Is it possible to lose weight by doing classical Pilates? Does Pilates help you lose weight? Contraindications to Pilates

A very convenient exercise system for building beautiful figure and maintaining a toned shape. The convenience of the system is not only in the simplicity of most exercises. You can do Pilates in different ways; each person will be able to find a schedule that is convenient and effective for him personally.

Every day

Pilates has become widespread, leading to the emergence of different schools and many instructors. Thanks to this, completely developed different systems activities that satisfy the needs of different social clusters. If you are used to doing exercises every morning and spend 15-20 minutes on it, you do not need to find additional time for Pilates. It is enough to simply replace morning squats and crunches with a Pilates complex, which can last from 10 to 20 minutes. Exercise will not only help you wake up, but also energize you for the whole day. In addition, an important factor is observed - an empty stomach. Morning Pilates warms up the muscles more gently and accelerates the circulatory system than exercises with jumping and squats, and the fat-burning effect is better. The total lesson time per week with this approach will be 1-2 hours.

In one day

Classes “every other day” are more suitable for home workout. Fortunately, Pilates is not required. additional inventory, except for a towel and maybe a gymnastic ribbon (you can do without it). The schedule will be floating: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Then, accordingly, in a circle. It is enough to devote half an hour a day to training. You can exercise at any time, but it’s better during the day, for about three hours (provided you ate at 12-13 o’clock). You can exercise after work, but it is important not to eat earlier than an hour and a half after training, but no later than 20.00 (at least 4 hours before bedtime). Due to the fact that the schedule is floating, you are not constantly tied to specific days of the week and have time to recover during the day before the next workout. The total lesson time per week will be 1.5-2 hours.

Three times a week

This is the most convenient schedule for classes at the club. The workout can last 45 minutes, an hour or a little more. Classes at the club are more convenient because they are paid for in advance and the psychological factor of “shirking” is broken by the feeling of saving money. The three-time schedule is used most often in clubs, as it provides a sufficient level of workload and is affordable. In terms of efficiency, such a schedule also has high performance, the only possible inconvenience is time. If, while working out at home, you can postpone the workout for half an hour or, on the contrary, do the complex earlier, then you will have to go to the club at a certain time.

Two times a week

There is another option to study twice a week for 1.5 hours. We believe that this is a less effective schedule than a three-time schedule, but everything is learned by comparison, for some it is more convenient this way. We would like to point out right away that even long workout 1.5-2 hours, once or twice a week, is less effective than frequent sessions of shorter duration. Twice-a-day workouts are good for staying in shape, but if your goal is to lose weight and you tend to indulge in tasty foods, you need to exercise more often, this will help speed up your metabolism and curb your appetite.

Combined with another type of physical activity

If you have a membership to a sports club and like to work out on exercise machines, you can include Pilates in your training system as a compensation complex. We mean that Pilates improves stretching and lengthens the muscles, involving them in work other than athletic gymnastics, so the figure becomes more harmonious. You can combine Pilates with bodyflex or calanetics, aerobics or dancing, strength training or martial arts. One type of activity should be dominant and the other complementary, for example, strength training– 2 times a week, Pilates – 1 time a week. You can also combine it during training, for example, 30 minutes of Pilates and 30 minutes of active exercise. dance aerobics. It all depends on what activity you prefer.

In the 1920s, trainer Joseph Pilates introduced effective complex exercise, which was supposed to help injured athletes and dancers recover and return to their previous physical fitness. Since then, the direction of Pilates has emerged, which has gained enormous popularity in the last 10-15 years. According to statistics, in the USA alone the number of Pilates instructors exceeds 11,000 people.

Pilates is a series of exercises to increase body strength, muscle development, improve posture, balance and coordination. Each exercise is performed with special attention To correct technique breathing and control of the abdominal muscles. This helps you perform movements with maximum power and efficiency. Pilates lengthens and strengthens muscles, improves muscle elasticity and joint mobility.

We offer you all the most useful and up-to-date information about Pilates: advantages and disadvantages, features of classes, effectiveness for weight loss, as well as ready-made complex Pilates exercises and useful tips for those who are just starting to practice Pilates.

