New grappling wrestling. Grappling - what kind of martial art is it? Techniques and rules of grappling. "Chess on the tatami"

Variety martial art created based on wrestling in the ring. This type of martial arts harmoniously combines the techniques and techniques of many combat disciplines. Grappling includes freestyle wrestling, judo and jiu-jitsu. The athlete’s technique plays a decisive role in martial arts. Weight category and physical data do not matter. There are almost no restrictions on painful and choking techniques.

Grappling Features

Grappling differs from other combat disciplines in that in this case victory is determined not by the use of technical techniques, but by the use of painful and choking techniques. Another feature of this type of wrestling is the athlete’s uniform - the set of clothes, in addition to shorts, includes a rash guard (a tight-fitting T-shirt with short or long sleeves). By the way, today the art of grappling (what it is, what its rules are, etc.) is known all over the world. This type of martial discipline is also called “ground fighting.”

About 70% of street fights end in fighting on the ground, and in this case, grappling skills will be very useful. Any aggressor will be shocked by this method of repelling an attack, like throwing him to the ground. At this moment, you dominate your opponent and take control of the situation. Grappling gives significant advantages to a shorter wrestler and helps to defeat a more experienced and strong opponent. Even if you don't professional sportsman, you will also need information about the art of grappling, what it is, what techniques are used in this fight, since this is a wonderful tool for maintaining excellent physical shape. In addition, the skills acquired in classes can be successfully used as self-defense techniques.

Uniform for grappling competitions

In the fighting world, winning grappling competitions is highly valued, since only the very best take part in them. Winning the world championship in Abu Dhabi and winning the trophy is far from an easy task. During training, athletes use jackets (jackets), which play an important role in preparation. In amateur grappling, the accepted form of clothing is a body-fitting T-shirt and special MMA shorts, pants, sambo or kimono. At competitions, wrestling is carried out without a jacket (sambuka).

"Chess on the tatami"

Wrestlers say about grappling that it is chess on the mat - “chess on the mat.” This name can be explained by the fact that to carry out techniques the wrestler needs to take the most advantageous position. Sometimes grappling is also called “fighting until submission”, since the main task is to force the opponent to surrender with the help of painful and choking techniques. In the amateur version, particularly dangerous grappling techniques affecting the spine and knee-joint, are prohibited.

Allowed and prohibited grappling techniques

In this type of wrestling, the following techniques are considered permitted:

  1. Various types of suffocation, with the exception of covering the airways with hands.
  2. Any locks on the shoulder, wrist, levers on the arms.
  3. Painful techniques on the legs and ankle.

The following techniques are considered prohibited:

  1. T-shirts and shorts are not allowed during the fight.
  2. "Crucifixion" and full Nelson.
  3. "Hook", or gouging out the eyes with a finger.
  4. Hair pulling, ear grabbing.
  5. Grabs of fingers, toes, thumbs.
  6. Biting, pinching, scratching.
  7. It is not allowed to touch the opponent's face with hands, elbows and knees.
  8. Touching the groin area.
  9. The use of slippery substances on clothing and body is prohibited.

How effective are grappling exercises?

Grappling is often used as an effective method of training wrestlers for various competitions. mixed martial arts, which are also called fights without rules. In such tournaments, the winners are mainly those participants who are fluent in the skill of wrestling on the ground, that is, on the floor. Many MMA (mixed martial arts) fighters practice and perform at grappling competitions. Today, wrestlers prefer to first achieve high results in grappling, and only then move on to the variety of mixed martial arts, which combines striking and wrestling techniques.

Grappling is great way self-defense in a variety of situations. A person, once on earth, feels unprotected, and this one is most effective in such a situation. At the same time, the rules of grappling teach you to confront the enemy not only on the ground, but also to fight in a standing position. You will learn to control your opponent, dominate him and use not only your arms and legs, but your whole body in the fight. Your concentration, strength and endurance will increase with each session. This is an excellent workout not only for improving your fighting qualities, but also for the whole body, in general - your figure will become more athletic and fit.

Grappling is a martial art that successfully combines techniques and techniques of various martial arts. This sports discipline is based on wrestling in the ring and includes techniques from judo, sambo, freestyle wrestling and jiu-jitsu.

A special feature of grappling is the fact that the outcome of the battle is not decided by physical training or the weight category of the fighter, but his technique. This gives a tangible advantage in battle to those athletes who are well acquainted with the grappling technique. Despite the almost complete absence of restrictions on chokes and painful techniques, grappling has its own characteristics that should be adhered to.

This combat discipline differs from other martial arts in that victory in this case comes not as a result of the use of technical techniques, but as a result of the use of painful and suffocating techniques. Much attention is paid here to the athlete’s uniform, which, in addition to shorts, includes a rash guard - a special tight-fitting T-shirt.

On this moment grappling is widely known throughout the world. It is often called “ground fighting.”

Such skills can be useful not only for professional fighters. Since most street fights end on the ground, grappling techniques will allow you to successfully fend off your opponent's attacks. By confidently applying this knowledge, you can easily take control of the situation.

Good knowledge of the peculiarities of combat allows short fighters to defeat stronger and more experienced opponents. Even if you are not an athlete, knowledge of the peculiarities of grappling will allow you to maintain yourself in excellent condition. physical fitness, if necessary, using these techniques for self-defense.

Fighting style and rules

The grappling arsenal includes throws, various holds, chokes, armbars, shoulder and wrist locks.

The wrestlers themselves call this martial art “chess on the tatami.” This name is explained very simply - in order to carry out more successful technical techniques, the wrestler must take a more advantageous position. Grappling is also called “fighting to submission”, since the goal of this discipline is to force the opponent to surrender, using competent combinations of choking and painful techniques.

Unlike professional grappling, the amateur sport has some restrictions, the purpose of which is to prevent serious injury. In particular, such dangerous techniques that involve impact on the knee joint and spine are prohibited here.

Permitted techniques

Unlike judo, sambo and other sports disciplines, grappling allows the use of most painful holds. This brings him closer to fighting without rules. In particular, the following techniques are allowed here:

  1. Strangulation. All types of suffocation are allowed except those that involve direct impact on the respiratory tract.
  2. Wrist and shoulder locks, arm locks and similar techniques.
  3. Painful techniques on ankles and legs.

Techniques prohibited in grappling

In grappling, any strikes, finger grabs, or pressure on the eyes are prohibited.

Despite the freedom of action provided by this discipline, there are also those techniques that fall under the category of prohibited:

  1. Ear grabbing and hair pulling are not acceptable.
  2. Full Nelson and "crucifixion".
  3. Eye gouging using fingers.
  4. Grips of thumbs, fingers and toes.
  5. Touches and blows to the groin area.
  6. Pinching, biting, scratching.
  7. Touching the opponent's face with elbows, knees and hands is prohibited.
  8. Slippery substances on clothing and the body are grounds for disqualification of the athlete.

Regular shorts and T-shirts are prohibited during a fight.

The effectiveness of the grappling technique

Grappling is often used as effective method preparing wrestlers for mixed martial arts competitions. The basis for victory in such a tournament is often a perfectly honed wrestling skill on the floor. Many MMA fighters are involved in grappling competitions because they are fluent in this fighting technique.

Many athletes begin their journey into martial arts with grappling, as it lays the necessary foundations for combat. Then they successfully master those types of martial arts that involve a combination of wrestling and striking techniques.

Grappling is a great way to defend yourself because most people feel unprotected once they're on the ground. Knowing the techniques of this combat discipline, a person receives complete freedom of action and a tangible advantage when fighting both on the ground and in a standing position. This type of martial arts teaches the use of not only arms and legs, but also the entire body in combat.


Clothing must fit completely to the body so as not to give anyone an advantage during the fight.

There are a number of complaints about clothing in grappling. Mandatory equipment includes:

  • Rashguard. It is a compression sports T-shirt with long or short sleeves.
  • Shoes are not allowed on the sports carpet.
  • Shorts. They can use board shorts or sambo shorts. Mandatory requirements - they must be convenient and short.

Clothes for grappling should be free of pockets, stripes, metal and plastic inserts.

Differences from other disciplines

Grappling has significant differences compared to other types wrestling. They are as follows:

  1. If in judo winning is ensured by throwing the opponent and then landing on his back, then in grappling such a throw will only bring extra points. Victory is only possible when one of the opponents surrenders.
  2. In sambo and many martial arts schools, the use of chokeholds is strictly prohibited. In grappling, such techniques are one of the fundamentals of combat.
  3. Unlike Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling, grappling allows the opponent to be choked while lying on his back. If you turn your back to the enemy, you can get a choke hold. In freestyle wrestling, opponents often turn their backs to each other, without fear of a sudden attack.

How to choose a coach?

When choosing your first hall, you need to pay attention Special attention on the head coach, don’t be lazy, look for information about him on the Internet, check whether he really is who he claims to be

Many novice athletes wonder: where can they learn grappling skills? When choosing a place for training, you should be guided by the following tips:

  1. Trainer. An experienced coach is the main condition for the further growth of a fighter. Therefore, you should look for information on the Internet regarding the chosen trainer - there may be both positive and negative reviews.
  2. Hall. Since grappling is a discipline related to wrestling, the cleanliness of the gym and mats is a very important indicator.
  3. Atmosphere. It is advisable not to be lazy and go to the gym during classes. The atmosphere in a room means a lot.

Mastery of grappling is useful not only for professional fighters, but also for people who want to improve their sports uniform and feel confident on the street. If you want to master effective art self-defense, then this is exactly what you need.

Wide circle sports fans does not yet know well enough what grappling is. In fact, this is one of the most dynamically developing types of martial arts, which combines effective techniques and techniques from different wrestling schools. Grappling grew out of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, judo, sambo, incorporating all the best of the above martial arts.


Traditional types of wrestling - freestyle and especially Greco-Roman - are in crisis today, losing their followers every year due to the steady increase in popularity modern species martial arts Grappling wrestling is one of the youngest and most promising areas among them.

This is a type of martial arts that is characterized by minimal restrictions on the use of choking and painful techniques and includes techniques from Brazilian jiu-jitsu, judo, freestyle and other schools of wrestling.

Hitting and using weapons is prohibited. What grappling is and how it differs from classical martial arts can be understood by the rules for determining the winner in a fight. In Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling main goal is to occupy a dominant position, that is, knocking the opponent onto his back; in judo and sambo, the main attention is paid to performing techniques that are awarded points. In grappling, early termination of the fight is encouraged due to effective application painful and suffocating techniques.

Die Hard teacher

Just as seven cities lay claim to the title of Homer's birthplace, two martial arts enthusiasts can equally be called the father of grappling.

In the traditional version, the American wrestler Gene Le Bell is considered the founder of this type of martial arts. He was a US judo champion and competed as a professional wrestler. Studying different types of wrestling, from classical to judo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu, he developed his own unique technique, which included the use of various techniques.

Such famous Hollywood actors as Bruce Willis, Chuck Norris and others were students of the American sensei. It was Le Bell who coined the term “grappling.” In the early nineties, Jin released a whole series of books about a new type of martial arts.

In 1995, the first US Championship was held, it was here that the Grappling Federation was organized, which unites greatest number athletes.

Closing the circle

Also, the Arab Sheikh Tahnoun bin Zayed played a significant role in the development of the new sport. Not yet knowing what grappling was, in his youth, while studying in the USA, he became interested in it different styles martial arts, including Brazilian jiu-jitsu, judo.

Each of the mentors claimed that it was his struggle that was the most effective. The inquisitive Arab decided to learn the truth in practice and, upon returning to his homeland, founded his own martial arts club in Abu Dhabi.

Here he, together with coach Nelson Monteiro, developed rules for competitions with minimal restrictions, in which representatives of various schools of wrestling - from Greco-Roman to sambo - could participate. He decided to call them very eloquently - Submission Fighting, that is, “fighting until submission,” which quite clearly described the essence of the competition. The first tournament was held in 1998, ushering in the era of grappling development on a global scale.

It is very symbolic that, rooted in Japanese martial arts, grappling received a new impetus for development in the East.

Tactics and technique

Minimal restrictions on the use of painful and suffocating techniques determine a unique grappling technique. The fighters spend most of the fight on the ground, trying to force their opponent to submit, using all the capabilities of their body.

Spectacular, beautiful throws are the prerogative of judo and sambo, but here there is an exhausting, tactical fight in the prone position.

The main type of throw that clearly characterizes what grappling is is the takedown. In essence, this is simply knocking the opponent down and transferring further fight to the floor of the ring. It is used especially often because of its simplicity and reliability, as opposed to spectacular, but technically complex throws.

Having taken a dominant position, the wrestler seeks to perform a painful or suffocating technique. The latter are divided into air and blood, when they clamp the carotid artery of the enemy.

Lever and assembly

The arsenal of painful techniques in grappling is very rich and has a wide range. Only manipulations with small joints, that is, with the fingers, are prohibited, as well as unsportsmanlike techniques such as scratching, gouging out eyes and other barbaric tricks.

In general, painful techniques in grappling can be divided into three groups. The most popular are levers. In this case, the opponent's joint is bent in the direction opposite to its normal movement.

Wrestlers also effectively use various types of knots. Here the joint is twisted along the axis of rotation, reproducing the squeezing of the “underwear”.

The third type of painful techniques is considered the most dangerous - pinching. In them, the opponent’s muscles are compressed between the bones or the joint is separated by powerful indentation. Pinching can cause serious injury and is prohibited in most combat sports.


There is no single grappling federation in the world. Nevertheless, we can identify a number of the most influential organizations that oversee the development of this type of struggle.

The most authoritative and oldest of them is the UWW, the “monster” overseeing traditional types wrestling - Greco-Roman and freestyle. UWW holds annual world and European championships among men and women, boys and girls, being a catalyst for the development of this sport.

NAGA is the North American Grappling Federation, which represents almost 50,000 wrestlers. Annual tournaments have been held in the United States since 1995.

ADCC - Abu Dhabi Fight Club, the brainchild of Sheikh Tahnoun, considered by many to be the father of grappling. It was the ADCC that began to hold the world's first major international grappling competitions, starting in 1998.

Development in Russia

Until recently, in the CIS, only a few martial arts lovers knew what grappling was. Its development in Russia began from the time when the Kempo and Kodokan Shin-ryu federations began to use grappling as one of the training disciplines for their own types of martial arts.

The first tournament in “universal wrestling,” as this sport was then called, was held in 2000. In 2006, the first Russian grappling championship was organized. A year later it took place international tournament in Moscow, held under the auspices of the Kempo Federation.

Every year the popularity of mixed martial arts is growing, and therefore interest in such effective types martial arts like grappling.

Combining the techniques of all wrestling disciplines, with minimal restrictions on the use of painful and choking techniques. This fight does not include striking or using weapons. The desire to end the fight ahead of schedule, using a painful or suffocating technique, is a distinctive feature of grappling, since in some types of wrestling the main goal is either positional dominance (freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling) [ ], or receiving points for a certain number of throws and other technical actions (judo and sambo), after which the athlete is awarded victory. [ ] Another hallmark of grappling is its form. The athlete's clothing consists of shorts and a rash guard (tight-fitting T-shirt with short and long sleeves). It is important that clothing must fit completely to the body so as not to give anyone an advantage during the fight.

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    ✪ Prone defense against side control. Grappling. Moscow Self-Defense 100%


Hello everyone, now we will work on several options for defending against side holds in a purely self-defense version using grappling and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu techniques. First you need to understand what a side hold is.


Grappling techniques are represented by a wide range of methods, such as: clinch, throw and fall, painful hold and suffocation, positional wrestling, evasion, coups (sweeps)

  • Clinch.

A clinch is a fight between athletes in a standing position involving the upper half of the body. Used to prepare a throw or defense against it.

  • Throw (Takedown).

A throw is a technique by which one wrestler throws the other off balance, lifts him into the air, and slams him into the ground. Throws are characterized by their amplitude and beauty. The purpose of the throw is to incapacitate the opponent with a strong blow on the ground or take a dominant position. A takedown differs from a throw in that it is carried out without lifting the opponent into the air and without the amplitude characteristic of a throw. At its core, a takedown involves throwing an opponent to the ground in order to continue the fight there.

  • Painful hold and suffocation.

Choke is used to render an opponent unconscious. There are two types of strangulation:

    • Air choke, used to stop the flow of air into the opponent's lungs;
    • Blood choke is used to stop the flow of blood to the opponent's brain.
Painful techniques are used to damage the opponent's joints or other parts of the body, which causes severe pain to the opponent and leads to his submission. Painful techniques are divided into:
    • Levers that move an opponent's joint in a straight line outside of its normal range of motion;
    • Knots that rotate an opponent's joint on its axis outside of its normal range of motion;
    • Pinches that compress the opponent's muscle between bones (usually the lower leg and forearm), or pinches that expand and separate a joint.

Used to force the enemy into a position where he is unable to attack. Position types:

  • Slipping away.
  • Evasion is used so that the wrestler can change an unfavorable wrestling position to an advantageous one. For example, when a prone athlete manages to return to a standing position, or when an athlete who is being treated painful hold or strangulation, manages to slip out of it, or when the World Martial Arts Games SportAccord .

  • North American Grappling Association - NAGA - most mass organization, numbering 46,000 wrestlers. In addition to grappling, he also conducts MMA tournaments. The first grappling tournaments were held by the predecessor of NAGA in 1995 in New York (USA).
  • ADCC is the most famous and prestigious organization, holding tournaments since 1998. Men compete in five weight categories, not counting absolute; women - in two. Many ADCC medalists and champions successfully take part in mixed style fights (MMA).
  • Grapplers Quest is an American organization. The first tournament took place in 1999, and 298 athletes took part.
  • Grappling. What is Grappling? Grappling technique.


    Grappling - Grappling, Submission Fighting, Submission Wrestling, No-Gi Grappling.


    Grappling is a type of martial arts sport that combines the techniques of all wrestling disciplines, with minimal restrictions on the use of painful and choking techniques.

    Grappling includes techniques from sambo, freestyle wrestling, judo and jiu-jitsu. The decisive role in martial arts is played not only by strength, but also by the technique of the wrestler. There are almost no restrictions on painful and choking techniques.

    In grappling, a fight between opponents can end early, for example, with the help of a painful or suffocating technique, or the winner is determined by points.

    Another distinctive feature of grappling is its form. The wrestler's clothing consists of shorts and a rashguard (tight-fitting T-shirt with short or long sleeves). The main thing in the form of “grappling” is that the wrestler’s clothing must be completely adjacent to the body, so as not to create an advantage for anyone during the fight.

    History of Grappling!

    How Grappling came to be! When Grappling appeared!

    Many believe that grappling originated in the United Arab Emirates, but this is not entirely true, although tournaments in the UAE undoubtedly gave a great impetus to its development. The origins of grappling are in the United States of America.

    The term “grappling” was introduced into martial arts by the American professional wrestler, US judo champion Gene LeBell. At different times, he studied wrestling, judo and other types of combat sports, and, having decided to combine all this into one universal style, he created his own system of self-defense and wrestling - grappling.

    LeBell taught this system to many famous Hollywood actors - Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Benny Urquidez, Ed Parker and others.

    LeBell has published a number of books on grappling since 1992:

    1.1.Grappling Master: Combat for Street Defense and Competitionby Gene LeBell.1992.

    2.2.Gene LeBell - The Grappling Club Masterby Gene LeBell, Ben Springer, and Steve Kim. 1999.

    3.3.Grappling and Self-Defense for the Young Adult by Gene LeBell and Bob Ryder.2002.

    4.4.Gene LeBell's Grappling World: The Encyclopedia of Finishing Holdsby Gene LeBell.1998, 2000 (2edition), 2005 (3 edition).

    5.5.The Godfather of Grappling (authorized biography of LeBell) by "Judo" Gene LeBell, Bob Calhoun, George Foon, and Noelle Kim. 2005.

    The first grappling competitions in the United States began to be held in 1995 in New York. The competition rules at that time practically repeated the rules of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, with the only difference being that the athletes did not wear a gi (kimono).

    In 1993, Arab Sheikh Tahnoun Bin Zayed al Nahyan, while studying in the United States, saw the UFC mixed martial arts championship for the first time, after which he became an ardent fan of MMA.

    In 1995, Tahnun began training in Brazilian jiu-jitsu with black belt Nelson Monteiro as his instructor. Tahnun received the nickname “Ben” in the hall. He trained in Brazilian jiu-jitsu for 8 months and, having completed his studies in the USA, was forced to return to his homeland. But he didn’t want to give up his classes, and there were no BJJ specialists in the UAE, so he asked the coach to come with him. Monteiro accepted this offer and lived in the UAE for 4 years.

    After returning to his homeland in Abu Dhabi, Tahnun, together with Nelson Monteiro, created the Abu Dhabi Combat Club (ADCC).

    An MMA fan, Tahnoun wanted to organize a major mixed martial arts tournament in the UAE, but his father, then the president of the UAE, was against the idea as he thought MMA was too harsh. Therefore, after much deliberation, it was decided to hold competitions in “universal wrestling” - Submission Fighting.

    The sheikh saw a number of shortcomings in the Brazilian jiu-jitsu he practiced. This mainly concerned the absence of painful techniques on the legs in BJJ. Then Tahnun began to additionally study SAMBO, Judo and other types of wrestling. In the process of studying them, he often came across statements that this or that martial arts is the best in the world, but the difference in the rules of martial arts competitions prevented him from finding out. Then the sheikh, like Gene LeBell, had the idea to combine the techniques he was studying into a single universal martial arts.

    This is how the rules of the Submission Fighting (grappling) competition were created, and they were created in such a way that a wrestler of any style on the wrestling mat would feel comfortable and be able to prove the superiority of his particular type.

    Based on these rules, the ADCC club began holding its Submission Fighting (grappling) tournaments, the first of which took place on May 20-22, 1998 in Abu Dhabi.

    Based on the rules developed, a grappling federation was established.

    When did Grappling appear?

    In 2007, the leadership of FILA (International Wrestling Federation) decided to include some traditional and non-Olympic types of wrestling into the federation, including grappling. In 2008, experts developed the rules for grappling competitions, and also held the first world championship (December 20-21, 2008, Switzerland).

    In 2010, grappling was included in the program World Games Martial Arts (Sportaccord Combat Games).

    When did Grappling appear in Russia?

    250 athletes from 33 clubs from various regions of Russia took part in the championship.

    Since that time, grappling tournaments and championships in Russia have become regular and each time they attract more and more attention from wrestling fans.

    Grappling. Grappling technique.

    Grappling techniques include a wide variety of effective techniques fight without using clothes.

    Technical actions in “grappling” can be divided into the following groups of techniques: clinch, throws and falls, painful holds and suffocation, positional wrestling, evasion, coups (sweeps).


    The clinch refers to the wrestling of athletes in a standing position with the participation of the upper half of the body. The clinch is used by a wrestler to prepare a throw or a fall, or to protect against attacking actions in a standing position.

    Throws and stalls.

    Throw and takedown. A throw is a technique by which one wrestler throws the other off balance, lifts him into the air, and slams him into the ground. Throws are characterized by their amplitude and beauty. The purpose of the throw is to gain an advantage by incapacitating the opponent with a strong blow to the ground, or to gain an advantageous position on the ground.

    A takedown differs from a throw in that it is carried out without lifting the opponent into the air and without the amplitude characteristic of a throw. At its core, a takedown involves throwing an opponent to the ground in order to continue the fight there.

    Painful techniques and suffocation.

    Strangulation used to render an opponent unconscious.

    There are two types of strangulation:

    Air choke, used to stop the flow of air into the opponent's lungs;

    Blood choke is used to stop the flow of blood to the opponent's brain.

    Painful techniques are used to damage the opponent’s joints or muscles, which causes severe pain to the opponent and leads to his submission.

    Painful techniques are divided into:

    Levers that move an opponent's joint in a straight line outside of its normal range of motion;

    Knots that rotate an opponent's joint on its axis outside of its normal range of motion;

    Pinches that compress the opponent's muscle between bones (usually the lower leg and forearm), or pinches that widen or separate a joint.

    Positional struggle.

    Positional wrestling is the transfer and fixation of an opponent into positions in which he is only capable of defense and cannot attack himself.

    The following types of positions are distinguished:

    Half guard;

    Side hold (side mount);

    Hold from the back (back mount);

    Hold on horseback (mount);

    Hold from the side of the head (“north-south”);

    - “knee-on-stomach”;

    - “crucifixion”.

    Slipping away.

    Evasion is a technical action as a result of which a wrestler changes an unfavorable wrestling position to an advantageous one.

    For example, when a prone athlete manages to return to a standing position, or when an athlete who is subjected to a painful hold or choke manages to slip out of it, or when an athlete, being in a disadvantageous position, returns himself to the guard position.

    Revolution (sweep).

    A coup (sweep) is understood as changing a disadvantageous position to an advantageous one with the help of a coup by the enemy.

    Grappling as a form of martial arts.

    Grappling is a great way to defend yourself in a variety of situations. Usually a person, once on the ground, feels weak and unprotected, and this type of struggle is effective in any situation.

    At the same time, the rules and techniques of “grappling” are taught to resist any opponent, applying to him effective techniques wrestling not only on the ground, but also wrestling in a standing position. You will learn to control your opponent, dominate him and use not only your arms and legs, but your whole body in the fight.

    Grappling will teach you techniques against which the strongest opponent is powerless!

    Grappling. What is Grappling? Grappling technique.

    Theme is grappling wrestling, grappling wrestling: grappling is, grappling history, grappling wrestling, grappling is, what is grappling, what is grappling.