Recreational swimming for students. The influence of swimming as a sports and recreational process on a student’s health level. Organization of swimming work at a pedagogical university.

Art. Lecturer, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kazan Federal University",

Formation healthy image Lifestyle (HLS) has long been the dominant direction in the system of preserving the health of the nation. The law “On physical culture and sports in Russian Federation“It is emphasized that it is physical culture and sports in educational institutions that should be a means of preserving and strengthening the health of student youth. Purpose physical education in higher educational institutions, according to educational standards of the 3rd generation is: mastering the means of independent, methodological correct use methods of physical education and health promotion, readiness to achieve the required level physical fitness to ensure full social and professional activities.

This means that a university graduate must have the necessary knowledge about his body and have knowledge in the field of physical education. Regular classes physical exercise should become an important component of his lifestyle, and the unity of content, form, means and methods of education should stimulate the physical and spiritual development of the future specialist. Lack of awareness among young people about the importance of physical education as a component of a healthy lifestyle, and in conditions of academic workload - a factor in relieving mental and muscle tension, leads to the formation of a deficit of physical activity and deterioration of health. To increase students' motivation for regular physical education, it is necessary to provide a full amount of information about the means and methods of physical education.

Means of the practical section (including sports) in the work program for the academic discipline “ Physical Culture» departments of physical education are determined independently in each educational institution. At Kazan Federal University, classes are traditionally conducted in the following areas: weightlifting, aerobics, sport games(volleyball, basketball, football, etc.), general physical training and general physical training groups, in which students have been studying for several years.

The federal state educational standard of the third generation in the subject “physical education” assumes the inclusion of the following mandatory topics in the curriculum: Athletics(100m run, 400m run - women, 1000m run - men), sports games, ski race, professional-applied exercises physical training and swimming.

Until recently, some topics were excluded from the training program due to the lack of sufficient material resources. Based on the requirements of Gosstandart (from which we have no right to deviate), everyone studying at a higher educational institution and applying for a diploma higher education, is required to master the training program in the subject “Physical Education” on all topics. But based on reality, we have to admit that there are some contradictions in the teaching of the discipline “physical education” at a university: between the high educational and methodological potential and its ineffective use in the versatile, harmonious preparation of students in the process of physical education.

Swimming, thanks to its exceptionally high sports, applied, health-improving and general developmental effect, is one of the most important topics in the discipline “Physical Culture” in higher educational institutions. Swimming is one of the main sections of social health and physical education programs of various age groups population. Swimming training is the main preventive measure in the fight against accidents on the water. Boys and girls who know how to swim well will always be able to help a drowning person. When they become parents in the future, they will be able to teach their children swimming skills.

For the subject “Physical Education”, the federal state educational standard provides for 400 hours of study load, of which a certain part must be allocated to classes on the topic “swimming” and each student must master the training program on this topic. In connection with the commissioning of a new modern swimming pool"Bustan", there was a need to create a new, higher quality work program on the topic "swimming". To create it, it is necessary to analyze the basic level of knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as study the motivating factors for attending swimming lessons and the reasons for reluctance to go to the pool. To conduct the study, we compiled several questionnaires; the respondents were 1st-year students of KFU (400 people). The objectives of the questionnaire included identifying the motives for students’ need to undergo a curriculum on the topic “swimming.”

To study the motives for attending swimming lessons, students were offered 16 motives and asked to choose the 5 most significant for them. The main motives turned out to be:
— I like to swim (48%);
— swimming improves my health (41%);
— I want to improve my swimming skills (37%);
- I want to improve my physical fitness (31%);
— swimming improves overall well-being (25%).
The data obtained as a result of the survey indicate that the personal attitude towards this sport is of great importance for attending classes, which indicates the underdevelopment of the concept of the importance of swimming and its influence on the body of those involved.
At the same time, students have a false idea about the sanitary and hygienic state of the swimming pool, this is confirmed in the results obtained when identifying the reasons for their reluctance to attend swimming lessons:
— inconvenience in the class schedule (18%);
— additional hassle (purchasing a medical certificate and purchasing swimming equipment) (14%);
— high concentration of chlorine in water (12%);
— not comfortable water temperature (8%);
— I don’t see the need to attend classes, since I swim quite well (10%).
Of course, to improve quality educational process it is necessary to take into account the negative aspects associated with organizing swimming lessons.

