The last fight of Mohammed. Hard case. What happened to Magomed Abdusalamov? - Magomed understands that you won the court

Sport has given the world many talented, outstanding personalities. These are people with amazing will, fortitude and an irresistible desire to win. And Abdusalamov Magomed is one of them. About him life path, achievements, victories and defeats will be discussed in the article.

The beginning of the journey and the first achievements

Dagestan boxer Magomed Abdusalamov was born in 1981, March 25, in Makhachkala. He graduated from the school and branch there. In 1999, he began to learn the basics of Thai boxing under the guidance of a mentor and coach Zaynalbek Zaynalbekov. In 2004, Magomed Abdusalamov began his boxing career and very soon made it clear to everyone around that he was capable of much.

For two years in a row (2005-2006), the athlete was awarded the title of Russian heavyweight champion.

Professional career

In September 2008, the boxer entered the professional ring for the first time. Abdusalamov Magomed stood out among other athletes with the ability to hit the enemy in the early rounds. The first eight fights were not very interesting for the viewer: Magomed knocked out his opponents in the first round. Among those defeated in subsequent battles were:

  • Rich Power (was defeated in the 3rd round);
  • Pedro Rodriguez;
  • Jason Pettaway (surrendered in the 4th round);
  • Maurice Bayrom (fatal for him was the 3rd round).

Fight with Jameel McCline

In September 2012, Abdusalamov Magomed met in Moscow in a duel with the famous American boxer Jamil McCline. During this fight, for the first time in his sports career, the Dagestan was knocked down.

From the first minute it was hard not to notice that McCline came to win. In the first minute, he knocked down Abdusalamov. But he recovered and continued the fight with great zeal.

At the end of the second round, the boxer sent his American opponent to a heavy knockdown with a right direct blow. Although McCline got on the count of 10, the referee, looking at his exhausted appearance, decided to stop the fight.

It is interesting that Magomed entered the ring that day with an injury - he had a broken rib.

Victor Bisbal is a worthy adversary

In 2013, in March, the already famous and titled boxer Magomed Abdusalamov fought with an athlete from Puerto Rico. Forecasts were on the side of the Dagestanis. Despite this, Victor Bisbal kept Magomed on his toes for the first two rounds. He won by a clear margin. This was the first boxer who made Abdusalamov nervous for two whole rounds.

The course of the fight changed during the third and fourth rounds, in the fifth Bisbal was knocked out.

Fatal fight with Mike Perez

In November 2013, two strongest boxers met in the ring - Cuban Mike Perez and Dagestani Magomed Abdusalamov. What happened after this fight that the eminent athlete, whose biography we are studying today, was forced to end his professional career?

At the beginning of the fight, the audience held their breath. Both athletes were extremely active. And the first five rounds of their strength were equal. Only in the 6th three-minute Perez began to act more successfully. In the 10th round, Abdusalamov could barely stand on his feet, but still managed to reach the gong. At the end of the fight, the judges declared the winner of the Kuban Mike Perez. This was the first serious defeat of Abdusalamov.

A few hours after the fight, Magomed began to complain of malaise - headache and dizziness. To avoid complications, it was decided to put the athlete into a state of

Medical conclusion

On November 6, it became known that the boxer had suffered a stroke. At a medical center in New York, he had a blood clot removed from his brain and part of his skull.

For more than two weeks, Magomed was in a coma and only on November 22 was he able to get out of it. But after a few hours, the doctors were forced to put him back on life support. Only on December 6, the athlete was able to breathe on his own. On December 10, he was transferred to a regular ward from the intensive care unit.

Financial difficulties

It is known that the family of the boxer, who for his last Stand earned over $40,000, faced exorbitant medical bills. The promoters created a special fund to raise funds and donations for the treatment of Magomed.

Abdusalamov was helped not only by his relatives, friends and fans. The desire to help the boxer was personally expressed by his colleagues - Ruslan Provodnikov, the Klitschko brothers, Sergio Martinez, Sergey Kovalev, the Russian world boxing champion, in August 2014 put up for auction his boxers, teips and gloves, in which he defeated Blake Caparello, and the proceeds sent funds to the Abdusalamov family.

