Olympic Games in kindergarten on the street. Scenario of the Olympic Games in the dhow "We are the young Olympians." methodological development (senior group) on the topic. Cross-country skiing relay

Summer Olympics

IPart. Opening of the Small Summer Olympics

To the sounds of a march, the competitors line up in front of the audience. Everyone has an emblem on their chest with the image of Sportik (the symbol of our Olympic Games).

The children are greeted by the host of “Sportik” dressed as an athlete-clown.


Guys, I'm an entertainer

I'm called Sportik.

And if it's boring -

I will instantly dispel sadness.

My dad is Sports

And mom - Physical education,

All sports are close relatives.

I have traveled all over the world,

Guys are waiting for me everywhere!

Like a song, you need a friend on the way,

I must find him here!

Dear Guys! Let's get acquainted! ( Approaches one child or another.) ABOUT! If I get to know everyone like this, it will take us a long time. Let's get to know each other differently! As soon as I say: “One, two, three - say your name,” you will loudly say what your name is. Attention!

One two Three! Say your name! ( Children say their names loudly.)

Now we have met and can go on a fun journey through the country of Sportlandia, for a little while sports Olympics.

What is the Olympics?

This is honest sports fight!

Participating in it is a reward!

Anyone can win!!!

Olympic Games- These are the main sporting competitions that are held in different types sports! What sports do you know? ( Football, basketball, boxing, volleyball, gymnastics, track and field athletics, figure skating, equestrian sports, swimming, tennis, chess, hockey, tourism, etc.)

Our Olympics will be dedicated to one of these sports - athletics. What sports are included? athletics? (Running, walking, throwing, jumping.)

Solemn music and drumming sound, and the Olympic flag is brought in. A boy runs out, in his hand he has a bowl with a symbolic Olympic flame, he stands next to the flag.

Leading. Now a solemn oath will be taken on behalf of all participants. Girl and boy (enter and take an oath). We promise that we will perform at the Small Olympic Games in fair sports competitions!

The chief judge of the competition, Sportik (who is also the presenter): also takes a solemn oath.

Leading. On behalf of all the judges, I promise that at the Small Olympic Games we will perform our duties honestly, respecting and observing the rules by which they are held! The motto of the competition is: “The main thing is not victory, but participation!”

Raise the flag of the Small Olympic Games!

The Olympic flag is raised to the accompaniment of solemn music.

Children perform several concert numbers.

    A song about friendship.

1st child.

Sport straightens our shoulders,

Gives us strength and agility.

He develops our muscles,

He calls us to set records.

2nd child.

Illuminated by the bright sun,

The stadium welcomes us!

By training we grow

We are stronger every day!

Leading. All of you become participants in our Small Olympics and starting tomorrow you will take part in competitions where you will show your dexterity, speed, and reaction. The winners will receive medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in the competition.

Children leave the playground.

IIPart. Competitions

1st day. 30m running and 10m walking competitions

The competition participants do a general warm-up to music and go to the start. The distance between “Start” and “Finish” is marked with flags, and the judges have stopwatches in their hands.

The race begins.

At the finish line, the results are recorded and summed up, places are distributed according to age categories.

The panel of judges deliberates and makes a decision. Solemn music sounds. The chief judge - Sportik - names the winner, they take places on the podium, they are given medals and memorable gifts (competitions are held separately for girls and boys and for each age).

2nd day. Standing long jump competition

To the sounds of a sports march, participants begin a warm-up, which includes exercises for the legs: swings, squats, etc. After the warm-up, the competition participants are invited to the long jump sector, where they make test jumps, listen to the comments and advice of the trainer and continue their individual warm-up. During standing long jump competitions, each participant has the right to make three attempts.

The judges record the results and identify the winners and runners-up.

Sportsman presents awards.

Distance bag throwing competition

General warm-up to music.

    Medicine ball throws from a sitting position, legs apart, with both hands behind the head.

    Knocking balloon with a stick so as not to fall to the ground.

Participants in the distance bag throwing competition are given three attempts.

After summing up the results, the judges announce the winners, who take places on the podium and receive awards.

IIIPart. Closing of the Small Olympic Games

The Olympic participants enter to the music of the march and line up in front of the audience.

Leading. How did you guys like the Olympics?

Children. Yes!

Leading. The motto of our Olympics is: “The main thing is not victory, but participation!” For participation in the Small Olympic Games, all children are awarded memorable diplomas with personal results, gifts, and prizes.

Head of the kindergarten. Congratulations to all participants, thank you panel of judges for honest work. At this point, I ask you to consider the Small Olympic Games closed.

Solemn music sounds, the Olympic flag is brought out and Olympic flame.

Leading. The Small Olympic Games are closing, but our holiday continues.

    Sports number.

    A song about physical education.

Surprise moment: Matryoshka dolls and buffoons appear to the accompaniment of Russian folk music. They sing ditties about sports and start round dances.

Leading. Our holiday is over, let's applaud our participants once again.

Let them, like flowers, in their native land

Our boys are growing up.

Let them be stronger every day

And every year it gets more beautiful!

Children's sports festival

Preparatory group.

Topic: “Small Olympic Games in kindergarten».

The Olympic Games are the largest sporting competitions of our time. The Olympic Games are held every four years. They bring together Olympic athletes from all countries in fair and equal competitions.

One of the main tasks of the kindergarten teaching staff is to improve the health-preserving environment, strengthen the physical, mental health, and emotional well-being of children. To solve this problem, educational institutions use various forms of organizing work with children. Teachers are constantly looking for new forms of work to organize physical education and health activities. One such form is the Olympic Games.

Targethosting the Olympic Games – increasing interest in physical culture and healthy lifestyle for children and adults. Identify children's abilities and interests. Nurture strong-willed qualities, develop the desire to win and self-confidence. Learn not only to receive joy from your results, but also to worry about your comrades.


1. Improve the level physical fitness children of all ages OU.

2. Instill interest in active image life for all participants in the educational process.

3. Form strong-willed qualities: determination, endurance, strength, agility, cultivate the desire to win and empathize.

Equipment:flag, tape recorder, sandbags, skittles, hoops, balls, spoons and tennis balls, Balloons, medals, certificates, prizes.

The progress of the holiday

Leading.Good morning! Dear parents, guests, we are very glad to see you at our Olympic Games. Today you will see one of the results of our work, in which children and kindergarten teachers will take part. We try to ensure that children who attend the kindergarten grow up strong, strong, and self-confident. For this we devote a lot of time to them physical development. Today, cheer, rejoice, worry, support our athletes and I hope that they will not let you down.

Children enter the hall to the music and line up in one line.

1 childIn the name of future victories,

For the glory of Russian sports,

Long live the Children's Olympics,

Leading to new records!

Leading. Our guys are not only strong and brave, but also friendly, cheerful, skillful, and will cope with any difficulties. We hope that one of our children will someday climb onto the Olympic podium and become an Olympic champion!

2 childWhat is the Olympics?

This is a fair sports fight!

Participating in it is a reward!

Anyone can win!!!

Leading. Attention! We welcome participants, guests and judges of our competitions! The symbol of the Olympics - five intertwined colored rings - symbolizes friendship between people of all continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America. There is also olympic flag. Bring in the Olympic flag.

There is solemn music, the flag and the Olympic flame.

Leading. To start the Olympic Games,

The guys must take an oath:

(Children, together with the leader, pronounce the words of the oath).

Leading: Who can compare with the agile wind?

Children: We are Olympians!

Leading:Who believes in victory and is not afraid of obstacles?

Children: We are Olympians!

Leading: Who is proud of the sports of their beloved homeland?

Children: We are Olympians!

Leading. We swear to be honest

Strive for victory

High records,

We swear to achieve it!

Before you compete,

We need to warm up quickly.

Do the exercises

Repeat after me together.

Children warm up to rhythmic music.

Leading. Our Olympians face interesting challenges. And we are sure that they will pass them with dignity, with joy and a smile.

Well, the teams are brave,

Friendly, skillful,

Come out onto the platform

Show your strength and agility!

Teams line up at the starting line, exchange greetings (team name, motto, emblem), and introduce team captains.

Leading. The competition will be held in the form of relay races.

So, the first relay race.

1. Relay “Running”

The first participant runs with a pin in his hands from the starting line, runs around the turning object, returns to his team, passes the baton (to the pin) to another participant.

2. “Hoops” relay race.

There are two hoops from the start line to the finish line. Each team member runs, threading hoops through themselves one at a time. Then he runs around the turning object, returns to his team and passes the baton to another participant.

Musical break “Dance of Sorceresses” Preschool Educational Institution No. 28

Child 3. Let him become a champion

Forged by struggle,

The task is not at all easy,

But become simply dexterous,

Gain skill

Become healthy and strong. Beauty!

3. Relay "Kolobok"

Teams line up behind the starting line. From the start line the participant rolls along the floor medicine ball to the finish line, then picks up the ball and runs back to the start line, passing the ball to another team member.

The first team member walks, holding a spoon with a tennis ball in his hand, walks around the rotating object, passing the spoon to another participant.

Musical break - sports dance preschool educational institution No. 15

From the starting line, the first team member runs to the rope lying across the gym, takes a bag of sand and throws it into a hoop lying three meters from the rope. Then he returns to the team and passes the baton to another participant.

6. Relay race with jumps.

The first participant jumps from the start line to the finish line with the ball sandwiched between his knees, returns running, carrying the ball in his hands, passes it to another participant.

Poetic pause Preschool educational institution No. 15

To warm up, I suggest the captains solve riddles:

Tell me the name of the building:
In it - the bowl of the tribune and the battlefield?

Two metal brothers
How they grew together with the shoes,
Wanted to go for a ride
Top! - onto the ice and off we went.
Ay, yes brothers, ay, easy!
What are the brothers' names? ... skates

Two wooden arrows
I put it on my feet.
I wanted to go down the mountain
Yes, he flew head over heels.
That was a laugh
From that dump:
They're on me
And sticks on top! (skis)

Everyone there is wearing armor on the ice platform
They fight, grapple in a sharp fight.
The fans shout: “Hit harder!”
Believe me, this is not a fight, but... hockey

One hit with a racket -
The shuttlecock flies over the net.
Although Seryozha hit him hard,
The shuttlecock hit the net.
Anton won today.
What were they playing? IN... badminton

This game has its own attributes:
T-shirts, shorts, people wearing boots.
The goalkeeper stands alone at the gate,
A crowd of people rushes across the field,
From the stands the word “Goal!” is heard like an explosion.
What are the two teams playing? IN... football

Vanechka came out onto the ice,
He hits the goal with the puck.
Is Vanyushka hitting the puck with a stick?
No! Not with a stick. This - … hockey stick

Remove the snowball from the site,
Fill the skating rink with water, my friend.
And on these winter days
Shoes, not felt boots, skates.
Hit the puck if you want to play!
Drive her! Where? IN … gates

The field has two halves
And along the edges hang baskets.
Then the ball flies over the field,
Then it gallops between people.
Everyone hits him and the ball is angry,
And they play with him... basketball

Winter on the site
The floor is cold and smooth.
But the hockey players are happy
Slippery floor, smooth, clean.
He'll hit himself with a bump,
Who will suddenly plop down on... ice

Leading.This captain's competition

Leaders and atamans.

Their finest hour has come,

So let's support them now!

From the strat line, at a distance of five meters, the pins are arranged in three rows: the first row - three pins, the second row - two pins, the third row - one pin. Each captain has three attempts: one knocked down pin – one point.

To the sounds of solemn music, the teams participating in the Olympiad enter the final formation.

Leading. Our Olympics is coming to an end.

How did you guys like the Olympics?

Children. Yes.

Leading. Now we ask the kind and fair jury to announce the results of the competition.

For participation in the Small Olympic Games, all children are awarded memorable diplomas, medals, and sweet prizes.

Leading.“At this point, I ask you to consider the Small Olympic Games closed.”

Leading.Our holiday is over, let's applaud our champions once again.

The winners take a lap of honor to the music.

TABLE OF RESULTS “Small Olympic Games in kindergarten”

Name of actions, relay races


  1. 1. Relay “Running”

2. “Hoops” relay race.

3. Relay "Kolobok"

4. Relay race “Carry it, don’t drop it.”

5. Relay race “throwing bags through a hoop”

6. Relay race with jumps.

7. Bowling Captains Competition


Dear Colleagues! In our kindergarten, like in many others, health weeks are held at least twice a year. We talk about sports, physical education, and play. Definitely planned sports entertainment for children of senior and preparatory groups, children undergo “ Fun starts" We bring to your attention the scenario of the physical education festival “Small Olympic Games”, which can be organized at sports ground or in the hall.

Scenario of a sports festival for children of senior groups “Small Olympic Games”

Target: Expand children's understanding of the sporting traditions of Russia, instill interest in sporting competitions, and cultivate a sense of collectivism and pride in sporting achievements.

Preliminary work: Talking about the Olympic Games, reading books and looking at illustrations about sports.

Materials and equipment: Flag, Olympic flame, hoops, tambourine, relay attributes, medals and gifts for children.

Progress of the sports festival

The teams enter and take their seats to the accompaniment of solemn music.

Dear guys, today is a special day. Congratulations on the holiday - the opening of the Summer Olympic Games. The Olympic Games are a symbol of peace and friendship of all peoples. They unite athletes from all countries in fair and equal fights. Olympic motto- "Faster, higher, stronger!"

Children of the preparatory group
We are brave, and strong, and dexterous,
Sports are always on the way,
The guys are not afraid of training,
You must always be ahead!

Children of the logogroup
Health, strength, agility -
This is a fiery testament to sports.
Let's show our friendship, courage,
Hello Olympics helmet!

Older children
Let us remember the Olympics,
Let adversity pass by
May all your wishes come true
Physical education will become native!
People are invited to raise the flag...

The Olympic Games are considered open!
Today there will be difficult tests; teams from the senior, preparatory and speech therapy groups will compete.
The stands are noisy like a sea,
Today the battle will not be easy.
Let's cheer for the brave guys,
For sporting enthusiasm and skill.
And the jury will evaluate the teams’ skills.

Team Greetings

So, our Olympics begins, and it's time to meet the teams.
Greeting from the senior team: Olympian Oath.

Who can compare with the nimble wind?
- We, the Olympians!
Who believes in victory and is not afraid of obstacles?
- We, the Olympians!
Who is proud of the sports of the Russian Fatherland?
- We, the Olympians!
We swear to be honest and strive for victory,
We vow to achieve high records!
We swear! We swear! We swear!

Greetings from the preparatory group team: Olympic emblem, dance with hoops.
Greeting from the logo group team: Transfer of the Olympic flame.

Competition stages

Relay race “Hit the ball into the hoop.”
Teams from preparatory and speech therapy groups are invited for the first competition. Each child on the team has a ball and 5 hoops in front. You need to go to the finish line, stopping at each hoop and hitting the ball into it. Each child's hit in the hoop is evaluated and the total number of points is summed up.
For the next competition the senior and logo groups are coming out

Relay race “Climb, jump, deliver the bag.”
For the next competition, the senior and logo groups go out. Each child has a bag of sand in his hand. The participant needs to crawl under the arc, jump over the hoop and put the bag in the basket. The team whose basket is filled the fastest gets a point.
Teams from the senior and preparatory groups are invited for the next competition.

Relay race “Walking like a snake between objects.”
Teams from the senior and preparatory groups are invited for the next competition. Each child on the team needs to walk like a snake between the cubes without hitting them. The speed and accuracy of children in each team is assessed. At the starting line, the baton is passed to the next one.

Poetry competition about sports

The jury speaks, teams are awarded

For a long time we wondered
The best were chosen.
But we didn’t know what to do
How should we reward the guys?
This one is brave, and that one is daring,
This one showed strength
And therefore by honor
We decided to reward all of you together!
Awarding the teams to ceremonial music.

Admire, look,
For cheerful preschoolers,
Olympic hopes
Today they go to kindergarten!

On the eve of the Olympic Games, we spent time with children, learned poems about sports, organized the exhibition “Our sport family” and went with parents and children on a hike to the river bank, where they organized family physical education competitions.

Target: propaganda healthy image life.


  • Continue to introduce children to the history of the Olympic Games, their symbols and traditions.
  • Develop a strong interest in different sports.
  • Foster patriotism and a sense of camaraderie.
  • Creating an atmosphere of fun, goodwill, friendly competition, mutual assistance, and the need for collective communication.


  • Posters dedicated to the Olympic Games and winter sports;
  • 3 “Olympic torches”;
  • 3 cones;
  • 3 tunnels to crawl through;
  • 3 fitballs;
  • 3 hoops;
  • 3 walkers;
  • 30 plastic balls;
  • 3 buckets;
  • Whistle.

Progress of the holiday.

Children three groups(preparatory or senior) enter in a column under the Olympic March (music: A. Steklyanskaya, lyrics: A. Steklyanskaya,

L. Korn) and are built in 3 ranks.

Leading: Hello, dear participants and guests. We are very glad to see you today at our Olympic Games. Today we have gathered for a sports festival dedicated to this holiday of sports. This year in Russian city Sochi took place winter Olympics. Athletes different countries came to visit us in Russia to compete for medals. Today our competitions are dedicated to the Olympics and are called “Small Olympic Games”, and young athletes those present in this hall will also compete for medals. We welcome the members of the jury, who will judge the competition strictly but fairly today (introduction of the jury members). We also welcome our fans, who will help their teams with their attitude.

Leading: girls from the preparatory groups prepared a gift for everyone present here - a beautiful dance “Olympiad”. Let's invite them with our applause!!!

Girls perform a dance to the song “Olympics 2014” by A. Ermolov.

After performing the dance, the children participating in the competition read poems about sports (words by A. Petrakova):

1 child:

IN gym Today

We invite you all.

Children's Olympics

We start in kindergarten.

2nd child:

Celebration of sporting pride

Comes into its own.

Sunshine, kind smile

He is greeted by his children.

3rd child:

Health, strength, agility -

Here is a fiery testament to sports,

Let's show our friendship, courage

Hello Olympics helmet!!

4th child:

We are brave and strong

Sports are always on the way

The guys are not afraid of training -

Let your heart beat in your chest.

To us brave and strong and dexterous

You must always be ahead!

5th child:

Sport is life, it is ease of movement,

Sports excite everyone

Sport moves everyone upward and forward,

It gives vivacity and health to everyone.

6th child:

Everyone who is active and who is not lazy,

They can easily make friends with sports!

Leading: Our guys are not only strong, brave, dexterous, but also friendly, cheerful, skillful and can cope with any difficulties. We hope that one of our children will one day stand on the Olympic podium and become an Olympic champion!!

What is the Olympics?

This is a fair sports fight!

Participating in it is a reward!

Anyone can win!

The symbol of the Olympics - five intertwined rings - symbolizes friendship between people of all continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America. These rings are the basis of the Olympic flag. I ask you to bring the Olympic flag and the Olympic flame into the hall.

Children solemnly bring in the symbolic Olympic flame and flag.


To start the Olympic Games,

The guys must take an oath:

(Children, together with the leader, pronounce the words of the oath)

Leading: Who can compare with the nimble wind?

Children: We are Olympians!!

Leading: Who believes in victory and is not afraid of obstacles?

Children: we are Olympians!!

Leading: Who is proud of the sports of their beloved homeland?

Children: we are Olympians!!


We swear to be honest

Strive for victory

High records,

We swear to achieve!!

Children: we swear! We swear! We swear!

Leading: Consider the Small Olympic Games open!! Our Olympians face interesting challenges. And we are sure that they will pass them with dignity, with joy and a smile. I ask the teams to get ready and announce their names and mottos.

Teams take turns announcing their names and mottos.

1 relay race “Passing the Olympic Torch”.

With a torch in hand, run around the cone, return, and pass the baton.

2nd relay race “Snowball rolling”.

Roll the fitballs to the cone and back, pass the baton.

3rd relay race “Snowball throwing”.

Each child from the team throws a plastic ball into buckets, which are held at a distance of 3 m by the leader’s assistants.

Leading: I ask the jury to announce the preliminary results of the competition.

The jury deliberates and announces the preliminary results.


Before you compete,

We need to warm up quickly.

Do the exercises

Repeat after me together!!

The presenter invites both participants and fans to warm up to the song “Radiant Sun” (author Maxim Zadornov). Warm-up is being performed.

Leading: Let's continue the competition!

4 relay " Ski race».

Use a walker to go around the cone and return to the team.

5th relay race “Climbing through snow tunnels”.

With a snowball (plastic ball) in your hands, crawl through the tunnel, run to the cone where the hoop lies, put the ball in the hoop, run back to the team, pass the baton.

6th relay race “Intellectual Minute”.

The teams take turns calling winter views sports

7 Bobsleigh relay race.

Team captains run around the cones in a hoop, then take turns “transporting” all the players on their team in the same way.

Leading: our competition has come to an end. We ask the jury to announce the results.

The jury announces the results. The teams are awarded to the accompaniment of solemn music.

Leading: The Olympics is a celebration of sports. It is a pity that the Olympic Games are held only once every 4 years. But you and I won’t wait that long and next year We will meet again at our Small Winter Olympics. I ask you to extinguish the Olympic flame and take out the Olympic flag.

The Olympic flame is ceremoniously extinguished and the Olympic flag is carried out. All children sing A. Ermolov’s song “Forward, the country is calling!”

To the music, the teams leave the hall in a column.

1. http://iplayer.fm,

2. http://www.materinstvo.ru.

Target: develop physical qualities, desire to win and self-confidence, strong-willed qualities (endurance, perseverance, will to win, courage, etc.); cultivate cohesion, organization, a sense of responsibility and empathy; to develop interest and love for physical education and sports, the desire for joint action in games.

Preliminary work: conversations about Olympic sports sports, reading books and viewing illustrations about sports and athletes of our time on an Olympic theme; story about the torch relay; learning songs about sports; : “Our hopes”, “Two sports tracks”.

Location: large sports ground.

Time spending: June, first half of the day.

Musical arrangement: phonograms of songs about sports, sports marches, audio recordings of the songs “Peas”, “My Birds, Birds”, “Heroic Strength”, “Grasshopper”, phonograms for running.

, decorated with garlands, balls, and Olympic symbols.

Fanfare sounds. The presenter comes onto the site and gives the signal for the march parade of the competition participants. Everyone lines up in two columns.

Solemn music plays, girls athletes bring in the Olympic flag. A boy with a bowl with a symbolic Olympic flame runs out, makes a lap of honor and stands next to the flag.

Presenter (V.). A solemn oath will now be taken on behalf of all participants.

The two captains of the participating teams enter and take an oath.

IN. Who can compare with the nimble wind?

Children. We are Olympians!

IN. Who believes in victory and is not afraid of obstacles?

Children. We are Olympians!

IN. Who is proud of the sports of our homeland?

Children. We are Olympians!

Together. We swear to honestly strive for victory.

We will be able to achieve high records.

IN. Raise the Olympic flag! Consider the Summer Small Olympic Games open.

Competition motto:“Do with us, do as we do, do better than us!”

IN. We welcome the teams “Strong” and “Strong”. We wish you success and cheerful mood!

The teams greet each other.

IN. Let's move on to the competition.

1st type of competition- Kangaroo long jump.

Children approach the jumping pit, fenced with flags - landmarks. Members of the “Strong” team perform jumps into the pit one by one, the results are recorded by a representative of the refereeing team. Then the “Strong Men” team performs the same task.

IN. If you want to be healthy, run!

If you want to be strong, run!

If you want to be agile, run!

2nd type of competition- run.


1st pair: a boy and a girl are running in a hoop.

2nd pair: the boy stands in front, the girl behind the boy. They run holding their ends gymnastic sticks("stretcher").

3rd pair: a boy and a girl are running in a rope harness.

4th pair: a boy and a girl are running, holding their hands crosswise in front.

5th pair: the boy and the girl stand with their backs to each other, grab with their hands at the elbows. They run at a side gallop to the post and back.

Musical pause.

A musical and rhythmic dance with plumes “My Birds, Birds” is performed.

IN. Boys, attention!

Girls, pay attention!

Let's start with the ball

Sports competitions.

3rd type of competition- passing the ball.

Three children on one team and three on the other are holding hoops. Participants, moving at a side gallop, pass a medicine ball weighing 1 kg through hoops and so on until the landmark. They come back running.

4th type of competition- power duel. It is carried out in stages.

IN. Who is the stronger guy?

Let's all take hold of the rope!

Ten on the left, ten on the right -

Only the muscles are cracking!

The one who will pull

He will become the strongest.

Stage 1 - team tug of war.

Stage 2 - power duel between captains.

IN. Fans, attention!

Teams, attention!

The moment has come

Final competition!

The moment has come now

Show you the “top class”!

5th type of competition- combined relay race.

1. “Jumping rope” (jumping rope to a landmark and back).

2. “Bicycle race” (rolling a hoop in a straight line).

3. “Chariot” (riding scooters).

4. “Don’t miss the ball” (jumping on fitballs like a snake between objects).

Musical pause.

Summing up the results of the competition. Awarding the Olympians.

IN. All participants stand on the podium!

All participants are happy today,

Because Olympic medals

Made for them from chocolate!

Let's applaud our champions!

Children do a lap of honor.