I'm not good at doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Option A: reduce the mass. Pull-up program for girls

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar are a very effective strength exercise. Remember when in the yard they began to count, when they pulled themselves up: “nine, ten, eleven...”, with the appearance that nothing supernatural had happened, but “twenty-seven, twenty-eight...” they said with sad eyes and a whisper. Pull-ups are about working your body, that’s the beauty of it. This exercise shows your body control and how your body weight matches your arm strength. If some person with a beer belly can do 15 times on the horizontal bar, then you will be impressed, but if a guy as thin as a bicycle can’t do it even once, it will cause pity, even if he is very smart.

Also pull-ups on the bar strengthens the torso. The torso is not only important for throwing suitcases onto the shelves on a plane or train, it creates the “RoboCop effect”, in a good way. Just don’t confuse it with a person who prudently left a hanger in his jacket or forgot to take it out. The torso can help not only lift various heavy things, but also effectively handle girls’ bodies in different situations.

It is important not to deceive yourself. You need to strive to increase the number of beautiful quality repetitions, not just quantity. It is better to do less, but with high quality, since it affects the muscles more, while pumping each element. Here is another rule: in order for the effect to be greater from this exercise, it must be done slowly. In sports, the rule: “The harder the better,” is also quite common.

So, how to do a perfect pull-up? And like this: the position “hanging on the bar”, while counting “one, two”, then bend your elbows, that is, pull yourself up to the upper half of your chest, fix this position, again count “one, two” and slowly lower yourself into “dangling on the bar” position until the arms are completely straight at the elbows. In this case, your legs should feel like they are wrapped with tape along the entire length, and also try not to bend them at all. And so do the maximum number of repetitions.


There are people who try to do maximum pull-ups "in one breath". Therefore, in the second ten they already lose count... They do this by comically throwing their chin onto the horizontal bar, by speed, and also by the fact that in the “dangling on the bar” position, they do not straighten their arms at the elbows completely. Naturally, they can only impress themselves and an inexperienced viewer with these “convulsions.”

Types of pull-ups


This type is a "medium" grip pull-up, meaning your hands should be shoulder-width apart. Why is it normal, because in this position of the hands the force on the muscles is distributed more or less evenly.

Reverse grip

In this type of pull-up, the arms should grasp the horizontal bar from the outside, that is, internal parts forearms towards the face. This type, in addition to the shoulders, back and other parts of the body, perfectly “pumps up” and develops biceps. This distinguishes it from other types, where the biceps are practically not involved.

The distance between your hands, or grip, can vary from placing your hands together on the bar to having your hands shoulder-width apart. It must be performed by touching the horizontal bar with the upper half of the chest; this is ideal, but it can be done with the Adam’s apple.

Wide grip

This type is quite complex, but very effective. Strengthens the trapezius muscle, latissimus dorsi, and shoulder blades. It must be performed with a grip that is twice as wide as shoulder width, which is why pull-ups become more difficult and burdensome.

Wide grip in front of you

This subtype is performed like a regular pull-up, but your arms should be twice as wide as shoulder width. Maximum effect is achieved by the greatest amplitude. That is, this means that in the upper position you need to touch the horizontal bar with the upper half of your chest and fixate, and in the lower position, fully straighten your arms. In this case, the legs should be perfectly straight.

Wide grip "over the head"

The grip is the same as when pulling in front of you, but now the upper half of your back needs to touch the horizontal bar, that is, you need to place the horizontal bar behind your head. This exercise develops the muscles of the back, arms and deltoid muscles well.

To improve the quality of the exercise, you should hold an ordinary A4 sheet of paper in the area of ​​your knees and try not to miss it during the exercise; such a little thing can help you do everything clearly and cleanly.

It often happens that your stomach and clots of laziness on your torso bother you. And your hands should take the rap excess weight, the arms remained the same, but the body gained weight. In this case, you should first work on burning excess weight.