Examining the level of knowledge, it was revealed that 86% of students need knowledge in the field of swimming, 81% of students consider their knowledge sufficient to apply it in life. Of the total number of students, only 8% have an idea of ​​​​swimming methods. To the question: do you know how swimming affects the human body, 99% of respondents answered positively, but as a result of an oral survey it turned out that 75% of students could not say what physical quality, swimming has a more pronounced impact, which again indicates that students have a low level of knowledge in the field of swimming. It can also be assumed that if we further examine the level of knowledge on other topics in the curriculum, the “picture” will not be significantly different. Despite the abundance of sources of access to information these days, with a slight advantage, students still receive basic knowledge from physical education teachers - 36%, from friends - 34%, from the Internet - 20% and only 2% from parents, but It is they who, first of all, should instill interest in the physical education and sports lifestyle.

Analyzing the skills of students who can swim, it turned out that 83% learned to swim in school age, of which 17% of respondents are over the age of 17 years, and having learned to swim at an older age, students have a desire to improve their swimming skills, which has a positive effect on the motivational and value attitude towards physical culture and the need for regular classes for physical self-improvement. To the question: do you have the skills to provide assistance to victims on the water, 41% of students answered in the affirmative, 11% of them had to provide assistance in real life. Therefore, 87% of respondents believe that swimming classes at a university are necessary, 2% of respondents do not need classes, and 11% of students find it difficult to answer.

Today, KFU students attend swimming classes at will. Of course, one cannot argue with the fact that the opportunity to engage in physical education, taking into account sporting interests, is a powerful motivational factor. But analyzing the requirements of the state standard and the research of other authors, that awareness of the role and importance of physical education comes at an older age, students must master all mandatory topics in the discipline “Physical Education” in full. This approach to organizing and conducting classes will increase their efficiency and effectiveness, will contribute to positive dynamics in changing the level of physical fitness of students, improving their psycho-emotional state, social well-being and health in general, and will also develop many skills, abilities and knowledge in students, such as future parents for the successful raising of a healthy generation.

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3 Uglanov Zh.Sh. 3 Sarmalaev A.S. 3 Lozhkin A.A. 3 Madenov N.N. 3

1 Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism

2 South Kazakhstan Humanitarian University named after. M. Saparbaev

3 Kazakh National Medical University named after. S.D.Asfendiyarova

During the study, a differentiated selection of exercise sets was carried out, taking into account typical mistakes characteristic of athletes specializing in different types sports such as cyclic, sports games and martial arts. In the experiment, students in the control group studied according to the traditional method of teaching swimming, and the experimental group studied according to the practical training program we developed. The results of the study show that the developed sets of exercises and the use of technical and auxiliary means in working on the technique, depending on the initial level of preparedness, allowed students to master swimming techniques in a more advanced manner. short time. The effectiveness of teaching swimming methods is largely determined by: the selection of teaching methods and means, taking into account the specifics of the sports that the student is involved in, the physique characteristics and special preparedness of students of different sports specializations. The use of the developed sets of exercises and technologies for using these programs showed that the proposed modifications in swimming techniques qualitatively changed the nature of the movement technique.


Physical Culture


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Relevance. The effectiveness of organizing the educational process at a university is related to the compliance of the quality of education with the requirements high school and production, which involves the development and implementation of innovative pedagogical technologies that ensure continuous improvement in the education quality management system. Studying a swimming course by students of all sports specializations in the specialty “Physical Education and Sports” involves training a bachelor in sports methods of swimming. As our pedagogical observations have shown, the initial level of swimming training of students is different, which causes significant difficulties in mastering swimming techniques and lengthens the learning process. Considering that the student course is limited by the number of hours allotted for swimming training, this requires the teacher to develop new technologies to speed up the learning process in different ways swimming

The essence and content of individualization of the pedagogical process in the scientific and pedagogical literature concerning the issues of teaching swimming has shown that at the present stage its development is characterized by the study of effective indicators of motor activity of students and practically does not take into account individual current components. In practice, this is expressed in the fact that the goal of the pedagogical process is to achieve a specific result, characterized by quantitative and qualitative indicators, called standards.

