley device, grab the handle of the pulley and begin to pull it down while bending towards the floor. The abdominal muscles should be in constant tension. Slowly returns to the starting position.

Target: working out the upper part of the abs.

This version of ordinary crunches uses all the abdominal muscles. In this case, minimal load is placed on the lower back.

Lie face up on the floor, bend your knees, put your hands under your head, and spread your elbows. Using your abs, begin to lift your shoulders and upper back off the floor. From the top point, slowly return to the starting position. Here, as with calves, the best thing to do is to do as many reps as possible.

Target: working out the upper part of the abs.

This is a great way to reduce your waistline. Lie sideways on the bench so that the part of your body above your waist protrudes over the edge, and you can freely bend your body up and down. Have someone hold your feet. Bend at the waist, slowly lower yourself to the bottom position and just as slowly rise to the starting position.

Target: working out the upper and lower abs

Sit on a chair or on the edge of a bench. Hold the edges of the chair with your hands and lean back. Bend your knees and slowly pull them towards your chest. Straighten your legs, stretching them out in front of you. Return to the starting position.

Target: working out the oblique muscles.

Take dumbbells and lower your arms along your body. Spread your legs about 30 cm apart. Bend at the waist, first to the right, then to the left, bending as low as possible.