Rules for the leg press in a simulator for women. Step by step technique. Leg press exercise Single leg platform press sideways

Don't think that you can neglect technique when doing exercises on machines. Here are some important reminders about common leg press problems.

Do you think the exercise machine is foolproof? Whatever the case! As with any apparatus in the gym, there is a lot that can go wrong with the platform press.

The leg press allows you to focus on simply moving the weight from point A to point B, because you don't have to balance the machine like you do. This makes it possible to work with weights that would otherwise be impossible to lift with free weights. A heavy load combined with poor technique is a sure way to injury.

Where can I screw this up? Let's look at six typical mistakes which are easy to do in this heavy exercise for legs.

1. Lower the platform too low

One of the benefits of leg presses over squats is that the machine supports your back. And although it is almost impossible to tear the thoracic spine from the back, your lower back is still vulnerable. When you lower the platform too low, it lifts your buttocks and even your lumbosacral spine. At this point, the lumbar discs are at great risk, especially if you do not have full control of the platform.

Always perform the negative phase of the movement under control and stop the platform to the point where your buttocks lift off the seat. This is where the trained eye of an experienced belayer can come in handy, who will evaluate your technique from the outside; Practice and get into the habit of stopping the platform at the right point in the range of motion.

Remember, you may be able to lower the projectile even lower, but this does not mean that you should do so.

2. Do shallow reps.

Yes, with depth you can make mistakes in both directions! If you haven't heard the saying “partial reps equal partial results,” you better remember it once and for all. Anyone can hang an impossible load on a bar or machine, but if you move the apparatus by just a couple of centimeters, and I very often see something like this, your result will tend to zero.

So-called partial repetitions do not activate everything muscle fibers. If you're only doing quarter reps or even half reps, you're not properly working the entire muscle mass.

By lowering the bar a little lower, you will engage the gluteal muscles and hamstrings to a much greater extent, especially in the negative phase. Try lowering to the point where your thighs are almost parallel to the footplate and your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.

3. Heels are not on the platform

Not every foot platform has a large surface area; When you have to work with a small platform, it is tempting to shift the emphasis to the quadriceps, dropping your heels below the edge of the platform. This is definitely not worth doing.

“When you dangle your heels over the edge of the platform, your area of ​​support is dramatically reduced, your feet are left in an unstable position, and it becomes much more difficult for you to perform controlled repetitions. Additionally, your force on the platform is much less than with full foot contact, which allows you to generate force from your heels. Finally, lifting your heels off the platform increases tangential (tangential) loads on the knee joints. Ultimately, your working weights decrease, you don't have full control above the projectile, and the pressure on the knees is much greater than usual.”

People who lift their heels off the floor at the bottom of the negative phase face similar problems. Guys and girls with this problem need to work on their flexibility and mobility. ankle joints and reposition your feet so that full contact with the platform is maintained throughout the entire range of motion.

4. Knees roll inward

This mistake is typical for girls. This increases the risk of injury, and the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is most commonly affected. As a rule, the cause is weak hip abductors, in particular the gluteus medius. Valgus knees require serious consideration and immediate action.

Here are some tips to avoid hallux valgus. knee joints during leg press (or squats):

  • Wrap your knees with elastic bands or even wear knee pads before doing leg presses. Taping the top of the knee joint creates pressure that helps people point their knees outward during movement.
  • Work on strengthening the posterior muscle chain, Special attention Focus on your gluteus medius muscles. Excellent for this purpose, and.
  • Use an abductor machine (the one you need) to work and strengthen your gluteus medius muscles.

5. Excessive rotation of feet in or out

You've probably heard that turning your feet inward or outward helps increase the load on your quadriceps or muscles. back surface, respectively. Everything is correct, but what is good in exercise machines is not always good for other exercises.

Leg extensions and leg curls are open-chain exercises, which means your feet don't rest on a stable surface. But when you perform a leg press—a closed-chain movement that involves supporting your feet—too much rotation of the foot can put undue pressure on the knee joints. For most people, it is best to place your feet shoulder-width apart and point your toes slightly outward, and subsequent changes in foot position should be minimal.

Of course, no one forbids slightly adjusting the position of the feet in order to shift the emphasis to certain thigh muscles. Low planting of the feet works the quadriceps muscles more effectively, since extension in the muscles is reduced. hip joints and knee flexion increases. A high foot position puts more stress on the gluteal muscles and hamstrings by bending the pelvis more and bending the knees less. The wide stance favored by long-legged athletes recruits the muscles of the inner thigh and buttocks; conversely, a narrow stance shifts the emphasis to the muscles of the outer surface.

6. Full knee extension

Although everyone recommends pushing each rep to near full extension, there is an invisible line between extension and “full extension” of the joint. This is very important point, because beyond this limit the pressure instantly transfers from the muscles to the joints, and when working with heavy weights this pressure can be prohibitive.

When you fully extend your knees, you have a chance to catch your breath and collect your thoughts between reps. But the muscles get a short break from the load. It turns out that this is both harmful to the joints and counterproductive in terms of muscle development.

Try stopping at the edge of full extension, or if you have had knee problems in the past, about 10 degrees before full extension, so that there is no maximum contact area between the bones.

    A platform leg press machine can be found in almost every sports club, since the leg press is great exercise aimed at working the leg muscles. It can be used both during the period of gaining muscle mass and during drying to give relief and definition to the muscles. In addition, it can significantly increase the intensity of a workout and for this reason it is successfully used both in fitness and bodybuilding, and in functional training.

    Depending on the placement of the feet on the platform and the range of motion, when doing the leg press in the machine, you can work out different muscle groups:

    • quadriceps;
    • inner and back thighs;
    • gluteal muscles.

    Of course, the bench leg press cannot completely replace heavy squats with a barbell, but it still creates very serious stress on your muscles. Subject to high-quality recovery, proper rest, periodization of loads and proper nutrition this will lead to muscle hypertrophy and growth of strength indicators in basic exercises.

    After reading this article, you will learn how to do a leg press, how you can replace this exercise, and how to use it to achieve a truly serious increase in muscle volume.

    What muscles work?

    With this exercise you can locally load any muscle group in the lower body. It should be understood that the narrower we place our legs, the more the quadriceps is involved in the work.

    Vertical press

    Besides classic bench press legs at an angle, there is also a vertical leg press. With a vertical leg press, the platform is strictly perpendicular to the athlete’s position. The movement is carried out in a fairly short amplitude. This allows the load to be isolated bottom part quadriceps (teardrop-shaped muscle), which will make the leg bulkier in the lower thigh, closer to the knee. In Russia, this exercise machine has not yet become particularly widespread, and it can only be found in premium class fitness clubs. However, nothing prevents you from doing almost the same thing in a regular Smith machine; for normal execution you only need the help of an experienced partner who will open and close the safety mechanisms.

    Horizontal press

    There is also horizontal press feet. Working in this simulator, you increase the range of motion by several centimeters. This is what makes this machine so special: you do a huge amount of work without using a huge amount of weight. Also, this version of the exercise perfectly works the lateral head of the quadriceps, making the thigh visually larger and more muscular.

    In all these variations, the abdominal muscles and spinal extensors serve as stabilizers. Without a strong lower back and core muscles, it is unlikely that you will be able to perform a technically correct leg press with a decent weight. Also, the leg press machine is excellent for working out calf muscles. The exercise technique is exactly the same as in block simulator for working on calves while standing, where the athlete rests his trapezius on the roller. There are no particular differences between these two exercises; choose the option that is more convenient for you to do.

    The benefits and harms of exercise

    Leg press in the simulator - second after classic squats with a barbell exercise for building strong and massive legs. With its help, you can perfectly develop the muscles of the legs without creating excessive axial load to the cervical and thoracic regions spine.


    Most athletes find it much easier to focus on their footwork when performing a leg press than when performing a back or shoulder squat. We all remember very well that a developed neuromuscular connection is simply necessary for muscle growth and progress in strength indicators. So, to tone your muscles and gain muscle mass, the leg press is perfect. Of course, heavy basic squats are no less important for this, and this should not be forgotten. Especially if you are a beginner and your priority is to create some kind of strength foundation in basic movements with free weights. Without this, moving on will be much more difficult. By squatting, we increase hormonal levels and set the preconditions for progress. By doing this exercise, we begin to “polish” what we established with squats.

    To give the leg muscles relief and rigidity, experienced athletes can be advised to perform the leg press in a super series with other exercises. For example, squats, lunges with a barbell and leg extensions while sitting in a machine. Such a complex load on the quadriceps will lead to a strong pump, which will allow you to have sculpted and toned legs even when the level of body fat exceeds 12-15%.

    Injury hazard

    Potentially, the machine leg press is one of the most injury-prone exercises you can do in the gym. Perhaps it can be put on a par with deadlifts and squats with a barbell. However, this issue is directly related to the technique of performing the exercise and the athlete’s excessive egocentrism.

    Many athletes perform the exercise in the following way: hang a huge weight (from 500 kg and above) and perform 3-5 repetitions with an amplitude of no more than 15 centimeters. Remember, you've probably seen this more than once. This should not be done under any circumstances. Sooner or later this approach to strength training will lead to serious injury, and you risk quitting the sport forever.

    In the leg press, the most important thing for us is the feeling of the muscles working. Working in such a low rep range, this is impossible to achieve - failure will occur faster than you achieve blood flow to the muscles. In addition, in the leg press the amplitude of movement is important to us, and these 10-15 centimeters are clearly not enough. You need to lower your legs as low as you can stretch, without lifting your tailbone from the machine.

    Crazy working weight is not needed here either. Work with a weight that you can do 10 reps or more with. If you are already experienced athlete and are able to technically perform leg presses with heavy weights, use knee wraps to minimize the risk of knee ligament injury.

    Contraindications for implementation

    There are a number of situations in which you should refuse to use the exercise during training:

    • This exercise is not recommended for athletes who have suffered injuries to the knee joints and ligaments. Working in this trajectory, and even with a lot of weight, can lead to recurrence of the injury and serious complications.
    • In addition, the leg press puts stress on lumbar region spine. Not as strong as squats and deadlift, but enough to make your problems worse. Therefore, under no circumstances should such a load be applied to athletes with hernias or protrusions in the lumbar spine.
    • With scoliosis, lordosis or kyphosis, you can perform this exercise, but very moderately, with light weights and under the constant supervision of a fitness instructor. It is recommended to use an athletic belt - this will slightly relieve the load on the lower back. However, don't tighten it too tight - we want even and unimpeded breathing during leg presses.

    The arsenal of leg exercises is quite large, so there is always something to replace the leg press. If for a number of medical reasons this particular exercise is contraindicated for you, replace it with various variations of lunges with a barbell and dumbbells, a hack squat or a Jefferson deadlift. The axial load on the lumbar spine in these exercises is much lower, and you can concentrate on high-quality pumping of the leg muscles.

    Leg press options

    There are three types of simulators for performing this exercise:

  1. at an angle;
  2. vertical;
  3. horizontal.

Angle press

The angled leg press machine is one of the most common machines in all fitness clubs in the world. During execution, the angle between the athlete’s torso and the platform is approximately 45 degrees. This allows you to work in a fairly large amplitude and use serious weight.
The other two types of leg press machines have not yet received the widespread popularity they deserve in Russian gyms. It’s a pity, because with their help you can perfectly diversify the load and force the leg muscles to work at new angles, which will lead to even greater progress.

All the beauty vertical press legs is that the vector of movement fundamentally changes. The knees do not fall towards the shoulders, but towards the stomach. Because of this, it is easier for us to focus on the work of the quadriceps, especially if we use a narrow parallel stance. It is not recommended to perform leg press variations for the buttocks or hamstrings on a vertical press machine. The slightest technical mistake will result in the tailbone being twisted and lifted upward. This position of the lower back during execution strength exercises extremely traumatic.

Horizontal trainer

The horizontal leg press machine is an even rarer beast. But damn interesting and effective. The seat and the bench press platform are in the same plane, there is almost no inclination. This significantly increases the range of motion. Some exercise machines help you add an extra 10-15 centimeters! At first it may turn out that there is no significant difference, but these additional centimeters significantly complicate the task, as new “dead spots” appear. And the working weight immediately becomes less by almost a quarter. The muscles simply begin to tear apart from the strongest pumping.

Load Variations

The load when doing the leg press can be varied and different ways foot placement.

  1. We place our feet parallel and narrowly - the leg press turns into isolated exercise for the quadriceps, the adductor muscles of the thigh and buttocks cease to participate in the movement.
  2. If we place our feet at the very bottom of the platform, we will increase the range of motion, and the quadriceps will do even more work.
  3. By turning your feet outward at 45 degrees and keeping your feet wide, the leg press will target your inner thighs, hamstrings, and glutes.
  4. When doing a leg press for the buttocks, the legs should be placed at the very top of the platform. Blood filling and burning sensation are guaranteed.

Use different options and do not forget about the principles of load periodization. Then you will get proportionally developed and aesthetic leg muscles.

Exercise technique

Regardless of which variant of the exercise you perform, the basic principles and technique of performing the exercise are always the same, so we will tell you the rules common to all variants on how to do the leg press:

  1. We are located in the leg press machine. The back should be completely pressed, especially in the lumbar region.
  2. We place our feet at the desired angle. . We raise the platform until the knees are fully extended and open the safety mechanism. We firmly hold the handles on the sides of the machine with our hands.
  3. Inhaling, we smoothly lower the platform down. The entire weight rests on the heels, we try not to transfer the center of gravity to the front of the foot, otherwise you will immediately lose control of the movement. The negative phase of the movement is very important both for working the muscles and for avoiding injury. It is very important to monitor the position of the knee when lowering the platform down: under no circumstances should it turn inward.
  4. We lower the platform as deep as possible. Of course, within reasonable limits, there should be no pain or discomfort. The lower back should also not come off the machine at the lowest point.
  5. Without pausing at the bottom point, we begin to squeeze the platform up. At the same time, we exhale sharply. It is not necessary to raise the platform completely; it is better not to complete the movement by about five centimeters. This way the muscles will have no time to rest, and the effectiveness of the approach will increase. In addition, fully straightening your knees at the top, and even when working with heavy weight, can be very dangerous. There are times when the legs simply cannot stand it and bend in the opposite direction. Extremely rare, but they do happen. The platform then falls directly on the athlete.

Crossfit training complexes

Below is a small list of functional complexes, the central place of which is given to our exercise today. It is used mainly to further increase the intensity training process. Agree, the leg press is not an easy exercise in itself. And performing it in conjunction with other movements, and even without rest, is a serious test for strong in body and the spirit of athletes.

Leg press refers to basic exercises, since it involves several muscle groups. First of all, these are the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. The design of the simulator allows movement along a given trajectory. This makes the exercise suitable for beginners. In addition, when performing bench presses in the simulator, there is no axial load on the spine. This makes it suitable even for people with back problems where squats are prohibited.


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Working muscles

When performing a bench press, the muscles of the front (quadriceps) and back (femoral biceps) surfaces of the legs, as well as the buttocks, work.

This exercise is performed in a special simulator. It consists of a backrest and a platform, which is located at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor. Pancakes are used as weights.

Leg press machine

The press is similar to a squat because the legs are bent at the knees. The same muscles are involved in the work, but in the simulator the trajectory of movement is set, and the upper body is fixed. This allows you to do the exercise even for people with back problems, when squats are prohibited due to the axial load on the spine.

In addition, in the bench press you can lift much more weight and build muscle faster. But it is worth saying that squats contribute to a stronger release of testosterone, which is responsible for the growth of muscle mass. In addition, they strengthen the core muscles, developing the entire body.

Depending on the technique of performing the leg press, you can use the quadriceps or glutes to a greater extent. Girls usually want to pump up their butt without increasing their hips. Therefore, they are advised to use a wide stance.

Technique with emphasis on the buttocks

The vector of load on certain muscles in the bench press will depend on the placement of the feet on the platform of the simulator.

If you place them high and wide apart, the emphasis will shift to the buttocks, inner and back surface of the thigh. Narrow staging with the low position of the legs on the platform promotes the development of quadriceps.

Ways to place your feet on the platform

For women, the first option is preferable. The execution technique in this case will have its own characteristics. First you need to adjust the machine correctly. Depending on the model, you can move the bench or platform (or both). The main thing is that the legs in the starting position reach the platform and remain slightly bent at the knees.

Further actions:

  1. 1. You need to hang the desired weight and lie down on the machine bench. The lower back should be pressed tightly against the back.
  2. 2. Feet should be placed on the platform as high as possible. Tall people It may be necessary to leave only the heels on it. The feet need to be spread wide so that they are at the edges. You need to hold the stoppers that block the platform with your hands.
  3. 3. Having taken this position, you need to slightly squeeze the platform at the top and turn the stoppers with your palms, removing the lock. Your legs should remain slightly bent at the knees. You need to hold on to the side handles with your hands, pressing yourself tightly to the machine bench.
  4. 4. After this, you should lower the platform slowly and under control, bending your legs. It is very important to ensure that your knees do not bend inward. Otherwise, the load will move from the target muscles to the knee joints.
  5. 5. Under no circumstances should you drop the weight suddenly. The platform needs to be lowered quite deeply, which allows you to wide stance. The end point will be when your lower back begins to lift off the bench. This should not be allowed.
  6. 6. As you exhale, you need to powerfully squeeze the platform, resting your entire foot on it. If you press only with your toes, the entire load will go to the quadriceps. At the top, you do not need to fully extend your knees, as this is harmful to the knee joints.

Leg press with emphasis on the buttocks

After completing the approach, you need to turn the stoppers with your hands, blocking the platform.

Throughout the entire exercise, your feet should rest firmly on the platform. If they slip, the weight will fall on the athlete, causing injury. To prevent this from happening, you should not take too much weight.

Sets and reps

The number of sets and repetitions will vary for different people. If the goal is to gain muscle mass and enlarge the buttocks, you need to do 3 sets of 8-10 times.

In this case, the weight should be such that the last repetitions are difficult. But this should not affect the correct execution technique.

If you need to burn excess fat and strengthen your muscles, you should perform the exercise in 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

The press should be done during leg training after squats or instead of them if there are appropriate contraindications. Such classes should be carried out 1-2 times a week. Breaks are necessary for muscle recovery.

Types of leg press

In addition to the presented embodiment, there are other types of leg press.

With their help, you can diversify your training program and better feel the target muscles.

One leg

An effective exercise for working the gluteal muscles and hamstrings is the one-leg press. It is performed in the same simulator.

The difference with the standard version will be that you only need to put one foot on the platform. The second should be left on the floor. When lowering the platform, it is important to ensure that it does not touch the knee of the standing leg.

In this exercise, you do not need to place your foot on the very edge of the platform. The foot should stand high, but closer to the middle than in the classic version.

Single leg press

In addition, you will have to install less weight. The rest of the execution technique will be similar.

This exercise is not aimed at increasing muscles, but at working them out in detail. In addition, with its help you can get rid of imbalances in the development of the legs.

With rubber band

Many girls complain that even when performing leg presses with the technique described above, they feel more in their quadriceps than in their buttocks. In this case, in order not to swing your hips, you can use rubber band for fitness. This option will allow you to direct the load on the gluteal muscles.

The tape should be worn above the knees. When lowering the platform and spreading the knees, the muscles will have to overcome additional resistance. But in this case you will have to make sure that they do not move inward.

Leg press with rubber band

With this embodiment, the gluteus medius muscles receive the greatest load. Their development is very important as they make the butt round at the back, helping to get rid of the dimples on the sides.

On the street trainer

If you can’t go to the gym, you can replace a regular exercise machine with an outdoor one. It can be installed on sports grounds near residential buildings or in public stadiums.

Unlike a standard simulator, there is no moving platform. The feet are placed on special supports from which you need to push off, straightening your legs. As a result of the push, the seat of the exercise machine moves back.

Leg press in a street machine

The movement should be smooth, without jerking. To protect your joints, do not fully extend your knees.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with perestroika hormonal levels and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that fat girls they call it “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make these sizes.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Target Muscles: Glutes
Equipment: simulator

- First of all, make sure that the leg press machine is on a flat, horizontal surface.
- Wear shoes with non-slip soles.
- Sit in the machine sideways exactly in the center. Place one foot on the foot platform facing the middle of it. Place your other leg on the floor. Find a heel position and a toe angle (by the way, it can even be zero) that will be most comfortable and natural for you. The positioning you use should help you move your knee in the same plane as your foot. Never, ever bring your knee inward.
- Find the depth of the press at which your lower back begins to round. If the machine is adjustable, then adjust it so that you simply cannot lower the platform below a level that is 2-5 cm above the point at which your lower back begins to round. This is provided that such an angle of flexion of the leg does not lead to discomfort in your knee. If the machine is not adjustable, find (and mark with a marker) the depth to which you can safely lower the platform. It’s better to install some kind of limiter in this position that will not allow you to lower the platform below this safe point.
Performing a leg press.
Remove the exercise machine from the “holders”, lower your leg, bending it at the knee 90 degrees. Then we raise the leg almost to the end. Try not to lower your leg very low (stress on the joints). Breathing: inhale - lower your legs, exhale - raise your legs.
- If you move the platform over too large an amplitude, your torso will come off the back of the machine seat.
- Keep your head still. If the seat has a special head support and you feel comfortable using it, then rest your head against it. Never turn your head to the side while performing a set. To ensure the immobility and stability of the body, firmly hold the handles of the exercise machine with your hands.
- Never straighten your leg abruptly. On the contrary, before the knees straighten, you must always slightly slow down the speed of leg extension. Also, never try to extend your knees further than they are capable of. It is better to stop the movement slightly before reaching the point where your leg is completely straightened.
- You must always maintain control of the platform while lowering it. It should take you at least two seconds to lower the platform.
- Having reached your maximum safe depth, without relaxing your muscles, immediately begin to squeeze the platform up. But never try to do a kicking leg press! Additionally, you can do leg presses from the bottom position (which is your safe depth), i.e. Each repetition begins from a stationary position at the bottom.

Random Exercise

Random program

The one-leg incline press is performed in a machine, it is aimed at working the hamstrings and buttocks. The platform press is ideal for training the hamstrings, quadriceps muscles (i.e. quadriceps), and the large gluteal muscle. The advantage of this movement is that it is not contraindicated for lower back problems.

Main working muscle groups: quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes.

Accessory muscle group: calf muscles.

Incline press with one leg in the simulator - technique

You can vary the placement of your foot on the platform, thereby emphasizing the load on one or another muscle group. Thus, you will be able to comprehensively work out the muscles of the buttocks and legs in one workout.

The leg press machine allows you to completely remove the load from the lower back, redirecting it to the buttocks and, in fact, the legs. The exercise is not one of the simplest and requires certain skills and athletic training.

Beginners are advised to start mastering it with minimal weights and a small number of repetitions. In addition to detailed muscle development, the single leg press allows you to improve performance in many sports disciplines.

The explosive strength of the knee extensors is important not only in strength sports, but also in all types of running, sports games and skiing. The main thing when working with weights is safety.

For this reason, always train with a harness. If you are a beginner athlete, do not refuse the help of a coach or training partner. Let them be nearby and help you if necessary. You should also pay attention to equipment.

You need comfortable clothing and comfortable shoes with non-slip soles. To perform a single leg press, position yourself correct position in the simulator.

1. To do this, adjust it in accordance with your height and physique, install the desired weight. Bend your back approximately 45 degrees and take a position. Make sure your back and buttocks are pressed firmly into the seat. Place one foot on the platform and the other on the floor. Now you can proceed to the exercise.

2. Slightly lift the platform with your foot and remove the fixing supports.

3. Bend your working leg at the knee, thereby lowering the platform as far as possible. Make sure your knee goes towards your chest and not to the side.

4. When the platform is in low points amplitude, exhale and perform the press with one powerful effort. Don't straighten your legs all the way. This puts more pressure on your knees and can cause injury. Push down on the platform with your entire foot, pressing into your heels, this will also help protect your knees.

5. Perform all repetitions with one leg. After this, change your legs, having previously fixed the weight on the machine.

If you master the basic technique of pressing, bring the exercise to perfection:

  • The load on your quadriceps will increase if you place your foot in the middle of the platform or slightly lower. If you want to shift the emphasis to the muscles of the buttocks, place your foot on top part platforms.
  • It's best to do the leg press at the end of your glutes and thighs workout. This will be more effective because the muscles are warmed up as much as possible, and therefore respond better to the load.
  • Try to work until failure, that is, until you lose muscle control. The single leg press allows you to maximally work the muscles of the buttocks and thighs.
  • By moving your leg along the platform, you can change the emphasis of the load, achieving a comprehensive workout of all muscle groups of the legs. The first results will be noticeable within 1.5 - 2 months after the start of training.
  • The relief of your legs will improve, and strength indicators will increase. Along with the bench press, you can do squats, lunges and other exercises for the legs and buttocks.
  • For achievement best results Systematize your meals, ensure yourself proper rest after each lesson and quality sleep.