Alternate dumbbell curls for biceps while sitting on an incline bench. Dumbbell curls for biceps: standing, sitting, on a bench Dumbbell curls for biceps on an inclined bench

All types of biceps exercises must be strictly subject to technique, strict technique. If you decide to do biceps, do only it, don’t be distracted by other exercises, leave other muscle groups. Exercises with dumbbells, along with a barbell, are basic for the formation of relief.

If you decide to work out biceps, do only them

Let's look at the most effective exercises with dumbbells for biceps. Let us note all the points through which you can understand the advantages. Let's highlight the strengths of each exercise and take into account the weaknesses, if any.

Important!!! Before starting exercises, warm-up and stretching are required! When working with dumbbells, you can first warm up the muscles with active swings with light weights, and then stretch significantly.

Types of biceps exercises with dumbbells

  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps while standing (only at first glance it seems that this is the same exercise as with a barbell);
  • Hammer exercise (a good basic exercise where, in addition to working the biceps, it is possible to develop the shoulder girdle);
  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps while sitting on a bench (middle part of the workout);
  • Concentrated curling of the arm with a dumbbell while sitting (it is possible to achieve the greatest muscle contraction);
  • Arm curl while sitting on incline bench(a complex and very working exercise in which it is impossible to “crack”);
  • Biceps exercises with dumbbells on a Scott bench (one of the most effective auxiliary loads)

And now - in detail about the technique and precision of performing each exercise.

The exercise sufficiently shapes the biceps and gives them definition. Loads the outer head of the biceps.

Both in simultaneous bending of both arms and in alternate bending, you need to follow a clear execution technique.

Exercise "Hammer"

Simple and effective exercise. Works on the inner head of the biceps. The exercise is best performed at the end of a cycle of biceps exercises, as it effectively “works out” both the biceps and the forearm.

Lifting dumbbells for biceps while sitting on a bench

3 – 4 sets of 10 – 12 repetitions is ideal.

Seated concentrated dumbbell curl

Biceps work. This exercise will give sharpness to the biceps and significant definition.

Arm curl while sitting on an incline bench

The exercise will force you to strictly approach the execution, since the pressed back will prevent you from swaying. This exercise stretches the biceps to the maximum. This exercise works the biceps muscle from all sides. In addition to the biceps, the brachialis, brachioradialis and pronator teres. The exercise is quite difficult, and you need to approach it seriously with help.

For beginners: optimally, do 2-3 sets of 8-10 repetitions with 5-8 kg. This way you can evaluate your preparation and increase weight depending on your success.

The exercise will prevent you from cheating and helping yourself by rocking your back or tilting your shoulder. Physically difficult exercise. It's worth asking someone to be nearby.

Some Dumbbell Exercise Tips to Help You Reach Your Peak Performance best results:

  • Dumbbells are designed to develop endurance, dumbbells promote muscle growth, but once you overestimate your capabilities, you will remain away from sports for a long time. Stretched tendons take a very long time to recover, torn tendons take even longer. And therefore, standing in front of dumbbells, making a choice in favor of more weight than you need, know that you are taking three steps back, having one forward!
  • When doing biceps exercises, it is worth giving up the hard work of the rest for a while. This is not a prank, not selfishness, but really, wise advice athletes. Give all your energy to your biceps and you will notice the difference.

What weights should you work with?

What weights should be taken as initial ones?

Here are a few examples based on which you can increase weight. Controlling the load.

  • Biceps curls with straight and EZ bar, standing – 10-13 kg;
  • Biceps curls with dumbbells, standing and sitting – 5-7 kg;
  • Lifts on a Scott bench – 10-11 kg;
  • Concentrated biceps curls – 4 kg;
  • One-arm biceps curls with a dumbbell on a Scott bench – 4-5 kg;

Don't look for excuses

Regular exercise, fortitude, and perseverance are your friends. Know that those who want to will find a thousand opportunities, and those who don’t want to find a thousand excuses. Look for opportunities, and your body will answer you within the first three months! Take it and do it!

Be sure to read about it

- one of best exercises for the outer biceps. The technique for performing this movement is quite simple, but novice athletes should know and take into account many features that we will consider in this article.

Most biceps exercises focus on the inner biceps and therefore the outer biceps tends to lag behind in development. Working out the outer part of the arm is possible only in a certain position - when the elbows are pulled back. Incline dumbbell raises are truly one of the most effective for growing the outer biceps.

