Design of indoor skating rinks and ice arenas. Size of hockey rinks: IIHF, NHL, courtyard rinks Height of the ice arena according to standards

Standard proposal for the supply and installation of equipment for a mobile ice skating rink 15x30 m. artificial ice:

Equipment delivery set

Cooling system for ice field 15x30 meters

Monoblock refrigeration unit TRANE CGAM 70 HE SQ, complete with air-cooled condenser and coolant pumping station.

Technical description of refrigeration equipment.



Refrigeration unit

Estimated cooling capacity, kW



aqueous solution of ethylene glycol – 40%

Coolant temperature at inlet/outlet, °C

Compressor type


Number of compressors, pcs.

Coolant pump unit


On the frame of the refrigeration unit

Coolant circulation pump

Number of coolant pumps, pcs.

Air Cooled Condenser

Ambient temperature environment, °C

Number of fans, pcs.

Composition of a liquid cooling installation for an ice field circuit

The liquid cooling unit is a fully factory-ready product mounted on a single frame. The hydraulic elements are interconnected.

Control cabinets are connected to electrical elements of installations in the factory. For commissioning, it is necessary to connect the coolant pipelines to the installation pipes and the power electrical cable.

Load-dimensional characteristics of the installation:

Installation dimensions: L x W x H, mm – 4,100 x 2,400 x 2,400;

Installation weight – 3,400 kg.

Electrical characteristics of the installation:

Installed power – 68 kW.


Ice mats 150x8x8 (length of segments 16 m)

Ice mats are operated as part of an ice field pipe system, connected to a refrigeration unit and providing circulation of coolant to cool the ice. Pipe systems based on ice mat technology made of EPDM rubber, designed for the installation of cooling systems for ice fields in structures with artificial ice.

The pipe system is operational in air in the temperature range from minus 50 to plus 100˚С in an environment of water, antifreeze based on ethylene glycol, propylene glycol and an aqueous solution of calcium chloride, under pressure up to 0.25 (2.5) MPa (kgf/cm²) for a short time and up to 0.20(2.0) MPa (kgf/cm²) in constant operating mode.

The pipe system consists of a pipe manifold and a cold transfer surface, onto which an ice field is frozen on top.

Advantages of ice mats over other types of ice fields:

  • the size of the ice field can be easily changed if necessary without disrupting the technological process and without additional costs;
  • the costs of manufacturing and installing a mobile ice field are significantly lower than similar costs when creating a stationary site;
  • low coolant consumption;
  • efficiency in energy consumption of the refrigeration system compared to stationary rollers (up to 30%);
  • ease of dismantling and storage during downtime.


White fiberglass panels with a glossy surface, meeting the requirements for hockey boards:

  • thickness 7mm;
  • height 1220mm;
  • length 2440 mm;

Fiberglass panels are mounted on metal welded frames made of 50x25x1.5mm profile pipe.

The connection of fiberglass to the steel frame is carried out using galvanized self-tapping screws. All fastening parts (bolts, nuts, washers) are galvanized, and the metal structures of the box (frames, hinges, self-closing bolts) are coated with blue polymer paint.

In the lower part of the side, they are reinforced with a yellow fiberglass plate (bumper), 6 mm thick and 200 mm wide, which is attached to the panel using a bolt-nut connection. At the top of the side there is a “U” shaped handrail 60 mm wide, blue, made of low-density polyethylene (HDPE). This form of handrail allows you to prevent moisture from getting between the fiberglass panel and the steel frame, as well as protect the frame itself from harmful influences.

The handrail is attached to the fiberglass panel with galvanized screws.

The hockey boards include reinforced gates for players (2 pieces), 900 mm wide, with a self-closing lock, and a swing-type technological gate, 4880 mm wide, with a double-frame bolt. For ease of opening, the gate leaves are equipped with sliding rollers.

Fastening the hockey board to the base using triangular supports made of a 50x25x1.5mm profile pipe, the height of the support is 600mm. The supports are clamped using anchor bolts (concrete) or an angle 35x35x4mm. (soil, asphalt), which is driven into the ground to a depth of 800mm.

The hockey board can withstand the ambient temperature conditions:

from -50˚С to +50˚С.

Hockey court fencing

Height 1500mm. Material – panels made of steel angle 35x35 mm filled with galvanized chain-link mesh with a cell of 45x45 mm.

The chain-link mesh is enclosed in a corner frame and has dimensions of 1500x2440 mm. The thickness of the rod is 2mm.

Sections of the fence are fastened together using a vertical post, which increases the rigidity of the structure and improves the appearance of the fence

Hockey is one of my favorite sports. Some people like to watch them fight professional teams, others take clubs and skates and go to play at the nearest skating rink.

What is a hockey box?

This is a specially equipped place for hockey games and training. Of course, everyone has seen it at least once on TV; someone has this structure installed in their yard. But not everyone thought about what the playground should consist of in order to be safe for players and spectators, and what size hockey boxes.

The field must be covered with ice. The layer should be as even as possible, without potholes, cracks, bumps, or pits. There must also be rigid and durable sides (made of wood, plywood, fiberglass), and it is advisable to have additional guards on top of them. For the convenience of players, it is recommended to equip the yard skating rink with a bench for changing shoes. IN ice palaces changing rooms are provided.

Standard size of hockey boxes. IIHF

In fact, with sites, not everything is so simple, because there are 2 organizations with slightly different requirements. The IIHF holds matches in arenas that meet the following parameters:

Length: from 56 to 61 m;

Width: from 26 to 30 m;

Curvature radius: from 7 to 8.5 m;

Hockey box sides, height: from 1.17 to 1.22 m.

In addition to the boards, additional fencing boards are installed at ice arenas, the height of which in the goal area must be at least 1.6 m, and in all others - from 0.8 m. However, IIHF competitions can only be held on ice rinks with a length of 60-61 m and 29-30 m wide. If the box has different dimensions, it can be used for training athletes, holding unofficial matches, etc. It is believed that a wide area makes it possible to play a combination game; by increasing the space, the intensity of the power struggle is reduced.

The NHL has different requirements

The size of hockey boxes according to NHL rules has slightly different parameters:

Length: 60.96 m;

Width: 25.9 m;

Curvature radius: 8.53 m;

Side height: from 1.02 to 1.22, most often used is 1.07 m.

Ice arenas are also equipped with barrier shields.

It is precisely because of the narrower area that NHL matches often see power moves, higher speed of play, harder and more frequent attacks on goal. Also, the low side is not able to keep athletes on the court, so they often fly over it.

What's in the yard?

Of course, skating rinks near your home will not exactly comply with such strict rules. It is not always possible to install such a large structure in the yard. Some outdoor arenas have a size of 60x30 or 56x26 m, but most often these are areas near schools, stadiums, sports complexes and other institutions with a smaller area. In some spacious yards you can find a hockey 56x26 m, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

The most common options are small-sized platforms measuring 40x20 or 30x15 m. In both cases there will be a reduced radius of curvature - 5 m. Also, non-professional skating rinks are equipped with higher sides: from 120 to 125 cm. And additional protective fences are installed above them, if not made of fiberglass , then from a chain-link mesh. They can reach a height of 2.8-3 m. This increases the level of safety for both players and spectators: there is no risk that the puck will fly over the board and hit a car or passerby, and the athletes themselves will not be able to fly out of the court.

Regardless of the size of the hockey rinks, the dimensions of the goal remain the same. Their parameters are always the same: height - 1.22 m, width - 1.83 m, of course, unless it is a homemade goalkeeper's gate - in this case no one guarantees that the dimensions comply with the standard.

Basic markup rules

As in any other game, the field in hockey is divided into zones. A total of 5 lines are applied to the ice. One of them is central; it divides the site into 2 equal parts. The other two are goal lines, two more divide the hockey field into 3 equal-sized zones: defense, neutral and attack. The arena also marks the puck drop area, referee and goalkeeper areas. Of course, for yard games, a simpler hockey rink marking is used. The dimensions here are somewhat more complicated, since the dimensions of the rollers are non-standard. But if you adhere to the basic principles, then it is quite possible to do everything right. The goal line is drawn 4 m from the edge of the site with standard dimensions (56-60 m). If the field is smaller, then this distance can be reduced. The remaining part is divided into 3 equal zones. A center line is also drawn, marking the place for dropping the puck. This simplified version is quite suitable for a yard game. The thickness of the lines is 5 cm.

Beginning athletes can play without markings at all, without thinking about many difficulties and nuances professional hockey, because the most important thing in any recreation and entertainment is to have fun.

One of the most popular ways to spend time in winter is ice skating. Many people, when going to the skating rink, rent equipment. This is reasonable if you don't ride often. But if you spend a lot of time at the skating rink, then you should think about purchasing your own pair. This is where many problems arise: which skates to choose, but what to look for when buying, how to choose the size and what is the rating of the best skates for ice skating? All these questions concern future owners of sports equipment.

Surely many have noticed that athletes’ shoes vary depending on the type of sport. The skates of figure skaters, speed skaters and hockey players are very different. Moreover, this applies not only to the appearance, but also to the design of the skates itself.

Skates are produced in three main types: for hockey, for figure skating and for speed skating. Some classifications propose to separate out children's models and recreational skates, which are used for amateur skating in parks. To understand the question of which models are suitable for a beginning athlete, let’s look at the features of each type of ice skating shoe.

Hockey skates

This sport is quite traumatic and very aggressive. Therefore, shoes for him are made with the maximum possible protection of the athlete’s limbs. It should also protect against hits from the opponent’s stick, skate, puck hits and other troubles. Therefore, hockey skate models are made hard from special synthetic materials. They are equipped with hard inserts in places that need to be protected more than others.

The toe of such skates is always made of hard plastic. Such a rigid boot has several advantages: it provides good ankle and foot support and keeps your legs in the correct position.

There are other requirements for hockey models. They must provide high speed to the athlete and not limit his ability to maneuver. In this regard, hockey models have a short radius of curvature and are made without teeth on the blade. This protects you from clinging to the ice during sharp and dangerous turns. The smaller area of ​​contact between the athlete and the ice provides high maneuverability, but at the same time it complicates the task of maintaining balance.

To summarize, hockey skates are best choice for a beginner only if he intends to continue to engage in this sport. For already trained athletes, hockey skates are quite suitable. They make it possible to develop high speeds and do not limit freedom of maneuver.

Read more about hockey skates in one of the episodes of the Galileo program:

Figure skates

These models are distinguished by a long, straight blade that protrudes about 2 cm beyond the heel. The front of the blade has sharp teeth, making it possible to perform a variety of tricks and jumps. But at the same time, the teeth cause a lot of inconvenience for beginners who do not yet know how to stand confidently on the ice. They catch all the unevenness of the ice of street skating rinks and are the cause of many falls. Otherwise, figure skates are considered to be the best option for beginners.

The boot of such skates is made of leatherette or genuine leather. This material allows you to avoid numerous injuries due to the rigid support of the ankle. But this material makes the boot too thin; skating outside in very cold weather on such skates is simply cold. Thermal underwear helps to solve this issue to some extent. Figure skate boots are usually made high and with laces throughout the entire height. This makes it easy to control the degree of joint fixation.

Walking skates

These models do not have any manufacturing standards. The appearance of such skates can be similar to both figure skates and hockey skates. A distinctive feature of walking options is a soft, insulated boot. The blade of these skates resembles figure skates, but the teeth will not be as large and sharp or may be completely absent.

If the blade is more like a hockey blade, then the degree of rounding will not be too great. Recreational skates are designed for leisurely skating and enjoying the process, and not for learning complex pirouettes or racing with a puck.

Walking boots are very comfortable. They are softer than sports models. The clasp can be a classic lace-up or like roller skates– Buckley. IN the latter case There will also be plastic parts on the soft boot. Such boots are usually insulated so that you can ride in very cold weather. On the other hand, a soft boot does not fix the ankle so well and does not allow you to perform complex maneuvers.

Children's skates

For children, skates are equipped with a blade of increased width, which provides additional stability. Some models even have double blades. These models are recommended for children under 5 years of age. After the baby gets used to the skating rink, it is recommended to replace the children's model with a regular one. Often parents buy sliding skates for their child. Outwardly, they look more like amateur ones, but their boots are made of plastic. They can vary by 3-5 sizes.

If your child will not just skate for fun, but will develop in the sport, then it is better to immediately purchase the right skates. They may be larger in size, but no more than 1 size. Otherwise, the boot will dangle on the foot, which creates conditions for injury.

Which skates do you choose?

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How to choose skates

If you have decided on the type of skates, it's time to go to the store to try on and purchase. It is very important to buy skates after trying them on. This is the only way to decide whether this pair is right for you or not. Don't forget to bring a pair of thick wool socks to wear while riding outdoors.

Criteria for choosing figure skates

It is traditionally believed that figure skates are women's models. Before purchasing, be sure to put on a pair and walk around in them for a few minutes. Evaluate your feelings. The boot should not be very tight, and at the same time the foot should not dangle in it. Boots that are too loose provide poor ankle support and reduce stability.

The back of the boot should press against the heel, and the ankle should be tightly enclosed by the boot. If all these conditions are met, and at the same time you feel comfortable in the boots, then you have found your pair of skates.
Video tips on choosing figure skates from a trainer:

What are the best recreational skates to buy?

If you skate for fun and do not intend to engage in sports professionally, then recreational skates are the ideal option. These models are suitable for both children and adults. In addition to the fact that they use bright and beautiful designs. Many recreational skates have an internal insulated boot that can be pulled out to dry if necessary.

The criteria for choosing recreational skates are the same as for figure models. You should feel comfortable in them, and the boot should fit snugly on your foot.

What skates to buy for hockey

Hockey skate models are more suitable for men. Moreover, they are all divided into amateur, semi-professional and professional models:

  • The boots of amateur skates are soft and suitable for beginner skaters. Among the protective elements in these models, only a plastic toe is provided, which protects the fingers. There is also no additional boot adjustment.
  • Semi-professional skates are bought for ice hockey by people who often play and want to improve their level. It provides better protection with a hard tongue and reliable support on the sides, which is provided by stiffening ribs. Some semi-professional models have special features for adjusting the boot to the anatomical features of the foot.

When choosing hockey skates it must be taken into account that they do not correspond standard sizes shoes Therefore, they must be measured. A suitable boot should make your foot feel comfortable. The heel of the boot should press the heel tightly, but the toes should not be pressed against the toe, but only lightly touch it.

Hockey skate boots also vary in last width. Therefore, if the boots suit you in length, but not in width, then you should just try on another pair.

How to choose skates for a child

For kids who are just starting to get used to ice, models with two blades are ideal. These skates are stable and the child will feel confident on them. Then you can purchase a regular model with one blade. It is best to choose figure skates for children that allow for good ankle support.

When trying on, be sure to wear thick woolen socks for your child. An ideal option when an adult’s finger can hardly be inserted between the shoe and the heel. Boots that are too tight will be uncomfortable when skating, and loose ones increase the risk of damaging your ankle.

The meaning of what size children's skates start from is size 28 Russian. Please note that for beginner children it is permissible to buy skates 1 size larger than necessary. For young hockey players, skates should definitely be purchased a size larger than necessary. For children for regular recreational skating, we can recommend sliding models, which change along the length of the boot by 3-5 sizes.
Video tips for choosing children's skates:

Rating of quality skates for men

After considering the main types of skates, their features and selection rules, it will not be amiss to find out which popular models are currently leading the market. This will help you make your choice and take into account which company is better to buy skates.

Bauer Supreme One.4

These skates are hockey models and can be recommended for athletes of any level. The boot is made of high quality nylon, and the inner lining is microfiber with water-repellent properties. In these skates, the athlete feels confident on the ice, thanks to the tight fixation of the legs and reliable protection on the sides. Ultra-lightweight foam inserts provide ankle protection and support.

For optimal comfortable positioning of the foot while riding, a special heel support and tongue are provided. Additionally, it is worth noting the high-quality sole made of compressed plastic, as well as a glass with a blade made of high-quality metal.

Bauer Supreme One.4


  • little weight;
  • the boots have fairly good rigidity;
  • durable;
  • create excellent security;
  • fit the leg tightly;
  • the tongue has an anatomical shape.


  • The laces need to be changed as they are of poor quality.

Cost: from 8990 rubles.

Bauer Vapor X400

This model is intended for beginner hockey players. Can be purchased by owners of feet sizes from 26 to 46, including those with fullness D and EE.

The top of the boot is made of nylon, the inside is made of synthetic fabrics, which together guarantees good moisture removal. The sole is plastic, the blade is made of stainless steel.

Bauer Vapor X400


  • Comfortable fit due to the presence of an anatomical tongue and ankle inserts;
  • Blades are replaceable;
  • The foot in the boot does not sweat.


  • With intensive use in the cold, cracking of the sole is sometimes observed.

Cost: from 4500 rubles.

The skates are positioned as men's, although the size range allows you to try them on woman's leg. You can choose a pair for sizes from 32.5 to 46. The NSX series is created by the manufacturer Bauer for those who are new to hockey.

The boot is made of composite material, the interior is synthetic. The sole is plastic with attached stainless steel blades.

Skates can be used both on closed ice, and on the street skating rink, thanks to the frost-resistant glass.


  • The presence of anatomical inserts and, as a result, a comfortable fit on the leg;
  • Ankle support;
  • Reinforced toe;
  • The boot is anatomical.


  • They are produced in one size, which means they are not suitable for those with wide feet and high insteps;
  • The laces included in the set have excessive elasticity, “stretchiness” and the property of digging into the palms during intensive lacing.

Cost: from 5700 rubles.

GRAF Super 103 Sakurai

These hockey skates are intended for boys and teenagers. Top part The boot is made of high-quality combined synthetic fabric. Interior Made from microfiber, it provides soft support for your feet. The bow features enhanced protection against low temperatures. The insoles fit snugly to the feet and have the ability to adapt to the anatomical features of the owner.

GRAF Super 103 Sakurai


  • warm and comfortable lining;
  • reliable leg support;
  • insoles have an anatomical structure;
  • protects well from frost.


  • Need help tying shoelaces.

Average price: 3890 rubles.

For beginners in figure skating and middle-class professionals, this model of figure skates is most suitable. The boots in this model are entirely made of genuine leather. Over time, they take on a shape that matches the athlete’s foot.

For comfort, special softening inserts are made on the inside of the boot. The lining absorbs moisture well. The lacing is decorated with a special cutout designed to prevent the formation of folds and creates the most correct positioning legs while riding.


  • leather boots;
  • convenient anatomical structure;
  • anti-corrosion coating of blades;
  • have a long service life;
  • Suitable for male and female athletes.


  • It takes time for the boots to adapt to the shape of the foot.

Average price: 2450 rubles.

Rating of the best women's skates

These skates are intended for girls. The upper on both sides is made exclusively of genuine leather. This promotes better heat retention. The blades are made according to certification standards from high-quality stainless steel with anti-corrosion treatment and retain their sharpness for a long time. The boot has an elongated shape and perfectly supports the child’s ankle while riding, which is useful for preventing injury.

The boots are decorated with a stylish pattern, which young skaters will definitely appreciate. The lacing at the top is complemented by hooks, creating perfect support for the leg. The medium-hard last allows you to feel comfortable when skating even with a thick toe.

Princess Kid Sports Collection


  • comfortable model;
  • Beautiful design;
  • natural materials;
  • excellent leg support;
  • blades made of quality material.


  • must be tried on carefully when purchasing.

Average price: 3230 rubles.

This is a walking model for women; it is lightweight, which allows you to relieve the load on your legs. This model has a nice appearance in white and gray tones. The boots have soft padding and provide good ankle support. All this creates convenience and comfort when riding.

The boots are laced with laces, and there is also a Velcro strap at the top of the boot.


  • light weight;
  • nice appearance;
  • comfort and warmth when riding.


  • require careful handling.

Average price: 5200 rubles.

A significant advantage of these skates is the use of leather as an internal and external finishing material. The lack of insulation makes this model more suitable for indoor ice skating. The sole is made of plastic, the blade is stainless steel.

The manufacturer positions these skates as for professionals. The size range is wide, from 25 to 42.

SK (Sports Collection) Princess Lux 100% Leather


  • Comfort for feet due to natural, non-hardening material;
  • Feet in skates do not sweat;
  • Good fixation on the ankle.

Before the start of construction and at the stage of ordering a preliminary design of ice fields with artificial ice, the customer needs to know about the functional and technological requirements for the design of physical education and sports facilities with artificial ice. As a rule, such athletic facilities intended for competitions and training sessions various levels, and demonstration events. The dimensions of ice fields and arenas, as well as the height of the premises above them, are determined depending on the type sports activities and level of competition. The universalization of the use of halls with ice arenas can be achieved by transforming the main elements of the sports facility. It is possible to equip the prefabricated flooring with athletics arena, competitions in sports games (and other sports) may be held occasionally. Ice arenas corresponding in size to football arenas can be used in a similar way.

To provide conditions for variable design of skating rinks, allowing to take into account the needs for a variety of training and demonstration activities, three most effective types of structures can be distinguished, based on a combination of various functional elements. The first type includes the main types of events on artificial ice and their rational combinations. The second represents the universalization of a skating rink and an athletics arena within the framework of a structure for year-round use - a “skating arena”. The third one combines options for a cooperative structure of the “skating rink-swimming pool” type, based on combinations of skating rinks and pool baths with overall mutually balanced energy consumption.

For each type of structure, the composition of the premises must be calculated depending on the leading functional purpose, by type of sport, and by the nature of use.

For ballet performances on ice, the size of the ice area is 45x24 m. This area can be located either along the hockey arena or across it (symmetrically to the short axis). In the latter case, outside the hockey field area, close to it, an additional ice platform 24 m long (12 m on both sides of the short axis of the arena) and 15 m wide is provided (see Figure 3.14b). This option creates the best (frontal) conditions for viewing the performance with a one-sided or crescent-shaped stand. During periods between ballet performances, an additional area measuring 24x15 m can be used for figure skaters to practice individual elements. In this case, the throughput is determined based on 25 m 2 of ice area per student.

In the multifunctional halls of skating rinks for cultural, entertainment and social events, a stage (usually a collapsible one) is provided. The size of the stage (including the artist accumulation area) is recommended, as a rule, to be 18x14 m in halls with an arena of less than 65x26 m, and a stage of 24´18 m in halls with an arena of 65x36 m or more.

The standard size of the skating rink is 30x60 m, allowing you to place an ice hockey field, figure skating, short track or public skating on the ice surface. An ice structure may additionally have a small ice rink of 10x15 m or a large rink of 30x15 m. Training and demonstration skating rinks can be specialized or universal.

Specialized skating rinks are designed for only one sport. Universal skating rink structures are adapted for alternate use under different kinds sports such as figure skating, ice hockey or short track, for bandy or public skating.

Demonstration facilities are divided into sports and demonstration skating rinks intended only for sports competitions and performances on ice, and multifunctional skating rink halls designed both for ice training and for cultural and social events. In the buildings of sports-demonstration and sports-entertainment skating rinks, based on their universal use for competitions in many sports, a 30x18 m hall is provided for warming up the competitors, located in a convenient connection with the arena. When competitions or entertainment events are not being held at the skating rink, this hall can be used independently for educational and training sessions in sports games; therefore, locker rooms with showers and restrooms should be provided.

Demonstration sports facilities are divided into three categories based on the number of spectators:

  • small ice arenas with seating for up to 2000 spectators;
  • medium ice arenas with a capacity of 2000 to 6000 spectators;
  • multifunctional ice arenas with a capacity of more than 6,000 spectators.

If the capacity of the stands of a demonstration skating rink is more than 2,000 spectators, it is recommended to additionally provide for the construction of an indoor skating rink for educational and training sessions in figure skating and hockey with a working ice area of ​​61´30 m. For autonomous operation of this skating rink, separate changing rooms with showers and restrooms are provided, based on from throughput per shift. If there is a training skating rink, it is recommended that individual strength and acrobatic training premises, as well as a choreography class, be located in convenient connection with the training skating rink.

Halls indoor skating rinks(ice arenas and fields) should be located on the ground floor with provision for trucks to enter them. In convenient connection with the skating rink hall, a room should be provided for two ice care machines, size (clean) 9´6.5 m, height 3.9 m. Openings for leaving the room on the ice should have a height of at least 2.4 m, width not less than 3.5 m.

To accommodate the main equipment for servicing ice fields, it is necessary to provide the following composition of premises:

  • machine room (refrigeration units, pumps, tank equipment, pipelines and fittings, etc.);
  • ventilation chamber (supply and exhaust unit, central air conditioner);
  • electrical panel (power panels, control panels);
  • a platform for the location of external heat exchangers (condensers, cooling towers);
  • parking area for pouring ice with a pit for melting ice crumbs.

When designing indoor artificial ice rinks, the location of the premises of refrigeration stations and refrigeration machines, as well as refrigerant, is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 41-01.

Refrigeration equipment is selected individually for each skating rink. It is possible to place the refrigeration unit in a container outdoors or inside a building. The distances from premises to autonomous units are not limited and also depend on architectural solutions.

The power of the refrigeration unit is selected based on the size of the skating rink (primarily the cubic capacity of the hall) and the climatic zone of construction.

The structural basis of ice fields (arenas, platforms) consists mainly of pipe systems, among which there are three main types of technological slabs:

  • field with high-strength concrete cooling slab, all-plastic pipe system;
  • field backfilled with quartz sand or granite chips, completely plastic pipe system;
  • mobile system of pipe mats mounted on any base.

A concrete cooling slab is the preferred option for multi-use ice rinks when the need arises for an ice-free rink. It has a high cost of initial capital investment.

The cooling plate includes polyethylene pipes with a diameter of 25 mm with a distance between pipes of 80-100 mm. Polyethylene pipes with a service life of at least 50 years are used, which allow the use of any coolant, including ethylene glycol and calcium chloride. Under the cooling plate, thermal insulation from heat inflows from the ground is provided, made of extruded polystyrene foam and a pipe system for heating the ground (freeze protection).

A sand-fill cooling plate is preferred for year-round ice operation and for low-budget projects. The energy efficiency is significantly higher than that of a concrete slab, and the cost of materials and labor is 40-60% lower than for concrete. The ice field is made of polyethylene pipes with a diameter of 25 mm with a distance between pipes of 80-100 mm. The pipes are covered with a backfill of quartz sand or granite chips with a layer of up to 30 mm from their upper surface.

A mobile tube mat system is preferred for short-term ice applications. The high cost of the pipe system itself is compensated by the low cost of construction preparatory work. Mats made of flexible tubes with a diameter of 14 mm, with an inter-tube distance of 23 mm. The system is placed on a solid base and connected to the refrigeration machine. Ice is frozen on top of the tubes. After defrosting the field, the disconnected subcollectors are covered with lids and the mats are rolled up together with the coolant inside onto special galvanized coils and removed to the storage warehouse.

When constructing structures for ice fields (platforms), the following must be taken into account:

  • the collectors of the field pipe system and pipelines to the refrigeration machine are made of polyethylene pipes according to the three-pipe “Tisherman pressure equalizer” scheme. Connections are made by butt welding, flange connections are also used. It is possible to use any coolants, including ethylene glycol and calcium chloride;
  • it is not allowed to lay the refrigeration pipe system, including those embedded in a slab of heat-conducting material, on heaving soils;
  • the design and dimensions of the cooling plate of the hockey rink must ensure the possibility of installing and fastening the sides bordering the playing field;
  • the difference in elevations in the plane of the surface of the cooling plate of artificial ice skating rinks should not exceed 0.005 m;
  • in universal sports and entertainment halls with artificial ice, it must be possible to create an ice surface different sizes in accordance with the envisaged transformation of the arena;
  • when calculating the design of the cooling slab and the base under it, the additional temporary load on the slab from the passage of ice care machines and trucks should be taken into account based on the standard vehicle load N-10 (for a normal car);
  • to drain water into the sewer, channels must be provided outside the cooling plate;
  • channels installed in indoor skating rinks must be covered with removable shields, the upper surface of which must be flush with the floor of the skating rink hall.

Ice-skating race

International-level speed skating competitions are held on circular (closed) two-lane tracks with artificial freezing of ice, protected from precipitation, excessive solar radiation and wind. The track consists of two parallel straight sections and two 180° turns. The estimated length of the track is 400 meters.

For competitions of juniors and below the international level, as well as for educational and training sessions, the length of the track can be reduced from 400 meters to 333.33 meters.

Each track includes two competition lanes - internal and external - as well as a warm-up lane adjacent to the internal competition lane. The dimensional parameters of all elements of the ring track are based on three constants:

  • the turning radius of the inner boundary of the competition track is 26 m;
  • width of the internal path - 4 m;
  • The transition straight (where athletes change lanes) occupies the entire length of the straight section between two turns.

The width of the external competition track can be from 4 to 6 m. The width of the warm-up track is from 4 to 5 m.

The marking of a two-lane track is carried out with water-soluble paint using appropriate devices (a compass for marking the site - EngoCircle). The boundaries of the tracks, start, finish and other lines are accepted with a width of 5 cm.

The estimated length of the skater’s path is established based on the fact that the athlete moves at a distance of 0.5 m from the inner border of his lane, that is, the estimated radius of the inner track is 26.5 m, the outer track is 30.5 m.

To ensure maximum safety for athletes moving at high speeds, non-movable protective foam mats are installed along the entire length of turns and at least 12 m on straight sections after the end of turns.

Outside the inner boundary of the warm-up lane of a 400-meter track intended for major competitions, a hard, non-ice surface must be provided, with the possible exception of a section of the warm-up lane to accommodate circular traffic.


Ice hockey competitions are played on a white ice surface called a "hockey rink." Maximum dimensions of the site: 61 m long and 30 m wide. Minimum dimensions: 56 m long and 26 m wide. On official competitions The dimensions of the site should be 60-61 m in length and 29-30 m in width.

The markings of the hockey court are shown in the figure below.

The corners of the site should be rounded by a circular arc with a radius of 7 m to 8.5 m. The site should be surrounded by white fiberglass sides with a fencing system made of high-strength tempered glass or polyethylene in accordance with international standards.

The height of the sides must be no less than 1.17 m and no more than 1.22 m above the ice surface. The surface of the board facing the ice must be smooth and free of any imperfections that could cause injury to players. Protective screens and devices for their fastening must be mounted on the side of the board outside the playing surface. The gap between the side panels should not exceed 3 mm.

A yellow fender strip 15-20 cm high is installed at the base of the sides. All doors giving access to the ice surface must open during outside from the site. The vertical gap between the doors and the side should not exceed 8 mm.

Protective glass with a height of 160 cm to 200 cm must be installed on the front boards of the court and it must extend along the side boards towards the neutral zone 4 m from the goal line. Protective glass 80-120 cm high must be installed on the side boards along the entire length of the court, with the exception of the space in front of the player benches.

The gap between the protective glass panels should not exceed 8 mm. Where safety glass is broken, protective padding must be installed over the exposed edge of the glass to protect players from injury.

The ice surface is divided into parts along the length of the rink by five lines marked on the ice. Continuous transverse lines should extend vertically up the surface of the sides.

Red lines drawn at a distance of 4 m from the front boards, 5 cm wide, are called “goal lines”.

The ice surface between the two goal lines must be divided into three equal parts by blue lines, 30 cm wide, called "blue lines".

A red line 30 cm wide must be drawn in the middle of the court. This line is called the “central line”.

Throw-in points. All dots and circles that are marked on the ice surface are intended for the correct positioning of players during a throw-in by the referees.

Center face-off point. A round blue dot with a diameter of 30 cm must be marked on the ice surface exactly in the center of the ice. From this point, as the center, a circle with a radius of 4.5 m should be drawn with a blue line 5 cm wide.

