The main groups of areas of health aerobics. Types and directions of aerobics. Running: While running, the same movement options are possible as when walking.

Health aerobics is popular among amateur and professional athletes; it offers programs without age restrictions. Workouts are attractive due to their accessibility, emotionality and health maintenance. Therefore, health aerobics is an element of mass physical culture with exercises of varying intensity and loads. Conducted in group and individual lessons in gyms.
Aerobics is considered healthy if the exercises create a favorable emotional background, relax the psyche, and relieve stress. As a result of regular exercise, the body is strengthened and a proportional physique is formed. In health-improving aerobics, the effectiveness of performing exercises is achieved through the experience and ability of a fitness trainer to conduct the lesson positively, involving the attention of trainees in the expressive performance of exercises. The rhythms of the accompanying music organize movements and force one to do exercises more energetically, which ultimately has a positive effect on the health of the trainee.

Health aerobics includes activities consisting of basic exercises- jumping, swinging, endurance exercises. Listed below popular types health aerobics:
Walking with weights
Race walking
Walking is beneficial for a person’s physical and psychological health, has a gentle and beneficial effect on the body, and improves mood.
More suitable for trained people. You can run on a treadmill or on fresh air. In both cases it is not required special training and equipment. On a treadmill, training is not interrupted in any weather or season, and outdoor running is limited by weather conditions and the need to build routes. Oxygen supply is a determining factor in fat burning and health improvement, so it is better to choose routes where there is more vegetation. Running in the gyms of fitness clubs is less effective from the point of view of having an abundance of fresh air.

Water aerobics
Performed in the pool under the guidance of an instructor. During water aerobics classes, stabilizer muscles are strengthened, joint mobility and posture are improved and the load is removed from it. High energy consumption indicates a distinctive feature of aerobics. It is used to train in order to lose weight and maintain a figure; it is also suitable for children and pregnant women.

Hydroaerobics classes include rhythmic gymnastics exercises, games, swimming exercises and hydromassage. The workouts are divided into blocks and interconnected by swimming exercises. In hydroaerobics, swimming is taught, and for those who can swim, a set of exercises is developed to improve technique. Suitable for those who want to diversify their usual water aerobics classes, include more emotions and movements, and also improve their swimming skills.

Hydroshaping is aimed at eliminating figure defects and excess body weight. When choosing a set of exercises, attention is paid to problem areas - the waist, hips and buttocks. The peculiarity of hydroshaping is the measurement and monitoring of the weight and girth indicators listed problem areas, dynamic monitoring of the reduction of fat deposits. As a result, it is selected individual program for classes and exercise intensity. Correction of figure defects and individual body parts - the main task in hydroshaping.

Step aerobics
Step aerobics uses step platforms, benches or stands. The height of such step platforms is 15-30 centimeters. It is advisable to train on a platform whose height is adjustable, since for each trainee the height is selected individually by the instructor depending on the level of training. The higher the height of the platform, the greater the load on the muscles being trained. The movements are rhythmic, dance-like, and combinations of exercises consist of running, jumping, exercises with dumbbells and rubber bands.

During classes, you should pay attention to the technique and safety of performing exercises:
1. Keep your back straight and perform exercises using your legs. The load is directed to the legs
2. The foot should be completely placed on the platform, the heel should not hang down.
3. Try to avoid doing sudden movements, do them rhythmically in tempo with the music to avoid limb injuries and muscle strains. It is advisable to alternate arms and legs.

Fitball aerobics
Carried out using special ball for support big size(from 45 to 95 centimeters in diameter). The main purpose of such aerobics is to train the vestibular apparatus, balance, strengthen joints, unload the spine, and relax muscles. Fitbul aerobics is suitable for older people and pregnant women, as well as for exercise at home.

Cycle aerobics
Is a high intensity interval training on an exercise bike. The training is performed in two positions: sitting, in which the back is kept straight, and standing, with the back tilted like that of a cyclist riding a bike. racing bike. The training simulates driving on rough and mountainous terrain or on vertical wall. Therefore, cycle aerobics is extreme view aerobics The load is adjusted by changing the pedaling speed or changing the position of the back. In a short time, cellulite on the legs is removed, and the leg muscles become stronger. Restrictions for cycling aerobics are associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system, varicose veins veins, knee joint and musculoskeletal system.

Strength aerobics
Combat aerobics
Pump aerobics.
The exercises are aimed at increasing endurance, coordination and strength qualities. During training, it is advisable to observe the technique of performing the exercises and clearly follow the movements of the trainer.

Strength aerobics training includes exercises with weights - dumbbells, body bars, barbells, balls. The exercises are repeated in a circular manner. Squats, lunges, presses, and exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles are performed.

Combat aerobics is represented by the martial arts ki-bo and tai-bo, and includes elements of martial arts, boxing and dance choreography.

Ki-bo contains exercises based on punching and kicking, similar to fighting an invisible opponent. As a result of regular ki-bo training, reaction speed develops.

Thanks to tai bo aerobics, the main thing that trainees learn is breathing technique, since breathing exercises are included in the training program. As a result of their implementation, muscles relax and negativity is removed.
Pump aerobics is a set of exercises borrowed from bodybuilding and aerobics, performed with dumbbells, a barbell and a step platform. The workout is high-intensity, so pump aerobics is suitable for trained people involved in fitness.

Dance aerobics
This is an emotional and creative type of aerobics, the ultimate goal of which is to burn excess calories, form a slim figure, and acquire plasticity and flexibility. Regular classes contribute to mastering the art of dance. This is why dance aerobics is so popular among women. Dance aerobics classes lead to weight loss, working out the muscles of the legs, abs, improving posture, coordination and dexterity of movements. The personality also develops from the creative side by introducing new movements depending on preferences and desires.
The choice of dance aerobics direction directly depends on preferences and desired results.
Popular areas of dance aerobics:
1. Latin aerobics
2. Funk aerobics
3. Hip-hop aerobics
4. Rock and roll aerobics
5. Jazz aerobics
6. Belly dance
7. Pole aerobics

1. Latin aerobics - an energetic and flexible dance that fills the atmosphere with feelings, where the rhythm of movement captures all the dancers. Basic elements dance - imitation of a step, springy steps, fast movements of the hips, musical style of cha-cha-cha and mirenga. The advantage of Latin aerobics is overcoming the tightness of your body, acquiring the skills of liberation and pleasure.

2. Funk aerobics is a dance style in which wave-like movements of the body and arms are performed, funky walking with elements of sliding. By performing movements with the entire body, the likelihood of developing back diseases is reduced, and the spine becomes flexible. Movements in funk aerobics are cyclical and done with less intensity than in Latin aerobics. Funk aerobics requires good choreographic preparation.

3. Hip-hop aerobics consists of elements of modern youth dances, reminiscent of street dances, in which the tempo of the music periodically changes, allowing trainees to rest and catch their breath. The dance movements are not similar to previous areas of dance aerobics. Elements of break dancing, push-ups, squats, opposing and opposing movements of the arms and legs are performed at the same speed. To practice hip-hop aerobics, it is important to be resilient and flexible.

4. Rock and roll aerobics resembles a fashionable club dance, has a clear rhythm, fast pace music. During rock and roll aerobics classes, spins, moves and jumps are performed.

5. Jazz aerobics is divided into classical and Afro-Negro jazz. In the first of them, marches, turns, sliding steps, and diagonal movements are performed. The second type is exotic and uses energetic movements of the hips, jumping, making the legs prominent. Accordingly, the accompanying music is selected depending on the type of jazz aerobics.

6. Belly dancing or belly dancing offers a style of movement for any body shape. The main thing in belly dancing is the art of feeling the freedom of the body. During classes, shaking of the legs and hips, pushing out the abdomen and chest, swinging with the knees, and movements in the form of “eights” are performed. Belly dancing achieves two goals. The first is associated with strengthening physical indicators, the second is aimed at overcoming embarrassment, acquiring instead charming femininity and an elegant thin waist.

