At least four times within one year. A schoolchild must eat at least four times a day - document Menu of school canteens

Tips for parents proper nutrition children

According to nutritionists, modern schoolboy must eat at least four times a day, and there must certainly be a hot dish for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

For a growing body, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, and fermented milk products are required - sources of calcium and protein. Fish dishes will also help compensate for calcium and phosphorus deficiency. As a side dish, it is better to use not potatoes or pasta, but stewed or boiled vegetables (cabbage, beets, onions, carrots, legumes, garlic and cabbage). Per day Schoolchildren should drink at least one to one and a half liters of liquid, but not carbonated water, but fruit or vegetable juices.

Parents have high hopes for a proper breakfast - after all, they personally control this process and can be absolutely sure that the child has eaten properly at least once a day. However, not everyone knows which breakfast is most valuable for a schoolchild.

In addition to sweet tea, jam and confectionery, schoolchildren's morning breakfast must include baked goods, porridge (oatmeal has proven itself best), pasta, fresh vegetables; the preferred fruit is apples, rich in fiber and pectin. These are complex forms of carbohydrates, the supply of which is necessary for the child. It is better to distribute the remaining carbohydrates into intermediate meals during school day: fruit drinks, tea, coffee, buns, cookies, candies will ensure a constant supply of fresh portions of glucose into the blood and will stimulate the mental activity of schoolchildren.

The second most important food component needed to meet the energy needs of schoolchildren is fats. They account for 20 to 30% of total daily energy expenditure.

A schoolchild's diet should contain the required amounts of fiber - a mixture of indigestible substances that are found in the stems, leaves and fruits of plants. It is necessary for normal digestion.

Proteins are the main material that is used to build the tissues and organs of the child. Proteins differ from fats and carbohydrates in that they contain nitrogen, so proteins cannot be replaced by any other substances.

Schoolchildren 7-11 years old should receive 70-80 g of protein per day, or 2.5-3 g per 1 kg of weight, and students 12-17 years old - 90-100 g, or 2-2.5 g per 1 kg of weight .

Children and adolescents - young athletes who have increased physical activity (including participants in hiking trips) need to increase daily norm protein consumption up to 116-120 g at the age of 10-13 years. and up to 132-140 g at the age of 14-17 years.

In baby food, the qualitative characteristics of proteins are taken into account. Thus, the proportion of animal proteins in the diet of children school age is 65-60%, in adults - 50%. Milk protein, as well as all other components of milk, best meets the needs of a child’s body. In this regard, milk should be considered as a mandatory, non-replaceable baby food product. For school-age children, the daily milk intake is 500 ml. It should be kept in mind that 100 g of milk corresponds to 12 g of powdered milk or 25 g of condensed milk.

Essential amino acids: lysine, tryptophan and histidine are considered as growth factors. Their best suppliers are meat, fish and eggs.

Memo for parents

“What foods do vitamins “live” in?”

found in fish, seafood, apricots, and liver. It ensures the normal condition of the skin and mucous membranes, improves vision, and improves the body's resistance as a whole.

found in rice, vegetables, poultry. It strengthens the nervous system, memory, and improves digestion.

found in milk, eggs, broccoli. It strengthens hair, nails, and has a positive effect on the condition of nerves.

in wholemeal bread, fish, nuts, vegetables, meat, dried mushrooms, regulates blood circulation and cholesterol levels.

in whole grains, egg yolk, brewer's yeast, beans. Has a beneficial effect on functions nervous system, liver, hematopoiesis.

Pantothenic acid

in beans, cauliflower, egg yolks, meat, regulates the functions of the nervous system and intestinal motor function.

in meat, cheese, seafood, promotes hematopoiesis, stimulates growth, has a beneficial effect on the state of the central and peripheral nervous system.

Folic acid

in savoy cabbage, spinach, green peas, necessary for growth and normal hematopoiesis.

in egg yolk, tomatoes, brown rice, soybeans, affects the condition of the skin, hair, nails and regulates blood sugar levels.

in rosehip, sweet pepper, black currant, sea buckthorn, good for immune system, connective tissue, bones, promotes wound healing.

in fish liver, caviar, eggs, strengthens bones and teeth.

in nuts and vegetable oils, protects cells from free radicals, affects the functions of the reproductive and endocrine glands, and slows down aging.

in spinach, lettuce, zucchini and white cabbage, regulates blood clotting.

Diseases of the digestive organs in school-age children occupy second place after diseases of the respiratory organs - these are the statistics not only for the republic, but throughout the country, reported the Department for the Protection of Motherhood and Childhood of the Ministry of Health of Buryatia

10-12 percent of schoolchildren have gastrointestinal diseases, 10-15 percent of children suffer from anemia and metabolic disorders, and the number of children and adolescents with underweight has increased by one and a half times. Such data were published by the chief state sanitary doctor of Russia G.G. Onishchenko. In Buryatia, “underweight” is observed in every third urban schoolchild and every fourth rural student.

School canteen menu

Hot meals in this academic year 80 percent of Ulan-Ude schoolchildren were covered, they reported at a briefing at the city hall. This figure last year was even lower - 65 percent, increased due to subsidies from the city and republican budgets.

The school nutrition plant provides hot meals to 58 city schools and prepares breakfast and lunch for 32 thousand people every day. A complete breakfast in all respects costs an average of 25 rubles. Plus several dishes of free choice - soups, poses, pastries, salads.

However, not all children receive hot meals. Nadezhda Zaverukha, director of the city school nutrition plant, explains:

Many simply do not have time to eat, because now in most schools teachers have stopped organizing meals in the canteen. Remember how it was under socialism: the attendants set the table in advance and the children had time to eat normally. Now this remains only in primary grades, but it should be up to 8th and 9th grade, because we are talking about the health of our children.

How to feed a child and what eating behavior is

Eating behavior needs to be shaped. Doctors, teachers and parents should have a unified approach, experts and chief doctors of the republican and city centers for medical prevention Alla Shobogorova and Zinaida Malakshinova are convinced.

To maintain health and performance, a modern schoolchild must eat at least four times a day (with three meals a day, 75 percent of the substances received are absorbed, with four meals a day, 82-84 percent). There should be a hot dish for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The intervals between meals should be no more than 3 -3.5 hours. If possible, it is necessary to exclude dry snacks and deep-fried foods - this is a real aggression for the child’s gastric mucosa. This is the only way to maintain the health of a growing organism and instill the basics of proper nutrition.

Moscow leg of the Olympic torch relay Winter Games in Sochi continued on Tuesday, October 8. Like the day before, it started on Vasilyevsky Spusk near St. Basil's Cathedral. The first torchbearer was two-time Paralympic swimming champion Olesya Vladykina, ITAR-TASS reports.

Taking part in the relay race are People's Artist of the USSR, State Duma Deputy Iosif Kobzon, two-time world champion in beach soccer Andrei Bukhlitsky and Main coach Russian national beach soccer team Mikhail Likhachev, two-time medalist Olympic Games in speed skating Ivan Skobrev and two-time world champion in snowboarding Ekaterina Tudegesheva.

The first torchbearer was two-time Paralympic swimming champion Olesya Vladykina

Torchbearers on this day will be hockey player Ilya Byakin, six-time Paralympic champion Sergei Shilov, figure skaters Irina Slutskaya, Ilya Averbukh, alpine skier, president of the Russian Alpine Skiing and Snowboard Federation Svetlana Gladysheva. Some government ministers, film director Nikita Mikhalkov, and actor Alexander Domogarov will also bear the fire.

People's Artist of the USSR, State Duma Deputy Iosif Kobzon took part in the relay race

The Olympic flame will be carried, in particular, through the territory sports complex"Luzhniki" and Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill. The full route is available on the website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the capital. The Moscow relay will end on Red Square. The last torchbearer on Tuesday will be the rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Viktor Sadovnichy. Sportbox publishes a diagram of the relay route.

Due to the relay, traffic in the city will be limited (schedule); the traffic police urges drivers to choose alternative routes in advance. As the relay stages progress, the movement will be restored. At 20:45, the Olympic cauldron will be lit on Red Square, and events related to the relay will officially end in Moscow.

The Olympic flame will be carried, in particular, through the territory of the Luzhniki sports complex and Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill

The Olympic "immortal" flame went out four times in two days

Many Muscovites, guests of the capital and outside observers will remember the Moscow relay not only and not so much for the spectacle and road closures, but for the dying torches. Bloggers have already counted at least four such cases, and all were caught on video or photo cameras.

The first occurred on Sunday on the territory of the Kremlin - then the flame flared up again thanks to a lighter in the hands of an employee of the Federal Security Service.

For the second time, the torch went out on Raushskaya embankment, and Muscovite Anastasia Naumova, who filmed this moment, provided the recording with the following comment: “We didn’t have time to run far from the Kremlin...”

For the third time, trouble happened on Mosfilmovskaya Street, and the torchbearer did not notice it at first - he continued to run, joyfully greeting spectators on the side of the road. The emotions of eyewitnesses knew no bounds: “The Olympic flame went out for the THIRD TIME! This is a collapse!!” - the owner of the YouTube account who posted this video is either lamenting or gloating.

Around the same place, near Mosfilm, the torch went out for the fourth time, judging by the photographs that Yuri Feklistov, a photojournalist for the magazine 7 Days, published on his Facebook page. “I took the picture after the traffic light opposite Mosfilm. So this is my fourth time!” - he writes.

The bloggers’ disappointment is understandable: the fact is that during the development of the Sochi 2014 torch Special attention attention was paid to the reliability of the design and the fire combustion system. The special design of the burner was supposed to ensure flame stability in conditions of strong wind or frost, notes BaltInfo.

In particular, at the presentation of the torch in Moscow in January 2013, the head of the Sochi 2014 organizing committee, Dmitry Chernyshenko, assured that it “will burn in severe frost, in windy weather, and even under water.” “We carried out tests, everything was done to ensure that the torch never goes out,” ITAR-TASS quoted him as saying. In a conversation with an agency correspondent, one of the developers of the torch, Andrei Vodyanik, confirmed at the same time: the Olympic torch of the 2014 Games will not go out under any circumstances.

However, history knows many cases of the Olympic flame extinguishing, and during the 76 Games in Montreal it completely went out in the bowl of the main stadium of the Olympics. True, at that time no competitions were held there; the arena was empty. The cause of the incident was incessant heavy rains.

Before Summer Games in London 2012 olympic flame went out no less than three times, the first time in Greece, before it was handed over to the first torchbearer. And during the relay before the 2008 Beijing Games, the flame went out in many cities around the world, despite the fact that the developers of the torch were sure that the fire would not go out even during a tsunami.

2. At least six times within one year

3. At least twelve times within one year

240. When wearing body armor (protective vests) for concealed wear, it is recommended to use clothing:

1. Same size as the one worn by the person using the body armor (protective vest) or loose-fitting clothing

1-2 sizes larger than what is worn by the wearer of body armor (protective vest) or loose-fitting clothing

3. 3-4 sizes larger than what is worn by the wearer of body armor (protective vest) or loose-fitting clothing

Questions about fire training

(applicable only to 5th and 6th digits,

questions without marks - for both categories)

241. The IZH-71 pistol differs from its modification (version) IZH-71 – 100: (6th category)

1.Barrel length

Number of rounds in the magazine

3. Improved trigger mechanism

242. Will there be a shot if the guard sent a cartridge into the chamber of the pistol, jerked the bolt and immediately put it on safety (And at the same time the trigger fell off the cocking!)?

1. Will happen, as with any decocking of the hammer

2. It will happen, but with a slowdown of up to 30 seconds

It will not happen until the hammer is cocked again and the hammer is released with the safety removed.

243. Rules for the circulation of civilian and service weapons in the territory Russian Federation The following procedure for carrying firearms has been established:

In a holster, with a loaded magazine or drum with the safety on

2. In a holster, with a cartridge in the chamber, with the hammer cocked

3.In a holster, with a cartridge in the chamber, the safety on

244. In accordance with the procedure established by the internal affairs bodies for carrying weapons, which applies to the activities of private security organizations, fastening a short-barreled service weapon by a guard with a pistol (revolver) cord: (6th category)

1. Performed if necessary, at the discretion of the security guard

This is required, regardless of the type of post or route.

3. It is carried out without fail, except in cases of security on the routes of collection and escort of goods, as well as the security of property owned by individuals

245. After firing from gas pistols (revolvers), they are cleaned:

1. Dry cloth

2.A cloth moistened with alcohol or an alcohol solution containing at least 40% alcohol

3. A cloth moistened with gun lubricant

246. The rules for the circulation of civilian and service weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation stipulate that chambering a cartridge is permitted:

Only when it is necessary to use weapons or to protect life, health and property in a state of necessary defense or emergency

2. If it is necessary to use weapons, as well as in any other dangerous situations

3. If it is necessary to use weapons, as well as when protecting funds and valuable cargo

247. Based on the rules for the circulation of civilian and service weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation, security guards carrying weapons while on duty must have with them:

1. Documents proving their identity, an order to guard the post (route)

2. Permission issued by the internal affairs body to store and carry weapons they have, medical certificate form 046-1

Documents proving their identity, as well as a permit issued by the internal affairs body to store and carry weapons they have

248. What is the minimum supply of ammunition for smooth-bore long-barreled firearms (service rifles and carbines), established by supply standards for private security organizations? (6th category)

1. 15 rounds

2. 20 rounds


249. What is the minimum supply of ammunition for pistols and service revolvers established by supply standards for private security organizations? (6th category)

1. 16 rounds


3. 24 rounds

What is the minimum supply of ammunition for firearms without a barrel and gas weapons, established by supply standards for private security organizations?

Not regulated

2. Two magazines (sets)

3. 10 cartridge

251. When carrying out private security activities, the following weapons may be used:

1. Only service weapons (pistols and revolvers certified as service weapons, shotguns and long-barreled smoothbore carbines domestic production)

2. Service weapons (pistols and revolvers, shotguns and long-barreled smooth-bore carbines of domestic production certified as service weapons), as well as any civilian weapon

3. Service weapons (pistols and revolvers certified as service weapons, shotguns and long-barreled smooth-bore carbines of domestic production), as well as civilian weapons included in the list of types of weapons for security guards

Can domestically produced firearms duly certified as civilian weapons be used in private security activities?

1. It cannot, since it can only be used by citizens

Maybe, since it is included in the list of types of weapons for security guards

3. It can, subject to the existence of an appropriate agreement between the citizen (security guard) and the private security organization

Can electroshock devices and spark gaps of domestic production, duly certified as civilian weapons, be used in private security activities?

They can, since they are included in the list of types of weapons for security guards

2. They cannot, since they can only be used by citizens

3. They can, subject to the existence of an appropriate agreement between the citizen (security guard) and the private security organization

In what capacity gas pistols and can revolvers be issued to security guards in a private security organization?

1. As a service weapon included in the list of types of weapons for security guards

As a civilian weapon included in the list of types of weapons for security guards

3. As a special means included in the list of special means used in private security activities

What feature of bullet ricocheting can be used and should be taken into account by a participant in fire contact in his interests?

1. Loss of danger from a bullet after a ricochet

The ability to avoid being hit by the enemy due to the very ability of a bullet to ricochet off obstacles

3. Possibility of hitting a target behind cover using a ricochet

What is the procedure for a shooter when shooting at shooting ranges and shooting ranges?

1. The shooter independently enters the line of fire, on the command “load” loads the weapon and on the command “fire” fires

2. The shooter, on the command “to the line of fire,” goes to the firing line, loads, shoots

The shooter goes out, loads, shoots, and performs other actions only as he receives individual commands

257. What is the flight range of bullets from service (smooth-bore long-barreled) 12-gauge shotguns? (6th category)

Up to 1500 meters

2. Up to 500 meters

3. Up to 100 meters

258. In case of delay when shooting a pistol at a shooting range, you must:

1. Carefully remove the magazine from the base of the handle, eliminate the cause of the delay, continue the exercise

2. Put the weapon on safety, remove the magazine from the base of the handle, hand over the weapon to the shooting director (instructor)

Do not perform any actions with the weapon and hold it in the direction of the target, report to the shooting director (instructor) about the delay and act on his command

259. How should you reload a service (smoothbore long-barreled) shotgun with a pump-action mechanism? (6th category)

Quickly move the forearm back, and without holding it in the rear position, quickly forward

2. Slow back and fast forward

3. Fast back and slow forward

260. To the main parts firearms relate: