Push-ups from scratch for girls. How to do push-ups from the floor? Special recommendations for girls. Let's start the exercise

Doing healthy lifestyle life is rapidly gaining momentum and is becoming a vital necessity for maintaining health. Over the years, natural needs are reduced, many modern people begin to predominate sedentary image life. It can become an obvious cause of many diseases, for example, muscle atrophy, chronic depression. It is for these reasons that many girls enroll in various sports clubs to always feel upbeat. But many strength exercises are given to girls much harder than men. A certain difficulty is the performance of classic push-ups. How to learn to do push-ups from the floor for a girl from scratch fast pace? This question interests many girls who decide for the first time to take care of their health and get in shape. First you need to understand and try basic technique push-ups.

In general, push-ups are the main type of exercise, which is aimed at the gradual development and strengthening of such major muscle groups as the chest, arms, back and shoulder girdle, it even affects, because with the help of them the body is in a straight position for a long time. The main advantage of this exercise is its simplicity, because it does not require special equipment or a visit to the gym. You can learn the right push-ups in normal home conditions, right on sports ground anywhere there is a flat surface.

There are many different effective techniques and methods of push-ups, in addition to the classic version, familiar to everyone, including push-ups from the support, classic push-ups from the floor, with wide or narrow arms, solely under the pressure of your own body weight. But if you are just starting to master these important exercises and still don’t know how to learn how to push up from the floor for a girl from scratch, then it’s best to start with the simplest basic movements.

The easiest way to learn how to do push-ups is to do push-ups from a support that is slightly above the floor. As such, a small bench or a comfortable step platform can act. First you need to make sure that the selected support is securely fixed. After that, it is necessary to make a smooth emphasis on the hands, fix them at the level of shoulder width, you need to stand on your toes, while your legs should be absolutely even. At the exit, you need to bend your arms at the elbows and perform the maximum tilt. It is important that at the same time the legs and body are a single whole.

When performing this training exercise, it is important to ensure that there are no noticeable deflections and curvature in the lumbar region, back and other parts of the body!

At the moment of inhalation, you need to smoothly rise to the starting point, while leaving your arms slightly bent.

All movements should be as smooth as possible, it is not necessary to sharply straighten your arms after push-ups, because this can lead to injury to an important elbow joint. If at first you can’t do very low, then it’s better to do it the way it works. Over time, it will definitely come out as it should.

If progress is not observed when performing this technique, then you can move on to a lighter option - push-ups on bent knees from a similar support. Learning how to perform push-ups and training your arms using this technique is quite simple. After the body gets used to such a technique, you can safely move on to traditional push-ups from the floor. Classic push-ups from the floor can also be started on bent knees, in the future it will be easier to switch to push-ups on toes.

Beginner push up option

Another easy way to learn how to do push-ups from the floor for a girl from scratch is to try push-ups from the wall. It is perfect for those who have zero push-up skills.

His technique is as follows:

  • The position of the legs is at the level of the width of the shoulders;
  • We resemble the wall at a distance of straight outstretched arms;
  • We perform push-ups until the nose touches the wall;
  • Slowly return the body to its original position;
  • We monitor the correctness of breathing during the execution of this technique; it should be harmonious with the movements of the body;
  • The main thing is to position yourself correctly towards the wall, the farther the body is from it, the harder the push-up will be;
  • If you feel the slipping of the legs, then it is better to lean on the floor with the whole foot evenly.

This push-up technique is clearly shown in the following video:

It is necessary to smoothly perform the proposed exercise 10-15 times for 3-4 daily approaches. Upon reaching a stable result, you can move on to more complicated forms of movements, which will certainly lead to push-ups from the floor.

Here after long workouts to strengthen the muscles of the arms and back, the girl will finally be able to proceed to the classic push-ups from the floor.

To begin with, we fix the position of the body, taking emphasis lying on the toes and fully extended arms. At the same time, the brushes should be shoulder-width apart, hands smoothly extended directly in front of the chest. During this movement, many beginners make the mistake of placing their hands below the indicated level of the chest or at the level of the neck.

We begin a smooth lowering of the body. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully monitor the straightness of the back so that there is no stoop and deflection anywhere, this is important for observing safety precautions. Slowly we lower ourselves until the chest lightly touches the floor, while we note the breath, when lowering, you need to inhale, while lifting, exhale.

Another important nuance: you should not allow complete relaxation of the muscles when lowering the body down, you need to constantly control the weight of your body pulling down throughout the entire movement. All lifting and lowering must be done by muscle strength, rather than the usual force of inertia. This is very important for the overall effectiveness of regular push-ups.

This is how, with the help of simple but effective techniques, you can master the technique of push-ups from the floor of any novice girls. You need to be patient and systematically make the necessary movements.

Push-ups are one of the basic exercises for both guys and girls. In addition to the health benefits and demonstrations, doing them well lays the foundation for many other more complex elements. Various types of push-ups allow you to work out almost all the muscles of the chest and arms, which has the most beneficial effect on the appearance: men acquire good relief, and girls can even adjust their breasts by pulling them up. In addition, the ability to do many and beautiful push-ups will always allow you to shine in the company or win some kind of bet. :o) How learn to push up from scratch right, if you don’t know how at all, or it’s very difficult for you to do it? Watch video:

I said about push-ups from a hill, but I forgot to add an important thing: once you get comfortable, gradually lower the level of support until you reach the floor.

And finally, a few facts about the benefits of push-ups:

1. When doing push-ups, they work, which means that the muscles of almost the entire body develop (fingers, arms, shoulders, upper and Bottom part back, stomach), except for the legs. And to work out specific parts of the body, there are hundreds various kinds and variations of the basic exercise.
2. There is a set muscle mass, muscles are strengthened, a good relief appears. Which has a positive effect on the overall fitness.
3. Push-ups help get rid of excess weight if you want to lose weight - when they are performed, there is an increase in load and strengthening of the heart and circulatory system. The heart works faster and pumps blood, this increases the speed metabolic processes and allows you to burn extra calories faster. You can look at my figure :o)
4. Regular push-ups develop the body's endurance, overall strength, and also prepare the necessary base for performing more complex and interesting elements.
5. As I said earlier, push-ups are also useful for girls because they allow you to adjust the shape of the breast, making it look more attractive: with the help of push-ups, you can tighten large breasts, or visually enlarge a small one due to muscles.
6. Doing it right strength exercise you also form the habit of breathing correctly, which cannot but affect better side on general well-being.
7. Development of self-confidence: being able to do push-ups is cool! By setting and achieving goals first to master the exercise and then to increase the number of push-ups at a time, you will feel more and more powerful and inspired by the results, which will increase your confidence in yourself and positively affect other areas of your life.

Wish you learn to push up from scratch, success!

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The shoulder girdle of the female representatives is less developed than the male, so exercises like push-ups are harder for them. However, for many girls, the question of how to learn how to push up a girl from scratch from the floor is relevant. This is quite real if you devote to mastering this exercise a certain amount of time. Plus, it lies in the fact that it can be performed anywhere and without the use of special equipment. As a rule, in order to master push-ups, a lady needs 2-3 weeks, depending on the initial level of training. If earlier physical exercises were not performed at all, it may take more time. The main thing is to exercise regularly. Will be enough for about 2-3 times a week.

Of course, a girl wants to learn how to do push-ups not out of sports interest, but because push-ups are very useful exercise. The main muscle they pump is the pectoralis major muscle. This, of course, will not allow breast enlargement, but it will make it possible to improve its tone, eliminate ugly protruding bones, and improve endurance.

Also in the process of push-ups are involved deltoid muscles, which contribute to pushing the body up. Even though this is not basic exercise for this muscle group, it nevertheless makes it possible to outline a beautiful line of the shoulders, giving them an attractive roundness.

When straightening the arms, we train the triceps. If you do push-ups narrow grip, you can increase the level of stress on this muscle. The biceps do not work as actively, but the strength and endurance of these muscles also increase. The muscles of the press during push-ups receive a static load. Among other things, push-ups can be shown for back problems. Naturally, after consulting a specialist.

How to learn to do push-ups from scratch for girls

Although the push-up technique is the same for both men and women, ladies are still allowed certain indulgences. So, they rarely do push-ups based on the knuckles or with weights - girls simply do not need the result of such training. The pace during execution is usually medium, and the range of motion is small.

So, how to learn to do push-ups for a girl from scratch at home? The sequence is important here. You will not do push-ups from the floor right away, but will approach this gradually - this will help you better master the technique and prevent injury. In total, the training will consist of four stages. Start with the first, fix it, and only then proceed to the next. And so on until you reach the end. Consider the steps we need to learn how to do push-ups for a girl in detail.

Level 1

The easiest way, which even an absolute zero in relation to physical training. At the same time, he helps in how to quickly learn how to do push-ups for a girl. Its peculiarity is that we will not do push-ups in the usual horizontal, but in a vertical position.

For such push-ups, we need a wall. Stand up straight about a meter away from her. Stretch your arms at shoulder level, rest against your support. Now begin to bend your elbows at the same time, and also lean towards the wall until you touch it with your forehead. Then straighten your arms and return to the starting position.

Repeat these push-ups. 12-15 times in 3-4 sets. Keep your back and legs straight. It is enough to perform such an activity three times a week, and you will be able to cope with how to learn how to do push-ups for a girl.

Level 2

We proceed to the next stage, which allows girls to learn how to do push-ups from the floor correctly. To do this, we need support in the form of a chair or bench.

Take an emphasis lying down, placing your hands on the bench. Begin to bend your elbows, touching the support with the middle of your chest. Having reached the maximum point of movement, exhale and return to the starting position. Remember that the back and legs should form one 90-degree angle. You can't bend.

Do it too 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps. When you can do this push-up about 20 times without problems, move on to the next step, how to learn push-ups for a girl from scratch.

Level 3

The next step on the path to learning how to do push-ups for a girl is already very close to classic push-ups, but the load is much less.

The legs should be bent at the knees, rest your hands on the floor, inhale, begin to bend your arms at the elbows, trying to touch the floor with the middle of the chest. If you feel discomfort in your knees, use a small rug to soften the support. It is enough to complete the same number of approaches and repetitions as in the previous levels, and you will already be ready for how to learn how to push up a girl from the floor in the classic version.

Level 4

Namely, complete classic push-ups. You may really want to know how to learn how to quickly push up from the floor for girls, but do not rush and start doing push-ups in the standard version without mastering the lightweight versions. Girls are advised to put their hands shoulder-width apart or slightly wider - in this case pectoral muscles I will be involved in the best way. If you want to emphasize the load on the triceps, on the contrary, put your hands already. In this case, the elbows should not be apart to the sides, but should be clearly along the body.

Starting position - emphasis lying on outstretched arms. Begin to bend your elbows until between your chest and there will be no floor space left. Look clearly ahead, do not look down. Exhale, take the starting position. To maintain the achieved result and keep the muscles in good shape, do push-ups in the same 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps. It is advisable to devote push-ups 2-3 times a week - both when we learn to do push-ups from scratch for a girl, and when we have already mastered how to do it.

The steps listed above will help you cope with the task of quickly learning how to do push-ups for a girl from scratch. To make this exercise more effective and safer, also adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Postpone the session if you feel weak, tired, or unwell. Push-ups every day to the point of complete exhaustion is superfluous. Will be sufficient 2-3 times a week. It is important that the load is smooth and gradual - this will ensure the best result.
  • Keep your back and legs straight so that they are in one line. The palms should be parallel to each other. Try to pull your stomach in during the exercise.
  • As with any other workout, breathing is very important here. We go down on an inhale, return to the starting position on an exhale. For beginners, it will be enough to complete 5-7 reps. Remember to warm up. Do a few squats, wave your arms, walk around in place - this will help prepare the body for the upcoming loads.
  • To avoid discomfort and minimize the risk of injury, choose comfortable clothing. It should not be tight, but not too loose. Too long sleeves and voluminous trousers can interfere with exercise. Also, before class, remove rings and bracelets, if you wear them.

We complicate the load: types of push-ups for girls

Having mastered the classic push-up technique, you can increase the number of repetitions and approaches. Also, in order to diversify your workout and improve its effectiveness, you can learn how to perform other types of push-ups. So here are the options to consider:

  • First of all, you can change hand position. You can put them at a distance, seriously more than shoulder width, or, on the contrary, very close to each other. In both cases, the load on certain muscle groups increases. With a wide setting of the hands, the pectoral muscles actively work, with a narrow setting, the triceps.
  • You can make push-ups more difficult by changing the position of the legs. You can lift them on a chair, bench, fitball. This exercise is called "low" push-ups. The angle between the raised legs and the floor surface should be at least ten degrees. In the lower position, linger for 1-2 seconds. You can repeat this exercise 3-40 times depending on your fitness level.
  • Girls who are physically fit can do push-ups based on the right and left leg alternately. This exercise is difficult in that you have to keep your balance, and this is an additional effort. The starting position is the same as in the classical exercises, but the difference is that her leg is located on the other, and only the toe of the lower leg is located on the floor. Your elbows should be close to your torso.
  • This exercise option, like, is very difficult, and it suits girls with very good physical fitness. This type of exercise is far from necessary for ladies, but it will be of interest to those who want to have strong muscles chest, triceps and forearms. To stabilize the body, keep your legs wider than your shoulders. Bring one hand behind your back (for starters, the one that is weaker). It will be easier for you to maintain balance if the body is turned in the opposite direction from the support arm. Lower yourself until your chin almost touches the floor. Returning to the starting position, do not straighten the supporting arm completely.

Push-ups may seem difficult, but, nevertheless, spending a little time mastering them, you can perform them correctly and efficiently. Combine them with other exercises, master new techniques and do not stay on your laurels.

Push-ups are one of the most the best exercises, which was invented by mankind. You don't need any equipment to complete it. Push-ups will help develop the strength of several muscles at once. In addition, at the present stage there are more than a hundred different options for performing such an exercise for those who love everything new. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the question of starting from scratch.

The basis of training programs

By doing the basic exercise, you can easily track your progress. In addition, today there are a huge number of training systems, which are based on push-ups. In this regard, it is necessary to understand in more detail how to learn to do push-ups from scratch.

Convenient and everyone's favorite exercise

What is the reason for such a high popularity of push-ups? They are comfortable, unpretentious and help to develop several muscle groups at once. Exercises of this kind are called basic. Most of the load falls on the muscles of the chest and shoulders. Also during the exercise, the biceps, back and abs are involved. In this regard, we can say that push-ups are a fairly convenient exercise with which to train top part torso. And if you do squats and pull-ups together with them, push-ups can become the basis for any workout program at home. These exercises do not require anything. They only need a little space and a crossbar.

Never Forget About Proper Technique

If you want to figure out how to learn to do push-ups from scratch, you need to remember about correct technique. Only when correct execution exercises you can successfully pump absolutely all the muscles without pulling anything and without injuring. It is also important to observe the technique because it is necessary to constantly monitor your progress. In other words, if about 30 push-ups were done correctly yesterday, and today - 60, but at the same time you didn’t go down to the end, but only half, then you can’t say that you have become stronger.

Therefore, if you want to understand how to learn push-ups from scratch, you need to do the exercise correctly. If it doesn’t work out, you need to reduce the load due to a higher support and fewer repetitions.

How to do push-ups correctly?

There are a few basics that need to be remembered in order for the technique to become correct. During lowering to the floor, the hands should be placed from each other at a distance equal to slightly more than shoulder width. Regardless of the strength indicator and the level of training, it is necessary to do the exercise from the position in which you are comfortable. You can choose a certain position in advance, before starting the exercise. You should know that classic push-ups are those in which the arms are placed shoulder-width apart. In such a situation, the load falls on the chest to a greater extent, and on the triceps - to a lesser extent. At narrow setting hands receive the main load, on the contrary, hands. With a wide position of the arms, the maximum emphasis is placed on the chest alone. The last two options are the most difficult. They should be switched to only if the classic push-ups are successfully mastered.

Feet must be placed so that you are as comfortable as possible. Someone puts their feet in the same way as their hands - shoulder-width apart. Someone brings them together. There is no particular importance in their position. Therefore, you need to make sure that it is convenient for you. However, with a wider leg arrangement, it will be easier to maintain balance.

Should not bend the body

In order to understand how to push up from the floor, you should remember: the body must be stretched forward. It must be positioned so that it forms one straight line. In other words, you should not lower or raise your head or buttocks too much. Remember the more straight position accepted, the better the load will be redistributed between the muscles. Accordingly, the exercise will be safer.

In case if correct position it is difficult to accept, but to understand how to do push-ups from the floor, hunting, then you need to try the next option. You take the position of "lying emphasis" in a way that is comfortable for you. After that, tighten the buttocks with the press and pull in the stomach. This will help straighten your spine and push you into the correct position.

During the exercise, you need to look forward and only forward, and not down. As already mentioned, the body should form a straight line. In the initial position, the arms are straight. They support the weight of the body. Accepted correct posture? Then you are ready for push-ups.

Let's start the exercise

How to do push-ups at home? The original position was accepted by you. All recommendations have been accepted and implemented. After that, you need to wring out once, trying to do it with the maximum observance of technique. This must be done even if it is very difficult. Remember, only with the right technique can you count on the result. Therefore, do not chase the number of repetitions. Do everything well.

Trying to maintain the starting position, begin to gradually lower your chest to the floor. Elbows should be bent to an angle equal to 90 degrees. In the event that there is, you should lower yourself until the chest touches the floor. It is immediately necessary to calculate such a moment and focus strictly on it.

If you don't know how to do push-ups at home, remember to keep your elbows close to your body. If they start to disperse, then you need to take a short break - you are tired. At the moment when you go down to the required level, you need to freeze for a while. After that, with the help of an explosive movement of the hands, return the body to its original position.

Determine your maximum

Thus, you have completed one push-up. After that, try to do a few more repetitions. It is necessary to perform the exercise until there is a feeling that it is difficult to perform the technique correctly. At the same time, the hands may tremble, and the next repetition can be performed only with the help of a jerk of the legs and back. This means that the number of repetitions performed is the maximum for you at this stage. Cheating should not be done. Speaking about how many times you need to do push-ups, it should be noted that ten correct push-ups and five more with a jerk are more bad result than, for example, 11 correctly performed repetitions.

Safety first

Such a basic exercise can be considered relatively safe. Especially if it's done with own weight. In other words, with proper technique and common sense, you will not get injured in any way. Also, in order not to get damaged, it is necessary on the very first day, as mentioned above, to calculate how much you need to do push-ups. The number of repetitions should be increased gradually.

With a curved spine, you can get pinched nerves by the vertebrae, as well as any other troubles. If the arms are not placed too comfortably, then there will be a chance to pull the joints. Therefore, the exercise must be approached with increased responsibility. In addition, if you want to achieve great results, then you need a push-up circuit. You can create it yourself, focusing on your capabilities.

Classic push-ups have been known since school, where they were part of the compulsory physical training block. At that time, few people distinguished between female and male options, and there certainly was no division of the types of exercise according to the desired goals. In fact, the effect achieved can be varied, but this requires knowing how to properly push up from the floor.

How to do push-ups for girls?

There is no clear division into the male push-up style and the female style. At school, girls were encouraged to do it from their knees, as it was assumed that they had less arm strength, so the degree of load was reduced. For the same purpose, girls who had no relationship with sports at all are offered to start doing push-ups from the wall. It is suitable for recovery period and poor physical condition. And with sufficient endurance, representatives of both sexes practice basic push-ups from the floor, of which there are more than 10 varieties. How to choose the right option for a girl, and are there any features?

Before you start scheduling your push-up schedule, determine the goals you want to accomplish through this exercise. Build muscle mass in the forearm? On the contrary, to make the arms thinner? Strengthen your back or chest muscles? Or do you just need to increase the strength of your hands? When will the answer be main question, you can start choosing a program.

As already mentioned, girls with bad sports training it is advisable to start not with horizontal push-ups, but with vertical ones - for example, from a wall. Do not think that this is too simple: the number of repetitions increases. And if you would do 20 push-ups from the floor, you would have to do 30-35 from the wall.

It is required to face the wall at a distance of 1.5 of the length of your foot, then stretch your arms forward and rest your palms against the wall. The elbows are pressed against the body to check the correct placement of the palms, and then, without affecting the hands, they are slightly parted to the sides. The algorithm of actions is standard: bend your elbows so that your chest touches the wall, and straighten it, returning the body to its original position. At the same time, you can’t tear your heels off the floor, which often becomes the main mistake of girls.

Basic version - with palms wider than shoulders. Usually this distance increases by 1-1.5 palms in each direction. This version of push-ups from the floor focuses on the pectoral muscles, and the wider the arms are spread, the more its degree will increase. Moreover, this variation of the exercise is suitable for girls who want to increase their breasts, and those who want to reduce it.

What is the reason for this versatility? By working on a specific zone, the decrease in the fat layer in this area is activated, and if the volume of the breast depends on it, they will begin to decrease. At the same time, there is a strengthening of the muscles that support the mammary glands, as a result of which they rise, and the breast seems more attractive. All changes occur within reasonable limits and do not reshape the parameters laid down by nature.

The modification aimed at the triceps requires placing the palms shoulder-width apart or bringing them together as much as possible. The greatest degree of load on the triceps is achieved when the palms are in contact with each other inside, but this exercise option implies good physical shape. Push-ups of this kind can form toned arms(especially the inner area of ​​the forearm), and increase them in volume. Often, it is thanks to the development of muscle mass that the triceps have a feeling of massive arms, which not all girls need.

It is possible to shift the accents without significantly changing the position of the hands if the elbows are spread to the side, while maintaining the parallelism of the palms. The triceps will also continue to work, but now the main load will be given to the biceps. With excessive zeal, such actions will affect the parameters of the shoulder at the place of its articulation with the forearm and a little lower - that is where the biceps. However, her girls also need to pump, but it is recommended to do this in a smaller amount, if we correlate the amount of load on all the previously considered zones.

How to do push-ups on your fists correctly?

  • Push-ups on fists among girls are almost not common, and few people understand why they are needed at all. In fact, changing the state of the hands is not a full-fledged new exercise, but only an additional parameter to any of the above. That is, you can do push-ups on your fists with your arms wide apart, and with your elbows pressed to the body; both from the wall and from the floor.
  • The load on the main muscle groups will be distributed in the same way as with open palms, with the exception of increasing it to the forearm area. However, the training of the fingers, which are also served big weight, as well as strengthening the tendons of the hand. But it should be remembered that push-ups on fists are not recommended for joint problems, since the disease can worsen.
  • Beginners should try push-ups on their fists with a gym mat under their arms. 2 fingers are chosen as fulcrum: the nearest (index and middle) or far (ring and little finger) pairs, the weight is transferred as close as possible to the knuckles. Thumb it is recommended to hug the other 4. The initial 5-6 workouts can be accompanied by pain in this area, so you need to increase the intensity carefully. You can start a cycle of push-ups on your fists with 7-8 repetitions, gradually increasing to 20.
  • Athletic girls who are bored with the previous variations of push-ups can try to perform them by removing 1 hand behind their back. Because of this, the weight will shift and the position of the body relative to the palm will change slightly. Now it should be in the center, although the elbow can still go away when lowering the torso to the side. Hands must alternate so that they are worked out evenly. You can enter other edits: for example, after each lowering and lifting, squeeze and unclench your fingers, do push-ups with a clap, or change the level of the palms - put 1 higher, leave the 2nd at the current level.

As the body begins to get used to push-ups from the wall, and the number of repetitions increases to 50, it will be possible to switch to a more familiar option - push-ups from the floor. If there is no willingness to perform them with an emphasis on the toes, you can make a replacement for bent knees, and cross the ankles raised up. The technique for the arms and back will remain classic regardless of the position of the legs.

It is very important to maintain the correct position of the body, since its violation will entail the absence of desired result, and Negative consequences for the spine. The back is kept straight, it is desirable to eliminate the deflection in lumbar, as much as possible. The pelvis also remains in line with the spine, the legs are its continuation, even if push-ups are carried out from the knees. You should not lower your head - this will give a load cervical region. It is better to keep it straight, look at the floor in front of you. Shoulders also should not be pulled up to the head: despite the actions performed, they tend towards the heels.

The muscles accustomed to the load still need to be trained, so the classic push-ups from the floor begin to change. In addition to the versions discussed earlier, changes in the position of the legs are also popular. The knees or fingertips may rest on a bench or sofa, as a result of which the horizontal line of the body will become downward towards the head. The higher the pelvis and legs are, the more difficult it will be to perform push-ups. However, this version is unacceptable with increased intracranial pressure and violations of the patency of the vessels of the cervical region.

Each girl builds a push-up schedule on her own, focusing on personal needs and opportunities. For beginners, it is enough to break 12 repetitions into 3-4 sets per session, with a minimum physical form 24 repetitions are divided into 3 sets. As skills improve and muscles strengthen, the number of approaches is stretched to 4-5, but the total amount of repetitions increases to 120.

It is advisable to include push-ups in your workout not daily, but 2-3 times a week, so as not to clog your muscles and give them time to recover, even if you are aiming for an Olympic record. And your main task becomes the thoughtful slow execution of each repetition, which will bring a more significant effect than simple work quantity without regard to quality.