What breed of pony is the smallest in the world. The smallest horses. American miniature breed

Every day we meet a huge number of people: thin and plump, tall and short. Fair-haired and burning brunettes. A person is responsible for every natural distinctive feature. It is thanks to him that all people are different. So it is among animals. Puppies of any breed from the same litter will differ from each other not only in character, but also in many other features. At exhibitions, along with the tallest horse, the smallest horse in the world can also stand, and they will have the same ancestors. Surprisingly, among the representatives of this noble animal genus there are modest miniature individuals. There are a huge number of farms and centers whose main task is to raise new types of horses.

Ponies and ordinary horses

It is worth noting that representatives with a fluffy mane and a long soft tail are divided not only into breeds. Individuals differing in size are also distinguished. It is believed that horses whose height is less than one meter are ponies. In the USA, this parameter fluctuates. There, a pony is considered to be any horse whose height does not reach 142 cm. However, even among the seemingly smallest representatives of noble animals there are their even smaller brothers. Depending on the characteristic parameters, several dwarf families are distinguished.

The smallest horse breed is the Argentine Falabella. The height of a representative of this “class” does not exceed 70 cm. Moreover, the maximum registered weight is 14 kg. A distinctive feature of representatives of these breeds is that the size of the new generation is much smaller than the previous one. If, through artificial insemination, a stallion of a given breed is crossed with an ordinary mare, then the resulting foals will inherit the proportions of their father.

tiny horse

The first miniature representative of the Falabella breed was an individual named Recco de Rocco. The horse weighed 12 kg less one hundred grams. At the same time, her height was 38 cm. After some time, this record was broken. In 1975, a sensational announcement was made in South Carolina. Dr. Hemison publicly made a report in which it was said that the smallest horse in the world was a stallion named Little Pumpkin. At that time, with a weight of 9 kilograms and 7 grams, his height was very miniature - only 35.5 centimeters. Such parameters were absolutely atypical even for the tiniest ponies. A considerable amount of time has passed since then, but miniature representatives of the glorious family flicker on TV screens every now and then.

Real Thumbelina

Today, four graceful individuals are contenders for the title of “Smallest Horse in the World”. The first is Tumbelina. This beauty is also known to a wide range of TV viewers and fans of noble animals as Thumbelina. The horse was born in the first year of the third millennium. Her birthplace is a farm in St. Louis (USA). It was there that Paul and Kai Gessling were and are still breeding dwarf horses. It is noteworthy that at birth Thumbelina’s weight was less than 4 kg. At that time, it was the smallest horse ever born on the farm. Of course, the owners of this fantastic miracle expressed a desire to show their baby to the whole world. To do this, they submitted an application to many competent authorities. The most famous among these representatives is the Guinness Book of Records team. A few years after the horse was born, a group of experts conducted tests and determined that Tumbelina was the smallest horse in the world (at that time). The fame of the tiny and toy-like dwarf pony instantly spread throughout the planet. And then a huge number of horse breeding farms wanted to raise a miniature beauty similar to Thumbelina.

Miniature Einstein

The smallest horses in the world are also of the Pinto breed. It was from this family that the stallion Einstein was born. He was born at the end of April 2010 in England. The place where the miniature stallion was born was one of the New Hampshire farms. At birth, the baby's weight was an order of magnitude less than average weight a newborn baby is only 2.7 kg. The foal's height was just over 35 cm. A photo of the smallest horse in the world instantly flew around the entire planet. People came from all over not only England, but also Scotland, Ireland and other countries to look at the fantastic miniature foal.

By the way, Einstein's parents are not so miniature. His mother Fineness is 80 cm tall. The baby's father's name is Painted Feather. His height is five centimeters less than his wife’s height.

Waiting for a record

On this moment Einstein is the smallest horse in the world, although the record still belongs to Thumbelina. The fact is that immediately after Einstein’s birth, representatives of a worldwide and popular collection of various records turned to the owners of a miniature horse with a request to take measurements of the stallion. However, it will be possible to declare him the winner only after Einstein reaches the age of four years. Until this moment, the commission only monitors the growth and development of the baby. There is very little left and the public will find out who the smallest horse is.

