Muay Thai women. Should I choose boxing for weight loss and which one? Thai boxing for girls: myths and reality

Since ancient times, martial arts were mainly practiced by men, and while they beat the crap out of each other with their bare hands, women sat at home and kept the hearth. But among the fighters there were also women who were considered a kind of exception to the rule. There were entire nations where matriarchy reigned. For example, the Amazons: according to legend, there were no men among them - they did not tolerate them and did all the work themselves. They not only defended their state themselves, but even raided the surrounding area and became known as courageous and cruel warriors.

Many years have passed since then, but among us you can also find women, descendants of the Amazons, who can lay down any man. One of them, Svetlana Mikhailovna Andreeva, world champion in kickboxing, teaches in our sports school women's boxing. She does not strive to make great warriors out of all girls, but teaches how to resist a man in a difficult situation.


Kickboxing is commonly called fist fight with kicks included. Women's kickboxing is less tough compared to boxing. Scars, cuts and bruises are unlikely, since girls usually have long legs - they are used for protection in kickboxing. Therefore, kickboxing is an activity for girls of not the smallest stature. In addition, there are restrictions on blows to the body.

There is only one main difference in boxing between men and women - it is the mandatory wearing of special protectors on the chest.

Kickboxing, in addition to the ability to stand up for yourself, teaches concentration, attentiveness, and trains reactions. And these are very useful skills not only within the walls of the gym, but also in the real world.

Girls who practice kickboxing are often more beautiful and feminine than boxers. They have an almost flawless figure and a beautiful face, thanks to constant training and work on themselves.


It was once believed that only desperate girls who had nothing to lose went into boxing: offended, beaten, notorious, dreaming of compensating for their shortcomings in a place where men dominate.

Perhaps this was the case before.

But there are not the same types of men and women. Some guys are eager to engage rhythmic gymnastics And synchronized swimming, and some girls have a predisposition to weightlifting or boxing.

If you exclude the bloody blows, you can look at boxing from a completely different angle. It is similar to dance, a kind of fitness that strengthens your figure and helps you lose weight. excess weight, makes a person’s movements more free, relaxed, and coordinated.

In addition, boxing radically changes a woman, and in better side: she becomes more free, independent, able to stand up for herself in unpleasant situations.

Is it bad?

Boxing is ideal for letting off excess steam. After a hard day at work, you can relax in training by pumping your fists. Would a woman really want to “throw plates” at her husband after this?

Thai boxing

Muay Thai or Thai boxing is the toughest of contact martial arts. It allows the maximum possible number of strikes. Connected to the traditional fist and foot are the elbows, shins, forearms and knees. If in boxing and kickboxing the clinch is a “peaceful distance” at which athletes feel relatively safe, then in Muay Thai this distance is one of the most dangerous.

Knees and elbows are fast and almost impossible to see or block. In addition, they are amazingly powerful.

Throws and grabs are also prohibited in Muay Thai, but, as the practice of real “fights without rules” shows, this element of martial arts is not required. Boxers and kickboxers have only one opportunity to resist a fighter who has studied Muay Thai - not to let him get into close range.

Muay Thai has rightfully earned the title of one of the toughest and most effective martial arts. It’s not for nothing that in America they call it “mortal combat.”

Thai boxing– classes for girls who are quite self-confident, strong not only in body, but also in spirit. Sometimes in training you have to be tough and strong. However, having reached the end, you will understand that you are able to fight back not only an ordinary attacker from the gateway, but also real boxers and kickboxers.

If you are in doubt about choosing a type of martial arts, we advise you to start with kickboxing: not as hard as boxing, not as tough as Muay Thai. After taking several classes with our professionals, you will understand whether to lower or increase the level of load, and the teachers, having assessed the level of your abilities, will give optimal advice on choosing a section.

If you are still thinking about whether to sign up or not, we tell you with confidence that it never hurts to try. If you don't like it or it's too hard, you can always leave. But, who knows, perhaps you will find yourself in these types of martial arts.

Our address: Address: Moscow, Otkrytoye sh., 15 building 21, sports club "KITEK", metro station Rokossovsky Boulevard, VAO(Eastern district of Moscow)

The nearest metro stations to the Kitek boxing school: Rokossovsky Boulevard/

We approached this issue from a scientific point of view and empirically found out what Thai boxing is for girls.

Most of the girls came to Thai boxing, having previously practiced this other sport, some athletics, someone did yoga, or just went to Gym regularly, however, there are those who simply took up boxing, following the example of friends and loved ones, until this moment, having nothing to do with the sport. Most girls, starting to practice Muay Thai, knew practically nothing about it.

At the same time, “no thoughts about self-defense and the outburst of unnecessary aggression” moved the girls when they first came to the gym. Some openly admitted that they are peace-loving people and that Thai boxing for them is primarily a sport, and not an extra opportunity to throw out their anger or indignation.

The motivation, as we see, is quite simple and obvious; this sport has become one of the priorities in life for our respondents, an antidepressant, a generator of vitality, a simple and radical way to change themselves and their lifestyle.

Thai boxing with a woman's face

Thai boxing, according to athletes, makes a person:

  • purposeful;
  • seasoned;
  • diligent;
  • disciplined;
  • resistant to stress;
  • liberated;
  • courageous;
  • confident;
  • calm;
  • less conflicted and more collected.

In addition, this type of martial arts teaches you to respect others and cope with your fears and emotions.

Bruises, injuries and other fears

It is no secret that Muay Thai is a contact sport and carries a risk of injury. However, none of the girls expressed fear or doubt about this. Many very wisely emphasized that you can get injured on the way to work, which happened to them more often than when they played sports. And to be honest, we don’t remember a case where any of the girls received any serious injury during training. Bruises - yes, it happens sometimes, but no more. In addition, one bruise means nothing in comparison with the whole world of opportunities that this sport opens up for a person. Martial arts in this case can be compared to reading books, when at first glance it seems like a tedious, difficult and useless activity, but once you make a strong-willed effort, read the first few pages and an interesting and fascinating world opens up before you.

The goal of martial arts training is not always fierce fights in the ring and conquest championship belts. It is rather a way of life that brings pleasure, health and harmony to the life of an athlete, giving motivation and strength to achieve goals in everyday life: at work, in school, in family, etc. Thai boxing educates, first of all, the human spirit, which is the source of happiness and prosperity. To fight or not to fight is just a choice free man, and not an obligation, because in martial arts this is not the main thing, because it is not for nothing that Muay Thai in translation means “a duel of the free.”

It’s safe to say that Thai boxing is a sport for girls. More than a quarter of the Veles club athletes are girls, among them:

  • masters and candidates for master of sports;
  • champions and prize-winners of the Russian Muay Thai Championship;
  • champions of Moscow and Moscow region;
  • winners and finalists of all-Russian and international tournaments in Thai boxing;
  • as well as those who just want to be in excellent physical fitness, become more confident and learn to defend yourself.

The Veles martial arts club invites all girls to a Thai boxing school for girls in Moscow. A team of professional trainers and experienced athletes Veles club will help you master effective self-defense skills, learn the basic principles and techniques of Thai boxing, become more self-confident, stronger and learn to achieve your goals.

In the modern world, there is an established opinion that boxing is not a woman’s business. But in last years More and more girls are choosing this sport. After all, it is one of the most effective options for losing weight. In addition, boxing tightens the figure, correcting its relief. In order to get rid of extra pounds With the help of such training, it is worthwhile to properly develop an exercise program.

You can lose weight not only with the help of grueling diets and light “female” workouts. A sport such as boxing is perfect for this. Many will argue that a girl should not engage in such a brutal business, it is better to find something calmer. But in fact, if you choose the right exercises and do not overuse stress, women, just like men, can practice boxing. After all, it really helps to tighten your figure.

Girls who chose boxing as a means to achieve perfect figure, note the following among the advantages of martial arts:

The list of advantages of this martial art for weight loss should make you cast all doubts aside. After all, this sport is the best option for those who want to quickly get tangible weight loss results.

Contraindications for exercise

Since such training involves great physical stress on the body, not everyone will be able to afford it. Among those who are forced to give up boxing, the following groups of people stand out:

  • with various visual impairments;
  • with diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • suffering from epileptic seizures;
  • with neuroses and neuritis;
  • with a previous concussion:
  • with diseases of the respiratory system - tuberculosis, asthma;
  • with diseases that are in a state of exacerbation;
  • Boxing classes are excluded for pregnant women, as well as in the first months after childbirth.

If you want to lose weight with the help of such a difficult sport, you should first consult a doctor. Even some illnesses that seem minor can negatively affect your health if you put too much stress on your body.

Thai boxing for girls: myths and reality

Muay Thai is definitely not a woman’s activity, as many who are afraid of “aggressive” sports claim. They argue this by saying that when practicing Muay Thai you have to strike various parts of the body, which can result in bruises and more. serious injuries. But don’t think that during training women will be forced to kick and punch each other. After all, Thai boxing, used for weight loss, involves slightly different types of loads.

In fact, Muay Thai is also suitable for women. Often it is the girls who become real fans of this activity and achieve significant success. In addition, losing weight with its help is quite easy. You just need to practice boxing regularly, at least three times a week. If it happens more often, then body fat will evaporate much faster.

Now that the muscles have warmed up enough, you can begin the workout itself. If the warm-up is suitable for both the weaker and stronger sex, then the main part of the lesson will be slightly different.

For women

Boxing in sparring is not a mandatory part of training for girls. It is enough to practice techniques on an invisible opponent or a special apparatus - a punching bag or a dummy.

It is recommended to start training with a short run of about 50 meters to prepare the body for the upcoming loads. Next you should go directly to boxing. When performing exercises, you do not need to stand still, but move as much as possible, trying to imitate a fight with a real opponent.

It is necessary not only to distribute uppercuts and hooks right and left, but also to practice the technique of dodging blows. Finish everything off with a sprint race. As in the beginning, the distance should not be too long, 50 meters is enough.

You need to repeat this sequence with running and boxing several times. Optimally – 10. If the level physical activity sufficient, then the number of repetitions can be increased to fifteen. Using this sequence of exercises is one of the most effective for combating excess weight.

For men

Training for the stronger sex will differ in that they can box not only on apparatus, but also in pairs. At the same time, you still need to follow safety precautions so as not to get injured and not inflict them on your opponent.

As for the exercises themselves, they will not differ radically from those described for women. Since men by nature have greater endurance, you can add some more types of physical activity. Jumping kicks, exercises (from a standing position, squat down, throw your legs back and do push-ups), crunches and others are perfect.

It is best to start boxing classes together with a trainer. Mastering martial arts on your own at home is unlikely to be a good idea, since only a professional can teach you how to strike correctly. That's why the best solution will sign up for classes with a trainer. You can box at home with a punching bag only after all the necessary techniques have been worked out in the gym.

It is recommended to complete the classes by jumping rope again, with which the warm-up began. The results of the training are simply amazing: in just one session you can lose 1 - 2 kilograms, if you follow all the recommendations of your mentor.

For training for men with boxing elements, watch this video:

Stars who chose boxing for weight loss

Many women are afraid that by choosing this sport, they will lose all their charm and fragility, which so reliably affects men. But you shouldn’t worry about this, because there are a huge number of examples where girls, while practicing boxing, remained as cute and graceful as before. There are quite a few such examples among celebrities.

The top model of one of the largest lingerie companies, Victoria's Secret, Adriana Lima, has been involved in this “masculine” sport for more than 10 years. It is unlikely that anyone will want to reproach this girl for her lack of femininity, just look at her photographs. In all the pictures she is in excellent shape, and her figure has the smoothest outlines. The model admits that it was boxing that helped her get herself in order after giving birth.

Adriana Lima

Another supermodel from the Netherlands, Doutzen Kroes, chose boxing as a tool for losing weight. She is especially fond of the “shadow boxing” exercise, that is, without the participation of a living partner. The girl spends quite a lot of time practicing the technique, as well as keeping herself in good shape - devoting at least an hour a day, 4 times a week.

As it turns out, boxing is quite popular among models. Fans of this sport include Shay Mitchell, Gigi Hadid, and Martha Hunt. None of these girls can definitely be called masculine. They all retained their fragility and true femininity.

Looking at all these slender, beautiful models, you can safely follow their example and take up boxing if you want to lose weight quickly. And you certainly shouldn’t be afraid that as a result of hard training, female attractiveness and charm will disappear. On the contrary, flexibility and endurance will develop, and the lines of the silhouette will become smoother.

There is no need to think that boxing can ruin an elegant silhouette and dispel the charm of femininity. This is the same type of training, but many times more effective for weight loss than the others. Boxing will not affect femininity in any way; on the contrary, it will only help improve your figure. The main thing is to maintain regularity and choose suitable exercises. Moreover, this great way fight negative emotions.

Useful video

Watch this video about boxing training for women:

At my first Muay Thai training, I fell in love. The body said, “Yo, baby, we need this!” and we stayed. But I will probably be the last person to recommend that a woman take up Muay Thai.

1. Muay Thai is not a fight, but a sport. Thinking that thanks to training you will be able to resist an inadequate man is a big illusion. In my opinion, this becomes (theoretically) possible after a few fights, when the body begins to react faster than the head. If your goal is to learn how to defend yourself, it makes sense to take specialized self-defense classes.

2. Muay Thai changes the body. High-intensity exercise causes my chest to shrink (after a series of blows, my pulse sometimes reaches 220 beats per minute). Just as those who lose weight keep “jeans of shame” as a souvenir, so a woman develops a “crying box.”

The priest leaves. Oddly enough, the body considers the protruding fifth point for combat to be an absolutely unnecessary, even annoying, detail. The butt becomes elastic, but small.

3. Muay Thai is an expense. First, to the hall. Muay Thai is a doubles sport and it is vitally important to: a) good coach a) a partner slightly superior to you in level. I'm (so far) lucky: I have both in one place.

Secondly, the cost of equipment. At first glance, you don’t need much: a regular elastic uniform and gloves. But this is only at first glance.

Leatherette gloves wear out within three months. With increasing impact force comes the need for bandages. You don’t need a bag, but one that these same gloves will fit into. Well, sometimes pads/stockings are also very useful.

Thirdly, there are food costs. As I already said, the loads (if you don’t go crazy, of course) are quite high and the power supply needs to be completely rebuilt. You need protein, you need vitamins – good ones and lots of them.

4. Muay Thai means bruises. On the legs, on the arms, on the hips and at the site of the anterior pelvic bones (iliac bones). Moreover, these bruises will most likely be a) large b) lasting just long enough for you to have time to enjoy the palette of changing colors.

5. Muay Thai is limited in female beauty. Extended nails with rhinestones? Forgot! Eyelashes 2 cm? Forgot! Fillers in the nose, cheekbones? Forgot! Unless, of course, after a missed hit you don’t want to find slipped fillers somewhere behind the ear))

6. Muay Thai is all about timing. The training lasts 1.5 hours. But very soon you realize that in order for you to succeed in what you want to do, this time is catastrophically short. Even if you exercise three times a week. And even if it's four. Three is the base that the coach gives. Fourth, practice your technique on your own: no one will give you a projectile for your sole use for an hour. Plus you need running (for breathing) and stretching (what would you do without it?). How much is left for your personal life and all sorts of domino movies?

7. Muay Thai is painful. It just hurts and the gong hasn't rung yet. And we must continue.
Of course, not everyone falls in love with Muay Thai so much that it changes their life.

And if you still want to, then where?

I know that there are mixed groups (men + women) and pure (men/women). I study in a mixed class and would go to the same one for the second time.

Firstly, working among men (no matter how skeptical they are about your attempts) makes a lot of sense: this is a unique opportunity to see them “as they are” - in their strength and their weakness. It was during training that I could say I fell in love with men as a species.

Secondly, this is the bar set by men. If people around you are doing push-ups with fists and clapping, it’s simply a shame not to do at least 10-15 regular ones.

Third, the “norm” in a mixed group is the norm for men. For women, of course, it decreases slightly, but it decreases relative to the same men, which means that for women it remains slightly higher than that for women.

Fourth, sometimes your partner doesn’t come, and then you end up paired with a man.

And this, like all of the above, is cool))

  1. Muay Thai is the ability to hit a person (with impunity)). I think it's very important to be able to do things that are not socially encouraged. For example, lying, stealing and yes, hitting people. Because life is rich in shades, nuances and situations, and it may well happen that the antisocial choice will be the least energy-consuming and this will be critical. And you - oops - you can’t.
  1. Muay Thai is about focusing on moving forward. In my opinion, experience in ordinary life comes rather slowly. More precisely, the “lyuli” arrive quickly, but the opportunity to do otherwise may not come soon. In Muay Thai, you come out of every sparring with a bunch of “ticks”: it doesn’t work out here, it just didn’t work out here. And within a day you have the opportunity to (try) to do differently.
  1. Muay Thai is a constant readiness for new things. You can kill yourself honing your technique on projectiles. You can wipe the monitor to holes while watching training and real battles. But then a living person stands in front of you and all the preparations crumble into dust: your partner does something completely different from what you so carefully prepared for.
  1. Muay Thai is about respect. The inability to 100% predict your opponent's actions simply makes you respect him. It can also come from a newbie. Precisely because he doesn’t know how, he hasn’t received much himself yet and, in general, he’s young and daring.
  1. Muay Thai is the understanding that there are no limits. There is no quantitative that reflects the qualitative. There is no level that you can reach and calm down. There is no stretch that makes you better than your opponent. There will always be not even someone who is better, but someone who at some point is simply faster than you.

Muay Thai demonstrates that there is nothing more ephemeral than victory (and therefore to hell with it]). 98% of training time is general physical training, practicing strikes and ligaments. Even sparring takes a small amount of time, and fights are very rare. And for this reason, “rarely” getting so worked up in training, IMHO, is a bad thing. I asked those who speak: why do they need this? And no one told me about the medals.

Muay Thai evaporates pride. You can't do everything. You can't do everything. Because you are not everything at once.

Muay Thai (to me, at least) always gives me an endorphin rush. Every time after training, a hellish cocktail bubbles in my blood: I love everyone, I can do anything, I’m not afraid of anything. And considering that I still live without a camera and go to the office every day, this is vital for me))

First training

Muay Thai, like any thing you do with all your dedication, will sooner or later make you change your whole life. Therefore, before you get involved with Thai boxing enough to allocate a nail for gloves in your shack and place a wholesale order for ointment for bruises, you should take a closer look at it.

Where to begin?

Before purchasing a subscription, it makes sense to go to a couple of trial classes to different clubs with suitable prices, locations and schedules. You need to see the club from the inside, look at the coach’s approach, feel the atmosphere in the team, and so on.


It’s normal for some to study in the basement, for others it’s only comfortable in a haute couture interior. The first is not good, the second is not bad. You just need to understand whether this is right for you.

In addition to the subjective assessment of locker rooms and showers, it makes sense to pay attention to the equipment of the hall. At a minimum, there should be shells for testing different types blows: long bags of different densities (just walk up and bang your fist) and wall pillows.


The group is formed by a coach. Not the club's policy, not the interior, not the prices. They always go to the person and work with the person, and the trainer, as a person, has his own relationship with Muay Thai, firstly, and his own approach to training, secondly.

A general idea of ​​the first can be gained by listening to the coach’s conversations with the “old guys” before and during training.

For some, Muay Thai is life and passion, for others it is sport and adrenaline. This will manifest itself in communication, in words describing “work” and commenting on mistakes. Plus, the way the coach himself relates to what he teaches will determine the emphasis in the training process.

Approach to learning. Muay Thai is a tough sport and expecting softness and political correctness from a coach is a strange thing. Plus, you need to understand HOW the coach sees a girl coming to training (especially in a mixed group).

A girl, by definition, is weaker than any of the most novice male beginners, at first she can’t do the simplest things, you can’t spur her on with obscenities, she can be offended and cry at a joke, any poke while demonstrating an exercise can give her a bruise and this can be a problem. And this beauty needs to be taught something without being maimed.

In addition, it is worth finding out whether the coach has the ability to explain the same thing in different ways. different people, without losing patience, because from time to time you will be mercilessly stupid.


If the group is mixed (men + women), it is important to find out if any of the women attend classes on a regular basis. Muay Thai is a doubles sport, and standing in sparring with a man, even if alone weight category– not, in my opinion, the best moment.

Both of you will be afraid of doing something wrong (he will hit you in the chest, you will not raise your knee high enough when hitting the solar plexus) - as a result, neither will work at full strength.


Usual equipment for class: boxing gloves, T-shirt, leggings or special “Thai” shorts. In my opinion, you can come to the first training session in anything, as long as it does not hinder movement and especially does not interfere with raising your legs, but at the same time does not distract the male half from work. Many girls come to the gym to show off what a great figure they have and find themselves young man, strong and brave. There is nothing wrong with this and it often happens, but you still need to be politically correct towards the coach, the process and those around you, after all, people have ordinary human desires))

There is no point in buying gloves for the first lesson (and even for the second). Anyway, for the first or second time, in addition to general physical training (general physical training), the coach will give you an introduction basic hits arms and legs through the air.

There is no need for shoes at all during training - classes are held barefoot or in socks. It is better to choose sports socks - they fit well on the foot and do not slip off when you lift your toes or turn your feet.

Plus, you definitely need to take water with you (preferably in double volume than for your usual workouts), and a small towel to wipe off sweat.

After training

It is necessary to provide the opportunity to have a snack after class. The workout (even the first one) will be very intense, with a high heart rate, which can make your muscles “burn.” In order to prevent this, it is advisable to eat (protein + carbohydrates) 30-40 minutes after the end of the workout.

If at this time you are taking your tired but satisfied carcass home with a sense of accomplishment, then along the way you can simply grab a protein bar with a protein level of around 50-60%.

And for two days after training it’s better not to plan anything at all))

Thai boxing or Muay Thai is a form martial arts who came to us from Thailand. In Europe and America it is martial arts became popular only in the middle of the 20th century. In subsequent years, Thai boxing began to be practiced more and more more people all over the world, organizing competitions at various levels. even teenagers visit to improve their physical strength and learn self-defense.

Thai boxing for girls will be very useful. Classes in sections or individual plan will give a lot of positive results:

  • Increased flexibility and motor skills of the body;
  • Improving physical fitness;
  • Self-defense training;
  • Giving the body relief and expressiveness of muscles;
  • Increased self-esteem and discipline;
  • Getting rid of a few extra pounds.

Girls who do not have medical contraindications can sign up for the class. Can choose group classes or personal training with a trainer, where his attention will be directed only to you.

Where is the best place to practice Muay Thai?

Thai boxing classes for girls are quite popular sections in Moscow today. A lot of clubs offer similar services. But, since we are talking about your health and material costs, you must approach the choice of such an institution very responsibly. The list of clubs that take a responsible approach to the implementation of their tasks includes, where every girl can attend Thai boxing in Moscow.

Why choose Bulat Gold? Our club has several positive characteristics that set it apart from its competitors. Firstly, we have increased attention for beginners in any type of martial arts. Secondly, a large staff of highly qualified trainers. Thirdly, we use effective methods preparation. Each girl has the opportunity to practice Thai boxing in 3 gyms in Moscow and attend all training sessions unlimited. You can also always try yourself in other areas: boxing,