Life goes on

The condition of Magomed Abdusalamov is currently satisfactory, since June 2015 he can speak, but, unfortunately, the right side of his body still remains paralyzed.

He was and always will be a true champion who never gives up!

As the wife of the boxer Bakanay Abdusalamova said, Magomed understands literally everything, recognizes relatives and friends, tries to speak. Magomed has a good command of his left hand, constantly doing exercises - squeezing a rubber ball, pulling an expander, throwing and catching the ball. The right hand reacts to stimuli, but only the fingers move, and the hand itself is still motionless. The same situation is with the right leg. But Magomed even tries to write with his left hand, although this is not easy for him. The fact is that despite the fact that Magomed is left-handed, before the injury he wrote right hand. Magomed loves to hug children and his wife, sends them kisses.
Magomed pays special attention to his youngest daughter: he calls her to him, hugs her, touches her cheek, does not let her go. Magomed is able to distinguish colors, do arithmetic operations in his mind. The swallowing reflex has also improved significantly in recent years. So far, doctors allow Magomed's relatives to give him only pieces of ice, but the health workers themselves have already begun to feed him ice cream, yogurt and fruit juice, and Magomed himself is able to hold a spoon in his hand and bring it to his mouth. When the swallowing reflex is restored to the proper extent, doctors will completely refuse to feed through the tube.
Health workers say that the progress of the swallowing reflex is directly related to the progress of the possession of the speech apparatus: when swallowing improves, speech improves. In fact, this is how it happens, because. Magomed has recently begun to pronounce more words, and almost every day the stock of spoken words is expanding.

“Today, when I was leaving home, I asked Magomed what he would like to tell me,” says Bakanay. - He told me “happily”, and then paused and added “drive carefully”. He speaks quietly, but I'm already used to it and understand him very well. Recently, Magomed also feels when he needs to go to the toilet and lets you know about it.

Recall that on November 2, 2013, Magomed Abdusalamov, who at the time of the fight with Peres was ranked fourth in the WBC rating, during the fight received fractures of his left arm, nose, facial bone and a craniocerebral injury, which caused brain swelling and a blood clot.
During the surgical operation to remove the blood clot, part of the boxer's skull was removed to reduce the pressure of the swollen brain on the skull, but unfortunately, by that time there had already been multiple cerebral hemorrhage, which aggravated the already serious condition of the boxer.

After the operation, the doctors put Magomed into a medically induced coma and gave him almost no chance of survival.
Magomed could not breathe on his own, was connected to an artificial life support apparatus and was in a coma for a long time.
After the doctors managed to "wake up" Magomed, his condition began to slowly improve. Periods of improvement alternated with periods of crisis, but after progress became apparent, the doctors transferred Magomed to a specialized rehabilitation center for patients with brain injuries. After that, Magomed underwent an operation to reconstruct the cranium and several other operations. Since then, the general condition of the boxer has been steadily improving.
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Today we received a message from New York that Russian boxer Magomed Abdusalamov may forever remain in a coma. On Sunday, in a protracted 10-round fight with Cuban Mike Perez, he. About the sequel sports career Abdusalamov, who was considered one of the most promising Russian heavyweights, is definitely out of the question. Now the task of doctors is to try to bring the boxer back to life.

Offensive for any boxer, the decision of the referee that he was awarded the first in professional career defeat Magomed Abdusalamov met standing inside the ring Madison Square Garden. The Russian, who was barely on his feet, spent the rest of his strength on congratulating his opponent, Cuban Mike Perez. It seemed to those who watched - annoyingly, but not fatally. After all, Perez is the most serious rival in Abdusalamov's entire career. Boxing rarely does without bruises and fractures, and both heavyweights managed to give not frequent in this weight category active box.

In the tenth round, the Cuban made a crushing right cross. What happened next did not get into the lenses of world broadcasts. Immediately after the battle, Abdusalamov was taken to the hospital. Doctors at the Roosevelt Center recorded fractures of the nose and left arm, a severe dissection above the left eye, and injuries to the maxillofacial apparatus. A few hours later, Abdusalamov became worse. He complained of severe headache and dizziness. The surgeons decided to put the boxer into a state of artificial coma.

At this moment, the opponent in the ring responded with words of support. “My thoughts and prayers are with Mago now. I hope he gets better soon. He fought like a real warrior. I was happy to win, but now I only care about his health,” Perez said.

They continued to report on hope, almost on sports publications, even when the news hit the tapes that Abdusalamov had part of his skull removed. "The worst is over," the press reported, referring to the boxer's agent. Myself . But today, shocking news came from him. Abdusalamov has a stroke. He is still in a coma and it is not clear whether he will come out of it at all. "Magomed retired. We, the boxing family, cannot turn our backs on the brave people who play this sport at the moment when they need us most. And we are going to do our best to put him on his feet. Magomed more will not box, but he is a good and brave man, he has a wonderful family. Every dollar will help, "Levkovich said.

At 32, Abdusalamov won professional ring 18 wins (all by knockout). The victory over Perez opened his way to the World Cup. If Abdusalamov won, he could compete for the title with Vitali Klitschko. World boxing has already expressed support for the Russian and sympathy for his family. It was decided to collect the money so necessary for the treatment through a hastily created fund.

Not so long ago, it was considered one of the main hopes of the domestic professional boxing in the most prestigious royal weight category of the heavyweight division. However, the career of this very physically gifted and promising fighter was cut short at the very take-off, when he was already a couple of steps away from the fight for the world title. In November 2013, at the arena of the Madison Square Garden Theater in New York, a native of the capital of Dagestan, Makhachkala, met in the ring with the hitherto unbeaten Cuban boxer Mike Perez.

The fight took place on a collision course, the rivals often met in open battle. According to the results of 10 rounds allotted by the regulations, Perez was recognized as the winner by unanimous decision of the judges. And after a few hours, the defeat in the ring almost turned into a tragedy. Only the remarkable health of Magomed and the qualifications of doctors saved his life. Abdusalamov managed to get out of the clutches of death, but remained disabled, unable to move independently.

Magomed was born on March 25, 1981. His father Magomedgadzha was a very strong by nature man who was fond of martial arts and became a master of sports of the USSR in freestyle wrestling. It was he who instilled a love for sports and his son. Influenced by Asian martial arts films then fashionable among teenagers, the young Maga tried many types of martial arts. From the age of 12, he began to practice kickboxing, Thai boxing and other oriental disciplines. He became the champion of Russia in them, the finalist of the World Cup. Abdusalamov switched to boxing when he was already 22 years old, because he got a knee injury while practicing Thai boxing. He hoped to improve his handwork while the leg was injured, but he remained in boxing.

Magomed's first coach was Gadzhimurad Gaziev, with whom Abdusalamov became so close that he called the mentor his older brother. Later, his coach Thai boxing was Zaynalbek Zaynalbekov. Evgeny Kotov became the first mentor of Magomed in clean boxing. AT amateur boxing Abdusalamov failed to fully express himself. His trump cards were power, physical strength and a knockout punch. However, Magomed lacked technical, especially defensive skills precisely because of his late arrival to boxing. Nevertheless, he managed twice (in 2005 and 2006) to win the Russian championship among adults in the heavyweight division.

Abdusalamov had a chance to speak at Olympic Games 2008, but, representing Belarus, lost in the qualifying qualifying tournament to Briton David Price. In total, Magomed has about 50 official fights in the amateur ring. Moreover, as Abdusalamov himself said, at least 95% of amateur victories were won by him ahead of schedule. In September 2008, his professional boxing career began. At first, it was hosted by the famous Russian promoter Yuri Fedorov. Then the American Leon Margules and his "stable" Seminole Warriors Boxing became Magomed's co-promoter. Later, sponsors from Azerbaijan provided financial support to Abdusalamov.

Magomed boxed in Russia, then in the USA. Over time, he moved his family to Florida - his wife and daughters. Abdusalamov completed the first eight pro fights with early victories in the first round. Not much longer against one that did not stand out for its elegant and refined technique, but was distinguished by its enormous power and lethal strike force The Dagestani left-hander also held on to the following opponents. However, in many fights it was noticeable that Abdusalamov often neglects defense, acts too openly, and sometimes even recklessly. Magomed himself then said that in this way he was trying to lure rivals into a trap. They say, in order to lure them out of a deaf defense, you sometimes need to reveal yourself, inviting opponents to attack. But such a tactic was fraught with danger.

And on November 2, 2011, two hitherto unbeaten heavyweight prospects met in the ring - 32-year-old and 28-year-old Cuban Mike Perez. The bookmakers, which happens quite rarely, the chances of both opponents to win were regarded as almost equal. The fight started without any hesitation, from the first round the boxers rushed into a quick exchange of blows, in which, thanks to the best technique and coordination, the Cuban was more successful. But not only did Magomed fail to immediately suppress the opponent’s initiative in his characteristic style, so in this starting three-minute period one of Peres’s blows also broke his left cheekbone (the facial bone under the eye), which immediately began to swell.

However, in the second round, due to greater activity, Abdusalamov looked better than his opponent. And in the next few three minutes, the initiative passed from one to another. But after the equator of the fight, Abdusalamov's face began to swell more and more, a cut formed over the same left eye, but most importantly, he began to get tired and decently slow down. Perez, on the other hand, turned out to be a strong fellow, and even frankly missed series of blows did not bother him. The Cuban continued to rush forward, although he was able to work well from a long distance. In the ninth round, the referee deducted one point from Perez for a low blow. Nevertheless, this did not prevent the Cuban from bringing the fight to victory on points by unanimous decision of the judges - 95-94, 97-92, 97-92.

A few hours after the end of the battle, the situation began to develop dramatically. Abdusalamov, who received serious injuries, began to complain of a severe headache and was hospitalized with a diagnosis of cerebral hemorrhage at the Roosevelt Medical Center in New York. Doctors urgently performed a craniotomy on Magomed and put him in a state of artificial coma in order to avoid possible brain damage from the formation of a blood clot. However, four days later, Abdusalamov suffered a stroke. Doctors were forced to perform an operation to remove a blood clot from the brain, and also removed part of the skull so that the swelling subsided.

A little later it became known that Magomed's family did not have money to cover the huge bills for his treatment and stay in the hospital. And here patrons from the world of boxing came to the rescue, including some current and former boxers. 20 days after the ill-fated battle, Abdusalamov was briefly brought out of an artificial coma. But only on December 6, that is, more than a month later, Magomed finally came out of a coma and began to breathe on his own. And four days later he was transferred from intensive care to a regular ward.

In 2014, Abdusalamov, who lost a lot of weight, was transferred to a rehabilitation center, where he began a long period of recovery. We must pay tribute to the wife of Magomed, Bakanay Abdusalamova, who all this time devotedly takes care of her husband who has lost the ability to move independently and makes titanic efforts for his successful rehabilitation. However, the brain damage turned out to be so serious that the boxer's recovery process could take long years. Last summer, Magomed began to talk quietly with his family. Unfortunately, doctors say that the right side of his body will forever remain paralyzed. However, Bakanay believes that one day her husband will get on his feet, walk independently and lead a more or less fulfilling life.

The editors of the "Championship" congratulate Magomed on his birthday and wish him a speedy recovery!

Hard case. What happened to Magomed Abdusalamov?

Heavyweight Magomed Abdusalamov was hospitalized after the first lost fight.

Reaching for his 19th career victory, heavyweight Magomed Abdusalamov once again ran into only the stone fists of Mike Perez, his Cuban rival. The fight, which the judge had no reason to stop, the Russian team had a desire, and the boxers had the right, ended in the hospital. Rather, there is a much more serious fight going on.


