Sports appeared in the world. Who invented it: how different sports appeared. History of the development of sports in the ancient world


What role does sport play in a person’s life? All over the world people see it differently. Some people have a very cool attitude towards sports (some even consider it a waste of time). Other people understand the meaning of sport and, fortunately, there are more of them than the first. Moreover, each of them may have a different attitude towards sports: some prefer to watch it on TV, some prefer to engage in some kind of sport or general physical training, but for some, sport is a means of subsistence. Among the latter there may be active athletes, coaches, doctors, directors of sports societies, trustees of sports, etc. And each of them contributes to the development of sports on our planet.

Sport has amazing properties. It can unite people, introduce them to each other, in most cases, sport strengthens the health, character and even mental abilities of the people who engage in it, develops in them such skills as speed, agility, reaction, coordination, endurance, patience and strength. Sport makes people more resistant to negative environmental factors. It often brings people a lot of positive emotions, for example, when their favorite team wins or when a person achieves some result in it.

A person always tries to simplify his life. Physical labor ceases to matter for him due to the development of technology. A person gradually loses the physical potential inherent in him, becoming decrepit in comparison with his distant ancestors. He can be very badly influenced by temptations such as alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Sport is the opposite of these evil factors and serves as an alternative that will prevent a person from becoming an alcoholic, smoker and drug addict. The role of sport in our life is very great.

Sports concept

Sport(English) sport, abbreviation from the original English. disport- “game”, “entertainment”) - the activity of people organized according to certain rules, consisting of a comparison of their physical and intellectual abilities, as well as preparation for this activity and interpersonal relationships, arising in its process.

Sport is a specific type of physical and intellectual activity performed for the purpose of competition, as well as targeted preparation for them through warm-up, training, combined with rest, and the desire for gradual improvement. physical health, increasing the level of intelligence, obtaining moral satisfaction, striving for excellence, improving personal, group and absolute records, fame, improving one’s own physical capabilities and skills.

Sports - component physical culture. This is the actual competitive activity and preparation for it. It clearly shows the desire to win, to achieve high results, mobilization of physical, mental and moral qualities of a person. Mass sports provide an opportunity for millions of people to improve their physical qualities and motor abilities, improve their health and prolong their creative longevity.

High performance sport- this is the only model of activity in which, among outstanding record holders, the functioning of almost all body systems can manifest itself in the zone of absolute physical and practical limits of a healthy person. The goal of elite sport is to achieve the highest possible sporting results or victories at major sporting competitions.


Did you know that basketball was invented on December 1st? Clever teacher James Naismith hung two peach baskets on opposite sides of the gymnasium. He divided the students into two teams and proposed a game - who would throw more balls Add to cart. That's how basketball was born! We'll tell you how others came into being popular types sports


Chess - ancient game, it was invented in India back in the 6th century. The first name of the game sounded like “chaturanga”. The rules were slightly different from those we know today. Firstly, there were four players, not two, and secondly, there were only eight pieces. Well, the third important difference is that to win the game it was necessary to destroy the entire enemy army. Over time, the game spread throughout the world, and its rules evolved. Today we know chess as a game for smart people, and also as the most “athletic” sport.


American teacher William Morgan invented volleyball in 1895. He used equipment from other sports - a tennis net and a camera volleyball. Accordingly, the students needed to throw the camera over the net. The author called the game “mintonette,” but after some time it began to be called volleyball, that is, “flying ball.”


You probably don't know that the first football originated in China in the 2nd century BC. The ball game was called "tsujiu", and soldiers were required to play it to maintain physical fitness. Well, modern football, of course, appeared in England in the middle of the 19th century. The rules were fixed in the Oxford and Cambridge teams. Initially, football was tougher and was considered an elite game, but soon, due to its simplicity, it spread among all segments of the population. It is the most influential game in the world today.

Synchronized swimming

IN Ancient Rome During the holidays, girls and boys portrayed different figures in the water and danced in circles. In this, of course, you can find out synchronized swimming. But in general this water sports officially appeared in the 1920s in Canada, it was called “water ballet”. And after 10 years, synchronized swimming became popular in the USA and Europe. By the way, you probably know that successful team in this sport is Russia!


Northern peoples began hunting on skis quite a long time ago. This activity has become sports competition, when the first competition was held on the Swedish-Norwegian border. But biathlon gained popularity in the 1920s, when Olympic Games ah, the “military patrol competition” took place. Now biathlon is one of the most interesting winter species sports

Definition of concepts: “sport” (in the narrow and broad sense), “competitive activity”, “sports activity”, “athlete training system”, “sports movement”, “sports achievements”, “sports training. Correlation of concepts: “sport”, “physical culture” and “culture”.

Sport as a multifaceted social phenomenon is an area of ​​preparing a person for work and other activities, satisfying the spiritual needs of society, strengthening and expanding international ties, as well as one of the important means of ethical and aesthetic education.

As a product of social development, it forms an organic part of the culture of society and, depending on specific social conditions, acquires various features and forms.

What is specific to sport is that its ultimate goal is the physical improvement of a person, realized in conditions of competitive activity, without which he cannot exist. Competitive activity is carried out in conditions official competitions with a focus on achieving high sports results.

Based on the above, sport in a narrow understanding can be defined as competitive itself, the specific form of which is the system of competitions, historically developed in the field of physical culture as a special sphere of identifying and unified comparison of human capabilities.

However, sport cannot be reduced only to competitive activity; it also has a deeper meaning. This is due to the social essence and purpose of sport in our society.

Achieving high sports results is impossible without a fairly well-established system of training an athlete, carried out in the field of diverse interpersonal contacts that develop between coaches, athletes and judges, organizers, spectators, etc. They are carried out at different levels, from sports teams to competitions at various international levels.

Thus, sport in a broad sense represents the actual competitive activity, special training to it, as well as specific attitudes, norms and achievements in the field of this activity.

Achieving high sports results is only possible if there is a well-functioning athlete training system. It is a set of methodological foundations, organizational forms and conditions of the training and competitive process that optimally interact with each other on the basis of certain principles and ensure the best degree of readiness of the athlete for high sporting achievements.

The athlete’s training system includes four large blocks:

System of selection and sports orientation;

Sports training;

Competition system;

Extra-training and extra-competitive factors for optimizing the training and competitive process.

The main preparatory and training activity of an athlete is carried out in conditions sports training . It is the main form of athlete training, which is a specialized pedagogical process built on a system of exercises and aimed at managing the sports improvement of the athlete, conditioning his readiness to achieve the highest results.

The most important component in the athlete’s training system is competitions, which serve as the goal, means and method of training the athlete. Competitions are defined as a special area in which the athlete’s activities are carried out, allowing one to objectively compare certain of his abilities and ensure their maximum manifestation.

The highest readiness to perform in competitions and achievement of high sports results are possible subject to modern scientific and methodological support of the entire training system. This gives rise to the concept of “school of sports”, which is understood as a system of training an athlete, developed on the basis of the latest scientific data and advanced sports practice.

In the practice of sports, the concepts are widespread “sports activity” and “competitive activity”. They are often used as synonyms, but the content and semantic meaning of each of them differ significantly from each other. Sports activities is characteristic of sport as a multifaceted social phenomenon, since it affects various spheres of human activity. Achieving maximum results is impossible without involving a large number of people of various professions in the field of sports. Sociologists, doctors, teachers, physiologists, engineers, specialists from the administrative apparatus, the arts, logistics and many others ensure the functioning of sports in the country. Moreover, the activities of these people are determined by the social and economic conditions of society.

Sports activities there is an orderly organization of activities to ensure maximum health and improvement of a person in the field of sports. Its basic principles and forms are determined by the social conditions of the functioning of sport in society.

Competitive activity in relation to official competitions appears in its absolute meaning as competitive activity itself. And in this regard, this is a specific motor activity of a person, carried out, as a rule, in the conditions of official competitions at the limit of mental and physical strength a person whose ultimate goal is to establish socially significant and personal results. The actual competitive activity of athletes is carried out in competitions. Competition is an important factor in the knowledge of human capabilities and the formation of ethical relationships, as well as a form of communication between people or groups of people. The end result of competitive activity is sporting achievement, which is characterized by the quantitative or qualitative level of indicators in sports.

Sports achievement is an indicator of sportsmanship and abilities of an athlete, expressed in specific results.

Sports and competitive activities, organization and holding of various kinds of competitions organically flow into the sports movement, since in all areas of the latter (mass public sports and elite sports) they play a significant role. From here sports movement is a social movement, sports practice in the field of mass sports and elite sports.

Along with the concept of “sport”, the concept of “physical culture” or their combination “physical culture and sport” is often used. Sport is an integral part, a major component of physical culture. A number of social functions of physical culture extend to sports. However, not all sports can be classified as components of physical education. This is due to the fact that the term “physical culture” is understood as an organic part of the culture of society and the individual, the rational use of physical activity by a person as a factor in optimizing his condition and development, physical training to life practice.

Sports such as chess, checkers, bridge, model design disciplines are not directly related to the use physical exercise as the main means of preparing for sporting achievements.

Although sport is one of the components of physical culture, it at the same time goes beyond its scope, gaining a certain independence.

The whole world is watching. Athletes, skiers, racers and many other specialists spend all their time and energy on endless training, proper nutrition and preparation for new competitions. It's safe to say that for most people, sporting events are an important part of their lives, be it watching television broadcasts of competitions or independent study physical culture.

But what is sport? The definition of this term has been rewritten many times, since today the boundaries of sports cultures are so blurred that even championships are held computer games. And e-sports has already been included in the list of competitions of the Olympic Games.

Meaning of the word

The definition of “sport” appeared in the Russian language quite a long time ago. It's no secret that it is an analogue English word sport. However, few people know that it was changed in a foreign language as well. Initially, the British said disport, which translated meant “game”, “entertainment”.

If we talk about today’s definition of sport in the Russian language, then this word means competitive gaming activity and preparation for it. Quite logical. Sport itself is based on the use of physical exercise, and its main goal is to achieve best results in one industry or another. In addition, the word implies the disclosure of a person’s sporting potential and increased physical activity.

If we talk in simple language, the definition of sport would be competition, specialization, entertainment and a focus on high achievement. That is, over many years the meaning of this concept has not changed; innovations affected only the list of crops that are classified as sports.

Kinds of sports

According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation, the definition of a sport is a separate sphere of social relations based on special rules. In this learning environment, a certain Sports Equipment or equipment that does not require the use of personal protective equipment.

Again, in simple terms, a sport is its specific direction.

There are a huge number of types of sporting events. Consider:

  • Individual gaming (badminton, tennis, squash, golf, chess and others).
  • Cyclic (bicycle, swimming, speed skating).
  • Team games (basketball, football, paintball, hockey, etc.).
  • Combat sports (boxing, aikido, fencing, capoeira).
  • Strength (bodybuilding, weightlifting, arm wrestling).
  • Complex coordination ( figure skating, trampolining and gymnastics).
  • Extreme (boxing, kiting, base jumping, snowboarding, kayaking and others).
  • Technical (aeronautics, rallying, archery, drone control).
  • Applied (yachting, sailing and equestrian sports).

Also today there is cheerleading, zorbing and e-sports. All these areas can be classified as “sport”.

The origins of the sport

This direction appeared long before our era. The very first competitions were held in ancient Babylon. Then these sport competitions were dedicated to the worship of the gods. The patron saint of Babylon was Marduk, which is why sometimes very bloody competitions were held in his honor.

A few centuries later, the first Olympics opened in Greece. It is believed that it was the Greeks who came up with the definition of sport. Initially they only held competitions in archery, fencing, chariot racing, belt wrestling and spear throwing. Later, the list of sports crops was expanded.

Sports in different historical times

In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church, which dominated society, decided to ban the cult of the body and all sporting events. However, fencing, swimming and long jump still remained very popular. All competitions were held not to demonstrate the physical development of athletes, but purely for the sake of spectacle.

Intellectual sports appeared during the Renaissance, and at the end of the 19th century the Olympic Games, known to this day, were revived.

Physical culture and sports: different definitions

These concepts are very often confused. In fact, sport involves a competitive moment. An athlete or gymnast will always compare his results with the achievements of his opponent. The same applies to the Olympic Games - this sport's event. The winner receives a medal, and the loser goes to improve his skills.

If we talk about physical culture, then it lacks a competition component. It is aimed exclusively at improving health and improving your body. A person running through the park in sneakers is not necessarily an athlete. However, he takes care of his health and wants his body to be beautiful. Accordingly, he is engaged in physical education.

Goals and objectives of mass sports

As can be seen from the above, the word “sport” is very multifaceted. It does not imply specific activities. Knowing the definition and concepts of sport, it will also be useful to learn about such a phenomenon as mass competitions.

The objectives of such events completely coincide with the goals of Mass sports - this is an excellent opportunity for a huge number of people to normalize their health and physical fitness. There is also no competitive component in this type of exercise. the main objective and the task is to strengthen your health, but at the same time bringing yourself to nervous exhaustion. This includes proper nutrition, good sleep and rest.

The word “sport” came into the Russian language from English (sport) - a loose abbreviation of the original word disport - game, entertainment. It is this fundamental principle of the English word that introduces discrepancies, hence - different interpretation the term "sport". In the foreign press, this concept is combined with “physical culture” in its health-improving, recreational (restorative) aspects. In domestic popular periodicals and literature, on television and radio, physical culture and sport are interpreted differently, but are sometimes identified. However, in the specialized literature on physical culture and sports, each of these concepts has a clear definition.

"Sport" - a generalized concept denoting one of the components of the physical culture of society, historically developed in the form of competitive activity and special practice of preparing a person for competitions.

Sport differs from physical culture in that it has a mandatory competitive component. Both an athlete and an athlete can use the same physical exercises (for example, running) in their classes and training, but at the same time the athlete always compares his achievements in physical improvement with the successes of other athletes in intramural competitions. The athlete’s classes are aimed only at personal improvement, regardless of the achievements in this area of ​​others involved. That is why we cannot call an athlete a cheerful old man who moves along the alleys of the square “jogging” - a mixture of fast walking and slow running. This respected person is not an athlete, he is an athlete who uses walking and running for maintaining your health and performance.

However, all these arguments and examples, although they help to agree on a unified interpretation of individual concepts, do not reveal the full versatility of such a social phenomenon as

modern sport. It appears in many guises: as a means of healing, and as a means of psychophysical improvement, and as an effective means of relaxation and restoration of performance, and as a spectacle, and as professional work.

Modern sport is divided into mass and elite sport. It is the versatility of modern sport that forced the introduction of these additional concepts, revealing the essence of its individual areas and their fundamental differences.

Mass sports. His goals and objectives.

Mass sports enables millions of people to improve their physical qualities and motor abilities, improve health and prolong creative longevity, and therefore resist the unwanted effects on the body of modern production and everyday life conditions.

Purpose of the lesson various types mass sports - to improve health, improve physical development, preparedness and active recreation. This is associated with solving a number of particular problems: increasing the functionality of individual body systems, adjusting physical development and physique, increasing general and professional performance, mastering vital skills, spending pleasant and useful leisure time, achieving physical perfection.

The tasks of mass sports largely repeat the tasks of physical culture, but are implemented through the sports orientation of regular classes and training.

A significant part of young people become involved in the elements of mass sports during their school years, and in some sports even in preschool age. It is mass sports that are most widespread among student groups.

As practice has shown, usually in non-physical education universities in the country in the field of mass sports, from 10 to 25% of students engage in regular training outside of class hours. The current program for the academic discipline “ Physical Culture“for students of higher educational institutions allows almost every healthy student of any university to join mass sports. This can be done not only in your free time, but also during school hours. Moreover, the type of sport or system of physical exercises is chosen by the student himself. We will look at this in more detail a little later.