In sports, this is the desire to highest result, the record as the highest standard, in vocational training - focus on the level of indicators that determine success in professional activity. When constructing the educational process, the teacher considers the initial level of preparedness of the students, figuratively speaking, as a blank slate on which, during the learning process, educational material is entered in the form of formed motor skills necessary for the students to master.

The purpose of the study was to increase the efficiency and time of teaching swimming methods to students of various sports specializations by developing a set of physical exercises.

Scope and methods of research. The main goal of our experiment was to teach swimming to students of various sports specializations faster and better and to test the effectiveness of the developed programs for passing practical material.

During the study, a differentiated selection of exercise sets was carried out, taking into account typical mistakes typical of athletes specializing in different sports, such as cyclic, sports games and martial arts. In the experiment, students in the control group studied according to the traditional method of teaching swimming, and the experimental group studied according to the practical training program we developed.

Distinctive features of the program and sets of exercises were such features as: the use of fins, a net, auxiliary belts, the help of a partner in classes to master swimming techniques; increasing the volume of swimming through the use of fins; application of exercises for legs and arms, taking into account specific errors characteristic of groups of cyclic, sports games and martial arts; maintaining a high density of lessons with optimal breaks for rest; each group has its own plan educational material; differences in the volume and intensity of exercises, rest intervals, and the number of repetitions of exercises.

Results and discussions. The results of the study show that the developed sets of exercises and the use of technical and auxiliary means in working on the technique, depending on the initial level of preparedness, allowed students to master swimming techniques in a shorter time. This indicates that experimental learning was more effective than traditional learning. Based on the results of the study, additions were made to the standard program for the discipline “Swimming with teaching methods.” The experiment proved the effectiveness of using the developed sets of exercises and aids to optimize the educational process in swimming, taking into account individual and group morpho-functional characteristics and physical fitness of students specializing in different sports.

For the experimental group of cyclic sports, the content of the classes included exercises aimed at developing flexibility and mobility of the upper shoulder girdle and aerobic exercise. When studying the front crawl technique, more time was devoted to studying the technique of arm movements with movable support in the legs and exercises aimed at improving the stroke technique. The set of exercises for studying the back crawl technique included exercises from the starting position: arms up, simultaneous work with arms; exercises with one hand, with the second one fixed at the top. Students in this group have better endurance indicators, and the content of their classes included tasks with longer, even swimming distances. When mastering the technique of the breaststroke method, exercises for working the legs were used more, this is due to the fact that in cyclic sports the legs perform alternating movements, combining contractions with muscle relaxation, and perform an overwhelming movement, and with the breaststroke method the legs are in a tense state and the feet turned to the side. In addition, exercises were performed to coordinate the movements of the arms and legs with breathing. The complex is specially preparatory exercises, designed to teach students of cyclic sports the technique of swimming methods, are presented in the following order: exercise on land - twisting straight arms forward, backward; exercise with an elastic band: from a forward leaning stance, alternately swing your arms, circular movements hands back and forth; on the water - exercises to study the crawl technique on the front and back: swimming using movements with one hand; the same, but without a float, legs relaxed and extended at the surface of the water; the same, but with “spatulas” on the hands; crawl swimming with head raised; swimming freestyle in a “clutch” manner, one arm extended forward, the other at the hip, legs performing continuous crawl movements. IN methodological recommendation it is indicated that hands are in elbow joint do not bend; using a float helps raise the pelvis and hips, and this allows the athlete to connect all the large back muscles to the working movements of the arms. Control hand movements in the air, entry into the water and the beginning of the stroke; important link correct execution inhalation; put your hands on top of each other, try to lie in an extended position; pay attention to the turn of the foot. Continuous and small movements of the legs; carrying your arms straight.

Exercises for martial arts are aimed at developing and improving the cyclicity of movements and staging correct breathing. In this group there was a larger percentage of students who could not swim, so the content of the classes included exercises using a net, the help of a partner, fins, and swimming boards. During the preparatory exercises, the emphasis was on breathing exercises and to relax muscles. Due to the rapid fatigue of weakly swimming students, the exercises were performed in short segments. When studying front and back crawl techniques, exercises were used to lengthen the “stride” and length of the stroke. When teaching the back crawl method, much attention was paid to the horizontal position of the body in the water. The pauses between exercises were filled with breathing exercises.

Sliding exercises were used in sports games. Athletes in this group, due to their height indicators, have a higher center of water pressure and a higher specific gravity lower limbs. Taking these features into account, exercises were selected for the legs with their fixation with a swimming board between the shins of both lower extremities. One of the distinctive features of the practical training program was the use of a net, a support belt and the help of a partner for students who could not swim and were poor swimmers. These means help relieve students' fear of water, provide insurance, which helps quickly overcome the psychological barrier and accelerate the process of mastering the skill of swimming.

In experimental programs, as they mastered swimming techniques, short segments (12 m, 25 m, 30 m, 50 m) were used with speed swimming, which made it possible to prepare students for passing test standards.

Note: single - martial arts, sport - sports games, cycle - cyclic sports,

cont - control, expert - experimental, ref - initial assessment, total - final assessment.

Comparative analysis of initial and final assessments of control and experimental groups

For students with weak swimming skills, the program included swimming with fins, which made it possible to swim faster and increase the volume of workload. In addition, fins provide strong support in the water, and the athlete gains confidence: he swims freely, where conditions are created to concentrate on the elements of technique. Alternating swimming with and without fins creates the prerequisites for accelerating learning and increasing swimming speed. During the training process, relay races with elements of swimming and diving techniques were successfully used.

In the experimental program, in contrast to the traditional one, the emphasis was on mastering the technique of front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke, and last classes introduction to the butterfly technique. The differences between the training programs were in different lesson plans. Depending on the type of specialization, the approach to the volume of load and the performance of individual exercises in percentage terms were different. To control the intensity of the load, heart rate was calculated; the main work was performed in the mode of 150-170 beats/min. To restore breathing, breathing exercises in water were widely used. At the end of the pedagogical experiment, a re-assessment of the students' swimming readiness was carried out: an assessment of the streamlining of the body in water, the ability to swim a distance, an assessment of the technique of 3 swimming methods.

Analysis of the obtained data showed that the results of assessments for sliding length in all groups improved. In cyclic sports, scores increased in the control group by 53%; in the experimental group - by 68% (P<0,05). Результаты в экспериментальной группе выше на 11 %, чем в контрольной группе. В единоборствах - средние оценки в контрольной группе выросли на 56 %, в экспериментальной группе на 73 %, различия между группами составили - 10 %. В спортивных играх - разница между группами была 8,7 %, это объясняется тем, что исходные оценки в контрольной были высокими - 3,09 (S=1,54), экспериментальной - 3 (S=1,59), и по итогам оценок показатели многих студентов были выше 5 баллов.

The final scores in the control group were 4.6 (S=0.53), in the experimental group - 5 points. The assessment for swimming the distance showed that in cyclic sports the differences between the experimental and control groups were 23% (P< 0,05). В спортивных играх разница в оценках за проплывание дистанции составила - 17,7 % (P<0,05). Если сравнить оценки с исходными данными в циклических видах спорта, то можно отметить, что в контрольной группе улучшение составило - 37 %, а в экспериментальной группе - 71 %, в спортивных играх - соответственно 47,3 % и 79,3 %, в единоборствах это отличие составило - 52,6 % и 76,6 %.

A diagram of the comparative analysis of the initial and final assessments of the control and experimental groups using the example of swimming distances is presented in the figure. The average scores for the technique of performing the front crawl method among students in the experimental group of cyclic sports were 4.45 (S = 0.43) points with an increase of 60%, in the control group - 3.92 (S = 0.52) with an increase of 37 ,5 %. In martial arts, due to the introduction of a differentiated approach to the educational process, the score in the experimental group increased significantly to 4.40 (S = 0.43), an increase of 66%, and in the control group - 3.81 (S = 0.60), an increase of 43.2%.

In the students of the sports games group, the primary values ​​were 2.69 (S = 0.80), in the control group - 2.75 (S = 0.79), in the experimental group these indicators increased to 3.94 (S = 0.47) , increase 46.4%, 4.45 (S=0.46) increase 61.8%, respectively (P<0,01).

The results of the evaluation of the back crawl and breaststroke methods also improved. It should be noted that the scores for the back crawl and breaststroke techniques became higher as a result of the selection of exercises and taking into account the peculiarities of specialization in the experimental groups, which means that they more successfully mastered the technique of sports methods than the control groups. Thus, in cyclic sports, the average scores for performing the back crawl method were: in the experimental group - 4.43 points, an increase of 63.4%, and in the control group - 3.89 points, an increase of 39.9%. With the breaststroke method, the improvement in the experimental group was 67.4% with a score of 4.32 (S=0.36) points, in the control group - 42.5% with a score of 3.75 (S=0.56) points.

Students from the experimental group from martial arts received a score of 4.24 (S=0.43) points for the technique of the breaststroke method, the increase was 68.2%, in the control group the score was 3.71 (S=0.64) points, reaching 44.9 %.

For the back crawl technique, a score of 4.34 (S = 0.43) points was received, the increase reached 66.9%. In the control group, the average score increased by 44.6% (3.79 (S=0.61) points). Students in this group mastered the breaststroke method better, since they were able to perform simultaneous movements more easily. Students from the experimental group of sports games improved their performance and received an average score for breaststroke technique of 4.28 (S = 0.29) points, the increase in results reached 63.9%, and students in the control group received an average of 3. 89 (S=0.44) points, where the percentage increase was 50.7%. For the technique of performing the back crawl method, the average score in the experimental group increased by 68.4% (4.53 (S=0.38) points), in the control group the increase was lower by 52.4% (4.01 (S=0) ,45) points. Students of this specialization had great difficulty mastering this method of swimming. Long limbs, plunging under water, create increased resistance, thereby increasing the angle of attack.

The effectiveness of teaching swimming methods is largely determined by: the selection of teaching methods and means, taking into account the specifics of the sports that the student is involved in, the characteristics of the physique and the special preparedness of students of different sports specializations.

Taking into account the group and individual characteristics of students during the learning process, positive changes were obtained in the dynamics of grades for swimming abilities. The introduction of an individual approach to the educational process contributed to a significant increase in the level of students' swimming abilities.

The use of developed sets of exercises and technologies for using these programs showed that the proposed modifications in swimming techniques qualitatively changed the nature of the movement technique, which led to successful passing of control standards.

Bibliographic link

Nurmukhanbetova D.K., Aldabergenov N.A., Kabulbekova I.K., Zaurenbekov B.Z., Tastanov A.T., Zhunisbek D.Zh., Lesbekova R.B., Musaev A.T., Ismailov D. I.I., Kolbekova A.A., Ermakhanova A.B., Eralieva L.T., Almabaev Y.A., Zhangelova M.B., Kozhakhmetova A.N., Uglanov Zh.Sh., Sarmalaev A.S. ., Lozhkin A.A., Madenov N.N. TRAINING STUDENTS IN SWIMMING METHODS BY DEVELOPING A COMPLEX OF PHYSICAL EXERCISES IN VARIOUS SPORTS SPECIALIZATIONS // Modern problems of science and education. – 2016. – No. 2.;
URL: (date of access: 06/15/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must:

  • master the basic skills of sports and applied swimming; ways and techniques of providing first aid to a victim on the water;
  • be able to form taking into account the age, gender and preparedness of those involved;
  • plan individual and group lessons for basic swimming training for people of various ages and fitness levels;
  • organize and conduct swimming competitions with various participants;
  • apply methods in swimming lessons that are adequate to the assigned tasks;
  • evaluate the effectiveness of the means and methods used for the formation and improvement of motor activity during swimming lessons;
  • use technical means and equipment to improve the effectiveness of swimming lessons;
  • apply a set of means and methods for developing students’ ideas and needs for a healthy lifestyle, personal hygiene skills, prevention and control over the condition of their body;
  • select means and methods for initial training in the techniques of various swimming methods;
  • carry out the necessary activities;
  • conduct a lesson or part of a lesson in basic swimming training.

To determine the level of swimming readiness of students, a differentiated assessment of the technique of three sports swimming methods is proposed based on the most common typical errors when performing motor actions in water.

A score of “5” is given for performing movements that meet the requirements for model characteristics.

A score of “4” is given for minor errors (inaccurate execution of individual parts of the technique, leading to a decrease in the efficiency of movements in the water).

A score of “3” is given if there are significant errors that affect the swimmer’s performance in the water in a particular swimming method.

A score of “2” is given for gross errors that distort the basis of the motor action technique.

A score of “1” is given if the student is unable to move across the surface of the water using movements characteristic of the type of swimming being assessed.

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Swimming in higher education institutions

The physical education program in higher educational institutions includes a mandatory section “Swimming”, which is implemented throughout the entire period of students’ studies at the university in the following forms: training sessions (compulsory and elective); classes in the section of the university sports club and in sports and recreation camps.
The practice of using swimming as a means of physical education shows the possibility of increasing the efficiency of the educational process as a result of improving the physical and functional abilities of students; maintaining a high level of mental and physical performance throughout the entire period of study; vocational and applied training of students (taking into account the characteristics of future work activity); developing students' skills and abilities in independent swimming; acquiring the necessary knowledge on the basics of theory, methodology and organization of teaching and sports training in swimming, performing the functions of a sports judge and a public swimming instructor.
The mandatory educational material of the swimming program in the first and second years is mastered by students in combination with other means of physical education (gymnastic exercises, sports games, ski training, athletics, etc.).
To conduct practical classes at each course, educational departments are formed: preparatory, special and sports improvement. The distribution of students among educational departments is carried out in the first year - taking into account their health status, level of physical fitness and sports qualifications.
Students of the basic and preparatory medical groups are enrolled in the preparatory educational department. Practical classes for students of these groups are conducted separately. As a rule, students who have not previously been involved in competitive swimming are enrolled in the preparatory department.
Students assigned to a special medical group according to a medical examination are enrolled in a special educational department.
Students of the main medical group with a sports category are enrolled in the department of sports improvement. In some cases, students who do not have a sports rank, but have good abilities and want to take up swimming, may be allowed to take swimming classes at this department.
The number of members of training groups in the preparatory and special departments should not exceed 15 people. The number of students per teacher (coach) in the sports improvement department depends on the level of sports preparedness of students: for example, in groups consisting of swimmers of the III and II sports categories, the number of students should not exceed 12 people; from swimmers of the first category and candidates for master of sports - no more than 8 people; of the masters of sports - 4-6 people.
In the process of swimming lessons at the most popular preparatory department, the following tasks are solved:

In the first year - choosing the main method of sports swimming and training in this method;
in the second year - a combination of sports swimming with speed-strength classes in the gym.
The recommended priority focus of practical classes by semester is as follows:
1st and 2nd semesters - improvement of general swimming endurance;
3rd semester - speed-strength training;
4th semester - alternating speed training and improving special endurance [I.A. Fedchenko, 1989].
Classes in the 1st semester are characterized by swimming medium distances, using a uniform method with a gradual increase in exercise intensity by December (heart rate - up to 170 beats/min). Motor density of the lesson reaches 80%; the volume of swimming elements does not exceed 20% of the total planned volume of exercises.
In the 2nd semester, it is recommended to swim medium and long distances at a uniform and variable speed. The volume of swimming elements does not increase, but the intensity of the exercises increases (heart rate - up to 180 beats/min). Motor density of the lesson can reach 90%.
In the 3rd semester, the content of the training program mainly includes swimming short segments and distances with low intensity (heart rate - up to 170 beats/min). The volume of swimming by elements ranges from 30 to 60%; motor density of classes reaches 70-80%.
In the 4th semester, it is planned to swim short segments and distances in full coordination using repeated and interval training methods. It is recommended to conduct impact training once every 4-5 sessions to improve general endurance using distance swimming. Motor density of activities (depending on the focus) ranges from 70 to 90%.
Classes in December and May (calendar periods preceding the examination sessions) should be constantly varied in content. It is advisable to use exercises to study and improve the technique of additional methods and applied swimming; include in classes various types of relay races and swimming segments in repeated mode.

The listed organizational and methodological recommendations increase the efficiency of the educational process, and the use of swimming as the main type of physical exercise allows students to successfully fulfill the requirements of the curriculum and achieve a good level of functional development.
In a special department where swimming is the main type of physical exercise, classes are planned taking into account the health status and level of physical fitness of students. It should be emphasized that classes for students of this department are mandatory throughout the entire period of study at the university and are conducted for 4 hours per week.
During classes with students of this department, the following tasks are solved:
health promotion, hardening and increasing the level of performance;
elimination of functional deviations and deficiencies in physical development and motor readiness;
correction of residual effects after illnesses; promoting sustainable compensation for disturbances in the activities of various organs and systems caused by a particular disease;
gradual adaptation of the body to the effects of physical activity;
acquisition of necessary (acceptable for this group) professional applied skills and abilities.
When planning and conducting swimming lessons with this contingent, the following rules should be adhered to:
- the dosage of swimming exercises should contribute to a uniform increase in load. At the same time, exercises performed at a relatively high heart rate should alternate with active rest;
- the distribution of educational material should be planned so that the physiological curve of the body’s response to physical load has the greatest rise in the second half of the main part of the classes;
- when compiling lesson notes, you should not get carried away with a large number of different exercises;
- you need to select swimming exercises and the method of swimming strictly individually;
-when performing tasks, you must pay special attention

Mania for proper breathing; exclude exercises that require great muscle effort, with holding your breath; alternate physical exercises with special breathing exercises;
- motor density of the lesson should be 50-70%.
Medical and pedagogical observations are of particular importance during swimming lessons with students assigned to a special medical group. When taking into account the intensity and volume of the performed swimming load, it is necessary to monitor external signs of fatigue during exercise. With excessive load, general weakness, increased fatigue, palpitations, discomfort in the heart area, etc. may occur. An unsatisfied state after exercise may also appear, which is due to the discrepancy between the exercise regime and the students’ health status and their level of fitness. In these cases, a change in regimen, sufficient rest, and an in-depth medical examination are necessary.
The reaction to physical activity during students' classes at a special educational department should be manifested by moderate changes in physiological indicators. Depending on the nature and intensity of the load, heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate increase; the period of recovery of indicators to the initial level usually does not exceed 5-10 minutes. Body weight does not change significantly. Vital capacity and muscle strength may increase or decrease moderately (in the latter case, this indicates the onset of fatigue). A slight degree of fatigue during swimming lessons with students who have health problems is quite acceptable.
The objectives of swimming training at the sports improvement department are:
increasing the level of sports preparedness;
acquisition of professionally applied knowledge and skills.
The most prepared student swimmers with qualifications of at least I sports category are enrolled in joint (interuniversity) educational departments (groups) of sports improvement, regardless of the departmental subordination of universities. Such departments are created on the basis of one of the city’s universities with a swimming pool and a complex of sports facilities, which makes it possible to train athletes in accordance with modern scientific and methodological requirements.

Leading university specialists are invited to work in interuniversity educational departments. Swimmers training with the same coach (teacher) can represent different universities. It is advisable to staff such groups taking into account specialization in swimming methods and distances.
Mass physical education, health and sports work on swimming at the university is carried out jointly by the department of physical education and the sports club in the following forms:
-classes in the sports swimming section;
-classes in recreational sections (formation of complex groups: athletic gymnastics + swimming; aerobics + + swimming, etc.; water aerobics, etc.):
- holding swimming competitions, water festivals, mass swims, etc.;
- swimming lessons in sports and recreation camps;
-construction of sports facilities (including swimming pools),
The conduct of educational, sports and mass swimming work must be reflected in the following planning and accounting documents: a physical education plan drawn up for the year; schedule of the educational process for the academic year (semester); work plan for the academic year (semester); lesson plan; journal of work in the study group.
Test questions and assignments
1. Name the tasks and content of swimming work at the preparatory educational department.
2. Name the tasks and content of swimming work in a special educational department.
3. Name the tasks and content of swimming work at the sports improvement department.
Recommended reading
Inyasevsky K.A. Swimming: A manual for teachers and university students. - M.: Higher School, 1978.