Squat with a plate for girls. How to squat correctly for girls to quickly pump up and tighten their butt and for slim legs with and without weight: the technique of correct squatting. How to properly squat for a girl with a barbell, kettlebell, barbell, on one leg: techniques

There are several variations of this exercise, but classic squats with a barbell on the shoulders - the best choice for women.

Squats with a barbell on the shoulders for girls - biomechanics

Squats are a multi-joint exercise that is based on two movements: extension of the body relative to the hips and extension of the legs at the knee joints. In the first movement, the leading role belongs to the buttocks, in the second – to the muscles of the front surface of the thighs (quadriceps). The work includes the extensor muscles of the spine and abdominal Press– they maintain the body in a stable position and balance.

Classic squats are contraindicated for those who complain of problems with the joints or spine. Beginners should also start with simpler and safer variations of this movement to prepare the body.

Squats with a barbell: technique for girls

  • To properly grasp the bar on your shoulders, squeeze your shoulder blades together - this way the trapezius muscle will create a natural “cushion” for the barbell.
  • Feet – shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Over time, after practicing the technique, you will determine the stance in which you feel the muscles working best.
  • The body is straight, the back is slightly arched at the waist.
  • Squat deeply, but do not drop your pelvis onto your heels, but slowly move it back - this is how the movement occurs. Do not lift your heels off the floor.
  • IN lowest point do not relax your muscles, otherwise the entire load will be transferred to your joints. Do not bring your knees beyond the line of your toes.
  • Rise up from a squat using the strength of your gluteal muscles. Mentally concentrate on the sensations in the buttocks - this will help you “catch” the correct trajectory of movement.
  • At the top point, do not straighten your knees completely - leave a slight natural bend. Keep your body slightly tilted forward, 5-7 degrees from the vertical.

How to squat with a barbell correctly: common mistakes

The barbell is too heavy

– strong and voluminous muscle group, for the study of which you need heavy weight, but don't sacrifice technique to increase it. Work with a weight that allows you to maintain technique and feel the target muscles.

Start with easy sets each time to prepare your joints and ligaments. On the heaviest sets, ask a partner or coach to back you up.

Bringing your knees together when standing up

There may be two reasons. The first is weakness of the hip adductors. In this case, work on the muscles of the inner thighs: perform exercises in the simulator, adductions in the crossover, deadlift in the style of sumo or plie squats.

The second reason - . This problem will be partially solved orthopedic insoles, but if it is neglected, it is better to abandon squats with a barbell altogether.

Excessive forward lean

When you move your pelvis back, a slight natural tilt of the body is normal. But if you bend over too much, you increase the strain on your lumbar region spine. The reasons for such a flaw are weakness long muscles backs and lack of flexibility ankle

Strengthen your spinal extensors by performing hyperextensions and. Do for calf muscles to give them elasticity - this will help you squat deeply without tilting your body or lifting your heels off the floor.

Rounding of the lower back at the lowest point

This is caused by low elasticity of the back and quadriceps muscles. This mistake increases the risk of spinal injury, and to eliminate it, work on stretching. And until the muscles become sufficiently elastic, squat shallowly - so that at the lowest point your thighs are parallel to the floor.

Lack of concentration

Concentration on the work of the target muscles is very important - with its help you can “catch” the width of your legs and the trajectory of movement that suits you. This way you can not only perform the exercise correctly, but also adjust it to the individual anatomical features of your body.

During the approach, focus on working your buttocks, think about them. If you're distracted by being too heavy, lower your weight.

Popular questions

How to squat to pump up your butt, not your legs?

To maximally engage your glutes, squat deeply and concentrate on working the target muscles. But remember that even if you follow all the nuances of the technique, you will not “throw away” the quadriceps from work, because their task is to extend the leg at the knee joint, and this movement is a natural part of the exercise.

Is it true that squats widen your waist? Can this be avoided?

Barbell squats partly involve the obliques to help maintain balance. When you lift more weight than yourself, these muscles can actually get bigger and widen your waist. A weightlifting belt will help ease the load and protect the spine.

Is it true that squats enlarge the buttocks, while isolation exercises shape them?

The appearance of the buttocks depends on the ratio of muscle and fat tissue. Strength exercises increase the size of the gluteal muscles, due to which this ratio and, accordingly, the shape of the “fifth point” change. You cannot change the shape of a muscle - it is given by nature.

Training program including barbell squats for girls

If you are a beginner, you can practice squats 3 times a week with light weights to practice your technique. But heavy squats should not be performed more than once a week, even if you prefer to train your legs in every session.

We have compiled an example of a training program for a beginner girl training on the full-body principle. Each training day includes squats, but in addition to them there are also other exercises for the harmonious development of the muscles of the legs and the whole body.

Day I: We work the main muscle groups

  • Hyperextension, 4x15-20
  • Lying leg curl, 4x12-15
  • Dumbbell bench press, 4x12-15
  • Superset: standing dumbbell lateral raises + butterfly raises, 3x15-20
  • Upper block row to chest, 4x10-12
  • Lying body crunches, 4x20-25

Day II: Learning to feel the buttocks

  • Superset: hyperextension + lying glute bridge, 3x15-20
  • Backward leg swings with weights, 3x15-20
  • Walking lunges with dumbbells, 3x24
  • Barbell squats, 3x10-12
  • Superset: horizontal pull-down + abbreviation in the butterfly machine, 3x12-15
  • Superset: lat pulldown to the chest + lying leg raise, 3x15

Day III: Practicing technique

  • , 3x10-12
  • Superset: arm extension upper block+ curling arms with dumbbells, 3x15-20
  • Superset: seated dumbbell press + bent-over dumbbell raises, 3x15-20
  • Pull-ups in a gravitron or with an elastic band, 5x10-12
  • Hyperextension, 4x15-20
  • Barbell squats, 5x10-12
  • Raising legs while hanging or in support, 3x10-15

Style Summary

The key to squats is technique. It determines the appearance of the buttocks and the health of the joints, and the second is much more important. Carefully hone your technique, do not rush to increase working weights and do not focus on squats - train and strengthen your entire body.

By nature, women have beauty in them. muscular frame, developing which its owners will further emphasize the beauty of their body. A beautiful elastic butt is the “center of the universe.” If in youth the skin is elastic and you can, without doing anything, wander around the city in short skirt, then after 20–25 years you need to seriously take care of your appearance to maintain beauty. And the “elixir” of women’s youth is women’s squats with weights.

The women's squat has a distinctive feature from the men's squat - a shifted emphasis on the load on the buttocks and hamstrings. It makes your legs more graceful, slender and attractive.

However, many girls are afraid of squats, arguing that this is an opportunity to become masculine. Indeed, very often due to the girl’s ignorance gyms squats just like men. As a result, they have potholes in their legs and lack of buttocks.

Having studied the technique of performing female squats and using it correctly, a woman will never swing like a bodybuilder. These athletes have their own history, not without use.

Squats are the most effective exercise For general development legs and buttocks. But only if you do it correctly! Therefore, at first it is better to practice not alone, but under the supervision of a trainer, in order to hone the technique to perfection.
  1. Stand straight with your feet firmly in a comfortable position shoulder-width apart (the wider your feet, the more your gluteal and hip adductor muscles will engage).
  2. Turn your socks slightly to the sides.
  3. Straighten your back and bend slightly forward.
  4. Keep your head straight or slightly point it up, but under no circumstances try to look down at your legs.
  5. Start by sitting down, pressing your heels firmly into the floor and keeping them there throughout the entire set. Do not bring your knees beyond the line of your toes.
  6. During squats, move your buttocks back. Squat raises should not be performed using the quadriceps, but rather as a result of strong tension in the gluteal muscles.
  7. Slowly and smoothly sit a little deeper than parallel (in the lower phase, the buttocks will take on the bulk of the load).
  8. Stand up without jerking, but without fully extending your knees, so that the load is not transferred to the joints, but remains in the muscles all the time.
  9. Repeat the required number of approaches.
Having mastered the basics of classic squats, you can experiment with their variety and include it in your training plan other types of squats (plie, sumo).

At first, you should not lift heavy weights. Work with some time own weight or with very little load. And only after the technique has been brought to automaticity, and the target muscles are well felt during the exercise, can the load be progressed.

And also, don’t expect a miracle after a week of classes. In order to achieve desired result, you need to sweat a lot. You need to pump up your butt not just 1-2 months before the opening of the beach season, but throughout your life, and then the “fifth point” will thank you with its elasticity and attractiveness.

Video about the technique of women's squats with a barbell for the buttocks:

Tips for correct squat nia.

Butt-nut is fashionable, beautiful and in trend for many years in a row. But how to squat correctly to achieve the desired results? This is what will be discussed in this material.

How should a girl breathe correctly when squatting?

Squats are effective basic exercises, which are included in many training complexes. They provide positive impact on many areas of the body's functioning:

  • the joints of the legs are stretched
  • improves blood circulation in the pelvic area
  • the muscles of the back, abs, buttocks, calves are tightened
  • the load on the heart muscle increases, thereby creating a healthy rhythm of its work
  • the condition of the tendons improves

However, you need to understand that intense physical activity is a kind of stress for our body. And it requires more oxygen to distribute the necessary nutritional components evenly to all muscles and internal organs.

In order to get the expected effect from squats, it is necessary breathe correctly during their execution. After all, the correct breathing rate is important for many aspects:

  • increases endurance, allowing you to train with with great effort and number of approaches
  • promotes uniform load distribution
  • reduces the risk of injury from exercise
  • helps achieve the desired results in a shorter period

There are two types of breathing:

  • Chest- The chest fills with air. Characteristic of a person in the absence of physical activity
  • Abdominal(involving the diaphragm) - deeper, which involves the abdominal cavity. When filled with air it expands chest, and thereby allows the body to receive more oxygen

When playing sports, professionals use exactly diaphragmatic breathing, which is executed as follows:

  • draw air through your nostrils
  • try to direct the volume of air into abdominal cavity, sticking out your belly to its maximum size
  • exhale smoothly and slowly, contracting your abdominal muscles

It is also important to remember that for any physical exercise exhalations are carried out during the process of the greatest load, and inhalation - the least. This is due to the peculiarities of the body’s functioning:

during inhalation:

  • chest stretches
  • the abdominal muscles relax
  • makes it difficult to experience severe muscle tension

during exhalation:

  • muscles tense more
  • Abdominal tension occurs and the body stabilizes
  • grouped pectoral muscles, forming a kind of corset that helps in developing the greatest gain

The maximum load during the squatting process occurs when returning to a standing position. This means that at the moment when you go down, inhale, and when you get up, exhale.

  • standing in the starting position, exhale to rid the lungs of carbon dioxide
  • Inhaling through your nose, begin a squat. The lips should be compressed. Remember, you can only inhale through the nose, because in its mucous membrane there are receptors through which oxygen passes, signals are sent to the brain, as a result, the organs begin to work more intensely
  • Having reached the lowest point, you can hold your breath for 1-2 seconds
  • exhaling, rise to the starting position. You can exhale through your mouth, slightly opening your lips (but without opening your mouth too wide)
  • do not try to inhale more air, because this can lead to a rapid breathing rhythm, and oxygen will flow unevenly to the tissues
  • at fast pace exercises, breathing should be shallow and frequent, and when slow, measured and deep
  • With sharp exhalations and inhalations, the load on the heart increases, and this can lead to dizziness and fainting.
  • even with minimal breath holding, blood pressure increases, which can negatively affect well-being
  • It is allowed to exhale noisily when working with large weights (pancake, barbell, dumbbell). In other cases, it is recommended to exhale quietly
  • If possible, train on fresh air or in a ventilated area
  • Don't focus your attention solely on your breathing. This process should be easy and natural, otherwise you risk losing control over your body, and the exercise will ultimately be performed incorrectly
  • learn to control your breathing from the very first classes in the gym or at home. This will help you develop the right habit.

How to squat correctly for girls to quickly pump up and tighten their butts, and not their legs without weight: correct squatting technique?

Unfortunately, poor nutrition, a predominantly sedentary lifestyle and genetic predisposition lead to the fact that many girls gluteal muscles are poorly developed and look ugly.

