Why is Pole Dance the best idea for beginner athletes? Pole exercises - effective sports load Paired elements on the pole

Beginners to Pole Dance, of course, will not be able to immediately master the complex tricks of this dance and acrobatic direction. However, they have access to lungs basic elements, performed both statically and dynamically. Let's look at the basic Pole Dance exercises for beginner dancers.

Deflection near the pole

Stand next to the pylon, leaning your right shoulder against it. One foot should be closer to the pole, and the other a little further in front of it. Raise your straight arms and grab the pole with them so that your left is slightly lower than your right. Arch your back, move your head back, squat down a little, placing your feet on your tiptoes.


Stand near the pole on the left side, and with your right hand grab it above your head. Then take one step clockwise with your right foot. As you swing your left leg, grab the pole with your left hand. Lift your feet off the floor and grab the pole with them. Need to outer surface right leg was in front of him, and back surface left - from the outside. Arch your back. Your legs must grip the pole tightly, otherwise you will not be able to stay on it.

Slingshot (spreader)

A static element that involves hanging upside down on a pole. Your buttocks should be higher than your head, spread your legs in different directions. Place your hands between your inner thighs and grip the pole firmly.

Hanging under the knee

The element is also performed in the “head down” position. In this case, you hold your body not with your hands, but with your leg bent at the knee, which clasps the pole. The other leg should be straight and parallel to the floor. Stretch your arms freely towards the straightened leg.

High chair

Squeeze the pole with both feet at your hips. In this case, your legs can be kept straight, parallel to the floor, or bent at the knees. Hold the pole firmly with your hands.


Sit on the pole and squeeze it with your thighs, closer to your groin. Place one leg on top of the other and bend it at the knee. Leave the second one straight. With your elbow bent, firmly grasp the pole and point your other hand to the side.


Stand on the side of the pole. Hold it with both hands: the closest one from below, and the farthest one from above, so that it turns out wide grip. Place your near foot on the pole with your heel up, about 15 cm above the floor. Then push off the pole with this leg, and bring your far leg forward and bend at the knee. The leg resting on the pole should be straight.

Spacer from hands

Stand facing the pole. Right hand grab it tightly above your head, and with your left hand below the level of your buttocks. Lifting my feet off the floor, left leg straighten and point back, and bend your right knee.


This item is suitable for those who have back strain. Grab the pole with your near hand and bend your back, placing your other hand on the floor.


With one hand, grab the pole above your head, and with the other at the level of your buttocks. Push off the floor, spread your legs to the sides and spin around the pole on straight arms. You need to maintain a slight arch in your back.

Simple hand hang

The element is quite simple in technique, but it requires strong hands, since in the process the entire load is transferred to them. The hang can be performed from the position “sitting on the pole” or standing near it. To begin with, take with outstretched arms hold the pole, then slowly move your legs back, bending your knees. The head should be slightly tilted back.


Grab the pole with your hands so that your bent arm is level with chest, and straightened above the head. Hold the pole under the knee of your left leg. Push off the floor with your right leg and bend it at the knee. As a result, you should spin around the pole with your legs bent.

Twist with double rearrangement of legs

With your right hand, grab the pole and, while twisting, grab it with your right leg under the knee. Perform a spin in this position, and at the end of the element, grab the pole with your left foot and land on both legs bent.

With the help of experienced and professional trainers at the Anix Dance studio, you will perfectly master the basic elements of pole dancing and confidently move on to learning more complex tricks.

Pole dancing is a type of fitness based on pole exercises with elements artistic gymnastics and pole acrobatics. This type of fitness is designed to strengthen all muscle groups, improve the level of choreography and plasticity.

Pole dance is a type of sports dance on a pole, which is a pole for performing various elements of choreography and acrobatics. In this type of fitness, special emphasis is placed on musicality and plasticity.

There are several schools of floor dance, which are based on sports orientation, pole acrobatics and complex execution of elements.

