Wall push-ups are beneficial for women. Vertical push-ups. How to make wall push-ups harder

Vertical push-ups – the most powerful exercise for muscles shoulder girdle and triceps. Due to the strange position of the body (we rarely have to stand on our hands), it cannot be called so natural. And beginners should first of all master. However, the vertical version of them is an imitation of lifting weights overhead. Pushing upward movement. And it is basic in the training of most athletes.

About how to use progressions in exercises with own weight, we talked in the article about. Let me remind you that we have also already considered progressions in such important exercises like , and . And this, by the way, is already quite enough to create a strength training program!

Now let's put more load on the shoulders. But there is nothing to be afraid of. We will do everything smoothly and gradually as usual. For there is no other option to achieve what you want except to go towards it step by step.

1. Incline pike push ups

First, we do the usual emphasis while lying on a bench or chair. Then we move the pelvis back so that the back and arms line up. In this position, push up from the support until your head touches.

2. Incline pike diamond push ups

The same as in the previous exercise, only we place our hands close to each other - the thumbs and index fingers touch, forming a rhombus or “diamond”. Hence the name in the English version - “diamond”.

3. Pike push ups

We rest our hands on the floor, trying to move our legs as close to our hands as possible. Push up until your head touches the floor. Just in case, you can add a towel.

4. Pike diamond push ups

As in the previous paragraph, only the palms are “diamond-shaped”. These exercises are also known as “Chinese push-ups.”

5. Decline pike push ups

Place your feet on a bench or chair. Legs to the body at an angle of 90 degrees. We do push-ups with our heads to the floor.

6. Decline pike diamond push ups

Everything is the same, but we again place our hands until our fingers touch.

7. Wall bent waist handstand push up

Now we rest our feet against the wall at approximately stomach level. Alternatively, you can place your feet on a table or window sill. Or any other surface at this height.

8. Wall bent waist handstand diamond push ups

Again we narrow the position of the hands to “diamond”.

9. Wall half handstand push up

We stand on our hands against the wall. It can be like in the photo with your face, or with your back. We lower ourselves halfway from the head to the floor.

10. Wall handstand push ups

Now we do push-ups to the full amplitude - until our head touches the floor. For safety reasons, place something soft under your head.

11. Wall handstand diamond push ups

If you have reached this level, then you hardly need any explanation.

12. Wall raised handstand push ups

Here the amplitude of movement is already increasing due to various types of supports.

And be sure to watch this video with different push-up variations. Just don't be scared. Advanced versions are there at the beginning, and progression options are at the end of the video.

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Sports activities are beneficial at any age. They not only improve human health, but also give it beautiful shape. During the training process, working on top part body: arms, shoulders, back, pectoral muscles. The most accessible effective complex are . They develop the natural strength of a person. For this reason, they are widely used in building muscle mass and strengthening strength. They have been common for training military personnel and athletes at all times.

But if you are not a soldier or an avid sports fan, but are just starting to exercise, doing push-ups on your hands is not so easy. People without sports experience are recommended to start with the first level t - wall push-ups. Let's look at the technique and nuances of performing this exercise.

Execution Rules

The system is designed for beginner athletes. Its main goal is to prepare the main muscle groups of the arms and back to perform complex complexes. A big advantage of the classes is that there is no need for special equipment. There is a vertical wall at home, on the street, in the hall. Thanks to this, they are accessible to anyone.

Different types of load develop individual muscles. But they are designed to develop physical strength, grow muscles. Wall push-ups on hands are especially beneficial for girls, as they strengthen the chest area. Thanks to this, you can significantly improve the shape of your breasts and increase their size. Such exercises are useful for women who have breastfed a child, or who have lost shape in this area with age.

For getting good result you don't need to apply a lot of force. The main thing is to follow the instructions clearly. Please note that you need to work a lot and regularly, at least every other day.

To begin with, choose clothes that are comfortable for exercise, that will not restrict movement, and that absorb moisture well. Then decide on a training location. You need a flat, solid wall with enough space for movement.

Please note that initially you need to do a warm-up, warm up your muscles well. Then follow the algorithm:

  • spread your arms shoulder-width apart, place your palms on the wall;
  • move away from the wall as much as possible so that your arms are parallel to the floor;
  • while inhaling, bend your elbows until your face touches the wall (while bending, your arms remain parallel to the floor);
  • Return to the starting position as you exhale.

It is important to keep your body straight, it should create a straight line. The arms should not move in any way other than bending the elbows. Also, the feet should be clearly fixed at the starting point. Stepping over, moving your palms and arching your back is prohibited.

In the second version of the workout, you need to move away from the wall to such a distance that your arms are extended as much as possible, while your feet are pressed to the floor, and you don’t have to stand on your tiptoes. Then everything is done according to the same scheme.

Anyone can do push-ups this way, even without a minimum physical training. You should start with ten reps, at the next stage move on to twenty-five in two approaches. The final stage will be to perform fifty repetitions in three circles.

What muscles can you pump up?

Doing push-ups against a wall works all the muscles of a person's upper body. Therefore, the shoulder girdle, pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi muscle.

It is possible to regulate the load on each part of the body independently. For example, if your arms are placed wider than your shoulders, the load on the thoracic region. Thus, you prepare the body to perform complex sets of exercises.

Why are they useful?

Considering that the exercises do not require much strength, they are very useful, especially for girls and novice athletes. Push-ups strengthen the muscle groups that are located on chest and shoulder girdle. It also speeds up the movement of blood in these parts of the body. Due to this, cells receive more oxygen.

Strength training burns fat cells. Therefore, they are used for weight loss in the hands, where fitness is ineffective. Together, these processes are preparation for more complex loads.

Undoubtedly, the benefit is also that it forces parts of the body that often work. It helps strengthen the wrists, elbows and shoulder joints without putting them in danger.

Nuances and safety rules

Despite the relative simplicity of the task, we do not recommend forgetting about some safety rules:

  • choose the position in which you feel comfortable;
  • do not allow an unnatural deflection in the lower back - the body should form a straight line;
  • at the first stage, place your feet shoulder-width apart, this will reduce the load on your lower back;
  • in the second and third stages, keep your legs together;
  • It is not recommended to fully extend your elbows to avoid injuring your joints;
  • straighten your arms as you exhale, and return as you inhale;
  • breathing is uniform and movements are smooth.


Any person can do wall push-ups if desired. We recommend that you adhere to the techniques and recommendations outlined, and the result will soon be noticeable to others. But do not forget that the main thing in exercise is regularity and patience. Therefore, do not neglect caution.

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If you are new to the world of sports and fitness, but have decided to take care of yourself and your body, or are undergoing recovery from injuries or surgeries, then it is best to start training with simple push-ups against the wall. The exercise does not require colossal physical abilities; any person, even those very distant from sports, can perform it. Nevertheless, this version of push-ups effectively affects muscle activity and can bring a person’s weakened muscles back to normal in a short time.

Anatomical certificate

What muscles work when performing the exercise?

First, let's find out which muscles work during this exercise. When performing wall push-ups while standing, several are involved in the work at once. muscle groups: pectoral muscles, abdominal muscles, biceps, back muscles (latissimus and serratus), rhomboid muscles. A comprehensive exercise involves all top part body, which, in turn, contributes to the development of healthy posture and straightening of the spine.

Active muscles when performing vertical push-ups from a wall (or from a crossbar) The purpose of the exercise is to strengthen weakened muscles of the arms, abdomen, back, and increase strength indicators; prepare human muscles for high physical activity, i.e., performing push-ups from the floor, bench, with weights. After such training, you will very soon be able to switch to exercises in simulators and using sports equipment, return to sports (if before the injury or before a long rest or vacation you were engaged in sports activities). Wall push-ups are recommended for men and women of all ages to maintain healthy joints, ligaments and muscles.

Technique for performing push-ups while standing against a wall

The exercise, due to its simplicity and versatility, can be performed both at home and in the gym. Studying technology is an important step on the path to practice. It depends only on the technique whether push-ups will be beneficial or will go in vain. Thus, we offer two options for performing wall push-ups: wide and narrow setting hands

Option 1. With arms wide

In such push-ups, a large emphasis is placed on the pectoral muscles, while the back and abdominal muscles are less active. The main difference is that the hands are located at a great distance from each other. Number of approaches: 3, number of repetitions: 15–17.

  1. Stand so that there is approximately 1 step between you and the wall.
  2. Straighten your arms towards the wall and focus.
  3. Place your hands wider than your shoulders so that you can comfortably bend your elbows.
  4. Start leaning your body towards the wall, bending your arms at the elbow joint.
  5. Your fingers should point either up or slightly to the sides.

Option 2. With narrow arms

To connect to work triceps muscles(aka triceps) place your hands closer to each other. You will feel the load smoothly move from your chest to your arms. In this version of push-ups, the muscles of the abdomen and back work to a lesser extent.

  1. Take a step away from the wall, lean forward, keeping your back straight.
  2. Focus on outstretched arms.
  3. Collect your feet, press your legs together.
  4. Place your hands less than shoulder-width apart.
  5. Start bending your elbows, leaning towards the wall and pushing away from it.

Number of sets and reps: 3 x 15.

Wall push-ups: correct technique at broad setting handsVideo exercise instructions:

Non-classical variations of the exercise include: push-ups from the wall sideways on one arm and push-ups from the wall with clap.

This is a more complicated version of push-ups that you can try as a variety in your workouts. After all, muscles tend to get used to the same load, and in order to actively develop them, you need to modify the exercises or select alternative ones.

Options for performing one-arm wall push-ups Target muscle: triceps. Technique:

  1. Stand with your side to the wall.
  2. Place your emphasis on your left (or right) hand so that your palm is parallel to the floor and your fingers point not up, but to the side.
  3. Begin to lean your body toward the wall, bending your elbow.
  4. Follow the breathing technique: exhale from the starting position, bend to the side - inhale.
  5. Change hands after performing the exercise.

The number of approaches for each hand is 2.

Number of repetitions: - 15.

Video instruction on how to do push-ups from a wall sideways on one arm.

Many people have probably seen how they do push-ups with cotton. But why make cotton? Does it affect anything? Clapping push-ups are aimed at training explosive strength. The goal of such push-ups is to develop powerful strength in a small amount of time (fractions of a second). You simultaneously develop agility, speed, strength and activate the fat burning process. If you have weak triceps and have problems with overweight in the area of ​​the shoulders and arms, do wall clap push-ups.

Wall push-ups with clap: developing explosive strength Technique:

  1. Stand against a wall as in a classic push-up.
  2. Focus on straightened arms, palms facing up.
  3. Bend your body forward, bending your elbows.
  4. While bending over, make a sharp push back and make a clap.
  5. After the clap, return to the starting position.
  6. Your body should work like a pendulum: push back - shift the center of gravity - clap - starting position in an inclined position.

Video instruction: push-ups from the wall with cotton

The benefits of wall push-ups for girls

The benefits of push-ups for girls cannot be overestimated: it is both a fight against excess weight and maintaining body tone. The exercise uses the pectoral muscles, which determine the shape and firmness of the breasts. Constantly tense abs when performing push-ups creates slim stomach. Moreover, it disappears excess fat on the arms (especially in the triceps area) and sides. Wall push-ups are a high-quality way to recover after illness, injury, surgery, or childbirth. Exercise stimulates blood circulation, which supplies oxygen to cells internal organs and improves their performance.

The advantages of this type of push-ups are as follows:

  • Working with your own weight (no need to sign up for a gym).
  • Effective load on the upper body (many women do not pick up barbells and dumbbells, fearing to pump their arms and shoulders to masculine sizes).
  • Simplicity of the exercise (wall push-ups are easy for beginners).
  • Push-ups help you lose weight.
  • Push-ups “prepare” the muscles for more complex exercises.

Wall push-ups develop physical strength, thanks to them you can achieve significant success in performing technically difficult exercises

To achieve perfect technique and excellent results from push-ups, follow these rules:

  • Control your movements, take your time.
  • Keep your whole body in one line (when bending, stand on your toes, lift your heels off the floor).
  • In classic push-up variations, do not spring, do all movements smoothly.
  • Don't squeeze your shoulder blades.
  • Don't lift your head up.
  • Alternate classic options push-ups from the wall with alternative ones.
  • Perform push-ups during every workout as a warm-up or main element.

Wall push-ups are an exercise that can prepare you and your muscles for serious physical activity. If you are a beginner, then include it in every workout, and if you are a professional, then do not neglect it, but use it as a warm-up. Follow the basic recommendations for performing the exercise, hone your technique, strive to do more and better. Developed muscles are not only beautiful, but also useful.

Push-ups upside down are an exercise that often becomes part of acrobatic training. Thanks to such exercises, you can develop your strength capabilities, improve coordination, learn to maintain balance, maintain clarity at the proper level, changing your posture, dynamic position. This exercise is performed not only by acrobats, but also by people who practice combat sambo, break dancing, gymnastics, etc. However, finding a person who swings and skillfully and easily performs push-ups from the floor upside down is not easy.

Many people who are engaged in building their body have heard about this type of training, but few people know the basics of this type of push-ups. Therefore, we need to understand the benefits of such exercises and whether they really have an effective effect on different groups muscles.


In this article we will look at several variations of head-down push-ups; the first variation is more complex and involves performing the exercise with the body positioned almost vertically to the floor. The second option is more gentle, in which you need to perform the exercise at an angle of about 40-50 degrees.

If you perform push-ups of this type, most of the load is shifted to the arms, since at an angle the body weight falls on the upper body, in either the first or second option. In addition, when pushing up at an angle, for example 40 degrees, the upper chest muscles are actively involved, which is what the this exercise. When pushing up from the floor head down at an angle of almost 90 degrees, the deltoids receive a noticeable load. Basically, the work involves the front and medium beams deltoid muscles. The delta transmits the load to the main muscles of the torso, and during power movements it is redistributed to the arms. Everyone knows that if there is no strength in the shoulders, then the rest of the muscles in the upper body will be weak.

In addition, in the process of performing push-ups upside down from the floor, the muscles of the arms, triceps and biceps, in particular, work hard. In general, using this exercise in both versions, you can perfectly increase the strength of your arms.


Probably everyone wants to have beautiful, prominent shoulders. However, for street dancers, push-ups upside down are basic movement. As we have already said, such activities develop coordination, improve strength training, and therefore will be of interest to gymnasts, acrobats, etc. .

This exercise will also be useful if you need to overcome a slight stagnation in muscle growth and development. The high load that push-ups provide upside down will allow you to quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations.

This exercise is usually done to overcome some stagnation in muscle development, since it creates a very high load.

In general, this exercise will perfectly dilute your workout at home, and will also help increase strength and, to some extent, muscle mass.


If you do upside down push-ups correctly, the benefits from them will be incredible. As we have already said, this exercise perfectly strengthens the muscles of the shoulders, pumps deltoids. And if you want to take care of your upper body, but don't have dumbbells or a barbell, push-ups like these are the best option.

There are several options for how to perform push-ups from the floor upside down. The first of them is simplified, the second is more complex.

If you want to make the task easier for yourself, perform the exercise from the floor. More experienced athletes use a crossbar or bars as a support. First, just learn to take a push-up stance upside down and maintain your balance. Among acrobats, this body position is called a candle. Once you have mastered this pose, begin to gradually, slowly expand your arms. In the final version, the hands should be positioned shoulder-width apart from each other.

Then you need to learn to lower your body down, almost touching your head to the floor. Then you need to lift your body while fully extending your arms.

To make the task easier for yourself and take the desired position, turn your back to the wall, bend over and place your hands on the floor. Then lift your leg and push against the wall, then lift your other leg. Straighten your other leg, but keep contact with the wall under control. Give straight position torso without doing sudden movements, So slow. Proceed with hand bends only when you feel confident in your hands.

With further successful mastery of this exercise, you will be able to take the required position without touching the wall.

Often a complicated version of shoulder push-ups is only for sophisticated acrobats. They will not lose control of their body in any position. If you are a beginner jock, you should not do push-ups from the bar.

As a rule, amateur athletes begin to perform push-ups upside down, even in a simplified version, only six months after the start of training. It is better not to do such exercises outside a specially equipped room where there are mats and experienced professionals.

If you are in at a slow pace learn to do push-ups from the floor upside down, then with successful regular training you will do shoulder muscles strong and sturdy.


To perform such exercises, you must have a strong vestibular apparatus. Not every body can withstand such a test, since you will not only have to actually stand on your head, but also perform “squats” on your hands. In addition, as you know, gravity acts on the earth. Therefore, if you make an awkward movement, you can end up in the hospital with an injury to the cervical vertebrae, head and other parts of the body. Then you certainly won’t see the expected effect.

It is best if you involve your friend in performing such exercises, who, if necessary, will become your support and support.


People who build muscle mass do push-ups upside down with their feet on a bench or any other support. This option is much simpler than throwing your legs vertically in relation to the floor. Its difficulty level is medium. Basically, according to the technique similar exercises resembles a regular push-up. The hands should be placed slightly in front of the shoulder line, which allows you to maintain balance in the starting position. It is worth noting that this arrangement of hands will not affect the effectiveness of the exercise. Thanks to this load, you can also pump up your biceps, triceps, and pectoral muscles.