Pull-ups: US Marines training program. Russian Marine Corps. "Black Berets": preparation

Marines exercise

Let's be honest with ourselves and admit that despite all the promises, during the holidays we too often allowed ourselves to be tempted by a mouth-watering piece of holiday delicacy and are now reaping the benefits on our waist, stomach, and hips. The transition to everyday work is not easy and the task of returning to your previous form seems overwhelming. Nothing like this! Don't fall into despair and make the situation worse by worrying about problems. In fact, a set of several extra pounds- a completely natural phenomenon for winter and, even more so, during the holidays. If your problem is a couple of kilos gained, then consider that this is not a problem at all. Gradually replace side dishes with vegetable salads, serve fruit or light jam for tea instead of cakes and sweets, and also systematically perform simple tasks. US Marines exercise- and everything will return to normal.

This exercise consists of four simple body movements that you have definitely seen in at least one movie about the American army. There is nothing impossible about it and it is subject to everyone, but the effect on our body will be truly amazing. This exercise was developed in the 40s of the last century by the American physiologist Royal H. Barpee and was used as a test exercise to test the professional suitability of recruits to serve in the ranks of the American army. Here is the sequence of the exercise:

1. Starting position - legs slightly apart (narrower than shoulder width), arms along the body. With a sharp movement, you need to squat down, bending your knees, placing your hands on the sides of your body and resting them on the floor. The arms are straight and tense.

2. Now, with the greatest possible speed and sharpness, jump back with both feet, continuing to lean on your straight arms so that your body and legs form a straight line.

3. Again sharply, return the legs to a bent position so that the feet are under the body, the arms are still straight and tense.

4. Finally, return the body to a vertical position, legs straight, arms extended vertically upward, stretching the spine as much as possible.

Do this exercise every day several times in a row, without going too hard at first. Gradually increase the number of times you do it. This simple pattern of body movements will help restore muscle tone and also speed up metabolism, which also leads to burning calories. It would be a good idea to run for at least 5-10 minutes before starting the exercise to prepare your muscles.

It has long been recognized in the ranks of the Russian army. The elite formations of the Navy have proven themselves well in all theaters of military operations. Wherever the Russian marine had to fight, he always showed himself with the most the best side. First class combat training combined with unsurpassed fortitude and true patriotism, they became a guarantor of victory even in the most difficult situations.

Friendly troops, learning about the approach of the Marines, gained new strength spirit and willingness to fight to the last. After all, Marines never retreat and stand until the last. Enemies feared the Marines like fire. Chechen militants even called the Marines black hawks, sometimes - a black cloud. This, of course, is because of the black berets - the headdresses of the Marines.

Russian marines became the key to the victories of Russian weapons in two Chechen campaigns. In January 1995, the Baltic Marine battalions were able to drive the militants out of the center of Grozny in a matter of days, causing them irreparable damage. Subsequently, while in Chechnya and carrying out combat missions, the Marines only expanded on their success by destroying terrorist groups, opening weapons caches and freeing hostages.

Now it is very difficult to say whether the regular Russian army would have been able to cope with the militants without the assistance of special forces and marines in particular. Their tactical and combat training played a decisive role in restoring order in the North Caucasus. undergo a rigorous school of training, making the young man a true professional and patriot of his homeland, ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of victory and for the sake of the Motherland.

How to get into the Marine Corps?

Voenpro is confident that in Russia, despite the general crisis of society and the lack national idea, there are many strong, patriotically educated guys. And for many of them, military service is a sacred duty to their Motherland, which every self-respecting guy must pay. Serving in the Marine Corps is an ideal option for these guys. “How to get into the Marine Corps?” - a question to which many Russian guys of military age are persistently looking for an answer.

You can't get into conscript service in the Marines now. The only publicly available option is contract service in the Marine Corps. But this is by no means an obstacle or disadvantage for conscripts.

In this article, Voenpro will give some explanations for guys who want to serve in the Marine Corps. First of all, you must understand that many people dream of becoming a Marine, but only a few conscripts become one. Indeed, the naval forces have the strictest selection criteria based on physical fitness and general health of the future. If a young man does not have perfect health with an A-1 form, he should not even think about enlisting in the Marines.

When thinking about joining the Marines, consider whether you are physically fit to handle the challenge. Test results for physical abilities fighter is one of the decisive factors when enlisting. And the Marines, like all special forces, have very high requirements. It’s just great if you have a rank in one of the sports, if you are active and are not afraid of physical activity. Then your chances of joining the ranks of the Russian Marines will certainly increase.

By the way, they will help you with pre-army training - the same ones that special forces and marines use.

But health and physical training- is far from a guarantee that getting into the Marine Corps will not be difficult. In this elite unit, assertiveness and determination are held in high esteem. You need to immediately declare that you want to become a Marine, even at the military registration and enlistment office. At the transit, where established Marines select recruits, there is no need to be afraid, much less embarrassed. They don't serve in the Marine Corps.

Feel free to talk to the officers, convince them that you really want to join the special forces, that in your heart you already Marine. Experienced Marine officers value loyalty and patriotism in conscripts, and often take such young men into their unit.

Throughout their history, Russian Marine Corps units have gone through a huge number of wars and theaters of war. They are real heroes and professionals. And it’s no secret that every victory over the enemy, every hostage freed, every successful reconnaissance operation is the result of hard training by the Marine Corps.

Permanent physical exercise- the norm for Marines. Marines engage in physical training for several hours a day in any weather. It is worth noting that in the ranks of the Russian Marine Corps professional athletes no less than in sports teams and schools Olympic reserve- all fighters are superbly prepared to perform the most complex combat missions that require maximum stress on the body.

Marine reconnaissance training video:

Marine Corps training includes comprehensive training for the fighter. Entire training programs with a large number of subjects and standards have been developed. One of these subjects is military-applied swimming - theoretical training, and then an exam - for speed you must swim 50 meters in full uniform in the icy water of a mountain lake.

A lot of time is devoted to practicing hand-to-hand combat techniques and working with edged weapons. The instructors are confident that only constant work in pairs and constant practice of techniques can achieve desired result. Moreover, this is the only way - constantly looking into the eyes of the “enemy” - you can overcome fear and cultivate fortitude.

For such training, special forces have created camps and training grounds in the Caucasus Mountains. The fighters understand the importance of such activities. After all, only by constantly maintaining themselves in excellent physical shape and subjecting the body to heavy loads will the Russian Marines be able to get up and carry out any combat mission at any time.

Do not forget that you can prepare yourself for service and training in the Marine Corps in advance. Field trips where there will not be too many American Marines will help with this.

The Marine Corps is responsible for one of the most difficult military operations - landing from water. And without constant training and testing, it will simply be impossible to achieve the desired result during combat operations. Landing is one of the most important training for the Marine Corps, so Marine detachments practice this element along with other training processes.

There are a huge number of Marine Corps videos on the Internet. Anyone can see Marines in action during combat operations in Chechnya, or watch videos of Marine Corps training and exercises.

The maritime elite of Russia is the honor and pride of the RF Armed Forces

Marines are the elite of the Russian army. They, of course, know about this and are proud to belong to one of the best units in Russia. All Marines love their units and always celebrate Marine Corps Day on November 27 with great fanfare.

Anyone can find a huge selection on the Voenpro website. A variety of paraphernalia - from large to small - You can purchase all this on the Voenpro website. It would also be a good idea to please your friends and co-workers by giving them a gift. The holiday is approaching, and they will not be out of place.

You can order all this on our website. Check out the section of the catalog with goods for the Marine Corps, and then contact one of our specialists. They will immediately place an order that meets all your wishes.

Recently I ( M.Gunz, author of the article, USMC Corps Physical Training Instructor - editor's note) came across an article in a fairly popular magazine on the topic of the top 10 fitness myths. I agreed with some, I didn’t agree with some, but overall the article was interesting. I wondered what the biggest myths and misconceptions were that I encountered as a coach in my work. I remembered a lot of things, but some were very frequent and repetitive. Let me say right away that this is all just my opinion, based on my experience of training for many years and I tried to formulate what I teach the Marines every day.

No. 1. You need to choose one type of training

No! To maintain yourself in excellent physical condition, you need to maintain a balance of strength, endurance (both muscular and overall physical), and flexibility. One type of training will never provide you with the ability to maintain this balance. Doing only running or only lifting weights will not make you strong. People mistakenly think that they only have to do what they are good at, but the key to getting in good shape is a balance of varied workouts.

No. 2. Need to take nutritional supplements

No! The fact is that if you eat properly and nutritiously, then your body receives all the necessary amount of vitamins, microelements and nutrients for full functioning. I recommend that you take a regular multivitamin as a safety net if you are not always able to eat as expected. Nutritional supplements are a waste of money. Taking extra vitamins or protein will not provide you with any benefits unless your body is deficient in them.

The bottom line is that if your body doesn't need it, it won't absorb it. Some people will argue otherwise and waste a lot of money on useless supplements. In my practice, I have seen a huge number of cases where Marines have been consuming all sorts of supplements for years without any visible benefit. Among them there were a few who really needed supplements. The supplement industry has an annual turnover of about 30 billion dollars, but in fact, without bringing any benefit, everything just goes down the drain. Ask yourself a simple question, if so many people are taking these “healthy” supplements, then why are so many Americans sick, obese, and in terrible physical shape?

No. 3. To be strong you have to lift heavy weights

No! I used to lift weights O most of my adult life. I was doing Olympic programs and powerlifting programs. I've lifted some pretty heavy weights in my life. In fact, except for sports, American football, for example, or bodybuilding, developing the skills of lifting heavy weights is not necessary. In fact, training to lift weights that exceed your body weight is not worth the injuries and damage that you are sure to suffer from lifting heavy weights. Of course, this does not mean that it is useless to develop strength by squeezing the “hundredth” from the chest. And if you compare it with a bench press of 25 kilograms from the chest? Funny right? And you take these 25 kilograms, put them in your backpack and walk 30 kilometers up and down the hills and you will understand what is really important in fitness.

No. 4. Running damages joints, especially knees

No! It has been proven that runners long distances have the healthiest bones and joints of all athletes. Most people I've seen who have bad knees don't exercise at all and have overweight. I've been running almost every day since I was 12 years old and I've never had problems with my knees. It’s not that I never had any injuries at all; for so many years, there were injuries, of course. I just don't believe that if you stick correct technique run and use good running shoes, then you will have some problems with your knees. In fact, the vast majority of people are just looking for excuses not to do anything and making up problems that don't exist.

No. 5. Staying fit and maintaining a normal body weight is very difficult, almost impossible, if you are a busy person and especially as you age. To do this, you need to train 24 hours 7 days a week, be a monk, live in a gym and eat a strict diet of expensive products

This is absolutely false, moreover, it is complete bullshit! Balanced training for 3-5 hours a week, combined with a reasonable diet, is enough for the average “adult” to keep himself in good shape and healthy. In fact, people just like to complicate things and look for problems out of nowhere. Read my book “Corps Strength”, it tells you how to do all this, there is nothing complicated, no bullshit, just results. Give it a try.

The US Marine Corps boot camp is more popular compared to the camps of other branches of the US Army. Marines (or "bullets" as they are also known) are placed in environments where they must withstand extreme levels of physical and psychological stress. Thus, such training is part of the complete transformation of the cadet into a real infantryman. It is impossible to be 100% prepared for all camp obstacles. However, training physical strength and by studying the psychological demands of boot camp in the months leading up to departure, one can build the resilience to overcome the terrible challenges.


How to Prepare Physically for Boot Camp

Preparing for tests for admission to the educational building

    Be prepared to take tests. Physical fitness is one of the main pillars that supports the effectiveness of the Marine Corps. Thus, the Marines must demonstrate their strength and endurance. To become Marines, soldiers must pass a basic training test at the beginning of training. strength training(NSP), as well as a test for physical fitness(TFP) at the end of the workout. In addition, infantrymen undergo annual combat fitness testing (CAT). Understanding the standards for passing these tests will allow you to assess your own physical abilities before coming to camp.

    Study the standards for taking the initial strength training test. This test takes place at the end of the "Arrival Phase" of the camp, which lasts three days. This test consists of three stages: pull-ups on a horizontal bar/hanging with bent arms, abs and running for a while.

    • Pull-ups/Hangs: Men must be able to do two full push-ups to be able to do the workout. Women must be able to do a bent arm hang (starting from a straight arms position and pulling up as far as possible) for twelve seconds.
    • Abs: Both men and women should be able to do 44 full abdominal crunches (elbows or forearms to knees) in two minutes.
    • Timed running: Men must be able to run 2.4 km in 13 minutes 30 seconds, while women must be able to run the same 2.4 km in 15 minutes.
  1. Learn the physical fitness test standards. The exercises for passing this test are the same as for passing the initial strength training test. 17-26 year old cadets fall under these standards - with age, the level of standards gradually decreases. See below:

    Learn the standards for passing the combat aptitude test. All infantrymen are required to take this test every year. The Combat Fitness Test examines the infantrymen's ability to use their physical skills in a combat environment. This test has three components, each of which has a maximum of 100 points. Thus, the ideal score for this test is 300 points. The minimum score for each test depends on the age and gender of the test participant.

    • Movement for Battle: This is an 800-meter steeplechase, the purpose of which is to test the speed and endurance of the infantryman. The maximum result for men is 2 minutes 45 seconds; for women - 3 minutes 23 seconds.
    • Lifting Ammunition: The infantryman must lift a 30-pound ammo box over his head (until his elbow is fully extended) as many times as possible. The maximum result is 91 repetitions for men and 61 repetitions for women.
    • Maneuvers during fire: Maneuver running combines a variation of combat missions, including running, crawling, moving with an additional load, throwing grenades, etc. The maximum result is 2 minutes 14 seconds for men and 3 minutes and 1 second for women.
  2. The goal is to overcome the required minimum. Slightly exceeding the minimum required standards for initial strength training before arriving at camp is not recommended. Cadets who barely pass the standards of this test will face a difficult time in which they will need to achieve physical level necessary for life at sea. In addition, they put themselves at greater risk than other cadets. Therefore, they will likely need to undergo remedial strength and cardio training. All of this detracts from the cadet's combat training and also makes it more difficult (but not necessarily impossible) for him to attempt to become an infantryman. Therefore this good idea prepare to take the initial strength test and pass it with ease so that you at least have the strength to pass the physical fitness test by the time you arrive at camp. Use the months before departure wisely!

Improving your physical fitness

    Start with regular running. Also, to be able to pass the running tasks of the Basic Strength Test and the Physical Fitness Test, infantrymen must be fast and have high aerobic endurance. This way they can move from task to task. To increase your own speed running training should be combined: jogging, simple running and running with a jerk. As you run, make sure your breathing is deep and maintain a fast but moderate pace. Also keep an eye on its shape. Your feet should touch the ground with your heels. The point of contact with the ground should "go" forward, allowing you to push off with your toes.

    Plan your walking schedule. Infantrymen must be able to navigate difficult terrain and still carry their equipment. Make walking a habit. This is a great exercise that will increase your endurance, strengthen your legs, and develop your back, ankles, and other muscles during the outdoor activities that are an integral part of a Marine's life. Take a heavy hiking backpack while hiking. You'll also probably want to pack some extra weight to better simulate the feeling of actually walking through challenging terrain while carrying 14-27kg of gear, clothing, etc.

    Start practicing pull-ups or hanging on the bar. Pull-ups and bent-arm hangs are the main components for men and women in NSP and TPP, respectively. Both exercises train core strength while using a large number of muscle groups. They are necessary to achieve effectiveness in battle.

    • To do a full pull-up, you first need to grab the bar with your arms facing either toward you or away from you. Weigh yourself on the bar without bending your arms. Your knees can be either straight or bent, but they should not fall below your waist. From a relaxed position, lift your chin until it is above the bar. Then lower your body until your arms are fully extended. Pause and repeat.
      • To prepare for the pull-up bar test, you will need to purchase a pull-up bar or join a gym that has the equipment. If you can't do a pull-up, you can slowly train using a special device that helps you do a pull-up. You can also ask your friend to balance your body by keeping your legs straight, supporting your weight. Finally, you can make pull-ups easier by starting at the top and working your way down. You can also swing your body with your legs, thereby increasing the push.
      • You will probably also need to strengthen top part back, biceps and triceps through strength training.
    • Women first need to take the arm hang test, which is more important than the pull-up test. However, they can also do pull-up exercises. Just like men, women should also train their back, biceps and triceps by lifting weights and doing pull-ups. Of course, you also need to work on increasing the time you hang on the bar.
  1. Start swimming regularly, or take a swimming class. In addition, in order to achieve the required level of training to pass the NSP and TFP, infantrymen must be good swimmers. If you don't know how to swim or even float on water, then the swimming test will be a real test for you. You must be able to swim 1 mile without stopping. To increase your lung capacity and build endurance in your legs, shoulders and arms, try swimming 3 times a week, for 45 minutes each session.

    Do exercises for abdominals Abdominal strength, measured by the number of exercises performed, is one of the key components in NSP and TPP. Plus, strengthening your abs is a vital step to avoiding back damage in the future. The corresponding result can be achieved thanks to intensive training(especially when training with additional weights). Make sure you incorporate abdominal strengthening exercises into your daily exercise routine. If possible, train your obliques every day. lower press, as well as hips. The best exercises To strengthen the abdominal press, use: raising the torso to the knees from a lying position, push-ups on the elbows, raising legs while hanging

    • The abs test is, in a sense, a speed test. Therefore, do not forget that in the NSP and DFT tests you only have 2 minutes to perform abdominal exercises. Do the exercises as quickly as you can while still following them correct execution. You may need to time yourself using a stopwatch.
    • Strengthening the abdominals does not mean working only on the abs. There are a number of other exercises to strengthen and also prevent abdominal injuries. Among them: squats, lunges and deadlift. Use proper form during exercise to avoid back strain.
  2. Switch to a lean, healthy diet. Proper diet is vital in the set muscle mass, to meet the physical requirements of the infantryman. Your diet should consist of healthy carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Reduce (and eventually completely eliminate from your diet) the amount of sugar consumed, excessively fatty foods and preservatives. Infantrymen are required to maintain their body fat levels at normal levels. If they exceed certain weight standards, they will have to undergo a weight loss program. excess weight. If an infantryman fails this program, he may ultimately be discharged.

    • When gaining carbohydrates, it is advisable to get most of them from vegetables, fruits and healthy whole grains. Limit your intake of starches such as sliced ​​bread and potatoes. Protein should come from lean meat in a proportion that is roughly equivalent to a handful. Healthy fats can be obtained in nuts, eggs and vegetable oil in a proportion that is approximately the size of a golf ball.
    • Upon arrival at the camp, people who are considered underweight will be given portions of food to gain weight. People who are overweight will be put on a restricted diet. Preparing for infantry camp will help you in the future either get rid of excess weight or gain the missing kilograms. This way you will organize your weight according to your weight category.
    • When training for camp, eat well-balanced meals 3 times a day. Eat a light snack between meals. This will help your body recover from workouts and also stay healthy. As your departure time for camp approaches, try to avoid snacks, as you won’t have the opportunity to snack at camp.
  3. During and after training, maintain high level water balance in organism. Water balance is a vital component during any type of training. Because the training you will experience at camp may be the most intense of your life. Therefore, develop hydration habits before arriving at camp. Drink plenty of water every day. Drink more than usual if you exercise physical exercise. To restore water-salt balance during intense and grueling workouts Drink drinks that help restore electrolyte flow (such as Gatorade). After all, during such training, a person loses electrolytes through sweating. In general, you should aim to drink 28 ml of water for every 907 grams of your body weight, or 8-12 cups of water every day for an adult male.

    • To restore your fluid balance, you can also drink low-fat milk or fruit juice, depending on the amount of sugar it contains.
    • Keep in mind that the two Marine Corps are located in Parris Island, North Carolina and San Diego, California. These cities have very hot weather depending on the time of year. Therefore, restoring your water-salt balance should become an even more important part of your training for you than it was previously, especially if you live in a milder climate.

Moral preparation

  1. Prepare to be treated as if you are worthless. If the activities of the Marine Corps were aimed only at the physical training of cadets, it would be difficult. However, the training is doable for all cadets who are capable of hard work. The Marine Corps is an extremely demanding training camp, which is achieved through intensive testing of cadets. They test the level of intellectual abilities, attention, character in general, as well as mental stability. Even physically trained cadets sometimes leave the camp due to the fact that they cannot withstand the level of psychological stress. When you arrive at camp, prepare to enter a world where you will not be honored for the politeness and respect that you were taught in civilian life. Prepare to be yelled at, insulted, humiliated, disrespected, and even treated like dirt.

    • Also, be prepared to obey people who shout and insult you for no reason, because the reaction to laziness or insolence on your part will be violent.
  2. Prepare to be away from your loved ones for 13 weeks. Marine camp is an event that lasts over 3 months. During this time, your contact with friends and family will be very limited. Typically, shortly after arriving at camp, cadets are given the opportunity to make one 30-second phone call to let loved ones know you have arrived safely. After this, phone calls will be very limited, if at all. Some of the infantry unit commanders will be given telephones as a reward. The rest will be without phones. To be prepared for these conditions, plan to avoid using phones until the last week of training. Also be prepared for the fact that you won't see your loved ones until Family Day before your graduation.

    • Your loved ones can send you letters, but even in this case there are several conditions. Letters should be extremely simple, without decorations or special envelopes, addressed to: “Rec. (Recruiter) Last Name, First Name.” Make sure your family members understand that no titles or titles other than “recruiter” should be used. Also, do not send letters in decorated or decorative envelopes, and do not send parcels. All this will cause you unkind attention.
  3. Be prepared to follow the orders of your drill instructors without question. Naval drill instructors (or drill instructors) have achieved high status for their strict and aggressive teaching style. They are loud, angry and brash. Nevertheless, they are fair - they never pampered a single recruiter or showed excessive pity. COI, to some extent, helps you by making you work at your full potential. The life of an infantryman is not easy. As an infantryman, you can give your life for your homeland. To be an active infantryman, you must be able to make smart decisions on the battlefield. If you are ever involved in combat, you will end up glad that your COI was so tough on you and was able to instill the Marine values ​​of strength and discipline.

    • You can be punished for even the smallest mistake. Looking at the COI the wrong way can get you reprimanded; For a small mistake when cleaning your weapon, you can be forced to do push-ups. By raising you to strict standards, ISPs help you achieve the stamina and focus you need in the field.
  4. Forget your ego. The very first thing you will encounter at camp as a cadet is shaving your head. Women usually have their hair cut short or in a ponytail. This is done according to important reason. Infantrymen must sacrifice their individuality to become part of a unit. This principle stems from a simple truth - to discard the feature of personal appearance that separates you from the group in order to be able to sacrifice your life for the sake of another person. Be prepared to leave your ego behind as soon as you step off the bus at camp. From now on, your priority is only your country and your fellow foot soldiers, not you.

    Get ready for a lot of puzzles. Marine drill instructors often assign cadets various tasks and simulated situations, the purpose of which is to break their spirit and rebuild them into ideal infantrymen. Instructors are constantly looking for opportunities to make cadets nervous, humiliate and “break” them. They can force cadets to complete a task that cannot be completed, and then punish the latter for failing to complete this task. Instructors may criticize a cadet without good reason. Their actions may seem unfair. In fact, that's how it is. Their actions must be unfair! No matter how harsh the instructor is with you, remember, it's not personal. All the camp cadets went through such an attitude towards themselves. Here are examples of just a few of these puzzles from one former cadet who became an infantryman:

    • Someone left their nightstand unlocked, after which the cadets were forced to place the locks from their nightstands in several balls, and then scatter the balls on the floor. Cadets are given one minute to find and open their own locks. After they fail this impossible task, they are punished by being insulted and forced to perform physical exercises.
    • After the cadets successfully complete such a competition, they are punished physical training in the mud for not passing this test more quickly.
    • The platoon flag carried by an infantryman must not touch the ground. While on duty, the infantryman is not allowed to move until he is told to do so. The instructor will throw the platoon flag on the ground to demonstrate his distaste for the platoon march. If infantrymen run out of line to catch the flag, they are punished.
  5. Prepare to lose sleep. Usually the infantryman begins his duties before dawn. If you're not used to getting up early, you'll probably need to organize your sleep well before your camp departure date. Additionally, sleep deprivation is part of camp training. For example, when infantrymen undergo a special, harsh test, they complete a 54-hour mission, of which only 4 hours are spent sleeping. Thus, sleep deprivation training prepares the recruiter for life in a combat zone. There he can start fighting at any time, no matter whether he is full of strength or not.

    Be prepared to be held accountable for any action you take. At camp, cadets learn to rely on each other and also support each other to achieve high standards. Platoons sometimes compete for trophies, which are awarded for the total number of points earned for shooting accuracy, academic achievements, etc. The platoon is judged as a unit, so each platoon member relies on each other to perform at their best. Also remember that if one infantryman makes a mistake, the entire platoon will be punished. Thus, each cadet is obliged to ensure that his comrade, and himself, can be counted on.

  • Training before the Marines actually arrive at camp is vital. Especially if you intend to earn high scores. Platoon leaders take a physical fitness test at the end of their training.
  • You should also start preparing mentally for camp. At camp you will go through fatigue, lack of sleep and pain. Talk to people who have already been trained at the camp, find out from them how you can better prepare yourself mentally.
  • If you go shopping yourself, buy those products that are visible in the supermarket. Most supermarkets have fresh produce in containers where they can be seen. Groceries can be found in the center of the store.
  • Aim to achieve the highest standards, which can be achieved through training over a period of months. According to some military sources, recruiters who meet only the minimum threshold of the standard when taking the initial strength test are at greater risk than others of being injured during camp training.
  • Supplementing your diet with vitamins is not a requirement to prepare for USMC camp. In some cases, people who lose heavy weight You may need to add a multi-vitamin to your daily diet to avoid illness or mineral loss.


  • Don't try to do power training or pull-ups at the beginning of your preparation for camp. The process of rebuilding your muscles takes 3 days. If you start with light exercise 3 times a day, you can slowly strengthen your muscles without having to spend days recovering.

What you will need

  • Treadmill
  • Backpack
  • Horizontal bar
  • Pool exercises
  • Fresh food
  • Drinks to restore water-salt balance
  • Juice or low-fat milk
  • Meat without fat

Russian Marines, black berets, black death - whatever they call this branch of the Russian military. Coastal troops of the Navy, created to conduct combat operations in any conditions. The Marines land both from the air and from water, are armed with amphibious armored personnel carriers-80 and 82, and are trained to storm strong points and heights. In addition to small arms, it has anti-tank and anti-aircraft portable systems. Marine brigades work closely with other branches of the military, especially the Navy, but they are also trained to operate independently. Air assault battalions can, if necessary, switch to an autonomous existence.

Birth of the Marine Corps

During its existence, the Marine Corps was disbanded and recreated several times. The official date of birth is considered to be 1705. During the Northern War of 1700-1721. There was a need for specially trained units that fired at the crews of enemy ships, and when they approached, they boarded them. For such purposes, it was necessary to have skill, dexterity, a steady hand and courage.

The second date of birth is considered to be 1939. The second because the transfer of information from one generation of Marines to another was interrupted. The conditions of warfare changed, so these were completely different units.

World War II and our time. Russian Marine Corps

The Black Berets earned their nickname "Black Death" during World War II. The famous Bialystok ledge was defended by marine units. Either due to a breakdown in communications in the first days of the war, or for some other reason, the Marines went on the offensive, made several daring strikes, diverting enemy forces and giving their own time to reform and retreat.

Despite the fact that our fleet was locked in ports in 1941, the Marine Corps was not left idle. It took an active part in the defense of Leningrad, and individual units took an active part in the defense of Moscow. Suffering losses, the Marine Corps continued its glorious existence, even new battalions were formed. Along the way there were forays behind enemy lines, sabotage, and attacks on fortified points. Snipers in black berets became famous near Sevastopol.

The currently existing marine brigades maintain traditions and remember the heroic exploits of their predecessors in all military conflicts, starting from World War II. The brigades are called Guards, and the Red Banner of the Guard is obtained at the cost of blood and dedication. The Red Banner is the highest award honored by the Russian Marines.

The black berets, photos of which you see above, represent troops of constant combat readiness, capable of performing any combat mission. The brigades have separate companies and battalions with different functions, as a result they are able to storm enemy ships, hold the defense, take high-rise buildings and fortified points, and land from ships and aircraft in the rear for sabotage and divert attention to themselves. Marine Corps units exist in different countries, but the Russian one is rightfully considered one of the best.

Main weapons

In terms of armament with small arms, the Marine Corps is not much different from motorized infantry. The main weapon is the AKS-74M, and the squad also has one RPK, RPG-7 and SVD. Each company has a grenade launcher and rocket platoon armed with AGS-17 “Plamya” and PKM grenade launchers. Drivers, officers and various specialists have PM (sometimes with a silencer), APS and AKSU-74M. Depending on the tasks being performed, Marine Corps units are equipped with the RPG-18 “Mukha” or the RPO-2 “Shmel” hand-held flamethrower.

Periodically, the troops update their equipment. Since 2009, BTR-82A began to arrive in the Marine Corps - this is mainly for the Baltic Fleet, and for the Black Sea Fleet - BTR-80 (instead of the BMP-2). The Baltics can also be proud of the Zubr class ship. This is the most

The beauty and pride of the Navy

The Russian Marines confidently serve off the coast of our country. Black berets are considered one of the best soldiers. They have something to be proud of, and every new guy who puts on a black beret becomes part of the army family. He is now responsible not only for his own honor, but also for the honor of the fleet, the honor of the Marine Corps. The worst punishment is considered to be to be banned from wearing a beret - an unofficial punishment, but clearly reflecting the spirit of the troops. If a guy is forbidden to wear a black beret, it means that his actions disgrace him. The Marine Corps is beauty and pride and should remain so!

Black berets in cinema

The valor and bravery of the Marines has been glorified more than once in songs, books and films. The Airborne Forces have their own ensemble - the Blue Berets. A musical group consisting of officers, which is adored by the Russian Marine Corps - “Black Berets”. Every fighter knows the anthem they wrote and stores it on their phone.

Movies often use the image of a Marine. Strong, brave, smart and courageous. The last film that clearly shows upbringing in the ranks of the Marine Corps and the direction of thinking in combat conditions is “22 Minutes.” The Marines must storm the ship to free civilians and their comrade. It is an interesting idea that when preparing an operation, they consider their captured comrade to be the default combat unit. This means that the Marine will perform his duty in any conditions. The film's title comes from the time spent storming and clearing the ship.

Despite any obstacles, the task was completed, and the enemy was destroyed. The Russian Marine Corps - black berets - preserves and maintains its honor. Films about them evoke pride in our soldiers, and in the hearts of the boys there is confidence that they too will one day put on such a headdress and wear it with dignity,

You joined the Marine Corps - be proud!

If you don't get it - rejoice! Everyone hears this phrase before putting on a black beret. A kind of dedication. Army service with a touch of romance is just a civilian’s view of what the Russian Marine Corps is. The Black Berets don't complain about the conditions. However, the service is not easy, and romance is forgotten after the first forced march, when the machine gun belt begins to rub your shoulders, and after the 5th kilometer you get a bruise on your back, the comrade who was entrusted with the machine gun can no longer run, as a result you have to drag and machine gun, and himself. To withstand such stress, the platoon needs to unite.

Officers do not have privileges in terms of physical training and, together with their personnel, participate in forced marches, shooting and obstacle courses.

Preparation for service. Russian Marine Corps. Black berets

How to get into these troops? If your desire is alive and unquenchable, then you should start preparing in advance. First, make sure that you have no health restrictions, and the doctor at the military registration and enlistment office will give you group A. There is a struggle for places in the Marine Corps and Airborne Forces. You need to have an advantage over others: good physical preparation, execution army standards, license category “B” or “C”, sports categories and achievements. Ranks and prizes for hand-to-hand combat, skydiving, swimming will be the most significant factors.

Stable psyche and physical form will allow you to pass all the necessary tests and quickly adapt to military service.

Marine Corps Training

Marines are not born, Marines are made. Since the mid-1960s, Russian black berets have carried out military service and taken part in military conflicts in various parts of the world: Syria, Israel, Poland, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Libya, Somalia, Angola, Mozambique, Chechnya, Dagestan, Abkhazia, Georgia, Vietnam and many others.

As a rule, Marine Corps units belong to permanent combat readiness units. Those who get here will face tough physical training, especially if they manage to get into air assault battalions or a reconnaissance company. The Russian Marine Corps (black berets) must be able to do everything, preparation for war never stops. with weapons, obstacle courses, tactical exercises at the training ground, preparing defenses and storming heights, landing troops behind enemy lines, landing from ships and fighting in the coastal zone, forced marches, day and night shooting - all this is training worthy of a real man.

Nobody except us!

Beautiful phrase! Before serving in the army, many considered her pretentious, empty and arrogant. A well-known group belonging to such a branch of the military as the Russian Marines - “Black Berets” - tries to make their songs understandable, truthful and generally explain the meaning of service. After all, once you even attend the exercises, your opinion about the army changes. Individual parts of our army can act independently, but in the event of a full-fledged war, the troops will have to act as a single organism. "Nobody except us!" - that's what the paratroopers say. A great responsibility lies on their shoulders, they are the first in the ranks of the offensive, their task is to land behind enemy lines, capture the heights and hold it until the main forces arrive. However, this phrase also applies to everyone else; everyone has their own function, if not fulfilled, others will suffer.

The combat mission must be completed. "Nobody except us!" - this is both a motto and a sentence. Because the price can be the highest.