Pump up your outer thighs at home. How to pump up your chest muscles. Exercises for the quadriceps femoris muscle

Find out how to make the top of your biceps look impressive under a T-shirt, important tips and tricks for pumping up your biceps.

The muscles in our body develop unevenly, it depends on genetics and training methods; sooner or later the question arises of tightening up a specific muscle group so that it does not lag behind others.

For example, if they lag behind, in addition to the traditional one, add to the sides if this upper muscles, then should be included in training program, if the hamstrings are lagging, add leg curls.

But once it comes to the biceps, the task becomes more complicated. , spectacular top of the biceps - depends on the short head, and it is hidden under the external one. The short one is closer to the body, which is why it is called internal, and the long one is outside the arm, which is why it is called external.

The main thing when working on biceps is the width of the grip; the wider the grip, the more the short head is involved in the work; the narrower it is, the stronger the outer one.

Also, the position of the arms is of no small importance; the more you extend your arms when working with a barbell or dumbbells, the more the outer part of the biceps works; the less it extends, the more the emphasis shifts to the inner section.

Below will be outlined important rules, for targeted training of the short head of the biceps:

1. Properly distribute the load between days

I will say right away that biceps belongs to small muscle groups, so it is faster than large muscles such as the back, chest and legs. Therefore, you can train your biceps more often and more intensely.

But this does not mean that you can pump it up almost every day; you shouldn’t load your biceps on Monday, your back on Tuesday, and your biceps again on Wednesday; your arms won’t have time to fully recover, since any exercises on the back put a lot of stress on your arms.

If you train your arms 2 times a week, during the first workout, pay attention to heavy basic exercises for the short and long sections of the biceps, and devote the second session exclusively to isolated exercises for the internal section. In addition, change the position of the grip, hands, inclinations of the bench, use more variety so that the exercises in 2-unit workouts are not repeated.

2. Pump up your biceps after your back

This is an excellent solution to the problem when immediately after the back there is a load on the biceps. Typically, all traction exercises are basic, so the arms receive a serious load, which involves all the muscles.

Therefore, after training your back, you should finally train your arms in order to get the most out of them. muscle hypertrophy and bring the feeling to its fullest.

Just don’t try to do the opposite, biceps, and then rows for the back, otherwise you will somehow work your back, the strength will drop, and the grip will weaken.

3. Start your biceps workout from the base

First of all, pay attention to lifting the barbell for biceps while standing, while using wide grip, This basic exercise includes the biceps to the maximum, loading it down to the smallest muscle fibers.

Set it heavy so that you can do 6-8 without disrupting the movement technique; at the very end of the exercise you can use it, slightly tilting your back back and, as if throwing the barbell up, lower it slowly with a feeling of complete burning.

4. Concentration on the inside

Separately isolate the load and direct it 100% to short muscle it won’t work, but aim to pump the internal area and
You can raise the top of your biceps using different grips, inclination angles and different body positions.

After you have done a heavy basic exercise with standing arm curls, it’s time to concentrate the maximum load on the internal area, this is achieved through bench bending, curling and curling.

Set the weight so that you can perform 10 repetitions, try to use a different angle of inclination and body position each time so that the muscles receive a varied load, this will allow you to constantly load different muscle areas, all this will lead to an increase in volume.

5. Don't be afraid to improve your exercises

On the same Scott bench, lifting is usually done using an E-shaped bar; introduce variety using a straight bar, dumbbells, and kettlebell. The usefulness of the kettlebell lies in the fact that it rotates a little in the hand and the weight hits the biceps, while reducing the load on the forearm.

Please note that when you lift a dumbbell, you usually take it in the center of the handle, this is convenient, but in order to shift the load to inner part With your hands, take an external grip, that is, so that the grip rests on the plate closer to the outside of the dumbbell, so that when you bend your arm, you feel the load shifting to the inner area.

Try setting the gymnastics bench at an angle of 45 degrees, lie on it with your chest and perform arm curls, for example with dumbbells, you will immediately feel how almost the entire load goes to the top of the biceps.

6. Use training to failure

By selecting correct exercises for arm training, this development of success is only 70% to extract maximum benefit, it is necessary to use a variety of training methods. They should be used in the last 1-2 approaches of the exercise, the most common for pumping big hands use:

– they are also called stepped ones, the principle is simple, lift the weight for 10-8 repetitions, then reduce the weights by 25% and do 10-8 repetitions again without rest, then reduce it by 25% and squeeze out the same 10-8 repetitions. Continue until muscle pain will not allow you to perform a single bend, and the weight in your hands will be minimal. The weight at the end may be 2-3 kg, and you will not be able to do a single repetition.

Try biceps training in crossovers using a cable, they are easy to reduce weight.

Partial reps– the essence of the method is this: perform a full bend of your arms with a barbell or dumbbell, then extend your arm only halfway and bend it again, and do this until the end of the approach. This method concentrates on peak contractions in the muscles and more weight can be taken.

- these are the famous forced repetitions, when the last repetitions were given with enormous effort, you, with the help of a partner, go beyond the pain in the muscles, the partner helps you lift the barbell, slightly pushing it, in the place where you stopped, entering the dead center, you lower the weight yourself, slowly, concentrating on the muscles being trained.

- don't take it at all heavy weight, approximately 20-30% of its maximum weight, with which you can do only 1 repetition. So, with this small weight, perform up to 20 repetitions, then resting for no more than 1 minute, again do another 1-2 approaches. You will immediately feel how your muscles fill up and increase in volume.

– do 1-2 warm-up approach and immediately set a heavy weight at which you can perform a maximum of 6 repetitions and no more. Then, after resting, reduce the weight so that you can do 8 repetitions, then 10 and 12. That is, you start not by increasing the weight, but by decreasing it, coming from the opposite side of the approach.

Apply these important tips and the question of how to raise the upper biceps will become irrelevant, you will increase your upper biceps, making it powerful and voluminous.

Often experienced athletes are starting to notice how some muscle groups respond to the load better, while others, on the contrary, begin to lag behind in development. Why is this happening? Maybe you have trouble feeling the working muscle; you give it insufficient load for growth or, on the contrary, you do too many exercises, so that the muscle does not have time to recover...

In any case, we are for a harmonious physique, and therefore today we will talk about how to pump up outer part The hips are precisely the area that is often left without due attention. And very much in vain!

Legs need to be worked hard and intensively, devoting a lot of time and effort to them, and beginners, understandably, want to quickly get voluminous arms; they often don’t even think about their legs. That is why it is not surprising that this is the lagging muscle group for the majority of gym goers...

Indeed, it is easier to do a couple of sets for biceps than to put a heavy barbell on your shoulders and squat with it. However, if you don’t want to turn into a laughing stock on the beach, carrying a powerful torso on two noodles, then it’s time to take your legs in hand and pay more attention to your quadriceps.

A little anatomy.

The facial surface of the thigh - the quadriceps - consists of 4 heads: intermediate, straight, medial and lateral. The latter is located on the outer side of the thigh, giving the legs a powerful look not only in frontal poses, but also from the back and the side. The lateral head is one of the most massive and powerful muscles in our body, and therefore should respond to the load without any problems, you just need to correctly place the emphasis in leg training. But how to place these accents? What should you do to pump it up?

The secret lies in the position of the foot - the more the toe is turned inward, the more the lateral head is involved. The trouble is that squatting or doing leg presses in this position is not only uncomfortable, but also traumatic for your knees, so we will start the training with leg extensions in the machine.

Leg extensions from a sitting position.

Execution: we extend not both legs, but each separately. If the design allows, we sit on the machine diagonally, hanging the free leg to the side of the seat. The working leg is slightly “rolled” inward, which will allow you to concentrate on the outer surface of the thigh. We do 15-20 repetitions and change legs.

In addition to pre-fatigue, extension at the beginning of the workout is also a good warm-up for your knees, after which you can move on to the “main dish” - squats.

Execution: place your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width, toes should point straight. It is advisable to squat no lower than parallel so that the load does not go from the hip to gluteal muscles. We perform 12-15 repetitions. If desired, you can replace some of the squats with hack squats or platform presses, the positioning of the legs is the same.

Accented lunges.

The final exercise will be lunges with dumbbells.

Execution: we take a step forward, descending as deeply as possible, after which, with the help of the supporting leg, we rise from the squat and go to the original starting position. In this case, the toe of the supporting leg is slightly turned inward, but the knee should look straight and not follow the toe to the side. Repeat with the other leg. You need to perform 15-20 repetitions for each leg.

Well, for a snack - a favorite women's exercise machine, which, of course, is useful not only for the fair sex - a machine for spreading and bringing together legs.

Leg raises while sitting in the simulator.

To pump up the outer thigh to failure at the end of the workout, we will work on it in isolation.

Execution: sit in the exercise machine, rest your feet on the holder pillows. Overcoming resistance, spread your legs to the sides along the maximum accessible path. Then smoothly return to the starting position... Do 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions, and your quadriceps will begin to “burn with fire”...

Legs are the foundation strong body. Follow our recommendations, and within a month you will amaze your friends with the power of your lower half. See you on the platform!

It is not surprising that the thighs often have body fat. Exercises for the outer thigh will help deal with this problem. You can do the workout at home or in gym. With regular exercise, results will appear within 4-5 weeks.

Basic complex

How to pump up your thighs and get rid of “ears” on them? You need to start with basic exercises. They will help work out the muscles of the thighs and buttocks and give the body an athletic and beautiful shape. A set of basic exercises is best performed in the first half of the day. The training should include:

  1. 1. Lifting and abducting the hips.
  2. 2. Swing your legs.
  3. 3. Leg raises.
  4. 4. Hip movements.
  5. 5. Leg spread.

To perform exercise No. 1, you need to lie on your side. Bend your arm underneath you at the elbow and lean on it. Extend your other arm in front of you. Bend your knees at right angles. As you exhale, lift your leg as high as possible. Try to hold it up for 2 seconds. As you inhale, lower it and take the starting position. A more complicated version of this exercise is to move the working leg back. This movement is aimed at training the outer thigh.

As you lift and abduct your hips, make sure your shoulders and pelvis are in line.

The starting position for exercise No. 2 is lying on your back. Place your hands under your buttocks. As you exhale, lift one leg and lower it as you inhale. To work the front of the thigh, the working leg must be straight. Over time, swings can be made more difficult, while increasing the amplitude. When performing swings, try not to help yourself by bending in the thoracic region.

Exercise No. 3: lie on your side and lean on your elbow. Raise your working leg and clasp it with your hand at the ankle. As you exhale, lift your other leg. The outer thigh will work if you pull your feet toward you while lifting your feet.

A basic exercise for working the thigh muscles is the hip raise while lying on your stomach. Straighten your arms along your body, spread your legs as wide as possible and bend your knees slightly. Try to simultaneously lift your legs up and lift your hips off the floor. The toes should point up. To avoid unnecessary strain on lumbar region, try not to strain the muscles of your back and neck.

To perform exercise No. 4, remain in the same position. Cross your legs at the ankles and bend your knees slightly. As you exhale, lift your hips off the floor.

Exercise No. 5 is performed in a supine position. Spread your legs as wide as possible. Take your ankles in your hands and try to lower your legs to the floor. Don't jerk and sudden movements, otherwise you may strain your muscles.

This training should be done 3 times a week. You need to repeat each exercise 20-25 times.

How to remove fat?

Get rid of excess fat on the outer side of the thigh, lifting your legs from a position on all fours will help. Try to raise your lower limbs at right angles to the maximum possible height. As soon as you feel a slight burning sensation in your muscles, hold this position for a few seconds. Then you can continue with the exercise. The number of repetitions should be 25-30 times on each hip.

Lie on your side and rest your elbow on the floor. As you lift your leg up, try to keep your muscles tense. Roll over to the other side and repeat the movements with the other leg. During this exercise, not only the thigh muscles are worked, but also the oblique abdominal muscles.

Starting position standing. Throw one hip forward of you. Do a squat and try to go down as deep as possible so that your knee touches the floor.

External and inner sides The hips are well worked during squats. From a standing position, inhale and squat until your thighs are in line with the floor. During squats, your feet should be shoulder-width apart with your toes pointed slightly apart. If this comes too easily, then you can take small dumbbells in your hands.

Get rid of extra centimeters an abduction squat will help on your hips. For this purpose in lowest point squat with dumbbells, transfer your weight to one leg and move the other to the side as you lift. Try to do the exercise slowly and without rocking.

Well developed lateral muscles hips and burns fat when running in place. When jogging, do not hit your feet too hard. Repeat running in place several times for 2-3 minutes.

Lie on the floor and lean on your elbow. Bend your upper leg and place it on the floor in front of you. The other should remain straight. Lift up lower leg as high as possible. At the highest point, fix the position for several seconds. If such an exercise is difficult, then at first you can perform it with a bent position. upper leg at a high angle.

Ball training

If small “ears” appear on your thighs, then don’t be upset. The leg muscles are the most pliable, and with regular training you can both restore your legs to their former beauty and lose weight. extra centimeters in girth. You can perform the workout both in the fitness center and at home. Fitball exercises are popular today.

Stand with your back to the fitball and extend your arms forward. Raise the foot of your working leg and hold it above the floor at a height of 15-20 cm. Then slowly bend the knee of the other and squat until your buttocks touch the ball. To prevent the fitball from sliding under the weight of your body, you can place it in the corner of the room.

The exercises should be performed 7-10 times on each leg. Over time, you can increase the number of repetitions. To make squats more difficult, you can raise your limbs to a height of 20-30 cm or use a smaller fitball. You can use dumbbells for weighting. The ultimate goal is to perform deep squats without a ball on one leg.

Place the ball against the wall. You can touch the fitball only at 2 points: your back and buttocks. Spread your legs. From this position, lift your hips until your body forms a straight line. Fulfill this exercise follows with tense abs and legs. The torso should arch in hip joint. Hold this position for 3-5 seconds. Then you can continue the exercise. At first, repeat it 10-12 times. Over time, the number can be increased to 20. This exercise perfectly strengthens the muscles of the hips, abs and back.

The following exercise burns fat cells well and strengthens the muscles on the outer thighs. Lying on your side, lean on your elbow. Place your feet on the ball. As you inhale, lift your hips off the floor and try to straighten your body into a straight line. If this is difficult, you can choose a smaller ball.

Lie on your stomach. The fitball should be at hip level. Maintain your balance with your hands. Lift your limbs up one at a time. The leg can be straight or bent at a right angle. Repeat 15-20 times on each leg.

Classes in the hall

You can also strengthen the muscles on the outer thigh in the gym. The most popular exercise is considered to be the abduction and extension of the legs.

The benefits of such training are: tightening the adductor muscle, strengthening the inner and outer thighs, improving posture, reducing injuries that are associated with weakness of the muscles of the lower extremities.

Despite the simplicity of the simulator, many manage to perform the exercises incorrectly, so the result remains zero. In order for the results of your training to please you, you must follow the rules.

First, set the working weight on the machine and adjust the width of the saddle. When bringing your legs together and spreading your legs, your back should remain straight. Hold the handrails with your hands. Bend your legs at a right angle.

As you exhale, slowly bring your hips together. When the rollers touch, hold the position for 1-2 seconds and begin spreading.

Movements should be smooth, without sudden jerks. Maintain a short interval between spreading and bringing the limbs together. Don't make unnecessary movements or arch your back. In this case, the load will be dissipated. If the exercise is easy for you, then you can increase the amplitude of leg extension.

There are 2 types of simulators when you need to train:

  1. 1. In a sitting position.
  2. 2. In a standing position.

Unlike a sitting exercise, a standing exercise machine has its advantages. It not only works the muscles of the outer thigh, but also helps to accelerate blood circulation in this area, as well as enrich the muscles with oxygen.

The legs in a standing exercise machine are placed on special footrests. When performing the exercise, you should hold onto the handrail in front of you with your hands. The lower limbs should be spread apart at the same time.

The stepper simulator is considered no less effective. It perfectly trains the muscles of the thighs, legs and buttocks. During development muscle strength You can increase the resistance of the pedals. Do not overdo it on the machine, as you can stretch your knee ligaments.

Universal trainer in gym is a treadmill. She trains all muscle groups.

To work out the muscles of the lower body, it is also good to exercise on an exercise bike.

You can adjust the difficulty level on these simulators yourself. If you have injuries to the musculoskeletal system, you cannot exercise without a trainer.

As is known, one of the most problem areas female body The areas most susceptible to fat deposits are the outer thighs. But imagine perfect figure, which every girl dreams of, is impossible without elastic, pumped buttocks.

You can give your hips the desired shape using special exercises, which help to easily get rid of the hated “ears” on the sides.

The thigh is located between the knee and the hip joint, it forms part lower limb human body.

The outer part consists of muscles whose function is to ensure the functioning of the leg backwards and to the side. You can see them as an attractive roundness on the side of the hips.

Getting Started Searching and Executing physical exercise, you need to figure out the basics of successful training.

The effectiveness of training is as follows:

  • regularity;
  • direction;
  • attention to details;
  • gradual increase in load.

The first thing you need to remember is regularity - it is the most important factor in performance.

Ideally, you should exercise every day, but if this is not possible, you can set aside 3 days a week for this. In this case, you need to understand that the result will be more long-awaited in time.

During training, do not forget to pay attention Special attention to work those muscles that need to be tightened.

Here you just need to listen to your own feelings: if you feel that the load is directed more towards the desired areas, then you are going in the right direction.

When performing exercises on the outer thigh, it is the lateral muscles of the legs that will be most tense.

Important to remember! It's the little things that often make the difference. Make sure that the squat is low enough, your feet do not leave the floor, the angle of lift is maintained correctly, and the leg rises as high as possible during the swing. Thus, you can influence the speed of achieving the final result.

Over time, try to increase the load step by step. The main assistant here will again be personal feelings: if you feel that you need less effort to complete the exercise than before, raise the bar. For example, 10 swings over time should inevitably develop into 15, and later into 20.

Exercises for the outer thigh at home

Exercises for the outer thigh can be done at home and even at work., if there is the necessary space and time, so they are a real salvation for women who do not have the opportunity to visit the gym. You will need dumbbells, a mat and a positive attitude.

Exercise 1. Leg swings

To perform the first exercise you need to stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms extended in front of you. The feet should be parallel to each other.

When swinging your legs, you must ensure that they do not bend at the knees.

Bend your right leg at the knee and swing it sideways and upward, trying to reach your elbow. The next swing is done in the same way, only with a straight leg. You should start with 10 approaches for each limb.

Exercise 2. Leg Raises

The next type of outer thigh exercise will require a similar starting position as the previous one. The right foot should be placed on the toe, turned to the right, and raised back as high as possible.

To perform the exercise, you can use a support to ensure maximum abduction of the leg back.

Having brought your leg to the highest possible point, put it back. To begin with, 15 approaches for each limb will be enough, then their number should be increased.

Exercise 3. Squats

No set of exercises for the outer thigh is complete without squats. The main rule is not to stand on your toes. Try to squat as low as possible, with a straight back, keeping your arms bent in front of you.

To start, 10 squats will be enough. The main advantage of this type of exercise is that it is beneficial not only for the outer thigh, but also for the entire body as a whole.

Exercise 4. Lunges

Leader among effective exercises are lunges. Take long steps to the side first with your right and then with your left foot holding your arms parallel to your body. Use dumbbells for weights.

Remember to keep the unused limb straight. You should start with 10 lunges on each leg, 3 sets.

Lunges can be not only lateral. You can perform them forward alternately with each leg. At the same time, you need to put your legs out as far as possible. Dumbbells will be your faithful helpers here, which will only increase the effectiveness of your training.

Pay attention to your posture - your back should be perfectly straight.
Take a breath with every step. Do not try to lunge suddenly; it is better to give preference to smooth movements. As for the number of lunges, experts also recommend doing 3 sets of 10 times.

Exercise 5. Raising the knees

For next exercise you need to kneel down. For maximum effectiveness, place the bulk of your weight in your arms and straighten your back. The knee rises up at an angle of 90º.

Do the same with the other leg. Muscles must be in constant tension. Experienced trainers advise starting with 20 raises of each knee with the condition of subsequently increasing the load.

Exercise 6. Raises

Leg raises are also quite effective when done to the side. To do this, you need to lie down on the mat, turn on your side and raise the limb lying on top as high as possible.

Then you should turn on the other side and perform a similar operation with the opposite leg. You can start with 10 swings with each leg.

Exercise 7. Keeping your legs raised

You can complete the workout and relieve muscle tension by turning over on your back and lifting your limb up perpendicular to the floor.

Exercises for the outer thighs in the gym

Some women prefer gym classes to home workouts, considering them more effective and rewarding. quick results.

In addition to training on exercise machines, exercises on the outer thigh on a fitball are very popular.

A set of exercises on a fitball

Initial position The essence of the exercise Number of exercises
Your back to the fitball with your arms extended forward. You will feel more comfortable if the ball is placed in the corner of the room, since this way it will not slip out from under you. Bend one leg at the knee and lift it to a height of 15-20 cm above the floor. After this, without sudden movements, bend the other limb and perform squats so that the buttocks touch the ball. If you are no longer new to this type of exercise for the outer thigh, raise your knees higher or give preference to a smaller ball. Also in this situation, dumbbells that act as weights will help you out. To start - 7-10 squats
The ball is between the wall and your body, which should be in contact with it in the lumbar region From the starting position, you should lift your hips up. You can understand that the end point has been reached and you should go back down by the fact that the body is stretched into an even line. To achieve maximum results, pay attention to the abdominal and leg muscles - they should be tense. Body deflection at correct technique present in the hip joint. It is worth noting that haste here will be unnecessary and will only spoil the effect, so try to hold the final position for 3-5 seconds. It’s worth starting with 10-12 times, then you can increase this number up to 20 times
Lying on your side with support on your elbow. The ball is on the floor under the feet. Inhale and lift your hips off the surface. Lifting should be carried out until the body is completely straightened. To make the exercise easier, you can use a smaller ball.
Lying on your stomach. The fitball is located under the hips Take turns lifting your limbs up, holding the floor with your hands. As for your legs, you can keep them in a position that suits you - straight or bent at a 90º angle. 15-20 times for each limb

In the gym, in addition to the fitball, there is a high probability of finding many other units that will help you tone your outer thigh muscles. We are talking about simulators.

One of the most effective in terms of load on the external surface is a simulator designed for bringing and spreading the legs.

Exercise on the simulator 1. Reduction and separation of legs

Note! Incorrect use of this simulator can ultimately lead to zero results. First of all, adjust it, take care of the working weight and the width of the seat.

When doing exercises for the outer thighs, keep your back straight and your legs at right angles.
Exhale and slowly bring your legs together until the rollers touch each other, and then slowly open your legs.

Exercise on the simulator 2. Standing leg abduction and extension

Many fitness centers have machines that allow you to perform a similar exercise in a standing position.

Before performing the exercise on the simulator, you should set the optimal load so as not to damage the ligaments and muscles.

It is worth noting that the advantage of this unit compared to the previous one is that it not only has the necessary effect on the desired area, but also accelerates blood flow and saturates the muscles with oxygen.

To fix the legs, the simulator in question has special footrests. You need to grab the handrail with your hand. Further you should move your leg to the side.

Exercise on the simulator 3. Stepper

Important to remember! In addition to specialized ones, gyms have many universal exercise machines that allow you to keep your outer thighs in an attractive shape. One of them is Stepper.

It perfectly tightens the legs, buttocks and thighs. However it should be treated with caution and not overdo it, otherwise you are guaranteed to have a sprained knee ligament. This category of simulators also includes treadmill and an exercise bike.

Before you start doing the exercises, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experienced trainers, thanks to whom your exercises will be able to give you the most effective and fastest results.

To increase the effectiveness of your training, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • combine regular exercise with a balanced diet- this is how your hips will get the desired look short time;
  • don't neglect stretching, because it will help relieve tension from the muscles being trained and get rid of painful sensations in the future. You can also avoid nagging pain by taking a bath with sea ​​salt;
  • your best friends should be various types of massages and wraps. Creams with a cooling or, conversely, warming effect will come to the rescue, cling film and a brush with coarse bristles. Massage should be done from bottom to top, repeating the flow of lymph. Massage cups are no less effective in maintaining skin and muscle tone. To use them, you will need a cream or oil to lubricate the surface to be treated;
  • the effectiveness of exercises on the outer thighs directly depends on the internal mood. The main obstacle on the way to beautiful body Often it becomes simple laziness, so the issue of self-discipline is more important than ever here. Try to create a clear training schedule, deviation from which should be perceived as personal weakness. Naturally, the decisive factor here is motivation, the correct designation of which can set you in the right mood and solve all problems with self-discipline. Thus, formulate a clear goal for yourself that you need to achieve at all costs, and classes will bring only joy and satisfaction.

Giving your buttocks an ideal appearance is difficult, but quite possible, even if you have never worked out, but have a strong enough desire.

Regular training, designed to work on the outer surface, together with a balanced diet and skin care will help achieve desired results in the near future and not become the owner of the hated “ears”.

Videos with recommendations for performing exercises on the outer thigh

In this video, an experienced trainer gives recommendations that will help you learn how to correctly perform exercises on the outer thigh in the gym:

A set of exercises that will help you get rid of bulges on your thighs at home is given in this video:

The leg muscles are the largest muscle group and require the most time and effort to work. Many people split their leg training over several days, but it is still recommended to devote one day to the thigh muscles. In this article you will learn how to build up your thigh muscles.

Anatomy of the thigh muscles

The structure of the thigh muscles is very complex. Thanks to the interweaving of ligaments and muscle bundles, our legs are provided with such versatile mobility. Now we will consider only the main muscle groups of the legs, leaving behind the small muscles.

Muscles of the anterior thigh:

  • Iliacus muscle;
  • Iliopsoas muscle;
  • Pectineus muscle;
  • Adductor longus muscle;
  • Tonka muscle;
  • Tensor hip;
  • Quadriceps femoris muscle.

Why we noted different muscles different colors? And all because they are divided into groups according to their similar functions and the same location.

The first five muscles (the muscles of the inner thigh) are located in the upper part of the leg under the groin. Their main function is to adduct the leg.

The tensor femoris (green) is located on the outside of the thigh under the femur. Its main function is leg abduction.

Quadriceps femoris muscle - anatomy:

The quadriceps muscle occupies the most large area thigh, consists of four bundles, each of which starts from the knee. Two side bundles form the familiar “droplets” above the knees, and two bundles in the middle continue to the pelvis.

Muscles of the back of the thigh:

  • Biceps femoris muscle;
  • Semimembranosus muscle;
  • Semitendinosus muscle.

The main functions of these muscles are extension of the thigh at the hip joint, flexion of the lower leg, and abduction of the leg back.

Exercises for general hip development

The first and most important exercise for developing the hips is squats with a barbell. This is a basic exercise that primarily works the quadriceps, or quadriceps, but also works all the thigh and calf muscles. If you want to shift the focus to your quadriceps, then place pancakes under your heels.

Technique: Proper technique is vitally important in this exercise, as if it is violated, you can get severe injuries to the spine or knees. During a squat, you should always keep your back straight and your pelvis back. Your knees should be turned in the same direction as your toes. The head is in line with the knees. The bar should not lie on the neck or fall to the middle of the shoulder blades. The most comfortable and safest placement is on the trapezius muscle.

Second general exercise for the hips – leg press. Here all the thigh muscles are also included in the work, but more emphasis is placed on the quadriceps femoris muscle. The exercise allows you to isolate your back with the correct technique.

Technique: The leg press machine is adjustable, so you need to adjust it to suit you (the inclination of the seat and platform). The back should be completely pressed against the seat, the lower back should not come off. When performing a bench press, we do not straighten our legs completely, since knee-joint should not slam shut. You can adjust the load by placing your feet down, in the middle or up of the platform, wide or narrow.

The next exercise for the comprehensive development of leg muscles is dynamic lunges with dumbbells. That is, in such lunges we walk, and do not stand still. As in previous exercises, the emphasis is on the quadriceps, but the entire leg is developed.

Technique: Technically it's difficult exercise, but useful. It is better to perform it with dumbbells, as this will help you maintain balance. The back should be straight, legs bent at 90 degrees. When sitting down on your leg, do not rest your knee on the floor.

Exercises for the quadriceps femoris muscle

One of the most common exercises for developing the front of the thigh is leg extensions in a machine. This is an isolation exercise that allows you to maximally work the lateral heads of the quadriceps femoris muscle, and this is the answer to the question “how to pump up the medial thigh muscle?” It's probably better for medial muscle exercises and can't find them.

Technique: There are exercise machines with or without a backrest. If there is a backrest, then adjust it so that the lower back is firmly pressed against it. If there is no backrest, then try to keep your back straight. For fixation, hold on to the handles located at the edges of the exercise machine. Extend your legs all the way.

How to pump up the quadriceps femoris muscle in isolation? Second useful exercise for this purpose – squats in a hack machine. This exercise isolates the back, which is convenient for many athletes. Also here you can sit down as deeply as possible.

Technique: Your back should be pressed tightly against the back of the machine, and always keep your hands on the clamps. You can squat as deep as possible only if you do not have problems with your knees.

How to pump up the back of the thigh?

When talking about how to pump up your hamstrings, you should never leave out this exercise—the deadlift. Technically, the exercise is quite difficult and traumatic. If performed incorrectly, it can lead to various spinal injuries and a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which has its own consequences.

Technique: Fulfill deadlift It is necessary with a straight back, the stomach should be tucked, and the abs should be slightly tense. To maximally work your hamstrings, it is better to perform deadlifts with straight or slightly bent legs.

The second exercise in the topic on how to pump up posterior muscles hips - bending with a barbell. This is similar to the deadlift, but it is performed with a barbell on the shoulders.

Technique: The back should be straight, the legs should also be straight. When bending, we move the pelvis back.

Another exercise on the list of how to pump up back surface hips - hyperextension. It is done in a special simulator.

Technique: The exercise machine is adjustable, so install the leg bolsters to suit you. The knees should be half outside the support, the stomach should be above the pelvic bones and hang freely. Lean over a little bent back to reduce stress on the lower back.

The last exercise for pumping up the back muscles of the legs is bending the legs in the simulator. This isolated exercise for the hamstrings, which allows you to best work them.

Technique: The angle of the machine must be adjusted to suit you, your knees should extend slightly beyond the bench, and the roller should be placed on the heel tendon. When bending your legs, your pelvis should not leave the bench. You need to raise your legs twice as fast as lowering them, but you don’t need to lower them all the way.

How to pump up the muscles of the inner thigh and hip tensor?

There are a lot of exercises for the inner thigh, but almost all of them are performed without weights. We will tell you how to most effectively develop this muscle group.

The first and second exercises for the adductor muscles of the thigh are adducting the leg while standing in a block and bringing the legs together.

Technique: Put a special cuff on your leg and hook the block carabiner to it. Move your leg to the side. Bring your leg to the maximum.

The second exercise is bringing the legs together in the simulator. This is an isolating exercise that will help you pump up the most efficiently. internal muscles hips.

Technique: The lower back must be pressed closely against the back of the exercise machine, and the legs must be placed on the holders. Bring your legs to the maximum and also spread them to the maximum. On the last repetitions, you can help yourself with your hands.

Exercise for the hip tensor - leg extensions in the simulator. For this there is a special simulator, the opposite of the previous one.

Technique: We press our lower back closely to the back of the exercise machine, and place our legs on the fastenings. Spread your legs as far apart as possible without bringing them all the way together.

Another exercise for the hip tension is leg abduction in a block.

Technique: Put a special cuff on your leg and hook the block carabiner to it. Move your leg as far as possible to the side, trying to keep your body straight.

Well, we have answered your questions “how to pump up the inner muscles of the legs, the front of the thigh and the back.” Remember that you need to train your legs no more than once every 6-8 days. Use as much as possible more exercise for better development of all thigh muscles.