Vegetable crops names. Benefits and types of skiing. Boris Glumov, President of the Altai Territory Ski Federation

These are edible fruits and green plants. They are based on carbohydrates, and there are practically no proteins or fats in them. At the same time, there are many biologically active substances - vitamins, organic acids, fiber, pectins. You need to eat vegetables regularly: according to the “healthy plate” model, they should make up a quarter of all foods eaten per day. When planning your diet, it is advisable to take into account not only your preferences, but also the recommendations of nutritionists - try to eat more colorful foods.

Phytonutrients give vegetables their color, which also protect against various diseases.

  • Red vegetables are a source of beta-carotene, lycopene, and vitamin C. They prevent the development of cancer and heart disease, and improve the digestive system.
  • Greens are a storehouse of vitamins A, C, K, folic acid, chlorophyll, lutein, calcium. They should be eaten to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, normalize blood pressure, strengthen teeth and bones, and preserve vision.
  • Orange - contain beta-cryptoxanthin and beta-carotene, which are beneficial for the health of the respiratory system, skin, and eyes.
  • Blue and purple are a source of anthocyanin and resveratrol, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and protect against aging.
  • White fruits are a source of sulfur, allicin, and quercetin, and they help control weight, blood pressure, and have anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties.


English arrowroot – starch flour
This is a starch made from arrowroot, a tropical plant in South America. Arrowroot is also grown on the Fiji Islands and Brazil. The tubers of the plant are used as raw materials for the production of arrowroot. In this case, dried arrowroot rhizomes are used, which are ground into flour.


In scientific classification it represents Paslenov family and in this sense, it can be called a relative of potatoes, tomatoes, capsicums, tobacco, but, in addition, it is also a “brother” of the poisonous dope and henbane. The culinary fate of this vegetable crop was difficult. As a food product, eggplant became interesting in Europe only with 19th century. Before this, it was not valued and was even considered the cause of some mental disorders. Over time, thanks to the discovery of a number of beneficial properties, eggplant became interesting not only to cooks, but also to doctors.


This vegetable has many names, including gumbo, okra and lady's fingers. If you hear this name, it means we are talking about okra - a rather valuable vegetable crop that belongs to the Malvaceae family. Nothing is known about the homeland of this plant, but it is widespread in Africa, North America, India and the tropics. Some call it home West Africa, others - India. This is due to the fact that a wide variety of varieties and types of okra grow in these places.

Sweet potato

A herbaceous liana with long (1-5 m) creeping stems, lashes, rooting at the nodes. The height of the bush is 15-18 cm. Sweet potato leaves are heart-shaped or palmate-lobed, on long petioles. The flowers sit in the axils of the leaves; the corolla is large, funnel-shaped, pink, pale lilac or white. Many varieties do not bloom. Cross-pollination, mainly by bees. Fruit - 4-seed capsule; the seeds are black or brown, 3.5-4.5 mm in diameter. The lateral roots of the sweet potato thicken greatly and form tubers with white, orange, pink or red edible pulp. One sweet potato tuber weighs from 200 g to 3 kg.


Rutabaga is a biennial plant of the cabbage family that produces high yields. It came from crossing turnips and white cabbage. Some researchers believe that rutabaga was developed in the Mediterranean region. The root is round or oval, similar in appearance to a turnip, but somewhat larger, its flesh is yellow, orange or white, covered with a green-gray or red-violet peel.

Daikon (Japanese radish)

Daikon has larger root crops than radishes - from 2 to 4 kg. They have high taste qualities: more juicy, tender, without a sharp rare taste, and are perfectly stored all winter. Daikon can be eaten fresh, boiled and salted.


Zucchini reached Europe from Central America back in the 16th century, but residents of the Old World tasted its fruits only two centuries later, when this plant was no longer perceived solely as an ornamental plant. Since then, zucchini gradually began to win its place in fields and vegetable gardens. Today it is grown in almost all households. Zucchini (and its variety zucchini) are fried, steamed, pickled and canned for the winter. People appreciated the diuretic properties of this product, the ability to restore salt metabolism, remove toxins and “bad” cholesterol. But serious scientific research on zucchini is just beginning, opening up several promising directions.


Buds of a herbaceous or shrub plant of the Capparis spinosa species of the caper family, common in the arid regions of the Mediterranean, Asia, India, North Africa, North America. In Dagestan, wild species of capers are used. Capers are also widespread in the Caucasus and Crimea, where they grow on barren slate rocks from Alushta to Sudak and Feodosia.

White cabbage

The “commonness” and prevalence of white cabbage in our gardens gives the impression that this vegetable is useless in promoting health. The only thing that seems indisputable is the importance of cabbage in dietetics and weight loss programs, due to its low calorie content and abundance of fiber. Meanwhile, the substances contained in cabbage significantly reduce the risk of intestinal cancer, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, relieve the effects of radiation exposure and have a therapeutic effect on a number of other body systems.


An annual vegetable plant of the cabbage family. The most common variety of broccoli has dark green heads of tightly clustered florets and thick, juicy stalks. It resembles cauliflower, but only the head is green or purple in color. In German, "braun kopf" is a brown (brown) head. Externally, broccoli looks like an elegant green flower. Broccoli is eaten using the central head and the heads of the side shoots, cut off from the tender part of the stem.

Brussels sprouts

It was developed from kale by vegetable growers in Belgium, from where it spread to France, Germany and Holland. Carl Linnaeus was the first to scientifically describe cabbage and named it Brussels sprouts in honor of the Belgian gardeners from Brussels. It appeared in Russia in the middle of the 19th century, but did not spread due to harsh climatic conditions. Brussels sprouts are widely cultivated in Western Europe (especially the UK), USA and Canada. In Russia it is cultivated in limited quantities, mainly in the central regions.
The light green leafy heads located in the axils of the leaves on the stem of the plant are eaten. The taste of Brussels sprouts is sweet and nutty, not similar to the taste of cabbage. It is best to choose bright green, strong, dense and small heads of cabbage - large ones can taste bitter.

Kohlrabi cabbage

It is a so-called stem fruit. The core of this fruit is tender and juicy, very pleasant to the taste, somewhat reminiscent of a cabbage stalk. Northern Europe is considered the birthplace of kohlrabi. The name translated from German is interpreted as “cabbage turnip”. The first mention of kohlrabi cabbage was recorded in 1554, and literally a century later, kohlrabi spread throughout almost all of Europe, right up to the Mediterranean.

Red cabbage

It is a variety of white cabbage. It has bluish-violet, sometimes with a purple tint, leaves, the specific color of which is already visible in the seedlings. The presence of this color is due to the increased content of a special substance - anthocyanin. Red cabbage is late ripening and does not have early ripening varieties. The period of growth and development lasts up to 160 days. Early varieties of red cabbage are quite cold-resistant and are not as demanding on climate and soil as varieties of white cabbage, but late ones are quite capricious.

Pak choi cabbage

This is one of the most ancient Chinese vegetable crops. Today she has gained great popularity in Asia and every day she is gaining more and more new fans in Europe. Pak choi cabbage is a close relative of Peking cabbage, but differs from it externally, biologically, and also in economic qualities.


(also known as “salad” cabbage)
In China, this variety was cultivated and selected back in the fifth century AD, after which it gained rapid popularity in Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia. In Europe and the USA, Chinese cabbage became widely known relatively recently. The second name for “Peking”, under which it can be found, is “petsai”.

Romanesco cabbage

Italian romanesco– Roman cabbage
It is the result of breeding experiments by crossing cauliflower and broccoli. The plant is annual, heat-loving, requires alkaline feeding and moderate watering. Only the head of cabbage, which consists of light green inflorescences shaped like a fractal spiral, is used for food. Moreover, each bud consists of similar buds forming a spiral. Cabbage is a dietary and easily digestible product.

Savoy cabbage

It first appeared in the Italian county of Savoy, which influenced its name - Savoy. The peasants of this county were the first to grow this variety of cabbage. It has been known in our country since the 19th century, but it never became popular, although fresh it tastes better than cabbage cabbage. This cabbage is widely used in Western Europe and the USA. Savoy cabbage is similar in taste to white cabbage, but its dark green, corrugated, curly and thin leaves have a more delicate taste and aroma. It is not as tough as other types of cabbage, as it does not have rough veins. And it is also more nutritious than white and red. Savoy cabbage contains a lot of biologically active substances, sugar, and mustard oil. 4 times more fat and 25% less fiber than white cabbage.


Comes from the Mediterranean regions. It was first imported from Western Europe in the 17th century. However, we love it much less than the usual white cabbage, and assign it a secondary role. Unlike, say, Europe. There, cauliflower is a dietary product, healthy at any age and very beloved. It contains much less fiber than regular one, and therefore is easily digestible.


An amazingly versatile product, and this manifests itself not only in cooking. Among the results of potato processing are ethyl alcohol, antimicrobial agents and even fiberboard construction boards, which, thanks to potato starch, are environmentally friendly materials. In the medical field, substances from potato tubers are used to develop drugs that slow down the onset of Alzheimer's disease, destroy cancer cells in the gastrointestinal tract, and relieve inflammatory processes. Separate scientific interest present beneficial features potatoes, previously in demand only in folk medicine.


An irreplaceable crop in the world economy. Starch, flour, alcohol, oil, biogas - all this is produced in sufficient quantities thanks to corn. Without it, humanity simply would not be able to feed itself or provide food for domestic animals. But new research into the healing powers of corn may further fuel interest in this unique crop.