Floor dancing for beginners includes simple elements of plastic arts and acrobatics with a pole on the floor. At an intermediate level of skill, rotations around the pole and other dynamic elements are performed. On high level Acrobatic tricks are performed on a pole more than 2-3 meters high.

An important feature of floor dance is the purity of the performance of tricks and the plasticity of transitions from one element to another.

When performing floor dance elements, you must keep your knees straight and your toes pointed, and also work out all the accents and details in the movements. An important criterion This fitness involves matching movements to musical accompaniment.

Pol dance classes require stamina, good coordination, agility and flexibility. Dancers must have high muscle tone, good stretching and grace.

Almost all floor dance classes are based on aerobic exercise, before which it is carried out special warm-up to warm up the muscles. Basically, when performing floor dance elements, the muscles of the upper body, back and abs are involved.

Floor dancing for beginners is carried out in a gentle manner with a long warm-up and intensive exercises for stretching. In the first lessons, you need to learn how to control your body, feel the pole and be able to maintain balance.

Elements of floor dance

Currently, gender dance is popular view dance fitness. Since 2003, many countries have held international competitions on floor dance. In competitions, the main emphasis is on artistry and athleticism, as well as cleanliness and precision in the execution of elements.

Elements of floor dance can be divided into two main styles: artistic and sports. Sports elements are designed for endurance and high physical fitness, and artistic elements must be original, bright and spectacular.

Preparation for this direction fitness is conducted in various clubs and schools. International schools Floor dance is divided into several categories according to the types of elements and the content of the acrobatic program.

The main schools of pole dance include dance and sports. Dance schools train dancers with choreographic programs with an aesthetic focus. IN sports schools classes are conducted on individual and general acrobatic programs aimed at improving physical fitness, increase muscle mass and athleticism.

Advantages of floor dancing

The main advantages of floor dancing are:

  • the ability to strengthen muscles;
  • increasing the flexibility and plasticity of the body;
  • skin tightening and slowing down aging;
  • improved coordination;
  • excess weight loss;
  • prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and bone structure;
  • maintaining correct posture.

Also in floor dancing, the aesthetic side of training plays an important role, which allows dancers to become more feminine, attractive, graceful, relaxed and self-confident.

For most people, the phrase “pole dancing” evokes only one association: striptease in a club. But these people are simply not aware that pole exercises, other names - pole dance or pole dancing - are a full-fledged sport in which competitions and championships are held in countries and around the world. In fact, one of the types of dance gymnastics, such as aerobics, rhythmics, acrobatic rock and roll, funk and others, the only difference is that dance movements and tricks to music are performed not on the floor, but near a pole and on it in air. By the way, a man on a pole is also a common phenomenon - male pole dance is distinguished by its emphasis on acrobatics and the power side of tricks, contains a lot of parkour, and instead of music, rhythmic sounds are often used (drum roll, noise of nature, mechanical devices, etc.). Pole dance performed by men is more often called pole acrobatics and championships are also held in it - look at the photos and videos to see how beautiful this sport is.

Tricks and twists on the pole include elements of many other sports: acrobatics, choreography, power loads, cardio. Pole dancing gives an amazing complex effect:

  • Flexibility, plasticity, and artistry develop.
  • Posture is straightened, movements become smooth and graceful.
  • Coordination of movements improves.
  • Rising muscle strength without increasing muscle mass.

And one more advantage, how pole training differs from fitness training - high efficiency in fast weight loss. The result will begin to appear after 6 lessons - one pole dance workout for beginners burns 1000 calories, and for those who continue practicing with good physical fitness - up to 1400 calories, especially if you combine pole dancing with other workouts - or.

Pole dancing lessons for beginners are recommended to be held 2-3 times a week for the first month, and then, when experience comes, physical endurance will increase, and therefore muscle strength, it is advisable to train every other day, alternating the pole with walking or running. This scheme allows you to normalize your weight within 3-4 weeks, tighten your figure, and then improve your pole dancing skills for health and beauty.

