Sample review of an athlete from a coach. Ready-made examples (samples) of characteristics for secondary school students

A similar rule may be one of the terms of the agreement between you and the child, a characteristic with sports section sample. With all this, it is desirable that all the necessary work be done first, and then rest. Opportunity for self-expression. Additional advantages: familiarity with theatrical culture. When they don’t ask questions about the child’s well-being and are ready to take on teaching him, as long as you pay this more than a worrying symbol. It is important to attend a few classes before you enroll your child in the sports section. Six months later, the girl was transferred to the main team school team, and she already protects the honor of secondary schools in competitions. Direct guardians, as a rule, also make a living in solving problems that arise in their children, regardless of the age of the children themselves, and of the guardians as well.

Characteristics of a student-athlete for admission

  • aspirations and interests, special (specific) abilities.

Peculiarities sports activities. Awareness of the goals and objectives of playing sports. The nature of planning sports activities. Nature of execution of orders training tasks: — responsible and conscientious; - not responsible enough, irresponsible ( possible reasons).

Attitude to training: - willingly goes to training, is interested in classes, strives to be better; — training is perceived as a duty and is not always treated with interest; - no interest in training, trains reluctantly, through coercion from adults.

/ swimming practice / 23 characteristics of an athlete

In system interpersonal relationships takes the place of the absolute leader, has a large number of friends, maintains friendly relations with other classmates. Modest, cheerful, independent, sociable, balanced, purposeful, energetic, amenable only to positive influence, follows the rules of behavior.

Parents pay proper attention to raising their daughter and influence her positively. He happily accepts assignments and carries them out responsibly and perfectly.

Has a positive attitude towards work. Has academic achievements high level, diverse interests - dancing, English language, drawing.


Characterized by a rich outlook and interest in learning. Study to the fullest of your ability. In class she is always attentive, active, and does her homework.

Characterized by high overall development.

Characteristics of a volleyball athlete


The fourth stage occurs after both clubs have, as they say, shook hands. And negotiations began with the agent, and sometimes with the player himself, about the terms of the latter’s personal contract.

Only after all points of the transfer agreement have been agreed upon, and the interests of all parties are respected, is the final amount announced, which must be transferred from bank to bank as quickly as possible. After which, finally, the transfer sheet arrives at the purchasing club, and the player begins to pack his bags to move to another city or another country.

Every professional sportsman, like any product, has its own value, which depends on the level of its skill, age, country of residence, performances in European competitions and the national team, even reputation. It is quite indicative last championship World Cup, after which prices for a number of recent stars fell noticeably.

Characteristics from the sports section sample

Community of mutual assistance for teachers Lesson developments, articles on teaching and learning methods, document forms, recommendations for beginning teachers CHARACTERISTICS of Svetlana Andreevna Ilyina, born in 1998, 11th grade student at the Kiev Regional Boarding Lyceum for Physical Culture and Sports Ilyina Svetlana Andreevna has been studying at the Kiev Regional Lyceum-Boarding School of Physical Culture and Sports since the first grade. She has established herself as a disciplined, diligent, attentive and hardworking student. She is reserved and shows respect for classmates, teachers, and elders. She enjoys authority in the team; people listen to her opinion, take advice and often ask for help.
He is respected by teachers.

Characteristics of a student-athlete

Characteristics of an athlete's educational activity: Main motive educational activities- the acquisition of knowledge. Attitude to learning: does not miss classes without a good reason, but does not always prepare for classes conscientiously, and studies with interest in individual subjects.

The prevailing grades are: 6, 7, 8. Interest in subjects: physics, English, geography, biology. IV. Characteristics of the athlete’s cognitive activity: Voluntary attention predominates in the lessons.
Concentrates on the lesson, if interesting, knows how to distribute and switch attention from one type of activity to another. V. Emotional state. In lessons and training he is emotionally balanced, his behavior is satisfactory, his emotional state is even.

Fear, anxiety, and forgetfulness may appear when called to the board in front of the whole class or before the start of a competition. Trying to stay focused. VI.
If the athlete has a specialized education, indicate in which educational institution and when he studied and the specialty he received. Briefly tell us about your participation in competitions and the prizes and awards received.

There is no point in making an emotional assessment of the athlete’s participation. Indicate in more detail the dates of the competitions, their full name, places received and prizes.

If there is enough data in this part of the characteristics, divide them into those that the athlete achieved before joining the organization and those that he achieved in the sports organization. At the same time, do not forget to once again indicate the date of entry of the person being characterized into the club, section or sports school.
Please indicate here sporting achievements that the athlete has achieved within the organization, about his success in sports growth. Briefly list his achievements within the organization, titles, ranks and degrees received.

Typical text of a positive characteristic for an athlete

Characteristics of the athlete Dvoeglazova Maria Aleksandrovna Dvoeglazova Maria Aleksandrovna born in 1999 He has been studying in the volleyball section since 2012. During her training in the group, she proved herself only on the positive side.

She always correctly distributes her work over time and completes it according to plan. Maria regularly attends training sessions and is never late.

She willingly takes on any work, trying to do it well, knows how to properly distribute and complete the assigned task on time, and always keeps her things in perfect order. Actions and words indicate respect for other people; she always shows care and tries to provide support to anyone.

Always listens attentively to fair criticism, thinks about and corrects mistakes. Knows how to listen to advice. She is friendly, physically developed, and enjoys authority among her classmates and team.

He easily adapts to new training conditions and a new team, as he has very high plasticity. Choleric is prone to sudden changes in mood, impetuous, energetic, impetuous, and quick-tempered. In a difficult situation, he loses control over his actions and speech. Reaction rate is high, extrovert. Easily adjusts activities during work. Starts working in fast pace and gets tired quickly. During the game he is active and aggressive. Has difficulty performing monotonous work. He sees the reasons for his failures in the external environment. The phlegmatic person is slow, rigid, has difficulty withstanding variety in activity, and has difficulty switching from one activity to another. Adapts slowly and has a hard time coping with the change of team. Before a competition, a phlegmatic person wants to become familiar with the temperature characteristics of the hall, ice, and locker room conditions a few days in advance.

Takes part in various educational olympiads and competitions on a city and regional scale. She has been doing rhythmic gymnastics since she was 5 years old. The state of health is satisfactory, characterized by high physical fitness, and has excellent athletic shape.

During my studies at the boarding lyceum I reached high results. Took part in sports competitions rhythmic gymnastics of different levels and significance (local, regional and all-Ukrainian). She won prizes, including 5 gold medals, 2 silver and 9 bronze. He takes part in the social life of the lyceum and class, has many awards (diplomas, certificates of honor, gratitude). In the future he plans to participate in international competitions, and also plans to connect his life with sports and work in this field. The testimonial was issued for submission to a higher educational institution. Director Kl.
Full name, year of birth, has been studying at (school name) since the first grade. During his studies, he proved himself only on the positive side.

The general level of student development is quite high. Throughout all years he studies at “4” and “5”. He always correctly distributes his work in time and completes it according to plan.

Name) is diligent in his studies, attentive in class, attends regularly training sessions, does not allow lateness, systematically prepares homework and tries to organize his work independently. I passed the final exams for 9th grade in the form of the State Examination Examination (GIA) with a “5”.

Among school subjects, the greatest predisposition is towards natural sciences. Visits additional classes in subjects: elective courses, electives. He takes part in Russian competitions “Kangaroo” and “Teddy Bear”. Taking an active part in public affairs and events, he is always ahead.
For example, in continental club tournaments such as the European football league champions The first stage of any sports transfer starts long before the agreement is signed and the so-called transfer sheet is issued, without which it is simply impossible to play. It starts inside the club - a potential buyer of a player, who is watched and studied for a long time by selectors-scouts, and then by coaches. The decision on whether the team needs a player is usually made by the head coach.

And if he believes that she really needs this forward or goalkeeper, then he informs the club president about this. Or, what happens much more often, the general manager.