7. Pole aerobics is based on elements of acrobatics, dance and fitness. Pole exercises help you gain confidence and great stretching. Performing movements to support your own weight during handstands develops the muscles of the upper body. Thanks to this, the muscles of the core and arms will be toned. However, pole aerobics sometimes leads to sprains, bruises and muscle pain until the muscles adapt to the load. Classes require endurance, coordination, strength and choreography skills.

As a result of training in dance aerobics an attractive a slim body, back muscles and posture are strengthened, dance skills, grace, plasticity and artistry are acquired. Dance aerobics to some extent provides an opportunity to overcome the problem of most people associated with the lack or insufficient self-confidence, embarrassment, fear of making mistakes, correct and natural expression of emotions.

Thus, health aerobics is filled with energetic movements with elements of fitness, martial arts and dance art. Thanks to regular classes trainees receive a boost of energy and vigor, health and body. Anyone can do any of the types of this aerobics or try several, find a suitable training program for themselves, and will certainly achieve their goals and objectives.

The name itself here suggests the meaning and purpose of doing recreational aerobics - to improve a person’s well-being and health. It represents one of the areas of mass physical culture with controlled load. There is a classification of recreational aerobics that takes into account age and level of training:

for preschoolers, schoolchildren, adolescence, youth, middle and older ages;

by gender: for women and men, as well as for women expecting the birth of a child;

by level of training: beginners, 2nd, 3rd year of study, etc.

E.S. Kryuchek identifies the following types of health aerobics:

high-intensity aerobics (Hign impact) – an activity with active use of jumping and running. Recommended for people with high level preparedness;

low-intensity aerobics (Low impact) - an activity with a predominant use of walking, movements with half-squats and lunges;

funk aerobics (Funk) - this type of activity is characterized by a special movement technique (springing walking) and freer hand movements, emphasizing danceability and emotionality of movements;

city, or street jam (Sity (street)-jam) – classes include complex choreographic combinations of a dance nature. As they are studied, they are combined into compositions similar to floor exercises;

step aerobics (Step-up) – exercises are performed on a special platform with an adjustable lifting height;

slide aerobics (Slide) – exercises are performed on a special track that allows you to simulate the sliding of a speed skater;

fitball (resistanceball) (Fitbol) – exercises using a large special ball on which exercises are performed while sitting and lying down;

aeroboxing, tae-bo (aeroboxing-tae-bo) – types of aerobics classes with elements of boxing and its oriental varieties;

hydroaerobics (aqua-aerobics) – classes conducted in water (pool) of different depths;

fitness, power aerobics(Fitness, Workout) – an activity in which dance balls are used to warm up aerobic exercise. In the main part of the lesson, strength-oriented exercises are performed (with dumbbells, body bars, on exercise machines). Combination various types exercises are carried out as “circuit training”.

1) programs without objects and equipment (high and low intensity, for pregnant women, funk, city jam, hydro aerobics);

2) programs using objects and devices (with weights, dumbbells, shock absorbers, step, slide, fitball, etc.);

3) mixed type programs (aeroboxing, karatebics, yoga aerobics, fitness, strength aerobics).

Such diversity creates problems in dosing physical activity, since all of the above types differ significantly from each other in many respects and, above all, in the magnitude of the training impact that they have on the body of the student.

A characteristic feature of health-improving aerobics is the presence of an aerobic part of the lesson, during which the functioning of the cardiorespiratory system is maintained at a certain level. An indicator of the fitness of this system is the maximum oxygen consumption. Positive effect provides only optimal exercise stress achieved during aerobic training. It should be such that for a certain amount of training time the heart rate (HR) is in the so-called “target heart rate zone”: this is 60-90% of the maximum heart rate. Moderate intensity exercise for most people with low levels of physical training correspond to fast walking.

Every student should learn to determine the pulse first at rest. Also, know your maximum heart rate. For a twenty-year-old girl, this is 200 beats per minute. This means that the optimal heart rate will be 140-160 beats per minute. And it should be maintained continuously for at least 20 minutes of practice. If you exercise with such intensity four times a week, then the training effect is felt quite quickly: preparedness improves, the heart becomes stronger. Good way“talking test” checks. If you can continue talking during class, then the intensity is acceptable. If you feel shortness of breath and can hardly carry on a conversation, it means that the load is higher than permissible.

Wellness programs Aerobics attracts a wide range of students due to its accessibility, emotionality and the ability to change the content of lessons depending on their interests and preparedness.

Health-improving aerobics, which is one of the areas of mass physical culture with a controlled load, does not set sports goals for those involved and is aimed at general health improvement and strengthening of the body. Just like applied aerobics, which has become widespread in physical therapy, industrial gymnastics and in various recreational activities.

In a broad sense, aerobics includes: walking, running, swimming, skating, skiing, cycling and other types of physical activity. Now you can count more than 200 types of aerobics.

The main ones include classical aerobics. It can be compared with classical dance in choreography, but not in terms of the composition of means and exercises, but in terms of significance. This is the ABC of aerobics, it is with it that the study of other types begins, as well as the most common, established type of aerobics, which represents a synthesis of general developmental gymnastic exercises, varieties of running, jumping and skipping, performed to musical accompaniment.

The main physiological focus of classical aerobics is developing endurance and increasing the functionality of the cardiorespiratory system. Experts distinguish basic aerobics with low and high levels of load; some authors also introduce the concept of a medium level. The first is recommended for beginners, the third for those who are prepared, the second is an intermediate option.

Step aerobics appeared in the 90s of the XX century. and quickly gained popularity. In the USA, Germany, and Denmark, step aerobics makes up about 50% of all types. Its peculiarity is the use of a special step platform. It allows you to take steps, jump on and over it in different directions, and also use the platform when performing exercises for the abdominals, back, etc. The tiered device of the platform regulates the height, and, consequently, physical activity, and allows you to conduct simultaneous exercises with people different physical fitness, that is, makes the process more individual. The intensity of ascending and descending from the platform is equivalent to running at a speed of 12 kilometers per hour. There are also types of aerobics with strength orientation- body shaping, body styling, body conditioning aerobics, program for the abdominal, back and leg muscles, target toning system and others. In these types, dumbbells, rubber shock absorbers, and expanders are widely used. various designs. Just recently appeared the new kind- aerobics with a barbell (“pump”), the training effect of which is undoubtedly high, but it is accessible only to well-trained people.

There are also dance TYPES of aerobics. These include jazz aerobics, funk aerobics, hip-hop, Latin jazz, afrs aerobics, tango aerobics, city jam, etc. Typical in dance aerobics is the use of various dance movements to music, corresponding to a particular dance. Oriental dances have become especially popular lately: belly dancing, Indian dances.

Water aerobics. This species is gaining increasing popularity in the world. The aquatic environment creates special conditions for performing movements: in some cases it makes the process of their execution easier, in others it becomes more complicated. A distinction is made between water aerobics in shallow and deep water. It is recommended to use various special equipment (belts, vests, boards, special cuffs for arms, legs, etc.)

Aerobics with a ball. Various rubber balls and medicine balls have traditionally been used in basic gymnastics and physical therapy. In aerobics, a special plastic ball with a diameter of 35 to 65 cm is used. This introduces game moments into classes, promotes careful development of individual muscle groups, develops a sense of balance, helps improve posture, and improve intermuscular regulation.

Aerobics with elements of combat sports. Aerobics with elements of boxing and kick-boxing are also very popular among young people. Thanks to the high-speed work of the muscles and the high intensity of the exercises, the muscles are toned correctly and quickly, endurance and agility are developed, and excessive aggressiveness and mental tension are relieved. Aerobics with elements of karate is no less common.

Bicycle aerobics. The famous American cyclist Johnny Goldberg developed a training system called "spinning". He created a lightweight bicycle that can be used indoors. About 45 minutes (and for those who are prepared, 90 minutes) of continuous pedaling to music with various movements Hand exercises allow you to sweat a lot, lose weight and improve muscle tone.

Fitness aerobics. Recently, fitness aerobics has become increasingly popular. It is available to children and adults. The international organization FISAF holds world and European championships in this type of aerobics.

Sports aerobics. As a sport, it is a kind of synthesis of elements of gymnastics, acrobatics, basic aerobics and dance.

aerobics sports recreational competition

Due to the wide variety of subjects involved in aerobics, forms of cyclic movements and the wide specificity of the use of special means, difficulties arise with classification. Most scientists abandoned the classification of aerobics based on attention to purely external components of exercise, and took as a basis the concept that characterizes the directions and goals of exercise. That is, why a person does aerobics, what goal he sets for himself. The result is a classification now universally accepted, consisting of three types:

  • - recreational aerobics;
  • - applied aerobics;
  • - sports aerobics.

Health aerobics. The name itself here suggests the meaning and purpose of doing recreational aerobics - to improve a person’s well-being and health. It represents one of the areas of mass physical culture with controlled load. There is a classification of recreational aerobics that takes into account age and level of training:

  • - for preschoolers, schoolchildren, adolescence, youth, middle and older ages;
  • - by gender: for women and men, as well as for women expecting the birth of a child;
  • - by level of training: beginners, 2nd, 3rd year of study, etc.

E.S. Kryuchek identifies the following types of health aerobics:

  • - high-intensity aerobics (Hign impact) - an activity with active use of jumping and running. Recommended for people with a high level of preparedness;
  • - low-intensity aerobics (Low impact) - an activity with the predominant use of walking, movements with half-squats and lunges;
  • - funk aerobics (Funk) - this type of activity is characterized by a special movement technique (springing walking) and freer hand movements, emphasizing danceability and emotionality of movements;
  • - city, or street jam (Sity (street)-jam) - classes include complex choreographic combinations of a dance nature. As they are studied, they are combined into compositions similar to floor exercises;
  • - step aerobics (Step-up) - exercises are performed on a special platform with an adjustable lifting height;
  • - slide aerobics (Slide) - exercises are performed on a special track that allows you to simulate the sliding of a speed skater;
  • - fitball (resistanceball) (Fitbol) - exercises using a large special ball on which exercises are performed while sitting and lying down;
  • - aeroboxing, tae-bo (aeroboxing-tae-bo) - types of aerobics classes with elements of boxing and its oriental varieties;
  • - hydroaerobics (aqua-aerobics) - classes conducted in water (pool) of different depths;
  • - programs without objects and equipment (high and low intensity, for pregnant women, funk, city jam, hydro aerobics);
  • - programs using objects and devices (with weights, dumbbells, shock absorbers, step, slide, fitball, etc.);
  • - mixed type programs (aeroboxing, karatebics, yoga aerobics, fitness, strength aerobics).

Such diversity creates problems in dosing physical activity, since all of the above types differ significantly from each other in many respects and, above all, in the magnitude of the training impact that they have on the body of the student.

A characteristic feature of health-improving aerobics is the presence of an aerobic part of the lesson, during which the functioning of the cardiorespiratory system is maintained at a certain level. An indicator of the fitness of this system is the maximum oxygen consumption. Only optimal physical activity achieved during aerobic training has a positive effect. It should be such that for a certain amount of training time the heart rate (HR) is in the so-called “target heart rate zone”: this is 60-90% of the maximum heart rate. Moderate intensity exercise for most people with a low level of physical fitness corresponds to brisk walking.

Applied aerobics. In the sphere of production and professional service activities, a type directly applied in relation to work activity has been formed. This type of physical culture also creates healing effect, but to a certain extent limited by the peculiarities of direct preparation and participation in the chosen work activity.

This type of aerobics has become widespread in many areas of human activity. Back in the 1980s in the Soviet Union, applied aerobics was used to improve the productivity of shepherds in Kazakhstan, who have to travel a lot on horseback, and women have to manually milk cows, camels and other animals.

Applied aerobics continues to remain a major theoretical problem in aerospace medicine.

In large industries with a long conveyor cycle, new workers are prepared to perform certain operations in advance, using special aerobic exercises that help develop the speed and accuracy of the hands, fingers, as well as the organs of vision, reaction, endurance, psychological stability, etc.

Applied aerobics is used as additional means training athletes (for example, aeroboxing), in industrial gymnastics, physical therapy (cardiofunk), in various recreational activities such as show programs, athlete support groups, cheerleading, etc.

The fundamentals of applied aerobics are borrowed from the system of health-improving exercises.

Types of aerobics this direction have not yet found sufficient scientific justification, but are of interest to specialists.

In sports, applied aerobics can be used by athletes different types sports for warm-up, general and special physical training, for emotional release.

This area of ​​aerobics is relevant for rehabilitation, that is, classes with people who have permanent or temporary health problems, and can have a therapeutic, preventive and sports orientation (sports for the disabled).

No less important is the widespread use of aerobics aimed at broadly involving all segments of the population in leisure, accompanied by entertainment with physical activity

Boxing aerobics, karate aerobics and others that imitate martial arts enjoy constant success among young people. They develop reaction speed, coordination of movements, and endurance well. And at the same time, they reduce aggressiveness (since a person “burns” emotions along with adrenaline), which is useful (but, unfortunately, rarely practiced in the stands of our stadiums), for example, among fans during hot sports fights and during breaks between halves. Apparently, these types of aerobics should be introduced in an organized manner, with the participation of professional sports doctors.

Sports aerobics. It arose on the basis of recreational aerobics and has the same technique. basic movements. Aerobics sports is a sport officially recognized in 1995 when the International Aerobics Federation was elected. In 2006, the first World Sports Aerobics Championship was held in San Diego (USA).

In this sport, athletes perform a continuous and high-intensity set of exercises, including combinations of acyclic movements with complex coordination, as well as elements of different structural groups of varying complexity and interactions between partners (in mixed pairs, triples and groups programs. The basis of the choreography in these exercises is traditional for aerobics, “basic” aerobic steps and their varieties.

Sports aerobics is referred to as “a complex, acyclic sport with an athletic focus, the competitive program of which combines high-intensity movements with musical accompaniment, acrobatic exercises and exercises for strength and flexibility.”

This is an extremely difficult, almost extreme sport, in terms of costs physical strength it has been compared to the 800 meter race, which is an example of extreme physical activity in the zone of mixed (aerobic-anaerobic) energy supply. Performing exercises causes profound functional changes in the athlete’s body and is accompanied by arrhythmic breathing.

Despite its still low popularity, sports aerobics attracts an increasing number of fans every year. The All-Russian Federation of Sports and Recreational Aerobics is organizing work in this direction.

There are several variants of competition rules for sports aerobics having both general provisions, and differences. The Russian Aerobics Federation is developing two directions: according to the FIG and FISAF.

According to the FIG, competitions are held in five programs: individual performance of men and women, performance of mixed pairs, triples and groups (6 athletes). To determine the winners, the scores given for artistry, execution and complexity of the exercise are summed up.

According to FISAF, athletes can compete in four types of programs (solo men, solo women, mixed pairs, triples). The program includes two types of mandatory exercises: “Swings”, “Muscle strength exercises” abdominals", "Jumping into a standing position with your feet apart and then your feet together." Each exercise must be repeated four times in a row and fully comply with the given model. The second type of compulsory exercises are elements chosen by athletes from the list proposed by the competition organizers. The judges evaluate the artistry and performance skills of the athletes in points.

Thus, aerobics as a sport is integral part physical culture. It uses specific tools and methods sports training, as well as a system of preparation for competitive activity.