To evaluate all the pros and cons of these activities, the following two important factors should also be noted:

But, nevertheless, it is initially best for beginners to start learning pole dancing in a special group, in a gym, under the guidance of a trainer, since video lessons do not allow you to evaluate your own performance of each movement, and an experienced trainer will tell you what and how to improve.

Another question of interest to beginners: should I install a large mirror next to the pylon in the home hall? Experienced specialists do not recommend doing this. A mirror during pole dance training acts as a distraction and can cause injury. Moreover, during the exercise there is no time or opportunity to look at yourself in the mirror. Therefore, it is better to abandon this idea, at least until the time of learning the basics of pole dancing.

Who should not practice on the pole?

Like any other sport, floor dancing has contraindications for health reasons:

  • High and low blood pressure (hyper- and hypotension).
  • Obesity above degree 1.
  • Chronic heart diseases.
  • Diseases of the joints and spine.
  • Scoliosis of all degrees.
  • Limb injuries.

Disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and dizziness are serious contraindications, as they pose a risk of injury.

What do you need to have for pole training?

Naturally, in addition to the pole itself, a girl or man needs special equipment. The requirements for it are standard - convenience and comfort, natural materials, clothing should not hinder movement, but also not interfere with the performance of complex tricks. There is no special uniform for pole dancing. You can choose from the following items:

  • T-shirt, top, T-shirt. It is accepted that the stomach, shoulders and arms should be open, so a gymnastic leotard is not used.
  • Shorts so that your legs are also open. This is due to the fact that the fabric of pants or leggings is very slippery on the pole. The use of gaiters is allowed.
  • Shoes – choreographic ballet shoes, gymnastic shoes, dance sneakers, jazz shoes, soft ballroom shoes. Such shoes, like bare feet, provide good grip on the pole and the leg stretches well in them. But you should absolutely not wear socks - they will slip. Special high-heeled shoes - strips, which are used in striptease and exotic dancing, should not be worn by unprepared beginners.
  • Fingerless gloves - they prevent wet hands from slipping and protect your palms from abrasions and calluses.
  • Additional special means for gripping the pylon, allowing you to jump onto it and perform movements without slipping. There is a large selection - magnesia, gels, sprays, creams, waxes and powders.
  • Elastic wrist bandage to prevent sprains.
  • Musical recordings. The choice of accompaniment is according to the taste of the person who is practicing, but the music should be rhythmic and unobtrusive.

General information

Pole dancing has some rules:

  • There are two types of pylons: static (stationary) and mobile - rotating. For beginners, until they have mastered basic acrobatic exercises, they can only practice on a static apparatus.
  • The pylon is conventionally divided into three levels, each of which has its own purpose. Bottom part– for training plasticity, stretching, the middle of the pole is used for twists and rotations, and the upper level is used for performing acrobatic tricks.
  • Pole dance is divided into three varieties:
  • Exotic is the most “danceable” variety. The number of choreographic movements is about 70%, power movements - 30%, of which a third are performed on the floor (parterre). In exotic sex dance there is no undressing - that is the difference between it and striptease.
  • Art is the most harmonious direction, where the number of dance and strength tricks is 50x50%. It is often called classic pole dance.
  • Sport/Fitness is the most difficult sports direction, in which 70% of tricks are power elements. Most often, men engage in this variety.

Algorithm of classes

Like any other training, a floor dance class, whether with a trainer or at home, should follow a certain pattern:

  • . This mandatory stage, duration - at least 15 minutes, during which the muscles and ligaments will prepare for physical activity. The second part of the warm-up must necessarily contain.
  • The second stage is the implementation of basic static elements.
  • Only at the third stage can you begin execution dynamic exercises– twists, flips, rotations, etc.
  • Next comes the stage of complex stretching, which gives the body plasticity.
  • After stretching, you can start strength exercises– racks, hangings, supports. A special mat is placed on the power part around the pole to protect the athlete from injury in case of accidental falls.
  • Next comes stretching again, but softer.
  • The final stage is a cool down. These are standard physical exercise which are performed at a slower pace. At the final stage, it is desirable to achieve complete relaxation and rest. A yoga pose, shavasana, is very suitable for this, as it helps the body to completely renew itself after heavy exertion.