You can increase the number of repetitions artificially weighing yourself down. You can hang a plate from a barbell on yourself, it’s also worth purchasing special weights, but it’s important to do pull-ups with a load as many times as possible.

Very important! In every approach catch the peak moment. This is the moment when the brain gives the command to the hands to unhook from the horizontal bar and jump, because the hands no longer hold the body, and the muscles are clogged. This is where it’s important not to be all over the place. Right now you need to gather all your strength and give the command to do one more pull-up, even if you make a face and scream. This last time The most important thing is that it will help you do each subsequent lesson more times.

Ruslan Dudnik

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If you can tighten your body on the horizontal bar at least once, then read what to do.

But what if it’s difficult to do even one pull-up?

Now there are various simulators like the “gravitron”, where you can do pull-ups, observing correct technique, and your weight is lightened with the help of counterweights on the machine itself.

But if you are working out at home, there are other alternatives.

Dangerous method (do not use!)

By holding the horizontal bar, you can jump up, simulating a pull-up, and lower down slowly under the influence of gravity.

This method is used often, but... in vain.

He is quite dangerous.

And not only because you can break your nose by hitting the horizontal bar (I have seen such a situation), but also because your ligaments are subjected to too sudden and strong stress, which can instantly lead to injury - sprain, tear or even rupture of the ligaments shoulder joints.

The best way to practice pull-up technique at home is:

Pull-ups with a chair

Place a chair or table behind the horizontal bar if the horizontal bar is located high.

Take the position as indicated in the photo and, leaning on your toes, clearly bending your spine in thoracic region(but not in the lumbar!!!), pull yourself up, helping yourself with your legs if necessary.

Help yourself with your legs enough to pull yourself up.

Gradually, as your strength capabilities increase, you will use your leg muscles less and less, and your arm and back muscles will work more and more.

One day your strength will increase so much that you will be able to do your first free hanging pull-up!

Slowly and smoothly, using only the strength of the muscles of your arms and back, lower yourself to the starting position.

If you're in pain lumbar region spine, which means you bend in it, and also relax your muscles.

If you are not yet able to tighten the core muscles of the middle part of your body in such a way as to fix the lumbar spine in a straight position, then place a chair or table in front of you, as in the photo below.

As a rule, if you achieve 10 smooth lowerings in a calm and even mode, then after that you will be able to do one pull-up.

The method has been tried on many girls :)

I am confident that they won’t pinch any nerves by trying to pull themselves up with jerks, and they feel more confident, since in this exercise you can feel the work very well latissimus muscles backs.

If possible, ask your partner to place their palms on the latissimus dorsi muscles. This is necessary for two reasons:

  • this way you can better feel the work of the latissimus dorsi muscles
  • if necessary, your partner can always push you slightly during the lifting phase to the horizontal bar

There are, of course, other methods, BUT... not as effective as those described above.

Here is another option for doing pull-ups using a support:

In basement rocking chairs Soviet Union along with the question, “How much do you bench?” The question was always: “How many pull-ups do you do?”

Therefore, if you want to learn how to do pull-ups, then do pull-ups right away on the horizontal bar.

If you want to learn how to imitate a pull-up, then go to the gravitron.

Yes, you can work your back muscles this way, but learning how to do pull-ups is not.

You can try doing pull-ups with a rubber band.

Basically, a good option, but the difficulty is rather that it is not so easy to pick up the desired tape.

When you pull yourself up using a chair, you can use your legs to regulate how much you need to engage your legs.

Here is a version of pull-ups in which you immediately place several types of bands with varying degrees of tension on the horizontal bar.

As you get tired, move on to an increasingly stronger band with each approach.

Question: Is there any alternative to pull-ups? Is there anything I can replace them with?

In fact, this exercise is so valuable to us that it is better to look for an opportunity to do pull-ups than to look for an alternative to pull-ups.

You need to immediately try on the horizontal bar, with the help of a support (chair, table), gradually as your strength increases, your legs will take less and less part in such a pull-up, until one day a free-hanging pull-up occurs.

But if suddenly, your goal is not to learn how to do pull-ups, or there is simply no horizontal bar nearby, but you want to work the muscles that are involved in pull-ups, then you can use an expander or rubber band, which you need to attach directly above you.

I repeat, you won’t learn how to do pull-ups this way, but you can work the target muscles.

It looks like this:

Sincerely, Ruslan Dudnik!

Pull-ups are arguably the best exercise for strengthening your upper body, but they can be incredibly difficult if you're just starting out. Luckily, with a little persistence and dedication, you can improve your performance and increase the number of pull-ups you do, even if that number is currently zero.


Improve your execution method

    To begin, warm up for 5-10 minutes. Warming up will speed up your blood circulation and protect you from injury. To warm up, do some cardio exercise, such as walking briskly or jog (if the horizontal bar is installed at your home, it will be suitable for this purpose treadmill, otherwise you can walk or run in place). It's also worth spending some time doing some active stretching, such as circular movements or wave your arms.

    Straighten your shoulders and arch your back. If you have a hard time doing pull-ups, you may have a natural urge to “tuck” yourself into the exercise, which will put extra stress on your neck and back muscles, making the entire workout more difficult. To avoid this, roll your shoulders back and keep your spine arched.

    Use your back muscles, not just your arms. To a person who doesn't understand what's what, it may seem that pull-ups depend mainly on arm strength. However, the back muscles are no less important in this matter, if not more. To make your workout easier and more effective, try to use your back and armpit muscles to help you pull yourself up.

    • In particular, try to engage the latissimus dorsi and hamstring muscles. deltoids(“deltas”).
  1. Cross your legs while doing the exercises. As you pull yourself up, try crossing your legs at the ankles. While this may seem unnecessary, it will help relieve pressure on your arms and make it easier for you to maintain proper positioning during the exercise.

    • When crossing your legs, you can either bend your knees or leave them straight. None of these options will affect the overall performance, so choose whichever you're most comfortable with.
  2. If you can't do it, pull yourself up with the help of a partner, a machine, or another object. This way you can perform the same basic movements as a regular pull-up, but with a little more effort. additional help, which will make the process easier. Since it's similar to a real pull-up, this variation is great for getting into shape before attempting to do it yourself. You can try the following options:

    • use a counterweight pull-up machine;
    • tie elastic band around the bar, and then throw your feet or knees into the loop so that you can support part of your weight when performing pull-ups;
    • stand on a chair with one leg;
    • Ask your partner to hold your feet or legs during the workout.

    Push yourself

    1. Vary the types of pull-ups you do. Even the most common up-and-down pull-up has several variations that you can switch between as you please. Different styles will involve different muscles, which means that some pull-ups will be easier for you than others. Here are some styles you can incorporate into your workouts:

    2. Add negative pull-ups to your workouts. Negative pull-ups are essentially the other half of a regular pull-up. Start in the following position: your chin is over the bar, and rib cage- as close to her as possible. After this, lower yourself as slowly as possible. This exercise is less intense than full pull-ups, so try using it as a warm-up to get ready for the real workout.

      • Be sure to start from the top position each time.
    3. Try to do one more pull-up each workout. Every time you start your next workout, remember how many pull-ups you did last time, and strive to do at least one more repetition this time. And while it may seem impossible when you're feeling tired and exhausted, push yourself and keep trying until you literally can't hold on to the bar anymore.

      • In addition to your individual workout goal, try setting a long-term pull-up goal for added motivation.
      • You don't have to measure your success by doing full pull-ups! When you can’t pull yourself up to the bar, try to pull yourself up another half or quarter higher each time.
    4. Perform pull-ups 2-3 times a week. Although improving your form or changing your technique can make the process easier, dedication is the only sure way to achieve your goals in this type of exercise. The more you train, the stronger you will become and the more more reps you can do it. For a balanced but targeted regimen, aim to perform 3-4 sets of pull-ups 2-3 times per week.

      • Be sure to skip at least one day between workouts to give your arm and back muscles time to rest and recover. If desired, use this time to work on your abs or lower body.

    Build strength and energize

    1. Do exercises to strengthen your back and arms. Pull-ups use a lot of upper body muscles, so working each one individually can make your main workout much easier. Before performing standard pull-ups, try some of the following exercises:

      • Traction on a high block. Sit at a counterweight pull-up machine, spread your arms shoulder-width apart, grab the bar and slowly pull it down towards your collarbone. Your shoulders should be straightened and your torso slightly arched back. This exercise will strengthen your upper back and latissimus dorsi muscles.
      • Exercises for biceps. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, then squeeze your biceps to move the weight up and down.
      • Traction on a low block. Sit in front of a weighted rowing machine and pull the handles toward your waist in a slow, steady motion. This exercise will strengthen your back and latissimus dorsi muscles.
      • Exercises with dumbbells while lying on your stomach. Lie face down on a bench with dumbbells in each hand, then lift the dumbbells to the sides and lower them back down. This exercise is great for strengthening the deltoid muscles.

My respect, dear readers, admirers and other individuals! Wednesday - the peasant, triumphant on the firewood, updates the path, time for a technical note on the project. And today we will talk about pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

After reading, you will learn everything about the muscle atlas, advantages, technique and secret tricks of the exercise. We will also find out which type of pull-ups is the most promising from a scientific point of view, and how to correctly “weave” it into your training program.

So, sit down please, let's start broadcasting.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar. What, why and why?

Which of us likes to do pull-ups? I think such people can be counted on one hand and put in the red book :).

I don’t know about you, but my dislike for pull-ups arose from school, namely, from physics lessons. When I learned through a reliable source that tomorrow at the lesson the boys would take the standards, various acacias usually immediately happened to me - I was urgently called to the director, I forgot my uniform, then diarrhea, then scrofula and other sudden incidents. In fact, I deliberately avoided doing pull-ups, because... I didn’t know how to perform them well, and the show called “horizontal sausage” didn’t particularly appeal to me. However, time passed, there were different sports clubs, in particular, in judo, and along with the latter came the love for pull-ups.

Today at gyms, when guys talk about developing their backs, they use the most different exercises, however, pull-ups on the horizontal bar are relegated to the margins and are not accepted at all, maybe because of sausage syndrome, or maybe just no one taught this skill. In any case, we will try to clarify this process and learn everything about pull-ups.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle atlas

Pull-ups are a basic multi-joint exercise for developing back muscles. The main work of lifting the human body upward is carried out by the wings or the latissimus dorsi muscles. A lot of medium and small ones are also involved muscle groups. The exercise has one of the highest difficulty classes and is difficult especially for girls, which is why it is often replaced by the latter with a training version, the gravitron.

Muscle ensemble exercise includes:

  • targeted – latissimus dorsi muscle;
  • synergists – biceps, brachialis/brachioradialis, teres major/minor, infraspinatus, rhomboid, levator scapulae, mid/lower trapezius, rear delta, pectoralis minor;
  • dynamic stabilizers – long head of the triceps.

A complete muscle atlas looks like this.


By performing a pull-up exercise on a horizontal bar, you can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • development of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle and backs;
  • giving the upper body a V-shape;
  • creating a sculpted back and showcasing it through dresses with a back neckline (relevant for women);
  • development of grip strength;
  • improvement of weight indicators (weights) in back-related exercises;
  • relatively high energy consumption, which, under certain conditions, can affect weight loss;
  • increased (compared to other back exercises) release of growth hormone;
  • variability - can be used different grips and shift the focus to the desired muscle groups;
  • unpretentiousness - can be performed almost anywhere, no special equipment is needed.

Execution technique

Despite its apparent simplicity, the exercise has its own characteristics. Step-by-step technique execution looks like this.

Step #0.

Walk up to the horizontal bar and grab it with an overhand grip, shoulder-width apart. Hang from the horizontal bar with your legs crossed at the bottom. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

Take a deep breath and exhale (with a precise isolated force, lower your elbows down) begin to pull your torso up on the bar until it touches the top of your chest. At the top point, hold for 1-2 accounts and additionally bring your shoulder blades together.

Step #2.

As you inhale, begin to straighten your arms and slowly pull your torso down. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this:

In motion like this:


Besides classic version pull-ups (to the chest/arms shoulder-width apart on the horizontal bar), there are several variations of the exercise, in particular:

  • Per head;
  • reverse grip;
  • wide/narrow/grip hammer;
  • With extra weight;
  • in the gravitron.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • do not swing your body/legs, but lift/lower smoothly in one plane;
  • during ascents/lowers, top part the torso and forearms should not move;
  • When doing pull-ups, always keep your elbows under the bar;
  • V lowest point trajectory, fully straighten your arms, properly stretching your lats;
  • at the top point, additionally squeeze your back muscles;
  • use full range of motion;
  • If you are a beginner and cannot do a clean pull-up on the bar, start by strengthening your primary/auxiliary muscles with free weight exercises and negative/partial reps;
  • if you are a girl and cannot do pull-ups on the horizontal bar, then use a gravitron;
  • breathing technique: contraction (pull up)- exhale, return to IP - inhale;
  • numerical training parameters: number of approaches 3-5 , reps 10-15 .

We're done with the theoretical side, now let's look at some practical points.

To what type of pull-ups do muscles respond with the best growth?

Researchers from the American bodybuilding resource t-nation conducted an experiment, the purpose of which was to identify the best of the most popular back exercises. The results of electrical activity (EMG) of the latissimus muscles showed that these are:

  • straight wide grip pull-ups with additional weight ( 85,5% ) ;
  • reverse grip pull-ups with additional weight ( 80,5% ) .

Conclusion - including these exercises at the beginning of your workout (3 approach to 10 repetitions) will significantly increase your chances of creating a massive back.

Which pull-up grip should you choose and what are the differences?

Another Study (Youdas et al. 2010 , USA) found that different hand positions during pull-ups lead to increased activation of certain muscle groups. In particular, in a supinated position ( reverse grip) the extensor muscles of the back and the pectoralis major ( 13,6% ) and biceps ( 17,9% ) . A pronated position (overhand grip) leads to increased EMG in the infraspinatus and lower trapezius ( 10,8% ) .

The general conclusion can be drawn as follows: Your training program should include different kinds pull-ups, it is this strategy that will ensure the total development of this muscle group.

Actually, we’re done with the substantive part, all that’s left is to sum it up and get over it.


Today we got acquainted with a famous exercise called pull-ups on a horizontal bar. Now you know which tool will help you achieve a V-shaped figure and you can safely use it. Let's go to the hall, exploiters :)!

Let me take my leave for now, see you soon!

PS. and you use pull-ups in your PT, shoot...

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :).

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

The pull-up exercise on the horizontal bar is one of the most effective exercises for training the muscles of the back, shoulders and arms. How to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar correctly, and what techniques exist for this we will consider further. For those who watch their figure, pull-ups or horizontal bars are considered one of the most effective exercises. At first glance, this workout may seem simple.

But any physical exercise must be done correctly. Only in this case will the desired result be achieved. Pull-up is best exercise for training the peak latissimus muscles. How to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar?

How to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar and safety precautions

A beautiful and pumped up body is the result of daily training. Pull-ups are part of a set of exercises aimed at developing the biceps of the arms, as well as the muscles of the shoulders, back and chest. This unique exercise. In terms of efficiency, it is considered to be on par with basic complex in bodybuilding.

When pulling up, the following muscle groups work:

  1. Pectoralis minor and major muscles.
  2. Serratus anterior muscles.
  3. Shoulders, triceps, biceps, rear deltoids.
  4. Latissimus, teres, and rhomboid muscles of the back.

In addition, a large load comes on the abdominal muscles. They strain to keep the body upright.

Pull-ups will be effective only if the breathing and execution technique is followed. It is important to remember that if performed incorrectly, any physical exercise can become dangerous. The same goes for pull-ups.

Those who start playing sports for the first time often make this mistake. They perform the exercise while inhaling, throwing their head back sharply. This can lead to injury to the cervical vertebrae.

Correct pull-up technique

The correct technique is to do pull-ups while holding your breath. This will help ease the work of the latissimus dorsi. It will be easier for them to lift their body. Otherwise, the person will experience severe pain in the upper back.

An important point when performing is the body position. Pull-ups should only be performed vertically. You can't twist your body!

Pull-ups for beginners

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar are the most universal exercise. Exercise will not only increase muscle strength, but will also strengthen the ligaments and maintain the spine in a healthy condition.

For beginners there are 4 methods:

  1. Negative repetitions. This is the most popular method and the most effective. The exercise consists of bracing yourself on the horizontal bar, as if you had already pulled yourself up. For those who are just starting to exercise, this exercise is difficult to perform.
  2. You will need a chair to help. You need to stand on a chair and hang on your bent arms. The chin should be positioned above the bar. Next you need to slowly lower yourself down. The exercise should be performed as slowly as possible. At the very beginning, it is advisable to perform at least five repetitions. After this, you need to go down and rest a little. Next, do the second approach with four repetitions. The last set should be three repetitions. You need to perform this technique 2-3 times a week.
  3. Training with a partner. This technique requires the help of a partner. The essence of the exercise is that one person hangs on the horizontal bar, and the second one from behind tries to help him pull himself up. The number of repetitions is similar to negative approaches. You need to perform three to four approaches with decreasing repetitions. It is important not to make the following mistake. You can't completely rely on your partner. A person must make the effort himself.
  4. Half amplitude exercise. This technique is similar to doing exercises with a partner. The main differences are that the partner will not be present here. To perform this, you need to take a chair from which you can reach the crossbar. Next, you need to jump so that you hang on the bar with your arms bent at a right angle. The pull-up must be completed using arm strength. If the exercise does not work out right away, you should try to stay in a hanging position with your elbows bent for as long as possible.
  5. Rubber band technique. There are special technologies in gyms that help you pull yourself up. This method is primarily suitable for girls. Its implementation is much simpler than usual, but the result will take longer.

Performing such exercises will help beginners in sports strengthen their muscles and gain a beautiful figure.

Newbie problems and mistakes

Novice athletes are not always able to quickly achieve desired results. This can be hindered by many factors:

  1. Large weight, which prevents the muscles from working properly, as it gives them extra stress. People who are just starting to exercise and have overweight, it’s best not to start with pull-ups. First of all, you need to adjust your weight and strengthen your heart.
  2. Underdevelopment of muscles. Even with normal weight the effect may not occur if a person has poorly developed muscles. It is imperative to prepare your muscles for physical activity.
  3. Incorrect execution of technique. An important point in training is following the rules of technique. This will allow all muscles to work in harmony.

The body must be prepared for training. Preparation consists of simply hanging on the bar. Every day you need to increase your hanging time. It is not recommended to try to do a maximum training program in the first days.

You need to start with a small load. Exercises need to be increased gradually, improving the technology daily. Once the technique has been mastered, additional weight can be added.

How to do pull-ups correctly: step-by-step instructions

It is very important to remember that pull-ups, like any physical action, if the technique is violated, can lead to injury. To avoid this, you need to use a few tips:

  1. Before performing pull-ups, be sure to warm up.
  2. All movements must be smooth. You cannot make sudden uncontrolled jerks.
  3. You cannot jump on the horizontal bar. If it is too high, you need to use a stand or chair.
  4. For exercise, you need to make a schedule and try to strictly follow it.

An important factor when performing the exercise is correct breathing. The effectiveness of training directly depends on how it will be. Beginners often make a mistake.

They hold their breath for a long time, and this leads to very rapid fatigue. As a result, the effect and result will have to wait a very long time. Maximum force should be done while inhaling or briefly holding your breath.

Correct breathing when doing pull-ups should be as follows:

  1. At the beginning of the exercise, you need to take a deep breath.
  2. Next, you need to hold your breath until you can raise your chin above the bar.
  3. The air is then exhaled as it returns to its original position. With experience, breathing will become smooth automatically.

Never do an exercise if you have had an injury and feel severe pain while doing it. In such a situation, loads can cause harm. You must immediately stop doing the exercise if you feel unwell or weak during the process.

In order for the effect of training to be achieved faster, you need not only to follow the execution technique, but also to monitor the correct lifestyle. Be sure to follow the rules healthy eating. Do not eat before training, and if you really want to, eat only light food.

The main diet should be high in calories and contain large amounts of protein, vitamins and minerals. It is imperative to exclude fatty foods from your diet.

It is important to observe not only proper nutrition, but also to lead healthy image life. It is recommended to follow a schedule of eating and sleeping times. It is advisable to go to bed at the same time, and sleep should be at least eight hours.

Types of grips on the horizontal bar

By changing the grips and positions of the hands, you can change the emphasis of the load and begin to train specific muscle groups. The classic grip is considered straight medium grip. In this manner, the load is distributed evenly across all muscles.

With this grip, the palms face outward, the width of the arms should be slightly wider than the width of the shoulders. At the highest maximum point, the chin should be located above the bar, arms bent at the elbows.

At the bottom, your arms should be fully extended. The exercise should be performed slowly without rocking. If it is difficult to perform the exercise on your own, you can use the help of a partner. This will help you learn to perform the exercise faster.

In addition to the classic grip, the following are popular:

  1. Reverse grip. The grip of the hands in this case is lower, reverse, the width of the hands is slightly narrower than in the classic version. The exercise puts stress on the biceps as well as the back muscles. Important to remember! The narrower the grip, the greater the load on the biceps. Exercise with such a grip is one of the best ways biceps training.
  2. The wide grip is an exercise that puts maximum stress on the lats. The main essence of the exercise is that when lifting to the top point, the shoulders and trapezius muscles your backs should almost touch the bar.
  3. Parallel grip pull-up - this exercise Focused on training the lower latissimus muscles. Touching the bar should be done with the chest, not the chin. Your hands should be positioned as narrowly as possible.
  4. Straight narrow grip - hands are positioned narrower than shoulder width. The pull-up is performed until the chest touches the bar.
  5. Reverse narrowed - this technology repeats the previous one, the main difference is that the hands are positioned with the palm facing the face, the shoulders are retracted as far as possible.
  6. Neutral grip - in this grip, one hand is located in a straight, narrowed grip, the other in a reverse grip. When performing, hands should change. The exercise is performed until the chest reaches the bar.

To achieve their goals, athletes use different types of grips. The horizontal bar can be considered the most universal sports equipment, thanks to which you can train all muscle groups.

Who is contraindicated for exercising on the crossbar?

Classes on the horizontal bar are, first of all, big power loads. In case of health problems, such loads can aggravate the situation. Experts do not recommend exercising on horizontal bars:

  1. When an athlete has intervertebral hernia. In such a situation, doctors categorically prohibit this type of training.
  2. If you sprain your ligaments, you should not exercise using weights.
  3. With curvature of the spine.

Any diseases of the joints and spine require prior consultation with doctors before class.

People with excess body weight require special attention. Weight that exceeds the norm by 20% can significantly harm when performing the exercise.

Well, this article has come to an end. Thank you all for your attention! We recommend that you also read the article on the topic of how to pump up your abs on the horizontal bar. It has a very unconventional way of pumping up your abs! Also share your impressions of the article below in the comments. See you in new releases.