Loads in special forces. Special Forces. Combat training from the book by A. Ardashev. Training room

Are you wondering what the level of physical training should be for army personnel and special forces? You can find out about this here.

FBI agent physical training.

Standard for men (20-29 years):
Raise your torso from a lying position 38 times without stopping
Do 29 push-ups without stopping
run 300 meters in less than 59 seconds
run 1.5 miles (2.4 km) in 12.29 minutes

Standard for women (20-29 years):
Raise your torso from a lying position 32 times without stopping
Do 15 push-ups without stopping
run 300 meters in less than 71 seconds
run 1.5 miles in 15.05 minutes

Young agents train on the roof of the Justice Department building in Washington, where the FBI was headquartered from 1933 to 1972.

Do you want to compare with the standards of the Russian FSB? Everything is written on the service’s website (here we present it only for men):
10 pull-ups
5K skiing in 28 minutes or less
100m dash in 14.4 seconds or less
running 1 km in 4 minutes. 25 sec.
running 3 km in 12 minutes. 35 sec.
What about army standards? Here are some examples.

The test is used to evaluate soldiers' endurance and consists of push-ups, crunches and a 3.2 km run. Standards vary depending on the age and gender of service members.

US Marines training.

Great Britain

Men must do 44 push-ups and 50 crunches (2 minutes for each exercise), and also run 2.4 km in 14.5 minutes maximum.


Just to get into the armed forces, you need to pass a physical training exam consisting of 15 push-ups, 45 crunches and shuttle running (on the same short distance back and forth with multiple repetitions). In general, recruits must run 1.12 km in 6.5 minutes. For land, air and naval forces standards are different.

Australian soldiers at one of the military training bases.


The Singapore Army's individual fitness test also includes push-ups, crunches and a 2.4 km run. But instead of specific standards, points are awarded here according to a special scheme (depending on age, gender, number of repetitions performed, etc.).
Just from April 1, 2015, new standards were introduced, according to which the results are divided into 5 categories:
51 points or more: minimum recruit level
61 points or more: the minimum for a soldier on active duty and the norm for a “promising” conscript
75 points or more: “silver medalist”
85 points or more: “gold medalist”
90 points or more: commando and guard level
How it works? For example, to become a special forces soldier, a 25-year-old Singaporean must do 58 push-ups, do the same number of crunches and run 2.4 km in 10.5 minutes - a total of exactly 90 points. The system is relatively flexible: let’s say you are not strong at running, but you are great at push-ups and crunches - then you can score the maximum points on these exercises and you will have less to earn in running.

Preliminary training of Singaporean youths before compulsory military service.


The minimum physical training requirements for contract soldiers can be found on the Ministry of Defense website. 3 are subject to inspection physical qualities: strength, speed and endurance. Anyone entering service under a contract has the right to choose one exercise for each.
Strength: for men under 30 years old, do 45 push-ups or 10 pull-ups on the bar; for women under 25 years old, do 12 push-ups or 25 forward bends.
Speed: run 60 meters in 9.8 seconds (12.9 for women) or 100 meters in 15.1 (19.5) seconds. Or complete the 10x10m shuttle run in 28.5 (38) seconds.
Endurance: men run 3 km in 14.30 minutes, or 1 km in 4.20 minutes, or cross-country skiing 5 km in 28 minutes. Women only run 1 km in 5.20 minutes.

Marines of the Pacific Fleet during the passing of standards in Vladivostok in 2014.

The police also have their own standards. In Russia, they vary among regional departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; details can be found on their websites. Here is a foreign example.

Hong Kong Police

To earn the position of police inspector, you need to complete 6 types of exercises:
Jump up: 45.7 cm for men and 35.6 for women
Pull-ups: 5 times for men (from a vertical hanging position) and 7 times for women (from a semi-hanging position with feet resting)
Shuttle run (10x10m): 26 seconds (men) and 29 (women)
Raising the body from a lying position: 17 times in 30 seconds (men), 15 in 30 (women)
Stand straight - crouching position - lying position - starting position: 14 times in 30 seconds. (male) and 12 over 30 (female)
800 meter run: 3 minutes 25 seconds (men) and 4 minutes. 12 sec. (female)

Well, the most interesting thing: special forces.

The strongest special forces in the world

"Navy Seals", USA

Swim 500 yards (457 meters) in 8 minutes
Do 100 push-ups in 2 minutes
do 100 crunches in 2 minutes
Do 15-20 pull-ups
run 2.4 km
Do all this at once, one after the other, with only short breaks between exercises.

Exercises in the mud during Hell Week. This is 5.5 days of endless exhausting training with 4-hour breaks for sleep.

Shayetet 13, Israel

In addition to physical training, these naval commandos undergo extensive ideological training. Recruits are trained for 20 months, which includes parachute, infantry and fire training, underwater demolitions and anti-terrorism exercises.

Israeli "sea" seals" in training.

Special Air Service (SAS), UK

To get there, candidates undergo several days of rigorous endurance tests, train in the jungles of Malaysia and, finally, for a day and a half or more are tested for “persistence during interrogation.” According to statistics, only 10% of candidates successfully pass everything.

SAS recruits during a difficult forced march along the steep mountain slopes of the Brecon Beacons National Park in Wales.

Russian special forces

Quote from Men's Fitness magazine: “Most military training tries to teach, but Russian Spetsnaz prepares you for combat by inflicting pain. Recruits have an explicit goal - to injure other recruits. They break ribs, fingers and spines and must learn to accept pain which is experienced during classes.”

Or here’s another one, on one of the foreign sports forums: “We’ve all heard that Russian commandos must do at least 18 perfect dead-hang pull-ups with a 10-kilogram load. And not even to the chin, but to the level of the Adam’s apple.”
About “breaking spines”, however, it is very doubtful - this way you’ll end up with a squad of cripples rather than strong fighters. And as for the standards, you can, in the end, look at the websites of public organizations of special forces veterans. For example, 604 Special Forces Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where for clarity everything is shown in pictures.

Soviet special forces training: a fighter does a somersault and while jumping throws a hatchet at a target.

Modern: using a hammer to break a burning stove on the back of a co-worker.

Special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation during tests for the right to wear a maroon beret.

A duel between special forces during an examination in Balashikha.

Passed the tests and is fit for combat service! At the ceremonial presentation of maroon berets.

About the book: Benefit. Physical training for special forces, training without machines and weights to pump up muscles and ideal physical fitness. 2014 edition.
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The book “Physical training of special forces, training without machines and weights for pumping up muscles and ideal physical shape” will forever change your idea of ​​physical training for military personnel. Many people associate it with push-ups, pull-ups, squats, many kilometers of cross-country and forced marches, and weight lifting. Barbells, weights, and exercise machines come to mind.

However, to complete the proposed program, you will only need the simplest items that are found in any home. This is a very effective and fundamentally easy way to achieve the best physical shape.

The exercises in this program are not just fitness, they are fitness with a twist. In no other program will you find such a combination of civilian and military physical education. So if you've tried a lot and are looking for a program that will really make you sweat, then Special Forces Physical Training is just for you.

Another distinctive feature of the program is that it is focused simultaneously on three difficulties: beginner, intermediate and elite, which you can choose depending on your level physical training.

Contents of the book: “Physical training for special forces, training without machines and weights to pump up muscles and ideal physical shape.”

Part 1. REVIEW.

About special forces.
Why do you need special forces physical training?
Fuel for training.
Before you begin.


How to use this book.


Warm-up series.
Balance and stability exercises.
Exercises to strengthen the abdominals.
Push ups.
Strength exercises.
Exercises with a partner.
Agility, speed and plyometrics.
Cardio exercises from the world of martial arts.
Flexibility exercises.

Of all modern soldiers, special forces command the most public attention. Think about how many films have been made about special forces and, say, reconnaissance officers (and also tankers, artillerymen, air defense soldiers, not to mention a construction battalion). By the way, about the construction battalion: one of my friends, an incredibly talented, but not yet widely recognized screenwriter, dreams of writing a script for a series about a construction battalion. He has already chosen a title - “The Most Terrible Troops”, but, alas, so far there are no directors or producers on the horizon who can be interested in this project and write to the table. Give everyone special forces, or “landing troops.” By the way, there was such a series, “Desantura”, when I watched it, I laughed like a child in a circus, that series was very funny. Anyway. Have you often watched movies about rocket scientists? Or about some headquarters with inflated generals? Or about thieving rear officials who, if necessary, could make ideal sales managers? Only the already mentioned landing forces, border guards, and sailors can compete with special forces. All. Special forces rule.

In real life, special forces are called upon to solve problems that are inaccessible to other soldiers. That’s why the selection for special forces is very serious, and the training is appropriate.

In GRU units Russian Federation Entry standards for special forces are approximately the following:

Run for 12 minutes

(the distance the fighter ran is estimated)

  • more than 2.8 km - excellent
  • 2.8 - 2.4 km - good
  • 2.4-2.0 km - mediocre
  • less than 2.0 km - bad

Strength endurance test

The four exercises are performed one after the other without a break, ten times each. (push-ups from the floor, from a squatting position, throwing your legs back to a lying position, lifting your legs from a position lying on your back, from a squatting position, jumping up with full straightening of your legs and torso, hands behind your head).

  • 7 such episodes - excellent
  • 5-6 episodes - good
  • 3-4 episodes - mediocre
  • 1-2 episodes - bad.

In addition to these tests, the “entrant” performs everything without exception military sports complex standards.

In addition, the candidate undergoes an interview with the unit commander, who checks whether the soldier himself wants to serve in special forces (if not, then it is better to take someone else), takes into account professional suitability (gives simple tests on the level of intelligence, like the Eysenck questionnaire). Next, they check the soldier’s psychological compatibility with potential colleagues, for which they place him in a soldier’s team for 2-3 days and ask other soldiers for their opinions about him.

Psychophysical training in special forces

The most important psychological quality of a reconnaissance saboteur is the ability to independently make decisions on the situation. At the same time, many soldiers of other branches of the military are successfully weaned off this.

It has been established experimentally that the ideal special forces soldier has an intelligence above the norm by at least 10-15 points, a tendency to take risks (but not to adventure), a “passive-aggressive” type of character, is independent, knows how to behave according to the situation, and blames himself for failures yourself, and not someone else, or an unfavorable combination of circumstances.

These qualities are extremely important due to the fact that special forces can remain on enemy territory for several days, or even weeks, constantly “playing cat and mouse” with enemy counterintelligence. In such a situation, the price of a mistake is a failed mission and the lives of members of the reconnaissance group. Scouts must be smarter and more cunning than other soldiers.

In physical training classes, scouts are taught to overcome fear, for which they are regularly given tasks involving risk. Thus, the fighter learns to control his own instinct of self-preservation. The capabilities of the human body are enormous, and psychophysical exercises make it possible to reveal these capabilities more fully than simple sports training.

Psychophysical exercises for training a saboteur-scout:

  • exercises on the “scout trail”;
  • “risk zone”, a section of which is overcome under actual fire from small arms;
  • exercises from the mountain training course;
  • exercises from the airborne training course;
  • swimming across a fast-flowing river using available means;
  • overcoming a wire fence under electric current;
  • “running in tanks”;
  • throwing combat grenades;
  • crossing a rope across a river or mountain gorge in full combat gear;
  • swimming in uniform and with weapons;
  • diving to depths and freeing oneself from weapons and equipment;
  • hand-to-hand combat with two or three opponents;
  • exercises from the course hand-to-hand combat, with or without weapons, including against an armed enemy
  • observation of autopsies in the morgue;
  • adaptation to the sight of blood, cuts, scratches, overcoming disgust (kill a hare, cut off a head, drink blood).

Overcoming fear, a fighter acquires such a valuable quality of life as self-confidence, and, in addition, learns to act in various extreme situations.

Let’s take a closer look at overcoming disgust. In special forces and in army intelligence, people are needed who are psychologically ready to kill. When there is no such readiness, a fighter cannot be counted on in a combat situation. This does not mean that you need to walk to the barracks of the construction battalion and strangle the first warrant officer you come across with your bare hands; I have already spoken about killing a hare, I will add that a stray dog ​​can come up instead of a hare. Moreover, this practice increases survival rate in hiking conditions, where, in general, you may have to eat all sorts of nasty things, like snakes and frogs.

General physical training

In addition to psychophysical exercises, scouts also engage in general physical training (GPT), which, of course, is more thorough than other soldiers. In addition to building endurance, strength endurance, agility and speed-strength qualities, the physical training of reconnaissance saboteurs should increase resistance to shock loads, the effects of heavy loads, as well as motion sickness.

Exercises from the general physical training course:

For endurance training

  • Run 3 km. (standard - 12 minutes)
  • Cross-country 5 km (“excellent” 24 minutes, “good” 25, “satisfactory” 26 minutes)
  • Forced marches of 10-15 km are carried out periodically.

For training strength endurance

  • Complex strength exercise. The first 30 seconds are the maximum number of lifts of the body from a supine position, after which immediately, without stopping, in the next 30 seconds the maximum number of push-ups is performed from the floor.
  • (“excellent” 48 times, “good” 44, “satisfactory” 40.)
  • Pull-ups on the bar (standard 20 times)
  • Push-ups on parallel bars (standard 30 times)
  • Push-ups (standard 60 times)
  • Lifting by inversion on the horizontal bar (standard 12 times)

For training speed and strength qualities

  • Run 100 meters (13 sec.)
  • Jumping over a horse and a goat

Special exercises

  • Overcoming an obstacle course.

Learn more about the obstacle course. It is performed with a machine gun, a magazine bag, two magazines and a gas mask. Distance - 400 m. starting position - standing at the side of the armored personnel carrier (machine gun in hand, gas mask in the bag): climb over the side into the model of the armored personnel carrier, jump off the opposite side, run 200 m towards the first trench, run around the flag, jump into the trench, put on a gas mask, jump out of the trench and run along the log through the hole, jump off the log onto the ground, overcome the rubble, jump into the ditch, take a box weighing 40 kg from the rear parapet and transfer it to the front parapet, then again to the rear. Take off the gas mask and put it back in the bag, jump out of the ditch, overcome the maze, run up the fence along the inclined board, cross onto the beam, run along the beam, jumping over gaps, jump to the ground, jump over the destroyed stairs, and jump from the last step to land. Overcome the wall, jump into the well, run along the communication path to the trench, throw an anti-tank grenade 15 m at the target - a shield measuring 2x1 m, 3 attempts are given to hit the target), jump out of the trench, overcome the front garden, climb into the lower window of the house, with him - through the upper window, go to the beam, walk along it, jump to the first platform, from it to the second, jump to the ground, jump over the trench. Nothing at all, right?

And the evaluation criteria are:

  • “excellent” -3 min 25 sec,
  • “good” - 3 minutes 30 seconds,
  • “satisfactory” - 3 minutes 45 seconds.

The obstacle course is also overcome as part of a unit, as well as after running 1 and 3 km.

Scout's Path and training hall

Scout's Path

A more complicated version of the obstacle course is the “scout trail”, the same obstacle course, only the obstacles themselves are as close as possible to a combat situation (wooden and stone fences, brick walls with breaks, ruins of buildings, barbed wire, ditches filled with water, targets for throwing knives and grenades, inclined stairs, “stuffed” enemy soldiers, a pit with water and a log thrown over it.

On the “scout’s path,” the fighter practices the skills of covert movement, overcoming all kinds of obstacles, action in enemy trenches, indoors, and hand-to-hand combat skills.

The “Reconnaissance Path” is overcome by each fighter individually and by the entire reconnaissance and sabotage group. On time and without time. The emphasis may be on overcoming individual obstacles or moving silently. All kinds of noises, smoke screens, burning tires, explosive packages imitate a real battle. (psychophysical training). The emphasis in the lesson can be on throwing knives, grenades, removing a sentry, mining.

If the emphasis is on hand-to-hand combat, after some obstacles the fighter may expect an unexpected attack; he will have to “fight” with the “stuffed animal”, practicing blows with a butt, a knife, and also a sapper shovel.

On the “scout’s path”, reconnaissance saboteurs learn to act quickly and harmoniously.

Training room

In addition to the “scout path,” each company’s premises are equipped with a special place for hand-to-hand combat and strength exercises.

Special forces usually do strength exercises three days a week or every other day.

The so-called cross-fit is popular, a fighter works on one apparatus for about a minute, after a minute's rest he moves on to another, then to a third, and so on, the whole complex is repeated three times. Approximate complex: pull-ups on the bar, push-ups on parallel bars, hanging leg raises wall bars, turning over a wheel from an armored personnel carrier, working with a sledgehammer (hitting a rubber tire), push-ups from the floor. There are cross-fits with a barbell (bench press, squats, standing press, abdominal and lower back exercises), but not all fighters do these complexes, but only those who need it due to specialization.

The weights are small - about the weight of your body, but for a large number of times. At the same time, no one (maybe except for the “spirits” who have just returned from quarantine) trains for wear and tear. IN strength training Proper recovery is very important. In addition, special forces soldiers can be alerted and sent on a real combat mission, which means they must remain in force. If the task is known in advance (for example, it could just be a planned exercise), then the training load is reduced.

In addition, throughout the day, fighters perform exercises such as pull-ups and push-ups. Several approaches throughout the day, and in no case to the limit.

It should be noted that in addition to physical training classes, hand-to-hand combat classes provide a significant load.

As you can see, these fighters never get bored. No time at all...

Alex Neronov

Good day, airsoft players, militarists and all concerned. Today we are starting a series of articles about various law enforcement agencies. We will talk about both Russian special units and the special forces of the rest of the civilized world. Let's touch on interesting features of this or that squad, we will learn about training regimes, standards and similar things that may be of interest to both airsoft players and people simply not indifferent to military topics. We decided to start with the guys who serve in the special forces of the Federal Security Service, that is, the FSB.

Naturally, complete information about the training of FSB special forces soldiers is not and will not be publicly available, which in principle is logical. However, a certain amount of knowledge has nevertheless become public knowledge and thanks to it we can at least somewhat imagine the scope of tasks and how difficult the goals are facing those who serve in the FSB special forces detachment.

The FSB special forces are not at all a single consolidated detachment. The special forces of the FSB of Russia include a fairly large number of units. In fact, the FSB special forces includes many Regional Special Purpose Departments, and has representative offices in cities such as Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Nizhny-Novgorod (the second department in Sarov), Yekaterinburg "Malachite", Novosibirsk and many others.

Of course, the most recognizable and famous are the special forces units Directorate “A” (Alpha), Directorate “B” (Vympel). The glory must be said to be well deserved - a clear confirmation of this can be considered the performance of ALPHA fighters at international competitions Super SWAT International Round-Up 2011, where the guys took two first places and the title of the best international team.

In general, initially Group Alpha consisted of only 13 people, and their main task was to protect the diplomatic missions of the Seventh Directorate of the KGB of the USSR. By the time of collapse Soviet Union The number of Group A, taking into account regional divisions, was already about 500 people.

“Alpha” acquired celebrity and wide publicity, and even the name itself, in 1991 - by the way, the name came from an easy suggestion from journalists, and eventually stuck.

The special forces officers of Directorate “A” are tasked with a very wide range of tasks. Just look at the incomplete list of countries where the guys had to perform combat missions. In addition to Russia, Alpha fighters managed to visit such countries as Cuba, Jordan, Afghanistan, Switzerland, USA, Israel, England, France, Canada...

FSB special forces training, as a rule, is carried out in non-standard conditions in order to prepare fighters for an adequate response, regardless of the prevailing circumstances - this includes not only various variations of kill-house and a standard set of exercises aimed at improving skills in using small arms, but also joint training with other units, and not only from Russia. Naturally, the FSB special forces also have their own developments in terms of training and tactics - the most effective things are state secrets and are not subject to disclosure.

Since the 70s, almost all the most modern models of special small arms have passed through the hands of Alpha. Pistols, rifles, machine guns - this whole wide range of weapons goes to the guys from Alpha, and the best examples remain there on an ongoing basis. The group's employees use the most technologically advanced and advanced body armor and other protective equipment with the maximum level of protection. The soldiers are trained to use not only the most modern domestic machine guns, machine guns and sniper rifles, but also samples of foreign weapons. In special cases, Alpha does not even disdain crossbows and other exotic weapons and equipment.

Despite all the secrecy in terms of training and training of special forces, some information is still available to ordinary citizens. For example, on the Internet you can stumble upon the standard standards of the FSB special forces.

Standards and requirements for combat and physical training for FSB special forces officers

  • Running 100 m. (Shuttle run 10 to 10) - 12.7 s (25 sec)
  • Cross 3000 m - 11.00 min
  • Push-ups - 90
  • Pull-up - 25
  • Press (lying on your back, flexion-extension of the torso) - 100
  • Bench press (your own weight, but not more than 100 kg) - 10 times

A brief summary of standards for hand-to-hand combat for FSB special forces operatives

  • Demonstration of punching and kicking techniques - 2 min. On a punching bag
  • Sparring according to free rules with throws and painful techniques- 3 battles of 3 minutes each.
  • Jumping up with changing legs - 90

Other standards for special forces soldiers of the FSB of Russia

Complex strength exercise (performed sequentially 8 times: - 10 push-ups, 10 presses, 10 times squatting, 10 jumping ups). 8 reps (no pause)

It should be noted that All exercises are performed one at a time without rest breaks!

A significant part of the Alpha group operatives know how to drive all types of cars, are familiar with operating a huge number of types of armored vehicles, and have special mountaineering and diving training. A separate category of Alpha special forces employees have serious flight training skills. All this is designed to solve the most important and important task - to neutralize and eliminate the terrorist threat and at the same time preserve the lives of people who find themselves hostages in the hands of terrorists.

Finally, I would like to say a note to the reenactors - if you are going to get used to the image of Alpha, then try to pay serious attention to physical training. Alpha is, first of all, skills and endurance, and only then equipment and weapons.

dexterous and resilient applicants. You can guess that the everyday life of a special forces soldier is quite tense. In order to survive and complete the mission 100%, standards and requirements for special forces soldiers have been developed around the world. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the requirements and regulations that apply in different countries Oh.

1. "Alpha", Russia.

Alpha Squad - the elite of the Soviet and Russian special forces, is known as one of the most effective and experienced security forces in the world. The special unit is designed to conduct counter-terrorism operations using special tactics and means.


Preventing terrorist attacks.
Search, neutralize or eliminate terrorists.
Release of hostages.
Participation in special operations in “hot spots”

Requirements for candidates:

Active officers or cadets of military schools.
A recommendation from a current or former employee of Alpha or Vympel.
Age limit: not older than 28 years.
Height: not lower than 175 cm.


Cross-country running: 3 km in no more than 10 minutes 30 seconds.
Sprint race: 100 meters in no more than 12.7 seconds.
Pull-ups: 25 times.
Push-ups: 90 times
Abdominal flexion and extension: 90 times in no more than 2 minutes.
Bodyweight bench press: 10 reps.
Complex strength exercise 7 cycles in a row, no more than 40 seconds each cycle:
15 push-ups;
15 flexions and extensions of the torso in a lying position;
15 transitions from the position “crouched” to “lying” and back;
15 jumps from a crouched position.

Features of preparation:

Three minutes after physical testing It is necessary to demonstrate hand-to-hand combat skills. In this case, the candidate performs in a helmet, gloves and protective pads on the legs and groin. He is opposed by an instructor or an employee of the FSB Special Purpose Center well trained in hand-to-hand combat. The fight lasts 3 rounds. Next: a medical commission, a special check to identify unwanted relationships with the candidate himself or his relatives, examination by psychologists and a polygraph. Based on the results of each study, the candidate is awarded points, which are then summed up and a final decision is made.

Yamam is an elite unit of the Israeli Border Police. "Yamam" has the highest level of shooting training among all Israeli special forces. “Yamam” fighters have been taking personal and team prizes for everyone for years shooting competitions security forces. Yamama snipers are at much more high level than their army counterparts.


Release of hostages.
Conducting rescue operations and raids in civilian areas.
Recruitment and intelligence work.

Requirements for candidates:

Age from 22 to 30 years.
Be an active member of the army, police or border troops.
Have at least three years of service in combat units.


Pull-ups: 25 times.
Fist push-ups with weight on back: 100 reps.
Abdominal flexion and extension: 300 times.
Cross running with 15-20 kg equipment: 8 km in no more than 38 minutes.
Climbing a 7-meter rope: no more than 7 seconds.
Freestyle swim: 50 meters in no more than 35 seconds.
Swim underwater: 50 meters.
Swim with hands tied and legs: 50 meters.

Features of preparation:

The course includes running across rooftops, climbing a building via a drainpipe, escaping from captivity and survival, which tests one's response to stress. The next exercise is a fight with a guard dog from the canine unit of the gendarmerie corps, specially trained to attack a person. Here they study the fighter’s reaction to an attack: whether he will be confused about how aggressive he will be.

3. SAS, UK.

Within the UK Special Forces, the Army's Special Airborne Service, the SAS, occupies a special place. The SAS is one of the oldest and most highly trained special forces units in the world. The SAS's rich experience in anti-guerrilla and counter-terrorism operations forced the special forces of various states to copy its tactics. Including: American Green Berets and Delta.


Conducting reconnaissance and carrying out sabotage and subversive actions deep behind enemy lines.
Anti-terrorist operations both domestically and abroad.
Training of special forces soldiers from other countries.
Release of hostages.
Security of high-ranking officials and particularly important government facilities.

Requirements for candidates:

Service experience in other military units is required.
Age from 25 to 30 years.
Excellent physical and mental health.


Cross-country running: 2.5 km in no more than 12 minutes.
Forced march with full equipment: 64 km in no more than 20 hours.
Fire training: hit 6 targets at least twice each with 13 rounds of ammunition.
Parachute training: 40 jumps day and night with a load of 50 kg.

Features of preparation:

Instructors greet candidates with the words: “We will not select you. We will give you such a load that you will die. The one who survives will learn further.” And words do not differ from deeds. About one candidate out of ten passes. What does it cost just to take a month-long training course to resist special interrogation methods? Each cadet, in addition, goes through compulsory training in the jungle.

Today, the Chinese army has seven groups ready to carry out special operations. Each military district has one such unit, which is directly subordinate to the district chief of staff.


Special intelligence activities.

Conducting short, small-scale offensive operations behind enemy lines.

Requirements for candidates:

Age from 18 to 32 years.
Excellent physical and mental health.
Passing a physical fitness test.


Climbing a brick wall of a building to the 5th floor without any improvised means in 30 seconds.
Swim in full gear: 5 km in no more than 1 hour 20 minutes.
Pull-up and push-up parallel bars: at least 200 times a day.
Lifting a dumbbell weighing 35 kg: 60 times, in no more than 60 seconds.
Lying front push: 100 times, no more than 60 seconds.
Throwing a grenade: 100 times at a distance of at least 50 meters.

Features of preparation:

The physical training process of Chinese special forces is often called “the descent into hell.” Every day, morning and evening, cross-country running in full gear and an additional backpack with ten bricks. In this case, a distance of 5 kilometers should be covered in no more than 25 minutes. After completing the run, the fighters move on to the “Iron Palm” exercise. The fighter must deliver 300 blows to the bag, first with beans, then with iron filings. In exactly the same way, standards for fists, elbows, knees and feet are subsequently worked out.

GROM is a Polish special forces military unit. Prepared for special operations, including counter-terrorism, both in peacetime and during crisis or war. Since its inception, the unit has been completely professional.


Release of hostages.
Anti-terrorism operations.
Evacuation of civilians from a war zone.
Conducting reconnaissance operations.

Requirements for candidates:

Age from 24 to 30 years.
Excellent physical and psychological health.
Resistance to stress.
Ability to drive a car.


Cross-country running: 3.5 km in no more than 12 minutes.
Climbing a rope without using your legs: 5 meters twice in a row.
Bench press with your own body weight.
Pull-ups: 25 times.
Push-ups: at least 30 times.
Swim: 200 meters in no more than 4 minutes.
Swim underwater: 25 meters.

Features of preparation:

All candidates who submit applications first undergo a psychophysiological test. After this, as a rule, no more than 10-15 percent of the total number of candidates are allowed to take further tests. People from both the country's police units and civilian structures can come to serve in the Polish special forces. But civilians must first complete a basic police course before joining a SWAT team.

According to official documents, the Delta group is intended for covert combat operations outside the United States, on the territory of other countries. Delta Force's missions include countering terrorism, popular uprisings, and national intervention, although the group is also dedicated to covert missions, including but not limited to civilian rescue and invasion.


Release of hostages.
Release of American military personnel captured.
Fighting terrorists and partisans.
Capture or destroy military and political leaders hostile to the United States.
Capturing secret documents, samples of weapons, military and other secret equipment.

Requirements for candidates:

American citizenship only.
Age from 22 to 35 years.
At least 4 years of service in the US military.
Excellent physical and mental health.
Skydiving experience.
Highly qualified in two military specialties.


Push-ups: 40 times in 1 minute.
Squats: 40 times in 1 minute.
Cross-country running: 3.2 km in no more than 16 minutes.
Crawling on your back 20 meters feet first in 25 seconds.
Overcoming an obstacle course of 14.6 meters in 24 seconds.
Swimming in clothes and combat boots for 100 meters without timing.

Features of preparation:

Candidates perform a forced march with backpacks weighing from 18 to 23 kg and a rifle in their hands. Their path lies through hills, forests and rivers, and the distance of this path ranges between 29 and 64 km. Along the road, every 8-12 km there are checkpoints where candidates must go and where observers sit. To successfully overcome this test, you must endure average speed at least 4 km per hour and navigate well in unfamiliar terrain.