The total training duration for beginners is from 1 to 1.2 hours, and experienced athletesoptimal time 1,5 hour.


For ladies and men who want to have a beautiful, toned figure, have unique capabilities and get real pleasure from classes - pole dancing is exactly the sport that is needed. At the same time, training requires great physical strength and complete dedication. But the result will be amazing!

An interesting article about why you should choose pole dancing classes, where to start learning and how to get quick results.

In the modern world, the realities are such that women have to withstand very strong competition. Marriage or a permanent relationship is no longer a guarantee that a woman will always be under the protection of her man. Therefore, she must constantly improve herself and make every effort to be attractive for as long as possible.

Cult beautiful body today is not a joke, a modern lady is not only smart and charming, but also maintains her external beauty for as long as possible. And it is not possible without good physical shape. Floor dancing for beginners helps improve your figure. Next, we will discuss the nuances of pole acrobatics.

What are the benefits of floor dancing?

Poledance builds quickly beautiful shapes bodies. It seems on the screen that the girls are flying around the pole with ease and ease; in fact, only constant exhausting training allows one to achieve professionalism in dancing. When performing tricks on a pole, a huge number of muscles are involved, the muscles work the most shoulder girdle, abs and legs.

In addition, dance develops a sense of balance, flexibility, sensory perception of music and oneself in it. A woman becomes more confident, appears beautiful posture, sparkle in the eyes, graceful gait. The impact of dance cannot be hidden.

It’s wonderful not only to feel the music, but also to be able to express your feelings through movements. Also, learning poledance gives quite a thrill: fast spins, upside down tricks, false falls, performing exercises that seem to contradict the laws of physics will not leave anyone indifferent.

Pole dance - dance on a pole (pole) combining acrobatics, choreography and elements of artistic gymnastics

How to start doing pole dancing

It is important to evaluate the convenience of the dance hall. Are the pylons far enough apart from each other? You need to understand that spinning around the pole requires a lot of space, and it is important for students not to touch each other. It is also worth checking whether you can see yourself in the mirror from each dance seat, since latecomers usually do not get the most advantageous seats, and assessing your movements in the mirror is very important.

If you have space in your apartment and financial opportunity, it is better to buy a pylon for practicing the elements of your home. This will greatly speed up the results and help you practice the technique “cleanly”. It is not necessary to buy a new pylon; you can choose a used one.

Clothing for classes should be as comfortable as possible, not stretch anywhere, and not interfere with movements. It is important that the areas under your knees, elbows, stomach and ankles are open as these will help you press as firmly as possible into the pole. In addition, you will need alcohol wipes to treat the pole and magnesium - a special powder that helps prevent body parts from sliding along the pole.

Don't forget that pole dancing is a lot of work. Initially, it will not be possible to avoid chafing and bruising. In addition to attending classes to achieve good results It is necessary to devote time to stretching every day, because without this you will not be able to perform movements smoothly and mesmerizingly.

Because pole exercises require strong muscles, it is important to do strengthening workouts such as crunches, push-ups, pull-ups, handstands and rows. But the result is worth it! After all, a beautiful woman is waiting for you at the exit fit figure and the ability to dance sensually and fieryly.

- pole and dance - dance) - a spectacular dance at the intersection of choreography, artistic gymnastics and aerial acrobatics. Since the 2000s, Pole dance has been actively developing as a form of acrobatics, sports and fitness, with an emphasis on demonstrating the dancer's choreographic skills and technique. We will talk about the prospects of this direction below.

Features of Pole Dance

Pole Dance is not possible without a special apparatus - a pole (aka pylon), around which all the dance elements are built, assembled into a complete dance. Movements are carried out with the support ofand the pylon, which requires a certain level physical training, strength, flexibility and endurance.

Pole and its role in Pole Dance

The pole dance equipment, for all its simplicity, requires separate words. A pylon is a hollow polished tube with a diameter of 40 mm or more, which should provide the necessary sliding and, at the same time, good grip in direct contact with the skin to fix the dancer’s position.

I am a half-dancer, my legs are stretched like a string.
Like a pylon I am thin, graceful, slender.
No problem hanging upside down for me
Or, having made a flyby, go into a power trick.
© Igor Bolshakov.

By the way, bare areas of the body in floor dance are necessary precisely for better adhesion to the surface of the pole, and not only and not so much for attractiveness.

Modern technologies allow you to install pylons in any room, even in private apartments. Pylons differ in the method of attachment (fixation) to the support; they can be static or rotating. Rotating poles provide greater dynamism and spectacular movements. At the upper level of the pylon (2 meters or more) acrobatic tricks are performed, at the middle level (up to one and a half meters) - rotations and various dynamic movements (twists, fly-ins, etc.), the lower level (parterre) involves performing elements of plastics and acrobatics on the floor .

Pole Dance: a little history

Historically, in Western civilization, Pole Dance is associated with erotic performances for men. In the foreseeable past, the dance has an American-Canadian origin, but its roots go further east and deeper: into Chinese circus acrobatics and the ancient Indian practice of mallakhamb training. In Asian circuses you can still see performances with a pole, but it is significantly different from what is used in pole dance. As a sports dance, acrobatic and fitness direction, Pole Dance is just going through its formation stage and is “experiencing” a boom in popularity.

Since 2003, pole dancing has officially emerged from the darkness of nightlife establishments.: competitions and championships began to be held in the discipline. Moreover, a certain code has already been formed - the organizers clearly distinguished between the concepts of strip dance and gender dance: any revealing outfits, gestures, etc. are prohibited at performances. Even strips are prohibited in Pole Sport: all attention must be focused ONLY on the athleticism of the dancer, who needs to be able to “cleanly” perform the elements of the program and make interesting connections between them. The world championships are initiated by the World Pole Sport & Fitness organizations and the International Pole Sports Federation.

Since 2008, Pole Dance competitions have been held in Russia. For the first time, the competition was held in St. Petersburg, and a Ukrainian with the beautiful national name Vardanush Martirosyan won. Pole dancing continues to develop: children's pole dance classes are opening, impromptu performances can be seen in the open air, and even an underwater version of pole dancing has appeared.

My life without half-dance is sad and dull.
I would give anything in the world for a pylon.
The blood is boiling - it is the excitement that is boiling in it,
My goal is to get a championship in Pole Art.
© Igor Bolshakov.

Types of Pole Dance

There are four directions of pole dance:

  • Pole Sport- the most “serious” direction of pole dance: pole dancing refers to aerial strength athletics, competitions in the discipline take place on sports grounds, and are evaluated by certified teams of judges according to approved rules. Each performance contains a mandatory set gymnastic elements, connections and transitions. Competitors perform in tracksuits to the accompaniment of music on two types of pylons, alternating them during the execution of the program to demonstrate various skills.
  • Pole Art- artistic dance with a pole and a choreographic program that includes certain elements. Competitions are held in the discipline, where the quality of performance, direction, and acting skills and suitability of the costume to the chosen image of the speaker. To better understand the difference between Art and Sports, you can compare them with ice dancing and pairs figure skating.
  • Exotic Pole Dance- the dance contains less of an acrobatic component, but more of erotic plasticity, and is of a distinctly entertaining nature.
  • Pole Fitness- an amateur style of floor dancing, which is taught in widely specialized fitness centers.
Since Pole Fitness is a publicly accessible form of pole dancing, then we will talk about it further.

How Pole Fitness workouts work

Fitness centers offer pole dance as an activity for stretch marks and working out the muscles of the legs, arms, body, general weight loss and comprehensive improvement of physical condition. We will tell you more about the benefits below. What is Pole Fitness training:

  • The first 5-10 minutes are devoted to warming up, which is needed to warm up the main muscle groups and joints involved in Pole Fitness.
  • Next 10 minutes are given to strength balance exercises on a pole.
  • The main part of the lesson lasts 40-45 minutes and at this time the girls practice various acrobatic and choreographic elements: twists (twists), various trick combinations.
  • Next 5-10 minutes are reserved for improvisation using the studied elements with musical accompaniment.
  • Stretching completes the workout, which is given 20-30 minutes of training time. Stretching is necessary for a half dancer to master the skill of splits and other acrobatic elements of dance.
Pole Fitness classes typically last about 1.5 hours.

The group is selected small, and strictly according to the number of shells in the room. In a self-respecting establishment, more than one person practicing on the pole is not allowed. While mastering acrobatic elements on the pole, the teacher provides insurance for beginner dancers, plus shock-absorbing mats are used. The training takes place barefoot or in special light high-heeled strip shoes (more advanced level). Fitness centers and dance studios guarantee an individual approach to all participants, regardless of age or level of physical fitness. Moreover, many schools promise their students a real opportunity to take part in Pole Dance competitions.

Pole Fitness: benefits

By regularly practicing Paul Fitness, you can achieve:
  • Endurance and good coordination. Many dynamic movements of pole dance develop dexterity, train the vestibular system and sense of balance.
  • Strong muscles and tone for the whole body. Holding your own weight in various positions helps develop and strengthen muscles.
  • Flexibility and mobility of the articular-ligamentous apparatus. You'll finally sit down leg-split :)
  • Resilience, strength of character and the ability to overcome difficulties.
  • Increased self-esteem, self-confidence and just a good mood.

Pole Fitness: Disadvantages

A significant disadvantage of sex dance can be called high cost of subscription compared to other types group training. (But it’s better to choose a specialized studio with professional choreographers and “overpay” than to stand in line for the pole: this also happens).

Hyperhidrosis(increased sweating) is a physiological feature that can become an unpleasant surprise when practicing with a pole. Simply put, if your palms sweat a lot, then it will be difficult to perform hand grips - your hands will slip. To solve this problem, it is often enough to use sports magnesium.

Fear is a frequent companion for beginners. Fear of injury, fear of heights, fear of unusual body position (for example, hanging upside down). This is a natural emotion caused by the instinct of self-preservation, which passes with increasing experience in sports.

Prepare to bruise: they will definitely be, all successful floor dance dancers have gone through this. If you can’t imagine your life without a miniskirt or the bruises on your skin take a long time to disappear, then this can become a small problem. Be patient and use ointments that help resolve hematomas (badyaga, troxevasin, etc.).

Pole Dance: contraindications

Contraindications to floor dancing are epilepsy, frequent dizziness, tinnitus, various vascular disorders, inflammatory diseases of the joints, hernias of the cervical and lumbosacral spine, postoperative period, various ophthalmological diseases. In addition, people with significant disabilities are not allowed to practice on the pole. overweight. Unfortunately, this is a fact - the lighter the young lady, the safer (!) the classes will be and the easier it will be to conquer the pole. If excess weight“It’s obvious”, but you really want to go to the pole, then we advise you to lose weight first. The materials are collected in a separate section, plus you can sit on diet(only reasonable!). Most of the girls who came to Pole Dance, no matter what, they stay in it for a long time or “get sick” of dance forever.

Here's what they say about their passion for pole dancing
(reviews from irecom):

And men, for example, consider gender dance the best sport For a girl! Of course, is there such a representative of the stronger sex who would not dream of an ideal stretch for his other half?

Pole Dance: motivation.
Video of the best performances

We have something special in store for the finale: the most “delicious” videos from the performances of professional floor dance dancers. Watch and enjoy:)

It's good that you're sitting.
Hold on tight to your seat, because this video with Polina Volchek is simply SOMETHING!

Stock up on validol, because your heart will need something to calm it down.
Pair performance. Fabulous.

Men are not far behind either.
Christian Lebedev as a Spartan. Strongly.

Come on, who will now say that Pole Dance is simple...or vulgar? Pole dancing is a real art of strong and handsome men and women. And yet, we cannot disappoint the expectations of those who were waiting for the “spice”: we guarantee that you have never seen Hannibal Lector like this: