Folk game lapta rules of the game. Russian lapta and how to play it. Playground and its dimensions

In conducting the first stage of a year-round citywide Russian bast game, we were faced with the fact that few people in Lipetsk now know the essence and rules of this game. Photos of the game can be viewed, and I publish the rules below.

Lapta is a Russian team folk game with a special bat and ball. On the one hand, the players must serve the ball, directing it to a sufficiently far distance, and while it is flying, run across the playing court and return back, on the other, representatives of the second team must try to catch the flying ball and throw it at the opponent.

Two teams are invited to play Russian lapta. She passes on open area, V natural conditions. the main task Russian lapta - with a blow made by a lapta, hit the ball thrown by a representative of the opposing team and send it as far as possible. At the same time, you need to run in both directions (back and forth), without allowing a representative of the opposing team to “slap” the caught ball. Each successful run earns participants points. Those who score the most points over a conditional period of time win. Russian lapta has many related games around the world - these are American baseball, Finnish pesapolo, Romanian oina, and also cricket.

The history of Russian lapta begins a very long time ago: mentions of it are found even in ancient Russian writings, and bats and balls for the game were found during excavations in Novgorod in layers dating back to the 14th century.

During the reign of Peter the Great, Russian lapta was used as an effective remedy for physical training soldiers of some units and regiments - Shevardinsky, Preobrazhensky, Semenovsky, for example.

In the pre-revolutionary period, Russian lapta was used as a method active rest and leisure, as a way of physical education for children and youth. Moreover, both adults and children played Russian lapta. Under Podvoisky (commissar of education), it was widespread among Red Army soldiers - also as effective remedy to maintain physical fitness.

Official Russian lapta competitions began to be held in the 50s/60s of the twentieth century. Then the championships were interrupted for some time. But, starting in 1986, when the Decree of the State Sports Committee of the then USSR on the development of Russian lapta, softball and baseball was approved, the game again gained popularity. The result was a renewal All-Russian competitions and tournaments.

Then in 1996, the interregional lapta federation arose. In 2003, this structure received a new official status - the Russian Lapta Federation, which became a public all-Russian physical education and sports organization, uniting 46 branches in the regions of Russia. In addition, lapta is now officially recognized as a sport and is included in the Unified Russian Sports Classification.

Currently, it is actively promoted in 45 constituent entities of the federation. Championships of various levels, cups and championships in Russian lapta are organized among representatives of a wide variety of age categories. Today, in a large number of cities, in peripheral areas and rural regions of the Russian Federation, there are branches of Russian Lapta Youth Sports Schools. Russian lapta gained the greatest popularity in the Sverdlovsk, Amur, Tula, Chelyabinsk, Tomsk, Novgorod, Voronezh regions and in Bashkortostan, where there is excellent scientific, methodological and sports base for learning to play Russian lapta.

Lapta is played by two teams, each consisting of five people. One team is in the field, it is defending, the second is on the city line, it is attacking. The task of the players of the attacking team, after hitting the ball with the bat, is to try to run across the field. The task of the defending team is to pick up or catch the ball and hit (hit) the attacking players on the field with it. An attacking player who runs across the entire field and comes back brings his team 2 points. The defensive player who catches the ball from the volley brings his team 1 point. The game lasts four halves of 15 minutes. The winner is the team that scores the most points.

Playground is a rectangular platform. The dimensions of the field, depending on the rank of the competition and the conditions of the competition, are: width - 15-55 m, length - 25-40 m. Dimensions are measured along the outer line limiting the field.
A comment. Competitions can take place on an area with artificial turf, and on grass or earthen surfaces. Along the side lines there should be a free space of 3 meters, from the end line and the city line - 5 meters. If the game takes place in a hall, the lighting must be sufficient and uniform.

The penalty zone includes a six-meter space from the City line, it serves to determine the correctness of the kick and the ball being carried beyond the City line.
A comment. The kick is considered invalid if the ball in the air does not cross the line of the penalty zone. When the ball is cleared beyond the City line, there must be no more than one defensive player in the penalty area. The referees do not signal for the right to kick until the defending player leaves the penalty area.

It is located in the center of the front line, limited by two lines 3 meters wide and 1 meter long.

Team bench areas are located along the end line on both sides of the penalty area. Benches must accommodate 10 people for each team.

Each team consists of no more than 8 players and a coach. One of the players is the captain. The team composition before the start of the game cannot have less than five participants. During a team's game, there must be five players on the court in defense. During an offensive game, players who do not have the right to attack are on the bench.

Each team must have its own captain. When the need arises, the captain is the representative of his team on the court. He may contact the referee on issues related to the interpretation of the Rules or to obtain the necessary information after the end of the game. He must do this in the correct form. If for some reason the captain ends the game, he alerts the referee and appoints one of the players to take over his duties and hands him the armband.

Every team must have a coach. The coach bears full responsibility for his team and is the leader in all matters. 15 minutes before the start of the game he must fill out the game protocol. He has the right to announce a substitution to the referees, a timeout, and contact the referee on some clarification issues, but only after the end of the game. The coach may have an assistant, but he must make a note about this in the protocol in advance. The assistant coach may only contact the referees if the coach has left the game for any reason. The duties of a coach can be performed by the team captain.

For one game, referee teams are appointed consisting of: chief judge, line judge, secretary.

The senior referee must check and approve the location of the game, check the uniforms and equipment of the teams, if necessary, conduct a pre-game draw, bring the teams to the game, and make decisions on all issues during the game. In case of controversial issues, makes a decision, gives the command to start and end the game, blows the whistle to stop the game and restart the game, checks the protocol, approves the score. Confirms or annuls the decisions of the linesmen.

The line judge controls the course of the game and indicates with gestures certain actions of the players to the senior referee and players, and signs the protocol.

The secretary checks the correctness of filling out the protocol before the start of the match. Keeps a protocol during the game, monitors substitutions, total time, prompts the chief judge about the ball going out of bounds and the correctness of the points scored, registers the minute breaks used, signs the protocol and transfers it to the chief judge of the competition.

The game consists of four halves of 15 minutes total time. Between the first and second, third and fourth quarters there is a two-minute technical break. There is a 5 minute break between the second and third quarters.
A comment. Depending on the rank and level of competition, the total time may be reduced, both playing time and breaks.

The game begins with a greeting from the teams. According to the draw, one team takes a position in defense, the other in attack. At the whistle of the senior referee, the attacking player makes the first kick and the general countdown begins.

The ball is hit with a bat that is held with two hands, and the swing is made from behind the head. Hitting from the shoulder or side is prohibited. You are given two attempts to hit correctly. A kick is considered valid if the ball crosses the six-meter zone in the air and falls within the field or flies through the air beyond the city line without crossing the side lines. The kick is considered invalid if the ball in the air touches the ceiling, net or other foreign objects. After an incorrect first attempt, a second attempt is given; if it is not successful, then the player loses the hit, but he has the right to run over. A player can refuse a hit; to do this, he must stand in the area of ​​the service zone and, raising his hand, notify the senior referee about this.

At the request of the striker, he serves the ball to the specified height. To make a strike, you are given the opportunity to throw up two times. The serving player must be on the stroke. The server does not have the right to attack, but can enter the field for reverse salting.

Only those players who have attempted a shot have the right to run over. Having made a full dash, the player can make a dash only after he has made a hit.

The ball is carried out by the defending player while being within the playing field. The ball can be carried either by throwing or in the hand between the flags of the city line. If the ball crosses the city line through the sidelines, then the game continues. It is prohibited to make false substitutions to clear the ball.

Hitting the ball - hitting the attacking player with the ball. The player is caught when he falls at the moment when he makes a dash and is in the field. You can only kick while inside the field; the ball must be released from your hands. After salting, the game continues, and the defensive players must leave the field beyond the line of the horse or city. If the ball hits the head during the kick, the ball is not counted; if the ball is deliberately hit in the head, the defending player is punished with a yellow card.

After greasing, the players of the team whose player was greased have the right to perform reverse greasing, i.e. pick up the ball and insult a player from the opposing team. Re-salting can occur many times. No more than 5 people can leave the bench for the return season, otherwise a free change of teams is given.

An attacking player is considered self-defeated if he ran out and returned behind the line of the horse or the city, during the run he ran over the side line, touched the ball or the defensive player holding the ball. Points scored at the moment of self-salting are not counted. The defensive player, after self-salting and the referee's whistle, leaves the ball in the field and leaves it behind the line of the horse or city. Players who commit self-greasing have the right to reverse salting. In case of deliberate self-salting, a free shift is assigned.

The participants of the game are divided into two equal groups, each with a driver. The playing field is marked in the middle of the site. On one side of the playing field at a distance of 10 to 20 m there is a city, and on the other there is a place for a horse.

By lot, players of one group go to the city, and the other group disperses across the field. The game is started by the leader from the city group. He hits the ball with his rounder, runs across the field beyond the line and returns to the city again. During the run, the players of the driving team (field) try to stain the runner. If they succeed, they move to the city. Otherwise, the players remain in their places. The game continues, the second player scores the ball and also runs across the field beyond the line.

However, it is not always possible for players to return to the city immediately. In this case, they are waiting for someone to help them out, and only the one who hits the ball far can help them out.

There may be this option: if the one who kicked the ball could not immediately run over the line, he waits for the next player to kick the ball; then two players run behind the stake line at the same time.

Russian lapta


1. City players serve the ball into the field one by one; the batting ball must not cross the city limits; if there is only one player left in the city, and everyone else is outside the line, then he is allowed to serve the ball 3 times; The host is allowed to kick 3 goals.

2. Field players spot the runner from the place where the ball was lifted or caught; In order to mark the runner faster, it is allowed to pass the ball to the players of one’s own party.

3. Anyone who cannot score the ball with a rounder is allowed to throw it into the field with his hand.

4. The city team loses and moves to the playing field if all players hit the ball, but no one ran over the line; all players ran across the line, but did not return to the city; During the run, the city player was insulted.

Instructions for carrying out

The first condition of this game is the friendly action of all party players and strict adherence to the rules. It is also very important to choose the right driver: he must have good control of the ball, be active, follow the progress of the game, and skillfully place the players taking into account their skills.

It is better for the driver to start the game first - this will allow him to further observe the progress of the game, help the players, and, if necessary, on occasion, help out his comrades.

When serving the ball, players must look where to send it: where there are fewer players or where there are none at all. If the players run to the city, then the ball in the field must be sent further to the con line; if they are running away from the city, then throw the ball with a weak blow so that it falls closer to the city line.

1 The proposed option is slightly modified and adapted to the capabilities of older preschoolers.
The name of the game comes from the name of the stick with which the ball is scored - it is somewhat similar to a shovel and is called a lapta.

Based on materials from Maria Litvinova’s collection “Russian folk outdoor games”
Artists E. N. Rudko, I. S. Slutsner

Rules of the game of lapta.

Lapta is played by two teams of 6 people.

The goal of one team located in the “city” is to make as many runs as possible over the “kon” line and back.

You can make a dash after hitting the ball correctly with the bat.

Each such dash brings the team 2 points , the kicks are performed by the “city” players one by one from the strike zone.

One player takes a kick, another player of the same team throws the ball to him. The tosser can be any of the six players on the team.

You are given two attempts to hit.

If one of the two attempts was correct, the kicking player has the right to run over, or can wait for the next players to hit in the run over zone.

The player who makes an illegal kick has the right to run only after a correct kick by one of the subsequent players.

A player who has made a run over the horse line can remain there and return back after one of the subsequent blows.

The kick is considered legal if the ball goes outside the penalty area, but does not cross the side lines in the air.

A ball that hits the court behind the penalty line and bounces off the field, as well as flies over the line, is considered correct.

The second team is located in the “field”.

Its goal is to prevent the opponent from making a dash and occupy the “city” as soon as possible. This can be done by “salting” /hitting/ the ball into any part of the runner’s body,without bouncing off the ground, wherein the ball must be released from the hand.

Before the kick, the field players can be anywhere on the court, except in the penalty area.
After the strike, they have the right to move in any direction, as well as pass the ball to each other for “salting”.

Having killed the opponent, the “field” players must occupy the “city”; the “defiled” players can win back.

You can win back an unlimited number of times until all players of one of the teams are behind the “city” or “kon” line.

Field players can score points by catching the ball from the air (“candle”).

"Candle" - one point.

The game consists of two halves of 15-30 minutes depending on the age of the players. The team with the most points wins.


Each player of the “city” team receives the right to the next blow each time after he runs beyond the “kon” line and returns to the “city”.

Make dashes after good hit Several players can hit the ball at once.

For the return runs from the horse line to the city line, players can wait for the most favorable moment when their teammate successfully hits the ball.

Players of the “field” team have the right to run with the ball across the entire field and throw the ball to one another.

Changing teams without fighting

It is produced in cases where:

1. The kicking team has no player left with the right to kick.

2. The striker steps on the city line or some other line (i.e. goes beyond the striker's zone) at the moment of the strike or attempt.

3. Any of the city players steps on the lines limiting the zones, or stands behind them at the moment of a hit or try.

4. At the moment of impact, any of the players is not in their zone:

a) the player who has already kicked is in the queue zone, and not in the runners’ zone;

b) in the field, after changing teams without a fight or not yet completing the dash;

5. During the strike, the rounder flew into the field from the hands of the striker.

6. The kicker, having started to run, left the rounder (bat) in the field, and not in the city. If the bat touches the city line, it is considered to be left there.

7. The kicker, waiting for a successful hit from his partner (in the suburb), ran onto the field not from the suburb, but from any other area, or before the ball was hit.

8. While running, the kicker ran over the side line of the field or stepped on it.

9. The kicker, having started a run, returned back behind the city or horse line (or stepped on it).

10. The kicking team received a penalty point.

11. There were more than six players on the kicking team during the game (in the playing areas).

Changing teams must be done quickly (running).

In this case, the players who have occupied the city immediately, without waiting for the drivers to take their places in the field, begin to perform the strike.

It is forbidden:

Players of the “field” team are prohibited from interfering with those running across.

Running players are prohibited from crossing the side lines of the court.


The area for playing Russian lapta is a rectangle 25-35 m wide and 40-50 m long, depending on the age of the players.


City line, penalty line, horse line.

At a distance of 1.5 m from the “city” line, with right side site, a “suburb” (penalty) line 3 m long is drawn.

A flag is placed at the ends of the lines marking “city”, “con” and “suburb”.


Queue zone, strike zone / 5 m /, run zone, penalty zone / 10 m /.

Queue areas may be equipped with benches

The width of the “city” is 5m.


The bat for striking must be solid and wooden.

Length 60-110cm, diameter in the wide part no more than 5cm, in the narrow part no less than 3cm. The end of the handle should have a thickening.

Bit configurations may vary.

The game uses a tennis ball, as well as similar rubber and other balls with a circumference of 20 cm and a weight of up to 60 g.Playground

It consists of a playing field and the adjacent city and horse. The city is divided into 3 equal zones: queue, hitter and runner (suburb). A penalty zone is allocated in the field, in which there should be no players at the moment the ball is hit.

If there is a football goal in the kicker’s zone that prevents the kick, then it is allowed to be moved towards the runners’ zone. Field rectangular shape must be smooth and can have any coating.

1 – queuing zone

2 – striker's zone

3 – zone of those running (suburb)

The field dimensions for players 14 years and older (grades 9-11) are 50-60 x 30-40 m, the penalty line is 12–15 m from the city line.

For players 10–13 years old (grades 5–8) - 30-40 x 15-20 m, penalty area - 6–9 m.

For players 9 years old (grades 3–4) - 18 x 11 m (gym), penalty area - arc with a radius of 6 m.

The depth of the city and kon zones is 3–5 m. The width of the lines is 4–5 cm.

4. Inventory and equipment

Lapta (stick-bat)- made of wood, its size and shape depend on the age of the participants: for players 9–11 years old (grades 3–6) - bat No. 1; for players 12–13 years old (grades 7–8) - bat No. 2.

For playing in school conditions and for training players 12–13 years old - bat No. 3.

For players 14 years and older - bat No. 4.

For games in gym everyone age groups(under 14 years old) - bat No. 1.

Players 14 years and older use a 40 cm long piece of hose and 2.5–3 cm.

The game is played from start to finish by all players on both teams using the same bat. It is replaced only in case of malfunction. Before the start of the game, the first referee checks the bat's compliance with the rules of the competition, and during the game controls its serviceability.

Russian people should probably know what games their ancestors played. One of the most popular national Slavic pastimes is Russian lapta. This game, which originated in the depths of the people, requires from its participant the ability to play in a team, resourcefulness, attentiveness, dexterity, good breathing, fast run, accuracy, steadiness in hands and great confidence in victory. Lapta has been recommended since ancient times both as fun and as a wonderful exercise that develops determination, courage and hard work.

History of Russian lapta

It will be interesting to know that today there is no exact information about when exactly lapta appeared. According to some sources, it was played a thousand years ago; according to others, this time is pushed back another 1000 years.
For example, Dr. Abraham Tarjan, who teaches at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, claims that there is a manuscript describing the game of rounders of Jesus Christ. Thus, the age of the game can be dated back to at least 2000 years.
Jean Bilet, who lived in the 12th century, mentioned a ball game very similar to lapta, which was popular even among the clergy of that time.
And the excavations of Veliky Novgorod allowed us to see with our own eyes the wooden bats and felt balls with which our Slavic ancestors played this game in the 14th century.

Without going to extremes, the average age of lapta is considered to be 700 years. And many nations have similar games. We all know American baseball or English cricket. But few people know that the Germans also have a similar game called the barrier. And in Cuba, a game similar to lapta is called pelota. In Finland there is a game called pes pallo, which is also very similar to lapta. Also in Norway, during excavations, archaeologists discovered ancient equipment for playing lapta. Quite a wide geography and ancient history, is not it?
Since lapta was popular, there were a large number of its varieties. The rules were slightly different from each other, and this game was called “shibka”, sometimes “clap”, sometimes “cue ball”. But be that as it may, its popularity in Rus' was enormous, and not a single holiday, not a single folk festival took place without a lapta competition.
Tsar-reformer Peter the Great loved and appreciated this game very much. By the highest decree, Russian lapta became a means of physical training for soldiers of such elite units of the then army as the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments. Gradually, the entire Russian army began to use lapta as a means of training. physical strength, endurance and other qualities so necessary for a soldier.
In general, in Russia, right up to Soviet times, various segments of the population enjoyed playing lapta in their leisure time.
After the revolution, interest in this game began to decline and in the second half of the last century it was almost forgotten. Organizations designed to bring to the masses physical culture and sports, they don’t remember her. So this one would have sunk into oblivion ancient game, if in 1987 the State Sports Committee had not issued a decree, which was called “On the development of baseball, softball and Russian lapta.” And now, 10 years after the resolution, the Russian Lapta Federation was founded, which operates to this day, holding competitions at various levels.

What is the secret of such vitality and popularity of Russian lapta?

Everyone can play it. This is a truly democratic game. It does not require any special equipment. All you need is a wooden bat and an ordinary ball. tennis. The length of the bat varies from 70 to 110 cm, and the weight is up to 2 kg.

When playing lapta, a person develops such qualities as reaction, speed, accuracy, concentration, game thinking, the ability to be in a team with friends and at the same time skillfully compete with opponents. The game is very dynamic: sometimes the participant must take the only correct solution. Russian lapta can be played both in summer and winter. It is also played indoors, but the field is somewhat smaller and the rules have been changed. But playing indoors is just as exciting as playing on a big field outdoors.

Most simple rules Russian lapta games

As stated, rules may vary. Below are the simplest ones.
To play, you need to choose a large area or lawn. However, if there is no large platform, you can play on a small one. The field is marked as shown in the figure.

Used for lapta tennis ball. You can make a bat yourself, but a bat for playing baseball is quite suitable. The team size can be up to 10 people. Each team has an equal number of participants. There are two teams, and to differentiate themselves, the players wear different colored T-shirts.
At the beginning of the game, a draw is carried out, following which one of the teams becomes the attacker and takes the city line. The opposing team becomes the defending team and is distributed across the playing field. According to other terminology, the attacking team is called “hitting”, and the defending team is called “driving”.

Preparing for the game
One short whistle sounds and the players take their places on the playing field. The hitting team sends one player to the service area, while the rest of the team members line up along the city sideline. The team captain arranges them.
The driving team selects one player who will serve the ball. He is located on a special serving area, and the captain places the rest of the team around the field.

Beginning of the game
The referee blows two short whistles, and the server throws the ball, and the striker hits it. If the shot is successful, the ball flies over the control line. After hitting the ball, the kicking player runs across the court to the line. He must run to this line before the ball is caught, and, if possible, return back.
The players on the driving team try to catch the ball or pick it up and throw it at the player running across the field.
If the player who hit the ball was able to run to the end and run back, then these actions bring his team 2 points. If the player remains on the stake line, then he waits there for the moment when the other striker does not hit the ball. After a successful hit, the player waiting on the line runs into the city, and if he managed to run without being greasy, the team gets 1 point. After a successful run, the player has the right to hit three times and takes the extreme position on the playing field.
The task of the players on the driving team is to catch the ball on the fly. Then the team is awarded 1 point and sides change. Team players can also pick up the ball and throw it at the runner. The kick can be either the player who picked up the ball, or another to whom the ball was passed.
As soon as the drivers return the ball to the city, the game stops. The running player, if he did not manage to reach the middle of the field, returns back, and if he did, he continues moving.

During the game you can earn penalty points kicking team:
- the fourth time the ball goes out of bounds after a strike, and each subsequent one – 1 point;
- judge's remark – 1 point.

Who wins at rounders without collecting points?
The game is considered won when, after the fleeing player has been greased, all members of the defending team have fled to the city without being greased.

Also the game ends in favor of the drivers in the following cases:
- a gross violation of the rules of the game was committed;
- if a player of the kicking team took the ball in his hands or otherwise limited access to it;
- the bat slipped out and flew out of the city.

Mixed teams - boys and girls - can play. The game is divided into two games of 20 minutes each and ends with a long whistle from the referee. The team that scores the most points wins.

To the described rules there are some additions:
If a player steps one foot beyond the city or horse line, then he may not run, but go back. If he steps over the line with both feet, then he cannot return. Otherwise, the teams change at the referee's command.
If the shot fails, then the player who did not have time to run must be located in the suburbs along the city line.
After the run, the players take places in the order in which they ran over the line.
If over-salting occurs, then the players of the kicking team regain the right to strike.
If the ball goes over the side line, then all players of the kicking team do not move from their places.
After three outs (hits over the sideline), the hitting team is awarded penalty points (one point for each out).

What is prohibited in Russian lapta?
It is prohibited for all players, except the server, to come closer than 2 meters to the batsman.
It is forbidden to hit the head, groin and solar plexus.
It is prohibited to insult other players and spectators.
Do not use a bat that is too heavy or too long. Standard bit parameters: 2 kg. 90X15cm.
You cannot detain a running player.
Baseball paws cannot be used.
You cannot play without a team-colored T-shirt.

As you can see, the rules of the game of Russian lapta are quite simple and understandable. And it’s wonderful that the ancient Russian game has returned to us again. Let's hope she regains the same popularity as before.

This game does not require expensive accessories or specially fundamentally equipped areas, which is currently becoming especially relevant. Lapta requires a playing area 40-55 m long and 25-40 m wide with dirt, grass or artificial turf, a solid wooden bat and a tennis ball.

A simplified version of lapta for a small company or one family

Both “candles” and “tee” are wonderful, so to speak, family rounders. Three or four players is just the optimal composition for one family vacationing in nature.


If three or four people are going to play, then a simplified version is usually used - “candles”.

On a flat lawn, at a distance of 15-20 m from each other, two lines were drawn: one was called a city, the other was a horse, or a house.

Then, using a counting table or lot, the striker was determined; he stood outside the city limits, the rest were located in the field behind the law.
The batter throws the ball and hits it hard with the bat. The field players, watching the sword, wait for it to cross the horse so that they can catch it without letting it fall to the ground. If they succeed, the striker goes into the field, and the player who took possession of the ball takes his place. If the field players, having gaped, did not have time to catch the ball, the kick is repeated.
It happens that the batter misses the ball. The rules allow him to repeat the kick. After the third miss, the striker gives up his place to another player.


Three players (hence the name “tee”) are positioned in this order: one at the city line, the other at the kon. The third one - the kicker - can start the game from any line. If in the “candles” the striker himself threw the ball to himself, then in this game he is helped by a field player. “Tee” is a more dynamic game, so the striker here must not only hit the ball hard, but also run quickly: after the hit, while the ball is flying through the air, he must run the entire court and stand behind the opposite line. At this time, the field player standing at the far line tries to intercept the rapidly flying ball in order to hit the runner with it.
The striker was given three attempts to hit. If he is not sure that after a slight blow he will be able to cross the court unscathed, then he remains in place. After the third, even an unsuccessful blow, he must run to the opposite line. The success of this dash depends on his dexterity, speed, and ingenuity.



Lapta is played by two teams, each consisting of five people. One team is in the field, it is defending, the second is on the city line, it is attacking. The task of the players of the attacking team, after hitting the ball with the bat, is to try to run across the field. The task of the defending team is to pick up or catch the ball and hit (hit) the attacking players on the field with it. An attacking player who runs across the entire field and comes back brings his team 2 points. The defensive player who catches the ball from the volley brings his team 1 point. The game lasts four halves of 15 minutes. The winner is the team that scores the most points.


The playground is a rectangular area. The dimensions of the field, depending on the rank of the competition and the conditions of the competition, are: width - 15-55 m, length - 25-40 m. Dimensions are measured along the outer line limiting the field.

A comment. Competitions can take place on an area with artificial turf, or on grass or dirt. There should be a free space of 3 meters along the side lines, and 5 meters from the end line and the city line. If the game takes place in a hall, the lighting must be sufficient and uniform.


The penalty zone includes a six-meter space from the City line, it serves to determine the correctness of the kick and the ball being carried beyond the City line.

A comment. The kick is considered invalid if the ball in the air does not cross the line of the penalty zone. When the ball is cleared beyond the City line, there must be no more than one defensive player in the penalty area. The referees do not signal for the right to kick until the defending player leaves the penalty area.


It is located in the center of the front line, limited by two lines 3 meters wide and 1 meter long.


Team bench areas are located along the end line on both sides of the penalty area. Benches must accommodate 10 people for each team.


Each team consists of no more than 8 players and a coach. One of the players is the captain. The team composition before the start of the game cannot have less than five participants. During a team's game, there must be five players on the court in defense. During an offensive game, players who do not have the right to attack are on the bench.


Each team must have its own captain. When the need arises, the captain is the representative of his team on the court. He may contact the referee on issues related to the interpretation of the Rules or to obtain the necessary information after the end of the game. He must do this in the correct form. If for some reason the captain ends the game, he alerts the referee and appoints one of the players to take over his duties and hands him the armband.


Every team must have a coach. The coach bears full responsibility for his team and is the leader in all matters. 15 minutes before the start of the game he must fill out the game protocol. He has the right to announce a substitution to the referees, a timeout, and contact the referee on some clarification issues, but only after the end of the game. The coach may have an assistant, but he must make a note about this in the protocol in advance. The assistant coach may only contact the referees if the coach has left the game for any reason. The duties of a coach can be performed by the team captain.


For one game, referee teams are appointed consisting of: chief judge, line judge, secretary.


The senior referee must check and approve the location of the game, check the uniforms and equipment of the teams, if necessary, conduct a pre-game draw, bring the teams to the game, and make decisions on all issues during the game. In case of controversial issues, makes a decision, gives the command to start and end the game, blows the whistle to stop the game and restart the game, checks the protocol, approves the score. Confirms or annuls the decisions of the linesmen.


The line judge controls the course of the game and indicates with gestures certain actions of the players to the senior referee and players, and signs the protocol.


The secretary checks the correctness of filling out the protocol before the start of the match. Keeps a protocol during the game, monitors substitutions, total time, prompts the chief judge about the ball going out of bounds and the correctness of the points scored, registers the minute breaks used, signs the protocol and transfers it to the chief judge of the competition.


The game consists of four halves of 15 minutes total time. There is a two-minute technical break between the first and second, third and fourth quarters. There is a 5 minute break between the second and third quarters.
A comment. Depending on the rank and level of competition, the total time may be reduced, both playing time and breaks.


The game begins with a greeting from the teams. According to the draw, one team takes a position in defense, the other in attack. At the whistle of the senior referee, the attacking player makes the first kick and the general countdown begins.


The ball is hit with a bat that is held with two hands, and the swing is made from behind the head. Hitting from the shoulder or side is prohibited. You are given two attempts to hit correctly. A kick is considered valid if the ball crosses the six-meter zone in the air and falls within the field or flies through the air beyond the city line without crossing the side lines. The kick is considered invalid if the ball in the air touches the ceiling, net or other foreign objects. After an incorrect first attempt, a second attempt is given; if it is not successful, then the player loses the hit, but he has the right to run over. A player can refuse a hit; to do this, he must stand in the area of ​​the service zone and, raising his hand, notify the senior referee about this.


At the request of the striker, he serves the ball to the specified height. To make a strike, you are given the opportunity to throw up two times. The serving player must be on the stroke. The server does not have the right to attack, but can enter the field for reverse salting.


Only those players who have attempted a shot have the right to run over. Having made a full dash, the player can make a dash only after he has made a hit.


The ball is carried out by the defending player while within the playing field. The ball can be carried either by throwing or in the hand between the flags of the city line . If the ball crosses the city line through the sidelines, then the game continues. It is prohibited to make false substitutions to clear the ball.


A hit is when the ball hits an attacking player. The player is caught when he falls at the moment when he makes a dash and is in the field. You can only kick while inside the field; the ball must be released from your hands. After salting, the game continues, and the defensive players must leave the field beyond the line of the horse or city. If the ball hits the head during the kick, the ball is not counted; if the ball is deliberately hit in the head, the defending player is punished with a yellow card.


After greasing, the players of the team whose player was greased have the right to perform reverse greasing, i.e. pick up the ball and insult a player from the opposing team. Re-salting can occur many times. No more than 5 people can leave the bench for the return season, otherwise a free change of teams is given.


An attacking player is considered self-defeated if he ran out and returned behind the line of the horse or the city, during the run he ran over the side line, touched the ball or the defensive player holding the ball. Points scored at the moment of self-salting are not counted. The defensive player, after self-salting and the referee's whistle, leaves the ball in the field and leaves it behind the line of the horse or city. Players who commit self-greasing have the right to reverse salting. In case of deliberate self-salting, a free shift is assigned.

A comment. Often, when self-salting, defensive and attacking players find themselves out of touch; the one who is the last to leave the out is considered self-salting.


Each attacking player has the right to run over only after he has made a shot. A player who ran from the City line to the horse line, crossed it and returned behind the City line was not hit himself or one of the players on his team was not hit, made a complete run and brought his team 2 points. Running to one side does not bring points to the team.


Each player who makes a full dash brings his team 2 points. The defensive player who catches the ball after a volley brings his team 1 point. The winner is the team that scores the most points.

A team may be considered defeated if less than three people remain on the field during the game. If a team does not show up for the game, it is given a technical defeat and the team suffers other penalties provided for in the competition regulations.


The hitting player is prohibited from hitting from the shoulder, from the side, going out or stepping beyond the city line and the server's zone, throwing the bat into the field, delaying time, or taking the bat before the referee's permission. If these rules are violated, the referee has the right to deprive the player of a kick.


When making runs, the attacking player is prohibited from running into the field from the bench; the server, with the exception of the kicking player, is prohibited from touching the defensive players, running into touch, touching or picking up the ball. For these violations, the referee can give a free shift and punish the player with a yellow card.


Defensive players are prohibited from leaving the field of play before the kick. If the defensive player went out of bounds before the kick, and the kick was valid, then the defensive player is given a warning, and the attacking players who entered the field after the kick make a dash to one side. Defensive players are prohibited from blocking attacking players while running, going into touch before the kick, being in the penalty area before the kick, hiding the ball and making false movements, and delaying time when clearing the ball. For these violations, the player is punished with a reprimand and a yellow card.


A yellow card is presented to players in the following cases: if a player has violated the same rule twice, for unsportsmanlike conduct, appealing to the referees during the game and other violations. A yellow card can also be presented to team coaches and their assistants.


Upon presentation of a red card, the player or coach of the team is obliged to leave the field without the right to be replaced, with subsequent consideration panel of judges. The red card is presented upon receipt of the second yellow card, fighting, foul language, undisciplined conduct, both on the field and outside it during the game, before signing the protocol.
A red card can be presented to both team coaches and their assistants.


Each team has the right to take a one-minute break in each half. The senior judge and doctor may also declare a technical break for any reason. The time of a technical, medical or minute break is not included in the total time.

Protocol No.

lapta competitions ___________________________________________________
between teams ____________________________ and ____________________________

Date __________ Place _________________ Start ____________ End ________

Art. referee ___________________ Line judge ______________ Secretary __________

A-Team ________________________
No. Players' last name Player number Game Score
A No. B No. A No. B No. A No. B No.
123 123 383940 383940 757677 757677
Captain _____________________________________________ Team B _________________________________
Captain _____________________________________________________
The result of the first half ______ in favor of ________
general account__________ in favor of _____________________
Notes to the players __________________________________ Representatives of team A__________ B ______________
Art. judge __________________________________________