Weight loss exercise program for women. TOP 7 most effective exercises for fast fat burning. Fat burning workouts for women. Cardio for burning fat

If you decide to get your figure in order, you will have to be patient and understand one thing - you will need to stick to this path throughout your life.

And it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on fitness rooms - you can improve your figure with the help of special exercises Houses. What you should know before you start training:

  • Exercises to start burning fat should last at least half an hour (and this is the minimum time), preferably 45-60 minutes. This is explained by the fact that fat begins to be consumed only at the 20th minute of an average or high-intensity load;
  • The pulse for beginners reaches 100 beats/minute, for those who are trained it reaches 120-130. Such indicators contribute to the burning of excess fat deposits;
  • The best time for training aimed at removing fat from the body is in the morning on an empty stomach, when all glycogen reserves have been used up;
  • Switch to a natural, balanced diet - stop eating sausages and confectionery, canned food, smoked meats and fried foods. When cooking, use stewing or boiling. Dress salads with vegetable oils or low-fat sour cream.

Fight with overweight should be carried out comprehensively - a combination of power and aerobic exercise, as well as balanced nutrition. And in general, try to lead a healthy and active image life, walking more fresh air, going hiking and so on.

Exercises for legs, butt, lower back, stomach and sides

1. Squats with dumbbells.
Take dumbbells in both hands, stand straight, look forward. Perform a squat without lifting your heels off the floor. Stand up straight. At the beginning of the movement, you need to kind of put your butt back, and only then bend your legs. The back should be straight throughout the entire exercise.

2. Lunges with dumbbells.
As in the previous exercise, the arms with weights are lowered freely. Lunge forward with your right leg without bringing your left knee to the floor. Go back and do the same for your left leg. You can perform lunges while moving around the house, that is, walking in lunges.

3. Jumping with dumbbells.
From a squat (note, not a squat, but a squat), pushing off the floor with your feet, jump up. The dumbbells are freely lowered.

4. Bend forward with dumbbells.
Weights are in your hands, and you stand straight. Feet together. Bend forward (back straight, gaze also directed forward). In this case, the legs should be straight, but conditionally (in general, slightly bent to remove the load from the joints and transfer it to the muscles). By the way, you can do it in two ways: with your legs placed together, and with your legs spread wide apart. Try both options.

5. Side bends with dumbbells.
Take a dumbbell in your hand and place the free one behind your head. Stand straight, with your feet almost together (do not spread them wide - the wider, the less effective the exercise is). Bend to the side with weight and also bend to the side without weight.

6. Dumbbell crunches.
Take a lying position, place the dumbbells on your chest, and fix your legs (for example, under the sofa). Perform a torso bend, lifting your entire back off the floor. Go back and repeat.

7. Upper abdominal crunches with dumbbells.
The starting position is almost the same as the previous exercise, the only difference is the position of the dumbbell. Hold one dumbbell with both hands behind your head and perform torso curls, lifting only your head and shoulder blades off the floor (no need to go any higher).

8. Leg raises with dumbbells.
Lying on the floor, take both of the heaviest weights and place them on the floor above your head. Grasp them with your hands. Using weights as a counterweight, lift slightly bent legs up 35 - 45 cm from the floor and lower without touching the surface. The same exercise can be performed statically, keeping your legs suspended.

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Exercises to burn fat at home

The main advantage of fat-burning exercises is that they can be carried out in any conditions (at home, outside in the gym). It is only necessary to maintain a high heart rate and training duration. Exercises for burning fat at home are selected taking into account these rules. The variety of programs is huge; a person can independently select his favorite movements that would support the fat burning process. An example of such an activity, the circle needs to be repeated 3-4 times:

Run in place for 5 minutes.
Push-ups – 15 times.
Press – 30 times.
Jump squats – 20 times.
Jumping rope for 5 minutes.
Burpees – 15 times.

For the stomach and sides

Some people set themselves the task of removing extra centimeters in certain areas. For example, a girl often looks for fat-burning exercises for the abdomen, but it should be understood that the process of reducing the volume of fat occurs throughout the body. It will not be possible to purposefully make you lose weight faster or more actively just your waist. You can increase efficiency only by accentuated strengthening of the abdominal muscles so that the tummy is flat and elastic.

A common misconception among girls is that classic abdominal crunches will help them lose weight in the abdominal area. This is not true, such dynamic exercises do not lead to fat burning, but to an increase in muscle volume, while the fat will remain in place. To lose weight you should stick to proper nutrition, perform cardio training or circuit training, which was described above. To strengthen the abdominal muscles, make it elastic and flat, it is recommended to perform the plank exercise:

Place something soft on the floor, such as a blanket or yoga mat.
Take a position as if you were doing push-ups.
Place your feet on your toes.
Lower yourself onto your elbows; they should be directly under your shoulders.
Keep your body straight, there should be no bending.
Hold this position for as long as possible.

For legs

As a rule, this area becomes problematic for girls. poor metabolism and low physical activity lead to the appearance of deposits in the form of fat or cellulite. To remove it, you need to perform fat-burning exercises for the legs. The more exercise they receive, the more blood the body pumps through the muscles and speeds up metabolism. Sitting in front of a computer or in the office, a person compresses blood vessels, which has a detrimental effect on metabolism and health in general.

To create the conditions necessary for fat burning, a person must receive high-intensity exercise. Perfect for these purposes:

  • cycling;
  • fat-burning circuit training;
  • fat burning aerobics;
  • supersets for legs gym.


So what can we do so cleverly with nutrition that we are guaranteed to start burning fat? We definitely don't need to go on a diet. That's not it. The first thing we do is start a food diary. This diary is needed for the first time, so that everything works out for you with nutrition. We mark each meal in it:

  • Number. Day of the week. Meal time.
  • What did you eat? Composition of food.
  • Calorie content per serving.

We increase the number of meals to 6. Only such a meal will protect us from overeating. And, accordingly, from the body storing additional fats.

All meals should be the same in calories. Then we get frequent meals (every 2 hours) in small portions. That's what we need! We drink water all the time, and during training too. Up to 2 x-3 liters per day.

It remains for us to find out how to calculate the calorie content of our diet. This is probably the most difficult thing in this article. We will now look into this issue.

Calorie intake will be calculated using a special formula. It takes into account gender, age and height. First, we calculate how much calories you need to maintain your weight per day at rest.

Then we add the movement coefficient to the resulting calorie number. And we get the number of calories you need to maintain your weight while being active.

We remove 20% from this number. The resulting number is the number of your calories for normal weight loss. Now let's look at all this in practice.

Fast and effective interval training

There is another way to start fat burning processes in the body - this is interval training. It does not require much time - just 15 minutes is enough.

The set consists of 4 exercises that need to be performed in 5 approaches - 25 seconds for each with a 10-second rest between them:

  1. “Side lunch” with touch - stand with your feet together, move one leg to the side, resting your toe on the surface, the other leg is slightly bent at the knee, tilt your body slightly forward, and move your pelvis back, touching the same hand to the floor. After this, make a short jump, changing legs, and do the same in the other direction.
  2. “Plank” on the elbows - stand on your elbows and toes, tense your whole body, keeping all parts in one line. Then you need to move one leg to the side, resting it on the floor with your toe, and do the same with the other leg. After this, return the limbs to IP, holding the bar.
  3. Next, let's perform squat jumps - stand on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight. Bend your knees, move your pelvis back and body forward, bend your elbows in front of you and squat deeply. From this position, jump up, simultaneously straining the muscles of your buttocks and twisting your pelvis forward, straightening your arms and moving them slightly back.
  4. “Reverse plank” - sit on the surface, resting on your palms so that your fingers point towards your heels. Rest on your heels (legs straight), pulling your socks towards you. Raise your pelvis off the floor so that your entire body is one straight line. After this, you need to push your pelvis up as much as possible, and then lower it down a little. Then first move one leg (straight) to the side, then the other and again push the pelvis up and then down. Then return the legs one by one to IP, pushing the pelvis up.

I repeat once again - it is important to perform all these exercises not only technically correctly, but also quickly. And watch your breathing - no need to hold it, inhale while relaxing, and exhale while tense

After such a load, fat burning will continue for another 4-6 hours. This information is confirmed not only by experts, but also by reviews of people who train in a similar way.

Regardless of the chosen path of shaping your body, tune in to long-term work; only patience and work will make your figure attractive and fit.

Training program for girls in the gym for a week

Do each exercise in the program the specified number of times for 3 approaches.


2 Lunges with dumbbells in hands - 10 times with each leg

4 – 10 times with each leg

5 – 20 times

2 – 10 times with each leg

Cool down (at the end of the workout) – stretching.

Training program for girls: for losing weight or gaining muscle mass

If the goal of your training program is to lose weight, then the most important thing is to eat right.

Don't sit on too much strict diet– you will definitely fall apart (tested by millions of women!). Working out in the gym itself increases your appetite, so if you cut calories too much, you will become constantly weak and think only about food. But you can’t eat as you please either. Because then from training in the gym, not only muscles, but also fat will grow. For girls who are initially thin, a small amount of fat will not spoil the figure. But when you already have an extra 10 kg, eating plenty of food will only worsen the situation. You don’t need to think that suddenly growing muscles will spoil you - fat will be to blame for the increase in weight and volume.

The training program itself for girls will be the same for both weight loss and growth muscle mass. It’s just that to burn fat you need a calorie deficit, and to grow muscles you need about 20% more than normal. Learn to count calories and see approximate diet for weight loss and muscle growth


Running, walking “uphill” on a treadmill – 7-10 minutes

Exercises with own weight– squats, push-ups, bends (or “7 minutes” workout) – 7-10 minutes

You can create your own fitness training program for girls in the gym. The basic rules are three days a week, 40-60 minutes, to work all the muscles. Break 1-2 days between workouts. Going to the gym in the morning, evening or lunch is your choice. The main thing is to try not to miss classes; the training program in the gym itself can be changed at your discretion. The final result is much more influenced by your consistency rather than specific exercises, especially if you are training to lose weight.

Any exercise can be replaced with its analogue on a simulator if there are health problems. For example, if you have a sore back during training in the girls’ gym, you can do squats on a Smith machine, and bent-over rows on a special T-lift machine. In this case, you should definitely consult with your doctor and trainer.

Remember, the most important thing for both weight loss and muscle growth is how you eat. Without a calorie deficit, you won’t be able to lose weight and see relief, and without a sufficient amount of protein in your diet, there will be no muscle growth

If, after working out in the gym, you dine on fast carbohydrates in unlimited quantities, then over time you can only hope to increase your clothing size. For beginner girls it is very important not only correct program training in the gym, but also learn to count calories and monitor the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Those. There should be not only a training program, but also a nutrition program, especially when losing weight.

Training program

Exist various programs for men that you can use to free your body from excess fat in the fitness room. Here is one complex that you can use unchanged or edit based on the characteristics of your body.

We will practice three times a week. This is the best option for burning extra pounds. Remember the main principles discussed above.

For convenience, we will designate each weight loss workout by the day of the week. You can study on other days, following the rule that there should be one day break between classes.

You shouldn't exercise every day - you can easily get overtired. You will successfully get rid of excess fat if you strictly follow the directions of the diet and training program in the gym developed for you.


  1. Cardio 30-40 minutes at a medium pace.
  2. Bench press - 3 to 15.
  3. Lying dumbbell flyes - 3 to 15.
  4. Bent-over dumbbell raises – 3 x 20.
  5. Seated barbell or dumbbell press - 3 to 15.
  6. French press- 2 to 20.
  7. Standing arm extension on a block - 4 x 20.
  8. Lifting the body while lying down - 3 to 20.
  9. Hanging leg raises - 2 x 20.
  10. Cardio 15-20 minutes on average, then at a slow pace.
  1. Cardio 30-40 minutes.
  2. Traction upper block per head - 3 x 20.
  3. Lower block thrust - 3 to 15.
  4. Hyperextension - 3 x 20 without weight.
  5. Standing dumbbell curls for biceps - 2 to 15.
  6. Seated hammer - 2 to 15.
  7. Lateral raises of dumbbells – 2 x 20.
  8. Raising a dumbbell in front of you - 2 to 15.
  9. Roman chair crunches - 3 x 20 without weight.
  10. Cardio 15-20 minutes, same as on Monday.
  1. Cardio 30 minutes.
  2. Squats with a barbell - 2 to 20.
  3. Leg extension in the simulator - 2 to 20.
  4. Leg curls in the simulator - 2 to 20.
  5. Leg press in three positions: legs together in the center of the support platform, legs wide on the top and wide on the bottom. Repeat each position 20 times.
  6. Calf raises: 5 sets of 20 reps in different foot positions.
  7. Dumbbell seated shoulder press - 3 sets of 15 reps.
  8. Dumbbell lateral raises - 3 sets of 15 reps.
  9. Roman chair crunches – 3 x 15.
  10. Cardio 10-15 minutes at a medium pace.

The complex of stress on the abs for the purpose of losing weight in men can be different - choose any elements so that the upper and lower parts of it work.

Not included in the program deadlift. But, if you have a desire to add it, this can be done on the Wednesday after hyperextension.

Your main task (if you decide to make any changes to the complex) is to plan exercises so that all the muscles of the body work.

Fat burning workout in the gym for men

  1. Warm up (fast walking – 5 minutes + joint warm-up- 5 minutes)
  2. Exercise bike or Orbitrek – 7 minutes (pulse: 120 – 130 beats per minute)
  3. Rest – 30 seconds
  4. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders (emphasis on quadriceps) – 6 reps
  5. Barbell row to the chin wide grip– 6 reps
  6. Bench press horizontal bench narrow grip– 6 reps
  7. Rest – 2 minutes
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds – fast pace (heart rate: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds – fast pace (heart rate: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds – fast pace (heart rate: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds – fast pace (heart rate: 160 beats per minute)
  1. Rest – 2 minutes
  2. Wide grip pull-ups - 6 reps
  3. Bench press on a horizontal bench – 6 reps
  4. Standing barbell curl - 6 reps
  5. Rest – 2 minutes
  6. Interval running on a treadmill - 5 approaches in this style:
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds – fast pace (heart rate: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds – fast pace (heart rate: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds – fast pace (heart rate: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds – fast pace (heart rate: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds – fast pace (heart rate: 160 beats per minute)
  1. Rest – 2 minutes
  2. Deadlift on straight legs with a barbell – 10 reps + Seated leg extension in the machine – 15 reps
  3. Military standing press – 10 reps + Bent over dumbbell swings – 15 reps
  4. Dips – 10 reps + French bench press – 15 reps
  5. Bent-over rows – 10 reps + Hummer rows – 15 reps
  6. Barbell press incline bench(30 degrees) – 10 repetitions + Flyes in the simulator for pectoral muscles– 15 reps
  7. Barbell curl reverse grip– 10 reps + Dumbbell curls with supination – 15 reps
  8. Exercise bike or Orbitrek – 10 minutes (pulse: 120 – 130 beats per minute)

Main factors:

  1. Rest comes only when it is prescribed. That is, exercises No. 4, 5 and 6 are performed in just 1 approach and without rest between these approaches. Rest only under numbers: 3, 7, 9, 13 and 15. Everything else is done without rest.
  2. Interval running on a treadmill - 5 approaches in this style (40 sec + 20 sec = 1 approach). For convenience and example (to make it clear), I described all 5 approaches.
  3. Exercises No. 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 and 22 are performed in superset style.
  4. In those exercises that say 6 to 9 reps, you do a 3 second negative phase + 1 second positive phase (in this style, one set should last from 30 to 40 seconds for girls and from 20 to 30 seconds for men).
  5. In those exercises where 10 – 20 repetitions are written, you do 1 second negative phase + 1 second positive phase (regular easy pace).
  6. Number of workouts per week: 3 workouts (Monday, Wednesday, Friday... or... Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday).
  7. All exercises, rest and cardio must be done in strict order. Do as it is written (for convenience, everything is signed with numbers).
  8. I have selected the most best exercises(In my opinion). But, if you don’t like something, you can replace these exercises with your own. Just follow these rules:
  • Exercises No. 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12 – basic
  • Exercises No. 16,17,18,20,21,22 – basic + isolated
  • Don't combine muscle groups(one after the other), where the same functions are used (for example: back + biceps = pulls + pulls). As you can see, I put the chest between them, and in the end it turns out: pulls - pushes - pulls.
  1. For the first time you can reduce the amount interval running up to 2 – 3 approaches + add 20 – 30 seconds of rest between each approach and each superset. This, of course, will slightly reduce the intensity of the workout, but will allow you to enter the training cycle smoothly and without much stress.

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Strength exercises for women

In principle, exercises for men and women are no different. It's just that the emphasis is on different parts of the body. For example, guys prioritize the upper torso and arms. For girls it is the butt, legs and waist.

And, again, the only difference is the need to do certain exercises. For example, it’s not often you see a guy performing lunges or a girl bombing her trapezius muscle. But, in general, the exercises are the same for girls and boys.

Now I will try to give the exercises necessary for effective fat loss. But I will put more emphasis on the lower body. After all, this is where the largest number of problem areas are located: legs, butt, stomach and sides, Bottom part backs. And they are very rare occurrences problem areas in your arms, and even from big breasts no one will refuse. At least I haven't met such girls. But enough of the “watering down”, let’s move on directly to the exercises.

Circuit training program for girls

IN circuit training All muscle groups can be used, and there should be only one exercise for each of them. Adjust the program to the individual characteristics of your body and level physical development. Start with one set, even if you don't feel too tired. Remember that circuit training is very exhausting, you may not have time to recover for the next workout, accordingly, the effect will be worse, and you will not enjoy the training.

Be sure to warm up well

Stage 1. On initial stage It is not recommended to overload the abdominal muscles, calf muscles and the muscles of the forearms, since during the training a good load will be created on these muscle groups. Let's start with training the back, pectoral muscles, quadriceps, leg biceps, deltas, biceps and triceps of the arms.

  • pulling the bar from below to the level of the abdomen (one - two sets of 10 - 15 repetitions);
  • bench press. You can do this exercise in a Smith machine for greater convenience and safety (one to two sets of 10 to 15 repetitions);

Bench press, example

  • leg curls on the simulator (in the machine). Lie on your stomach in the machine, hold the handrails with your hands, secure your legs in the bolster. Press your feet toward your buttocks, exhaling as you rise (one to two sets of 10 to 15 repetitions);
  • press the bar with your hands up while sitting on a bench. For greater convenience, perform this exercise in a Smith machine to eliminate traumatic situations (one to two sets of 10 to 15 repetitions);
  • raising the bar to the chest. Do the exercise while standing. Take the bar in your hands, press your elbows close to your body. Press the bar towards your chest. This exercise works great on the biceps (one or two sets of 10 to 15 repetitions).

Stage 2. At the second stage, we include exercises for the abs and calf muscles in the program.

  • pulling the bar from below to the level of the abdomen (one - two sets of 15 - 20 repetitions);
  • lifting the body from the press bench. Lie down on a bench, fix your legs, hands behind your head. Raise your body to your knees, tensing your abdominal muscles. In the next approach you can work out lower press: Lie down on a bench and hold the handrail tightly with your hands. Raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees to your body, and you can lift them together, alternately, or spin the “bicycle” (one or two sets of 15 to 20 repetitions);
  • hyperextension is an exercise in a special simulator that works the lumbar, gluteal muscles, as well as press. Fix your legs and body, begin to bend down, holding your hands behind your head. Do not allow deep lifts, do not arch your back, your lower back should be fixed at the same level. You can increase the load by picking up a dumbbell or a metal plate (one or two sets of 15 - 20 repetitions);
  • squats. As for the squat, you can choose a more convenient exercise for yourself or alternate them in approaches or in different days training. Option 1: bar squat. Hang a bar (light or weighted) over your shoulders, spread your legs slightly wider than shoulder width, with your feet turned to the sides. Squat without letting your knees go beyond a 90-degree angle; to do this, slightly bend your body forward, fixing your knees. Also, make sure that your knees do not bend inward during the squat; spread them apart. The same exercise can be done in a Smith machine, easing the load on cervical region spine. Option 2: Kettlebell Squat. Perform the exercise from the floor or from a platform so that the weight does not touch the floor. The technique is the same as in the previous version of the squat (one or two sets of 10-15 repetitions);

Squat with a bar, correct execution

  • dumbbell bench press. Lie on your back, raise your arms with dumbbells up, press them to chest level (one or two sets of 10-15 repetitions);
  • leg press in the machine. Lie down on the machine, having previously lightened it or weighted it with the required weight. Push your feet so that during the press your knees are at an angle of 90 degrees (one to two sets of 10 to 15 repetitions);
  • leg curls on the simulator (in the machine). Lie on your stomach in the machine, hold the handrails with your hands, secure your legs in the bolster. Press your feet toward your buttocks, exhaling as you rise (one to two sets of 10 to 15 repetitions).

Girls are by no means weak creatures; they can achieve colossal results with desire, perseverance and determination on the way to ideal body and good spirits.

General principles for creating weight loss programs

More often, overweight people who have never worked out in the gym want to get rid of fat. If you are a beginner, you should approach the start of training very responsibly, since your body is not yet ready for the stress. To lose weight, you first need to get your cardiovascular system into working order. Standing on the treadmill for 30 minutes straight away can overload your heart.

Focus on nutrition

A good trainer must understand that complex training in the gym to save fat is only part of the success. If his client, who wants to lose weight, eats as before, there will be no result. Indeed, in most cases, obesity is precisely a consequence of an incorrect diet and bad eating habits.

The diet of men is somewhat different from that of women. Therefore, you first need to determine the body’s need for nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Weight loss occurs due to a slight reduction in the carbohydrate part relative to the norm. A trainer (or nutritionist) will be able to offer you a specific nutrition program.

If you introduce this diet into your daily lifestyle, weight loss will depend only on the gym program and compliance with it. That is, 70% of the path will be completed.

Number of repetitions and exercises

In order for men to have an effect from working in the gym, you need to clearly understand how a set of exercises for weight loss is structured.

The first element of the workout is cardio. You should start with 5-10 minutes, without much acceleration. If it’s an ellipsoid or an exercise bike, you can work even more in the first workouts. If treadmill- it is necessary to dose the load.

In the presence of excess weight exercise on a treadmill should begin with walking briskly. Then everything depends on the state of the cardiovascular system and joints. If walking is easy for you and you don’t experience any discomfort either during or after training, increase your speed a little. Gradually build up to an easy jog. Speed ​​running not needed here. Do not forget about sneakers with thick soles, as the load on knee joints will be significant.

After the cardio comes the main part of the workout, which consists of strength exercises. Here your task is to expend maximum energy.

The goal is to get rid of fat over the muscles and tone them. Muscle mass will not grow at this stage. You will do it later, when you lose weight. Of course, the program will be different.

As for the weight loss program given in this article, even some exercises should not be excluded. Try to use everything: both the base and secondary elements to strengthen the muscles. All this will ensure active burning of calories and reducing your weight.

If you are using another program, remember that the base is the most energy-intensive of the exercises, so it is better that they are included in your complex. Even with a little weight, they will make you work up a good sweat. All that remains is to ensure control on the part of the trainer so that you do not harm yourself by doing anything incorrectly.

Selecting weights and taking a break between sets

Burning body fat in men is not an easy task. To lose weight, you should choose medium weights in the gym. To understand whether the weight is right or wrong, do 15-20 repetitions in each exercise. There should be enough strength until the last repetition and still remain for a couple of additional ones. If so, the weight is chosen correctly.

Break between approaches - 30-45 seconds

When losing weight, the important thing here is that you rest little and do a lot. So prepare dumbbells and the necessary weights in advance

And don't forget about correct technique. There's no hurry. We work intensively, but thoughtfully! No complex will help if you work incorrectly or half-heartedly.

Now let’s give an example of a program that can be used as a base program for burning fat in men.

Removing fat from men

The protruding beer belly in men is not quite the same as in women. It appears due to the accumulation of abdominal fat - which is located next to the internal organs and affects the heart, lungs, and peristalsis. That is why the stomach is usually not loose, like body fat on the limbs, but elastic and convex.

However, everyone has abdominal muscles and definition; it’s just that due to a sedentary lifestyle, it often stretches and is hidden under a layer of fat. The task of every man is to constantly train his abs in order to achieve at least the natural beauty of the body, and in the long term - to pump up an aesthetic relief in the form of “cubes”.

There are several ways to achieve this result. Some people prefer to do basic exercises, simply increasing the number of repetitions, others prefer fitness and cardio training, and still others go on a strict diet. Which method is correct?

It's best if you combine them all. Any person should be involved in training as much as possible more muscles body, since fat cannot be burned only in the abdominal area - it leaves everywhere from all parts of the body.

The mechanism of fat loss in the absence of carbohydrates looks like an order to “use fat reserves”, which acts proportionally for the entire body. This happens because fat, before entering the muscles, enters the blood and circulates throughout the body, reaching places where energy is needed.

The most effective for men will be a set of methods: cardio training, increasing repetitions in basic approaches and diet.

The fact that there is no need to give up basic training is supported by the fact that after it, oxygen consumption increases by 30% for 48 hours - this is how muscle restoration occurs and accumulated fat tissue is oxidized. This indicates an increase in metabolism, which means more energy consumption. That is, after basic training spending even more calories than during it.

Physical exercise

Let's dispel the myth that only abdominal exercises can remove belly fat. Deposits cannot be removed in isolation from any area of ​​the body. Abdominal training is carried out so that when excess fat is burned, beautiful and sculpted cubes appear in place of the abdomen, and not just a flat surface and ribs.

You can use hanging leg raises and crunches, as they are among the most effective exercises on the abdominal muscles.

Regular exercise and proper nutrition will help you quickly get rid of annoying fat.

When using basic training, you should give preference to:

  • squats (do weights within your strength);
  • standing barbell press;
  • deadlift;
  • bench press

For a man with a lot of weight and a belly fat problem, these are: power training are simply perfect. Very soon muscles will appear throughout the body, and the “beer” belly will disappear. Just keep in mind that you need to increase the number of repetitions to 15-20 times.

Cardio training

An important component physical exercise is a cardio load. This could be running, walking, cycling, jumping rope, etc.

Cardio allows you to burn a lot of calories. Let's look at some types of such training:

  • Walking. Suitable for people with significant excess weight, but the most ineffective for weight loss, 300-400 kcal are burned in an hour. Walking training should be done 3 times a week for 20-45 minutes at a slow pace.
  • Run. Burns a lot of calories, about 600 kcal per hour, but is not suitable for overweight people. It is enough to run 3 days a week at a slow pace for 20-30 minutes. If you can't run without stopping, try alternating running with walking, for example, 3 minutes of running and 1 minute of walking. At each workout, try to run longer without stopping, until you run for 20-30 minutes. without taking a step.
  • Cycling training. They burn 600 kcal per hour, but at the same time the knees are loaded less than during running, so it is suitable for overweight people. Exercises on a bicycle or exercise bike are also sufficient 3 times a week for 30-45 minutes.
  • Jumping rope. This type of cardio exercise is more difficult than others, but about 1000 kcal is burned per hour of training. 5-15 minutes of training is enough (depending on physical training). In 10 minutes you will spend 150-200 kcal.

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A training program for girls whose goal is to burn fat can be designed for training in the gym and at home. In the first case, even if she exercises independently in the gym, the athlete will be able to achieve the desired result and get her body in shape as quickly as possible, in just 3-4 weeks of regularly doing exercises on the machines. Despite the fact that performing complexes with additional weights in itself is considered the most effective method to lose weight, this approach to figure correction should be systematic in every sense. It requires correction of a person’s diet, following basic recommendations for changing the current lifestyle and regular exercise of a specific intensity, depending on the goal of the girl’s training.

In order for an athlete, without the help of a fitness trainer, to be able to competently create an exercise plan for a month or longer, she must understand what exercises to lose weight she needs to do, based on age characteristics physiology of the female body. To minimize the risk of harm to health, a woman should study the recommendations of experts on how to properly distribute cardio and strength training in a training program, as well as how to eat properly while losing weight.

How to organize independent weight loss in the gym: recommendations for beginners

In order not to get confused when visiting the gym for the first time, you need to know the sequence of actions: where to start and how to properly finish your weight loss workout. Independent preparation of fat-burning training should be based on the principle of gradually increasing intensity and constant monitoring of the athlete’s main physical indicators (pulse range, respiratory rate, blood pressure and general well-being).

Where to start

It is recommended to start training for weight loss with cardio exercises. If there are no medical contraindications, the girl should warm up her muscles on a treadmill or exercise bike. It is important to ensure that the pulse is below 120 beats per minute. Otherwise, instead of burning the fat layer, the opposite process will occur: loss of muscle mass and a decrease in overall skin tone or an increase in the volume of the lower body. If, for health reasons, a girl cannot exercise on cardio equipment, she can also prepare her body for further stress with the help of a jump rope, squats without weights (for the number of repetitions) or basic loads on a sports bench (warm up the legs, buttocks, abs and arms).

The main part of fat-burning training should initially consist of performing classic exercises with simple equipment, for example, dumbbells, kettlebells or barbells. To quickly lose weight while working out in the gym, women should give preference to circuit training in aerobic mode (pulse up to 120 beats per minute).

Meal plan to lose weight

To get rid of fat, it is not enough for a girl to just work out intensively in the gym. In this case, it is extremely important for her to also monitor the quantity and quality of food consumed daily. According to the recommendations of experienced fitness trainers, when losing weight you need to give up:

  • products with a high content of sugar, salt, dyes, preservatives;
  • fast food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • products containing wheat flour;
  • dishes, the calorie content of each of which is more than 1/3 of the daily caloric intake, calculated individually taking into account physical activity, age and the presence of diseases;
  • diets that promise instant results without harm to health.

Almost every meal when losing weight should include complex carbohydrates(the main source is cereals, vegetables), proteins (fish, chicken, turkey) and a small amount of fat (increased content in fermented milk products and red fish). A woman should drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day, and on training days increase this volume by 400-500 ml.

Important! Ideally, a diet for losing weight should be based on the principle: the amount of calories burned during exercise exceeds the amount contained in the food consumed during the day.

Is it possible for a woman to lose weight by exercising?

It is a mistake to believe that classes in gym are only suitable for gaining muscle mass and will not be effective in losing weight or maintaining a girl’s current weight. By working out on exercise machines, an athlete will be able to achieve the desired result, regardless of its focus. This opportunity can be realized thanks to an integrated approach to organizing the training process, namely the correct alternation of cardio and power loads within the framework of one circuit training and individual selection of working weight in each exercise, depending on the initial data and goal of the woman.

For example, for those who visit the gym in order to “dry out” the body and give relief to the legs, buttocks and abs, the optimal emphasis in the training program would be on a rapid increase in working weight. Girls who want to get rid of subcutaneous fat On the contrary, you need to train your endurance by working out all muscle groups with minimal weight. By exercising “by the number of approaches” and not “by weight”, a person losing weight will not be able to build muscle due to the minimal number of tears muscle fibers during the lesson.

When losing weight, the pulse range is 110-120 beats per minute, and when building muscle mass - 120-140 beats per minute.

Maybe fitness is more effective

To burn subcutaneous fat in the back, butt, sides, abdomen and arms, women also visit group classes on fitness. You should draw your conclusions about the effectiveness of this method of losing weight taking into account its objective advantages and disadvantages:



Additional motivation for the girl in the form of other group members doing the same program as her.

Lack of an individual approach during load selection.

Universal training intensity, suitable for the vast majority of those losing weight.

The need to adapt to the class schedule within a specific direction.

Constant supervision of the instructor during the lesson.

High cost compared to a gym membership.

The minimum number of contraindications (even people with hypertension can go to the gym).

No subsequent increase in load for an already prepared body.

Important! Due to the large number of fitness areas for losing weight, before purchasing a monthly subscription to a specific group, you should first purchase a weekly one in order to experience the level of actual load and intensity of the upcoming workouts.

Which exercise machines are suitable for burning fat?

To lose weight and also tighten the main muscle groups (hips, buttocks, arms, stomach), experienced instructors recommend that girls use the following as the basis for their training:

  • exercises with sports equipment;
  • a treadmill (or other cardio equipment available at a particular gym);
  • ellipsoid (most often used in bodybuilding when preparing athletes for competitions);
  • semi-horizontal leg press machine.

Regularly maintaining muscle tone, accompanied by training the cardiovascular system, will help a girl not only make her body slim, but also improve her health, minimizing the risk of developing age-related diseases in the future (hypertension, osteochondrosis, arrhythmia, and so on).

Selecting effective exercises for fat burning

In order for a woman’s body to become beautiful, and the motivation to visit the gym not to weaken over time, the athlete needs to wisely select exercises for her complex.


The benefit of strength exercises lies in their ability to accelerate the metabolism of losing weight, both during morning classes, and training in evening time. For fat-burning workouts, fitness instructors recommend choosing basic loads:


Short description

Squats with sports equipment

Taking the working weight equipment and placing it on the shoulders (when working with a barbell) or in the hands (when using dumbbells or kettlebells), the athlete needs to exhale and bend her knees until right angle. After which, without stopping lowest point, while inhaling, return to the starting position.

Dumbbell or kettlebell press from a lying position

The girl should sit on a horizontal bench, holding in her hands sports equipment working weight (grip depends on the area of ​​the hands that needs maximum development). As you exhale, you need to straighten your arms so that the selected weight is strictly at the level chest, and then return to the original position.

Hyperextension with weights

Sit in a hyperextension machine with your legs tightly secured under the bolsters, and take a metal plate in your hands, pressing it tightly to your chest. With each exhalation you need to raise top part body due to the gluteal and spinal groups muscles. Having fixed the body in this position for 3-5 seconds, you should slowly return to the IP while inhaling.

Important! The working weight in the first classes should be minimal (no more than 5-7 kg) and gradually increase as the body gets used to physical activity in the gym.


Cardio training is considered the most effective for both male athletes and girls who want to correct their figure. This type of exercise not only accelerates metabolic processes, but also forces the body to spend additional calories to provide a person with the necessary energy during sports. Most often, fat-burning workouts include cardio exercises such as:

  • running or walking in fast pace on a treadmill;
  • exercise on an exercise bike;
  • walking in an ellipsoid or on a stepper;
  • jumping in place;
  • running with high hip lifts;
  • squats at a fast pace without weights;
  • "burpee";
  • jumping rope.

In order for cardio exercises to contribute to weight loss, and not just train the heart, it is important for the athlete to ensure that when performing exercises of this type, the pulse does not exceed the maximum permissible value - 120 beats per minute.

Rules and scheme for fat burning training

In order for a workout in the gym to help you get rid of excess weight as quickly as possible, when preparing it, it is important for a girl to know the basic rules:

  1. Give preference to exercises for large muscle groups. To restore protein, the body will require a large amount of energy, which it will take mainly from fat deposits.
  2. Support physical activity throughout the day. Maintaining a passive lifestyle after active training in the gym will slow down the fat burning process by half. This is due to the slowing down that accompanies relaxation metabolic processes in organism.

During the gym session itself, it is important to give the body time to rest. Such intervals will restore the heart rhythm, normalize the pulse and provide the athlete with enough energy to perform next exercise. An approximate scheme for a fat-burning workout (not circular) looks like this:

  • cardio;
  • rest (no more than 1 minute);
  • strength training (about 4-5 exercises with 30 seconds rest between sets);
  • rest (no more than 1 minute);
  • cardio.

Important! If discomfort occurs during sports, it is necessary to stop training and consult with a therapist as soon as possible about undergoing an examination of the athlete’s body condition.

Examples of ready-made complexes for a month

The sequence of exercises for a girl to lose weight in the gym depends on the number of sessions the athlete plans per week.

Classes 3 times a week

  • running on a treadmill at a moderate pace - 30 minutes;
  • straightening the legs in the simulator from a semi-horizontal position - 3 sets of 20 repetitions;
  • deadlift on straight legs – 4*15;
  • arm extensions in a weight training machine – 3*20;
  • Bench press on an inclined bench – 3*15;
  • knee push-ups – 1 min;
  • holding the body in a horizontal position (“plank”) – 1 minute;
  • “burpee” – 1 min.
  1. Wednesday:
  • walking in an elliptical – 30 minutes;
  • lunges with weights – 30 times for each leg;
  • stepping up a hill – 4*20 for each leg;
  • slopes with dumbbells – 3*15;
  • pull-down of the lower block in the simulator – 4*20;
  • raising legs from a lying position – 1 min;
  • jumping rope – 5 min.
  1. Friday (circuit training - a total of 5 circles with a break between them - 1 minute, and between exercises - 10 seconds):
  • running on a treadmill – 3 min;
  • squats with a barbell on the shoulders – 15 times;
  • hyperextension with a metal plate – 20 times;
  • leg press in the simulator – 15 times;
  • “pullover” with a dumbbell from a lying position – 20 times;
  • “burpee” – 30 times.

We train according to the scheme 2 times a week

  1. Tuesday:
  • riding an exercise bike – 30 min;
  • arm extensions with dumbbells from a lying position – 4*20;
  • raising sports equipment (dumbbells or weights) while standing – 4*15;
  • leg bending in the simulator – 3*25;
  • raising your toes while standing on a metal plate with dumbbells or a barbell in your hands – 4*20;
  • twisting, lying on the floor – 1 minute;
  • plank – 1 min;
  • running on a treadmill – 45 min.
  1. Thursday:
  • “burpee” – 3 minutes;
  • arm curls in the simulator – 3*30;
  • upper block thrust – 3*20;
  • hyperextension – 4*20;
  • squats with sports equipment – ​​3*30;
  • leg press in the simulator – 3*20;
  • hanging leg raises – 1 min;
  • plank – 1 min;
  • walking in an ellipsoid or on a stepper – 35 min.

How to create an individual plan

To individual program training helped its owner lose weight as quickly as possible; its preparation requires compliance with basic recommendations:

  • increase the load gradually;
  • start and end the workout with a warm-up and cool-down, respectively;
  • choose most of the exercises based on which part of the girl’s body needs more work;
  • to determine the initial working weight, it is necessary to perform the basic exercises of the program using sports equipment of various weights;
  • devote at least 1 hour to cardio exercises in total for 1 workout.

If a girl doubts that the program she has compiled will really be effective in burning fat, it is worth using the services personal trainer. The specialist will not only describe a set of exercises taking into account the initial parameters, the desired result of the client and the presence of contraindications, but also, if necessary, give recommendations for a smooth transition to proper nutrition.

How to lose weight quickly

Regardless of the frequency of training in the gym, a girl will not be able to lose weight quickly. The fat burning process, subject to an integrated approach, will give the first results only after at least 3-4 weeks after making adjustments to the losing weight lifestyle. You can speed up this process by using:

  • strict adherence to the principles of proper nutrition (not diet);
  • devoting sufficient time to sleep (at least 8 hours a day);
  • consuming large amounts of liquid (at least 1.5 liters per day);
  • inclusion of natural fat burners in the diet;
  • a properly designed training program in the gym (a combination of cardio and strength exercises, proper selection of working weight, correct execution of exercises).

Is it effective for beginners to exercise without a coach?

Exercises without a professional trainer in the gym will be effective for a beginner only if he has previous experience in the gym.

If a girl sees exercise equipment for the first time, then independent studies Not only will they not contribute to her weight loss, but they can also cause injuries of various types (tendon ruptures, sprains, bruises, and so on).

A personal trainer, by monitoring the correct execution of the complex, ensures the safety of his client, and in an emergency he will be able to adjust the program, for example, if discomfort occurs or the initial working weight is incorrectly selected.

To form a girl’s most complete understanding of the process of losing weight in the gym, she needs to familiarize herself with the opinions of professionals on this issue.

Yulia Igonina, personal trainer

Julia recommends that her clients take into account the days of their cycle when drawing up a plan for fat-burning exercises and adjusting their diet. A woman’s hormonal background, which changes throughout the month, has a direct impact on her overall well-being, appetite, mood and energy reserves. physical activity.

Artem Ziminko, psychologist

Artem believes that the key to success in losing weight for women is psychological comfort. A girl who smoothly switches to proper nutrition and does not set strict restrictions for herself will receive desired result much faster than an athlete who “lives” in the gym and is constantly on various diets, not experiencing pleasure from what is happening.

Maria Zakharenko, nutrition specialist

Maria is confident that the girl will be able to achieve results in losing weight by at least giving up flour products and sweets. Adjusting your diet will not only help active weight loss women, but also maintaining her health, as well as normalizing hormonal levels and psychological state.

Useful video

Main conclusions

  1. Proper organization of the weight loss process is not only a competent combination of physical activity various types, but also in adjusting a woman’s diet and lifestyle.
  2. When losing weight, a girl should focus on her cycle, as well as psychological comfort, which directly affects the effectiveness of classes in the gym.

A woman’s body is ready to fight excess weight either in the gym or on group fitness classes, and at home. It is important to understand that just playing sports is not enough. Safe work on the figure implies an integrated approach, which ideally should be carried out by a girl under the guidance of experienced specialists.

What, in your opinion, is the most effective way for girls to lose weight? Express your opinion and share your experience on this issue!

Even daily physical activity in the gym will be ineffective for losing weight if it is not accompanied by well-chosen nutrition. This is a separate topic, it is vast and complex; in this article we will cover it briefly. Let’s discuss in detail what a program for women aimed at burning fat should look like.

Principles of nutrition

For woman physical form much more important than for men. Girls work hard in the gym, can go on diets for months, and torture themselves in all known and unknown ways. And all this for the sake of slimness and fit.

However, if you approach the weight loss process thoughtfully, it will no longer be a pain and will not create unnecessary stress. This is especially important for girls, since most breakdowns occur precisely as a result of strict restrictions.

The key principles of nutrition for weight loss are as follows:

  • Reducing caloric intake. It is considered safe to reduce the amount of calories by 20% of the usual norm.
  • Reducing the amount of fast carbohydrates and saturated fats, increasing the amount of protein in the diet.
  • Replacing harmful refined products with healthy natural ones.

In general, a healthy diet does not tolerate extremes. For example, you cannot completely eliminate carbohydrates and switch to only protein products. Or stop eating fatty foods. Fat is also necessary for the body. Nutrition should be varied, moderate and balanced. Then the extra pounds will begin to fall off naturally.

When does weight loss start to go away? fat layer, muscles will become visible. If they are dystrophic and flabby, the figure will not look in the best possible way. Important for muscle preservation physical training in the gym and protein supplements. Of course, when you lose weight, some muscle will still go away (it is impossible to force the body to burn 100% only fat). However, proper weight loss sets the goal to preserve as much as possible the muscle reserve that you have.

It is also important not to overdo it when getting rid of excess fat. After all, our internal organs surrounded by a fat capsule, which they need for normal functioning. In addition, for girls, the presence of a certain amount of fat (about 13%) is important for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

Thus, a simplified diet can be represented as follows: a small calorie deficit, more protein, less carbohydrates. Fats - in moderation, so that the body receives unsaturated fatty acid and substances necessary for ligaments and joints.

Which workouts are best?

Any workout in the gym, be it strength training or general strengthening, leads to the consumption of calories. Therefore, all this will be training for weight loss. Due to it, you can burn a certain amount of subcutaneous fat.

Which load is better for girls? Complex basic exercises, or something else?

It is known that strength exercises with weights (namely the base), they consume a lot of calories. Really, heavy exercise require huge energy costs. It’s just that you won’t be able to make a base often, since the body’s strength limits are very limited. This kind of training is important. But if your goal is to lose weight, and therefore your diet is in a calorie deficit, they will exhaust you very quickly. That is, strength exercises during weight loss are given in doses.

But long-term loads at an average pace (running, aerobics, work with light weights in a large number of repetitions) - do not exhaust the body as much as strength exercises, so by giving them priority you can lose weight more effectively.

This way you can do it more often and for longer, as a result of which the final fat-burning effect will be stronger than when using a base and other heavy techniques.

There is such a thing as a fat-burning heart rate zone. This is 60–70% of your maximum heart rate. It can be calculated by subtracting your age from 220. Then calculating the percentages, on average you will get 120-130 beats per minute. It is believed that at this heart rate, the body takes the maximum amount of energy from fat.

Any physical activity for losing weight in and outside the gym is useful and important, as it expends energy.

How to create a weight loss program correctly

The principles that should be followed when creating a fat burning complex for women are somewhat different from those for men. They are slightly different, although they are based on the same physiological laws.

  • The “do no harm” principle. Following it means wisely using a set of exercises and dietary restrictions to achieve the effect of burning fat. Weight loss training should help you achieve a harmonious figure, and not harm your health.
  • Targeted load on problem areas. This is for girls inner part thighs, buttocks, stomach and sides, rear end hands The program is structured in such a way that the main emphasis of the load in the exercises is given precisely to these areas.
  • Age characteristics. Girls aged 20 should not be given the same physical exercises for weight loss as women aged 40. This is, at a minimum, ineffective. Each organism is individual, but still, the older a person is, the more careful one should approach the loads on the heart and joint-ligamentous apparatus. The set of exercises must be adapted to the physiological characteristics of the body.
  • Work with bad habits. Smoking or frequent drinking of alcohol will negatively affect the process of losing weight and no set of exercises can compensate for the harmful effects.
  • You also need to take into account hormonal status, the absence or presence of abnormalities in work endocrine system and their degree of severity. In such a situation, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary.
  • During pregnancy, a gentle load should be given so that weight loss training does not harm the fetus and does not provoke premature birth or miscarriage. At this time, it is better to completely abandon the gym and limit yourself to special gymnastics for pregnant women, water aerobics, yoga and pulmonary exercises.
  • You also need to pay attention to your predisposition to being overweight or thin. In each case, the natural metabolism will be different. A general standard diet and training program (complex) for burning fat may not be ideal for all types of metabolism.

Features of cardio for girls

Cardio exercise in the gym is an important part of training for weight loss for girls and women. Depending on age and individual characteristics, 20 minutes on the elliptical is enough for some, while for others 40 minutes will seem unnoticeable.

If you have no problems with your heart or circulatory system, you can standardize the load and do cardio before training for 30–40 minutes and after – 15–20 minutes.

If you have heart problems, the trainer should give you a test load to understand the capabilities of your body. After this, individually select the load necessary to burn fat deposits.

For example, start by walking on a treadmill. Walk for 5 minutes at an average pace. Gradually increase the speed until you feel a heaviness in your chest. There is no need to speed up the track anymore. This is the first limit. Gradually it will need to be overcome.

A set of exercises designed for weight loss must include cardio. The program should begin and end with a similar load.

Universal weight loss program

It is preferable to work out in the gym three times a week. For example, if fat burning workouts take place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

This program is aimed at shaping and sculpting the muscles of the entire body, with an emphasis on problematic female areas.


  1. Cardio – 30–40 minutes.
  2. Barbell squat – 3 x 15 (light weights).
  3. Plie squats – 3 to 15.
  4. Lunges with dumbbells – 3, 20 on each leg.
  5. Hyperextension – 2 to 20–30.
  6. Curling arms with dumbbells or hammers – 3 to 20.
  7. Press – 3 to 30. Raising the torso on a Roman chair and lifting the legs while lying down.
  8. Cardio – 15 minutes.
  1. Cardio – 30 minutes.
  2. Hyperextension – 2 to 20.
  3. Romanian deadlift or deadlift – 3 to 15.
  4. – 2 to 20.
  5. Dumbbell bench press – 2 x 20.
  6. Raises of arms with dumbbells on a horizontal bench – 2 to 20.
  7. Raising arms with dumbbells on a bench at an angle of 30 degrees - 2 x 20.
  8. Arm extension on a block – 3 x 20.
  9. Oblique twists – 3, 20 on each side.
  10. Raising the body on the floor – 4 x 20.
  11. Cardio – 10 minutes.
  1. Cardio – 20 minutes.
  2. Leg press (feet on the top of the platform, widely spaced) – 2 to 15.
  3. Leg extension in the simulator – 2 to 20.
  4. – 2 to 20.
  5. Mixing and – 2 to 20.
  6. Calf raises – 4 x 30.
  7. Seated dumbbell press – 3 x 20.
  8. Lateral raises of dumbbells – 3 to 15.
  9. Cardio – 20 minutes.

This program is a calorie burning complex for girls in the gym. It is designed in such a way that 2 days pass between leg exercises, that is, the leg muscles are loaded on Monday and Friday. We do not recommend moving these days to Monday and Wednesday.

If the program is difficult, you should remove one approach from each exercise, and after some time add it with a minimum number of repetitions (for example, 5), gradually increasing the repetitions to the required number.

It is advisable to take a break of 45–60 seconds between exercises, and 30–45 between approaches. At this pace, the workout will take you 40–45 minutes (excluding cardio), your muscles will tighten, and you will become the owner of a beautiful, toned body. Of course, if you adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, and not various kinds of diets. This is the optimal mode for burning fat.

This complex will help you improve your well-being and give you the figure of your dreams.

Buy beautiful shapes, recharge your batteries, cheer up and love yourself and your reflection in the mirror - all these tasks are quite achievable. You need a little free time, willpower and the desire to change externally and internally. Cardio training in the gym for girls gives results visible to the naked eye in as soon as possible. Centimeters melt before your eyes, endurance increases, and the cardiovascular system is strengthened.

What exercise machines are best to use?

If a woman visits the gym for the first time, she cannot do without the help of an experienced instructor. Cardio training on machines will help you quickly get back into shape and get rid of chronic fatigue, while excessive exercise is contraindicated even for people in good health. After each such marathon, the female body will respond with pain in every muscle, irritability nervous system to any external factor.

  • treadmill;
  • stepper;
  • elliptical trainer;
  • exercise bike.

You need to carefully monitor your pulse rate. This is the main indicator of the effectiveness of any cardio training complex on a simulator. You can calculate your “working” range yourself using the formula: 60-80% of the maximum heart rate (the indicator is 220 minus age). For example, a girl is 20 years old. Her MPP index is 20 (220-20= 200). If the goal of the workout was to burn fat, the heart rate during the process should vary between 120-150 beats per minute.

When to use intensive program, it is permissible to exceed the limit value, but only on the condition that exercise on exercise machines does not cause discomfort, dizziness or rapid heartbeat.

Treadmills: what to look for

It is important to perform all exercises correctly, otherwise the result of the workout will be zero or harm your health. In the video below you can see how to properly use one of the most simple exercise machines for cardio training - a treadmill.

If the girl's weight is more than 90 kg, you should not be zealous, confusing all the sensors on a professional sports equipment. Burning fat is unlikely to become a reality, and the heavy load on the knee joints will soon make itself felt with pain and crunching. Light, measured movements, breaks to assess your heart rate, you need to start with low intensity (first walking at an accelerating pace, then you can run).

Stepper exercise machine against excess weight

Energetic movements on the stepper help develop endurance, strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks, and form beautiful reliefs of the lower body. This is an indispensable cardio workout for weight loss, which even beginners who have crossed the threshold of the gym for the first time can do.

Depending on the chosen body position, you can independently adjust the load on different areas - arms, legs, buttocks. It is difficult to make mistakes in the technique of performing exercises on a stepper; you can purchase such equipment for home use to consolidate the results of the exercises.

Exercise bike - safe and effective

This type of exercise machine is the main competitor to street running in the morning; all exercises can be performed in the comfortable conditions of the gym. Modern equipment is equipped with electronic sensors that make it possible to monitor the intensity and control the situation.

Aimed at fat burning, it allows girls to transform their body in 1-2 months regular classes. Depending on your capabilities, you can perform the complex both at home and in the gym. The type of cyclic physical activity should be selected taking into account the initial data of the body and physical fitness.

Circular training for fat burning for girls is a continuous exercise complex consisting of 10-12 exercises to work all muscle groups. The maximum effectiveness of training is achieved by combining strength and cardio loads within one block. The rest time between complexes should be minimal, no more than 1-2 minutes.

During 1 training session, the girl performs from 5 to 10 cycles of exercises identical to each other. Circuit training is considered the most effective for those who want to get rid of excess subcutaneous fat, due to its ability to immediately influence the physiological processes in the human body.

Performing exercises without stopping provokes blood flow to the muscles, followed by active production of lactic acid.

The body perceives the by-product (lactic acid) as a toxin that can negatively affect work internal systems. For this reason, it launches processes aimed at neutralizing acid, while expending a large amount of energy by converting fat into it.

Advantages and disadvantages of circuit training

The main benefits of circuit training include:

  • the ability to burn more calories than when playing sports at moderate intensity;
  • increasing the girl’s endurance and strength;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • the ability to transform the load, adjusting it to the level of physical fitness of a particular athlete;
  • the ability to perform the complex both at home and in the gym;
  • depending on the goal, circuit training may include both cardio and strength exercises, or one of these types;
  • the ability to “dry” the body and make it more prominent without a parallel increase in muscle mass;
  • short lesson duration.

The disadvantages of circular classes are:


Circular training for fat burning for girls will be contraindicated if a person has:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension 2 and 3 degrees;
  • higher level blood sugar;
  • chronic diseases that are in the acute stage;
  • anemia (low level of hemoglobin in the blood);
  • oncological diseases;
  • lactation period;
  • obesity 3rd degree;
  • pathologies of the osteoarticular system;
  • increased body temperature;
  • progressive inflammatory diseases;
  • diseases of the spine.

The circular principle of constructing classes can also negatively affect the health of girls who adhere to no-carbohydrate or low-carbohydrate diets. An insufficient amount of carbohydrates, which are responsible for the amount of energy an athlete has, in the vast majority of cases leads to frequent fainting or rapid development of hypoglycemia.

Choosing this method of losing weight is also not recommended for people who are depressed. Intensive training provokes the release of a large concentration of cortisol (“stress hormone”) into the blood, which can aggravate the mental instability of the athlete.

Load options

Circular training for fat burning is classified by fitness trainers into 3 main subtypes:

Type of circuit training Short description
Continuous It involves continuous sequential execution of exercises without dividing the loads into blocks. Despite the absence of regulated breaks for rest, stops of 5-10 seconds are considered acceptable intervals between exercises. With the help of this training option, it is possible to increase the overall endurance of the body and strengthen the cardiovascular system of the athlete. To increase the load, it is recommended that as the body gets used to the given pace during classes, set a time frame for performing 1 approach or the entire complex.
Interval Interval training involves rest between blocks of 3-5 exercises. Efficiency in this case is achieved due to partial restoration of the body after the previous load. The key point This type of exercise is to maintain the pulse range. When burning fat, it should vary from 120 to 140 beats per minute.
Intensive Interval In the vast majority of cases, classes of this type consist of speed-strength exercises with weights. The intervals between blocks, designed for the restoration of the body, are kept to a minimum and amount to no more than 20 seconds.

Recommendations for creating a women's weight loss program

Circular training for fat burning for girls will be most effective if it is compiled taking into account the basic recommendations of fitness trainers.

They are as follows:

  • despite the desire to lose weight in a specific area, the exercises that the girl includes in fat burning circular complex, should be aimed at working out the whole body;
  • the sequence of exercises should be formed according to the “pull” - “push” principle, alternating the direction of the impact of physical activity on the body (this will minimize the risk of overtraining and perform a larger volume of physical activity);
  • after completing the required number of cycles within one day of circuit training mandatory stage high-intensity cardio should be performed, followed by stretching and massage using a special roller;
  • before the main part of the workout, you should do a warm-up that can prepare the muscles, joints and heart for further training;
  • When choosing exercises, it is necessary to focus not only on the athlete’s contraindications, but also on her feelings during the planned loads.

General principles of training for a slim figure for girls and women

General principles workouts for a slim figure for girls and women look like this:

How does fat burning happen?

Circular training for fat burning for girls helps to lose excess weight at double the speed compared to classic look physical activity.

Fat is burned due to the gradual influence of accelerated metabolic processes on it:

  • A need for a large amount of energy is formed, due to which the body begins to convert fat into it.
  • Fat cells break down into 3 main components: water, carbon dioxide and ATP.
  • Water is removed from the body through the urinary system, carbon dioxide is removed during exhalation, and ATP is converted into energy, which is subsequently used during physical activity.

When burning fat, not only does a girl’s appearance transform, but also her body is cleansed of waste and toxins that accumulate as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle.

It is a mistake to believe that if you maintain a calorie deficit for a long time and simultaneously exercise, fat will be burned faster. This method of losing weight will lead to a sharp increase in the amount of toxins in the body and a decrease in the concentration of estrogen. An insufficient amount of female hormones in the blood will lead to problems with the reproductive system.

What exercises are used? Execution technique

The most effective exercises for losing weight are:

Exercise Technique for its implementation
"Burpee" 1. Take a vertical body position. Place your feet next to each other; place your hands along the body.

2. Squat down.

3. Without pausing, take a lying position, and then perform a push-up.

4. Touching your chest to the floor, pull your legs towards you, bending them at the knees.

5. Take the initial position.

"Book" 1. Lie on your back; put your hands behind your head; Lift your legs off the floor and bend them until a 90-degree angle is formed at your knees.

2. As you exhale, tear off top part body to the shoulder blades and pull it up.

3. Simultaneously with performing step 2, bring your knees closer to your chest.

4. Fix the position for 2-3 seconds, then smoothly return to the starting position.

Squats with arms raised 1. Stand up straight; hold dumbbells in your hands; Place your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Squat down until a right angle is formed in your knees. The back should remain straight.

3. Simultaneously with the squat, spread your arms to the sides so that they form one straight line with your shoulders.

"Plank" 1. Take a horizontal position. Place your hands on your elbows; Place your feet on your toes. Lift your stomach off the floor. The abdominal muscles are maximally tense.

2. Fix the position for 1-2 minutes.

3. Slowly take the initial position.

Exercises at home. Set of exercises

It is recommended to include the following exercises in circuit training performed at home:

Exercise Technique for its implementation
Running with high hips As part of this exercise, you need to alternately bend your legs and lift them as high as possible from the floor. Running is performed with small jumps at a fast pace. Hands must be placed on the belt while performing the exercise.
Spring sumo squats 1. Place your feet 15 cm further apart than the distance between your shoulders. Hold 1 weight (dumbbell or, for example, a water bottle) with both hands.

2. Perform a deep squat, then jump up, avoiding jerks and sudden movements.

3. Repeat as many times as necessary.

Twists from a sitting position 1. Sit on the floor; straighten your back; bend your arms at the elbows and press them to your chest.

2. Lift your legs off the floor, slightly bending them at the knees.

3. Keeping the lower limbs suspended, alternately turn the body to the right and left, making sure that the abdominal muscles are in maximum tension.

Swing your legs back 1. Get on all fours; pull in the stomach; minimize back arching.

2. As you exhale, swing your right leg, moving it back and lifting it as high as possible from the floor without bending it.

3. Return the right leg to the starting position.

4. Repeat the exercise as many times as necessary.

5. Perform steps 2-4, using your left leg.

Exercises in the gym. Set of exercises

Circuit training aimed at burning fat, regardless of whether it is intended for young girls or mature women, should include different exercises.

Exercise Technique for its implementation
Squats in the machine 1. Stand in a metal structure consisting of a movable bar and stable frames.

2. Place the bar on your shoulders; place your feet shoulder-width apart; hold the sports equipment with your hands.

3. Perform a squat until a parallel is formed between the back of the thigh and the floor.

4. Return to starting position.

Leg bending in the simulator 1. Set the working weight.

2. Lie on your stomach in a curling machine lower limbs.

3. Secure the legs with soft clamps.

4. Place the upper limbs on the side rails.

5. As you exhale, bend your legs, pulling the soft rollers behind you.

6. Touch the buttocks with the rollers and slowly, overcoming the resistance of the machine, return to the original position.

Hyperextension 1. Be located in the structure of the simulator; fix the legs using fixed bolsters; press your hands to your chest.

2. As you exhale, lower your upper body to the floor.

3. Without pausing at the bottom point, slowly return to the starting position.

Pull of the lower block to the stomach 1. Set the working weight.

2. Sit on the support bench, facing the moving blocks.

3. Pick up the bar; straighten your back; rest your feet on the platform in front of you; pull in your stomach.

4. As you exhale, pull the bar towards your stomach, while moving your elbows back and bringing your shoulder blades together.

5. Without stopping in this position, slowly relax upper limbs, and then return to the starting position.

Efficiency of circular blocks

The effectiveness of circuit training, subject to its regularity, lies in:

Example of circuit training for beginners for a week

Considering that circuit training is considered one of the most high-intensity, beginning athletes should practice it no more than 3 times a week.


  1. Running in place with high hip raises – 3 min.
  2. Pulling the barbell back from a lying position – 25 times.
  3. Dumbbell rows supported by one arm – 20 times.
  4. Leg bending in the simulator - 25 times.
  5. Leg extension in the simulator – 25 times.
  6. Squats at a fast pace - 50 times.


On Wednesday, you should slightly increase the load by performing 4 repetitions of the complex with rest between sets, 2.5 - 3 minutes long:


On Friday, it would be advisable to perform 3 approaches, giving the body time to recover in between, not exceeding 1.5 - 2 minutes.


  1. Squats without weights at a fast pace - 50 times.
  2. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders – 20 times.
  3. Curling arms with dumbbells – 25 times.
  4. Hyperextension – 30 times.
  5. Rotations of the body from a sitting position - 20 times for each side.
  6. Springy sumo squats - 25 times.
  7. Running on the meth with the heel touching the buttocks – 5 min.

What to combine circuit exercises with?

To achieve weight loss results after 1-2 months regular training According to the round-robin system, the athlete needs to combine sports with the normalization of her lifestyle.


For girls, circuit training aimed at burning fat is not only a way to transform their body externally, but also an opportunity to cleanse the body of toxins, improving the functioning of internal systems and organs.

Properly organized training process will give the athlete the opportunity to see the first results of her work after 4 weeks of training. Knowing what fitness trainers recommend combining exercises with in a circular system will allow those losing weight to increase the effectiveness of their training and improve their quality of life.

Video about circuit training for fat burning for girls

An example of a circuit training for fat burning: