Presentation on the topic of physical education for girls. Presentation "Physical culture and its components." presentation for a physical education lesson (grade 10) on the topic. Ice-skating race

Physical Culture- this is an integral part in the physical and spiritual development of a person; playing sports strengthens physically and mentally. Physical culture is a goal and sport is a means to achieve it. 1.1 Project goal: to show the importance of physical culture and sports for maintaining and strengthening health and personality formation. 1.2 Objectives - To show that thanks to regular physical education and sports, you can become not only physically strong and healthy, but also stubborn and persistent, which is so necessary in any business. - Promote a healthy lifestyle. Object of study: Physical development of health

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"Presentation of the project "Physical Culture and Sports""

physical Culture and sport

  • Physical education teacher

1. Introduction

  • The development of physical culture and sports is a priority direction of the government’s social policy Russian Federation. In the context of socio-economic and political transformations in modern Russia, issues of strengthening physical and spiritual health human, formation healthy image life.


  • Physical culture is an integral part in the physical and spiritual development of a person; playing sports strengthens physically and mentally. Physical culture is a goal and sport is a means to achieve it.
  • 1.1 Project goal : show the importance of physical culture and sports for maintaining and strengthening health and personality formation.
  • 1.2 Objectives
  • -Show that thanks to regular physical education and sports, you can become not only physically strong and healthy, but also persistent and persistent, which is so necessary in any business.
  • - Promote a healthy lifestyle.
  • Object of study: Physical health development


  • In children's and adolescence personality is being formed, character is being formed. How this period develops in a person’s life largely determines his future life. And physical culture and sports are considered as one of the most important means of educating a person who harmoniously combines spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection.
  • Research method:
  • - collecting information: studying sports literature and information resources on this topic on the Internet.

  • 2. Main part
  • Physical health is the natural state of the body, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems.

A person is the creator of his own health, for which he must fight.

  • 2.1 .Physical culture represents many types of its implementation, among which everyone can choose the one that is suitable for themselves according to their level of preparedness and character.
  • Sports games (football, basketball, rugby), martial arts (boxing, karate, judo) for example, the president of our country has a black belt in judo. Intellectual games (checkers, chess) and many other types of sports activities.

3.Practical part



How do you feel about physical education lessons?

Do you often get sick?


Negative answer

Are you involved in sports section?

% of respondents

How do exercise and sports affect your health?


  • In the process of work, we learned a lot about physical culture, different types sports and their benefits for our body . Physical education is a very important discipline, along with other general education subjects, and it needs to be given a lot of attention, since this will directly affect our health. If each of us leads a healthy lifestyle from childhood, then we will be healthy and feel great all our lives!
  • We formulated questions and received answers to them.

physical Culture and sport(information-cognitive type)

  • student of grade 7-B, MKOU secondary school No. 28
  • Head: Komlenko Alexander Yurievich,
  • Physical education teacher

Physical culture and sports in Russia

Olympic movement

Types of competitions in the Olympic Games

Chariot racing

Fist fight

Discus throw


History of the development of physical culture in Russia

Three stages of development:

  • From ancient times to 1917
  • Development of physical culture in the USSR
  • In the Russian Federation after 1991

Main sources about physical culture


temporary years First wrestling


Creator of the system

Peter Lesgaft

outstanding biologist, anatomist,

doctor, teacher,

creator of scientific


physical education.

He was awarded the Order of St. Stanislaus, 3rd degree.

Imperial and Royal Order of St. Stanislaus- order Russian Empire With 1831 before 1917. The youngest in seniority in the hierarchy state awards, mainly to distinguish officials.

Sports history Russia

First championship A. Panshin

in speed skating

Physical education and sports governing bodies

Office of the Chief Observer

Russian Olympic Committee

Ski race


Pavel Bychkov

First championship ski racing

In 1923, the first sports society Dynamo was founded

Year of foundation:

Creation of the GTO complex

First All-Union


In 1931, the USSR GTO complex was adopted - Ready for labor and defense

  • April 21 1951 National Olympic Committee

I Olympiad, Athens, Greece, 1896

II Olympiad, Paris, France. 1900

Story Olympic movement from 1896 to the present

XIV Olympiad London, Great Britain, 948

XII Olympiad Helsinki, Finland, 1940

History of the Olympic movement from 1896 to the present

XXI Olympics Montreal, Canada, 1976

XX Olympics Munich, Germany, 1972

History of the Olympic movement from 1896 to the present


XXIX Olympics Beijing, China, 2008

XXII Olympiad

USSR, 1980


Olympic symbols are attributes of the Olympic Games used by the International Olympic Committee to promote the idea of ​​the Olympic Movement throughout the world. TO Olympic symbols include: flag (rings), anthem, oath, slogan, medals, fire, olive branch, fireworks, talismans, emblem.


Blue Europe

Black Africa

Red America Yellow Asia

Green Australia


  • The official flag of the Olympic Games is an image of the Olympic logo on a white background. The color white symbolizes peace during the Games. The flag was planned to be used for the first time at the 1916 Games, but they did not take place due to the war, so the flag first appeared at the 1920 Olympic Games in Antwerp (Belgium).

  • Faster, higher, stronger,” which is a translation of the Latin expression “Citius, Altius, Fortius.” The slogan was proposed by Pierre de Coubertin when creating the International Olympic Committee.


  • One of the outstanding athletes takes an oath of integrity of the competition on behalf of all competitors. Then one of the judges takes an oath of fair and objective judging.


The Olympic flame was lit for the first time on IX summer games in Amsterdam (Netherlands).

The Olympic flame is lit on the territory of the ruins of the temple of the goddess Hera in ancient Olympia in Greece from a parabolic mirror. The Olympic flame is passed on a torch from athlete to athlete during a multi-day symbolic relay race that passes through all 5 inhabited continents of the Earth. The flame arrives at the site of the Olympic Games on their opening day. The relay finalist lights the Olympic bonfire with a torch. This symbolizes the beginning of the games. At the end of all competitions, the Olympic flame of the bonfire is extinguished, symbolizing the closure of the games.

  • Gold medals are generally made primarily of silver. So, at the 2008 Games Golden medal weighed about 150 grams, which included approximately 6 grams of gold. Silver medals are made from silver, bronze from copper. The medals are presented at a special ceremony after the competition.

  • The Olympic flag is raised during the playing of the Olympic anthem. The Olympic torch, brought from Greece, is used to light olympic flame. Doves are produced as a symbol of peace. All athletes and team officials take the Olympic oath.
  • Opening ceremony of the games. In the parade of countries, the Greek team always comes out first. Next, the country teams are listed in alphabetical order. The team of the host country of the Games closes the parade. The President of the Organizing Committee and
  • IOC President.

  • At the Olympic Games - and this happened for the first time at the Games in Mexico - a mascot appeared. But not for anyone personally, but for everyone, common: to bring happiness to any Olympian, any fan. The mascot was a jaguar. And this is one of the favorite animals in Mexico .

  • Each Olympic Games has its own unique emblem symbolizing the host city and country. Usually, but not always, the emblem element is the Olympic rings.

Winter Olympic Games 2014

  • Winter Olympic Games 2014 - official name of the XXII Winter Olympics games - international sporting event that will take place from 7 By February 23 2014 .
  • Capital of the Olympics Sochi ( Russia ), was selected during the 119th sessions IOC in the city Guatemala , capital Guatemala 4th of July 2007 .

2014 Olympics in Sochi

Emblem - logo



International Olympic movement in modern society has prospects for further development due to constant infusion of new sports , active participation people in sports competitions, positive attitude humanity to sport y, understanding the importance and necessity improving the holding of the Olympic Games .

Slide 2: Contents:

The current state of FC and sports. Federal Law No. 329-FZ “On physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation.” 2. The activity essence of FC in various spheres of life. 3. FC values. Physical culture of the individual. 4. Basic provisions for the organization of physical education in a higher educational institution.

Slide 3

The term “FC” appeared at the end of the 19th century in England during the period of the rapid development of modern sports, but did not find widespread use in the West and over time practically disappeared from use. In Russia, on the contrary, having come into use since the beginning of the 20th century, after the revolution of 1917 the term “FC” received recognition in all high Soviet authorities and firmly entered the scientific and practical lexicon. In 1918, the Institute of Physical Culture was opened in Moscow, in 1919 Vseobuch held a congress on physical culture, since 1922 the magazine “Physical Culture” was published, and from 1925 to the present - the magazine “Theory and Practice of Physical Culture”. Today, a number of theorists dispute the appropriateness of using the term “FC”. One of the arguments “against” is that in most countries of the world this term is completely absent from the scientific lexicon (the only exception is the countries of Eastern Europe, in which the development of physical culture and sports for more than half a century was carried out in the image and likeness of Soviet system). In this regard, leading Russian sports theorists sometimes express polar opinions regarding the further use of the concept of “physical culture” in science: some believe that this term should be completely replaced by the concept of “sport” accepted throughout the world, while others consider the scientific definition of physical culture a “step forward” compared to the Western sports science

Slide 4: Current state of FC and sports Federal Law No. 329-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”

In accordance with paragraph 26 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” physical culture is part of the general culture, which is a set of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society for the purposes of physical and intellectual development human abilities, improving his physical activity (MA) and developing a healthy lifestyle (HLS), social adaptation through physical education (PE), physical training(FP) and physical development(FR). Current state of FC and sports Federal Law No. 329-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”

Slide 5

Physical culture, being one of the facets of a person’s general culture, his healthy lifestyle, largely determines a person’s behavior in school, at work, in everyday life, in communication, and contributes to the solution of socio-economic, educational and health-improving tasks. Concern for the development of FC and sports should be a vital part of the state’s social policy, ensuring the implementation of humanistic ideals, values ​​and norms that open up wide scope for identifying people’s abilities, satisfying their interests and needs, and activating the human factor. In the physical culture and sports sphere, through the diversity of its organizational forms, personal and public interests are maximally balanced and brought closer to each other, it contributes to human longevity, family unity, the formation of a healthy, moral and psychological climate in various socio-demographic groups and in the country as a whole, reducing injuries and morbidity .

Slide 6: The concept of physical education

It is the broadest, most comprehensive and multifaceted in the field under consideration. Today, there are dozens of definitions of this concept, many of which differ significantly from each other. For a deeper and more correct understanding of the content of this concept, it is advisable to compare it with the concept of “culture”. Culture is represented in the results of human material and spiritual activity. A person learns culture, recorded in spiritual and material values, acts in the social environment as a bearer of cultural values, creates new values ​​necessary for the development of the culture of subsequent generations.

Slide 7

In this regard, physical culture should be considered as a set of organically interconnected parts, each of which has its own purpose, objectives, functions, such parts include the following: physical education, sports, physical recreation and motor rehabilitation.

Slide 8: Phenomenon: physical education

Physical education (PE) is a process aimed at educating the individual, developing physical capabilities a person, their acquisition of skills and knowledge in the field of physical fitness in order to form a comprehensively developed and physically healthy person with a high level of physical culture (clause 25 of article 2 of the Federal Law). Physical education reflects the objective need of society for planned, systematic and targeted physical training of younger generations and the practical life of people. It is a necessary prerequisite for playing sports and an indispensable condition for the formation of a person’s physical culture, which includes value orientation, organization, and purposefulness in human activity.

Slide 9: Lesgaft Peter Franzovich (1837-1909)

The founder of the scientific system of PV, Russian teacher, anatomist and doctor. The “Courses for Teachers and Leaders of Physical Education,” created by him in 1896, was the first higher educational institution in Russia for training physical education specialists, the prototype of the modern St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture named after P. F. Lesgaft. It is necessary to distinguish between the terms “physical education” as professional training in special educational institutions and “physical education” in its original (according to P.F. Lesgaft) sense of physical education. IN English language the term "physical edu-cation" can be used in both senses. It should also be borne in mind that the English term “physical culture” in the sense of our broad concept of “physical culture” is not in use abroad. There, depending on the specific direction of physical education activity, the words “sport”, “physical education”, “physical training”, “fitness”, etc. are used.


Slide 10

In the modern interpretation, “physical education” is a pedagogical process aimed at a person’s mastery of the values ​​of physical culture in order to form the physical culture of an individual, that is, that aspect of a person’s general culture that helps to realize his biological and spiritual potential. Physical education in unity with other types of education ensures the comprehensive development of the individual. Moreover, these aspects of the general process of education are manifested to a significant extent in the process of physical education itself, organized accordingly. The goal of physical education is achieved by solving interrelated health-improving, developmental, educational and educational tasks, such as: strengthening health and hardening the body; harmonious development of the body and physiological functions of the body; comprehensive development of physical and mental qualities; security high level efficiency and creative longevity.


Slide 11: Phenomenon: Sports

Sport is considered as an integral part of FC and provides competitive activity, as well as preparation for it. Its development is determined by the need to have an area of ​​activity in which a person could demonstrate his physical abilities at maximum levels. A person finds in sports one of the ways of self-affirmation of personality, victory over time, an opponent, over oneself. In accordance with paragraph 12 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” sport is a sphere of socio-cultural activity as a set of sports that has developed in the form of competitions and special practices of preparing a person for them. Thus, sport differs from physical exercise in that it has a mandatory competitive component; If physical education creates the initial basis for the comprehensive development of physical abilities and motor skills and forms the prerequisites for their development, then sport provides an opportunity to fully develop these skills.


Slide 12

Federal Law differentiates modern sport in 3 large categories: mass sports - part of sports aimed at physical fitness and physical development of citizens through organized and (or) independent studies, as well as participation in physical education and mass sporting events; professional sport is a part of sport aimed at organizing and conducting sports competitions, for participation in and preparation for which, as their main activity, athletes receive remuneration from the organizers of such competitions and (or) wages; sport highest achievements– a part of sports aimed at achieving high sports results by athletes at official All-Russian sports competitions and official international sports competitions.


Slide 13: Phenomenon: Physical recreation

FR refers to any forms of physical activity aimed at restoring the strength expended in the process of professional work. FR is the process of using physical exercises, games, sports in simplified forms and natural forces of nature for the purpose of active recreation, entertainment, switching to other types of activities, distraction from processes that cause physical, intellectual, mental fatigue, obtaining pleasure, enjoying physical activity. activities. At the same time, the main function of FR was recognized as the function of optimizing (supporting) the state of the human body, adapting it to the conditions of its natural existence. It was considered primarily within the framework of biomedical disciplines, since the presence of the word “physical” was traditionally associated with the human body.


Slide 14: Phenomenon: Physical rehabilitation

FR is the use of physical exercises and natural factors for therapeutic and preventive purposes in the complex process of restoring the health, physical condition and working ability of sick and disabled people. It is an integral part of medical rehabilitation and is used in all its periods and stages. FR means are: therapeutic physical culture, therapeutic massage, physiotherapy, mechanotherapy, occupational therapy, etc. The purpose of FR means, the sequence of application of its forms and methods are determined by the nature of the disease, the general condition of the patient, the period and stage of rehabilitation, and the motor mode.


Slide 15

The main goal of the DF is adaptation to work at the previous place of work or readaptation (re-adaptation), i.e. work with smaller neuropsychic and physical activity. The main objectives of FR are: functional restoration (full or compensation for insufficient or absent recovery); adaptation to Everyday life and labor; involvement in the labor process; dispensary supervision of patients. Rehabilitation will be ineffective if its fundamental principles are not followed: early initiation of rehabilitation measures. continuity of rehabilitation. complexity of rehabilitation. individuality of rehabilitation. the need for rehabilitation in a team. return of the patient to active work.


Slide 16: The active essence of physical culture in various spheres of life

The activity aspect of FC is that physical improvement occurs only as a result of optimal, purposeful physical activity of a person, which is carried out according to the laws of physical activity, i.e. according to the laws of development of strength, endurance, laws of formation of movement techniques, laws of active recreation, etc. In the course of life, a person is engaged in many types of activities that, to one degree or another, are associated with physical activity and significant physical exertion. However, not all of them can be classified as physical culture. Therefore, only motor activity associated with the mandatory performance of physical exercises can be considered the essential core of FC.


Slide 17

Unlike other types physical activity Human physical activity has a number of fundamental features: 1. Physical activity necessarily contains a motor component, which, as a rule, is predominant in it; 2. Activities in the field of physical culture are represented by the most rational forms of motor actions, which have their own specific training methods; 3. A person’s physical activity is always aimed at improving oneself in the aspect of mastering rational exercise techniques and education physical qualities, formation correct posture, health promotion, etc. Goals that lie outside the person himself, although they can exist and be solved in parallel, are not leading.


Slide 18: Physical activity

Some believe that a minimum of movement can be ensured by doing exercises and taking a walk before bed. Others, attributing this to background loads that do not change anything essentially, take daily long walking or running, general developmental and athletic gymnastics, etc. as the starting point for the required minimum movements. Thus, some Soviet and Japanese scientists believe that a day should take at least 10-15 thousand steps. L.P. Matveev recommends maintaining minimal physical activity in the daily routine of middle-aged and elderly people - at least 1 hour daily, including such forms of exercise as morning exercises, walking, jogging, etc. M.F. Grinenko and G.G. Sanoyan, the optimal physical activity for workers, consider a person’s consumption per day to be 1300-2000 kcal.


Slide 19: Physical activity

Chelyabinsk scientist A. A. Guzhalovsky, in order to discuss the problem of optimal movements, proposed to distinguish between three levels of physical activity: 1. The physical education and hygiene minimum involves daily exercise, hardening procedures and a hygienic walk before bedtime. Failure to comply with this minimum threatens human health. 2. The physical education and general training minimum includes: required condition performing the physical education and hygiene minimum, which is supplemented by a daily 30-minute exercise (for middle-aged and elderly people) active recreation with targeted use of physical exercise, outdoors if possible. 3. Physical education and sports optimum includes the first two levels and 3-6 hours (depending on age, health and physical fitness) physical education or sports activities in Week.


Slide 20: Physical education values:

The value attitude of an individual to physical culture must be considered as an integration of more particular relationships to various objects of physical culture, situations, events in the field of physical culture, that is, to objective and subjective forms of physical culture. The attitude of an individual to any specific value of physical culture will consist of the following components: axiological (how significant this value is for the individual); intellectual (what the person knows about this value); emotional (what emotions a person experiences when mastering a given value); activity (what efforts a person makes to master a given value). Physical culture values:


Slide 21


Slide 22

Physical culture of an individual is a socially determined area of ​​a person’s general culture, which is a qualitative, systematic, dynamic state, characterized by a certain level of special education, physical perfection, motivational and value orientations and socio-spiritual values ​​acquired as a result of upbringing and integrated into its physical education. -sports activities, lifestyle culture, spirituality and psychophysical health.


Slide 23


Slide 24: Basic provisions for organizing physical education at a university

The content of the physical education course program is determined by the requirements of the federal state educational standard (FSES) in the direction of bachelor's training and the Model curriculum for universities. Physics as an academic discipline is included as a mandatory section in the humanitarian component of the Federal State Educational Standard and is an important component of a student’s professional training. Physical exercise classes at a university are mandatory and are aimed not only at mastering a variety of motor actions and developing basic physical qualities, but also at forming special systematized knowledge, interests, and motivations, which contributes to the student’s need for constant physical self-improvement and self-education.


Slide 25

The goal of physical education of students is the formation of physical culture of the individual and the ability to purposefully use a variety of means of physical culture, sports and tourism to preserve and strengthen health, psychophysical training and self-preparation for future professional activities.


Slide 26

To achieve this goal, it is envisaged to solve the following educational, developmental and health-improving tasks: create conditions for understanding the role of FC in the development of the individual and preparing him for professional activity; formation of a knowledge system of scientific, biological and practical foundations of FC and a healthy lifestyle; formation of a motivational and value-based attitude towards physical fitness, attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle, physical self-improvement and self-education, needs for regular classes physical exercise and sports; mastering a system of practical skills that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, mental well-being, development and improvement of psychophysical abilities, qualities and personality traits, self-determination in physical education; ensuring general and professionally applied physical fitness, which determines the student’s psychophysical readiness for the future profession; acquiring experience in the creative use of physical culture and sports activities to achieve life and professional goals.


Slide 27

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must: Know the basics of physical culture and understand its role in human development and specialist training. Be able to use the means of physical education to improve your functional and motor capabilities, achieve personal life and professional goals. 3) Possess a system of practical skills that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, development and improvement of psychophysical abilities and qualities (with the implementation of established standards for general physical and sports-technical training).


Slide 28

Educational (academic) classes are the main form of physical education, including: theoretical, practical and control; elective practical classes (optional) and electives; individual and individual-group additional classes(consultations); independent studies on assignment and under the supervision of a teacher. In terms of professional-applied physical training, it is provided for the development of methods for composing complexes morning exercises, industrial gymnastics, individual training programs.


Slide 29

The control section provides operational (about the progress of students in completing a specific section, type of academic work), current (the degree of mastery of a section, topic) and final (test, exam) information about the quality of mastering theoretical and methodological knowledge, about the dynamics of physical development of students and their professional -applied preparedness. Students are required to pass a test in physical education, reflecting the level of their preparedness in three sections: theoretical and methodological preparedness; general physical and sports-technical preparedness; formation of professionally significant skills and abilities.


Last presentation slide: Physical culture and sports as social phenomena of society Physical

Alekseev S.V. Sports law of Russia. Legal foundations of physical culture and sports. M.: UNITY-DANA, Law and Law, 2005. Korshunova T.Yu. Development of labor legislation professional athletes// Labor law. 2006. No. 5, 6, 7. See also: Legal reference system “ConsultantPlus”. Opletin A.A. Potential possibilities of physical culture as one of the leading incentives for personal self-development // Theory and practice of physical culture. 2009. No. 5. Orlova E.V. Sport as an object of legal regulation in Russia // Sport: economics, law, management. 2006. No. 3. Your Olympic textbook: textbook. manual for educational institutions in Russia. 19th ed., revised. and additional / V.S. Rodichenko et al. M.: Physical culture and sport, 2008. [Electronic resource]. URL: (07/18/2009). [Electronic resource]. URL: [Electronic resource]. URL:

Fifth Congress of People's Deputies

On September 5, 1991, the USSR recognized the status of sovereign states as subjects of international law for the union republics.

Against the backdrop of the destruction of state and public unions

accompanied by a sharp reduction in funding for sports and, as a consequence, the departure of many talented coaches and athletes abroad, it was necessary to urgently solve a number of problems on which the continued existence depended domestic sports. First of all, it was necessary to form new state and public bodies for managing physical culture and sports in the country.

On December 8, 1991, the leaders of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in Belovezhskaya Pushcha announced the dissolution of Soviet Union. At the same time, the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was proclaimed. At the end of 1991, the liquidation of all-Union structures of state administration of the country, including the physical education movement, began.

Formation of federal structures for managing physical culture and sports

Committee for the Promotion of the Olympic Movement. The creation of a new state system for the management of physical culture and sports in the country began with the formation of the Committee for Assistance to the Olympic Movement under the Government of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin on November 28, 1991. This Committee was focused on preparing the country’s athletes for participation in the 1992 Olympic Games (Winter and Summer).

Together with him, active preparation for Olympic Games carried out by the All-Russian Olympic Committee, created on December 1, 1989.

The committee was charged with solving the most important problems related to the development and implementation of state programs for physical education of the population, training and advanced training of specialists; implementation of organizational, scientific and informational, methodological and propaganda activities related to the development of mass physical culture; management of the development of science and the implementation of scientific research in physical education and sports practice.

After the collapse of the USSR and Russia gaining the status of a sovereign state, the Russian Olympic Assembly on March 6, 1992 elected the first president of the All-Russian Olympic Committee. It was V.G. Smirnov, who was previously the president of the USSR NOC.

Since August 1992, the VOK began to be called the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC). In September of the same year, the 101st session of the IOC announced full recognition Olympic Committee Russia.

The ROC faces the following main tasks:

- comprehensive development of the Olympic movement in the country;

- promoting sports for all;

- propaganda of physical culture and sports among the people using all media;

- increase in prestige Russian sports n

international arena;

- protecting the interests of athletes, coaches, sports judges, sports veterans;

- promoting the implementation of achievements scientific and technological progress in the practice of sports organizations.

Development of physical education and sports public organizations

All sports organizations Russia, including physical culture and sports societies, actively participate in all sporting events held by the State Committee for Physical Culture and Training. The most popular of them were: “Ski Track of Russia”, All-Russian Olympic Day of Running, “Holiday of the North” in Murmansk, Sports Festival of the Peoples of the Volga Region in Yoshkar-Ola, I Siberian sport games disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders and many others.

Development of sports science

The named areas of scientific research cover five main problems:

- formation of physical culture and healthy lifestyle of a person;

- a person in extreme conditions of motor activity;

- organizational, legal, resource and information support for the sphere of physical culture, sports, tourism and the sanatorium and resort complex;

- theoretical and methodological foundations of development

And improving the system of training, advanced training and retraining of personnel;

- main problems of the sports and Olympic movement.

Sports, competitions, sports days

After the collapse of the USSR, despite economic and financial difficulties, all Olympic and many non-Olympic sports developed in Russia, largely preserving previous traditions.

The country annually hosted a significant number of sports competitions, cups and championships, sports holidays and Spartakiads.

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Every person encounters sports throughout their life. For some, this meeting occurs during their school years, for others - a little later. One way or another, we all perfectly understand the benefits that bring us sport life. But does each of us know, for example, that physical education and sports are completely different concepts? So, you can learn about all this and much more in this presentation on a sports topic.


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