Rules for holding a kettlebell lifting competition. Technical rules for kettlebell lifting. Terminology in kettlebell lifting

The rules were approved by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated December 23, 2014


A.1 Nature and program of competitions

A.1.1 The nature and program of the competition is determined by the Regulations on the competition.

A.1.2 The competition program includes exercises with weights 16, 24, 32:
- push;
- long cycle push;
- jerk;
- double event (“jerk” and “snatch”), the first exercise is the “jerk”;

A.1.3 The winner in sports disciplines is the athlete who shows the best technical result;

A.1.4 Points in the double event are awarded: 1 push - 1 point, 1 snatch - 0.5 points.

A.1.5 An athlete participating in the double event who received 0 points in the clean and jerk is not allowed to participate in the snatch.

A.1.6 When determining the winner for women in the snatch exercise, the number of lifts performed with the left and right hands is summed up.

A.1.7 If two or more participants have the same number of lifts, the advantage goes to:
- a participant who has less body weight before the performance;
- a participant who has a lower body weight after the performance in the case when before the performance the weight of the opponents was the same;
- a participant who acts ahead of the opponent in the draw.

A.2 Competition participants

A.2.1 Age groups.
Depending on age, participants are divided into the following groups:
- boys and girls 14 - 16 years old - junior boys;
- boys and girls 17 - 18 years old - older boys;
- juniors and juniors 19 - 22 years old;
- men and women over 22 years of age.

A.2.2 The participant's age is determined by the year of birth (as of January 1 of the current year).

A.2.3 Athletes younger age may be allowed to compete at a higher level age group, if the athlete has the appropriate sports classification, special permission from the doctor and the organization conducting the competition.

Junior boysSenior boysMen, juniorsYounger girlsOlder girlsWomen, juniors
up to 48kgup to 58kgup to 63kgup to 48kgup to 53kgup to 58kg
up to 53kgup to 63kgup to 68kgup to 53kgup to 58kgup to 63kg
up to 58kgup to 68kgup to 73kgup to 58kgup to 63kgup to 68kg
up to 63kgup to 73kgup to 78kgover 58kgover 63kgover 68kg
up to 68kgup to 78kgup to 85kg- - -
up to 73kgup to 85kgup to 95kg- - -
over 73kgover 85kgover 95kg- - -

A.2.4 A participant has the right to compete in only one weight category.
Note: The competition program may include sports disciplines that are not included in the state register, the results of which are considered unofficial (relay races, weights of more different weights).

A.3 Admission of athletes to competitions

A.3.1 Admission Commission ( credentials committee). Admission of athletes to competitions is carried out by a commission consisting of the following: Chief Judge, Deputy Chief Judge, Chief Secretary, competition doctor, representative of the organization conducting the competition.

A.3.2 Document requirements. Documents required for submission to the competition credentials committee and mandatory for all athletes taking part in competitions:

A.3.3 A document identifying the athlete and confirming his (her) citizenship is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. To verify citizenship, registration and date of birth for boys and girls under 14 years of age - a birth certificate, a certificate from the place of study with a photo, certified by the seal of the educational institution, or a certificate from the place of residence, certified by the seal of the Housing Office. In accordance with the rules, on the territory of Russia, every athlete participating in official sports competitions must have an athlete's classification book.

A.3.4 The classification book is presented to verify the athlete’s affiliation with the FSO and the department and confirm sports qualification.

A.3.5 Applications for participation in competitions, the order of their submission and form are determined by the regulations on competitions.

A.3.6 An application for participation in Russian competitions is submitted to verify that athletes have undergone medical examination, their affiliation with the FSO and department, sports qualifications, and is certified by a medical and physical education clinic, the head of regional executive authorities in the field of physical culture and sports and the regional branch of the All-Russian Federation. The application remains with the organization conducting the competition.

A.3.7 Compulsory health insurance policy (in case of hospitalization). Accident insurance policy. (With the exception of military personnel and employees of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs).

A.3.8 Electronic registration system for Russian competitions. It is allowed to pass the credentials commission in the following order:
- Send to the hosting organization and the Executive Committee of the All-Russian Federation a copy of the team’s application with a stamp and signature;
- Send participant cards electronically;
- Pay the entry fee by transfer to the VFGS bank account;
- Bring the original application to the competition and submit it to the secretariat.

A.3.9 Any participant in competitions held on the territory of the Russian Federation (with the exception of international tournaments) must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. In some cases, an athlete may be admitted with a temporary residence permit or residence permit of the Russian Federation, which is determined by the regulations on competitions. Admission to competitions of foreign athletes is determined by the Regulations, with the written permission of the All-Russian Kettlebell Lifting Federation.

A.3.10 An athlete may change his territorial affiliation and/or sports society/department and act as a representative of another territory and/or sports society/department, subject to the official permission of the transition commission of the All-Russian Federation, which is recorded in the athlete’s classification book.

A.3.11 Parallel scoring of results, change of territorial and departmental affiliation is determined by the Regulations of the Commission on Transitions of the All-Russian Federation.

A.3.12 In all disputes arising during championships and championships of Russia, other official All-Russian competitions, the final decision remains with the All-Russian Federation.

A.4 Medical control

A.4.1 By decision of the competition doctor, the athlete may be removed from the competition for medical reasons, for which a report is drawn up. The doctor’s conclusion is drawn up in writing and submitted to the Chief Secretary.

A.4.2 Doping - control. At any official all-Russian competitions, doping control may be carried out.

A.5 Weighing

A.5.1 Weighing of participants is carried out on the eve of the competition, in accordance with the Regulations and approved regulations of the organizers.

A.5.2 Weighing is carried out in a specially designated room. The scales must be checked on the eve of the competition, and a report has been drawn up. Members of the main team are allowed to be present during the weigh-in. panel of judges, the judges assigned to the weigh-in and one official representative from the team whose participant is undergoing the weigh-in procedure.

A.5.3 The athlete’s weight must not exceed the maximum allowable and be below the minimum limit established for the corresponding weight category.

A.5.4 Participants weigh themselves naked or wearing swimming trunks or cycling shorts. Women can weigh themselves in swimming trunks and a bra. If an athlete’s weight exceeds the boundaries of the weight category, he is given the right to be weighed again, within the framework of the time regulations allotted for weighing.

A.6 Order of performance of athletes

A.6.1 Taking into account the preliminary competitions and the technical results of the participants, the panel of judges forms a group of athletes (group “A”), in each weight category, which performs in the final part of the competition.

A.6.2 The remaining participants are determined by lot into group “B”, distributed among the streams and begin the competition first.

A.7 Rules for performing exercises. General provisions.

A.7.1 2 minutes before the start of the exercise, the participant is invited to prepare the weights for the clean and jerk and snatch. To prepare weights for a long cycle, the participant is invited 3 minutes before the start. 5 seconds before the start, the control time is counted: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 sec. and the “Start” command is given, after which the participant is obliged to begin the exercise.

A.7.2 A participant who is late for the performance will not be allowed to compete.

A.7.3 When lifting the weight(s) off the platform before the “Start” command, the judge gives the “Stop” command, after which the participant must place the weight(s) on the platform and begin performing the exercise again, after the “Start” command, taking into account the current time.

A.7.4 The participant is given 10 minutes to complete the exercise. The informant judge announces the control time after each minute. After 9 minutes, the control time is announced after 30, 50 seconds, and the last 5 seconds - every second, after which the “Stop” command is given and further ascents are not counted.

A.7.5 The athlete's rest time between the clean and jerk must be at least 30 minutes.

A.7.5 If the rules for lifting a weight are violated, the judge on the platform gives the commands “Don’t count”, “Stop”, “Shift”.

A.7.6 If the participant leaves the platform, the “Stop” command is given and the exercise is stopped.

A.7.7 The “Stop” command is given for the technical unpreparedness of the participant (multiple violations of the rules).


A.7.8 The push is performed from the starting (starting) position before the next lift. In this case, the weights are fixed at chest level in a position where the shoulders are pressed to the body and the legs are straightened.

A.7.9 After lifting the weights, at the moment of fixing the weights above the head, the torso, legs and arms must be straightened, the participant must be facing the judge on the platform, in the frontal plane.

A.7.10 The “Stop” command is given:
- for stopping the weights on the shoulders;
-when lowering the weight(s) from the chest to a hanging position or onto the platform.

- when lifting weights with a break in movement, the presence of an element of “pressure”.
- in the absence of fixation of the starting position before the next lifting of weights, as well as the absence of fixation of the completed lifting of weights above the head (visible stop of the movement of all parts of the body and weights).
- when changing the position of the arms (separation of the shoulders from the body) during the squat.

DC push (long cycle)

A.7.12 Performed according to the same rules as the push.

A.7.13 When lowering the weights down, you are allowed to make one backswing, carrying them between your legs or through the sides.

A.7.14 It is prohibited to stop the weights in the hanging position. In this case, the “Stop” command is given.


A.7.15 The exercise is performed in one step. The participant, having completed a preliminary swing of the weight between his legs, must lift the weight up with a continuous movement and fix it on his straight arm. After lifting the weight up, at the moment of fixation, the legs and torso should be straightened and motionless, the free hand should be stopped. Bending and twisting of the body, bending in hip joint at the moment of fixing the weight. After fixation, the participant, without touching the body with the weight, lowers it down to swing and perform the next lift.

A.7.16 Changing hands is done once, at the bottom.

A.7.17 One additional swing is allowed during the start and during the change of hands (interception).

A.7.18 The “Stop” command is given:
- when the weight stops on the shoulder or platform, when performing the second swing on the second hand;
-If the “Transfer” command is not executed.

A.7.19 The “Do not count” command is given:
- when “pressing” the weights;
- in the absence of fixation of lifting the weight above the head (visible stoppage of movement of all parts of the body and weight);
- when touching with your free hand any part of the body, weights or platform;

A.7.20 The “Shift” command is given when performing the second swing on the first hand.

A.8 Filing a protest

A.8.1 The protest must be drawn up by a team representative in writing and submitted to the Chief Referee of the competition according to the paragraph of the Rules or Regulations that, in his opinion, have been violated.

A.8.2 The procedure and conditions for filing a protest are carried out in accordance with the Competition Regulations approved by the organizer.

A.8.3 The chief judge of the competition has the right to accept or reject the protest. At official all-Russian competitions, the protest is considered by the commission consisting of the following: Chief Judge or Deputy Chief Judge, Jury of Appeal. At other competitions, the Chief Judge makes a decision on the protest alone.

A.8.4 A protest against the decision of the judge on the platform is considered immediately after the completion of the current weight category of a given competition program, before the next shift. The competition, in this case, is suspended to deal with the protest.

A.8.5 At all official all-Russian competitions, when considering a protest, a video recording of the athletes’ performance must be used.

A.8.6 A protest against the results should be submitted after the end of the athletes’ performance before the next shift leaves. In case of a protest against the decision of the judges in group “A”, the award ceremony is postponed until the result of the consideration of the protest is announced.

A.8.7 If the protest is upheld, the result is announced by the decision of the Main Jury. It is considered final and is not subject to revision. The final decision based on the results of the consideration of the protest is brought to the attention of the team leaders.


B.1. Judicial panel

B.1.1 The panel of judges is staffed by the organization conducting the competition.

B.1.2 The panel of judges includes: the chief judge, the chief secretary, judges on the platform, the secretary, the secretary on the duplicate protocol, the informant judge, the judge for the participants, the technical inspector, the doctor and the competition commandant.

B.1.3 When holding competitions with more than 50 participants, the number of judges increases. The composition of the panel of judges for different numbers of participants and number of competition days is indicated in Appendix No. 1

B.1.4 Rights and responsibilities of a sports referee kettlebell lifting determined by the Regulations approved by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. Extract from the Regulations:
21. The sports judge has the right:
a) in accordance with his qualifications, judicial specialization and category, judge competitions, wear a judge’s badge, as well as a judge’s emblem;
b) conduct seminars and briefings on behalf of kettlebell lifting federations (with the exception of third category judges");
22. The sports judge is obliged:
a) ensure compliance with the rules of kettlebell lifting competitions and the regulations (regulations) on sports competitions;
b) know the rules of kettlebell lifting competitions, comply with their requirements, master the judging methodology and correctly apply it in practice;
c) carry out refereeing in a qualified and impartial manner, excluding errors that may lead to distortion of the results of the competition, objectively and timely resolve issues arising during the competition;
d) be correct, polite and friendly towards all competition participants and spectators, contribute to the holding of competitions at a qualified level;
e) combat manifestations of rudeness, indiscipline, violations of the rules of the sport and behavior on the part of participants, coaches, and representatives;
f) improve the level of sports refereeing qualifications, transfer knowledge and experience to other referees, work to promote sports, and have regular practice of refereeing sports competitions at various levels;
g) perform sports refereeing duties in a neat referee uniform established by the Rules.

B.1.5 The judges must have a uniform uniform: a dark blue jacket, black trousers, a white shirt and a burgundy tie with the WFGS logo.

B.1.6 For economic support, the organization holding the competition places a competition commandant at the disposal of the main panel of judges.

B.1.7 Main panel of judges. The main panel of judges includes the chief judge, the chief secretary and their deputies.

B.1.8 An appeal jury of 3 or 5 people is formed from the most qualified judges, headed by the chief judge.

B.1.9 Jury of Appeal:
- monitors compliance with the rules and regulations of competitions - accepts applications, protests, makes decisions on them;
- cancels the decision of the referee in the event of a clear violation of the competition rules;
- removes from work judges who have committed serious mistakes;
- removes participants from the competition for technical unpreparedness;
- All decisions of the jury are made by a majority vote.

B.1.10 The chief judge and his deputy. The chief judge manages the work of the panel of judges and is responsible to the organization hosting the competition for the smooth conduct, discipline, safety and creation of equal conditions for all participants.

B.1.11 The chief judge is obliged:
- before the start of the competition, conduct a briefing seminar, a meeting of the panel of judges and a meeting with team representatives;
- check the competition venues, their equipment, compliance with competition rules and safety requirements;
- determine the work procedure of the panel of judges and teams of judges;
- manage the course of the competition and resolve emerging issues;
- ensure control over the work of judges;
- accept received applications and protests for discussion by the jury, make decisions on them;
- submit, in a timely manner, to the organization conducting the competition, reporting documentation on the competition;
- appoint and conduct meetings of the panel of judges during the competition.

B.1.12 The deputy chief judge is guided by the instructions of the chief judge, and in the absence of the latter, performs his duties.

B.1.13 Chief Secretary:
- prepares the necessary technical documentation and is responsible for the correctness of its execution;
- draws up minutes of meetings of the panel of judges, orders and decisions of the chief judge;
- with the permission of the chief judge, gives information about the competition to the informant judge, team leaders and correspondents;
- draws up acts on the establishment of records;
- processes all competition documentation;
- provides the chief judge with materials for the report;
- keeps records and records decisions on protests, comments and suggestions.

B.1.14 Judge on the platform:
- loudly and clearly announces the count of correctly performed lifts;
- records technically incorrectly performed lifts with the command “do not count”;
- gives the commands “stop” and “transfer”, announces the final result of the participant.

B.1.15 Competition secretary:
- fills out the participants’ cards at the weigh-in and the competition protocol;
- calls the participants to the platform in order of priority by a certain draw.

B.1.16 Judge-informant announces decisions (orders) of the chief judge, transmits current information of the Organizing Committee to participants and spectators.

B.1.17 Judge in front of the participants:
- prepares participants to go on the platform;
- checks the uniform and aids permitted by the competition rules;
- leads the participants to the performance.

B.1.18 The judge for the participants is an intermediary between the participant and the main panel of judges in case of questions, conflicts and unforeseen situations.

B.1.19 Technical inspector:
- before the start of the competition, together with the commandant, checks the availability of inventory and equipment, the weight of weights, the operation of scales, office equipment, and a radio unit;
- during the competition, monitors their serviceability;
- controls order in the competition area, warm-up room, locker rooms and shower rooms;
- ensures safety and order during the competition.

B.1.20 The technical inspector gives instructions to the competition commandant to eliminate identified deficiencies in the competition process. In an emergency, takes emergency measures to evacuate participants and spectators from the danger zone, and reports the incident to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

B.1.21 Competition doctor is a member of the main panel of judges as a deputy chief judge for medical matters.

B.1.22 Competition doctor:
- checks the presence of a doctor’s visa and stamp in the application for admission of participants to the competition;
- carries out medical supervision of participants during weigh-ins and during the competition;
- monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions during competitions, places of residence and food for participants;
- provides medical assistance in case of injuries or illnesses of the participant, determines the possibility of his further performance;
- makes a decision to remove a participant from the competition for medical reasons, gives a written opinion on the reason for his withdrawal;
- at the end of the competition, submits a report on medical and sanitary care to the chief judge.

B.1.23 Competition Commander:
- is responsible for the timely preparation of inventory and equipment, competition venues, warm-up halls, locker rooms and shower rooms, athletes’ recreation areas, rooms for judges, representatives, and the press;
- provides ceremony grand opening and closing of the competition technical means and paraphernalia;
- carries out the instructions of the chief judge, technical inspector and representative of the organization conducting the competition in matters of technical support of the competition.

B.2 Rights and obligations of participants

B.2.1 The participant has the right to contact the main panel of judges only through a team representative or a judge in front of the participants.

B.2.2 The participant is given time (2 minutes) to prepare the weights in the place designated for this purpose.

B.2.3 The participant uses only those weights whose numbers correspond to the number of the platform to which he is called.

B.2.4 When preparing weights and hands, only magnesium is allowed.

B.2.5 The participant has the right to be a representative of an enterprise or firm in advertising its products. He must notify the main panel of judges about this in writing and obtain permission.

B.2.6 The participant must know the rules and regulations of the competition and strictly follow them.

B.2.7 The participant must maintain discipline, be correct and polite towards other participants, judges and spectators.

B.2.8 The participant must wear clean, neat clothing.

B.2.9 A participant arriving at the competition must have a medical insurance policy and a document proving his identity.

B.2.10 The participant is obliged to go to the performance, participate in the opening and closing parade of the competition, and the award procedure.

B.2.11 The participant is prohibited from using any device that makes lifting the weight easier.

B.2.12 The participant is prohibited from talking while lifting weights.

B.2.13 The participant is prohibited from throwing weights onto the platform.

B.2.14 A participant who violates clauses B.2.6 - B.2.13 is given a remark or warning. By decision of the main panel of judges, he may be removed from the competition.

B.3 Representatives, coaches and team captains

B.3.1 Each team participating in the competition must have its own representative.

B.3.2 The representative is responsible for the discipline of his team members and their attendance at competitions.

B.3.3 The representative must be well aware of the rules of the competition and the regulations on the competitions being held.

B.3.4 The representative is present during the weigh-in of his team members and the drawing of lots, as well as at the meeting of the main panel of judges with representatives.

B.3.5 Representatives and coaches are prohibited from being in the competition area while the participants are performing. Special places are reserved for them.

B.3.6 Representatives and coaches are prohibited from interfering with the orders of the judges and those conducting the competition. A representative has the right to submit a statement or protest to the main panel of judges regarding a violation of the Rules that directly or indirectly affects members of his team.

B.3.7 If the team does not have its own representative, his duties are performed by the coach or team captain, as indicated in the application when passing the credentials committee.

B.3.8 A team representative who violates clauses B.3.1 - B.3.6 of these rules will be subject to the penalties specified in clause B.2.14.


B.1 Platform, scales

B.1.1 All kettlebell lifts in competition lifts must be performed on the competition platform. Competitions are held on six platforms measuring at least 1.5 x 1.5 m. The distance between platforms must ensure safety and not interfere with the competitive process of participants in the same stream. The platform should not rise more than 10 cm from the stage or floor. The surface of the platform must be flat, hard and horizontal.

B.1.2 Scales used to weigh athletes must be electronic, digital and display weight to two decimal places. They must have a measurement limit of at least 180 kg. The scales must have a certificate (certificate) with a verification date within one year before the date of the competition.

B.2 Technical characteristics of weights

B.2.1 The weight of the weights should not deviate by more than 100 grams.

B.2.2 On All-Russian competitions Kettlebells with a certificate from the All-Russian Federation must be used.

B.2.3 Competition weights must have digital markings corresponding to the numbers of the platforms on which the participants perform.

B.3 Referee electronic equipment and video recording

B.3.1 At All-Russian sports competitions, electronic referee equipment must be used to count the weights lifted and control the time of the exercise with a second-by-second countdown from 10 minutes to 0 seconds.

B.3.2 In order to objectively control the quality of recording the lifting of weights, video recording of the performance of athletes of all streams should be used at All-Russian sports competitions.

B.4 Places for training athletes

B.4.1 To prepare for competitions, participants must be provided with a warm-up room that meets the following requirements:
- the presence of an appropriate number of platforms, weights of different weights, magnesium and other means of preparation;
- a place for rest and recovery of participants;
- backup protocol and radio communications;
- installation of video images (at all-Russian competitions).

B.4.2 Locker rooms, toilets and showers, and a medical office must be prepared for participants. For the judiciary - rooms for the secretariat, meetings of judges and representatives.

B.4.3 Before the start of the competition, an act is drawn up and signed by representatives of the organization conducting the competition and the owner sports base on the availability of equipment and inventory that complies with the rules of the competition and the safety measures taken for participants and spectators.

B.5 Competition clothing for athletes

B.5.1 Athletes' clothing includes sports shoes (weightlifting shoes), cycling shorts, weightlifting tights, a T-shirt or tank top. The uniform should not cover the elbows and knee joints participant:
- it is allowed to use a weightlifting belt no more than 12 cm wide and no more than 0.8 cm thick; the belt must not have additional soft padding, fastenings or supports made of any other material outside or inside the belt
- it is allowed to use knee pads, a bandage and elastic bandages no longer than 1.5 m;
- the width of the bandage on the wrist is no more than 12 cm, on the knees – no more than 25 cm.

B.5.2 It is allowed to perform only in sports shoes (weightlifting boots or sneakers).

B.5.3 The uniform can be of any color, plain or multi-colored; a distinctive sign, emblem, or federation (association) can be applied to the suit. The athlete's name can be printed on a suit or any other piece of personal equipment.

B.6 Dress code for officials

B.6.1 Judges must have a uniform uniform - a dark blue jacket and black trousers, and distinctive judicial insignia in accordance with their position and qualifications.

B.6.2 The dress code, depending on climatic and other conditions, is determined by the Chief Judge of the competition.

Terminology in kettlebell lifting:

1. Jerk (classic)- lifting two weights from the chest over the head, followed by lowering to the chest after each lift.

2. Long cycle push (LC)– lifting two weights from the chest over the head and then lowering them down (in two steps), first to the chest and then to a hanging position, after each lift.

3. Jerk– lifting one weight with a swing over your head, on a straight arm, followed by lowering the weight to a hanging position after each lift.

4. Biathlon - competitive discipline in kettlebell lifting, consisting of two types of exercises: “push” and “snatch”.

5. Fixation– complete stop of the weights (weights) and all parts of the athlete’s body in the starting position (except for the snatch) and the final part of each lift.

6. Flow– another change of participants called to the platform to perform.

7. Final group– a group of athletes who have the best technical result in preliminary competitions, formed by a panel of judges in each weight category.

8. Starting position– the main stance (position of all parts of the body) of the participant and the position of the weights (weights) before starting the exercise.

9. Kettlebellsports equipment, with which the participant performs the exercise.

10. Platform– the platform on which the participant performs the exercise.

11. Competition zone– the place where the participants perform, the weights are prepared, the panel of judges and the jury of appeal are located.

12. Referee signaling– electronic referee equipment for keeping count of weight lifting and timekeeping.

13. “We’ll put the pressure on”- lack of lifting to a straightened arm(s).

14. Shoulder Stop– placing weights to rest on shoulder joints.

15. "Stop"- stopping an athlete in case of a gross violation of the competition rules.

17. Countdown of control time– countdown of time (in seconds) until the stopwatch starts and the weights begin to be lifted.



A sport in which athletes perform vertical lifting of weights for a while. Lifting weights requires strength, endurance and special exercise technique. There are the following disciplines for men and one for women: Men participate in classic combined events and long cycle clean and jerk. The double event consists of two exercises: a standing push of two kettlebells with both hands from the chest and a standing snatch of one kettlebell with each hand. In the snatch exercise, one change of hands is allowed without placing the weight on the platform. After the athletes have completed their performances in two exercises, the judges count the points in the total of the entire double event. The “long cycle push” exercise differs from a regular push in that the athlete, after lifting two weights with both hands, drops the weights to his feet and, without placing them on the platform, throws them back onto his chest.


The kettlebell as a sports equipment has been used since ancient times to develop strength, endurance, to prepare soldiers for military action and Greek athletes for Olympic Games. Kettlebells were also common in circus performances and at all kinds of fairs for competitions and entertainment. Kettlebell lifting as such became widespread only in the mid-20th century.

In 1948, the first competitions were held in which only weights were lifted. There were no modern rules for kettlebell lifting then.

In 1962, the first competition rules were introduced. Then, after this, competitions began to be held between USSR athletes. Kettlebell lifting was also actively introduced into the army. The rules of kettlebell lifting were constantly changing and simplified to attract a wider range of athletes.

In 1985, kettlebell lifting became official, and in 1987, the All-Union Kettlebell Lifting Federation of the USSR was created. In the 90s, the International Kettlebell Lifting Federation was created in its place.

Development of rules

At the dawn of the development of kettlebell lifting, athletes practiced triathlon - bench press, clean and jerk and snatch. Professional weight lifters using strength endurance It didn’t exist then, so mostly weightlifters and strong amateurs took part in the competition. They could not lift weights for a long time, so the results were quite low.

When professionals who developed special exercise techniques appeared in kettlebell lifting, the results increased dramatically. The performance time also increased to 40-50 minutes, which reduced the entertainment value and could affect the popularity of the sport.

In 1982, the bench press was excluded from performance programs, and in 1989, a 10-minute limit was introduced on the exercise. At the same time, the first long cycle clean and jerk competitions took place.

In the “snatch” exercise, it was prohibited for the weights to touch the shoulder and chest when lowering the weights, and the free hand should not touch anything when performing the exercise. The snatch began to be performed in turn with each hand.

Competition rules in kettlebell lifting

Competitions are held with weights weighing 16, 24 and 32 kg. Double-event: push of two weights with two hands, jerk of a weight with one and the other hand without a break, where the athlete has the right to change hands once. The result in the snatch is the average result of lifting the weight with both hands. In a long cycle: pushing two weights with both hands, including lowering the weights and then throwing them to the chest. Kettlebell juggling competitions are held, 24 kg for men and 16 kg for women.

The VFGS (All-Russian Kettlebell Lifting Federation) decided that boys (under 18 years old) compete with kettlebells weighing 24 kg, girls 16 kg and less. Juniors (18-22 years old) lift weights weighing 32 kg in competitions, Junior women - 24 kg. Adults compete with weights of 32 and 24 kg, respectively.

General special conditions:

  • You are given 10 minutes to complete each exercise.
  • The double event consists of a “jerk” exercise and a “snatch” exercise.
  • Points in biathlon are awarded: 1 push - 1 point, 1 snatch - 0.5 points.
  • The sports title MS is awarded at competitions not lower than the status of the federal district championship Russian Federation, semi-final of the Russian Championship.
  • The sports category of Candidate Master of Sports is assigned at competitions not lower than the status of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, subject to other requirements of the rules of the All-Russian Federation of Civil Society.
  • The first and other mass sports categories assigned at competitions of any status.
  • Russian championships are held among juniors and junior women (19 - 22 years old), among boys and girls (14 - 18 years old).
  • To participate in sports competitions, the athlete must turn the specified number of years in the calendar year of the competition.

Discharge standards

Men. Classic biathlon.

Kettlebell weight 32 kg

Kettlebell weight 24 kg

Kettlebell weight 16 kg

Men. Long cycle push.

Kettlebell weight 32 kg

Kettlebell weight 24 kg

Kettlebell weight 16 kg

Women. Jerk.

Kettlebell weight 24 kg

Kettlebell weight 16 kg


In the early 90s, the European Kettlebell Lifting Union (EKWU) was created. It united weightlifters from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. ESGS became the first international organization in kettlebell lifting. In the same year, the International Kettlebell Lifting Federation (IFGS) was created. It included seven countries of the former USSR. In 2007, instead of these federations, the International Kettlebell Lifting Union (IKSU) began working.

The first European Championship took place in 1992. The first world championship took place in 1993. In 1994 the first World Cup was organized.

Nowadays, more than 300 athletes from different regions of the country participate in Russian championships every year. Athletes from more than 20 countries around the world practice this sport and the popularity of kettlebells is growing every day.

Since 2009, kettlebell lifting has been included in the official TAFISA games program.

The main Russian kettlebell lifting organization is the All-Russian Kettlebell Lifting Federation (VFGS). Our federation consists of International Union kettlebell lifting (International Union of Kettlebell Lifting).

Participation in competitions is important element educational

training process. The competition is designed to:

summarize the results of educational and training work for the past period;

to increase level physical fitness engaged; promote the promotion and popularization of HS; attract to regular classes GS of university students;

form a national team to participate in higher-ranking competitions;

gain experience in wrestling.

For the clear organization and conduct of competitions at any level,

the conducting organization draws up an action plan, including

competition planning;

drawing up competition regulations;

organization of medical care;

organizing the opening and closing parade of the competition; preparation of certificates and prizes; holding a meeting with team representatives.

A person responsible for the implementation of each item of the plan is assigned and

a deadline is set.

A document regulating the nature, form of organization and

The procedure for conducting it is the regulation of the competition. All

The wording of the provision must be clear and concise, not

subject to double interpretation.

The provision includes the following points:

1) goals and objectives of the competition;

2) time and place;

3) management of the competition;

4) program and participants;

5) rewarding;

6) conditions of admission (financing);

7) applications for participation.

Regulations on competitions are drawn up before the start of a new

sports year and sent to organizations participating in


List of sources used

1) Verkhoshansky, Yu.V. Basics of special strength training in sports [Text]/ Yu.V. Verkhoshansky. – M.: FIS, 1977.-331 p.

2) Voropaev, V.I. New methods of training a weight lifter[Text]/ V.I. Voropaev. – Voronezh: VSAU, 1996.-38 p.

3) Kettlebell lifting. Competition rules [Text]. – Lipetsk, 1996.-36 p.

4) Gotovtsev, P.I. Self-control during physical education [Text]/ P.I. Gotovtsev, V.I. Dubrovsky. – M.: FIS, 1984.-234 p.

5) Zatsiorsky, V.M. Physical qualities of an athlete[Text]/V.M.Zatsiorsky. – M.: FIS, 1996.-200 p.

6) Matveev, L.P. Theory and methodology of physical culture[Text]/

L.P. Matveev. – M.: FIS, 1991.-543 p.

7) Ozolin, N.G. Development of athletes' endurance[Text]/

N.G. Ozolin. – M.: FIS, 1959.- 86 p.

8) Polyakov, V.A. Kettlebell lifting [Text]/V.A.Polyakov, V.I.Voropaev.

– M.: FIS, 1988.-80 p.

9) Romashin, Yu.A. Kettlebell lifting [Text]/Yu.A. Romashin. –Serpukhov:

SVVKIURV, 1991.-91 p.

10) Physical Culture[Text]: sample curriculum for higher educational institutions – M.: FIS, 1994.-54 p.

11) Physical culture [Text]: curriculum for higher educational institutions.- M.: FIS, 2000.-54 p.

Appendix A


Extract from competition rules

Nature of the competition

By nature, kettlebell lifting competitions are divided into:

a) personal;

b) team;

c) personal-team.

In personal competitions, only the participant’s personal result is counted and his place in the competition is determined in accordance with this.

IN team competitions The results of the team as a whole are counted and the team’s place is determined accordingly.

In individual-team competitions, the results of each participant and the team as a whole are counted separately, and in accordance with this, the personal places of the participants and teams are determined. The composition of the team members is submitted to the panel of judges by a team representative daily before the start of the competition. Re-registration is carried out daily before the start of the competition.

The nature of the competition in each individual case is determined by the regulations on the competition.

Competitions with weights 16.24 and 32 kg. Conducted according to the program: push of two weights from the chest (short cycle); push of two weights from the chest with lowering to a hanging position after

each rise (long cycle); jerking the weights alternately with one and the other hand;

classic biathlon (jerk and snatch); team competitions (relay races).

Competition program

The competition program is determined by the Regulations and must be drawn up so that the athlete can compete in no more than a double event or a separate exercise and a relay race on the same day.

Competitions must be organized so that the rest time between exercises is at least 30 minutes.

The winner is determined in each weight category both in individual exercises and in classical biathlon by the largest amount of lifts. In the snatch, the average result of the sum of lifts performed with one and the other hand is taken into account. With the same number of lifts, several athletes have an advantage:

a participant who has less body weight before the performance; the participant who has less body weight after

speeches; the participant who is drawn ahead of the opponent in the draw.

Places in team championship determined by results

qualifying participants in one of the ways determined by the Regulations (by tables of equalizing coefficients, by places in the individual championship).

Competition participants

Age of participants

The following athletes are allowed to compete: boys and girls – up to 16 years old; older boys and girls - up to 18 years old; juniors and juniors – up to 20 years old; youth under 22 years of age;

men and women – 20 years and older;

veterans 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65 years and older.

current year).

Note - Boys and girls, senior boys and girls, juniors

and junior girls with high sports training and special permission from a doctor, they can compete in a higher weight group.

Competition participants are divided into the following weight categories (Table A.1).

Table A.1 - Weight categories

young men elder men, girls, women,
young men the youth, elder juniors
juniors girls
up to 45 kg up to 55 kg up to 60 kg up to 55 kg up to 60 kg
up to 50 kg up to 60 kg up to 65 kg up to 60 kg up to 70 kg
up to 55 kg up to 65 kg up to 70 kg up to 70 kg St. 70 kg
up to 60 kg up to 70 kg up to 75 kg St. 70 kg
up to 65 kg up to 75 kg up to 80 kg
up to 70 kg up to 80 kg up to 90 kg
St. 70 kg St. 80 kg St. 90 kg

Each participant has the right to compete in only one weight category at specific competitions. It is allowed to compete in a different weight category only in team competitions (relay race), subject to re-weighing.


Before the start of the competition (a day before), applications for participation in the competition are submitted to the main panel of judges (secretariat), where a credentials committee is held to admit participants and teams to the competition.

During the team commission, the final composition of participants in weight categories is determined. Participant cards are filled out, which must contain information about the athletes: last name, first name, year of birth, sports title, weight category, territory, DSO, department, top scores, full name of the trainer.

The application must be certified by the manager sports organization and a VFD doctor.

Bodyboom: Kettlebell lifting: Rules. Standards: Competition Rules

This section reveals only the basic provisions of the competition rules in kettlebell lifting.

Competition rules in kettlebell lifting

Competition program.

Competitions are held with weights weighing 16 kg (boys and juggling), 24 and 32 kg according to the following programs:

1. Classic biathlon - push of two weights from the chest, jerk of the weight alternately with the left and right hand.

2. Push two kettlebells from the chest and then lower to a hanging position after each lift.

3. Juggling with weights.

Competition participants.

Male athletes are allowed to compete: boys 14-17 years old, juniors 18-20 years old and men over 20 years old.

Each participant has the right to compete in only one weight category.

Weighing procedure for participants.

1. Weighing of competition participants begins 1.5 hours before the start of the performance of athletes of a given weight category and lasts one hour.

2. Weighing of participants is carried out by judges officiating competitions in a given weight category.

3. During the weigh-in, participants are drawn to be called to the platform.

Judicial panel.

1. The panel of judges is staffed by the organization conducting the competition.

2. The panel of judges includes:

a) when conducting with a number of participants up to 20 people - the chief judge, the chief secretary, the doctor, the fixing judge, the secretary, the informant judge and the judge with the participants;

b) when holding competitions with more than 20 participants, as well as when holding competitions simultaneously on several platforms, an additional deputy chief judge is introduced and the number of other judges is increased accordingly.

Equipment and inventory.

Competitions are held on a platform (platform) measuring at least 2x2 m. The deviation from the weight of the weight should not exceed 100 g. The weights must have the following dimensions: height - 280 mm, body diameter - 210 mm, handle diameter - 35 mm. The weights must have a color corresponding to the weight: 32 kg - red, 24 kg - green, 16 kg - yellow.

Rules for performing exercises.

1. 2 minutes before the start of the exercises, the participant is called to the platform. 10 seconds before the start of the exercise, the control time is calculated: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, after which the “Start” command is given.

2. The participant is given 10 minutes to complete the exercise. The scorer announces the control time every minute. After 10 minutes, the “Stop” command is given, after which the participant must stop performing the exercise.

3. If the requirements of the rules for the technical performance of an exercise are violated, the judge on the platform gives the command “Stop”, “Do not count” or gives a warning.

4. In case of the third (consecutive) violation of the competition rules, the exercise is stopped with the command “Stop”.

The exercise is performed from the chest from the starting position when the legs and torso are straightened and the weights are placed on the forearms and shoulders. In this case, the shoulders are pressed to the body. The competitor must push the weights up and fix them in this position. At the moment of fixation, the arms, legs and torso should be straightened and in the same plane. During a push, it is not permitted to:

Change the position of the hands and weights at the moment of pushing out;

Push or squeeze weights;

Alternately push the weights from the chest;

Lower the weights onto your shoulders and push from your shoulders;

Lower the weights from your chest.

The “Stop” command is given when:

Placing weights (weights) on the shoulder joints;

Lowering weights (weights) from the chest.

Push with a break in movement, i.e. pushing, pressing;

Alternate push of weights from the chest;

Lack of fixation in the starting position;

Changing the position of the hands and weights during the squat before the push.

A “warning” is given when connecting the hands and placing the arms of the weights on top of each other.

The exercise is performed in one step. The competitor must lift the weight upward with a continuous movement until his arms are fully straightened and fix this position. The legs and torso should be straight and in the same plane. After the counting judge has counted, the participant, with a continuous movement, without touching the weight to the shoulder or torso, must lower it down to perform the next cycle.

The “Stop” command is given when:

Placing a weight on the shoulder;

Placing the weights on the platform.

A warning is given if the athlete, while performing a snatch:

Touches the platform, weights, working arm, legs, torso with the free hand or any part of the body;

The kettlebell touches the platform when performing the swing.

Classification of errors when performing the clean and jerk.

1. The “Stop” command is given in case of three violations of the competition rules.

3. A warning is given if the participant speaks during the exercise.

Determination of the winners.

In each weight category, the winner is determined by the highest qualifying amount of lifts in two exercises. In the snatch, the sum of lifts of the weight, consisting of the smaller result, lifted with one hand, is counted.

If several athletes have the same number of lifts, the advantage goes to:

A participant who has less body weight before the performance;

The participant in the draw ahead of the opponent;

If the first two indicators are equal, the participant with the lower body weight after the performance will be chosen.

A participant who receives a zero score in the clean and jerk is not allowed to participate in the second exercise.

It has been many years since kettlebell lifting entered the wider arena. Over the years, changes and additions have been made to the competition rules and sports classification many times.
In 1991, the executive committee of the Federation of Kettlebell Lifting and Strength Show Programs approved in general and accepted for implementation all additions and changes. In order to timely bring to the attention of those involved in kettlebell lifting all additions and changes, we offer prepared material for publication.

Extract from the rules of kettlebell lifting competitions


1.Classical biathlon; push of two weights from the chest; jerking the weight alternately with the left and right hand.
2. Push two kettlebells from the chest and then lower to a hanging position after each lift.
3. Juggling with weights.

Competitions are held with weights of 16 kg (boys and juggling), 24 and 32 kg.


Boys 14-17 years old;
juniors 18-20 years old;
men over 20 years old.

Boys Men (juniors)
up to 55 kg up to 60 kg
up to 60 kg up to 65 kg
up to 70 kg up to 70 kg
up to 75 kg up to 80 kg
up to 80 kg up to 90 kg
St. 80 kg St. 90 kg


Competitions are held on a platform (platform) measuring at least 2X2 m. The weight of the weight (swing) should not exceed 100 g.

The weight must have the following dimensions:
height 280 mm;
case diameter - 210 mm;
handle diameter - 35 mm.

Weights must have a color corresponding to the weight:
32 kg - red; 24 kg - green; 16 kg - yellow.


  1. 2 minutes before the start of the exercise, the participant is called to the platform. 10 s before the start, the control time is counted: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 s, after which the “Start” command is given.
  2. The participant is given 10 minutes to complete the exercise. The scorer announces the control time every minute. After 10 minutes, the “Stop” command is given, after which the participant must stop performing the exercise.
  3. If the requirements for the technical performance of an exercise are violated, the judge on the platform gives the commands “Stop”, “Do not count” or gives a warning.


The push is performed from the chest from a position where the shoulders are pressed to the body and the legs are straightened. At the moment of fixing the weights at the top, the arms, torso and legs are straightened.
The “Stop” command is given when: placing weights (weights) on the shoulder joints;
lowering the weight(s) from the chest. The “Do not count” command is given when: a push with a break in movement, i.e. pushing, pushing;
alternate push of weights from the chest;
changing the position of the hands and weights during the squat before pushing out;
lack of fixation in the starting position.
A warning is given when: connecting the hands and placing the arms of the weights on top of each other.


The exercise is performed in one step. The participant must, with a continuous movement, lift the weight up onto his straight arm and fix it. At the moment of fixing the weight at the top, the arm, legs and torso should be straightened.

After the judge’s count on the platform, the participant must, without touching the shoulder or torso with the weight, lower it down to perform the next cycle.

The “Stop” command is given when:
placing a weight on the shoulder;
placing the weights on the platform.

A warning is given when:
touching the platform, weights, working arm, legs, torso with your free hand or any part of the body;
touching the platform with weights when performing a swing.

Classification of errors when performing a clean and jerk

The “Stop” command is given in case of three violations of the competition rules.

A warning is given if the participant speaks during the exercise.


In each weight category, the winner is determined by the highest qualifying amount of lifts in two exercises. In the snatch, the least number of lifts in the two exercises counts. In the snatch, the fewest number of lifts lifted with one hand counts.

With the same number of lifts, several athletes have an advantage:
a participant who has less body weight before the performance;
a participant who is drawn in front of an opponent;
in case of equality of the first two indicators, the participant with the lower body weight after the performance.

A participant who receives a zero score in the clean and jerk is not allowed to participate in the second exercise.


1. The title of master of sports is awarded at major competitions held in the Russian Federation; rank of candidate for master of sports - at competitions no lower than the city scale.
2. Titles and ranks are assigned subject to the fulfillment of standards in each exercise.
3. Fulfillment of master of sports standards is also counted based on the sum of two
exercises (jerk, jerk with the right and left hand), if in each exercise the results are not lower than KMC standards

  1. The first exercise is the clean and jerk, the second is the snatch.
  2. The snatch is performed alternately with each hand without rest.