Faceoff dots in the neutral zone. Two red dots with a diameter of 60 cm must be marked in the neutral zone at a distance of 1.5 m from each blue line.

Final throw-in points. In each end zone, on both sides of each goal, end zones and circles are marked. The face-off dots must be red and have a diameter of 60 cm. Double L-shaped lines must be drawn on either side of each final face-off spot.

The circles around the final throw-in point must have a radius of 4.5 m. They must be marked on the ice surface with a red line 5 cm wide.

Judge's area. A semicircle with a radius of 3 m must be marked on the ice with a red line 5 cm wide, immediately in front of the place where the game secretary is located.

Gate area. A red line 5 cm wide must be drawn on the ice surface in front of each goal. The goal area must be painted light blue.

The goal must be installed on the goal line in the center of the ice and have a height of 1.22 m above the ice surface and a width of 1.63 m (internal dimensions). The side posts and the crossbar connecting the side posts must be of a specific design and made of material with an outer diameter of 5 cm. The side posts and crossbar must be red.

The gate design must have a frame intended for fastening the mesh, the dimensions of which in depth must be no more than 1.12 m and no less than 0.60 m. The frame must be painted white, with the exception of the outer surface of the supporting frame, which must be painted red.

Goals with nets must be kept stationary during play using elastic fasteners.

Each hockey field must be equipped with two identical benches intended to accommodate exclusively uniformed players and officials of both teams. Benches must be installed on the same side of the playing surface, directly along the field at a significant distance from each other, and located in close proximity to the players' dressing rooms.

Each team's bench must start 2 m from the center red line. The minimum length of the bench shall be 10 m and the minimum distance from the boards in depth for the bench shall be 1.5 m. Each bench shall have a capacity of 16 players and 6 team officials.

Each player bench area must have two doors leading onto the ice, one of which must be in the neutral zone. Player benches must be protected from access by unauthorized persons other than the players and six team officials.

Penalty benches are intended only to accommodate penalized players. Each bench is designed to accommodate a minimum of 5 players. Benches should be installed on both sides of the table where the judges in the panel are located and opposite the benches for the players. The minimum length of benches should be 4 m, and the minimum distance from the side to the bench should be 1.5 m.

Places for referees behind the goal are equipped with booths that are well protected from interference in the actions of the referees behind the goal, which must be installed behind the boards and protective glass at each end of the site at the location of the goal.

Between the penalty benches there must be a 5.5 m long bench for the judges in the panel, designed to accommodate 6 people.

Each arena with a hockey rink is equipped with:

  • a siren or other suitable sound device used by the referee during the game;
  • a scoreboard with an electronic clock to provide spectators, players and referees with the necessary information.

The scoreboard should show:

  • the name of both teams;
  • the playing time in each period, counted in minutes and seconds, from 0.00 to 20.00;
  • the penalty time remaining to be served by at least two players of each team, counted from the total minutes to 0;
  • check;
  • timeout time, counted from 30 seconds to 0;
  • break time, counted from 15 minutes to 0. Lights must be installed behind each gate:
  • the red light must be turned on by the goal referee when a goal is scored;
  • The green light will be turned on automatically by the electric clock when the referee stops the game time and at the end of each period.

Figure skating

According to requirements International Union figure skating (ISU) For figure skating competitions and classes, it is necessary to have an artificial ice area measuring 60x30 m (main arena). In addition, premises or separate buildings with training areas are needed.

In the buildings of specialized skating rinks intended for figure skating (including universal ones), it is recommended to additionally provide a training ice rink measuring 30x20 for practicing individual elements of figure skating, a choreography room for 30 students 12x12 m and an acrobatics room 30 (36) x 18 m, height 8 m.

At skating rinks where official international competitions will be held, the following should be additionally planned:

  • ceremony area - working area 20 m2 (total 30 m2);
  • "backdrop" of the ceremony area - working area 36 m2 (total 45 m2);
  • room for ceremony hosts, storage of flags and medals (on the day of the ceremony) - 22 m2;
  • storage room for prizes - 12 m 2;
  • area for flagpoles - 32 m2.

In sports and entertainment skating rinks, in which the ice performance area is located across the hockey field, a training area for figure skating is not provided.

Short track

For short track competitions, a hockey rink with a minimum size of 60x30 cm is used, for international competitions The track must be oval in shape with a circle length of 111.12 m.

The width of the straight part of the path in one direction must be at least 7 meters. The distance from the marking block installed at the top of the turn to the roller enclosure barrier should not be less than 4 m.

Turns must be marked symmetrically. A symmetrical arc for turning should be marked from the end of one straight part of the track to the point where the next straight begins.

The standard track must have markings for 4 turns of other tracks, which are moved one and two meters in each direction from the standard track, which will allow good ice to be maintained during competitions. Only one finish line is used for all tracks.

The starting and finishing lines are marked by colored lines no more than 2 cm wide, which must be drawn at right angles to the straight part of the track.

Pre-start positions are indicated by a series of markings on the ice 0.75 meters before the corresponding starting lines. Starting lines are drawn from the edge of the rink across the entire width of the straight part of the track. The finish line is drawn from the side of the skating rink over the entire width of the straight part of the track plus 1.5 m.

Positions for the location of athletes at the start must be marked with dotted dots with a diameter of 2 cm every meter, retreating 50 cm from inside paths to indicate order starting positions athletes at the start.

The sides of the area along the course must be covered with protective mats made of polyurethane foam (medium or high density) with a minimum thickness of 15 cm. The minimum height of such protection must be 1 m and it must completely cover the sides. Additionally, half-height protection can be installed in front of conventional mats. The upholstery must be waterproof and not cut. Mats measuring 1 m must be attached to the sides and to each other - The mats must stand under their own weight on the ice.


To play curling, you need an ice track measuring 44.5 x 4.75 m. As a rule, the game is played on two or more tracks on a flooded ice platform with dimensions of 45x10-30m.

A target is painted on the track with bright colors. The center of the target - "house" - is white, the subsequent colors of the circles are blue, white and red. The color of the circles can be changed. The back line markings are included in the playing area, the side lines are not included.

The side lines can be replaced with a wooden block 150 mm high.

A special hall with curling courts, designed for training and competitions, includes up to 6 lanes and is located on an ice field measuring 60x30 m.

Such a platform can also be used for beginner skaters and public skating, which should be taken into account when designing auxiliary facilities.

The five lanes on the ice rink meet the requirements of the International Curling Federation (WCF). Lanes must be lettered: A, B, C, D and E, with area A being on the left when viewed from the press area.

The main background of the ice is white, with the exception of the “free defender zone”, which should be blue.

The circles in the "goal zone" have the following color sequence, starting with the outer ones - red, white, blue, white. There is a solid line down the center of the track and lines running perpendicular to it through the center of each scoring zone. Standard line markings should be in black.

Each lane is marked in such a way that play can be played in both directions, that is, the lane is symmetrical and there are “goal zones” at both ends.

Behind each house there is a small rubber block protruding from the ice, from which the player begins to move. The scoring (control) line runs 10 m from the block. The distance between the scoring lines at different ends of the track is about 22 m.

Hockey with a ball

The main element of this type of structure is an ice field (with artificial freezing of ice) with a length of 90 to 110 m and a width of 50 to 70 m. For international competitions, the preferred field size is 110´65 m. The issue of holding competitions on fields of smaller sizes is being decided competition organizers.

The main equipment of the playing field includes:

  • a gate consisting of two vertical posts, an upper crossbar and side and rear stiffening frames (structural material - mainly wood; cross-section of square elements from 5´5 to 7.5´7.5 cm);
  • movable sides for intercepting balls along the field lines, made of boards 4 to 6 m long, 12-18 cm wide (side height), 2-4 cm thick, installed on the edge using squares attached to them;
  • flags to indicate corners and centerline playing field, consisting of movable wooden supports in the shape of a truncated cone with a height of no more than 50 cm, a diameter at the base of 25-30 cm and a pole with a flag attached to the cone (the height of the pole from the ice surface is within 1.5 to 2 m);
  • table with a seat for the judge - secretary.

The dimensions of the field hockey field practically “fit” into the dimensions of a two-lane 400-meter track for speed running on skates. Therefore, for indoor skating rinks, intended mainly for educational and training sessions and competitions of not the highest international level, it is economically feasible to combine the functions of speed skating and bandy.

You can obtain more complete information on the design and requirements for structures with artificial ice by contacting our.

Hockey, figure skating, going to the skating rink with friends or sprinting? If the goal is known, you can start selecting skates!


Recreational skates are skates with straight blades, minimal or no teeth, and an insulated boot. They are fixed on the leg using laces or plastic fastenings. They differ mainly in appearance, but the main guideline when choosing should be comfort. Recreational skates are designed for beginners, so their design provides stability and tight ankle support.

Figure skating skates have a number of features that distinguish them from other skates. To perform complex figure skating elements, the skid and the lower side surface of the blade must be hard, and the rest must be softer. The figure skate boot is made of leather and fits the athlete's foot tightly, and the blade is hardened, which helps to achieve better gliding. The blades themselves, as a rule, are removable, which allows you to replace only this part of the structure with a new one, since the leather boot wears out much less.

Ensure the player's safety and explosive speed- the main tasks of hockey skates, so manufacturers Special attention pay attention to the quality of the boot and the blades. The stiffer the boot, the higher the level of ankle fixation, which means the risk of injury is lower. The boots are made of nylon using a thermoforming method, which allows it to be adjusted to the anatomical features of the foot. Plastic ankle inserts and anatomical ankle support are designed for greater comfort for players who spend a long time on the ice. Stainless steel grommets on lacing sockets, called eyelets, are found on both expensive models and budget options. This small element is responsible for strong and reliable lacing.

Hockey skate blades are made from alloy, stainless, carbon or high-carbon steel. Thanks to the addition of chromium, nickel and manganese, alloy steel is resistant to corrosion and has high strength. Stainless steel is not as hard, but also does not corrode. Carbon steel contains carbon, which is responsible for the hardness of the blade, and high-carbon steel has a higher carbon content, which gives the steel the highest degree of hardness. The frequency of sharpening skates depends on the hardness of the material - the harder it is, the less frequently the blade needs to be sharpened. Hockey skates with a high blade rarely dull and sharpen the push angle, which allows you to increase the sharpness of the turn and the efficiency of the push.

Sprint skates were created for speed skating. Their the main task- quickly gain and maintain speed; for this purpose, the boot in these skates is lower and the blade is elongated. To protect your feet from hypothermia and moisture and preserve high level comfort during the race, synthetic fabric is used as interior decoration, which has high thermal insulation and wear-resistant qualities, less often - natural fabric or genuine leather. Faux fur is more decorative in nature, serving as a trim for recreational skates.