On the face of Wladimir Klitschko, there are no traces left from the fight with Alexander Povetkin. On Saturday, before his eyes, Magomed Abdusalamov fought with Mike Perez in the hope of someday also getting to Vladimir himself. Klitschko sat on good places at Madison Square Garden and watched boxing.

Of the 18 opponents of Abdusalamov, not one lasted until the end of the fight, the anti-record was held by Kevin Barnett, who fell 78 seconds after the start. At that moment, when it seemed that Magomed would have to compete exclusively with a stopwatch before the big fights, Mike Perez appeared on the horizon.

Magomed is a boxer with a heavy punch, but gaps in technique. A Cuban with a British residence permit decided to bet on the school and did not miscalculate. Abdusalamov from the first round began to throw singles, filled up the body, fell, and not into the void, but into the opponent’s hard uppercuts. This is what happens when they are specially prepared for you. The Cuban read his opponent like announcements at a bus stop: without interest, but easily and quickly. Substituting the ribs, missing in the head, breaking his arm already in the first round, the Russian fought desperately, but with heavy losses. After the seventh round, Magomed's left eye began to fill with red.

Of the three judges, two gave Abdusalamov two rounds of a ten-round fight, but the real trial was just ahead for the boxer. A few hours later, severe headaches, a hospital and a state of artificial coma. Doctors, according to American media reports, found a blood clot under the boxer's skull and were forced to operate on the athlete, removing a fragment of the skull. This is what happens when a half-hour duel with a 100-kilogram opponent is the main part of your profession.


Kazakhstani Gennady Golovkin in the 72 kg category leaves no chance for his opponents. Immediately after Abdusalamov, he rolled Curtis Stevens around the ring. The American had fun: a couple of months before the fight, he staged Golovkin's funeral, ordering somewhere a small coffin with the inscription "RIP GGG" ("Rest in peace, Gennady Gennadyevich Golovkin"), but he had to be saved from death in the ring himself.

We have a lot to learn from the Americans: Stevens turned out to be an excessively spirited guy, but in technique he was inferior to the Kazakhstani. With each round it became more and more noticeable. After the eighth, Stevens' team removed their boxer. Perhaps the act is not the most courageous, but Curtis was able to return to his relatives on his own legs, skipping the stage of hospitalization.



The fight in New York was attended by Russian Sergey Kovalev, who became world champion a couple of months ago.

- Already in the first round, Magomed received serious damage, almost a broken jaw. He took a hit from the right, and a small swelling appeared on the left side of his face. There were monitors, and during the break he tried to see himself, asked the seconds if he had any fractures.

- Didn't it seem that Abdusalamov tactically approached the battle incorrectly?

“It seemed to me that, in principle, his health was not very good. Either he was not psychologically tuned in, or he burned out. It was evident that some kind of sluggish came out. I watched his training before, there was a completely different picture, he worked very agilely there.



- Why are they put into a state of artificial coma?

- So that a person does not die from a painful shock, and also if an operation is performed, where consciousness must be turned off without fail: in particular, during surgery on the brain.

How is it different from general anesthesia?

- In principle, both are artificial sleep, the difference is in the mechanisms and methods of drug administration. Anesthesia is done during surgery. If there are no interventions, and the person is simply in this state for some time, this is called an artificial coma. And the essence of general anesthesia is the same: the brain is disconnected from the stimuli of the outside world.

- They write that a boxer has a blood clot in his brain.

- A blood clot in the brain is in a sense an amateurish concept. Most likely we are talking about damage to the vessel of the brain (probably small, since the symptoms did not appear immediately). The only thing that can be said for sure: operations on the skull are not done when the injury is not serious.

- The terrible phrase “they removed a fragment of the skull” walks in the headlines.

- This is a simplified version. It is not necessary to think that a person was almost half a brain removed. For prevention possible consequences due to swelling of the brain tissue, doctors trepan the area bone tissue to avoid complications. In the future, it can either be returned to its place, or a plate is installed.

– In boxing, trained uncles hit the kumpol professionally. They themselves know what they are getting into... I wish Magomed a speedy recovery.

- Here is the answer to the question why Klitschko does not wave at random - he wants to maintain his health ...

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