Bulb onions

Onions are one of the most ancient vegetable crops.
In China, Iran, and Mediterranean countries it was known 4000 BC. Onions came to Russia from the banks of the Danube at the beginning of the 12th century. Onion- a perennial plant. In the first year, a bulb with a diameter of 1-2.5 cm (onion set) grows from the seed. In the next season, large bulbs are formed from it, producing flower stalks-arrows in the third year, on which inflorescences with seeds are formed. According to the nature of branching, all varieties are divided into small-, medium- and multi-celled. Varieties are distinguished not only by their nesting properties, but also by taste - into spicy, semi-sharp and sweet. Different onion varieties have different methods of cultivation: some are grown from sets and selections, others are grown from sets and in an annual crop from seeds, others are grown only in an annual crop by sowing seeds or seedlings.


Leek is an annual herbaceous plant of the Allium family. Plant height is 40-90 cm. Leek leaves are green to greenish-blue in color, flowers are whitish or pink, form an umbrella. The bulb is elongated, without bulbs or with few bulbs. The stem emerges from the middle of the bulb. Leaves linear-lanceolate, sheath with long nose; the umbrella is large, spherical; the perianth is whitish or less often pinkish, with slightly rough leaflets. The filaments of the stamens are longer than the perianth, the inner ones are tripartite, with the middle part 2 times shorter than the base.


Biennial herbaceous plant of the Onion family. A shallot bulb consists of many cloves - like garlic. It is smaller than that of onion, but it ripens earlier and is stored excellently. Most often, shallots are grown for their greenery. It tastes great and is not spicy. The feather is delicate and thin. As soon as the onion grows 20 cm, it must be cut off sparingly - this will prevent bolting, to which shallots are prone (especially when planting in autumn).


This plant is a herbaceous vine, which is not at all picky, so caring for it is easy. Luffa has one feature - a long growing season. This crop, like cucumber, does not like transplanting, so to grow it you should choose a less traumatic method of transplanting seedlings.


Due to the content of one or another pigment, carrots can exhibit completely unexpected beneficial properties. And we’re not just talking about strengthening visual function, although a lack of vitamin A, contained in the orange carrots we’re used to, can lead to twilight vision disorders. We are talking about dozens of diseases in the treatment of which carrots can show themselves with the best side. Moreover, one of the most formidable opponents that carrots can successfully cope with under certain conditions is cancer.


This is a climbing annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the family pumpkin. Momordica is cultivated on the balcony, in the room, in the garden, as a healing and simply beautiful liana. This plant with edible fruits decorates south-facing windows, open terraces and balconies, gazebos, walls, fences and decorative trellises.


An annual herbaceous plant of the pumpkin family. The stem is creeping or climbing, covered with small colorless hairs, its dimensions reach 1-2 m. The leaves are alternate, entire, with jagged edges. Flowers 3-4 cm, yellow, unisexual. Most cucumber varieties have male and female flowers on the same plant. Starting from the 3-4th leaf, tendrils are formed in the axils of the leaves, with the help of which the plant is strengthened on the supports. The cucumber fruit is multi-seeded, juicy, emerald green, bubbly. It has different shapes and sizes depending on the variety. In culinary terms, cucumbers are traditionally classified as vegetable crops.


Biennial plant with thick, sweetish and pleasantly smelling roots. The stem is sharply ribbed. The leaves are pinnate. The flowers are yellow. Parsnip fruits are round-elliptical, flat-compressed, yellowish-brownish. Blooms in July - August. Parsnips ripen in September.


Bush form of early ripening pumpkin. Squash fruits can be collected from the garden on the 5-6th day of ripening. By this time, the soft green pumpkins are covered with thin skin, and inside there is elastic, slightly bitter flesh. If you leave squash in the garden, the skin quickly turns white and the fruits become inedible. Squash can be stewed, fried, pickled or salted. Translated from French, the word squash translates as “vegetable plate.” And this is no coincidence, because pumpkins are ideal for stuffing.

Sweet pepper

The fruit of annual herbaceous plants of the nightshade family. The fruits of sweet peppers are false hollow berries, multi-seeded, red, orange, yellow or brown, of various shapes and sizes (from 0.25 to 190 g). This pepper is found in the wild in tropical areas of America.


The garden tomato we are used to has a rich red color. This, among other things, means that the tomato contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that has antitumor and anticarcinogenic properties, reduces the risk of developing several types of cancer, and promotes the formation of bone tissue. But the tomato also contains many other useful components that are responsible for their “front of work.” The capabilities of these substances will allow us to look at the familiar tomato in a new way.

Cherry tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes are a garden variety of tomatoes with fruits of 10–30 g. They are known to everyone as a snack and are used for preparing a variety of salads, as well as for preservation. There are certain varieties of cherry tomatoes that are dried. The name comes from English word cherry, which means cherry. This does not mean that tomato and cherry have a similar taste. It’s just that the appearance and size of the vegetable is very similar to a cherry.


This is a head of lettuce that belongs to the chicory family. In his Natural History, Pliny the Elder wrote about this plant as a remedy that can cleanse the blood and help people suffering from insomnia. Marco Polo also wrote about him. He claimed that it was a favorite product of the inhabitants of the Veneta region (present-day Venice). And today radicchio is one of the most popular salads among Italians.


It is an edible plant and is grown as a vegetable in many countries around the world. Its name comes from Lat. radix - root. Root vegetables, which are up to 3 cm thick and covered with thin skin, often colored red, pink or white-pink, are usually eaten. Radish roots have a pungent taste. This typical taste of radish is due to the mustard oil content in the plant, which under pressure is converted into mustard oil glycoside.


An annual or biennial herbaceous plant, a species of the Radish genus of the Brassica family. Radish root crops, depending on the variety, can have a round, oval or oblong shape. Skin color ranges from ordinary black and gray to white, pink, green, purple. Black and green radishes are more tender, green ones are even sweeter. Both root vegetables and young radish leaves are eaten, adding them to various salads and soups. Radish root vegetables are consumed raw, boiled and fried, added to salads, appetizers, okroshka, borscht, soups, various meat and vegetable dishes.


An annual or biennial herbaceous plant of the Brassica family. A smooth yellow root vegetable that can reach from 8 to 20 cm in diameter and weigh 10 kg. All types of turnips are very early ripening, the finished root crop is formed in 40 - 45 days, late varieties - in 50 - 60 days. The leaf rosette reaches a height of 40 - 60 cm. Turnip as a vegetable and medicinal plant has been known since ancient times. Turnips can be baked, boiled, stuffed, casseroles and stews are prepared from it, and it is suitable for making salads. It can be stored for a long time in a cool place without losing its healing qualities; It is easily absorbed by the body and is recommended for baby food. In Russia, the expression “simpler than steamed turnips” has long been known, indicating its long-term and frequent use.

Skiing was especially popular in the second half of the 20th century. Today, many have forgotten about it, and undeservedly, because walking or skiing is an excellent option physical activity, allowing you to keep yourself in excellent physical shape and improve your health during the snowy season.

From our article you will learn about the benefits of this sport, what effects it has on the human body, as well as about the types of skiing and whether it is worth introducing children to skiing.

What are the benefits of skiing?

Skiing is one of the healthiest activities aerobic exercise. They have a wide variety of positive effects on the human body:

  1. The simplest effect is good mood. Ski slopes, as a rule, take place in picturesque places, which means that the athlete has a wonderful opportunity, in addition to his main activity, to admire the beauty of nature, he receives aesthetic pleasure, which certainly affects his mood. During the ride, the body intensively produces joy hormones - endorphins. This helps fight depression.
  2. Hardening effect. Environmental conditions during a ski trip are constantly changing: snow, wind, frosty air - every skier faces these natural factors. The body learns to respond correctly to weather changes, which means its resistance to adverse external factors increases.
  3. Blood flow and breathing are activated. During skiing, as with any other type of movement, the heart contracts more often, blood circulates faster through the vessels, which at the same time expand. Breathing becomes more frequent and deeper, which means that the blood is better saturated with oxygen and delivers it to all organs and tissues of the body. Signs of oxygen starvation disappear, metabolic processes accelerate, metabolic products (so-called toxins) are actively removed from the body.
  4. All of the above processes - both environmental conditions and activation of blood circulation, respiration, metabolism - certainly have an impact on the immune system, significantly strengthening it. Man exercising skiing, is less likely to catch any infections, and if he does get sick, he is not seriously ill, without complications, and recovers quickly.
  5. Blood supply to the kidneys also improves. They begin to work more intensively, removing excess liquid and toxic metabolic products.
  6. Almost all muscle groups are involved in the process of skiing. The maximum load falls on the muscles lower limbs– thighs and legs, the muscles of the abs and back work a little less actively, as well as upper limbs. This load on the muscles leads to an increase in their tone. They take on an attractive shape and become stronger. The athlete's endurance increases. Note: different types ski run influence different groups muscles; if you need to get your hips in order, use skating, and if you have problem buttocks, skate the classic way.
  7. For those who want to lose weight, skiing is also a great option. Depending on the pace of the walk and the type of equipment, the body burns from 500 to 1200 kilocalories per hour of training. This is even more than when running or swimming.
  8. Skiing is also useful for the musculoskeletal system, as it allows you to strengthen it. In particular, this applies to knee joints: while skiing, a person makes not sharp, but soft, smooth movements. This is the most good load on the joint - it does not injure it, but on the contrary, it stimulates the production of joint fluid and improves the functioning of the joint as a whole.

Skiing techniques (types)

First of all, it should be said that depending on the pace of the walk, walking and skiing are distinguished. The latter is certainly a burden more high level, however, for beginner skiers just learning this sport, it is preferable to start with walking.

It is also important to mention that there are 2 types of skis – cross-country and alpine. Each of them can use different riding styles.

So, in cross-country skiing there are 2 skiing techniques - the classic stroke and the skating stroke.

The classic move is characterized by riding simultaneously on two skis located in parallel. It can be used both on a special track - a ski track, and off it - on rough terrain. This style of skating often seems quite difficult to a beginner athlete, but this is only a matter of experience - as the appropriate skills are acquired, the problem disappears.

Skating on skis is technically similar to that on ice skates. The athlete leans alternately on one or the other ski, pushing off the surface of the snow with its inner side. This style of skating requires a special, well-prepared, fairly wide track, and from the athlete - maximum coordination of the movements of the upper and lower extremities. It allows the athlete to gain higher speed compared to the classic move. This type of ride places a fairly high load on the rider’s body, so it should be used by people who do not suffer from serious diseases of the respiratory and (especially!) cardiovascular systems.

In skating alpine skiing There are more styles than cross-country skiing:

  1. Tourist style. This is a whole range of activities, provided in advance by its organizers. It includes relaxation at a specialized resort and skiing under the guidance of an instructor.
  2. Sport style. Includes simple and giant slalom, as well as downhill. This is a competitive style, the essence of which is to overcome a certain route without technical errors and in a minimum amount of time. possible time. Separate slopes with flags arranged in a certain order are equipped for him, which the athlete should go around according to a given principle.
  3. Freeride. Translated from in English literally means “free ride”. Involves skiing outside of specially equipped slopes and tracks. Suitable exclusively for professionals and extreme sports enthusiasts.
  4. Freestyle. Literally means “free style”. It involves not just driving along the track, but riding over hillocks, also in combination with ski jumping. Included in the winter program Olympic Games. Includes such disciplines as:
    • ski acrobatics (athletes perform very complex acrobatic jumps from a special springboard while skiing);
    • mogul (descent down a hilly slope (hillocks - moguls) and jumping from a springboard);
    • ski cross (passing a specially prepared ski slope with obstacles - springboards, turns - for speed);
    • halfpipe (downhill skiing, during which the athlete is in a special structure - a halfpipe, which in appearance resembles half a pipe);
    • slopestyle (from slope - slope and style; a series of acrobatic tricks on special devices - pyramids, springboards, railings and others, located one after another along the entire route);
    • new school (a new type of freestyle using special “twintip” skis - with curved heels, allowing the athlete to land after a jump backwards; the style combines snowboarding and mogul techniques with acrobatic tricks).

Of course, freestyle is an activity exclusively for people who are professional skiers. Beginners should choose a simpler style.

Previously, freestyle also included the so-called ski ballet, the second name of which is figure skating by ski. Now this style of skating is gradually being forgotten.

Skis and age

Skiing is beneficial for children and adults.

Many readers are probably wondering at what age a child can be offered skis. Experts believe that healthy, normally developing children can begin to ride as early as 2-2.5 years old. Of course, at first you should follow the dosage regimen - the duration of a ski trip for such children should not exceed 10-15 minutes, for children 4-5 years old - 20-30 minutes, for preschoolers - 30-40 minutes. As the child masters riding skills and his muscles adapt to the new type of load, the duration of the walk can be gradually increased.

You can attend organized skiing classes (ski section) from 6-7 years old. The maximum age for starting classes is 13-14 years. Of course, this only applies to those children who want to connect their future with skiing - to become professional athlete in this domain. For those who simply want to improve their health and develop endurance, age restrictions no – if your doctor allows, even people over 80 can go skiing.

Preparing for a ski trip

If you are new to skiing, it will be more than difficult for you to immediately get on skis and cover a long distance on them. That is why it is very advisable to increase your level of physical activity even before the start of the snow season: perform vigorous exercises every day. physical exercise with an emphasis on breathing, running in place and special exercises for skiers. You should also walk more, trying to cover about 5-7 km in one such walk at least once every 5-7 days. The total duration of both exercise and walking should not be less than 40 minutes.

It's also important to get the OK to ski from your doctor and do some research on the area you plan to ski ( Special attention You should pay attention to the availability of mobile communications in it, so that in case of any unpleasant situation you can reach where necessary and ask for help).


First of all, you need to select the right skis. Yes, yes, there are several types of them - amateur, mountain, recreational, universal, professional and so on. They differ in the material from which they are made, width, length and other parameters. The most important thing is that the skis are the right size – neither too small nor too big. They need to be such a length that your hand extended upward can reach the edges of the vertical ski with your fingers. The sticks should be slightly higher than your armpits. Sticks should be chosen that are strong, flexible and lightweight. Sliding surface skis - even, smooth, without knots. Fastenings - ideally with a steel bracket - are reliable. If this is your first time purchasing skis, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

The clothes and shoes you plan to wear must be appropriate for the weather conditions and your resistance to them. If you are planning long walks, take into account possible temperature changes and other changes in the weather and take these points into account when choosing clothes. Shoes should be waterproof, comfortable, spacious - able to accommodate several pairs of warm socks. The ideal boots fit your feet evenly, have flexible soles and removable cuffs. After purchasing, you can soak them in drying oil or fish oil (to reduce the risk of getting wet), and also rub them with laundry soap. Do this procedure 2-3 times a day for 2 days, and the leather of your boots will become waterproof and elastic.

  • Please read the rules of conduct on the ski slope carefully before starting your lessons.
  • Wash your feet thoroughly and apply a layer of Vaseline to areas subject to shoe friction, and only then put on socks and ski boots.
  • Lubricate skis with a special ointment before use (depending on the outside air temperature).
  • Take a thermos with hot tea with you - if you are cold, it will help you warm up faster.
  • Prepare a backpack, put in it things that may be useful to you on the road (including a thermos).
  • Monitor your condition carefully. If you experience symptoms of hypothermia (feeling cold, tingling of the skin of exposed areas of the body) or overheating (feeling hot, dizziness, etc.), stop and warm up or, on the contrary, remove an extra layer of clothing.
  • If you want to support physical fitness, go skiing for 40-60 minutes once every 3 days, that is, 2-3 times a week. Reset if necessary excess weight You will have to train more often - preferably every other day.

Skiing is great way develop endurance, improve health and preserve beauty and youth for a long time.

Skiing in the Altai Territory, and especially in Barnaul, is becoming increasingly popular. Thousands of people take to the Health Track every weekend. They often make mistakes that turn skiing from a recreational walk into a painful process. How to avoid mistakes and get not only benefits from skating, but also pleasure, said the President of the Federation cross-country skiing Altai Territory, director of the Champion store Boris Glumov.

Oleg Bogdanov, website

How to dress?

Walks and ski training They take place in the fresh air in the snow, mainly at sub-zero temperatures. Therefore, to feel comfortable, you need to dress correctly. When preparing for a ski trip into the forest, you need to follow several rules.

1. The suit should not be a ski suit; it is too thick and warm for skiing. It will immediately feel hot and uncomfortable. At the same time, the suit should not be too cold. For a ski trip you need dress according to the weather and take into account the speed of your movement: than more intense than the load and the higher the speed you choose for yourself, the lighter the clothes should be.

2. For those who are seriously interested in skiing, there are a large number special suits. Their cost starts from 3 thousand rubles. The most popular of them are made from the so-called windstop fabric, which already contains the necessary three layers. In addition, it is light, durable and warm. Due to this, a person feels quite comfortable.

3. If you don’t have a special suit, the main thing when getting ready for a ski trip is follow the rules: There must be windproof fabric on top, fleece-lined pants and a jacket inside, and thermal underwear underneath. If it's cold outside, you can additionally wear a vest. A light, windproof jacket made of synthetic padding is also suitable.

4. You need to put it on your head sports cap. It is more convenient and comfortable than, say, a hat with earflaps. Hats can be very light, or insulated - you need to choose according to the weather.

5. B last years skiing is very popular tube bandanas, which cover the throat, can also protect the face from the wind; in uncomfortable weather, it can be pulled over a hat. They cost from 200 rubles.

6. Mittens or gloves- also an important part of a skier’s wardrobe. IN sports stores You can buy special ski gloves, but their cost is quite high - it starts from 1 thousand rubles.

7. Modern ski boots are quite warm; they have a special material inside that allows the boots to keep warm, so you don’t need to wear two socks. Also no need to wear wool socks. There must be an air gap between the foot and the shoes to retain heat; the shoes should not compress the foot, otherwise blood circulation will be worse, which means the feet will freeze faster.

Boris Glumov,
President of the Ski Racing Federation of the Altai Territory:

A skiing trip takes place in the fresh air, which we always miss. When skiing, all muscle groups are involved: legs, arms, entire upper shoulder girdle. In terms of health, skiing is much more comfortable than many other sports, such as running, where the load on the joints is much higher. Many of those whose health does not allow them to run can easily ski. They provide a more gentle load on the musculoskeletal system.

"Classic" or "hot"?

When choosing between classic or skating, there are several features to consider.

According to Boris Glumov, there is no big difference between the “horse” and the “classic”. In both forms, there is support on one leg, rolling, and hand work. In Russia, skating is much more popular than the classical one, while in Europe it’s the other way around.

Skating only appeared in the 80s. Nowadays its popularity is explained by the improved quality of equipment. “Skate” allows you to develop high speeds, but “classic” is healthier, it is a more natural move, and with such skating the body does not turn around its axis.

IN skating apply slip ointment- these are paraffins, powders, powders, emulsions. They are applied to the entire surface of the skis, then the paraffin is carefully removed. (It is not the paraffin that helps roll, but the microlayer that is created between the skis and the snow surface.) In order to do this at home, you need special equipment: a machine, an iron, several brushes and a supply of paraffin - all this will cost about 15 thousand rubles. You can treat your skis in stores and in special services. This treatment is enough for several walks. It costs about 300 rubles.

At classic course use holding ointment. This ointment prevents slipping and prevents the skis from rolling back. To properly coat the skis with it, you need to step back 15-30 cm from the toe of the boot and coat the skis to the “heel”. For beginners there is plastic skis with special notches that prevent rolling back.

How to choose skis?

When choosing skis, you need to focus on your weight and height. The parameters for which the skis are suitable are indicated on the marking. It is also important what style you will ride.

For a classic move

  • Skis for “classics” should be 25–35 cm taller than the skier (pictured). Previously, this value was measured by the arm extended upward. Now it is believed that skis should be slightly shorter than this figure. If you take the skis shorter, it will be more convenient to turn, if longer, then they will roll better. But the maximum length of skis is 207 cm.
  • The ski has a deflection in the last part, which, when pushed off, should straighten and come into contact with the snow. Therefore, in the “classics” you need to take a more subtle approach to choosing skis.
  • Sticks under classic move should be shoulder-deep.

For skating

  • Skis for skating should be 15-20 cm taller. The most long skis for skating - 197 cm.
  • In the “skate” position, the skis should be a little stiffer.
  • The poles for such skis should be longer - up to the nose.
  • Boots for skating are higher than for classic skating. They should secure the leg while moving.

What to take with you?

For a long walk, more than 10 km, it is advisable to take with you hot tea with sugar, cookies. You can put them in a backpack or a special bag that is worn on your belt.

Marathons are now starting to become popular. For such long distances It is recommended to take it with you second cap. To raise your tone at a distance, you can dissolve ascorbic acid with glucose, have a snack with salted lard and bread. This will immediately help improve your condition and add energy.

What weather should you ride in?

The air temperature is considered comfortable for skiing up to -20 degrees. Temperatures below this value are no longer so comfortable for walking, and skis perform worse. Skis glide best in a slight frost- from 5 to 12 degrees below zero. Very good gliding occurs after a thaw, the skis move very quickly, but stability deteriorates. Sliding can change with the weather every 15-30 minutes.

The most comfortable time for skiing is spring. When there is a thaw, the snow begins to melt first in the city. It lasts much longer in the forest. In Norway, Sweden, and Finland, people mostly ski in this weather.

Boris Maidanik

Biathlon - a modern winter combined event - is a cross-country skiing race with weapons over set distances and shooting at targets from a standing and lying position on the firing line. Specific feature biathlon consists of a complex combination in one competition of sports that have different physiological effects on the body - cross-country skiing and shooting. Biathlon arose from skiing and shooting competitions held over many years in our country and abroad.

In 1957 International Union modern pentathlon established an independent sport - biathlon. The first official USSR biathlon championship was held in the same year on the Uktus Mountains in Sverdlovsk. Since then, national championships have been held annually. In 1958, biathletes held the first world championship. The birthday of biathlon was officially proclaimed on March 2, 1958 at the first World Championships in Austria. Currently, biathlon is cultivated in 57 countries.

In the USSR they were well developed winter views sports: skating, skiing, figure skating, ski jumping. With the collapse of the country, all these sports fell into decline. Today there is not a single decent skating rink in Russia, and for the last 6 years the Russian speed skating championship has been held in Germany. Refrigerators break down and ice palaces fall into disrepair, as happened with our Trade Union Sports Palace.

But with biathlon it’s the other way around. If during times Soviet Union in Russia there was only one decent base - in Sverdlovsk, but now biathlon stadiums have been built in Izhevsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk and so on. And the best biathlon stadium in the world was built in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk (well, how can one not remember Zadornov).

The fight must be fair

Figure skating is lucky. The ratings depend only on the subjective opinion of the judges, and the scandals that constantly break out because of this constantly fuel interest in this sport.

But biathlon - technical view sports and Subjective opinion judges here are reduced to zero. All judging is carried out electronically - electronic start, photo finish. In terms of judging, biathlon is generally a special sport - regardless of the number of participants, at least 50 judges are required and each of them records their own special situation. One counts the number of hits on targets, the other penalties, the third releases the athletes at the start, the fourth records the athletes at the finish. So it’s quite difficult to distort the results.

Now they shoot from small-caliber weapons at mechanical targets from a distance of 50 meters. Hit - the target fell. But before they shot from a distance of 150 meters from a combat weapon. This would ruin any mechanism, so inflated football bladders were used for targets. The cameras were inflated and inserted into slots on the shield. There were a lot of tricks here. The diameter of the inflated chamber was supposed to be 32 centimeters. So, outwardly it met the requirements, but from behind it was inflated to almost 60. And even if the participant does not hit the slot, the bullet will pierce the shield and the camera will burst. Or the soldier in the back pierces the camera on command from the firing line. And how many times has it happened when an athlete runs to the fifth shield, but the soldier misunderstood the command and pierced it on the seventh.

Nowadays it is becoming technically more and more difficult; it is more possible to talk about dirty tricks to each other. One such incident occurred in the late 80s at a competition in Leningrad. The athlete runs to the firing line, fires 8 shots - all 5 targets are in place. He runs to another line - and again all 8 shots miss. During the change of stages, the judges had time to inspect the targets - but they were watered and frozen. The competition had to be stopped.

It happens that an athlete was inattentive to his weapon and left it at the firing line after zeroing. The enemy approached, moved the front sight a fraction of a millimeter - and all the bullets flew into the “milk”. Or an athlete has prepared his skis, but they gave him something wrong and he loses precious seconds on the track. But this rarely happens, because such nits are quickly identified.

And sometimes during competitions there are completely unusual cases. Skiers started at our Dynamo base. They ran into the distance and disappeared. Not a single one showed up at the firing line. They wanted to sound the alarm, but soon they returned to the start in a friendly crowd. It turns out that the moose did not let them into the shooting range. It was fenced with barbed wire and in the passage the elk got caught on it. The head of the distance approached him with wire cutters and began to cut the wire. The elk kicked at first, but then he realized that they wanted to free him and calmed down. He was soon released, but the competition that day fell through.

Each case has its own specifics

We are used to shooting at the shooting range. Calmly, holding your breath, taking your time to aim. But a biathlete shoots with a pulse of about 180 beats per minute. If he takes aim for a long time, the pulse calms down, with rare beats the heart begins to shake the whole body and the rifle jumps. With a high pulse, the rifle jumps less, especially when shooting while standing.

And here is another specificity, or rather even a phenomenon, proven by many years of meetings with German colleagues. If they go ahead of us in the relay race, then they shoot “excellently” at the shooting range, but if in the relay race they lose even a little to ours, then they immediately start to miss the marks when shooting.

At one time, the famous Sergei Chepikov became a pure skier and ran as part of the Russian national team for 6 years, but did not show any special results. He returned to biathlon - and for 3 seasons he has been the best biathlete in the country. Why? Although there is skiing here and there, these are completely different sports with different muscle groups. For a skier, the most important thing is to cover the distance in the shortest possible time. The biathlete ran, stopped and started shooting. At this moment, completely different muscles work. Then he sped up, made a jerk, stopped again, and fired. That is, a stop, on average, every 3 kilometers. Moreover, you have to carry the rifle the entire distance.

About skiing and more

Modern Sports Equipment– these are technically very complex things. Unfortunately, biathlon sports equipment is not produced in our country, with the exception of rifles. And the rifles are not what they used to be. At one time, Izhevsk rifles were the best in the world. Now we have to buy barrels from Germany and put them on our rifles.

Difficult situation with cartridges. Previously, our enterprises worked for a warehouse and you could buy any quantity. Now cartridges are made to order and in large quantities, so you have to buy them in Finland. The requirements for the barrel and cartridges are very strict. When shooting in the machine at 50 meters, the spread should be less than the fingernail of the little finger. After all, at the shooting range the athlete must hit 5 targets with a diameter of 4 centimeters in a minimum of time.

Real cross-country skiing they are not produced in our country at all. Making them is very difficult and not everything works out even for the leaders who produce special skis under numbers for the leading skiers on the planet. So even in this case, out of 20 pairs of numbered skis, only one works. Nowadays, high-level biathletes take 10–15 pairs of skis with them to competitions. And that’s not why. that they are so greedy. Some skis work well on wet snow, others on dry snow, and there is also a dependence on air temperature, snow fractions, etc.

There is a group of servicers to coat and prepare all the skis. On last championship there were 10 athletes and 15 servicers in the world. But here the guys worked to the highest standards. After all, for each athlete it is necessary to prepare at least 10 pairs of skis, and at least half an hour is spent on each pair. Skis need to be lubricated and run in - at different temperatures, in the sun and in the shade, to see how they work on the descent and on the ascent. The servicers started preparing the skis at 4 am. The old paraffin was removed from each pair, the skis were prepared, a new one was applied, and then they were coated with special powders that speed up the glide even more.

But even experienced servicers cannot foresee everything. Spring is now. In the morning, when the skis are being prepared, the temperature is -10. While shooting and other preparations are underway, the temperature rose to -2, and this is a completely different snow structure.

Food – here and here

It is only between competitions that the coach is responsible for sports training. But before and during the competition, he is still fully responsible for what the athlete ate and drank. And despite the fact that in world-class competitions, as was the case in Oberhof, not only athletic facilities, but also the food department, our team doctor checks the food on himself before the athletes eat it.

An athlete at competitions should not digest heavy food, he should digest kilometers. For example, beef is allowed in any form. But pork langets and escalopes are prohibited - only in the form of ham in appetizers. The athlete should consume as many juices and fruits as possible. Before and during competitions, participants are fed caviar. Although expensive, this is one of the components that athletes desperately need.

But all this is only during competitions, and biathletes eat like all ordinary people. Another thing is that athletes have to periodically come to training camps. And then adapt to the peculiarities of local cuisine. Recently, Sverdlovsk biathletes returned from France. And the director of the Dynamo stadium, Vladimir Roshchin, who traveled with them, said: “The food was so disgusting that after that I understood why the French eat frogs. Every national cuisine has dietary features that are not very suitable for us. More than once we asked their cooks to make us soup with meat broth, but they refused. For them, the broth can only be vegetable. They served us a dish called “Russian soup” - they would cook a vegetable soup, and then crumble carbonate and necks into it.

Shortly before we left, they made us a rabbit. When we started eating, we couldn’t understand. what is this before we get to the bones. After that, we said that we would cook the rabbit ourselves and left one trainer. Under his leadership, such a roast was prepared that all the French in the hotel asked only for it. This is the only way we have been able to eat normally for the last 4 days.”