Non-Olympic sports - why are they called that? Non-Olympic sports Development of Olympic and non-Olympic sports

Non-Olympic winter sports Performed by 6th grade student Sofia Pak

Non-Olympic sports Orienteering Windsurfing Team biathlon race Speedskiing Ski ballet

Sports orienteering on the terrain Ski orienteering Competitions in ski orienteering are held in conditions of stable snow cover in the disciplines: a given direction, a marked route, Orientathlon - a combination of the two previous types. Competitions in a given direction are held using a special map on which the ski tracks are plotted, and the types of ski tracks are shown in relation to the speed of movement on skis. The World Ski Orienteering Championships have been held since 1975.

Windsurfing Winter windsurfing is a sport using a sail and a special gliding device, usually in the form of a skating platform big size or skis with a small platform. For free skating, a variety of designs are used based on two, three or more skis, snowboards, skates, runners, etc. Characteristic feature, however, is not a sliding projectile, but a sail inherited from water windsurfing. Control is carried out, similar to water windsurfing, by tilting the sail and steering with your feet. Winter windsurfing is practiced on any ice, on dense snow and on loose snow. IN winter windsurfing higher speeds are achieved than in summer. Similar to summer windsurfing, it is possible to ride “on the waves” - on snowy mounds and low mountains.

Ski ballet Ski ballet. Ski ballet, one of the freestyle disciplines that existed until 1999, was excluded from the programs official competitions. The ballet consisted of a descent down a gentle slope to musical accompaniment with demonstration of elements of sliding, steps, rotations, and jumps.

Speedsking Speedsking is a downhill skiing competition held on a specially prepared slope. The skier's speed is determined on a special section of the route 1 km long. The tracks where such competitions are held are usually located high in the mountains, where the air is thinner. The winner of the speed competition is the skier who reaches the highest speed during the competition. Speed ​​competitions were demonstrated during Winter Olympics 1992 in Albertville. One of the athletes died during training, which may have been the reason for the abandonment of this sport at the Olympics.

Team race for biathletes Team race is the general name for several types of biathlon race with interval start. The start is not taken by one biathlete of any team, but by the entire team, which consists of four people. When passing the course and at the finish line, the distance between the first and last team member cannot exceed 15 seconds or 50 meters (depending on the competition regulations), otherwise 1 penalty minute is added to the time of completing the distance. For each miss, the entire team is sent to a penalty loop of 150 m, with the exception of the patrol race, held as part of international military competitions, in which a penalty minute is added to the total time for completing the distance. The final time is calculated based on the finish of the last team member.

Thank you for your attention!

Groups of sports
Olympic sports
Biathlon Basketball Badminton
Bobsled Baseball Boxing
Cycling Water polo Freestyle wrestling
Water skiing Volleyball Greco-Roman wrestling
Gymnastics Handball Rowing
sports Football Kayaking
Gymnastics Hockey and canoe
artistic Field hockey Judo
Skiing Skating
Horseback Riding Athletics
Athletics Ski race
(all-around, Table tennis
throwing, jumping Swimming"
sixth) Tennis
Nordic combined Taekwando (\UTR)
Sailing Weightlifting
Diving Short track
Ski jumping with
Synchronized swimming
Bullet shooting
Skeet shooting
Figure skating
Non-Olympic sports
Acrobatics Rugby Armwrestling
Mountaineering Softball Athleticism
Iceboat sport Hockey with a ball Aerobics
Rowing slalom Billiards
Naturban Weight-lifting
Polyathlon Golf
Jumping on a trampoline Towns
Rock climbing Darts
Dance Sport Karate-do
Crossbow shooting Kyokusenkai
Triathlon Kickboxing
Contact karate
Sports tourism
Taekwondo (1TP)

Let's take a closer look at the summary table of Olympic and non-Olympic sports. Every sport can and does find its adherents; every sport can become a meaningful basis for sports and recreational activities.

Many sports have a competitive aspect. This stimulates the desire for new achievements and getting into better physical shape, as people try to get ahead of each other and improve their own performance. Some sports, such as football, cricket, rugby, basketball and volleyball, can only be played as a team. Team sport requires coordination, trust and understanding between team members, which is very important for some people. Individual sports are played alone or in competition with an opponent. These are sports such as tennis, squash, badminton, golf, cycling, athletics and swimming. As a rule, they involve people who prefer competition, but tend to rely only on their own abilities, strength and level of training.

Without a doubt, all sports can be played at different levels. However, some types require more time and effort than others to achieve adequate fitness. For example, in squash, rowing and hockey, peak physical exertion lasts from a few minutes to half an hour. Tennis and badminton do not require such physical exertion in a short time: physical activity can last from an hour or more. When jogging, adjust physical activity It’s simple and can be done anytime, anywhere. A game of golf can last for several hours or even days, at a relatively low load, with periodic “bursts”.

All this diversity allows you to individually select the sport that is suitable for each sport. Squash is suitable for busy but physically fit people, while for others who are not so fit physical fitness, but more free time - golf or bowling.

A tangible problem of modern sports and health services is the limited range of sports and health services offered and the need for their diversification.

Diversification is the expansion of the sphere of sports and health services by including new service products. One of the ways of such diversification can be considered the expansion of classes and training in sports. A study of the sphere of sports and health services conducted in Velikiye Luki gave interesting results. The surveyed consumers of sports and health services noted, in addition to fitness and wellness, more than 50 sports in which they would like to practice under the guidance of specialists with a focus on physical development and wellness. Among the most attractive were, first of all, game sports: football, tennis, basketball, volleyball. Gymnastics, arm wrestling, and small towns are also of interest (2). As we can see, there are significant unrealized opportunities to diversify sports and recreation services through classes and training in traditional sports. Organizers of sports and health services, the material base for the provision of sports and health services can and do already exist athletic facilities traditional types sports

Let us illustrate what has been said with the example of sports and recreational activities organized by the swimming pool and other sports facilities and departments of the Educational sports complex South Ural State University (3).

Aquatic species Sports belong to the most popular means of promoting health and physical improvement. They include: swimming, water polo, various types of rowing, diving, sailing, water skiing, powerboating and ice boating, synchronized swimming. In addition, there are so-called applied types - diving in depth and at various distances, water tourism, etc. It is known that exercises in and on the water have a beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improve the functions muscular system, increase the body's resistance colds, strengthen the nervous system, improve metabolism. All these water sports can serve as a meaningful basis for sports and recreation activities.

Exclusively great importance has the problem of introducing children to water sports and, first of all, to swimming. Universal training of the younger generation in swimming should be considered a national task. Regular classes swimming and other activities water sports are one of the forms of active public recreation that quickly restores a person’s working capacity. The health value of many water sports is now recognized throughout the world.

It should be noted that swimming accompanies all “land” sports as the most important educational and training discipline. In addition, swimming is one of the most popular types of physical education and recreational activities as an indispensable component of the program of general physical training (GP) sections, health groups and specialized classes in the system of sports and recreational services. In the climatic conditions of Russia, most of these classes take place in swimming pools.

A swimming pool is a sports facility consisting of one or more baths, premises and equipment for serving visitors and spectators, as well as for technical operation. Traditionally, the purpose of swimming pools is to provide:

· introduction to water, teaching children and adults sports methods of swimming, playing water polo, diving from a springboard and platform, applied and underwater types of swimming (with scuba gear, water navigation, diving, figure and synchronized swimming);

· leisure population of all ages in the form of free swimming and swimming;

· swimming for recreational purposes in the system of general physical training (GP) and in “health groups”;

· training sessions and competitions in swimming, diving, water polo and applied water sports cultivated in the region.

As you can see, a significant part of the functions of the pool has a sports and recreational orientation. According to their purpose, swimming pools are divided into the following main groups - swimming pools for educational and sports work; public swimming pools; children's pools; mixed (combined) pools, combining all or some of the listed functions in several or one artificial reservoir. This division is largely arbitrary, since in recent decades there has been a steady trend towards multi-purpose use of swimming pools.

In addition, swimming pools as sports facilities are divided into open and indoor, into independent objects and complexes, including both indoor and outdoor pools. Bathing pools pursue mainly health purposes related to serving unorganized one-time visitors. But here, along with the main bath for mass bathing, there are usually splashing and training baths for children. Swimming pools located in a system of beaches, solariums, and service pavilions are largely related to the organization of recreation for people. However, here too, swimming pools can and do become bases for training in the system of sports and health services.

Currently, a number of non-traditional types of activities in pools for recreational swimming have appeared. These are: aquashaping, aqua aerobics, preventative exercises: anti-osteochondrosis gymnastics, hydromassage, auto-training and relaxation exercises.

In the Russian Federation in the nineties, in different cities of the country they began to organize classes on new sports and health technologies. The terms “aquamotion”, “aqua aerobics”, “aquashaping”, “aquabuilding”, “aquaforming”, “aquadance”, “aquarobics”, “hydroprophylaxis” have become actively used in the activities of traditional swimming pools. Let us briefly explain some of these concepts.

Water aerobics- execution of a wide range physical exercise in the water: from active entertainment in the water (games, attractions in water parks) to serious activities accompanied by music, often with a sports focus. This is a combined system that combines different types of movements - aerobic exercise, dancing, stretching exercises using the features of the aquatic environment. Water aerobics stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body, improves physique, increases muscle strength, and engages small muscles in the work. muscle groups, increases endurance, improves flexibility, coordination abilities.

The advantages of water aerobics include the ability to involve people of different ages and levels of fitness in classes. Here it becomes possible to give adequate workload to beginners and more prepared people. Exercises in water can be either an independent complex, completely performed in an aquatic environment, or they can be only part of a complex lesson conducted by a trainer-teacher. Exercises may include Rhythmic gymnastics, athletic gymnastics, running and swimming.

In water aerobics classes, the following tasks can be solved: promoting the health of those involved; achieving and maintaining a high level physical fitness; improvement of functional and mental state indicators; improvement of swimming training; mastering self-control skills, gaining knowledge about balanced nutrition.

Depending on the contingent of water aerobics, it is divided into:

1) water aerobics for children;

2) water aerobics for men;

3) water aerobics for people with different body types;

4) water aerobics for overweight women;

5) water aerobics for expectant mothers;

6) rehabilitation water aerobics;

7) water aerobics for older people;

8) sports water aerobics.

Aquashaping. "Shape" translated from in English means to shape, to give shape. Aquashaping is a complex system physical training, which includes exercises to master movements in contact with water, swimming exercises, dynamic aerobic exercises, exercises of local impact on individual muscle groups, stretching, relaxation, breathing exercises performed to music. An important component of this system is balanced nutrition. Here we need special diet, a special daily routine and many other components of what is called in a healthy way life. In the literature there are similar systems called aquaforming or bodybuilding in water. As in shaping, in aquashaping the main task is to selectively influence individual muscle groups and, thereby, correct figure defects.

The main differences between aquashaping and water aerobics are that in classes the greatest attention is paid to exercises that allow you to specifically correct figure defects. Aquashaping exercises are more strenuous than water aerobics exercises. Aquashaping contains exercises that involve significant effort and may have an adverse effect on women with poor physical fitness.

Although the aquashaping system is intended for people of all ages and varying physical fitness, the main contingent of practitioners are women from 18 to 35 (women of the first mature age). This is primarily due to the fact that for women of the first mature age the main motive for training is physical culture is the desire to correct figure defects and get rid of excess weight.

Hydroprophylaxis. One of the most common diseases of the 20th century is spinal osteochondrosis. Almost every mature person experiences manifestations of osteochondrosis in the form of pain in the lower back, neck, or severe and persistent pain in the back. It is believed that over the past decades, osteochondrosis has progressed due to physical inactivity, poor nutrition, postural defects, inadequate physical and psycho-emotional stress, and is often a complication of infectious diseases. With age, joint mobility decreases and the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus decreases.

For the prevention of osteochondrosis, it is proposed special exercises aimed at improving the mobility of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions spine; to strengthen the back muscles and abdominals, as well as exercises that promote traction of the spinal column. Exercises are performed in water and supplemented with self-massage.

Self-massage, including hydromassage, stops the development of negative processes occurring in the body, improves health, increases vitality, and makes muscles strong and elastic.

Positive Impact water, as a source of a unique massage effect, can hardly be overestimated. Performing physical exercises in water is accompanied by overcoming water resistance, which acts as a burden, stimulates blood flow and lymph movement, making ligaments and joints more flexible, as well as having a tonic effect on the skin and muscles.

The next focus of preventive exercises in the pool is due to stress, accompanied by nervous and muscle tension, which can be relieved through relaxation.

Intensifying activities nervous system, relaxation regulates mood and the degree of mental arousal, allows you to weaken and relieve mental and muscle tension. The benefits of relaxation extend far beyond the short time a person relaxes. A feeling of calm is induced while using this technique, and the long-term delayed effect of this training has a positive impact on all aspects of our lives.

Relaxation combined with auto-training is more effective. Auto-training consists of 4 parts: concentration, muscle relaxation, self-hypnosis, exit from auto-training. Due to the fact that groups are most often heterogeneous and the interests of those involved are different, it is best to conduct classes with the integrated use of the tools discussed above. The special effect of health training in the pool is associated with an increase in the functionality of the cardiovascular system.

To conduct sports and recreation activities, swimming pools acquire a special additional inventory and equipment.

Classes in the sports and health service system can be conducted in various pools: shallow, deep, as well as hydrotherapeutic and balneological. Depending on this, the classes have their own characteristics and various additional equipment is used.

To category small include swimming pools , the depth of which reaches the waist or shoulders of those involved. As the depth of the pool decreases, the hydrostatic pressure also decreases, which mainly falls on bottom part bodies. As a result, the load increases (especially on the muscular and musculoskeletal system of the legs).

Important feature Conducting classes in shallow pools is to expand the number of participants, since the ability to swim well is not necessary. The body position is characterized by stability, which makes it possible to easily control balance. The lesson can be carried out with virtually no special equipment. The use of step platforms does not require special skills from those involved. You can use familiar movements (similar to all kinds of movements on land) that do not require high technical preparedness.

In shallow water, use rubber shoes and aqua aerobic sneakers. Shoes must match the length of the foot. Large shoes will slip on your feet and may cause calluses. The step platform is used only in shallow water. It is necessary to control the work of the hands, since they mainly contribute to maintaining balance. It is better to start movements while standing on the platform and focus on getting off it. If the water level allows, the step platform can be used to perform exercises in the starting position while sitting, as well as during interval or circuit training. Flexible sticks are used more effectively as support devices for working out muscles. shoulder girdle. Various starting positions are used, for example, a stick behind your back, in front of you, under your knee. In the final part of the lesson, a flexible stick can be used in stretching and relaxation exercises.

Depth deep swimming pools are on average 20 cm greater than a person’s height (body length). In deep pools there is practically no load factor of supporting movements on the foot; hydrostatic pressure increases. Lack of support on the bottom of the pool requires mandatory water movement or swimming skills. Significant additional efforts are required to preserve correct position bodies in water.

In deep water, special support devices are always used. One of the very first devices for practicing water aerobics in deep pools is support belts. They have different sizes and shapes, are put on the body and are securely fixed. You should not use belts that cover your back, as it will be difficult for those exercising to keep their body upright. Flexible poles used to maintain body balance. With their help you can load the muscles of the lower body. Imitation movements in running and walking are more difficult to coordinate, since special equipment is needed to increase the load on the legs. To conduct classes, special exercises are used that differ from movements on land.

In this case, floating dumbbells and barbells are also used. Dumbbells there are different sizes(small, medium, large) and different shapes(round, triangular). When using dumbbells, you should not forget about safety rules: their incorrect use leads to overexertion shoulder joint and postural disorders. Dumbbells are used to increase the load on individual muscle groups. Barbells used in classes when it is necessary to give a large load to the abdominal and back muscles.

When training in deep pools, hand and leg cuffs are used. They are distinguished by size - small and large. Cuffs put on the lower leg, ankle or shoulder and forearm. They should fit snugly around the limb without moving around it. Small cuffs, which have less buoyancy, are more suitable for people with high buoyancy, while large cuffs are more suitable for people with low buoyancy (usually thin build). Thus, in deep pools, they are created different conditions relative to the level of body immersion in water. When arms and legs with cuffs are immersed in water, the load on the muscles involved in the movement increases, therefore, the higher the level of strength training of the athletes, the larger the cuffs they need. When using leg cuffs, it is important to maintain balance when increasing the amplitude of the exercises, since the high buoyancy of the cuffs can disrupt the hydrostatic balance of the body.

Swim board - must have a hole for gripping it with tassels. Helps to stay on the surface of the water, serves to increase resistance by movements of the shoulder girdle. Planks can be used to increase the intensity of the abdominal muscles and when performing coordination and balance exercises.

Gloves - popular because of their versatility. They are made of soft material and have membranes between the fingers. Gloves are used not only to change the muscle load in exercises, but also to maintain body position in the water.

In water aerobics the same shoulder blades, as in sport swimming. The larger the surface of the scapula, the greater the load on the muscles during movement. Exercises with shoulder blades are included in strength training to increase the load on the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Fins are used to increase the load on the abdominal or leg muscles. Water boots - are made of highly buoyant material and have blades on the sides of the shins. They give a very large load not only to the muscles of the legs and abdominals, but also to the entire body.

Water aerobics classes can take place in hydrotherapeutic and balneological swimming pools . Here, aerobic exercises are supplemented by the influence of additional factors (mineralized water, natural heat). It should be taken into account that in such pools the water temperature is higher, which is an additional loading factor, which, with a high intensity of exercise, can have a negative effect on the body of those involved. Classes are conducted under the supervision of the attending physician or physiotherapist.

Currently appeared the new kind equipment for water aerobics - hydrosimulators made of modern high-strength materials. The installed set of simulators allows you to work out all the main muscle groups and can be used in circuit training. The set of hydrosimulators includes: an underwater stepper, an underwater climber (a ladder for exercising in water), an underwater horizontal bar, an underwater abdominal exercise machine, a device for underwater rowing, an underwater walker and an underwater exercise bike.

An example of expanding the range of services by offering various aquatic and non-aquatic sports and recreational programs is the swimming pool and health centers of the Educational and Sports Complex of the South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk).

The so-called Aquatic Center is successfully operating at the Educational and Sports Complex, providing the opportunity to practice paid sports and fitness programs under the guidance of experienced trainers and teachers.

To practice aqua aerobics, you do not need to know how to swim - special equipment helps you stay on the water. The participant receives the main load by overcoming the resistance of the water. This type of exercise is especially effective for strengthening the muscles of the legs, abdominals and back, since you have to keep your body upright in the water. At the same time, the load on the joints and spine does not increase, which makes it possible for people with excess weight and cardiovascular diseases to engage in water aerobics without harm to their health.

As you can see, 10 programs are offered for different age groups and different levels of preparedness. Various program complexity levels guarantee load safety. Modern aqua equipment: noodles, fins, dumbbells, “boots”, hydrosimulators - makes classes as effective, emotionally rich, and most importantly – healthy and physically developing.

Visitors who come to sports and fitness groups want to harmonize their lives and change it for the better. Different age periods differ in the peculiarities of setting life goals, the problems that have to be solved, and the characteristics of their lifestyle.

During early adulthood (18-25 years old), life's problems are choosing a profession, finding a life partner, and the desire to be liked. At this age, people of both sexes enjoy attending hydroaerobics and hydroshaping groups.

During the period of middle (25-40 years) and late adulthood (40-55 years), the most important aspects of life for a person are health, work, fear of being left without a livelihood, lack of time, lack of care and attention from loved ones. Sometimes they have a negative impact: dissatisfaction family life, sexual relations; inability to relax and have fun; fear for children; uncertainty about the future; general fatigue; constant emotional stress; inner loneliness.

Promising classes for working with these people are classes in groups of hydroaerobics, hydroshaping, hydroprophylaxis, in family groups, personal lessons with an experienced trainer. Activities that positively reinforce most motives are effective, but it must be taken into account that the importance of motives varies from person to person. And here the coach faces a difficult task: to find ways to create a favorable psychological atmosphere in the group; take into account the individual psychological characteristics of group members.

Interesting program - “Sharks” - children's fitness for children aged 7 to 12 years. Here the child learns to perform movements to music, develops correct posture, coordination and attention. Water games and relay races are held under the watchful and professional guidance of an instructor. Children are encouraged to “have fun.” But any game or relay race on the water is a cardio and strength load on all muscle groups. Water makes breathing easier and relieves tension from the spine and joints. Children from 7 to 12 years old who have swimming skills and feel free in the water are invited to attend classes.

Teenagers aged 12 to 17 years are also actively included in the training program. The lesson is aimed at strengthening and working through everything muscle corset, especially the muscles of the shoulder girdle, chest, and back. The selection of exercises and training programs takes into account the psychophysiological characteristics of this difficult age period.

A promising area of ​​sports and health services is the organization of classes in family swimming groups. During such classes, adults have the opportunity to improve their health, increase performance and correct figure defects. Children can learn to swim, develop physical qualities, a sense of rhythm and master a large number of movements in the water. But the most important thing is the opportunity to communicate with each other during classes, help each other, and enjoy success in classes. When organizing family swimming with elements of hydroaerobics and hydroshaping, the lesson is structured in such a way that children perform some exercises together with adults, others separately. All family members should feel comfortable during training.

In addition to using the capabilities of swimming pools to provide sports and recreation services, the Educational and Sports Complex has a fitness center with a gym group programs, training center, athletics arena. This significantly expands the capabilities of the sports complex to provide sports and recreation services.

Group programs hall with an area of ​​350 sq. m. with a ceiling height of 15 m, equipped with excellent technical and sports equipment, - the only room in Chelyabinsk for sports and recreational activities, licensed by the International Shaping Federation. This means that it provides a patented training and nutrition system for achieving athleticism and achieving physical perfection. Here you can choose from various areas of health improvement and figure correction. Consulting a fitness doctor and undergoing medical and anthropometric testing will help you successfully make your choice and achieve your goals. Highly professional instructors are able to provide strength and dance programs with varying levels of difficulty. In the gym you can use the services of a personal trainer, which will help you achieve results faster, receiving regular recommendations from an instructor on training and nutrition. Preparing diets for different phases of training will help control nutrition and weight. The hall offers massage, sauna and modern solarium as additional services.

A kind of “highlight” of the hall group classes appeared men's fitness"KIVO". This is kickboxing combined with aerobics - all together KIBO. These classes use special boxing equipment. Safe load, weight correction, pleasure from training - this is what determines classes in the group program hall.

Above the pool in the Educational and Sports Complex is located training center"Olympia". You can exercise on the latest simulators from the world-famous PARAMOUNT company (USA) for all muscle groups, from a classic bench press to special exercise machines that develop individual muscle groups. The gym has a large selection of free weights: training barbells, barbells of various configurations, a full row of dumbbells. The most modern Life Fitness equipment is also here. Computerized simulators that have won worldwide recognition with software modeling of any training option are a unique opportunity to prepare for power loads and stabilize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reduce the level of subcutaneous fat.

There is a children's fitness class on the territory of the Olympia training center of the Educational and Sports Complex. Children aged 3 to 7 years are invited here for developmental classes. These lessons are taught by professional instructors who have received special training.

Offers a large program of sports and recreational services athletics arena Educational and sports complex. There is a great opportunity to play tennis here. The arena has a track length of 200 m and accommodates a magnificent tennis court. Certified tennis instructors will provide introductory instruction and help you master this exciting sport, provide developmental and healing effect classes.

IN athletics arena The educational and sports complex conducts training classes for children tennis under the guidance of professional trainers. Here children can learn the basics of the game, improve their physical fitness, increase their vitality and enjoy their free time. Children and teenagers of any level of preparedness are accepted for training.

On the territory of the athletics arena

They would become even more popular if they included several new disciplines.

Today, there are several very popular winter sports that, for various reasons, are not Olympic.

And, nevertheless, these sports can compete with many Olympic disciplines in terms of entertainment.

1. Skijoring (dog racing)

This sport is quite young. In the USSR there was a discipline called skier towing, later renamed skijoring in Russia.

The skier is pulled forward by a horse, dog or deer (less commonly), which is controlled by the rider or the skier himself - it all depends on the type of skijoring.

It is also worth noting that driving with a snowmobile or SUV as a tow can also be called skijoring. In Russia, this winter sport is associated with dogs, and in the USA with horses.

2. Speed ​​competition (alpine skiing)

In this sport, skiers compete for speed while descending from a specially prepared slope. It is worth noting that this is the fastest non-motor sport, not counting parachute jumping.

Typically, in a speed competition, participants can reach speeds in excess of 200 km/h. On a segment of 1 km, the speed of the skier is determined. The winner is the one who reaches the highest speed.

3. Sports ballet on ice

In the USA and Australia, ice ballet is known as TOI (Theater on Ice). This winter sport is a mixture of singles and pairs skating, as well as ice dancing.

Synchronous figure skating in ice ballet it is staged with the goal of telling a complete story. The emphasis is on aesthetics rather than technique. Ballet on skis first appeared at the beginning of the 20th century in Austria. Despite the fact that the discipline itself is quite new, it is gaining popularity very quickly.

4. Winter sports: military patrol competitions (patrol race)

The patrol race is the predecessor of modern biathlon. This sport was known in the first half of the 20th century.

The military patrol competition includes several stages: men's and women's cross-country ski races over a distance of 25 km and 15 km, respectively, mountain route(ski mountaineering) and rifle shooting at pre-prepared targets.

Before it was replaced by biathlon, patrol racing was a Winter Olympic sport at the very first games in 1924.

5. Bandy (bandy)

Two teams of 10 field players play, using skates to move around. Despite. That in Russia this sport is officially called “bandy”, in international practice its name is “bandy”.

The International Olympic Committee recognizes bandy as a winter sport, but has not yet included it in the official Winter Games program. Olympic Games. According to the President of the Russian Bandy Federation and the International Bandy Federation, this sport will be featured at the 2018 Winter Olympics.

6. Snowkiting

As a form of kitesurfing, the main element of this winter sport is kite(kite), which pulls the athlete along with it. The participant can ski or snowboard.

In Russia, snoekiting is developing very quickly, unlike kitesurfing. For example, in Tolyatti you can observe international competitions snowsurfing "Zhigulevskoe Sea".

Snowkiting (video)

7. Non-Olympic Sports: Sailing Sled

Sailing sleds have another name - ice boats. The main structure is the sail, which is attached to the hull, which already has three short steel skates. The rear skate plays the role of the sleigh's steering wheel.

Ice boats are capable of reaching high speeds, but it all depends on the ice and wind strength. There are places where sailing sleighs are very popular look sports, for example Poland, where in the northeastern part there are about 2,000 lakes and a huge number of rivers.

8. Non-Olympic sport: ice climbing (ice-climbing)

Simply put, this is climbing up icy steep slopes. Here you need to have high level concentration. Ice is quite fragile, which means one careless movement can lead to a crack.

Ice climbers who engage in ice climbing climb the same peaks as rock climbers in the warm season. However, ice climbers have one more obstacle that rock climbers do not have - a frozen waterfall.

It is worth noting that Russian fans of this sport can be found in the Caucasus. Also many ice platforms can be found in Crimea. In addition to natural ones, there are also artificial ice structures for training.

9. Winter equestrian polo

Despite the fact that winter equestrian polo is not an Olympic sport, major competitions are held in it. Competitions in this sport have been held in Moscow since 2004.

The most famous winter equestrian polo tournament is called the Cartier Polo World Cup, and it takes place every year in Switzerland, namely on the ice of Lake St. Moritz. The rules of this sport are the same as those of regular equestrian polo. The only difference is that the ball is painted in a brighter color and has a larger diameter.

Since climatic conditions in Russia allow this sport to develop, the International Federation of Modern Pentathlon has become seriously interested in the prospects for this development. It is worth noting that the head of this federation is Prince Albert of Monaco, who is very fond of this sport.

10. Figure skiing

This sport was part of freestyle skiing from the early 60s until 2000. Within 90 seconds, participants had to perform various acrobatic elements while skiing down a small slope while listening to music.

In the 80s, there were pair competitions in which, in addition to jumps and turns, participants had to perform lifts and demonstrate synchronization. The performance was evaluated by the judges.

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Olympic winter sports- Sports recognized by the IOC and included in the Olympic program winter games. . Biathlon. Bobsled. Curling. Hockey. Luge. Skating. skiing[Language Services Department... ... Technical Translator's Guide

Sports that involve the use of skis during competitions. Olympic biathlon skiing(sport) Nordic combined ski race ski jumping snowboarding freestyle Non-Olympic skiing windsurfing skiing... ... Wikipedia

Collective name for sports ( sports games) skating, skiing and various types sledding, competitions in which are held on ice and snow. To W. century. With. include: biathlon cross-country skiing with rifle shooting at shooting ranges;… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Commemorative coins of the Central Bank Russian Federation dedicated to Olympic winter sports. Main article: Commemorative coins of Russia Series: “Sport” Winter views sports The “Winter Sports” series, released in 2009 2010, consists of... ... Wikipedia

Paralympic Games. History and sports- From the history of the Paralympic Games The Paralympic Games for the disabled in the world are considered almost as outstanding an event as the Olympics itself. The emergence of sports in which disabled people can participate is associated with the name... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

Women's sports at the IV Olympiad 1908- July 13 marks one hundred years since the opening of the IV Olympiad. These Summer Olympics, held in London, included women for the first time. The IV Summer Olympic Games were held in London from April 27 to October 31, 1908. Official... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers


  • , . A team of authors has created a reference and methodological manual in the form of a constructive reference book. It reflects systematized ideas about the norms and dimensional requirements for...
  • Summer Olympic sports. Norms and requirements. Reference and methodological manual, Zaitsev A. A., Poleshchuk N. K., Makarevsky A. B., Borisova I. V., Lutkova N. V.. A team of authors created a reference and methodological manual in the form of a constructive reference book. It reflects systematized ideas about the norms and dimensional requirements for...

What do you think swimming can have in common with athletics, and football and basketball - with rhythmic gymnastics and biathlon? That's right - all these sports are considered Olympic. This means that they belong to one of two programs of the Olympic Games - either winter or summer.

Non-Olympic sports - what is this concept?

But in fact, there are twice as many sports in the world as those listed in the Olympic program. What people don't do! And rugby, and sambo, and bandy, and many, many others. All of these are non-Olympic sports, the list of which looks very impressive. Why are some of its types Olympic, while others are not?

There are many reasons for this. Let's say rugby - why is this sport bad? Not too popular? Here in Russia - yes. But, for example, in England, rugby matches regularly attract entire stadiums of fans. And the same in many other countries.

In this case, that is not the reason. As you know, the Olympic Games last no more than 15 days in summer. For the Olympic championship, for example in rugby, much more time is required. The fact is that rugby is a contact sport. It is very labor-intensive, and the players give it their all. After each match, they need additional time to recuperate, more than, for example, football players.

And this is also a sport

Another reason is that many games can be classified as sports with a serious stretch. Personally, are you aware that bowling and billiards are also considered sports? Most people in Everyday life consider these activities to be just fun leisure activities, it never occurs to them that these are also non-Olympic sports. The list of them includes chess - but the overwhelming majority treat it only as a highly intellectual game that develops the brain, but not at all sports activity. And this is provided that chess, like billiards and bowling in our country, has its own federation, that is, it is officially considered a sport.

There have been attempts to repeatedly include the mentioned species in the program of the Olympiads in different years. Perhaps this will happen in the future. But so far they are not. Apparently not spectacular enough. After all, the Olympic Games are primarily about public events. It’s hard to imagine how a stadium full of spectators would hold their breath and watch the duel between two chess players.

Of course, all these criteria are quite subjective. For example, curling was recognized as an Olympic sport in 1998. It is not clear to the average viewer why curling is better or more spectacular than bowling?

Fight and don't give up

Representatives of the Federation of Non-Olympic Sports do not want to come to terms with their status as such and continue to stubbornly fight to be included in the Olympic program. But this is quite difficult to do. And in order to “place” any sport in the program, you will have to exclude something else.

If the program of the first Olympic Games included only 9 sports, then over time it grew so much that it was necessary to limit such diversity and even exclude some things. Thus, such now non-Olympic sports as cricket and croquet, polo, which were present in it in the first half of the last century, were thrown out of the program. In this century, baseball and softball were excluded from the program, and boxing was on the verge of exclusion.

Non-Olympic sports that don't want to be

Representatives are fighting most actively for Olympic status various types martial arts They achieved the inclusion of boxing, judo, and taekwondo in the program of the Olympics. The federations of karate, wushu, sambo, kickboxing and other types of wrestling bombard the IOC with regular applications. But they have not yet achieved results.

Despite the popularity of certain strength sports, their representatives have not yet been able to achieve the abolition of the status of “non-Olympic sports”. So, they are fighting unsuccessfully for this status weight-lifting, powerlifting and arm wrestling. The Federation of Sports Dance, a spectacular and very dynamic sport, constantly submits applications to the IOC, and is also constantly disappointed. But sports dancing cannot be called less beautiful or spectacular than figure skating, which was “written in” in the program of the Olympic Games a long time ago.

Are there any lucky ones?

The aforementioned intellectual sports like checkers, chess, and billiards also have little chance of being included in the Olympiads. There is an opinion that the IOC prefers competitions that involve real physical activity.

And yet, despite the fact that the program of the ongoing Olympiads is filled to capacity, certain sports still manage to make their way into the ranks of the lucky ones. So, relatively recently summer Olympic program was replenished with golf, and the winter one with snowboarding.

Most parents strive to define the child from an early age in some kind of sports section. At the same time, non-Olympic sports in Russia are rarely preferred in our country. Choosing a view physical activity son or daughter, most often they settle on the one that is included in the cherished program. What is this connected with? The main advantage is government funding, which allows young athletes to build a sports career in the future.

A look into the past

If we look at history, we can recall that we started in the territory Ancient Greece in ancient times. Then only men participated in them, and they dedicated their competitions to numerous pagan gods. The games always began with chariot races, later various martial arts, horse racing, and pentathlon were included. In addition, the Olympics of those times included competitions for heralds and trumpeters. Some categories, such as running, have not lost popularity to this day.

Now there are many sports that are known all over the world, prestigious, fashionable, and also have an official competition structure and their own international associations. These are non-Olympic sports recognized by the IOC, but still not yet included in the Olympic program.

Some of them did not become such only because of limited popularity (in certain countries). An example is American football, some types of cricket and various extreme novelties.