Open a swimming pool for babies in the basement. Where to start your business? Step-by-step launch instructions

More than three years ago, Dmitry Beketov became a father for the first time and thought about the development of his daughter: on the advice of his sister, he decided to send her to early swimming. At first it was scary to realize that the little one could calmly dive under water and feel like a fish in water in the pool, but after a couple of lessons the parents were pleasantly surprised by the results. The girl's colic disappeared, she began to sleep better at night and develop faster.

Dmitry Beketov: “I found the work of Soviet physiologists who studied the influence early swimming on babies and noted that it increases the child’s vitality 5 times. In 1989, the Ministry of Health signed a decree to install swimming baths at every clinic, but the Union collapsed and the idea was forgotten. In Chelyabinsk in 2013 there were only two such institutions, but I was not satisfied with the lack of modern renovation, attitude towards people, or the great distance from home. By that time, my financial project had just ended, I had money and time, and I decided to open my own pool. I was looking for a franchise because I didn’t understand this area at all, but at that time there were no such offers - I had to learn everything myself from scratch.”

Before the opening of the Bul-bul center, Dmitry worked for several months as a hired worker: a meat processing plant worker, a fire alarm installer, an advertising sales manager, then he was engaged in entrepreneurship, including organizing a container gas station, and had experience in network marketing and automation of production processes. By confession young man, you need to use all the knowledge that you have and constantly update it - you never know what exactly will help you in practice. From the idea to the opening of the pool, Beketov took only 3 months, another 4 months were spent promoting and recruiting a full group of kids.

It’s difficult - remember the meaning

For bathing, the entrepreneur ordered four 2.5 sq. m acrylic bathtubs from a factory in Kazan. meters - each for one child. Parents can stand nearby and support the baby. Dmitry Beketov himself did not understand water treatment, so he had to look for specialists who could assemble a pool of four baths. There were some unpleasant surprises: at first, some part was missing, the spare part took longer than promised, and then it turned out that the cleaning equipment was designed for a pool 20 times larger in volume and it had to be re-equipped. The entrepreneur had to bear the losses for the “oversight” of the would-be specialists.

Dmitry Beketov did not find any standards for swimming pools for infants, so he turned to the SES for the requirements. In principle, it was enough to comply with SanPiN swimming pools. I also had to collect a pile of papers to obtain the coveted permission. Almost immediately, the tax authorities visited the entrepreneur: they imposed a fine of 30 thousand rubles for the lack of a cash register and strict reporting forms, but they managed to find a compromise and reduce the fine by three times.

Instructors are our everything

The difficulties did not end there: as soon as business began to improve and the revenue began to cover expenses, the only instructor late in the evening announced that he was tired and was leaving in the morning on vacation for two weeks. The first thought was to suspend the operation of the pool for this time, but through a friend we managed to find a nurse who worked at the clinic in the morning and came to teach classes in the evening.

Dmitry Beketov: “Medical workers are best suited to work as instructors: they know the physiology of the child’s body, can provide first aid, and know how to perform gymnastics. Our lesson lasts an hour, of which half of the time we do general strengthening gymnastics, fitball exercises, massage, and then we go to the bath, where we do water gymnastics and diving. We are not faced with the task of teaching children to swim, because children under one year old cannot be taught the technique; our goal is to physiologically strengthen the body. We train all network instructors using our unique technique, specialists from all cities come to Chelyabinsk, receive theory and apply their skills in practice. At first, we sent staff to third-party courses in Yekaterinburg, but in the end we taught them ourselves, because people don’t know a lot. To obtain initial skills, two weeks of training are enough; the instructor only develops a professional eye after six months of constant work every other day - then he begins to notice the nuances of each child’s body structure.”

Business without IT is not a business

Dmitry Beketov: “If you are not in IT, you will quickly die. We are constantly improving our system, adding updates, this helps control the business, manage and make operational decisions, and monitor the mood at the points. Now we have 20 swimming pools in Russia and Kazakhstan, 5 of them are under my personal management, the rest are owned by franchisees. The creator of Dodo Pizza, Fyodor Ovchinnikov, once told me that he does not sell pizza, but essentially works as an IT company. It’s the same with us: not infant swimming, but automated business management systems. While I don’t sell franchises en masse, I don’t even consider some applications on the site; I work only with the most attentive and persistent entrepreneurs. Since I am a perfectionist, I want to bring the management system to an ideal state, and then launch mass sales.”

Dmitry boasted that things were going much easier and faster for his franchisees than for him at the beginning of his journey: once two engineer friends from Ufa stopped by his Bul-Bul and were so inspired by the idea that within a month they opened their own center. Three months later, the guys opened a second swimming pool for infants, four months later - a third, and now there are already four. The plans are to conquer all of Bashkiria.

Dmitry Beketov: “Those who worked for their uncle for a long time have a hard time with financial failures in business, and business is like a pulse, it gradually increases, but consists of ups and downs in terms of money, especially at the opening stage. The main thing is to work, don’t give up, don’t give up, then you’ll make it. If in Europe “forests are already growing” everywhere, with a simple idea it’s hard to get through to the sun, then in Russia the field is not yet plowed, you need to break through the asphalt, and then air will appear and active growth will begin.”

Pool "Bul-bul" in facts and figures

Starting investments

1-1.3 million rubles.


Required room area

80-100 sq. meters.

Minimum staff

Administrator and instructor.

Monthly turnover

200-300 thousand rubles, depends on seasonality.

Monthly expenses

150 thousand rubles: salary, rent, utilities, tea, diapers.

Average number of clients per month

To work as a plus, you need to recruit 5 groups of 4 people per day, provided that they go every other day, that is, in fact, attract 40 clients.

Dmitry Beketov: “If you open from scratch, you will need a website with a design from 50 thousand rubles, setting up search engines from 15 thousand rubles, maintaining groups on social networks and advertising from 15 thousand rubles monthly - if you write posts yourself and set up advertising. We set up search engines for our franchisees,

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 6 minutes


Opening a swimming pool is a business idea that many entrepreneurs take up. As for its variety - creation children's pool for visitors from 0 to 7 years old, then, on the one hand, it is promising, but on the other hand, it raises many questions. What are the nuances of such an enterprise? How profitable is it? What permits are required? Read in this article.

Swimming pool for kids - business features

Before you begin the process of organizing a children's pool, you should take into account several significant features of this business:

  • Firstly , working with children will require highly qualified instructors and trainers.
  • Secondly , it is advisable to have a pediatrician on staff who will monitor the health of the children and determine whether the load is sufficient for them.
  • Third , the pool works effectively when organized at a kindergarten or fitness center for adults (in the second case, parents can leave their kids for classes during their workouts).
  • Fourth , the cost of classes is determined depending on the time they are held, the type and duration of the sessions.

Important point: In the children's pool you can practice both group and individual lessons(the latter are at a higher cost).

Choosing a building for a children's pool

What are the ideal places to place a children's pool? Previously mentioned proximity or . However, is there a building in the surrounding space that meets the necessary parameters?

Essentially, there are three ways to get a structure for organizing a swimming pool for kids:

  1. Build from scratch . This option is fraught with huge costs.
  2. Rent a non-residential building . Finding one in a given place can be extremely difficult.
  3. Rent a room in a fitness center . The most acceptable option is provided that the space here is properly equipped.

Important point: When renting a non-residential building or premises in a fitness center, it is important to clarify the issues of water supply, drainage, heating and ventilation, so as not to face serious costs in the future.

What equipment will be needed?

Specialized organizations should be involved in installing a pool, which can monitor issues of water drainage and filtration, the thickness of the walls and the depth of the bowl of the water tank. However, this is not the only acquisition for the future business.

For the full operation of the children's pool you will also need:

  • Efficient heating and ventilation system.
  • Paths, bedside tables and slides for the start.
  • Lockers for things, benches.
  • Administrator's desk.
  • Auxiliary devices for swimming - cylinders, wings, etc.

Important point: Special attention should be given to water purification. Since we are talking about sensitive children's skin, it is best to do this not by chlorination, but by ozonation.

Children's pool staff - number and composition

To operate even a small swimming pool for children, a fairly expanded staff will be required, namely:

  1. 2-5 instructors.
  2. 1-2 technical specialists.
  3. Medical worker.
  4. Cleaning woman.
  5. Administrator.
  6. Security guard.

At first, the responsibilities of a manager, accountant, and marketer can be assumed by the business owner himself.

Business registration and permits

Once the premises for the pool have been selected and equipped, it’s time to think about legalizing the business.

To do this you will need:

  • Register with the Federal Tax Service as an individual entrepreneur.
  • Obtain permission to operate from the regional committee for urban planning and architecture.
  • Submit certificates to the SES and fire service.

Important point: You should be prepared to be strict in your inspections since this is a toddler pool. Controlling authorities can check the composition and temperature of the water, the depth of the bowl, and the availability of auxiliary equipment.

Business promotion is the key to its success

Advertising of a children's pool can be carried out in kindergartens, developmental children's centers, medical institutions, sports clubs for adults, as well as through active activities in in social networks and on forums for young mothers.

Important point: On the basis of the pool you can organize trade in swimming accessories, provide medical consultations, and massage services for children. However, these types of activities require special permits from regulatory authorities.

Financial plan for creating a children's pool - income and expenses

To organize a swimming pool for children 0-7 years old, you will need to incur the following types of costs:

  • Rent of premises – 80,000-100,000 rubles per month.
  • Purchase and installation of equipment – ​​2.5-3 million rubles.
  • Renovation of the premises - 250,000-300,000 rubles.
  • Personnel costs – 300,000 rubles.
  • Advertising events – 50,000 rubles per month (including expenses for maintaining your own website).
  • Registering a business and obtaining permits.

The total cost of creating a children's pool can be 3.5-4 million rubles. If the minimum check group classes duration of 1 hour will be 500 rubles, and individual ones - 700 rubles, then the payback of the business will be achieved in 1-1.5 years. The profitability of the project in this situation is about 18-20%.

Children's pool is Goldmine for an entrepreneur whose goal is not only to obtain fabulous profits, but also to provide services useful to the population. Statistics show that in almost every city in our state, the demand for a swimming pool is twice as high as the market supply.

  • Step by step plan opening of the children's pool
  • How much profit will the children's pool bring?
  • Selecting a room
  • To rent
  • Sublease of premises
  • Build a pool room yourself
  • New opportunities - leasing
  • Which equipment to choose?
  • Carrying out repair work
  • Selection of employees for work
  • What documents are needed to open a children's pool?
  • How to choose OKVED for a given business?
  • Choosing a tax regime, taking into account the specifics of the business
  • Advertising
  • How much money do you need to start?

Before making the final decision to start a business, determine its overall focus. You need to understand exactly how to develop further and what steps to take. Questions to consider during the planning stage:

  • Will the pool be for health or entertainment? In the recreation center they work with children and teach them swimming skills. The entertainment pool includes slides, water games, and free swimming.
  • A stand-alone swimming pool or an extension to an existing sports and fitness complex?

The pool can be a separate project of yours or an addition to an existing complex with which you will need to enter into cooperation. Both options have their pros and cons.

If you are an independent figure, you do not need to coordinate your actions with anyone or agree on anything. However, you will have to increase your advertising budget to promote the “new place.” Let's also not forget about complex system obtaining permits.

Step-by-step plan for opening a children's pool

Any successful business is first implemented on paper and then brought to life. That is why it is worth paying close attention to compiling a step-by-step list of actions. Take this stage of your project development especially seriously.

Let's highlight the main points that should not be overlooked:

  • Choosing a room for a swimming pool.
  • Equipment for arrangement.
  • Installation of equipment, carrying out repair work.
  • Selection of qualified personnel.
  • Obtaining permits.
  • Advertising.

As you can see, there is a lot of work to be done. Work through every point of the plan, then the business performance will pleasantly surprise you.

Let's analyze each point separately to create a complete analysis.

How much profit will the children's pool bring?

There is no universal answer to the question of how much an entrepreneur who decides to open his own children's pool will earn. His profit depends on a huge number of objective factors and the ability to organize a profitable business.

To answer the question about the organizer’s potential income this direction commercial activity, let’s take the following indicators:

  • The monthly attendance of the pool is 500-700 children.
  • The cost of a monthly subscription is 2500 rubles.
  • The cost of one lesson is 300 rubles.
  • 70% of clients buy subscriptions, 30% do not visit the pool regularly.
  • In addition to the children's pool, its facilities provide additional services (massage, sauna, manicure, solarium, etc.).

Based on the above indicators, it is not difficult to calculate the main economic results of this business. Small visitors with a monthly subscription will bring in about 1 million rubles. Children who visit the pool occasionally will leave about 300 thousand in the cash register. Additional sources making a profit is another plus of 800 thousand to the main revenue. The total gross income of your complex will be 2,200 thousand rubles. The sum of all costs, including mandatory payments to the country’s budget, is 1.7-1.9 million, that is, your net profit is 300-500 thousand rubles. per month.

All parents want their children to grow up healthy, strong, and active. For this there are various sport sections, where moms and dads are happy to bring their kids. However, not all children want to engage in any particular sport, be it karate or dancing.

But everyone loves to swim! This is useful both for general strengthening of the body and for respiratory system, and to develop strength and endurance. And swimming is a very fun and active pastime. Therefore, swimming pools for children are in great demand among both adults and children. However, the offer in this segment is not so great compared to the same dance clubs. Well, this is something for budding entrepreneurs to think about.

Draw up a business plan for a children's pool that will operate in your city, calculating approximate costs and expected profits. You will see that this business is very profitable and is simply doomed to success. If you are interested in the idea, then read on to find out what you need to open a private pool for children.

Before starting work

First you need to decide how to open a children's pool - as a full-fledged independent complex or as an addition to an existing fitness center. IN the latter case convenience lies in the fact that parents attending classes in sports club, will be able to bring their children with them. Kids will swim under the supervision of an instructor while adults sweat in the gym. For many, this is a huge time saver and an opportunity to solve the eternal problem of “who to leave the child with.”

However, a free-standing pool will also be in demand, since in most Russian cities the need for it is at least twice as high as the supply. The choice in this case depends on the ability to find a suitable location.

Things to consider

When drawing up a business plan for a swimming pool for children, it is important to clearly define the following points:

1. Find a room that meets all the criteria.

2. Purchase the necessary equipment.

3. Carry out internal repairs and installation of the pool bowl.

4. Hire qualified personnel.

5. Obtain the necessary permits.

There is a lot of work. Before opening a pool, you will need to invest a lot of time and effort, especially in implementing the last of the above points. However, the waste of labor and financial resources will pay off in full when the complex opens and begins to fully function. And you can advertise the project already on initial stage so that from the first day of work your pool is filled with happy children.

Looking for a place

There are several options for placing a pool. Before starting the search, you need to decide on the approximate area of ​​the complex. On average, the size of the room should be at least 1.5-2 thousand square meters. How can you get it?

1. Rent from a large fitness center.

2. Buy or rent a non-residential building and modernize it.

3. Build it yourself.

Opening a pool from scratch is the most difficult thing; it will require quite serious financial investments and a building permit. For construction, there are ready-made projects for physical education and recreation pools, which can be purchased to order. It should be taken into account that the immediate opening of the complex will have to wait a long time. Construction work can take up to 6-10 months or more.

Once the issue with the premises has been resolved, it is necessary to move on to work on its arrangement. Next, we will look at what this kind of physical education complex must include.

We equip the pool according to all the rules

Include in your children's pool business plan a detailed calculation of the costs of construction, repair and installation work. This article is very significant and requires a particularly careful approach. Each pool, both for children and any other, must have a high-quality water filtration system, heating it to a certain temperature, and the bowl itself. The cost of the latter depends on a number of factors:

  • size (the most popular options are 20-25 meters long; for sports purposes they can reach 50 meters);
  • quality and wall thickness;
  • waterproofing system;
  • manufacturer.

A medium-sized bowl (25*8*15) with heating and a filtration system will cost about two million rubles. In addition, dividing paths, lighting, and starting tables may be needed. Sometimes swimming pools are additionally equipped with various water slides - this is a pleasure for children, which, however, can distract them from classes with an instructor. Whether to install them or not depends on the focus of your complex (entertainment or sports).

Before opening a children's pool, you must ensure that all measures have been taken to ensure the safety and health of children. One thing worth considering here important point regarding the water purification system. It is better to refuse chlorination by choosing a more modern and safer method - ozonation. It does not harm the skin, which will certainly appeal to caring parents.

We are hiring employees

The business plan for a children's pool should include the search for responsible and qualified employees: both those who will be in direct contact with children (coaches, instructors) and specialists who monitor the uninterrupted operation of the equipment, water quality, and maintaining order in the complex. The minimum staff composition looks like this:

  • 1-2 administrators;
  • swimming coach and group lesson instructor (2-4 people);
  • cleaner, cloakroom attendant, security guard;
  • technician and nurse;
  • director and accountant.

They can work one shift or two depending on the pool schedule and workload for the day.

Recently, it has become very popular to introduce babies to water from birth. After all, a swimming pool is very useful, and after just a few lessons your newborn baby will be able to dive under the water and stay on its surface with the help of an inflatable ring. An infant pool will help your child overcome their fear of water and feel confident in a new environment. But despite the great demand, now there are very few companies that have this business and provide a swimming pool for infants. Therefore, taking this opportunity, today you can open your own business providing a swimming pool for mothers with their precious children, using your own business plan.

Pool room

According to the plan, the first thing you will need is a room. Its dimensions will depend on the area of ​​the pool. But since you're opening it up for newborn babies, you don't need a lot of space.

You can open a swimming pool for babies on site kindergarten having previously concluded an agreement. Here you will save on advertising, because mothers who bring their children to kindergarten will quickly learn about your business.

Also, depending on your financial capabilities, you must decide for yourself: to rent a room, buy an empty property or start building your own place. As practice shows, you have to build your building from scratch, because it is very difficult to find decent premises in a good location.

When building your infant pool, it is very important to check the construction company that provides its services to you. Contact only a company that has a good reputation, satisfied clients and financial stability.

It may take you anywhere from two months to a year to build a children's pool. The main hassle will be creating the bowl itself and equipping it modern system water filtration, waterproofing, high-quality lighting and powerful heating.

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Getting permission

Taking into account that this business plan is intended to work with small children, you should take care in advance of all the necessary permits to open it. The most important thing is the conclusion of the fire inspection and SES, which must be obtained before starting work.

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Pool and group equipment

If you are using a business plan, you will need equipment, which depends on the very specifics of the pool. you can install regular swim lanes. To your health complex was popular, water slides can also be installed. Particular attention should be paid to the water purification system. It must be said that a more progressive cleaning method is ozonation rather than chlorination. After all, ozonated water does not harm the skin of children, or adults either. Do not forget also that the room should warm up well at any time of the year. Take care of high-quality thermal insulation.

Since swimming for children is a family activity (together with mothers, fathers, grandmothers), you can create special groups that will practice under the guidance of a specially trained trainer.

You can also open groups not only for infants, but also for older children who will learn to swim under the guidance of an instructor.

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Necessary costs

To open your own business you need good plan and a lot of costs. At the initial stage, you will need from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles. If you don’t have the necessary finances, but really want to open a swimming pool for infants, you can draw up a business plan and invite a private investor to review it, or take out the necessary amount on credit.

In order for people to know about you, you need to spread information about the new water complex. This can be done first in the area where the pool is located. This could be distributing leaflets to mailboxes, in antenatal clinics, or in hospitals.

It is important to create an interesting and colorful website, because mostly young mothers look for the necessary information on the Internet. Therefore, high-quality website promotion will not hurt you. Distribute the announcement on special Internet portals that are dedicated to the education and health of children.