Simple exercises, which include squats, are extremely effective in creating a beautiful, toned butt. The main thing is to do the workout correctly, using the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. It must be said that, according to professionals, it will not be possible to pump up your butt without increasing the thigh muscles, since it is impossible to isolate the gluteal muscles from the thighs while performing a squat.

In order to avoid over-inflating the leg muscles For these exercises, the following is recommended:

  • alternate strength and cardio training
  • watch your diet
  • perform exercises without additional weights
  • do squats slowly, keeping your gluteal muscles tight
  • better go to the gym

Depending on the characteristics of the girl’s figure and the goals pursued, you need to choose the right type and frequency of training:

To pump up your butt with a small pelvis:

  • use heavy weights
  • do 4-5 sets of 5-10 squats
  • train twice a week (break - at least 2 days)

To reduce volume with wide hips:

  • use weight own body or slight burden
  • perform 15-20 squats in 5 sets
  • exercise at least 5 times a week

You need to start training using your own body weight. And only then, after warming up the muscles, you can use weights (dumbbells, barbell, barbell).


  • straighten up and arch your back a little
  • lift your chest
  • spread your feet wider than shoulder width
  • turn your socks slightly outward
  • keep your gaze straight ahead
  • transfer your body weight to your heels
  • when squatting, point your butt back and down, as if trying to sit on a chair
  • squat as low as you can (try to form a right angle between the floor and your hips, or even lower)
  • pull in when lifting abdominal muscles. Otherwise, over time, your abs will stick out and your figure will look fatter.
  • keep your knees straight, they should not go beyond the line of your socks
  • make sure that the weight does not move to the toes, it should only be on the heels
  • when lifting to the starting position, tension should be concentrated in the hips and buttocks
  • go down twice as slow as you go up
  • do not forget about breathing - when squatting, inhale, and when lifting, exhale
  • Take 2-3 deep breaths between sets to rest.

Hands while performing squats can be positioned in different ways:

  • palms down, extended forward
  • tassels are located at the waist
  • folded behind the head, with elbows spread
  • pressed to the body in a bent position, thumbs up

For quick lift butts, it is good to use squats using the Plie and Sumo techniques, since when they are performed, the impact occurs on the inner surfaces of the thighs and buttocks, and the load on the quadriceps is minimal. During such squats, the legs are placed much wider than the shoulders, and the toes are turned outward at 120 degrees.

The difference between these two techniques is as follows:

  • Plie - the back is in a vertical position, the pelvis is level, the knees are wide apart to the sides
  • Sumo - the back bends slightly forward and the pelvis moves back, which allows you to take more weight when using the barbell

How to squat properly for girls to quickly pump up their butt and barbell?

Weighted squats are strength training for girls one of the main exercises. Weighting significantly increases the load, which allows you to pump up your muscles in a shorter time. In addition, weighted squats also use other muscle groups (abs, back, calves, etc.). But before you start such a complex, you need to master the technique of squats without weight.

How to perform squats with a bar correctly:

  • place your feet shoulder width apart
  • turn your toes 30-40 degrees outward
  • spread your hips and knees apart
  • place the bar on your shoulders, holding it with your hands wider than shoulder length
  • squeeze your shoulder blades
  • spread your elbows
  • move your straightened back slightly forward and slightly bend your lower back
  • transfer your body weight to your heels
  • tighten your abdominal muscles
  • keep your gaze straight
  • bend your knees and perform a squat

Please note that the empty bar weighs 20 kg. Therefore, for untrained girls, it is better to start exercises using dumbbells. When your muscles get used to the load, you can take the bar.

  • for weight loss, do 3-5 sets of 15-20 times, and for gaining muscle mass - 3-5 sets of 5-7 times
  • Rest no more than a minute between sets
  • place your feet at such a width that it is comfortable for you to do a deep squat
  • Before performing, be sure to do a warm-up, since strength exercises without first stretching and warming up the muscles can lead to sprains and tears.

Very effective for the formation of relief beautiful butt Hatfield squats are presented, the peculiarity of which is that when they are performed, the joints of the arms and shoulders are not involved, and the entire force load falls on the gluteal muscles with the hips.

Features of execution:

  • a special bar is used, the weight of which is 40 kg
  • the bar is held on the body without hands
  • hands are placed on racks

How to squat correctly for girls to quickly pump up their butt with a barbell?

Barbell Squats can be performed by girls who have mastered the technique of performing with light weight. The principle is the same as for squats with a bar, but with small features associated with weighting:

  • inhale deeply and exhale sharply
  • go to the machine, place the barbell in the “trapezium” area on your shoulders
  • spread your legs wider than your shoulders
  • straighten your back and keep it as straight as possible
  • direct your gaze slightly upward and look this way throughout the entire time of squats
  • inhale, filling your lungs to about 3/4 of their volume with air
  • smoothly perform a squat, moving your pelvis back
  • Having reached the required depth, hold your breath for 1 second
  • starting to exhale smoothly (through your nostrils or closed teeth), slowly rise
  • When returning to the stance, do not straighten your legs completely
  • straighten up and exhale the remaining air
  • do 8-10 times in two approaches

Barbell Squat
  • be sure to warm up before you start strength exercises. Do some squats without a barbell
  • Be careful not to rest the barbell on your neck as this can cause serious injury.
  • breathe in the same rhythm
  • Be sure to take a break of up to 5 minutes between approaches, during which breathing should be smooth and carried out only through the nose.
  • return to exercise once your heart rate returns to normal
  • Before the next squat, take a breath to open your lungs completely
  • reduce the load if you find it difficult to catch your breath after squats

If you have problems with your knee joints, you can do the following squats:

  • get on your knees
  • keep your shins parallel, placing them shoulder width apart
  • place a barbell or barbell on your shoulders
  • move your butt back
  • sit down slowly while inhaling
  • straighten up while exhaling

How to squat correctly for girls to quickly pump up their butt with dumbbells on their shoulders?

After fully mastering the technique of performing squats, experts recommend increasing the load. This will significantly increase the effectiveness of your training. It is more convenient for beginners to do this using dumbbells.

In addition, dumbbells are an ideal option for weight training at home, as this sports equipment:

  • accessible and inexpensive
  • gives you the opportunity to train at home
  • takes up little space
  • does not place direct stress on the spine

Using dumbbells solves the following problems:

  • effectively pumps muscles (at the same time the quadriceps, gluteal muscles, inner and back surfaces of the thigh work)
  • prepares your body for heavier loads
  • allows you to hone your squat technique while using a power load

Squats using dumbbells on the shoulders are also called isometric. They do a great job lower limbs. In addition, it also engages the shoulders.

An exercise is performed based on a squat without weight, but with some features:

  • place your feet at a distance that is approximately 1.5 times shoulder width
  • point your toes and knees outward
  • move your buttocks back as far as possible
  • place dumbbells on your shoulders, holding them with your hands
  • there should be a right angle between your body and elbows
  • As you inhale, begin your squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor or lower.
  • tighten your abdominal muscles
  • if for any reason it is too difficult for you to do a very deep squat, rise a little earlier, without reaching the bottom point
  • rise as you exhale
  • perform squats at a smooth pace
  • keep your butt muscles tense all the time
  • optimal weight of dumbbells – 5 kg
  • do 4-5 sets of 15 - 20 times
  • break between approaches no more than 2 minutes.

How to squat properly for girls to quickly pump up their butt with a kettlebell?

Girls also often use weights as weights during squats. The kettlebell squat is also called a goblet squat or goblet squat. This is a great exercise for working the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. These squats are easier than those using a barbell. Therefore, they are often recommended for beginners.

Execution technique These exercises are similar to squats with dumbbells. The difference lies mainly in the location of the weight relative to the body:

  • choose a kettlebell weighing up to 8 kg
  • place your legs wide, with your feet slightly turned out
  • take the weight on the sides of the arms and hold it in front of you at chest level
  • press your elbows to your body
  • slowly squat while inhaling
  • point your elbows down
  • at the moment of a deep squat, the elbows are between the knees
  • hold at the bottom point for 1-2 seconds
  • exhaling, rise slowly
  • do 4 sets of 15 reps

The advantage of this squat is that by holding the dumbbell in front of you, you thereby exert a force load on the biceps and shoulders. Thus, training of these muscles occurs at the same time.

How to squat correctly for girls on one leg: squat technique?

The one-leg squat is very effective in its effects. It allows you to pump up your leg and gluteal muscles using only your own weight, without using additional weight. This makes it possible to do such workouts at home, without visiting the gym.

There are three main types of such one-leg squats.

- an exercise everyone knows from school. However, not everyone does it correctly.

You need to do it correctly like this:

  • First, use a support in the form of a chair or wall. After your muscles become more trained, perform without support.
  • spread your feet shoulder width apart
  • hold the support with your hand (if you do it without support, then stretch your arms in front of you to better maintain balance)
  • shift your weight to one of your legs
  • lift the other one, not the supporting one, holding it straight in front of you
  • smoothly perform a squat on the supporting leg
  • the pelvis is slightly retracted back and the body forward
  • at the moment of the lowest position, the free leg is parallel to the floor
  • make sure your back remains straight
  • push slightly and rise up
  • pull up your free leg

– puts less strain on the back, and therefore is suitable for those girls who have spinal problems.

Do it this way:

  • use a barbell (on your shoulders) or dumbbells (in your hands)
  • inhale
  • With your right foot, lunge forward wide so that your shin is perpendicular to the floor
  • bend your left leg at the knee, without touching the floor
  • standing up, straighten your legs without changing the position of your feet
  • bend your legs again at the knees, while doing a springy squat down
  • repeat with the other leg

Using a chair– engages the muscles of the buttocks, thighs, and quadriceps.

Do this as follows:

  • stand with your back to a chair half a meter away from it
  • With one leg back, place the front of your foot on the chair
  • bending the other leg, do a squat
  • the knee of the first leg should approach the floor
  • straighten your leg out of the squat
  • repeat 10-20 times
  • change position and do the same on the other leg

Sissy squats: technique for girls

It pumps up the lower quadriceps area well and forms a beautiful relief Sissy squat. This type of squats is not very common among athletes because it does not help increase muscle size. However, this squat is perfect for girls who want to improve the shape of their legs, as it works on the calf muscles and back of the thighs. In addition, trainers recommend this exercise as a warm-up before serious strength loads.

Features of performing the Sissy squat:

  • you will need support (a wall bar or the back of a chair)
  • lean on it with one hand
  • straighten your back and straighten your shoulders
  • Place your feet together or at a distance of no more than 25 cm from each other
  • transfer the center of gravity to your toes (you can place a plank under your heels)
  • while inhaling, tilt your body back and keep your back absolutely straight, smoothly sit down
  • At the same time, the knees bend at a right angle, do not diverge to the sides
  • exhale and slowly rise up
  • The knees should not be fully straightened when standing. Repeat 10-20 times

This type of squat can be done either without weights or with a small dumbbell. It must be said that performing this exercise is quite difficult, so it is more suitable for trained girls.

Be careful when performing these squats because they place a lot of stress on the knee joints. At the bottom of such a squat, the knees are brought forward very strongly, and such a position is dangerous. Also, please note that these squats are contraindicated for those who have any knee injuries.

How should a girl do a deep squat?

A squat in which the pelvis and hips are lowered below the level knee joints, called deep. In this case, the thigh muscles are stretched very strongly. It is more difficult to do such squats than until your thighs reach parallel to the floor. But the effectiveness of such exercises is higher. After all, the amplitude of lowering and rising increases and thereby:

  • more muscles are used for work
  • endurance increases
  • the functioning of the knee joints improves

To perform a deep squat, a girl needs:

  • good physical fitness
  • sufficient flexibility of the ankle and hip joints
  • stable coordination of movements

Some people think that there is nothing particularly difficult about such squats. However, many girls perform deep squats incorrectly.

pay attention to correct technique:

  • arch your back throughout the entire exercise. This will remove the negative load from the spine
  • the support should be only on the heels. If it is difficult for you to squat deeply without lifting them off the floor, place a small plank under your heels
  • knees should not go beyond the level of the feet
  • do squats at a slow pace
  • constantly maintain your fulcrum by balancing your body
  • determine for yourself the point of optimal abduction of the pelvis back
  • When lowering below the “parallel of the hips”, keep your back straight without rounding thoracic region and without falling forward
  • Having reached the lowest point of the squat, it is important not to relax the muscles and not to transfer the weight to the joints
  • you are at your lowest point for the minimum amount of time
  • make a powerful lift

Some coaches are too deep squats for girls not recommended for several reasons:

  • since there is a strong force impact on the knee joint, which can give the knees a dubious appearance
  • in a state of deep squatting, excessive pressure is placed on the pelvic organs, including the uterine area
  • due to compression of the capillaries, the development of varicose veins may begin

How to squat correctly for a girl to lose weight?

Squats are a great way to reduce your weight and reduce your body size. After all similar exercises are a combination of two types of loads:

  • strength – to lift the body weight upward, increased muscle tension occurs
  • aerobic – rhythmically repeated movements increase the pulse and heart rate

This combination speeds up metabolic processes the body, saturates it with oxygen, which promotes the burning of fat deposits.

The following types of squats are considered effective for weight loss:

  • classic, with arms raised up and feet shoulder-width apart
  • with a narrow stance of the legs, when the main emphasis is on the gluteus maximus muscle
  • sumo and plie with legs wide apart
  • with weights

The process of burning calories is affected by the number of squats and at what speed they are performed. The more you weigh, the more you burn. It is believed that classic squats without weights for 10 minutes for 100 repetitions burn, on average, 80 kcal.

Many experts assure that properly performed squats improve the metabolism of the entire body and contribute to weight loss even after the end of the workout. To ensure that your exercises bring as much benefit as possible, follow the advice of experts:

  • Do not do all types of squats in one workout. It is better to choose 1-2 types, alternating them with other exercises, since all squats have approximately the same effectiveness
  • squat at a fast pace
  • if you are not trained enough, start 10-15 exercises, gradually increasing the load
  • do 25-30 times in several approaches. Don’t get too carried away with the number of squats, as due to fatigue you will not do them effectively enough
  • train better in the morning and in the evening

An interesting one in terms of weight loss is the “1000 squats” system. Its essence is as follows:

  • during the day you must perform 1000 squats
  • exercises are done in several sets of 10 times throughout the day
  • beginners need to do fewer squats, gradually increasing their number, and bringing them up to 1000

Exercise is known to promote calorie loss and stimulate growth. muscle mass. But if you train and do not decrease in volume, then you need to reduce the number of calories consumed per day.

How to squat properly for a girl to lose weight in her legs?

In order for a girl’s legs to lose weight and become slender, classic squats are ideal, as they put stress on each muscle of the limb, thereby training them and burning fat.

Good results are achieved with the following squat options:


  • stand up straight
  • place your feet shoulder width apart
  • pointing your pelvis back, squat down a little
  • Jump up from this position while raising your arms

with lunge:

  • stand up straight
  • place your hands on your waist
  • keeping your back straight, lunge forward with one leg until a right angle is formed
  • stay in this position for 5 seconds
  • return to position - source

lingering in a squat:

  • feet shoulder-width apart or wider
  • keep your arms bent at the elbows
  • squat until parallel to the floor
  • hold for 30-40 seconds
  • straighten up

with jumping:

  • put your hands behind your head with your elbows out to the sides
  • spread your feet slightly
  • bend your knees
  • jump up and sit down immediately
  • so you jump before squatting

Remember that to lose weight you need to perform these squats at an intense pace.

How to squat for a girl to pump up her legs?

Squats with weights can also help make your legs slender. Such exercises strengthen muscle mass, promoting its growth. It's better to take a barbell or kettlebell.

You need to do the exercises that are familiar to you, but with the center of gravity moving from the heels to the toes or the entire foot. To do this, place a low board under your heels. This will redistribute the load from the buttocks to the leg muscles.

To give the leg muscles the required shape The following squats help:

with a dumbbell or kettlebell:

  • stand up straight
  • bring your feet together
  • take a dumbbell or kettlebell weighing up to 5 kg
  • holding the weight on your arms outstretched, slowly squat
  • perform 20-25 times

with stand(works the calf muscles well):

  • spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders
  • put a block under your socks
  • squat without lifting your feet off the floor
  • touch your buttocks to your heels

with front boom position– such squats increase the load on the quadriceps (front surface of the thigh):

  • place a barbell or barbell in front of you on your chest
  • use less barbell weight than for shoulder exercises
  • keep your back straight, with a slight arch in your lower back
  • place your feet shoulder-width apart
  • perform a classic squat
  • do 4 sets of 5-7 repetitions at a slow pace

How to squat properly for a girl to avoid damaging her knees?

Squats performed incorrectly can not only become a useless exercise, but also cause injury to the knee joints, since increased stress is placed on this area.

To prevent this from happening, adhere to the following rules during squats:

  • don't bring your knees together– in this case, the load moves to the kneecaps, which can lead to injury. The direction of the knees and feet should match. At first, this is difficult, but it is very important to learn to control this process.
  • When returning to the top point, do not straighten your legs completely– they should remain in a slightly bent position. This will ease the stress on your knees and spine.
  • do not bring your knees beyond the line of your toes, tilting your body. Try not to lean over, moving your pelvis as far back as possible. Make sure to create a right angle between your knees and heels.

How to squat correctly for a girl: contraindications

Despite its effectiveness and common benefit for our body, squats are like any power loads, have a number of contraindications. These include:

  • phlebeurysm
  • spinal diseases
  • diseases of the knees and hip joints
  • heart and vascular diseases
  • inflammation of muscle tissue
  • period after fractures
  • pregnancy
  • too much heavy weight body (this can lead to knee injuries)

In cases where you do not have serious illnesses, but when doing squats you experience pain in your back or joints, pay attention to the correct exercise technique. If discomfort does not disappear after this, consult a doctor. Be attentive to your well-being during training. Otherwise you risk getting serious injury(hernia, sprain, dislocation).

Top 5 common squat mistakes for girls

There are often cases when girls devote a lot of time and effort to training to create a beautiful relief in the hips and buttocks, but they cannot achieve a positive result. The fact is that muscle pumping occurs only with the correct technique for performing squats.

Most frequent mistakes Trainers call squats the following:

  • bent body and incorrect head position– the back should be straight, with a slight arch, and the head should not tilt. Otherwise, there is a risk of loss of balance and, as a result, injury.
  • heels come off the floor– in this case, the load on the toes is incorrectly distributed, which makes the exercise useless for tightening the muscles of the buttocks and thighs.
  • lack of breathing control– as already mentioned, incorrect inhalations and exhalations lead to dizziness, rapid fatigue and improper distribution of oxygen in the body.
  • squat too shallow, in which the muscles of the buttocks are weakly activated (place some support behind you, touching which in a squat, you will understand that you are performing the exercise correctly).
  • insufficient load and insufficiently long training period- experts are unanimous in their opinion: it is impossible to pump up your butt in a week or a month. Building muscle mass is a fairly slow process, so training should be done regularly. In addition, after you have mastered the technique of doing squats, it is very important to increase the load.

According to many doctors, squats can improve not only the appearance of our body, but also cure various ailments. The exercise sets of professors Sergei Bubnovsky and Ivan Neumyvakin have become very popular.

In their general opinion, squats are one of the main means of maintaining and treating the heart muscle. Weak legs contribute to the fact that the heart also becomes weak and cannot cope with main task- blood pumping.

Squat technique according to Bubnovsky:

  • keep your back straight, feet shoulder-width apart
  • lean on your straight arms wall bars or a support with a rubber shock absorber (this way the back muscles will not be used, and the load will only be on the leg muscles)
  • squat as deep as your joints allow
  • straightening up, exhale actively through the diaphragm with the sound “haaa”
  • do 3 - 5 sets of 10 times

Squat technique according to Neumyvakin:

  • stand near a support (preferably near a tree)
  • grab the support with your hands at the level of the navel
  • put your feet together
  • tilt your body back while keeping your legs and arms straight
  • do squats only by straightening and bending your knees
  • you can start the depth of squats with 10 cm if it’s difficult for you
  • squat 20-30 times, gradually increasing the number and depth of squats
  • do squats at least 100 times daily, preferably 300-400

Video: How to do squats correctly?

Squats are the best functional exercise. Such basic movements Works out the major muscle groups in your body and helps strengthen your hips, quads, adductors magnus, hamstrings, lower back, core and glutes. But if you're a beginner or can't squat fully, you risk injury to your knees and back. In this article you will learn how to perform multi-step squats. simple steps and what is the correct squat technique for girls. There will also be many variations of the squat for detailed muscle development. Let's start!

What you will need:

  • Comfortable clothes
  • Sport shoes
  • Headband and/or headband

How to squat for a girl step by step

Video instructions on the technique of performing the exercise.

Step 1: Starting Position

Stand up straight with your back straight; Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and parallel to each other, your toes slightly turned out (about 5-20 degrees), your shoulders relaxed and your chest raised. Look straight, extend your arms and squeeze your buttocks so that your pelvic area was symmetrical with an imaginary straight line running from your left leg to the right.

Step 2: Starter Squat

Look forward, keep your back straight, and engage your core. Inhale, push your butt back and begin to bend your knees. Your weight should be on your heels and NOT on your toes.

Step 3: Full Squat

Pull your buttocks out and look forward. Sit with all your body weight on your heels. Your knees should not go past your toes. Lower yourself down until your hip joint is below your knees. Yes, this is the correct full squat. If your hip joint is not lower than your knees, then this is a partial squat.

Step 4: Delay

Hold your hands in front of you or grab your right wrist with your left hand and look straight ahead. Make sure your pelvis is in line with your toes and your knees are no higher than your toes. Your hips need to be pushed back, core tight and thrust out. Hold this pose for 3 seconds.

Step 5: Return to Starting Position

Exhale and begin to return to the starting position. Keep your body weight on your heels, shoulders back, and chest lifted.

Step 6: Repeat

Inhale again and lower yourself into a squat position. Hold this position for 3 seconds and return.

Advice. Be careful when learning to squat. Take your time. Squatting correctly is more important than doing 3 sets of 30 reps.

So you see, squats aren't that difficult at their core. You just need to be patient and observant to recognize and correct the incorrect squatting technique you were following previously. Now, before we move on, I would like to introduce you to the advanced level of squats. You can do them as part of your regular workout, but make sure you do them correctly.

TOP 5 mistakes in squats - video

Squat with a barbell on the shoulders for girls - 8 variations

1. Pulse Squats


Quadriceps, back surface hips, hip flexors, glutes, calves, adductors magnus and core muscles.

Duration— 7 min.


  1. Now, instead of returning to the starting position, “pulse” in the squat position - rise and fall often and slowly.
  2. Count to 10.
  3. Exhale and slowly return to the starting position.
  4. Do 2 sets of 5 reps. Increase the number of repetitions and sets as you progress physical development. To enhance the effect and benefit, you can use a dumbbell.

2. Explosive squats


Quadriceps, rear end hips, hip flexors, glutes, calves, adductors magnus, core, biceps and neck muscles.

Duration— 7 min.


  1. Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, your toes slightly turned out, your shoulders back, your chest forward and your arms in front of you.
  2. Inhale, push your hips back, and squat down, keeping your weight on your heels. Make sure your hip joint is slightly lower than your knees and your knees do not go past your toes.
  3. Now begin to return to the starting position and, before fully standing, jump up. At the same time, lower your arms to your sides to help propel your body upward.
  4. Land softly on your feet, extend your arms forward, bend your knees slightly and lower yourself back into a squat.

3. Squat with jumps forward and backward


Quadriceps, posterior muscles hips, hip flexors, glutes, calves, adductors magnus and core muscles.

Duration- 10 min.


  1. Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out, shoulders back, and chest forward. Clasp both hands and keep your elbows slightly bent.
  2. Inhale, push your hips back, and squat down, keeping your weight on your heels. Make sure your hip joint is slightly lower than your knees and your knees do not go past your toes.
  3. Get into a half squat and squeeze your buttocks.
  4. Jump forward and backward, keeping your feet in the same position. Make sure the landing is smooth.
  5. Once you have jumped in both directions, inhale and squat again.
  6. Do 2 sets of 10 reps. Increase the number of repetitions and sets as you progress physically.

4. Plie/sumo squats


More adductors, quads, hip flexors, calves, core and back.

Duration- 5 minutes


  1. Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes turned out 45 degrees, shoulders back, and chest forward. Clasp both hands and keep your elbows slightly bent.
  2. Inhale, push your hips back, and squat down, keeping your weight on your heels. Make sure your hip joint is slightly lower than your knees and your knees do not go past your toes.
  3. Hold this pose for 2 seconds.
  4. As the physical strength you can use dumbbells to make it more challenging, or you can do this squat with a barbell.

5. Squats with biceps curls


Quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, glutes, calves, adductors magnus, chest, core, back, biceps, shoulders, wrist extensors and flexors.

Duration— 7 min.


  1. Take 2-3 kg dumbbells in your hands. For women it is normal weight. Bring your elbows close to your body. Your palms should face forward and your arms should be at the sides of your body.
  2. Inhale, push your hips back, and squat down, keeping your weight on your heels. Make sure your hip joint is slightly lower than your knees and your knees do not go past your toes. As you squat, lift your forearms until the dumbbells almost touch your shoulders. Remember to keep your shoulders still.
  3. Hold this pose for 1 second.
  4. Exhale, rise up, lower your forearm and return to the starting position.
  5. Do 3 sets of 10 reps. For good pumping of arms and legs, progress in weights and number of repetitions.

6. Squats with shoulder press


Quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, glutes, calves, adductors magnus, chest, core, back, biceps, shoulders.

Duration- 10 min.


1.Stand straight, place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, toes slightly turned out, shoulders pulled back, chest pushed forward, hands holding 2-3 kilogram dumbbells.

2. Raise your arms and align your shoulders. Your forearms should be at right angles to the top of your shoulders.

3.Inhale, push your hips back, and squat down, keeping your weight on your heels. Make sure your hip joint is slightly lower than your knees and your knees do not go past your toes. As you squat, raise your arms up and straight above your head.

  1. Now exhale and slowly rise from the squat position, bend your elbows and return your arms to the starting position.
  2. Do 2 sets of 10 reps. Increase the number of reps, sets, and weights to make your most beautiful lady parts look great.

7. Sumo squats with a barbell on the shoulders


Shoulders, glutes, lower back, abs, quads, chest, triceps, biceps, thighs, calves, adductors magnus, hip flexors, wrist flexors and extensors.

Duration- 10 min.


  1. Step up to a squat rack. Add weight plates to either side of the bar while it is still on the rack. Now step up to it and place it across your shoulders, just below your rear deltoids. Hold the barbell with your hands: palms forward and elbows close to your body.
  2. Squeeze your shoulder blades and rotate your elbows forward. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and squeeze your buttocks. Your chest should be forward, your spine should be in a neutral position, your knees slightly bent and your toes turned out.
  3. Remove the bar from the rack. Push your hips back and squat down. Continue moving down until your hip joint is slightly below your knees. Your knees should not go past your toes, and all your weight should be on your heels.
  4. Exhale and return to the starting position.
  5. Do 2 sets of 5 reps. This is exactly how to squat with a barbell correctly.

8. Goblet Squats


Buttocks, core muscles, quadriceps, back thigh muscles, Bottom part backs and shoulders.

Duration— 7 min.


  1. Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out, shoulders back, chest forward, and elbows slightly bent.
  2. Take a 2-3 kg dumbbell in your hands. Bring your elbows close to your body. Your palms should face forward and your arms should be at the sides of your body.
  3. Inhale, push your hips back, and squat. Make sure your hip joint is below your knees and your knees should not go past your toes.
  4. Hold this pose for a second.
  5. Exhale and return to the starting position.
  6. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.
  7. You can perform these squats with a barbell, the technique will not change.

These are 8 different squat variations for girls with or without a barbell that you can do to tone your body and burn fat. As you train more and more, squatting will become easier. Here is a list of the benefits you get from doing squats on a regular basis.

What are the benefits of squats for girls?

  • Helps burn fat.
  • Tones muscles.
  • Increase muscle strength.
  • Improves quality of life.
  • Improves endurance.
  • Prevents injuries.
  • Helps cleanse toxins.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Helps get rid of cellulite.
  • Increases flexibility.
  • Improves posture.
  • Strengthens bones and joints.

In conclusion, anyone can squat, but your main goal is to do it correctly. Follow the instructions to master this simple yet highly effective exercise. So, get up and squat to get a fabulous and lean body!

Aesthetic squats performed by girls from Instagram

Questions and answers

Experts' answers to readers' questions

How many calories do squats burn?

Use this simple formula: number of squats * your body weight (plus weight of dumbbells if you are using them) * 0.096. This will help you figure out how many calories you can burn by squatting.

Do squats hurt your knees?

Yes, if you do them wrong. Squats must be performed correctly to prevent knee or back injuries. Follow the instructions given in the article to learn the correct technique.

How are squats good for lower back pain?

If you suffer from lower back pain, see your doctor to see if you can do squats or other exercises. Lower back pain should be treated with regular physiotherapy, yoga, and medications.

How do squats help with weight loss?

Squats burn a significant amount of calories, which helps you lose fat and build muscle. When you build muscle, your metabolic levels improve, which in turn helps you burn stored fat.

Some people argue that barbell squats are not necessary for girls, and are even harmful. They say that not only the buttocks grow from them, but also the quadriceps. And then there are the unaesthetic legs of a football player, and other joys that we don’t want at all when we go to the gym to get slim.

Another thing is that no constructive replacements are usually offered. At most, they recommend doing plie with a dumbbell. Or the Bulgarian split squat, which is known to be a little more difficult than a simple squat. And it’s practically impossible to do if the beginner has zero technique. To be fair, the quadriceps works in all types of squats, and you won’t be able to isolate it. So some growth will have to be tolerated. But with the right technique, the buttocks work more.

Barbell squats for girls: benefits and harms

The problem with everyone who excludes the squat from their training is not only that they are deprived of fun and a reason to appear very cool in the eyes of their male gym brethren. The trouble is that by giving up squats and deadlifts, we get training without the necessary hormonal response.

Basic exercise causes a massive increase in oxygen consumption under load, and a surge in GH levels.

These two factors help not only to recover better from the two dozen isolation nut swings that we all practice, but also to burn more fat before, during, and after training. So the whole point is not only about the roundness, but also about its absence in unnecessary places.

Barbell squats for girls also solve the following problems:

  • allow you to get rid of slouched posture. You simply won't lower yourself into a squat if your shoulder blades are spread across your back, your lower back is arched forward, and your stomach is hanging out for everyone to see. Getting ready is the first thing a proper squat teaches. Tighten and lower the shoulder blades, fix the native lumbar region by rigidly drawing in the abdomen. These skills are very suitable for everyday life. For example, those periods when you desperately want to look slimmer, but you can’t;
  • They strengthen the abs in static conditions better than a million twists at different angles on all sorts of strange objects. It is the forces transverse muscles those comrades whose belly falls forward, despite the enormous amount of work done on the abs, lack the stomach;
  • in the presence of correct technique help avoid injuries in typical “female” activities like high-repetition training for muscle quality, and 100 forms of running to burn fat;
  • help reduce the amount of cardio exercise performed to a reasonable limit by increasing calorie consumption, and, finally, spend less time in the gym

But with careless technique, back squats performed with a barbell on your shoulders can be dangerous. Strictly speaking, the barbell should not rest on any shoulders at all. You should start learning from the “bar below the trapezoid” position; those who continue can put weights on the top of the trapezoid as soon as they learn to remove the swing and lifting of the shoulders.

Squatting with a barbell correctly is also not easy because there are individual developmental characteristics that must be taken into account when setting up the technique. You can often find the opinion on the Internet that a girl should squat with a barbell on her shoulders, with her pelvis on the floor, deeper than parallel. And an excellent explanation of the methodological “calculations” - they say, girls want to pump up their buttocks, so that’s where they work. “There” they do not work for everyone, and for many such a squat is contraindicated due to lordosis of the lumbar region. In general, with individual equipment It's better to decide in advance.

Anyone can do a barbell squat correctly.

The standards for this movement differ between powerlifting and bodybuilding. The peculiarity is that the lifter’s version is more anatomically determined:

  • they go under the barbell with their stomach already retracted and their shoulder blades pulled towards the spine, the bar is set quite low, just below the midline passing through the rear delts;
  • check your posture, gather yourself, remove the apparatus, step back, place it at a comfortable foot width in two steps and begin the exercise;
  • the feet stand at a width that is comfortable for the hips and does not allow the kneecaps to move inward;
  • the bar lies low, which eliminates the separation of the shoulder blades and loss of stability, usually accompanied by a back injury;
  • toes are moderately spread to the sides, adding stability to the pose;
  • the movement begins with the pelvis down and back, accordingly the knees bend. This squat is similar to how we usually sit on a low bench;
  • throughout the entire movement, the abs are pulled in, the back is in a natural arch, the forward bend is very moderate, the body does not rest on the hips;
  • at the point of maximum depth, the lumbar region does not “unwind”, and the pelvis does not make the characteristic “peck” downward. Sometimes a squat with this movement is allowed, but not for beginners training for aesthetics. “Pecks” and “kicks” due to bending the legs can occur during power squats, with small jumps; they are not used in health fitness;
  • This is followed by a smooth lifting of the weight due to extension in the hip and knee joint.

Individual squat technique involves determining the available depth and maximum forward lean. Stand in profile to the mirror and sit down. As soon as you notice that the lumbar region “unwinds” and the pelvis “pecks” - you have reached the maximum depth, fixate on it, there is no need to force it any further.

The slope should be the same as what you get if you sit with your knees on the wall with your toes at a distance of 10-15 cm from its surface. There is no need to lower your chest any lower.
Well, the spacing of the feet and the distance between the knees is selected so that there is no transfer of body weight to the toes, and various vibrations of the hips (their opening and spreading).

It is best to learn the barbell squat technique from a trainer. Independent studies are also good and will come in handy, but after you automatically correctly take the weight from the racks, gather yourself, and smoothly perform both lowering and lifting the weight. Most gyms offer some personal training, which will help.

A coach is also needed to determine what additional exercises will help you get rid of bad squatting habits. Such habits are developed by the way we walk and sit from childhood, and can be very harmful when we gain weight.
Don't want to squat with a lot of weight? Strength training should be progressive. You cannot achieve results by training with an empty bar your entire life. Typically, girls who train reach one and a half body weights on a barbell in a year or two of training in the “three workouts per week” format, and this is not a record, but a completely typical indicator.

Types of squats with a barbell

In addition to the so-called lifter squat, there is a weightlifting version - it involves a high position of the bar, on trapezius muscle, and exceptionally large flexion in hip joints. It is used extremely rarely in health and fitness practice.

The options used in bodybuilding involve “playing” with the width of the feet. Wide squat with socks pointed to the side - plie, is considered to load the buttocks. Position with narrow setting stop and move the pelvis back - to work the front surface of the thigh

Based on the type of bar position, squats are divided into:

  • frontal - the barbell is placed on the chest and held either with a hook grip (forearms parallel to each other, the barbell rests on the shoulders) or by crossing the arms;
  • with the barbell above your head - or more precisely, the bar lies slightly behind your head. The barbell is taken from the floor with a jerk grip (hands almost under the pancakes, wide) and jerked upward, turning the shoulders and pointing the projectile slightly behind the head. A squat is performed in this position. Beginners are often given the movement in a simplified format, with easy gymnastic stick. It helps to correct minor postural disorders and learn to hold your back correctly.

Related to the barbell squat are the exercises of the same name in the Smith machine and hack machine. They are aimed at isolating the legs, and create a slight load on the stabilizers.

For a beginner, it won't be a big problem to squat every workout if you do 3 sessions per week. As the weights increase, it is necessary to organize your training according to the principle of “squat only, or deadlift only” to avoid overloading the central nervous system.