Einstein's owners, Charlie and Rachel, claim that their miniature pet will not be able to grow larger than he is now. Among other things, the couple has already written a book about their pet. It describes Einstein's life in vivid and humorous detail. The paper details how the foal tried to make friends. And if he is great at getting close to children and adults, then his family is not particularly happy about the small animal. At the moment, the foal's weight (despite his age, calling the baby a full-fledged stallion is somehow inconvenient) is 28 kg.

Other competitors

However, Einstein already has a competitor, claiming the title of “the smallest horse in the world.” This is a tiny Oberon, which was born in the UK not long ago. The baby's size is so small that he can enjoy the smell of freshly cut grass without tilting his head.

Another representative of the breed miniature horses is the beautiful Bella. The baby was born in And the place of her birth was not an ordinary farm, but a Center whose specialization is the breeding of such miniature horses. When Bella was born, her weight was 4 kilograms and her height was 38 cm. The indicated parameters already exceed Einstein’s dimensions. Therefore, the baby cannot claim the title “The smallest horse in the world”.

A breed of horse whose representatives are the smallest horses in the world.

There are several versions of the origin of this breed. According to one of them, once upon a time a herd of ordinary horses was trapped due to a landslide, which blocked the exit from a large deep canyon. There were no minerals necessary for growth in the soil, and local cacti were the only available food. As a result, with each generation, the horses became smaller and smaller, until this change became ingrained in their genetic code.

It is believed that these horses were found by the family of an Argentine farmer named Falabella. The animals were winched out of the canyon and taken to the ranch. Despite the abundant feed, the descendants of the surviving horses were also short.

Another theory is that a Kayak Indian chief passed on the secret of breeding miniature horses to the Falabella family. However, this assumption does not stand up to criticism, given that the Indians in those parts were quite warlike and sought to raise war horses.

Falabella rarely sold his legendary horses, and if he did, the stallions were first castrated. Even John Kennedy's family managed to acquire only a gelding and a mare. Only in 1977, the English lord John Fisher and his wife Rosamund managed to persuade Argentine farmers to sell them several mares and four stallions. Falabella horses soon began to spread throughout Europe.

Active work to consolidate the main characteristics of the breed was carried out from the end of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century. The breed is named after the Falabella family, who dedicated many years to breeding this breed on their ranch near Buenos Aires. The Falabella breed also contains a certain percentage of Spanish blood (Andalusian), since the original herd from which the breed began was originally composed of small Spanish horses, as well as Creollo.

The height of Falabella horses is from 40 to 75 cm. Weight ranges from 20-60 kg. Any color. Proportionally folded, graceful. They have thin legs and small hooves. Body structure: fairly large head, one or two ribs less than other horse breeds. Beautiful mane and tail, thin skin. Movements are free and energetic. Falabellas have a very kind character, they are smart and good-natured. They live unusually long, often living up to forty years or more.

The original intention was to create a small horse, not a small pony, so it is difficult to say what function this breed was supposed to perform, especially given its small size and inbreeding. Such babies are not suitable for riding, however, despite their height, they are very strong, and therefore are now used for light harness and riding of children. Also perfect as decorative horses and pets.

Today, falabellas are officially recognized by the US Veterinary Association as the best guides. Trained horses can walk at 3 speeds, are easy to control and are not distracted. A viewing angle of 350° allows them to sensitively analyze the situation, including in the dark. This served to popularize the Falabella breed throughout the world.

Falabella are very intelligent, smart, good-natured and friendly. They are easy to train. Such horses enjoy communicating with people. These are natural jumpers who easily overcome various obstacles and love to jump over rough terrain.

U falabella horses good disposition - they get along well with both children and adults. However, they can also kick if you offend them. They eat “traditional” food: grass, hay, plus vitamins. The coat is short or long, of different colors. Unlike dogs and cats, they do not have fleas. At home, pets are protected from drafts, taken for walks, wearing blankets in cold weather, vaccinated against the flu, and sometimes bathed in the shower. To prevent injuries on slippery floors, horses are wearing special slippers. Falabellas are highly trainable. With a little patience, the animal can be trained to use the toilet in one place.

2. Mini Appaloosa

Bred from Appaloosa horses through selection aimed at reducing growth. Appaloosa horses were created as a result of folk selection of the North American Indian tribe Nez Perce in the Palouse River region. Subsequently, based on the surviving horses of the Indians, a specific forelock suit The current breed, the Appaloosa, was created.

In the Appaloosa breed there are quite strict requirements for the origin, appearance and performance of horses; the forelock color is the most important trait to be selected. In the 16th-18th centuries, forelock horses were very fashionable among the nobility and royalty of Europe.

About 900 thousand representatives of the breed are registered in Rus-Am, the USA and Mexico. Accepted color: leopard (white with dark spots all over the body), snowflake (dark spots all over the white body, more pronounced on the hips), saddleback (dark with a white “blanket” on the rump, plain or spotted), marbled (speckled on the whole body), frost (white spots on a dark background).

As the Appaloosa population grows, the Association is developing various programs and events. The Association holds more than 600 regional exhibitions and the annual World and National Show. Although Appaloosa's are usually easily recognized due to their mottled coat, they also have other distinctive characteristics.

mottled skin

Striped hooves

Dark iris, clearly limited to the whites of the eyes

The height of a miniature Appaloosa is 86±15 cm. Any color is acceptable, with patterns on it (chubaraya)

The exterior of a mini-appaloosa is typical of a riding horse: the head is small and light, the neck is flexible, the body is well muscled, the limbs are well set, the hooves are strong and small.

Looking at a foal, it is not always easy to predict what color it will be when it grows up. Most foals are born with light coats, then they molt and lose their baby fur, except gray horses, which are born dark and gradually lighten.

This breed is very popular in America, Germany, and Holland; in Russia the breed is exotic and is represented by individual imported specimens.

Application: participation in exhibitions and shows.

3. American Miniature Horse

This is a smaller version of the standard riding horse that is familiar to us. The American Miniature Horse, despite its rich history full of mysteries and secrets, still remains exotic for Russia and European countries. However, in the New World, these rare and graceful animals earned universal love and veneration at the beginning of the last century, which was preceded by enormous centuries-long work on the selection of the main qualities of this breed: miniature size, elegance and good disposition.
The history of the emergence of these extraordinary creatures is ambiguous; there are several points of view about their origin, where myths are mixed with real facts, the authenticity of which can only be confirmed from the 17th century.

The remains of miniature horses have been discovered in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs, who, as legend has it, gave these magnificent animals to their beloved wives.

And in Europe, miniatures were already known by 600 AD. - carvings have been discovered on ancient Celtic stones that depict unusually small horses. The Sun King Louis XIV was also the owner of mini-horses; he assembled a zoo of rare and amazing animals, including miniatures.

The first written mention of miniature horses was published in the English newspaper Gentelmen's Magazine in 1765, which reported the arrival in London from Bengal (South Asia) of a small black stallion, only 30 inches (76 cm) tall. A few overseas curiosities naturally became the subject of amusement for the royal court and nobility. But life in high society for little horses ended quite soon (wars, general economic decline in Europe) and from pets of aristocratic families they turned into performers of traveling circuses, and later found themselves on the verge of extinction. Fortunately, a few specimens survived, and further selection continued in accordance with the needs of the time.

The breed gradually absorbed the blood of the Shetland pony.

At that time, interest in miniature horses in Europe gradually subsided; in the USA there was continuous work on their breeding and improvement of the breed. In 1978, the American Miniature Horse Associacion, Inc. (AMHA) was created, which distinguished the described breed separately from the pony. According to the Charter, the Association registers miniature horses of any color whose height at the withers does not exceed 34 inches (86 cm). To date, more than 150 thousand miniature horses have been registered with the AMHA.

Many people who have riding horses buy a miniature American with the goal of teaching their children how to care for and learn the basics of riding until they can switch to a large, even the calmest horse. When a child becomes too old to ride a little friend, a fun ride can be an alternative. Horses can easily be harnessed and carried in strollers and sleds for children and even adults. In America and already in many European countries, shows are held where owners show their small horses in various disciplines, such as breeding, jumping or driving.

We know a lot about the animal world, species and breeds of animals. There are the largest and smallest representatives among rabbits, bears, deer, dogs and so on. I wonder which horses are the smallest?

Man tamed the horse a long time ago. But what do we know about these animals? It is known that ponies are small horses, but there are horse breeds that are also distinguished by their miniature sizes.

Ponies - small horses

For several centuries there have been small horses - ponies. Their pedigree stretches back to prehistoric times. These horses are also divided into breeds. It is known about Shetland (in honor of the Shetland Islands), American, Exmoor, Dartmoor, Connemara and other ponies.

Since ancient times, these small horses have hardly changed at all, which is due to the fact that they were not crossed to improve some qualities. Because of this, ponies can safely be called “primitive horses.”

It is a mistake to think that these cute horses are only capable of giving rides to children. Possessing endurance and strength several times their weight, they were originally used to transport goods. In the past, ponies worked in coal mines and mines, pulling loaded trolleys for years, they helped in ports, and farmers used them as draft and pack animals.

After a while, thanks to their fairly balanced character and miniature size, people began to use ponies to teach children horse riding. Pot-bellied, cute, on short legs they take children for rides in public gardens and parks. Children have the opportunity to interact closely with horses, even if they are miniature in size.

Breeds of small horses

One of the smallest horse breeds in the world is the Falabella. The falabella is often referred to as a pony, but this is fundamentally wrong. Weighing up to sixty kilograms, their height varies from forty to seventy-five centimeters. These horses are raised in the Leningrad region and in Argentina at the Falabello farm, where this mini-breed was actually bred. Externally, falabella resemble Arabian horses, the only difference is in size.

Another miniature breed is the Pinto. The horse is so small that it cannot even support a primary school student. Eat interesting feature of this breed - the size of its representatives is gradually decreasing. Even with the artificial crossing of a small “mother” and an ordinary “father,” miniature horses similar to the “mother” are born.

Small horses also include the Mini Appaloosa breed, bred through selection aimed at significantly reducing growth. The height at the withers is from seventy centimeters to one meter, their exterior is typical of a riding horse. In Russia this breed is considered exotic, but in Europe and America it is quite popular.

The American miniature horse was selectively bred in America. The height of the horses does not exceed eighty-six centimeters. They have a kind disposition and an elegant exterior. The miniature American horse is quite strong, as it can easily carry an adult man in a cart. This mini horse is often used in various shows, they ride adults and children in carts, they organize brood rings for them, where the champions of the breed are determined. Such horses do an excellent job as guides for people with poor eyesight; they can be faithful pets.

The smallest horse according to the Guinness Book of Records

The Guinness Book of Records recognized the smallest horse in 2006 as a mini-horse named Tumbelina. The title belonged to this baby until 2010. Now her height is forty-three centimeters, and her weight is twenty-six kilograms.

Today, Bella the horse and the still growing foal Einstein are competing for the title of the smallest representative among mini-horses. Tumbelina also remains among the top three contenders for the championship.

The smallest among mini-horses to this day remains the Falabello horse, which was born in 1975. The record holder was named Little Pumkin. Her weight was less than ten kilograms and her height was about thirty-five centimeters. I wonder if modern miniature horses can break this record?

The farabello also has its own antipodes - huge horses. The website has detailed information about the largest horses in the world.
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How do you imagine a horse? Most likely, you see them as powerful and large creatures. I hasten to surprise you, in nature there are miniature horses, a medium breed dog is larger than them. The world's smallest horses often look like toys, but their physical strength surprises even experts in the field.

The smallest horse in the world, also known as the Falabella, received its name in honor of the Falabella family, which holds the honor of breeding this breed. The breed, whose representatives argue among themselves for the title of the smallest horses in the world, was bred in Argentina on a small farm near Buenos Aires, where the Falabella family, after whom it was named, lived. This breed has Andalusian and Creole colors in its blood. When breeding it, the smallest individuals from the herd were used.

Initially, the idea of ​​​​creating the breed belonged to Patrick Newton, who lived in Argentina. Later, his son-in-law picked up this idea and began active selection, crossing Scottish ponies with the horses that Newton created. As a result of selection, it was noticed that stallions produce smaller and smaller offspring. Even when the stallion dwarf breed crossed with a mare normal height, the foals turn out to be miniature. Pony horses are appearing more and more often and are gaining popularity all over the world.

Why did the ponies turn out so small?

There are different versions of how this little horse came to be. According to one legend, a herd of ordinary horses fell into one of the Mexican canyons, where only cacti served them as food. Thus, due to the lack of sufficient nutrition, genetic changes occurred that caused the horses to be so small.

The ancestors of mini ponies are Andalusian

And a Creole horse

According to another version, which, however, does not seem plausible, the Japanese were involved in the creation of miniature horses, who transferred the art of bonsai to the process of breeding them. Adherents of this version say that the Japanese trimmed the horse's hooves in a special way and used special small horseshoes to prevent them from growing. This is how dwarf horses appeared.

Unusual horses have become very popular all over the world. The family of American President John Kennedy wanted to buy several Falabellas for themselves, but the head of the family refused to sell them for a long time and in the end he was only persuaded to buy a mare and a gelding, since the Argentine tried his best to keep the secret of the breed and very rarely agreed to sell horses from the litter. Unusual horses were their family treasure. Señor Falabella wanted the secret of the pony horse to remain in their family forever.

Senor Falabella wanted to prevent the breeding of these horses outside his family

But the Iron Curtain was not destined to last forever. Englishman John Fisher from Norfolk County conceived the idea of ​​creating a small zoo where unusual animals would be presented. It was the representative of Foggy Albion who became the first who managed to persuade Signor Falabella to donate a couple of miniature beauties to him. Mini ponies have become honorary residents of this zoo.

It was with the Fishers that the breed began to spread across continental Europe. The little ones very quickly adapted to the European climate, but they are quite heat-loving animals and have to be protected with warm blankets from the weather, and infrared lamps are installed in the stables. During the cold season they are always kept in the stables.

To protect against the cold, Farabell needs to be dressed in a blanket

The problem with keeping Falabellas can be that due to their small size and calm nature, they are not always able to repel offenders. Because of this, mini ponies often become victims of aggression and can be injured and mutilated.


The diet of dwarf horses is approximately the same as that of large horses. The basis of nutrition is hay. In addition, you can add fresh fruits, vegetables and concentrates with vitamins and minerals to your food. Pregnant and lactating mares should receive enhanced nutrition.

It is a well-designed diet that will help protect the horse from colds and infectious diseases, which dwarf ponies are susceptible.

Appearance of the horse

The height of horses at the withers varies from 40 to 75 centimeters. Weight can be from 20 to 60 kilograms. The smallest horse was only 30 centimeters tall and weighed about 35 kilograms. As for color, there are horses of various shades.

The smallest horse in the world has correct proportions and looks very graceful.

Dwarf horses have very thin legs and graceful hooves. Unusual horses have a fairly large head, but they have 1 or 2 fewer ribs than their larger counterparts. Dwarf horses move quite freely. Their tail and mane are very beautiful. Ponies are true long-livers; it is not uncommon for them to live up to 40 years.

Mini pony has a height of 40 to 75 cm

Weighs from 20 to 60 kg

Looks like a regular horse, only in miniature

Has correct body proportions

Sometimes when you look at Falabella, it seems that you are looking at an ordinary horse, but through the back of binoculars. These beauties can have almost any color: brown, bay and even roan.

Initially, when the breed was first created, it was not clear how it would be used, especially considering its small size. These miniature creatures are not at all suitable for riding, but due to their strength they often become assistants in teaching children to ride.

Thanks to the remarkable physical strength Mini ponies are often used in their homeland for peat removal. There were cases when one pony carried more than 100 kilograms. Some used horses in mines to transport coal.

Farabellas are very bouncy and easy to train.

Little ponies are unique in their jumping abilities. If we compare the hurdles they handle and the heights overcome by jumping horses, we can conclude that if Falabellas were of normal height, they would easily jump over leading show jumping horses. There is a known case when a foal of this breed, watching his mother jump, also began to jump over obstacles, and, if he could not cope with them, he walked around and joined in the next jump.

Miniature horses to maintain good health physical fitness Regular exercise is very important. Its duration directly depends on the conditions in which the Argentines are kept. If horses are housed in a small space, they can be taken for walks like dogs. In the case where the owner has a more spacious territory, you can let them move independently around the territory.

Horses should definitely be walked if they live in a small area

Watching horses walk is interesting in itself. Thanks to their good-natured disposition, they make everyone who watches them fall in love with them. Many owners prefer Falabella to other horses because they are easy to care for, they are very easy to train and give their owners tender friendship and many other positive emotions. Owners always think, and will continue to think, of their pets as the most charming creatures in the world.

Falabellas are still very expensive and quite rare animals. There are no more than a few hundred heads around the world. They are mainly bred in Italy, Great Britain, Holland and Germany. The baby is often used as a decorative dog, but there are owners who truly become attached to their pets.

That we are always talking about the biggest, the tallest, the longest. Let's talk about the little ones. But for example, about the smallest horse in the world.

Three people are currently vying for this title. known to the world dwarf horses: Tumbelina (a horse that was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2006), the foal Einstein and a horse named Bella. So who rightfully deserves to bear the title of “The smallest horse in the world”?

Tumbelina, aka Thumbelina, was born in 2001. At birth, her weight was about 4 kilograms. This event took place on an American farm breeding miniature horses.

Thumbelina belongs to the breed of miniature dwarf horses. But in size it turned out to be almost 2 times smaller. Unlike ponies, miniature dwarf horses look the same as regular horses and have the correct natural proportions.

Now the record holder’s height is 43 centimeters, and she weighs 26 kilograms. According to farm owner Mike Goslin, the reason for the birth of such a small horse was a special dwarf gene.

Its owners are Kay and Michael Gossling from St. Louise, Missouri, USA. They are engaged in breeding small breeds of horses.

She is quite healthy, except for minor problems with her hind legs, which are disproportionately smaller than her body and head. Tumbelina can even become pregnant and give birth to a foal. But this is too risky, as complications may occur during pregnancy.

All in the same 2006, the expert commission of the Guinness Book of Records recognized this red horse as the smallest in the world. She wore her title with her head held high until 2010.

Bella on the right

The year 2010 was marked by the birth of two miniature horses at once, which could move Tumbelina from her pedestal of fame. On April 23, 2010, a foal named Einstein was born, and a month later, Bella was born.

Bella's owner, Alison Smith, founder of the Center for the Preservation and Breeding of the Smallest Horses in North Dakota, claims that her favorite also deserves to be included in the Guinness Book of Records.


At birth, her weight was about 4 kilograms and her height was 38 centimeters. That's still a bit larger than Einstein's measurements, but Alison says Bella is a miniature horse, not a dwarf, so she's the smallest horse in the world among her breed. But, unfortunately for her, the Guinness Book of Records does not distinguish between breeds.

Einstein was born in Barnstead, New Hampshire, England, on a miniature horse farm called Tiz Miniature Horse. This Pinto foal weighed only 2.7 kilograms at birth and was 36 centimeters tall. This gives him the right to compete for the title of “smallest horse.” Now he already weighs 28 kilograms.

Einstein is not a dwarf, he does not have any growth defects. He's just a little horse, unlike Thumbelina.

Traditionally, ponies are considered short - horses of small breeds, whose height on average varies between 70 and 150 centimeters. There are many breeds, including: Sicily, Corsica, Hokkaido, British, Iceland and so on. It is interesting that in Russia only those animals whose height at the withers is below 110 cm are considered ponies, in Germany - below 120 cm, and in England - below 147.3 cm.

Where and when did ponies appear? There is no exact answer to this question, but historians believe that these small horses first appeared either in the south of France or in the north of Scandinavia. It is believed that these places, which are famous for the humid Atlantic winds and the almost complete absence of vegetation, are ideal place for these short and unpretentious animals.

It has long been believed that ponies are only suitable for small children. However, this opinion is fundamentally erroneous - the fact is that small horses were bred with a certain intent. For example, the Shetland pony, whose height rarely exceeds 105 centimeters at the withers, is famous for its strength, of course, in relation to its size. Thus, the animal is capable of carrying a load that exceeds its own body weight by a couple of dozen times! It is not surprising that this particular breed was used for a long time in various mines - the small horse dragged loads every day, transporting more than three thousand tons of earth and minerals per year.

Meanwhile, in Australia, in the county of Shire, there lives a Shire horse, Luscombe Nordrem or Nobby. He was recognized as the largest horse in the world. The animal weighs more than a ton. Nobby's height is 2.05 meters. The horse's owner, Jane Greenman, says her pet continues to grow.