  • Choose the optimal angle of the bench - it is recommended from 30 to 60 degrees. Take dumbbells and sit on a bench. Lower your arms, straighten your back, take a strong position.
  • Perform biceps curls with one arm and then with the other. You can also perform curls with both arms at once, but for beginners, the first option is more preferable, as it allows you to better concentrate on performing the lift.
  • When lifting a dumbbell, movement occurs only due to the force of the biceps, shoulder joint fixed and does not move.
  • When lowering the dumbbell, it is not recommended to fully extend the arm at the elbow joint - this will ensure constant tension in the target muscle and reduce the likelihood of ligament injury.

You can study the technique of this exercise in more detail using the video at the end of this article.

How to use this exercise in training

As we have already said, dumbbell biceps curls while sitting on an incline bench are an accentuated exercise that works the outer fascicles of the biceps. It’s not worth starting a workout with such an isolating exercise, most experienced athletes use this movement to finish off the biceps at the end of the workout. We recommend starting with more basic exercises and then move on to isolated processing. It roughly looks like this:

  1. Dumbbell bicep curls while sitting on an incline bench.

For amateur athletes, two or three exercises for training the biceps are enough, but you can perform 5 movements in one session if you reduce the number of approaches in each of them. Don't forget that biceps by themselves are not very big. muscle group, and therefore devoting a separate workout for them is not very wise, especially if you are involved in bodybuilding at an amateur level. It is best to train the biceps with other muscle groups, preferably the triceps, back or pecs.

Technique for performing dumbbell lifts on an incline bench from Denis Borisov

Dumbbell curls on an incline bench - effective exercise, designed to accelerate the growth of your biceps. This isolated exercise, so it concentrates all the load in the biceps, excluding the work of other muscles. This exercise primarily targets the biceps and, to a lesser extent, the forearms.


  1. Sit on an incline bench with dumbbells hanging from your arms. You should be in a tight fit on the bench from your shoulders to your pelvis. This is the starting position.
  2. Bend your elbow until the dumbbell is at shoulder height. It is not necessary to touch the dumbbell to your shoulder; it is enough to raise it to the same height. Keep your upper arm still.
  3. Hold this position, then, as you exhale, gently lower your arm back down.
  4. Do the required number of times with each hand.


Performing an exercise with supination will put even more stress on the biceps. Let your palms point toward the bench at the beginning of the lift, and turn toward your shoulder during the lift.


Since the goal of any exercise is to build the body and not destroy it, consider a few tips to help you avoid injury:

  • Do not overuse heavy weight. One of the strengths of this exercise is that it forces the biceps to work in isolation. If the weight is too heavy, there is a risk of injury or the use of “chinig” - violations of the technique that reduce the load on the target muscle. In training, it is important to gradually move towards more heavy scales and move to the next level only when the muscles are sufficiently developed for this.
  • Don't make sudden movements. When the arms are extended downwards, the elbows are in a vulnerable position. Fast and sudden movements can tear tendons in the elbow, especially if the weight of the dumbbell is too heavy. This is especially likely when the forearms and biceps are underdeveloped.
  • Don't raise the bench too high. The incline should be 45 degrees, and your back and pelvis should be pressed firmly against the back of the bench. This will help focus the curl on the biceps and prevent you from arching your back, which can lead to injury.
  • Don't lift your legs. Your feet should rest firmly on the floor and stabilize your body during the exercise. Raising your legs not only makes the exercise less effective, but also causes you to lose your balance, which leads to poor technique and injury.

Reading time: 5 minutes

Biceps is biceps shoulder, which is the most noticeable and expressive of all the muscles of the upper body. Very often, assessing the muscles of the body comes down to demonstrating the biceps, so this muscle requires special attention and careful work. We present to you the top 7 biceps exercises with dumbbells for both home and the gym.

Features of biceps training

The biceps consists of two bundles. The long head is located on the outside of the arm and is more visible to the eye. The short head is located on the inside of the arm.

Since the biceps is responsible for flexion and extension of the arm at the elbow, then all biceps exercises come down to these movements. The exercises presented will differ in the starting position, hand grip and forearm position.

Tips for doing biceps exercises with dumbbells at home or in the gym:

  1. When performing biceps exercises with dumbbells, only your forearms should move. The body remains in a stationary position and does not start working. The tension should only go to the biceps.
  2. When performing biceps exercises, control every movement and avoid jerking and swaying. Go through the motions slowly- only in this case the muscles will receive maximum load.
  3. During biceps training, the forearm muscles are also involved in the work.
  4. You can practice either alternating curls with dumbbells or simultaneously. But for greater efficiency, it is recommended to do exactly alternate arm curls. This will take you more time, but it will help you better feel and work the target muscle.
  5. If you want to pump up biceps, perform 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions on each arm with the maximum possible weight. If you just want strengthen muscle and achieve relief, perform 5 sets of 20-25 repetitions with medium weight. Gradually increase the weight of the dumbbells.
  6. If you plan to perform biceps exercises with dumbbells at home, then instead of a bench you can use fitball.
  7. The size of the biceps is determined including genetic predisposition, so the rate of its growth is very individual.
  8. Use different exercises on the biceps to avoid muscle addiction and falls results.
  9. Most often, biceps are trained on the same day as the back muscles, so read also: The best back exercises with dumbbells at home.

Biceps exercises with dumbbells

Some of those presented below biceps exercises with dumbbells It’s difficult to repeat at home - not everyone has a sports bench. However, you can replace it with a fitball with virtually no loss in the effectiveness of your exercise.

1. Dumbbell biceps curl

The most popular biceps exercise is the dumbbell curl. When performing this exercise, as you exhale, the arm bends, and as you inhale, it extends. The most effective option for performing biceps curls is in a sitting position. In this case, you do not use the muscles of the back and core, but give a targeted load to the biceps. You can perform the exercises with both hands at once or alternately.

Bicep curls with dumbbells while standing can also be performed with both hands at once:

Or alternately:

2. Dumbbell biceps curl with hammer grip

Bicep curls with a hammer grip help you engage work the side of the biceps. Unlike the previous exercise, here you hold the dumbbells with a neutral grip. As you exhale, lift the dumbbell to your shoulder, and while inhaling, lower it. Please note that the elbows should not go forward, the body remains motionless, the entire load goes to the biceps. During this exercise, you will additionally use and brachialis muscle brachialis, which is located between the biceps and triceps.

Bending your arms with a hammer grip can be done standing, sitting, with alternate or simultaneous movements of your arms:

A concentrated seated press will help not only pump up your biceps, but also in detail work out its form, make a beautiful relief. This biceps exercise with dumbbells at home is the most convenient to perform. Sit on a bench, spread your legs wide, hold a dumbbell in one hand, the other hand lies or rests on your leg. As you exhale, slowly bend your arm with the dumbbell toward your shoulder, and while inhaling, lower your arm. Please note that the hand should be turned away from you - this will load the target muscle more:

The Scott Bench Curl is particularly effective. is working through bottom part biceps. Place your hands on the surface of the bench and fix them at a distance of shoulder width. As you exhale, bend your arm, and as you inhale, straighten it. Follow the sensations in elbow joints, there should be no pain in them.

Curling arms with dumbbells on a Scott bench can be performed with alternate or simultaneous movements of the arms:

This dumbbell biceps exercise is more technically challenging than the ones above, but it's great. diversifies your workouts. Stand straight, arms with dumbbells at your sides. As you exhale, bend your elbows, lifting the dumbbells up and to the side. Dumbbells should be at shoulder level. As you inhale, lower your arms down. The exercise develops biceps strength and volume. This exercise can be performed while sitting on a bench - this will make it easier for you to maintain your balance.

Set the bench at 45 degrees. Sit down, leaning on your back, arms with dumbbells down along your body. As you exhale, perform simultaneous or alternate biceps curls. As you inhale, return to the starting position. This biceps exercise with dumbbells is useful because during its execution, not only the upper, but also the lower extremity of biceps.

This is another isolation biceps exercise with dumbbells. Lie on your stomach top part The chest is located at the end of the bench. Hands with dumbbells are lowered shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, bend your arm at the elbow, and as you inhale, lower your arm. Then, as you exhale, bend your other arm. Instead of a bench, you can use a fitball.

Research has shown that the most ineffective An exercise for biceps with dumbbells is the Scott Bench Curl. In this position, the movement is performed with the smallest amplitude and therefore the biceps receives insufficient load.

Good day, dear readers, admirers and other individuals! As usual, on this mid-day there is a technical note on the project, and today we will talk about seated dumbbell curls for biceps.

After reading, you will learn everything about the muscle atlas, its benefits and technique, we will also find out how good this exercise is and whether it is worth including it in your training program.

So, make yourself comfortable, let's start off easy.

Seated dumbbell curls for biceps. What, why and why?

How I love to see new faces in the gym, especially newcomers, because it’s just a balm for the soul, or rather tar :), - everyone does whatever they want and it’s not right. They pump up their abs to get rid of their belly, they do bend-overs with dumbbells to narrow their waist, they do deadlift with a question back, etc., etc. This time my attention was drawn to a group of young people who, apparently, wanted to get some nice biceps and, therefore, were doing dumbbell curls while sitting. I thought, before doing it, at least go to the internet, or even better, ferrum-body and read about the technique, but then I caught myself thinking that we don’t have this exact exercise in our bins. Without hesitating for long, I took my hands to my feet, flew home with my pen and scribbled down this note. What came out of this skating :) now we’ll find out, let’s go.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle atlas

Seated dumbbell curls are one of the best isolation exercises for developing the biceps brachii muscle. The main motor units are the biceps, brachialis/brachialis and brachyradialis/brachioradialis.

Muscle ensemble exercise includes:

  • targeted – biceps brachii muscle;
  • synergists – brachialis/brachioradialis muscles;
  • stabilizers - anterior delta, wrist flexors.

A complete muscle atlas looks like this:


By performing the seated dumbbell curl exercise, you can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • development of strength and muscle volume of the upper arm;
  • muscle toning and tightening (especially relevant for girls) without pumping your arms with a large number of repetitions with low weight;
  • stretching the long head of the biceps and contracting it with greater force;
  • tightening the biceps of the lagging arm with asymmetric muscle development;
  • less stress on the wrists when working with a barbell;
  • improving the peak shape of the biceps due to supination of the hand at the top point of the movement;
  • development of the brachioradialis/brachialis muscles that push out the (last) biceps.

Execution technique

Despite its apparent simplicity, the exercise has its own characteristics. Step-by-step technique execution looks like this.

Step #0.

Sit on a bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand and lowering them to position arm's length. Keep your elbows as close to your body as possible. Turn your palms so that they are in lowest point looked at each other (neutral grip). Direct your gaze in front of you. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

Keeping your upper arm stationary, begin lifting the dumbbell with an isolated contraction of your biceps while rotating your wrist away from you. Once the dumbbells reach shoulder level, perform additional supination. (extroversion) brushes Hold this shortened position for 1-2 accounts. Slowly and under control, begin to lower the dumbbells down, rotating your wrists and returning them back to position. neutral grip. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this (option No. 2 – alternate version):

In motion like this:


Besides classic version seated dumbbell biceps curls, there are several variations of the exercise, in particular:

  • alternate rise on the bench at an upward angle;
  • simultaneous rise on a bench at an upward angle;
  • hammer grip raises (simultaneous/alternate).

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • do not spread your elbows, keep them close to your body throughout the entire movement;
  • do not throw the dumbbells up with your hands, lift the apparatus only by contracting the biceps;
  • when lowering the dumbbell, do not fully extend your arm, maintaining constant tension;
  • slowly ( 2-3 counts) straighten your arm and bend it faster;
  • before working approaches, perform 2-3 warm-up exercises with reduced weight;
  • at the top point, make an additional rotation of the brush;
  • stay for 1-2 bills at the top in a reduced position;
  • breathing technique: to contract (lift the projectile) - exhale, return to IP - inhale;
  • numerical training parameters: number of approaches 2-3 , reps 10-12 .

We're done with the theoretical side, now let's look at some practical points.

Is seated dumbbell curl an effective exercise?

According to the results of electrical muscle activity (EMG) studies, seated dumbbell raises are among the top 3 best exercises for the biceps brachii muscle. In particular, the places were distributed as follows:

  • seated concentrated curls with dumbbells - 97% ;
  • curling arms with dumbbells while sitting on a bench at an upward angle - 88% ;
  • standing barbell curl ( narrow grip) – 86% .

The data suggests that if you want better results in arm development, then seated dumbbell curls should definitely be included in your PT routine.

Dumbbell raises while sitting or standing. Which option is better?

Few people know, but most muscles are strongest when they are in a slightly stretched position, and the arm muscles are no exception. Those. when the hand is behind the body (elbows pulled back) the biceps turns out to be stretched - its length exceeds normal (when the arms are located along the body). From a biomechanical point of view, this position is the most advantageous for starting repetitions, because allows you to develop more effort for one muscle fiber and lift more weight.

Therefore your training program must necessarily contain a biceps exercise from an extended position, for example, lifting dumbbells while sitting on a bench at an upward angle.

Actually, this was the last dark information, let’s sum it up and say goodbye.


Today we have expanded our technical pantheon of notes with an article about seated dumbbell bicep curls. Definitely, the exercise deserves the closest attention, and to start paying attention to it, let’s go to the gym, practice and draw appropriate conclusions. How are you still here? :)

That's all for now, see you soon!

PS. Do you use biceps curls in your workouts?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :).

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.