Standing biceps curl. EZ barbell biceps curl. We study all the subtleties and secrets of the biceps brachii exercise machine ez bar

No matter how much has been said about biceps, let's take a closer look at pumping these muscles. Let's consider all the nuances, pros and cons of training. Let's select the most important ones for ourselves this moment exercises and discuss the conditions for their correct technical execution.

Leroy Colbert became the first person to create a 21-inch (53.5 cm) biceps without using doping.

Leroy Colbert's biceps are truly impressive, but you can do it too. The main thing is not to stop working on yourself

What is Biceps? This is the pride of a man, strong arms and a powerful silhouette!

The biceps is a part of the body that receives a lot of attention. It is the size of the biceps that men begin to boast about since kindergarten.

It is also the biceps brachii muscle. Responsible for bending your elbows and the appearance of your arms. Extrinsic muscle, and the silhouette of the hand changes significantly depending on its shape.

Many exercises work on the biceps, since the weight of the body or apparatus is also on the arms, but to a greater extent these moments touch the biceps tangentially. We are interested in exercises that work directly on the biceps.

Types of biceps exercises with a barbell

The best exercises for Biceps:

  • Lifting the barbell for biceps while standing (consider this type of training as one of the most effective and proven among athletes);
  • Lifting the bar reverse grip(consider it as an exercise that allows your hands to look more impressive);
  • Biceps blaster (aka art blaster, equipment minimizes cheating and fixing the elbows allows only the biceps to work);
  • Raising the EZ bar in a Scott bench (consider this type also as one of the easy exercises for biceps);

Technique for performing biceps exercises with a barbell

  1. Standing biceps curl. Probably the most basic exercise that works directly on the desired muscle. The technique of execution in this exercise is the most important thing. Don't take a single step away from her. Let's look at the technique in detail and discuss all the pros and cons of the exercise. For beginners, the following program is optimal:

For women: 2 – 3 sets, 12 – 15 repetitions with 10 – 12 kg.

For men: 3 – 4 sets, 15 – 18 repetitions with 15 – 20 kg.

  1. Lifting the barbell with a reverse grip. He is also an overhand grip. The exercise is designed to strengthen the forearm (Read:) and brachialis muscle, and it is necessary for the development of the shoulder as a whole and the development of the muscle under the biceps. Most often performed at the end of a workout to “finish off” all the muscles. Essential exercise! Let's look at the technique, and of course, the optimal program for beginners:

For women: 2 – 3 sets, 10 – 15 repetitions with 7 – 10 kg.

For men: 2 – 3 sets, 10 – 15 repetitions with 15 – 20 kg.

The technique is the same as for standing biceps curls, but is greatly simplified by the fact that you don’t have to watch your elbows. More likely a useful thing than unnecessary.

  1. Scott Bench EZ Raise. The exercise is quite complex, but it will not allow you to simplify and shy away from precise execution. You should not abuse it if the technique has not yet been developed. Worth learning correct exercise when an assistant is nearby. You can vary this exercise with dumbbells. And so, we consider the technique and the program for beginners:

For women: 2 – 3 sets of 10 – 15 repetitions with 6 – 10 kg.

For men: 2 – 3 sets of 10 – 15 repetitions with 10 – 18 kg.

Important differences between exercises with a barbell and exercises with dumbbells.

  • The dumbbell exercise allows you to supinate your wrist more. And it's not a bad workout either.

Supination– (lat. supino, supinatum turn over, throw back) - rotational movement of a limb or part of it outward.

  • At alternating flexion hands with dumbbells, it is possible to focus on one of the biceps, and this is important, for example, in working out the relief of the non-working arm.
  • The “hammer” exercise, when the palms are turned inward, allows you to work additional muscles that are not active when lifting the barbell.

Exercises with dumbbells and a barbell are fundamentally different, and all of them, working in one program, allow you to achieve the maximum.

Safety precautions when performing the exercise

During training, adhere to the exercise technique as closely as possible - this is one of the the most important conditions against injury. Follow the rules in the gym. Use weights that suit your training.

Important!!! When doing biceps exercises, exclude other exercises! Work only with your hands! Do not waste time on other exercises and put all your strength into your hands. Hands will answer you!


Provided that all exercises are followed, proper nutrition, if you wish and have a clear goal, your hands will respond. There will be results!!! You just need to work and follow the program.

Be sure to read about it

Hi all! Today we will talk about the EZ barbell curl.

On the calendar 2 May, Wednesday, and this means time for a technical note on the ABC of Bodybuilding. After reading, you will learn everything about the muscle atlas, the advantages and technique of performing the exercise, and we will also find out the degree of its effectiveness and analyze some practical points.

So, make yourself comfortable, let's begin.

EZ barbell biceps curl. What, why and why?

On the AB project, within the framework of technical notes, we try to consider not only classic exercises, for example, or, but also various variations that are little or practically not used by those training in the gym. Why are we doing this? Everything is very simple, we want our readers, you, to experiment in your training and try different movements. Sometimes, through comments, we receive messages like: the muscle began to feel completely different, like never before, and others of a similar orientation. So that there are as many of them as possible, we consider, on Wednesdays, various variations of exercises and today this is the EZ barbell lift for biceps.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle atlas

The exercise belongs to the isolated class and is aimed at working the biceps.

The muscle ensemble includes the following units:

  • targeted – biceps brachii;
  • synergists – brachialis, brachioradialis;
  • stabilizers - anterior delta, trapezius (top/middle), levator scapula, wrist flexors.

A complete muscle atlas looks like this:


By performing the EZ barbell curl exercise, you can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • isolated training of the biceps brachii muscle;
  • increase in biceps volume;
  • improving the shape of the biceps;
  • ability to work with larger weights;
  • more comfortable wrist position (compared to a straight bar) by lifting weights.

Execution technique

The EZ barbell curl is an exercise of entry-level difficulty. Step-by-step technique execution looks like in the following way:

Step #0.

Load the EZ bar with the required weight. Grasp the barbell with an underhand grip, shoulder-width apart. (in the bend area). Bend your arms slightly and keep your elbows close to your torso. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly, straighten your back, statically tense your abs, and look forward. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

Inhale and as you exhale, begin to bend your elbows, lifting the EZ bar just below shoulder height. At the top point of the trajectory, pause for 1-2 count and squeeze your biceps. As you exhale, lower the projectile down into the IP. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version it looks like this:

In motion like this:


In addition to the standard version of the EZ barbell curl, there are several variations of the exercise:

  • narrow/wide grips;
  • standing in a bent position;
  • stretching along the body.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • Keep your elbows close to your body throughout the movement;
  • keep your body motionless throughout the movement (don't swing) and do not use inertia;
  • do not throw the barbell up;
  • do not lift the barbell too high, always keep it slightly below shoulder level;
  • V lowest point do not straighten your elbows to the end;
  • at the top point of the trajectory, pause for 1-2 accounts and make peak reduction;
  • for stability and when picking heavy weight stand with your feet in a cross-legged position - one slightly in front of the other;
  • standing in a standing position, rest your feet on your heels;
  • when working with medium-heavy weights, wear a weightlifting belt;
  • breathing technique: exhale - when bending the arms, inhale - when returning to the PI;
  • numerical training parameters: number of approaches/repetitions – 3-4/10-12.

We're done with the theoretical side, now let's look at some practical points.

EZ Barbell Curl for Biceps effective exercise for the biceps brachii?

Data from researchers from Truman State University (USA, 2017 ) by the electrical activity of the biceps in various exercises showed that the biceps brachii showed the greatest stimulation in movements using straight neck And narrow grip. In second place were exercises with an EZ bar and the same narrow grip.

Which bar is better to use: straight or EZ?

From the point of view of the comfort of lifting weights for the hands, the most preferable is the EZ bar. With it, the athlete can lift more weight without the effect of everting them. This slight angle/curve of the bar puts the wrists, forearms and elbows in a more comfortable, natural and safe position, thereby reducing the risk of injury.

Conclusion: Work with both straight and EZ bar in your training. In the first case with average weights, in the second - with heavy power work.

Actually, we’re done with the content of the note, let’s move on to...


The EZ barbell curl is another addition to the technical pantheon of notes. Will this exercise fit into your training program? This question can be answered only after indoor tests. Therefore, we finish reading the note and blow them into the hall!

PS: How do you pump up your biceps?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points towards karma guaranteed :)

With respect and gratitude, Protasov DMitriy.

EZ-bar biceps curl- This is a simplified exercise compared to the classic lift. The load in it falls on the lower bundle of the biceps, and thanks to the curved shape of the bar, it is more convenient to hold in your hands.

Initial position

Grasp the barbell, bring your arms forward a little and rest them on your body. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out. To maintain balance and better stability, bend your knees and push your pelvis back, tighten your lower back. Shoulders are lowered and turned around. The neck is straight.

Technique for performing EZ-barbell curls

As you exhale, bend your arms, but do not throw the barbell. Bend your forearms until your forearms are vertical. Smoothly lower your arms down, but do not straighten them completely; leave your elbows slightly bent. Bent elbows will not allow the biceps to relax, and it will tire faster.

  • Wide grip rocks inner part biceps
  • A close grip works the outer biceps.
  • A neutral grip distributes the load evenly and allows you to take as much weight as possible.
    • To increase the load on the biceps, try not to lower the barbell onto your legs, keep it suspended, and immediately lift it as soon as you approach your legs.


  • Throwing the barbell to the very top engages the deltas.
  • Bringing your arms forward again includes deltoids.
  • A strong bend back puts stress on the lower back.

Video Standing barbell lift for women

Analysis of the exercise

Anatomy of an exercise: which muscles work?

The barbell curl (reverse grip) is the most famous single-joint exercise used in bodybuilding for effective training biceps muscles, increasing their strength and volume.

In the classic version of this exercise, the greater load falls on the lateral or internal head of the muscle, but the degree of its involvement can be reduced in favor of the medial bundle if you adjust the technique of the main movement, for example, take the barbell with a narrow grip or practice moving your elbows back.

In addition to the target muscle, the following are involved in the work:

Preparation for execution

If biceps training follows immediately after back training, it is enough to perform 1 “preparatory” set of exercises with light weight, and then move on to the main block of work, since in this case the biceps muscle is already sufficiently warmed up.

If arm training is performed on a separate day, before performing the main sets of the exercise, it is recommended to stretch the biceps well and perform 2-3 warm-up sets of lifts.

Proper execution

  1. At the top point, the hands should be in line with the elbows. Deviation of the hand from the vertical projection removes the load from the biceps and transfers it to the forearms.
  2. Bringing the barbell to the top position is carried out by the force of the biceps muscles. The only exception is the finishing repetitions in the last heavy sets, when “cheating” is deliberately used (the rule is true for experienced athletes). Beginners need to perform the barbell curl cleanly, keeping the body and legs motionless, making movements smoothly and under control.
  3. Following the breathing technique involves inhaling in the negative part of the amplitude and exhaling at the moment of bending the arms.
  4. To ensure that the load falls exclusively on the biceps muscles, it is important to avoid excessively bringing your elbows forward when lifting the barbell. In a technical performance, the elbows should be located on the sides of the body and remain fixed in all phases of movement. Otherwise, the “peak” biceps tension will not be achieved due to the involvement of the shoulders.
  5. After lifting the bar, you need to linger at the top point, consciously tensing your biceps.
  6. Using excessively large weights reduces the total load on biceps muscle, since in order to overcome them at the upper point of the amplitude, assisting muscles are forced into the work.
  7. When the body is pulled back, the back muscles are connected to lifting the weight, and this is not only counterproductive for the targeted pumping of the biceps, but is also traumatic for the lower back. For beginners, to make it easier to control this moment and completely isolate the biceps, it is recommended to perform arm curls with a barbell while standing against a wall.
  8. The movement should occur only in the elbow joint (remember that this is a single-joint exercise), so shoulder lifts/rotations should be excluded. This not only reduces the effectiveness of the effect on the biceps, but also threatens injury. thoracic spine.


1. “Collapse” of the hand with the fingerboard in the direction of the body.

2. Rocking and inertial “throwing” of the projectile.

3. Lack of control over breathing technique.

4. Strong movement of the elbows forward at the moment of lifting the projectile.

5. No voltage at the final upper point of the amplitude.

6. Using heavy weights.

7. Body leaning back.

8. Raising the shoulders or moving them back.

Majority experienced athletes prefer to use a classic straight bar in the exercise. Although physiologically straight is considered less convenient than a curved bar, it nevertheless allows:

Inclusion in the program

Find out all the benefits of the technique similar exercise on the biceps. And why do all professional athletes prefer this bar.

Among all the exercises aimed at pumping up the biceps, the most popular is the barbell lift. Almost every athlete has a place in this exercise. training program. We must agree with this opinion and admit that the EZ-bar biceps curl is indeed very effective for creating powerful arms.

However, this cannot be achieved without compliance correct technique and knowledge of some of the features of performing the exercise. We'll start with those muscles that actively work while lifting the barbell. In addition to the biceps itself, these are the brachyradialis and brachialis. These two muscles this exercise are synergists.

The stabilizers are the anterior deltoids, levator scapulae, wrist flexors, and the upper and middle trapezius. It should also be noted that using different kinds grips, you can shift the emphasis of the load to one of the biceps sections, of which, as you remember, there are only two.

Let's see what benefits the EZ barbell curl can give us. First of all, this is, of course, a complex effect on the target muscle. By performing this movement, you can not only increase the size of your biceps, but also increase their strength indicators, endurance and determination.

Since you have to work with free weight and good amplitude, you perfectly load the target muscles. To improve the quality of pumping, you can use different types of grips, and variability in bodybuilding is a very useful thing. The EZ bar does not put much strain on the spinal column and reduces harmful stress on the wrists. It is this projectile that is most often used by athletes when pumping up their biceps.

How to properly perform an EZ barbell curl?

Take the projectile with a wide grip shoulder joints. The back should be straight and knee joints can be slightly bent. Palms point forward and elbow joints tightly pressed to the body (this is very important). It is also necessary to create static tension in the abdominal muscles.

Having fixed the shoulder joints, begin to lift the sports equipment using only the strength of the biceps. The extreme position of the trajectory is in the place when the biceps is completely contracted, and the projectile is located at the level of the shoulder joints. Here you need to pause for a couple of seconds, after which you begin to slowly lower the EZ-bar. While driving sports equipment you need to exhale, and when moving down, inhale. Follow correct technique breathing.

Now here are some tips to make this great movement as effective as possible:
  • The upward movement should be smooth, excluding swinging the projectile and throwing it.
  • The projectile must move in a wide arc.
  • There should be a short pause in the uppermost position.
  • The bar should move down slower than up.
  • The projectile cannot be thrown, it must move down smoothly.
  • In the lowest position of the trajectory, do not completely straighten your arms, thereby maintaining constant tension in the muscles.
  • In the pauses between sets, you should perform biceps stretching exercises.
  • Place this movement first in your program.
As for the number of sets and approaches, it all depends on your goals:
  • For strength - 5 sets of 3–5 repetitions each.
  • For volume - 3 sets of 7–10 repetitions.
  • For definition - 2 to 3 sets of 15–20 repetitions each.
Let's continue to look at the features of the exercise, starting with the type of grip. If you plan to use heavy weights, then you need to take the projectile with a standard grip (at the level of the shoulder joints). To better pump the outer part of the muscle, use a narrow grip. Accordingly, to shift the load on the internal section, it is necessary to use wide grip. IN the latter case you can increase the weight of the projectile, and when using a narrow grip, decrease it.

When choosing one type of grip or another, you must understand that there is no better or worse. You need to use the one that will solve the problem assigned to you. You can also recommend changing the types of grip to better pump your biceps.

In conclusion, I would like to say that using the EZ-barbell for biceps, you can effectively work out your biceps. It is only important to adhere to all the rules for its implementation that we talked about today.

Check out the technique for performing EZ-barbell curls in this video: