Receiving the gto sign. GTO badge - how to get it, issuing points. Necessary documents for passing the standards

Despite the fact that everywhere they promise to implement GTO standards on the principles of voluntariness and accessibility, readers of Pskovskaya Pravda have concerns. Won't the idea of ​​improving the nation's health lead to painful obligations?

What is GTO? Why and who needs all this? Is it necessary to comply with standards? And what awaits those who refuse to do this? What about those who don’t run well or can’t swim? Maybe it's better not to try? "Pskovskaya Pravda" found answers to all questions.

This year, Vera from Pskov entered second grade. The girl was looking forward to September 1st: white bows, a blouse, new shoes, blank notebooks... But the joy of the festive assembly, meeting with classmates and the teacher this year faded into the background. The first lesson in the class was devoted to the GTO Complex. The teacher explained to her little students what GTO is. What exercises will the children need to do? How many pull-ups, how many push-ups. And also that you will have to swim and ski.

When my daughter left class, GTO was the first thing she talked about, says the girl’s mother, Ekaterina. - Vera was worried that it would be necessary skating She can run two or three kilometers on skis, but so far she can only walk straight on them. She kept asking me when the snow would fall, worried that she wouldn’t be able to prepare. They were forcibly reassured that there was still time to prepare. At the same time, to my shame, I realized that I myself know little about the GTO and I can’t really explain anything to my daughter.

Vera's mom and dad were no exception. September 1 showed that there is a gap in knowledge about the GTO system, and yet this year schoolchildren and students will have to meet the standards.
Having collected all the questions that children and their parents had after the first lesson was held in schools in the region,
"Pskovskaya Pravda" addressed their director of the regional center sports training Andrey Sidorov.

Why is the GTO Complex needed?
Compliance with the standards should motivate adults and children to engage in physical education, lead healthy image life, go to sections, visit gyms.

What is the GTO Complex?
The all-Russian movement “Ready for Labor and Defense” is a physical training program. It existed in our country from 1931 to 1991 and covered the population aged 10 to 60 years. With the liquidation of the USSR, the GTO complex ceased to exist. Its revival began in 2014.

What privileges does the GTO badge provide?
The presence of insignia will be taken into account when entering higher educational institutions. Students with a gold badge may be awarded an increased state academic scholarship. For example, for five gold signs received in a row, a government award is provided. And employers are recommended to consider the issue of bonuses and allowances for employees who have distinguished themselves. The incentive and reward program for “TRP badges” is still being developed.

Who can fulfill the TRP standards?
TRP standards can be fulfilled by citizens aged 6 to 70 years and older.

Do you have to pass the standards every year?
No. The complex consists of 11 steps in accordance with age groups and standards for 3 levels of difficulty corresponding to gold, silver and bronze signs.
I STAGE - age group from 6 to 8 years
II STAGE - age group from 9 to 10 years
III STAGE - age group from 11 to 12 years
IV STAGE - age group from 13 to 15 years
V STAGE - age group from 16 to 17 years
VI STAGE - age group from 18 to 29 years
VII STEP - age group from 30 to 39 years
VIII STAGE - age group from 40 to 49 years
IX STAGE - age group from 50 to 59 years
X STAGE - age group from 60 to 69 years
XI STAGE - age group from 70 years and older
Types of tests are aimed at determining the level of development physical qualities human: endurance, strength, flexibility and speed capabilities. Regions were given the right to additionally include 2 types of tests in the RLD complex at the regional level, including national, military-applied and the most popular sports among youth.

The state requirements of the GTO complex within each stage are divided into:
- mandatory;
- optionally.

Who will prepare me and my children to meet the standards?
Preparation is provided by systematic training according to the programs physical education in educational institutions, initial military training centers, sports sections, general physical training, in institutions of additional education ( sports clubs) and independently. In addition, physical education teachers in schools are recommended to draw up an individual schedule for meeting standards for each student. So that it does not happen that a child fulfills several standards within one level, and then, due to age, moves to the next level, without having time to fulfill the remaining standards and without receiving the GTO insignia.

Can I refuse to comply with the TRP standards?
No one will force anyone to comply with the TRP standards. Everything is based on the voluntary desire of everyone.

I want to meet the GTO standards, what should I do for this?
First of all, you need to register on the website. Registration is necessary so that a person is assigned a unique ID number, which allows him to carry out tests in an official manner. Thanks to a personal ID number, a person will be able to sign up at the testing center closest to him to comply with the GTO standards, as well as view the results of the tests performed on the website on-line. Next, you will need to apply to comply with the standards, obtain medical access and undergo tests.

How does registration on the site proceed?
It consists of 7 steps.
At the first stage, you must indicate your last name, first name, patronymic, gender, and date of birth.
On the second - locality, street of residence, e-mail, mobile phone. It is important not to lose your password or forget the e-mail you created, since all information will be sent to it, right down to when you need to come and take the standards.
The third stage is information about education (pupil, student or graduate) and information about employment. If “employed,” then you must indicate the place of work: name of the organization, region, locality, position and start date of work.
The fourth step is to indicate (select) three preferred sports.
Fifth step - photo (optional).
The sixth step is the password.
Seventh - consent to the processing of personal data.

Who should register children?
They can do this themselves or their parents can register them. It is possible to register at a school, where computer science teachers can conduct an introductory lesson among high school students on registering in the system, and they, in turn, would act as volunteers and work with younger students. The most important thing is not to register your child several times. If the registration took place outside the school, then you must provide the child’s ID number to the person responsible for the GTO at the educational institution.

Will all children be allowed to meet the standards?
Only students classified for health reasons in the main medical group will be allowed to meet the standards. Students belonging to preparatory med. group will be able to meet the standards only after an additional examination by a sports medicine doctor. A special medical group is not allowed to comply with standards.

How can I get medical clearance?
Medical clearance for students can be obtained in a medical office in educational institutions (schools) or student clinics based on the results of an annual medical examination. The adult population can obtain medical clearance in clinics at their place of residence, subject to systematic medical examination of the population.

How many days can you fulfill the GTO standards within one level?
You can meet the TRP standards within one age level within 365 days, depending on the schedule established by your testing center. According to methodological recommendations, published on the website, it is possible to perform three or four types of tests in one day. Remember that, first of all, you yourself must be interested in successfully completing the tests in order to show the best result.
Accordingly, when drawing up an individual map of participation in the GTO complex, it is important to competently approach the issue of distributing the load on your body.

I want to complete all the standards in one day, is this possible?
Impossible. It is necessary to understand that there is only one attempt when fulfilling one standard. You must prepare for the tests individually and come to the testing center only when you are completely confident in successfully completing the tests to the highest standards.

On the basis of which organization will the standards be met?
Testing centers will be created for this purpose. Municipalities have the right to vest these powers in an organization whose charter will include “activities in the field of physical culture and sports." It can be sport school, additional education center, secondary school or youth centers under the administration.

How many times can I receive the merit badge?
The TRP insignia is valid within the age level, after which it must be reconfirmed.

When can I receive my insignia?
The insignia is issued after successful completion of the required number of types of tests within the age level. Submission for awarding insignia is organized based on the results of each calendar quarter by the testing center, after which an order is sent from the regional executive body in the field of physical culture and sports. The procedure for processing documents and producing signs takes 4-6 months, and therefore there are 2 sessions for awarding signs: based on the results of the autumn-winter and spring-summer periods.

If part of the tests was completed for a gold insignia, and the second for a silver one, what badge will I receive in the end?
The award of the insignia is carried out according to the “lower bar”. If at least one type of test was performed for a bronze badge, then a bronze badge will be awarded, despite the fact that all other tests were performed for “gold” or “silver”.

Will poor performance of the standard affect grades in physical education?
No. Even if the standards were not met, this is just a reason to prepare for the next attempt. In turn, successfully completed standards are not a reason for exemption from physical education lessons.

Does anyone in the region already have GTO insignia?
Yes. At the end of August the first All-Russian Festival Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense”. The Pskov region was represented by 8 schoolchildren. At the end of the festival, seven of them were awarded gold badges of the TRP Complex. At least until the end of 2015, they will be the only holders of insignia in the Pskov region.

GTO complex - These are sports and applied types of physical training that resemble all-around events. The main objectives of the GTO are to strengthen the health of the population, physical improvement, and the development of a mass physical education movement.

Modern GTO standards include testing the main types of sports and applied activities: jumping, running, throwing, ski race, pull-ups, swimming, shooting, hiking. Citizens of 11 age groups are allowed to take the GTO, from 6 years to 70 and older. Those who successfully pass the GTO standards will be able to receive bronze, silver and gold. It is planned that the results of passing the GTO standards by schoolchildren will be taken into account when entering a university.

First, you need to visit a general practitioner who will determine your health status and allow you to pass the GTO standards. Then rate yours physical abilities. The GTO standards are aimed at identifying the level of physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, speed, coordination) and applied skills. Preliminary testing of the types of the GTO complex will help you find out your “weak” sides of physical fitness and effectively plan independent training.

Stick to healthy and active image life. The daily routine should include various forms physical activity: morning exercises, independent training according to GTO standards, walks, sections, games. Nutrition, due to the increase physical activity, should be balanced, varied and nutritious. Give up bad habits. They will negatively affect the level of physical fitness and the condition of the body during the completion of the GTO standards.

The main role in achieving sports results belongs to the organization of independent training. At first, it is enough to train 2 times a week, and then you can increase the number of training sessions, bringing them up to 6 times. At the same time, during one lesson you need to combine different types of GTO standards.

Warm-up is required before each workout. You always need to train according to a specific plan. Perform exercises in series. Don't train to the point of exhaustion. Constantly alternate physical exercises with rest breaks.

Before starting an independent workout, pay attention to your own feelings of health. An important indicator of well-being is the pulse. Measure your heart rate before starting your workout. It should be equal to approximately 60-70 strokes. After each series of exercises, take a break and wait for your heart rate to return to normal.

To improve your athletic performance, you must not only train, but also have psychological attitude. Set small goals every day. Create motivation for yourself to study. For example, the motive for independent training may be the desire to pass the GTO standards for gold.

In 2014, the Government of the Russian Federation developed and adopted a number of documents aimed at recreating the GTO complex: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 540, Regulations on the GTO, Presidential Decree on the GTO.

These documents define the goals, objectives, principles, content, structure and methodology for implementing the GTO complex.

The purpose of the GTO complex– increasing the life expectancy of the population through systematic physical training.

Task– mass introduction of the GTO complex, coverage of all age groups of the population by the training system.

Principles– voluntariness and accessibility of the training system for all segments of the population, medical control, taking into account local traditions and characteristics.

The structure of the complex includes 11 steps, for each of which types of tests and standards for their implementation are established for the right to receive a bronze, silver or gold badge in the first seven of them and without awarding a badge in the remaining four, depending on gender and age. In addition, for each stage the necessary knowledge, skills and recommendations for the motor mode are determined.

  1. Boys and girls from 6 to 8 years old.
  2. The same from 9 to 10 years.
  3. The same from 11 to 12 years old.
  4. Boys and girls from 13 to 15 years old.
  5. The same from 16 to 17 years old.
  6. Men and women from 18 to 29 years old.
  7. The same from 30 to 39 years old.
  8. The same from 40 to 49 years old.
  9. The same from 50 to 59 years.
  10. The same from 60 to 69 years old.
  11. Same for people over 70 years old.

The methodology for implementing the RLD complex includes the development of regulatory documents, the implementation of an action plan developed by the Government of the Russian Federation, the creation of testing centers, the organization of testing in competitive conditions, moral and material incentives for those who have fulfilled the RLD standards (awarding badges, taking into account the presence of the RLD badge upon admission to an educational institution, assigning an increased scholarships with a gold badge).

The TRP standards cover 40 types of tests, but in each of the 11 stages, completing 3-8 tests with the right to choose a test option is sufficient to obtain a certain mark. For example, to receive a gold badge for a 16-17 year old boy, he needs to complete six mandatory tests, half of which have 2-4 options, and two of five optional tests, some of which have 2-4 options. To obtain a silver badge in this category, it is enough to complete 7 tests, and a bronze badge - 6 tests. But the selected tests for awarding the corresponding badge should make it possible to assess the strength, flexibility, speed and endurance of the test taker.

Recommendations for the motor regimen establish a scientifically based minimum weekly period of time. necessary to perform each type of physical education activity. This approach to testing ensures maximum consideration of the individual characteristics of the test taker, climatic and ethnic characteristics of the area of ​​his residence.

The documents developed by the Government took into account half a century of experience in the development of the GTO complex in the USSR and made significant adjustments to it in accordance with modern achievements in physical education and sports, and their impact on the physical condition of a person.

The idea of ​​​​developing GTO standards for the purpose of organizing a mass physical culture movement, strengthening the health of the population, its preparedness to solve problems of economic development and ensuring the country's defense capability was first published in Komsomolskaya Pravda in May 1930.

The initiative of the Komsomol members was supported by the government of the USSR and in March 1931 the first project of the GTO complex was approved. It contained one level of 15 publicly available standards physical exercise that improve health and instill useful skills in Everyday life. The popularity of the introduced complex grew exponentially.

Already in the first year of 1931, when standards were introduced, 24 thousand people were awarded the GTO badge. In 1932, the second level of standards was adopted, their number increased to 22, and 465 thousand people received TRP badges. In 1933, 835 thousand people fulfilled the GTO standards. In 1934, schoolchildren aged 14-15 years were awarded GTO badges for fulfilling 16 standards for physical education and sanitary training, BGTO badges for conducting classes and refereeing in sports games, the total number of people awarded badges is 2.5 million, and twice as many take part in the physical education movement.

Since 1935, TRP badge holders have become prize-winners international competitions, sports societies and sections are being created in the country various types sports at industrial and agricultural enterprises, in educational institutions.

In 1937, a rank system was introduced in several sports (track and field and weightlifting, boxing and wrestling, gymnastics, fencing and shooting, gymnastics, swimming, speed skating); after 2 years, more than 100 thousand athletes received the first, second and third sports ranks .

In 1939, a new, more progressive complex of BGTO and GTO with fewer norms was developed, combining mandatory norms with norms at the choice of the athlete, which contributed to the development of sports specialization. The new standards had 2 levels (“passed” and “excellent”). The GTO level "excellent" for the standards of choice corresponded to the 3rd sports category. When moving to the next senior age group the TRP standards were retaken in accordance with the established standards for this group.

During the Second World War, millions of athletes trained by the GTO complex were allowed to gain agility, strength, endurance, speed, skills in throwing grenades, shooting, overcoming obstacles, swimming, and skiing. as soon as possible become highly skilled warriors.

A long-term break in the development of GTO standards, caused by the war and the elimination of post-war devastation, led to the need to improve the physical culture system in the country. Therefore, in 1972 it was introduced new complex GTO, which was aimed at prevention occupational diseases, introduction of NOT, fight against alcoholism and nicotine addiction, strengthening labor discipline.

For this purpose, mass construction was planned sports infrastructure, the introduction of new GTO standards into the curricula of educational institutions, a system of moral incentives for the preparation of GTO badges has been introduced. Educational institutions, pre-war training organizations, organized and voluntary physical training groups, sport sections. Passing the GTO standards for youth of conscription and pre-conscription age was mandatory, for other age categories it was voluntary.

In structure, the new complex included 2 levels of BGTO (1st level for primary school students, 2nd for grades 4-8), 2 levels of GTO (1st for youth from grade 9 to 18 years, 2nd from 18 to 27 years old) and the voluntary multi-event GTO complex for ages from 10 to 60 years.

The BGTO and GTO standards of the 1st and 2nd stages were divided for boys and girls (boys and girls, men and women), as well as according to the requirements for awarding a gold or silver BGTO or GTO badge. For example, a boy in grades 1-3, to receive a 1st level BGTO gold badge, had to run 60 m in 10 seconds, 1000 m in 4.5 minutes. and do 6 pull-ups on the high bar. In addition to these 3 standards, requirements were imposed on him: to perform “well” gymnastics complex for 32 counts, swim 50 m and (for snowy areas) run 1 km on skis in 7 minutes.

The GTO multi-event complex was divided into winter triathlon and summer all-around for boys and girls (boys and girls, men and women) of various ages. For example, winter triathlon for boys and girls aged 10-11 years included cross-country skiing over a distance of 1 km, pull-ups and shooting from air rifle.

Collapse of the USSR and transition Russian Federation market conditions resulted in changes in all aspects of the country’s life, incl. development of physical education and sports. During Soviet times, in some sports, Russia successfully competed with the leaders of professional Western sports (hockey, football, figure skating, weightlifting, gymnastics, etc.). Other sports were not cultivated at all in the USSR ( professional boxing, wrestling without rules, etc.). It was not a practice to attract foreign stars and coaches to the country's sports clubs. Unfortunately, along with the lag in some areas from market countries, those areas in which the USSR was significantly ahead of these countries were also eliminated. The half-century history of the development of the GTO complex fell into the number of these thoughtlessly liquidated areas.

Careful and detailed development of the GTO standards, carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2014 in accordance with medical standards of the motor regime for each age, will make it possible to resume mass physical education movement in the country, improve physical fitness and increase life expectancy of the population.

ORDER No. 705 dated August 19, 2014
On approval of the sample and description of the insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO)

In accordance with paragraph 1 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2014 No. 533 “On the use of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation on the insignia of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) (Official Internet portal of legal information http ://, July 28, 2014, No. 00011201407280015) and paragraph 13 of the Regulations on the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 11, 2014 g., No. 540 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, No. 25, Art. 3309), I order:
1. Approve:
1.1 Sample of the insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this order.
1.2 Description of the insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this order.
2. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation N.V. Parshikov.

Appendix No. 1
Sample of the insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO)

Sample of the gold insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO), front side.

Sample of the silver insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO), front side.

Sample of the bronze insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO), front side

Appendix No. 2
Description of the insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO)

The sign is made of coated iron, it can be made of coated Zamak alloy;
Metal coating – imitation gold with high-quality polishing;
The relief of the sign has 2 levels. The relief must correspond exactly to the drawing. The minimum height difference between sign levels must be at least 0.6 mm;
The sign is stamped or cast, with cold enamel;
The badge fastener is a collet;
Sign size 24×24 mm, thickness 1.2 mm.
The insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO) has the shape of a stylized multi-pointed star, in the center of which there is a circle with the image of a running athlete against a red background (for the gold insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor" and Defense" (GTO), blue (for the silver insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO), green (for the bronze insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" ( GTO) with the image of the rising sun. This element is made using special translucent enamel, under which the diverging rays are visible. At the bottom there is an inscription of the abbreviation “GTO” in red. At the top of the sign there is an image of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. The central circle of the sign is framed by a wide edging with relief in the form of a series of parallel arched rays directed upward from the center, and laurel branches in the lower part of the sign, framed at both ends by ribbons in the color of the flag of the Russian Federation. At the bottom of the sign there is an Arabic numeral from 1 to 11 in red (for the gold insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO), blue (for the silver insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor" and Defense" (GTO), green (for the bronze insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO), reflecting the corresponding level of the insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO) .
On the reverse side of the insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) there is a fastener with a lock for attaching the sign to clothing.

The All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) is the normative basis for the physical education of the country’s population, aimed at the development of mass sports.

A proposal to introduce all-Union tests “Ready for Labor and Defense” came in 1930, and a year later the first GTO complex was formed, which included 21 standards.

The “Ready for Labor and Defense” complex was revived in 2014. A new list of tests was approved, standards were developed, as well as the design of insignia. There are three of them: gold, bronze, silver.

2. Who can meet the standards?

Residents of the capital aged 6 years and older who regularly engage in sports, including independently, and have a medical permit can meet the standards. The GTO complex includes 11 age groups.

Standards and number of tests vary depending on the gender and age of residents. For example, you can test your travel skills and pass shooting from 11 to 59 years old, but you can take self-defense tests without weapons only from 13 to 29 years old. At the same time, some disciplines are mandatory for everyone: bending forward and running (mixed movement). You can find out what standards you can pass at your age and what results are awarded the GTO sign on the project website.

3. Where can the standards be met?

Today, there are 21 testing centers for the GTO complex in the capital. They work on the basis of institutions of Moskomsport, the Department of Education and Science of the city of Moscow, and other organizations.

Testing sites are available in all urban areas. You can choose the right one at Moskomsport.

The standards can also be met at temporary sites during city festivals and holidays.

4. How do I register to participate?

To comply with the TRP standards, you need to register on the website. Each participant is assigned a personal unique identification number. An application for testing can be submitted electronically or directly at the testing center. To be admitted to the tests, you must provide an identification document and medical clearance from a doctor.

After successfully completing the required number of tests at the appropriate level (determined depending on age category) the summary protocol is sent to the automated information system of the TRP, where it is processed and uploaded accordingly.

5. Why is this needed?

The introduction of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” complex helps improve the physical fitness of residents and, in general, the development of mass sports.

Applicants who have a gold TRP sign can receive extra points for the Unified State Exam when entering a university. And students with such marks can apply for an increased academic scholarship. The final decision is made by the administration of the educational institution.