Features of horse breeding. Basic rules for breeding horses. Biological characteristics of horses

Breeding horses is a process that requires great attention to the appearance of the pets and their key qualities, which must meet the requirements of a particular breed. The main breeding tool for many years has been the process of selection and selection, which ensures the success of selection and the production of efficient and visually attractive offspring. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to preserve the pedigree and consistency of color and breed when breeding horses is meant.

Horse breeding farms often keep records of pedigrees, as well as livestock, which allows them to breed truly thoroughbred horses during selection. The presence of the necessary data makes it possible to track breeding and exterior characteristics, parents, which make it possible to track the genotype. Based on this information, a pair is selected from within the group of horses, which makes it possible to preserve the breed and experiment.

The main purpose of such selection is to select horses for improvement existing varieties or withdrawal new breed. Breeding horses in these conditions with selection makes it possible to improve some characteristics of the horse, as well as develop the necessary indicators and make a number of changes in the horse’s body in the required direction. This breeding is the most correct and successful, since it eliminates the possibility of unwanted mixing of blood.

The most important stage that marks the breeding of horses can be considered selection. The effectiveness of selection activities can be influenced by:

  • quality indicators of breeding horses;
  • heritable indicators;
  • changes in genetic indicators.

Based on this, the first stage of selection should be the assessment of phenotypes: live weight, appearance, measurements, typicality, and ability to work. Thanks to the assessment of the phenotype, it becomes possible to determine the breeding purpose. The correct approach, which involves successful breeding of a horse, after selection, should be based on the careful selection of a partner ready for mating. The selection process consists of composing parental pairs that are capable of producing offspring of the desired type. It also makes it possible to enrich nature and create lines and types with new qualities.

Depending on the colors on which horse breeding is based, experts distinguish heterogeneous and homogeneous selections. Heterogeneous selections are applicable in cases where horses are bred between individuals, one of which does not have well-defined useful traits. Their reproduction leads to the fact that the offspring receives clear characteristics of the second parent, who has the necessary potential.

Homogeneous selections can be used when both parents have the right set of distinct traits.

Selection can be based on indicators of agility, and taking into account the strengthening of heredity, the result of such symbiosis is high-quality offspring that meets all existing requirements. In this case, heterogeneous selections can be applicable in conditions of the need for growth selection. Both methods described above, provided that the exterior, agility, type and measurement are improved, can be very effective.

Raising animals will require effort.

People who professionally breed horses are widely aware of two main methods of crossing breeds, as well as purebred breeding. Today, the method of purebred horse breeding is rightly considered the main method. It is mainly used when breeding Arabian horses, purebred horses, Oryol trotters, Akhal-Teke and other representatives of the factory breed. This technique allows you to improve the performance of the most valuable breeds or preserve the entire list of their useful qualities.

At the same time, it is worth mentioning the difference between unrelated (outbreeding) and related breeding (inbreeding), which have their own characteristics.

The crossing procedure involves the process of pairing two individuals representing different breeds with each other. This method is mainly applicable to stud farms, which, among other things, specialize in developing new characteristics in breeds. Breeding horses using a similar technique makes it possible to produce horses that are suitable for use in various fields in a number of areas. What is noteworthy is that individuals in this situation may have sporting, working or productive characteristics that can be passed on to offspring.

Horses born from crossbreeding may acquire a number of new traits or qualities as each parent passes on a different portion of the genetic material. As a result of further selection or selection, breeding or zootechnical activities, the obtained qualities can be somewhat strengthened or consolidated, thanks to which further horse breeding can give excellent, in many ways unique results.

At professional sites, horse insemination occurs artificially, since it is this method that guarantees healthy and numerous offspring at relatively low cost. The cost of breeding semen is such that even the average horse breeder can afford to purchase it, so with the insemination of a mare, it becomes possible to obtain offspring with the most valuable characteristics and indicators. At the same time, you can avoid serious costs for purchasing and maintaining a horse, main task which consists in fertilizing mares.

Horses usually reach sexual maturity at the age of 2 years, very rarely this can happen after reaching one year. It should be taken into account that optimal age The age for mating horses, regardless of breed, is three years. Following these recommendations can guarantee high quality offspring.

Breeding technique

Modern horse breeding involves breeding and mating using three main methods:

  • Varkovym;
  • joint;
  • manual

The manual method is applicable in a stall situation, while the other two are applicable in a herd situation. Manual mating involves detecting heat by rectal examination or using sampler males. To test stallions, using long reins, they are brought closer to the front of the horse, holding the mare by the reins. In the case when the female's ears are flattened, anxiety is manifested, and attempts to bite or hit are observed, it can be stated that the optimal period for mating has not yet arrived.

When the presence of hunting is determined, you can begin to organize the mating process.

  1. Before organizing mating, the horses’ genitals should be washed using warm water, the mare’s tail should be bandaged, and a special harness for mating should be put on the horses.
  2. The actual mating should take place in a specialized room in which the floor is as level as possible, which will avoid injury.
  3. During the mounting process, the horse can remain on the mare for a long time. The fact that ejaculation is occurring can be indicated by the tail, which during this period will make movements from top to bottom.
  4. In a situation where mating did not work desired result Before repeating, the horse should be allowed to rest. To do this, he should be led on a leash for about 20 minutes and only then allowed to mount for the second time.
  5. A successful insemination should also be completed by resting both animals with a short walk and placing them in a pen. It should be taken into account that carrying out more than 2 matings per day may lead to further attempts being ineffective.

Horse breeding can also be done using cooking mating. This technique is used in the case when a horse, due to objective reasons, cannot be allowed into the general herd. In this case, the mares are driven into the bark (which is, in fact, a yard), after which a stallion is launched towards them. In this case, the horse independently determines the mare that is ready to cover. The use of the cooking method greatly simplifies the owner’s work, since the animals do not require additional attention.

School mating involves breeding and mating horses by forming schools of them. In such schools, a prerequisite is the presence of a male who, without human intervention, will independently determine the heat of the mares and cover them.

Breeding horses at home mainly occurs using one of the methods described above. Modern science and technology offers operations for artificial insemination of mares. Thanks to this method, you can solve a lot of serious issues and avoid a number of problems. In conditions of artificial insemination, it is possible to avoid the spread of diseases of the reproductive system and to inseminate even those animals that are in quarantine. In addition, artificial insemination does not require the presence of the desired male in close proximity to the female, and also allows several mares to be impregnated at once. If you have certain skills, you can perform such an operation even at home.

Pregnancy period

After the horse has been covered, it does not allow any more stallions to approach it. In addition, this period is marked by changes in behavior:

  • laziness;
  • calm;
  • good appetite, since it is through food that the horse receives the entire necessary range of nutrients.

It is quite difficult to determine the presence of pregnancy at the first stage, while already at the second stage noticeable roundness appears, as well as other changes indicating the presence of new life inside the animal. Serious changes also occur immediately before childbirth, when there is a drooping of the groin, legs, swelling of the udder and abdomen, as well as a lowering of the abdomen. In the last stages of pregnancy, milk begins to ooze. During this period, the mare needs careful care.

The stable must be clean during pregnancy and childbirth, and there is also a need for conditions that are important for the normal birth process. After childbirth, special care is also necessary, since during this period the occurrence of obesity, which is a characteristic phenomenon, should be prevented. However, the care does not end there.

It should be taken into account that animal instinct tells mares how to behave during a given period, and appropriate care from humans should contribute to this, and not harm. Anyone can raise good, healthy horses at home with the right motivation. In addition, your horse can bring serious money by turning into a business, but for this it is important not to miss the right moment.

Poultry meat has always been very popular not only for basic nutrition, but also for dietary purposes. Therefore, this product is in demand among the population, and the price of duck meat is affordable.

Based on such popularity and demand, it is possible to organize the breeding of ducks in the household. Experts say that if everything is done correctly, the enterprise will generate excellent income.

The business will be profitable if you choose the right breed of ducks that grows, reproduces quickly and is resistant to various diseases. It is best to select meat breeds, and in order to reduce the cost of the final product, it is better to breed young animals rather than constantly buy them. The number of individuals for a small poultry house can be from 200 to 300 pieces.

With proper and balanced nutrition, young animals gain from 2 to 3 kg of live weight.

Among the meat breeds, the Peking breed is suitable for profitable breeding. A female can lay up to 150-170 eggs per year. Create two duck families: 1 drake will serve 10 ducks.

Poultry breeding is divided into 5 cycles, which consist of 2 months. The poultry house is built to be spacious, with excellent ventilation. For 1 sq. meter fits 3 ducks, which means 20 square meters are prepared for 50 individuals. m. For walking you will need to allocate an area of ​​1 sq. m. m for 2 ducks. It is important to take into account the length of daylight hours; the longer it is, the greater the egg production of ducks. Why choose the Pekingese breed? Because two duck families can produce offspring of 250 ducklings.

Equipment, inventory, documents

You can construct a poultry house with your own hands using available materials. The front wall should be approximately 1.8 meters, and the back 1 meter. The interior is equipped with a metal mesh. It is important that there is access to the trays to make it easier to remove droppings.

For the poultry house you will need feeders and drinkers; for small ducklings you will need automatic drinkers. Also for young animals you need to place several feeders in different places. The poultry house is equipped with nests for duck laying. For breeding you will need one or two incubators.

To organize slaughter, you need to purchase a plucking machine, several freezers or refrigerators. If planned large volume production, it is advisable to register as a private entrepreneur. This way you can receive benefits and social assistance from the state. If the enterprise is small, then it is best to register it as a subsidiary.

In order to sell poultry meat, you will need the appropriate documents. The veterinarian must issue a certificate stating that the slaughter was carried out in accordance with all rules and regulations. His presence is also important. The doctor must print each carcass and issue permission to transport the products. Then, at the point of sale, the veterinarian conducts meat tests and gives permission for trade.

If the manufacturer treats the duck farm and business plan responsibly and conscientiously, the products will be of excellent quality. This means there will be no problems with sales. It is best to find regular customers. For example, these could be catering establishments (cafes, restaurants, private complexes, and so on).

Market too a good place for trade, especially since the products can be sold at a slightly higher price. But this option is suitable for those who have free time. Or you can hire a reseller, in which case you will have to pay a percentage of the proceeds and buy certificates each time.

For a good profit, you need to take into account all the nuances, including depreciation of equipment, expenses and utility bills.

Business plan

If you engage in duck breeding at home as a business, then you cannot do without initial capital. According to forecasts, this investment will pay for itself literally in the second year of operation of the farm. It is important to find several markets. It is better to refuse hackwork and deception, because this will entail a bad reputation, and it will be very difficult to gain trust again.

Records must be kept; all invoices and receipts are attached to this. It is difficult to give an exact amount of expenses at the initial stage. For example, to build a poultry house you will need building materials, the prices of which differ in different regions of the country.

Further, the price of the youngest animals will also differ. It is advisable to make a poultry house from a used one building materials, you can use your own freezing equipment. But the money is worth spending on healthy young animals and high-quality feed. You can also consult a veterinarian to take preventive measures against diseases.

As soon as a stable population appears in the poultry house (approximately 200-500 individuals), then it is already possible to plan not only profit, but also current expenses. Based on this, you can understand where it is advisable to save money and where to invest money. It is best to calculate the cost of food, electricity and equipment repairs two months in advance and save money for them.

A poultry farm with 500 ducks can generate up to 70% profitability in the second year. Many farmers claim that this business brings decent income.

It is important to choose a breed of duck that will give a good increase in meat.

Keeping constant calculations and records will help you develop strategic business plans specifically in your region, taking into account the conditions of detention.

The main task of selection is to constantly improve the useful qualities of the offspring. This is achieved due to the fact that only the best representatives in terms of origin, external qualities, performance and quality of offspring are used for reproduction. At the same time, animals that do not meet these requirements are discarded.

The main parameters by which the selection is made:

  • performance (manifested at the age of two to four years);
  • strength of the constitution;
  • size;
  • sufficient broad body;
  • Boniness and correctness of the exterior.

As a result of such selection, it is possible to develop the necessary qualities in animals, and to artificially direct the development of certain characteristics of the organism in the desired direction.

The main goal of selection is to select individuals with similar characteristics for mating, so that they develop in future offspring.

On large farms, selection is carried out by specially trained specialists, but at home this task falls on the shoulders of the horse breeder himself. For the convenience of accounting, creating a kind of catalog of animals and issuing relevant documents to breeding representatives, farms are assessed.

Young animals are graded at the age of two and a half years, producers - at the age of seven and a half years and older. At the same time, young horses are assessed on three grounds, and adult horses on five. Based on the results of this assessment, horses are assigned three levels of class: elite, first class and second. Elite horses are used to improve the entire livestock. Their semen is used for artificial insemination of mares. First class horses are mated to second class fillies, and second class stallions are used to produce custom steeds.

Selection of horses

Selection and selection are interconnected processes that follow each other. Their goal is to improve existing breeds and obtain new ones. At its core, selection is a mating system based on the following rules:

  1. Determining the purpose of mating.
  2. Search for a sire that will be superior to the queen in the main characteristics.
  3. A horse with the best hereditary and other qualities is used as often as possible in various genealogical combinations.
  4. Preservation and enhancement of the excellent qualities of parents in the offspring through related and unrelated mating.
  5. Crossing horses from different lines and families leads to obtaining desirable traits in the offspring.

With various alternations of related and unrelated selection, representatives are obtained high class with excellent characteristics.

Pair selection is carried out both in large horse breeding and small farms. It is important to understand that in the absence of this kind of work on improving and maintaining the necessary qualities in horses, if you simply let everything take its course, then in the end everything will good qualities animals will be lost, which will lead to complete degeneration of the breed and the production of weak and useless offspring.

Horse Breeding Methods

There are two methods of breeding horses, which include different types of mating, selection systems and selection of animals. Their goal is to obtain new breeds and propagate desirable types.

Breeding can be pure (purebred), in which individuals of the same breed are mated, and by crossing when representatives happen different breeds or crossbreeds. Interestingly, when breeding purebred and Arabian riding breeds, the pure breeding is called purebred.

Purebred breeding is used to breed the most valuable breeds for their further improvement. There is related breeding - inbreeding and unrelated breeding - outbreeding.

Crossbreeding refers to the mating of individuals belonging to different breeds. This method of breeding is used by breeders to obtain new qualities of the breed. Very often, crossing is used to obtain custom horses of different directions. These can be working horses, sports horses and productive animals that are raised for meat, milk and used to produce productive offspring.

When crossing, new characteristics and properties often appear, as the hereditary qualities of two or more breeds are combined. These characteristics can be developed and consolidated through the selection and selection of animals, as well as with the help of the entire complex of zootechnical and breeding activities.

Purebred breeding is carried out by specialized farms and stud farms. The animals obtained as a result of this work are then used for breeding pure lines through artificial insemination, since this method makes it possible to obtain a large number of offspring from a valuable sire at the lowest cost. Everyone, even an ordinary horse breeder, gets the opportunity to buy the semen of a breeding stallion and use it to inseminate their mares and produce offspring with the most valuable qualities. At the same time, he does not need to spend a lot of money to purchase and maintain the manufacturer itself.

Before you start breeding horses, you need to study the biology of reproduction of these animals, find out what methods of insemination they generally have, and choose the most suitable one for your farm.

Biological characteristics of horses

In order to properly and effectively organize the mating of horses, you need to know some of the features of the structure of their genital organs, the physiology of these animals and the signs of heat in mares. Let's try to figure this out.

One of the features of reproduction is that during fertilization, the sperm of the racer goes straight into the uterus, and then, contracting, the uterus pushes it further into the oviduct. This is where the female egg and sperm meet to form a zygote. From it the embryo subsequently develops, and then the fruit. This type of insemination is called uterine insemination. For fertilization in this case, it is necessary to have only living, motile sperm in the stallion’s sperm that have good fertilizing ability. In addition, a lot depends on the health of the mare - a full-fledged follicle must mature in her ovary, from which an egg will then be released to meet the male reproductive cell.

During the maturation of the follicle and the release of the egg, the mares begin to develop sexual desire and she calmly allows the stallion to approach her. By what signs can even a novice horse breeder understand that his horse has come into heat and is ready to mate with a stallion?

  • Firstly, this can be understood by the posture of the animal. The mare often assumes a posture as if urinating, raising her tail and straining.
  • Secondly, her vulva becomes reddened, and liquid mucus or cloudy urine is released from its opening (horse breeders call it a loop). At this time, the “loop” convulsively contracts and unclenches – “blinks”.
  • Thirdly, her behavior also changes: she worries, laughs often, eats poorly.

All this happens due to the fact that ovulation occurs in the body and special sex hormones are produced. The time from the beginning of one sexual heat to the beginning of the next is called the sexual cycle. When is the best time to meet animals? To do this, every horse breeder needs to know some facts and figures characterizing the duration of the filly’s reproductive cycle.

In most cases, the first heat of the year occurs eight to ten days after she foals. In some animals even earlier (after 4-6 days), and in some, on the contrary, later - after ten to twenty days. The first estrus in nursing queens is usually short-lived, but it manifests itself very clearly. It lasts from 2 to 15 days, but more often on average about a week.

Often the mare does not cover herself during the first heat, so after 10-18 days everything repeats again. It turns out that the duration of the sexual cycle is on average 20-25 days. Sometimes it can be longer and sometimes shorter. What can affect its duration, brightness of manifestation and quality of fertilization? There are several such factors and every horse breeder needs to know them.

Factors influencing the duration of the reproductive cycle in mares, intensity of heat and foaling rate:

  • Individual characteristics of the body (age, fatness, breed, etc.).
  • Living and feeding conditions. With good care, sexual desire is usually pronounced, the duration is normal, and the coverage is high.
  • In working fillies in a state of fatigue, sexual estrus is weak and the foaling rate is low.
  • Desire manifests itself most clearly in favorable weather, especially in the morning. A natural stimulant for her is the spring sun, fresh green grass in the pasture and a favorable calm atmosphere.
  • Ovulation usually occurs at night, so evening and early morning mating is most effective.
  • Mating is most effective at the end of the period of attraction than at its beginning.

If conception does not occur during the first heat after she has foaled, then quite often she will experience a long period of sexual rest. This occurs due to the fact that maternal instinct and milk production (lactation) inhibit sexual functions. In order to prevent this omission, it is recommended that the foaling mare be checked every day, starting from the fifth day after birth, and inseminated first. To do this, large farms resort to the work of stallions - samplers.

If the mare's heat is pronounced, then she is covered on the same day and repeated a day later. The rest, after a daily test, are mated on the second day after the first signs appear. All coated horses are tested again ten days after the end of heat, and this test is carried out every other day immediately before the foaling factor is determined. If the mare repels the horse, then testing with probes is continued every other day for another 35-40 days. After this, it is recommended that individuals that have not come into heat should be examined for foaling.

The onset of puberty in foals and fillies occurs on average at two years of age, and sometimes at one year.

It depends on the breed, early maturity, development and conditions of detention. But this does not mean that the animals are already ready for mating and fertilization - after all, puberty does not coincide with physical development body. Therefore, allowing animals to mate so early is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, pregnancy in early age will slow down the normal development of the filly itself, and may lead to miscarriage or the birth of weak young animals. When mated early, stallions also begin to lag behind in development, and it is not possible to raise them into full-fledged sires.

Therefore, regardless of the age of puberty, it would be correct if horses mate for the first time when they are more mature: fillies of all breeds and stallions heavy breeds- at three and sometimes four years, and stallions of trotting and riding breeds - at four or five years of age.

Types of insemination of mares and methods of mating

In horse breeding, there are three methods of mating horses: hand-breeding, brooding and jamming. Manual mating is used for stall horse breeding, and the other two methods are used for herd keeping of horses.

Manual mating. With this method, heat is detected using a probe stallion or by rectal examination. To test the mare, the test stallion is brought to her head using long reins (lesses), which are pulled on both sides by the grooms. At this time, the animal is held by the reins of the bridle. If the filly presses her ears back, sensing the stallion, gets worried, tries to bite him or hit him with her hind limbs, then it’s not time yet.

If hunting has been established based on a number of the signs described above, then they begin to organize mating. Before mating, the genitals of animals are washed with warm water, after which the mare’s tail is bandaged so that it does not interfere with the mounting of the stallion. Then a special breeding harness is put on the filly so that she cannot kick the inseminator during mating. It is carried out in a special room - an arena or on an area with a flat surface to prevent injuries to animals.

During mounting, the stallion must remain on the mare for a long time until the semen is completely ejaculated. This is indicated by the movement of his tail from top to bottom. If mating is unsuccessful, the stallion is allowed to rest and is led on the reins for 15-20 minutes, and then the mounting is repeated. After insemination, the horse is led again for some time (about thirty minutes), then its back, croup and limbs are rubbed with a straw tourniquet. After these procedures, he is placed in the machine. Thus, a horse should not cover more than two individuals per day. Otherwise, mating may become ineffective.

Varkova mating. It is used when a horse cannot be allowed into a common herd for a number of reasons. For example, if they are afraid for his health or he is valuable. With this method, the mares are driven into the yard (varok) and a stallion is launched towards them. He independently identifies mares in heat and inseminates them. Required condition in case of manual and cooking mating, the stallions are unshackled in both cases to prevent injury to the mares.

Sexy mating. From the entire livestock, with this mating method, schools of animals are formed, each of which has its own stallion. He independently, without human intervention, finds mares in heat and covers them several times a day. This greatly facilitates a person’s work and simplifies the entire process of a random campaign.

In addition to natural insemination, modern horse breeding also uses artificial insemination. It has a number of advantages over natural mating:

  1. Semen from one stallion can be used to inseminate a much larger number of mares, which makes it possible to more fully utilize the semen of valuable stallions.
  2. Artificial insemination prevents the spread of sexually transmitted infections that cause serious damage to horse breeding. Insemination can be carried out even in quarantined farms.
  3. It becomes possible to inseminate a mare located thousands of kilometers from the stallion whose semen is being used. This makes it possible to obtain the maximum amount of offspring from outstanding breeding sires.

For the correct organization of a breeding campaign in horse breeding farms, regardless of the size of their livestock, it is important to know all the features of horse physiology, to be able to observe, love and care for your animals. Only in this case is your success guaranteed!

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Horse breeding is a rather labor-intensive and expensive business, and a good purebred horse can cost as much as an expensive sports car. Let's talk about what you need to know before diving into your horse breeding business.

Keeping and breeding horses is one of the few branches of animal husbandry that often begins as a hobby and then develops into something more serious. However, if we consider horse breeding as one of the main sources of income, then this is a rather complex business associated with high risks. Its full payback occurs in at least several years (the maximum period is up to fifteen years). And then in the most favorable cases. Most of the modern stud farms in our country are unprofitable enterprises.

Business formats in horse breeding

The realities of business scare away entrepreneurs, so small business in the field of horse breeding is very poorly developed. As a rule, private horse breeding and horse clubs are classified as “businesses for amateurs.” This means that you shouldn’t expect a lot of money from such activities, but, nevertheless, you can get a small income and, most importantly, pleasure from work. One of the most difficult and expensive business options in this industry is horse breeding. The purposes for which these animals are raised directly depend on the breed.

All breeds of domestic horses can be divided into two main types:

  1. Riding horses. Saddle or riding horses are used for riding. They are more popular and are of greatest interest for breeding.
  2. Heavyweights. Heavies are massive and durable animals that are usually used in agriculture or for transporting heavy loads.

A good purebred horse can cost as much as an expensive sports car. So it is not surprising that breeding pedigree animals is not a cheap pleasure. The number of breeding plants, not counting small horse breeding farms, in our country is several dozen. However, it is very difficult (if, in general, impossible) to estimate the volume of this market more accurately, since most thoroughbred horses are sold at auctions, and therefore their prices will vary significantly. The livestock of large breeding farms in Russia numbers no more than 350-400 animals. Moreover, about a third of them are breeding dams and stud stallions. More than half of domestic horses, according to the Russian Research Institute of Horse Breeding, are sold at Western auctions. The number of domestic sales is significantly lower than these indicators.

Horses can be bred for three main purposes:

    for further sale of animals;

    to provide various services;

In the first case, foals are purchased, feed is purchased, and pastures are rented. The animals are raised for two to four years and then sold. The issue of organizing “sales” deserves special attention. Expensive breeding horses of elite breeds are usually sold through auctions. The greatest demand is for animals of sporting breeds, which are purchased for participation in various races, as well as recreational breeds, which are used in tourism.

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Entrepreneurs often buy young racing horses (usually imported), which they subsequently train and exhibit in tournaments. The more often a horse participates in races and wins, the higher its price will be. Animals with a large number of victories are sold at auctions, where their price can rise by several thousand dollars at once. Organizing an auction in itself is profitable, since an application to participate in it costs a little less than $1000 (of course, we are talking about large international auctions). In addition, the organizer receives another 10% of the amount received for the sold horse.

Cost, expenses and business risks

The cost of maintaining one horse is 1000-3000 dollars per month. This amount includes feeding, training, veterinary care, care... In addition, to improve the line during breeding, the uterus must be periodically covered by foreign stud stallions, which entails additional costs (payments to the stallion owner, transportation, paperwork, etc. ). At the same time, the horse breeding industry is not supported by the state. And it will be problematic to get a bank loan for such a business. Investors view horse breeding as a risky area, since it is impossible to calculate in advance or plan anything. Good animals are very expensive, and it is impossible to insure them against all risks.

If you seriously decide to breed horses, then you should not skimp on personnel who will work directly with animals. In addition, carefully select the most reliable suppliers of quality feed and sawdust. Experts also advise concluding a contract for veterinary services with a well-established specialist. All this will help save a lot of money and protect animals.

Where to get knowledge on horse breeding

In order to breed horses, you need to have a lot of knowledge and experience in this field. If you don’t have any, then you will have to hire a specialist (livestock specialist) with the appropriate salary, or even better, seek advice from specialists from the All-Russian Research Institute of Horse Breeding, who will give recommendations on the successful development of your equestrian business. However, you can also educate yourself. Moreover, in our country there are even specialized courses that teach how to build effective business models, the intricacies of creating horse farms in accordance with modern technologies and rules, the basics of selecting breeding stock, qualified personnel, and modern technologies for raising young animals.

Structures for horse farms and their arrangement

A significant expense item is the construction of the necessary structures. These include:

  • horse walking area;

    outbuildings for storing tools and feed.

Ideally, the land should be your property, but the plot can also be rented. In addition, you can rent an existing stable.

Stables called a room for keeping horses. As a rule, it consists of one building, divided into sections separate for each horse, which are called stalls and stalls.

A stable can consist of several rooms:



    harness (harness);

    room for duty officers;

    a platform for a water tank (pot), if there is no water supply to the building;

    room for testing stallion semen (if there is no artificial insemination station);

    animal washing room;

    room with solarium.

Of course, in most stables many of these areas do not exist at all or are located outside the horse paddock. On the territory of your farm there will also be utility rooms, a place for storing feed and for workers to rest. In addition to the area for buildings and walking, it is desirable to have your own pasture where animals will graze in the summer. Horses prefer green feed, hay, vegetables, fruits and grains.

Main parameters of the stable

  • Thermal insulation. Horses are afraid of the cold, so the building must be frost-resistant and must retain heat inside.
  • Length and width of rooms. The width of the stable building depends on the location of the animals in it, and the length depends on the number of horses. If the horses are placed in a single row along the wall after placing the stalls, then a corridor two meters wide must be provided. The minimum length of stalls is three meters, and the total width of the stable is 4.5 meters. The length per horse should be about 1.5 linear meters if the stalls are not separated from each other in any way. Up to 1.5 meters per horse is allowed if animals are separated by overhead rolls or solid partitions. Experts recommend making stalls of equal width and length (thus, there are almost three meters for each horse in the stall). They house the most expensive animals, sick animals, foals, pregnant women before foaling, etc.
  • Building height where horses are kept should not exceed 3.5 meters (3 meters is best).
  • Stable floor. From a practical point of view, it is better to make the floor in the stable adobe. It doesn't dry out horses' hooves and is fairly easy to repair. The floor in each individual stall should have a slope towards the animal's hind legs to allow urine to drain (on average, it is 6 cm, but not more than 9 cm).
  • Windows, doors and ventilation of the stable. To clean the stables from manure, special windows are provided in the rear wall of the building. Doors must be strong and close well. The stable building must be well ventilated (without creating drafts, which are very dangerous for horses). In summer, windows are sufficient for ventilation, which usually occupy about an eighth of the stable area. Each window, approximately 1 meter by 0.7 meters, should open inward and be equipped with fly screens and mats to protect against direct sunlight.

Additional sources of income for stud farms

Renting out space to the horse owner. Many stud farms offer potential clients the opportunity to rent any horse for a long period of time. The temporary owner of the animal can visit his pet, care for it and feed it. Often he is provided with additional bonuses, for example, discounts on riding lessons. WITH legal point From a perspective, the horse still belongs to the stud farm, however, the long-term lease option can significantly reduce the cost of maintaining the animal, which, as mentioned above, is very high (especially considering that preparing one horse for subsequent sale can take from three to six years ).

Ready ideas for your business

Horse riding club. Another additional (or even main) source of income is organizing your own riding club. Renting one horse costs over 1,200 rubles per hour. The exact amount depends on the region. You will have to pay another 2500-3000 rubles for the help of an instructor. Classes cost less on weekdays, and are usually less expensive on weekends. In addition to regular classes, riding clubs and schools offer additional courses (for example, steeplechase riding or elegant riding training). In this case, the cost of an hour of classes can reach 9-10 thousand rubles. Each school sets its own prices, but with proper promotion and a favorable location of the club, it can generate considerable income, amounting to several million a year (these figures are given by the owner of one equestrian club for a dozen horses).

Industry situation and business prospects

Horse breeding as a separate branch of livestock farming is a complex and expensive occupation. Most entrepreneurs consider it either as an expansion of an existing business of a similar profile (for example, a poultry or sheep farm), or as an independent direction in the presence of free and free space (half a hectare per animal) and labor. Many breeding farms and stud farms in our country did not survive the crisis of 2009-2010 and went bankrupt. Those farms that survived were mainly those that were engaged in breeding sports breeds of horses.

The construction of a horse breeding complex can cost tens of millions of dollars. In order for such a significant investment to pay off as quickly as possible, it is necessary to have regular customers and an excellent reputation in our country and abroad. In this case, the profitability of such an enterprise reaches 300%! A stud farm is a simpler and faster payback project. If you have a large area and qualified personnel, you can take on other horses for maintenance, which brings considerable profit.

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Horse breeding is an interesting and profitable type of business. Strong and intelligent animals, horses were domesticated thousands of years ago. People used them as labor and transport; meat, skin, and horsehair were also used. A business approach to fattening horses or raising a foal can bring good profits.

Horse breeding can become a profitable business if you add business calculations to everyday ingenuity

Horse breeding is a complex and costly process. Correct calculation is not complete without a business plan for horse breeding. A business plan answers the question of whether it is worth investing in a project. It determines how much initial capital should be, analyzes possible problems and ways to solve them.

Creating your own farm involves the following costs:

  • rent or purchase of land;
  • construction of a stable;
  • purchase of livestock;
  • provision of food;
  • staff salaries.

Documentation costs are low. No special permits are required for this type of activity. By registering as a legal entity, you can acquire ownership of a plot of land. If funds are limited, it is possible to lease the land in whole or in part.

Please pay attention Special attention personnel selection. Both skilled grooms and auxiliary workers will be required. Agree with your veterinarian about preventive examinations, vaccinations and treatment of your livestock.

Investments at the start can reach tens of millions of rubles. But when making the right choice business concept and efficient use of funds, the profitability indicator is very high. It is capable of up to 300%. The payback period in case of favorable developments will be at least 5-7 years.

Ways to make a profit

Horse breeding as a business involves various ways of implementation. It is recommended to invest fixed assets in areas that bring the greatest profit. What is often chosen as a leading concept?

  • Breeding horses for meat. The minimal cost of keeping horses and the availability of pasture make this type of horse breeding very attractive. Feeding costs, as a rule, are noticeably lower than income from the sale of horse meat.
  • Livestock breeding. The high cost of stallions and mares of elite breeds ensures good profits from breeding and sales.
  • Riding school and hippotherapy. City residents are often willing to pay for horse riding lessons, as well as participate in developmental and rehabilitation classes.

Such a business requires considerable investment, but the profitability can be high

Most owners try to combine different kinds activities. Many ways to generate income can be either primary or secondary, depending on the situation.

  • Rental of premises. Private owners are happy to place their horses in the nearby stables.
  • Animal rental. The temporary owner receives the right to care for the horse and ride it. Some tenants get used to the animal and subsequently buy it.
  • Sale of accessories. Trade in accessories for riding and horse care will help attract new customers.

When choosing a direction, you need to take into account the location of the farm. Residents of large cities are mainly interested in therapeutic and developmental activities. Group horseback riding trips and walks are in demand in resort areas. Beef farming will be profitable in areas where there is space for grazing.

Thoroughbred horses are valuable meat

Purchasing horses

The horse business for meat production includes the breeding and fattening of beef horses. It is recommended to immediately purchase purebred horses with a good pedigree. They have a higher yield of meat with improved taste. With such initial data, the investment will pay off faster.

Horses of specially bred breeds are best suited for raising for meat.

Breed selection

These horses have a massive build, short legs And wide back. In our country, various breeds have been bred for meat production, for example:

  • Kazakh;
  • Yakut;
  • Novoaltaiskaya and others.

Breeds adapted to local conditions are best suited for breeding. These horses are unpretentious, resistant to diseases and quickly gain weight.

Properties of horse meat

Horse meat is dark red dense meat with streaks. It is nutritionally comparable to beef, containing about 70% water, 5% fat and 23% protein. The back part is considered the most delicious. Pieces of increased fat content are taken from the neck or peritoneum. There are no strict standards for the classification of horse meat; it is conventionally divided into two categories.

  • Meat from foals one and a half to two years old is considered dietary.
  • Marbled meat with a higher fat content is obtained from adult horses 3-5 years old.

Features of use

Horse meat is traditionally popular among peoples with a nomadic lifestyle: in Tatarstan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan. In Europe, horse meat is rarely used in its pure form, but is added to sausages. It gives meat products elasticity and a pleasant taste. Among Muslims, eating horse meat is not encouraged, but there is no strict ban on it, unlike India or Israel.

Profitability: in the pasture and in the stables

In the herd

Keeping a herd on pasture is more profitable in terms of feed costs. Horses are herbivores and herbivores the best way suitable for their nutrition. To improve the properties of green mass, nutritious perennial plants are sown onto the grass. Not far from the pastures, it is recommended to equip pens or stalls where the herd waits out cold nights and frosts. Such temporary shelters have food, water and salt in stock.

Free life on the pasture has a good effect on the taste of meat

In the stall

To increase profits from breeding horses, they are kept and fattened in a stable. The building is designed at the rate of 6-10 sq. m per animal. Heating is not required, but good thermal insulation and absence of drafts are important. At the initial stage, it is not necessary to purchase expensive automatic equipment: feeders, drinking bowls. Subsequently, the stable can be equipped with the profit received. It is much more important to keep horses clean and well fed.

Horses destined for meat cannot be used for farm work. This negatively affects weight gain and quality of horse meat.

Which is more profitable?

The payback period for pasture maintenance is 1-3 years. After slaughtering, the meat is dense and tasty, although somewhat harsh. It has dietary properties due to its low fat content. When stable breeding, the horse gains weight faster and develops fatter and more tender meat. Despite the high costs of procuring and purchasing feed, the profitability of this method of breeding is noticeably higher.

Basic principles of fattening

Feed quality

Horse meat farming as a business on an industrial scale is not easy to implement. The horse is a finicky animal, demanding food. Feed for breeding requires high-quality food, without large solid inclusions, thorns, or mold. The same, however, applies to breeding horses at home.

Feed composition

The main part of the diet consists of grass and hay, which are enriched with various components.

  • Oats, barley, clover. They provide a large amount of energy, which stimulates weight gain.
  • Bran. Added to the diet to improve digestion.
  • Vitamins. They come in the form of ready-made vitamin supplements, as well as as part of green food.
  • Rock salt. A horse needs about 1 kg per month. You can replace salt with mineral supplements.

Grass and hay in the diet of ungulates raised for slaughter are supplemented with grain, bran, vitamins and salt

Meat yield

Advantages of broiler housing


When raised in stables, they are used modern technologies accelerated fattening. Without giving up hay, prebiotic feed is included in the diet. They are digested 30-40% better than standard formulas, so rapid growth occurs muscle mass. Prebiotic feeds help realize the body’s internal resources:

  • stimulate the vital activity of the body and microflora;
  • accelerate fermentation processes;
  • neutralize toxic substances.

Meat yield

By the age of six months, foals weigh 200 kg, and after another six months the weight of the animals reaches more than 400 kg. Particularly heavy specimens can gain up to 600-800 kg. After the horse is slaughtered, the meat yield is approximately 54-62%. Due to speed dial weight, horse breeding becomes no less profitable than cattle breeding.

Diet preparation

It is necessary to regularly consult with specialists on how to feed horses correctly. Particular attention should be paid to the period before slaughter, when horses are rapidly gaining weight. A balanced nutrition scheme is based on the conditions of keeping, breed, and health status of the animals. Select reliable feed suppliers who guarantee its quality.

Procurement and sale of horse meat

Preparation for the winter

Traditionally, horse slaughter, which is called “sogym” among nomadic peoples, begins before the onset of winter. Before slaughtering horses destined for meat, grazing on pastures is combined with intensive fattening for 3-4 months. In addition to daily food, they give corn, carrots, and turnips.

  • As cold weather approaches, horses gain weight faster and the percentage of meat yield increases.
  • Due to the decrease in livestock in winter period Less feed will be required.
  • During the cold season, it is easier to ensure storage conditions for meat.

Butchering a carcass is a real art. Some parts will be used for sausage, others for steaks


The ability to kill a horse was passed down in nomadic tribes from fathers to sons. The horse was tied up and its neck was cut. Carcasses were often butchered directly on the ground, with dirt getting on the meat. In a modern slaughterhouse, the horse is immobilized with a strong blow on the head or with an electrical discharge and butchered, observing the rules of hygiene. It is more profitable to slaughter horses of meat breeds, but sometimes owners sell used draft or sports horses for meat.


Raising horses requires a clear organization of marketing of meat obtained as a result of slaughter. Frozen and chilled horse meat is delivered to meat processing plants and sold through retail trade. Dietary meat from young animals is used in medical institutions and sanatoriums. A promising way of investing is to purchase your own workshop for the production of sausages.


A horse is a difficult animal to care for, but the work of a livestock breeder is lively and interesting. Even with experience in how to raise horses efficiently and profitably, it is necessary to constantly monitor current trends in animal husbandry. Within just a few years, a flexible business approach and consideration of local circumstances will allow the initial capital investment to be recouped. Horse breeding will bring you not only material benefits, but also the joy of communicating with these smart and beautiful animals.