The second stage begins with consideration of the head coach’s motivated request and the club’s management making a decision on the purchase. And a subsequent transfer request to the club that owns the rights to the athlete.

Characteristics for a school student are one of the most important psychological and pedagogical documents, the preparation of which is relevant: both when changing places of study, and for submission as a recommendation to various authorities.

Alexander Ivanov has been studying at the State Institution “Secondary School No. 19” in Sverdlovsk since the first grade. The student has good physical and mental development. Responsible and hardworking. Possesses independent work skills. Able to compare, analyze, and clearly express his thoughts.

In the 8th year of study, Alexander moved to the mathematics class. He prefers humanities subjects and is interested in history and law.

Alexander complies with the school regime and established rules of behavior. Doesn't miss classes for no reason.

Main character traits: calm, balanced, avoids conflicts.

Performs any assignments unconditionally and responsibly. Actively participates in school events.

There are no bad habits.

He is hardworking, possesses the necessary work skills, and is careful and precise in his work. Self-confident, accurately assesses his own capabilities, strives for success, primacy, decisive, persistent.

He is distinguished by good manners and modesty. Tactful, friendly. He is friends with his classmates. Very obliging, worries about the outcome of the assignment. Enjoys authority.

Parents are interested in the success of their child. Constantly communicate with the class teacher. Provide all possible assistance in matters of class functioning.

Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office for a positive student

Igor Shishkin has been studying at the State Institution of the Russian Federation “PSOSH No. 17” in Pskov since the 1st grade. During all years of study at school, he follows the internal rules and does not violate discipline in lessons. He studies mainly for a grade of “4”. Has a mathematical mind.

Intellectually developed, well-read, has a rich vocabulary. Able to organize material in a logical sequence, analyze and draw conclusions.

Constantly improves, uses additional literature when preparing for lessons, expanding his own knowledge beyond the school curriculum.

He is efficient and takes a responsible approach to completing the assigned task. He is distinguished by his ingenuity, is erudite, does not succumb to the influence of others, and is independent.

He has the makings of a leader, is an example for his classmates, and never refuses to help them. Sociable, tactful in communication. Adequate to criticism.

Has a good level physical training. Participant in many school and extracurricular sports competitions. There are no bad habits.

Igor lives with his father, mother and older brother. The positive microclimate of the family has a beneficial effect on the boy. Parents are not indifferent to Igor’s fate; they are constantly interested in his successes.

The characteristics are given for presentation to the military registration and enlistment office.

Sample positive reference for a girl school student

Bokova Victoria has been studying at the State Institution “RSh No. 18” in Ryazan since the 1st grade. Over the years of study, she has proven herself to be an active, sociable student, possessing a high intellectual level and coping with all academic disciplines. Shows interest in science and lessons physical development. Outside of school, he studies English and enjoys drawing.

Victoria has a broad outlook and loves to read. Able to express his own opinion and clearly formulate his thoughts. Always focused on the activity at hand, but can easily switch to solving another task. The high speed of mastering the curriculum and the ease with which the girl reproduces the acquired knowledge were noted.

She follows all the rules of the school schedule and does not miss lessons for no reason. He holds the post of assistant to the school president, is a member of the student Parliament and the School Council. Dreams of becoming an investigator.

Throughout the entire period of study, she actively participated in class and school-wide events.

Victoria is proactive and often acts as an organizer. Responsive, hardworking, sociable, rarely in a bad mood. She is honest, knows how to defend her beliefs, and always achieves a positive result. She is friendly and has leadership qualities, which allows her to take leading roles in the student body.

She is an active athlete in a dance group. The presence of bad habits was not noticed.

Parents approach raising their daughter with all responsibility. Come to school as soon as required.

Ready-made characteristics for a student with average abilities

Vladislav Ryabchikov has been studying at the State Institution “Secondary School No. 5” in Oryol since the 7th grade. Average abilities were noted in mastering the curriculum.

Inactive in lessons. Does not show proper interest in learning, reveals his skills only under constant supervision from teachers.

Completes homework assignments periodically. Preference is given to studying history. Science and mathematics subjects are difficult for me. He reads little, therefore he has insufficient vocabulary. Often distracted, unable to concentrate on the task assigned to him.

Possesses basic work skills, but is inactive and therefore rarely uses them. He practically does not take part in cultural events, citing his busy schedule.

Not always honest. Does not enjoy trust among peers and adults. It might let you down.

Vladislav's physical development is good. Engaged in cycling. Became a bronze medalist at the Regional Championship. He is interested in football.

In dialogue with classmates and teachers, Vladislav is reserved and polite. During an argument, he can be impulsive, emotional and stubborn. Tends to be independent.

He is a friendly boy, and therefore maintains friendly relations with most of his classmates.

Vladislav’s parents actively raise their child and promote his development, trying to change the situation with their son’s academic performance. They always make contact with the class leader and visit school.

For a student with a low level of knowledge and performance

Nikita Kornilovsky has been studying at the State Institution “KSOSH No. 2” in Kirov since the 1st grade. Throughout his time at school, he showed such qualities as laziness and indifference to the educational process. Does not show due attention to the proposed educational material, is distracted by extraneous activities and ignores teacher comments. He is more interested in communicating with his classmates. Passive behavior in the classroom leads to poor academic results. Doesn't complete homework assignments, but is a master at copying.

Doesn't miss classes for no reason.

Shows a certain interest in humanitarian subjects, loves poetry and history.

Has the necessary work skills, but is not proactive enough to apply them. Gives greater priority to participation in class and school social events.

Loves attention from the outside, demands respect for himself and his opinion. In a conversation he may use obscene words, considering this the norm of behavior.

Has a significant level sports training, visits Gym. Does not accept bad habits.

Lives with his father, mother and younger brother, whom he cares for very much. Parents regularly appear at school and communicate with the class teacher. They are actively trying to improve Nikita’s knowledge level.

Characteristics of a student from a disadvantaged family with bad behavior

Ilya Klyuchevsky has been studying at the State Institution “LSOSH No. 4” in Lipetsk since the 1st grade. Educational process does not arouse the boy's interest, but it is worth noting the absolute attendance. Able to master educational material in large quantities, but general passivity during learning leads to a low level of knowledge.

Not demanding of himself. Memory can be characterized as random mixed. If you manage to interest him, then he shows himself best in the exact sciences. The stability of results is hampered by the lack of hard work and diligence. Indifferent to what is happening in the class, inactive. Doesn't do homework. Speech is developed.

Has all the necessary work skills, but tries to avoid personal assignments and social events.

Has good physical fitness. At the amateur level he plays football and tennis.

During contacts with classmates and teachers, he may show aggressiveness and stubbornness, often his actions are impulsive and too emotional. Undisciplined, prone to independence, able to defend his personal point of view. Honest.

He systematically violates the rules of conduct, is registered with a social teacher, and has had numerous conversations with the school psychologist.

Does not have due respect from classmates. He is friends with younger students and is a leader among them.

Caught smoking.

Lives with his mother and sister. The mother is not involved in raising children, citing work. He does not attend school and avoids communicating with the class teacher.

Characteristics of a difficult teenager to the police from the class teacher

Andrey Grigoriev has been studying in the 10th grade of the State Institution “Secondary School No. 13” in Arkhangelsk since September 2018. During an incomplete semester of study, he established himself as a habitual truant. Periodically appears in classes, but treats the study itself with complete indifference. Doesn't do homework.

In a group, the teenager communicates little, has difficulty communicating with classmates, and is friendly towards children younger age. Due to the lack of initiative and leadership ambitions, he does not try to improve his position.


Vlasov Sergey Sergeevich. He is 12 years old. He has been playing football for 4 years. During these 4 years, he achieved 1 youth category. He takes training seriously, tries not to skip, and completes all tasks in full. Takes all loads well. Finds a common language with all the guys. Loves to communicate. As for the whole group, the group brought together all the guys with character who love to work out and give their all in training. The relationship in the team is good. The guys communicate even after training, which strengthens their friendship. They also obey and fulfill all the requirements of the coach. The coach is a true example. Sergey Vlasov is an athlete who has a clearly expressed character, the will to win and he has such a quality as a “leader”. He is quite a promising and gifted child.

Approximate study and compilation scheme

psychological and pedagogical characteristics of an athlete

1. General information about the athlete:

– Sergey Vlasov, born in 2000;

– Constitution type - asthenic, standing height - 160 cm, body weight - 58 kg, chest circumference - 63 cm, dynamometry of the right and left hand - 35/32;

Family - mom, dad, grandma. Mom is an accountant, dad is a doctor. They have a positive attitude towards sports. They support their son and approve of his choice to play sports.

2. Football. 1 youth sports category, has been practicing for 4 years now.

3. Sergei Vlasov believes that sport gives him strength and health.

4. Psychomotor abilities:

– the level of development of sports skills is at an excellent level;

– speed of mastering the technique of movements at a good level;

– time spent preparing to perform an existing sports category - 4 years;

- state of the art physical qualities: speed, strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination abilities are all at a good level.;

– the level of tactical thinking is at a satisfactory level, since this is not yet required for the 1st youth category;

– emotional stability (stability) - emotionally stable.

5. Hard work, organization, diligence (diligence) and discipline in the process of playing sports:

– regular attendance at training sessions;

- performance morning exercises;

- excellent behavior training sessions;

6. Outlook in the field of sports:

– reading sports newspapers and magazines;

– attending adult competitions, including other sports;

- favorite teams and athletes - FC Barcelona, ​​L. Messi.

– the ideal of an athlete, does it exist in a young athlete – L. Messi;

– knows why he goes to class. Has its own goals and objectives;

7. Interest in sports:

– enthusiastically;

8. Skills:

– hygiene habits associated with sports;

– ability to overcome fear, anxiety (when performing dangerous exercises);

– ability to manage emotional state.

9. Satisfaction with the results achieved in sports.

10. Vlasov S. one of best athletes in Group. His results are constantly improving. What both he and the coach who works with him like.

Sergey is not only good at his studies, he is simply a fan of his sport. And this is precisely what will allow him to achieve much better results than the guys who just go shopping.

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He is modest, friendly, physically developed, and enjoys great authority among his classmates and teachers. Throughout his school years, (name) pays great attention to sports. For several years he studied in the hockey section at the Youth Sports School, with the opening of the wrestling section in 2010, he was enrolled in it and is still involved in it to this day. During this time, the young man has excellent results, both in republican and larger competitions, as evidenced by certificates (APPENDIX). (F.I) plans to connect his future life with sports and take part in major international competitions.

Characteristics of a volleyball athlete

You can also pay attention to the emotional state of the athlete: how a student rejoices in his victories and how he knows how to lose - he looks for an excuse for himself, dumps all responsibility for losing on others, withdraws into himself or vice versa, begins to exercise with even greater zeal, ... Well, in conclusion, what characteristics some beautiful ending, like, - He plans to connect his future life with sports, to take part in all kinds of competitions at the regional and international levels. And we believe that he will succeed, and we will still be proud of him! the author of the question chose this answer as the best Start the “sports” characteristic with general information about the student.

Full Name; age; school; Class. The second point will be a (brief) description of the child as an individual: temperamental characteristics, volitional qualities, moral and ethical qualities. The third point is health status, physical development.

How to write a sports reference for a student from a physical education teacher?

The athlete is attached to only one of the parents, is hostile to other family members, insufficient attention is paid to the athlete, the athlete does not have a sense of security in the family;

  • the athlete is superfluous in the family, the attitude towards him is indifferent, indifferent, sometimes cruel, no one is interested in his problems, the individual characteristics of the athlete are not recognized or taken into account, there are no other emotional connections with any of the adult family members (indicate the reasons for alienation, conflicts, specific features family, family relationships).

The athlete-coach relationship:

  • relationships with the coach are built on mutual respect and trust;
  • relationships of mutual respect and trust are situational in nature;
  • relationship with the coach does not work out;
  • The relationship with the coach is of a conflictual nature (indicate the reasons for alienation and conflicts).

Sample characteristics for an athlete

I hope I helped you. I understand that writing a sports reference for a student from a physical education teacher is necessary for admission to a higher educational institution. When writing, you need to take into account that the description can be written in any form.


First of all, you need to indicate the student’s last name, first name and patronymic, school and class. Next, you need to note the available sports achivments: where I participated, how successfully, what I actively do, what I can do best, sections attended, hobbies.

Then you need to describe the student’s personal characteristics: sociability, determination, emotional stability, and how physically developed. As a result, you need to consolidate the recommendation with your positive attitude towards the student: “I know him well and recommend him” - something in this regard.
Next is the number and your signature plus the director’s seal and signature. The text of the characteristics is of arbitrary free presentation.

Characteristics of a student-athlete

The nature of the execution of training assignments: - responsible and conscientious; - insufficiently responsible, irresponsible (possible reasons). Attitude to training: - willingly goes to training, is interested in classes, strives to be better; — training is perceived as a duty and is not always treated with interest; - no interest in training, trains reluctantly, through coercion from adults.

Material on the topic: sample characteristics


Note the athlete's relationships with others in the organization, with management, and with athletes from other communities. Assess the ability of the person being characterized for leadership and coaching activities.4 Note the competitive experience of the person being characterized, the level of knowledge about the chosen sport and about sports in general, the presence of interest in the experience of other athletes and coaches, the ability to self-education, discipline.5 Briefly tell us about the features of the training process, about activity athlete in training, about the ability to conduct independent training efficiently, about the ability to achieve goals accurately and on time, about the ability to take responsibility for failures, about the ability to plan training process and monitor the progress of its implementation.6 In the final part of the document, indicate the purpose of its preparation - which organization is required.

/ swimming practice / 23 characteristics of an athlete

Personal qualities of an athlete: - irresponsibility, dishonesty, selfishness, resentment, stubbornness, indiscipline, excessive pride, self-doubt, hot temper, lack of composure, rudeness, arrogance, greed, cockiness, injustice, isolation, shyness, bad habits, bad inclinations; - kindness, responsiveness, honesty, integrity, frankness, fairness, responsibility, initiative, courage, perseverance, politeness, modesty, discipline, hard work, ability to yield, etc.;

  • aspirations and interests, special (specific) abilities.

Features of sports activities. Awareness of the goals and objectives of playing sports. The nature of planning sports activities.

Elena Tyukova
An example of writing a description of a child by a physical education instructor

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention the option writing characteristics on pupil of a preschool educational institution , which was issued physical education instructor to undergo the certification procedure for the highest qualification category.

Paragraph: Organization of correctional and developmental work with students, results achieved.


Full name, year of birth baby. Entered kindergarten on October 24, 2011. in the second junior group at the age of 2 11m. Adaptation to kindergarten was difficult. Child She did not communicate well, was anxious, and often suffered from colds.

The girl has pronounced signs of poor posture, namely a stooped back, which characterized strongly contracted shoulders, head baby When walking and standing, it is most often pushed forward, and protrusion of the abdomen is observed. Moreover, every year these signs became more noticeable and clearly defined.

A girl from a complete, prosperous family. Parents are concerned about their health baby. A visit to a pediatrician and special diagnostic measures confirmed their fears.

The girl began attending exercise therapy classes at a treatment center, where, in addition to special therapeutic exercises, goes in for swimming. Also child periodically visits a pediatrician.

Conducted in kindergarten physical education instructor, are aimed at correcting posture, and exactly:

Individual correctional work with child;

Work with parents (Open days, conversations, consultations, workshops, posting information for parents on the information stand);

Leisure (health days, physical education holidays, leisure) etc.

are in addition to the main classes conducted instructor in exercise therapy at a treatment center.

I will be glad if my work experience will be useful to someone. Good luck!

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