General information about Pilates

Pilates is not defined by the number of exercises, and their quality, and this is one of the main features of this sporting area. Exercises, as a rule, are done in a certain order, gently replacing one after another. This isn't the kind of workout where you'll work up a sweat, but you'll definitely feel your muscles tense during each exercise. You will gain stronger, toned muscles while increasing flexibility and improving the condition of your spine.

Most traditional training causes muscle imbalance : strong muscles become stronger, and weak muscles, on the contrary, become weaker. This is a leading cause of injury and chronic back pain. During Pilates, your muscles will work evenly and in balance, ensuring better workout performance and reducing the likelihood of injury. That's why there are so many professional athletes use Pilates in their training regimen.

In Pilates, your muscles will never work to the point of exhaustion, you will not sweat or feel very tired. Classes include precise exercises and special deep breathing. If you don't like programs that focus on concentration, then Pilates may seem like a boring workout to you. But if you want to strengthen your muscles abdominal cavity and pelvis, as well as maintain good posture and get rid of back pain, then Pilates is definitely for you.

Regular exercise will help you feel "Pilates effect" Thanks to a set of exercises, you will tighten your abdominal muscles, lower your shoulders, lengthen your neck, lift your chest and straighten your posture. By the end of the lesson, your spine will be elongated, your stomach will be tightened, and your body will be free and light. Pilates poses will make you feel taller and more confident than you did just an hour ago.

15 benefits of Pilates

We offer you 15 benefits of Pilates that will surely convince you of the benefits of this fitness trend:

1. You will create elastic muscles abdominals and a strong back, and also work out deep muscles belly. The basic principle of Pilates is to pull the navel towards the spine. Applying this simple technique V Everyday life, you will do yours belly flat and more attractive.

2. Pilates aligns and stabilizes the spine, reduces discomfort and pain in the back. Research shows that Pilates also relieves various types of lower back pain.

3. Regular Pilates classes will help you tone your body, strengthen your muscles, and increase their strength. In doing so, you will create slim toned body without pronounced pumped up muscles.

4. Pilates is so safe that it is even used in physical therapy for rehabilitation after injuries. Also regular classes are an excellent prevention of musculoskeletal injuries.

5. Thanks to Pilates you improve your posture. This is not only useful for preventing back pain, but also for the smooth functioning of all internal organs.

6. Pilates improves body shape. You will tone muscles in such “problem” areas as hips and belly, creating a beautiful slender silhouette.

7. Controlling your breathing and correct position body, you learn to control your movements and feel your body better.

8. Deep breathing, which is the basis of Pilates, helps relieve anxiety, depression and insomnia.

9. Pilates exercises will improve your flexibility and mobility of joints . You will work towards safely increasing the length and stretch of your muscles, as well as increasing your range of motion in your joints. In this aspect, Pilates is second only to yoga and stretching.

10. Pilates lowers blood pressure and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Through deep breathing you will also increase your lung capacity and blood circulation.

11. Unlike some other fitness programs, Pilates focuses on developing the entire body without neglecting any muscle group. Exercises help get rid of muscle imbalances, which increases the effectiveness of training and reduces the risk of injury.

12. You will significantly improve your balance and sense of coordination. Any gymnast knows: in order not to fall off the balance beam, you need to have strong core muscles, which are actively developed during Pilates classes.

13. Pilates is ideal for all ages and for people of varying fitness levels, from beginner to advanced. These are low-impact workouts, so they are also suitable for people with joint problems.

14. According to Joseph Pilates, this method of exercise is designed to harmonize your spirit and mind, getting rid of negative emotions. You will be charged positive energy for all day!

15. Some Pilates programs are suitable for use during pregnancy. This will help you relieve back pain, maintain a slim figure and master breathing techniques for an easy birth.

If we talk about the disadvantages, it is important to note that Pilates is not the best for burning fat and losing weight. effective method. Also, Pilates will not help you develop endurance or significantly improve your physical fitness. Yes, this is not the most The best way for weight loss and getting rid of excess weight, but Pilates is ideal for improving health and creating a strong, durable body.

Pilates is very demanding on the quality of exercises, so when independent studies or with an illiterate instructor, there is a possibility that the training will be ineffective. It is very important to follow the correct technique for exercises that require special precision and attention.

Pilates is great for strengthening and toning your body's muscles and increasing flexibility, but it not comprehensive strength program . You will need to supplement it with some other workouts if you want to build up your arms or get some quality work out. bottom part bodies.

Contraindications for Pilates classes

Although Pilates is a calm, low-impact workout, in some cases it is better to consult a doctor before starting classes. Especially it concerns:

  • pregnant women;
  • people who have recently undergone surgery;
  • people over 40 years of age;
  • people with heart disease;
  • people with exacerbation of musculoskeletal diseases;
  • people who are overweight or obese.

The main principles of Pilates

When developing his program, Joseph Pilates created not just a set of exercises, but a whole technique that helps harmonize mind, body and spirit. That is why Pilates training is inseparable from its main principles. Wherever you practice, at home or in the gym, the principles of Pilates should accompany you throughout the entire session.

These six principles are the basis for performing Pilates exercises:

  • The principle of centering. A strong core is the foundation of Pilates. Tighten your abdominal muscles, stretch your spine into one straight line, pull your navel towards your spine. The muscles should be tense throughout the entire session, not relaxed.
  • The principle of concentration. Be extremely collected and concentrated during class. If you pay all your attention to the exercises and do it with full dedication, you will get maximum effect from every movement.
  • The principle of control. Each Pilates exercise is performed with complete muscle control. Each movement is conscious, work is carried out in isolation on the target muscles.
  • The principle of accuracy. Your entire body should be aligned and symmetrical. The shoulder blades, shoulders and pelvic bones are on the same line; nothing should disturb the symmetry.
  • The principle of breathing. Breathing is an integral part of Pilates exercises. Use medium chest breathing, inhale deeply through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Do exercises in rhythm with your breathing.
  • The principle of traction. Straighten and lower your shoulders, do not pull them towards your ears while doing the exercises. Squeeze your shoulder blades and feel the stretch in your spine.

Pilates for weight loss: is it effective?

The high effectiveness of Pilates for weight loss is nothing more than a marketing ploy. This type of fitness not an effective tool for weight loss. Judge for yourself, an hour of Pilates on average burns 250-300 kcal. For comparison, power and aerobic training will help you burn 500-600 kcal per hour of exercise, and intensive training even more - on average, 750-850 kcal. It becomes obvious that compared to other forms physical activity Pilates for weight loss is not the most effective method.

But this doesn't mean that Pilates won't have any benefits and you shouldn't include it in your fitness plan. If your goal lose weight, then, along with strength and cardio training, include Pilates in your schedule, at least 1-2 times a week. You must also maintain a daily calorie deficit to allow your body to start using fat for energy.

As mentioned above, Pilates is effective for strengthening the muscles in the abdomen, back, buttocks and thighs. As a result, you will improve your body shape and get rid of flabbiness and looseness . Moreover, than more muscles in your body, the higher your resting metabolic rate, which means you will burn more calories throughout the day. This is another indirect argument in favor of using Pilates, if not for weight loss, then for creating slim body exactly.

Pilates can be a good starting point for those who have not exercised for a long time. physical training. The exercises are performed slowly and under control, without impact sessions and increased loads. This way you can tone your muscles and gradually join the sport without injuring ligaments and joints, without the risk of injury.

What conclusion can be drawn? If you want to lose weight quickly and effectively, then Pilates is not the best best technique for these purposes. But if you want improve the body's health, improve your body shape and work on yourself for the long term, then Pilates workouts should be included in your fitness plan.

15 effective Pilates exercises in GIFs!

We offer you a selection of Pilates exercises in GIFs. To complete them you will not need additional equipment, so you can complete them even at home:

1. The Hundred (The Hundred)

2. Double Straight-Leg Stretch

3. Single Leg Stretch

4. Boat

5. Bridge (Gluteal bridge)

6. Donkey Kick (Lifting legs on all fours)

7. Side Leg Lift

8. Inner Leg Lift

9. Clam (Diamond Leg Raise)

10. Rolling Like a Ball

11. Plank

12. Side plank leg lift

13. Superman

14. Swimming

15. Bird Dog (Raising arms and legs on all fours)

Thanks to the YouTube channel for the gifs The Live Fit Girl.

1. If you plan to do Pilates with an instructor, make sure he is qualified or visit trial lesson. In this type of fitness it is very important competent teacher who will monitor correct technique and supervise those involved.

2. Choose a class according to your skill level. You should not attend an advanced Pilates program if you are just starting out. However assess your level only possible during the lesson. Even a physically fit person may have difficulty performing specialized Pilates exercises.

3. You can do Pilates at home. Many workouts have been released on DVD and Youtube with a wide selection of programs for every level of training . It is advisable to attend at least a few training sessions with an instructor to learn the basics, but if you do not have such an opportunity, you can start doing Pilates at home.

4. When practicing Pilates at home, it is better to choose video in native language. During training, instructors often voice important nuances on the correct technique of exercises that cannot be caught by simply watching a video.

5. During the entire lesson, be extremely collected and concentrated. Don't forget the basics Pilates principles, you must follow them every second.

6. In Pilates, the quality of the exercises is important, not the quantity. Every move you make must be absolutely technical. The exercises may look very simple, but they require you to be strong. precision and control. If you are tired, take a rest, but do not neglect the correct technique.

7. Basically, Pilates is performed with your own body weight without additional equipment. But there are also programs using fitball, rubber ball, elastic band. The use of a special moving simulator for Pilates is also gaining popularity - reformer:

8. Remember that Pilates was created not for weight loss, but for health improvement body. If your priority is to lose excess weight, then it is better to choose strength and aerobic training, and devote 1-2 days a week to Pilates.

9. But to get maximum benefit from Pilates, you should practice at least 3-4 times a week. After just 10-15 sessions, you will notice improved posture, increased muscle strength, more confident exercise and freedom of movement.

10. Don’t think that Pilates is very easy and affordable type of fitness. Yes, these are low-impact and low-intensity workouts, but they require your full dedication and concentration.

Pilates or yoga?

One of the most obvious similarities between Pilates and yoga is that both fitness disciplines focus on harmonization of body and mind. In yoga, this intention is expressed more openly, however, in Pilates, without the participation of the mind, it is impossible to adhere to its basic principles. The difference between them lies in the degree of attention and involvement of the mind during classes.

Pilates is partly inspired by yoga practices, but differs in one way key factor. Yoga consists of a series of static poses (asanas), while Pilates is based on dynamic and unstable movements that give additional resistance and help you work more effectively on muscle strength.

Pilates is more aimed at strengthening the core muscles and developing the correct physiology of movement, which is used in everyday life. Yoga is more focused on stretching and flexibility, as well as expanding consciousness through movement.

If you want to tighten your muscles and at the same time improve contact with your body, increase flexibility and get rid of back pain, then programs such as Pilates are for you clearly shown. Do Pilates at least 1-2 times a week and your body will thank you!

Today, there are many Pilates programs for losing excess weight. People who are overweight are more likely to choose slow exercise than rhythmic aerobics. Let's figure it out, is it possible to lose weight in Pilates classes?

Pilates gives excellent results to people who want to speed up their metabolism. Pilates gymnastics works in several directions:

  • Strengthening the muscles of the center of the body;
  • Working on poor posture;
  • Increased body tone;
  • Thickening of muscle tissue.

Classic Pilates is strength training, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, lower back, legs and arms, as well as for shaping the abs. As a result of this load, muscles become stronger and body shape improves. For achievement best result To lose excess weight, you need to combine Pilates with adequate dietary restrictions.

One Pilates session burns up to 380 kcal. Of course, rhythmic and dance aerobics classes allow you to achieve much greater results, but the effect of Pilates is aimed at building muscles and expending energy at rest. This scheme brings much more benefits to the body, since it is set up for a long-term strategy.

  • Spinal injuries;
  • Poor posture;
  • Heart and joint problems;
  • Overweight more than 20 kilograms.

Modern Pilates is a universal system for keeping your body in great shape. Exist special complexes Pilates exercises for pregnant women and people of retirement age. In addition, there are aerobic sessions of intensive Pilates, which allow you to burn up to 600 kcal in one session. Pilates involves working on the floor and in special machines, exercising on a fitball, with dumbbells and rubber shock absorbers.

Pilates is a great alternative for those who are not looking to build muscle. muscle mass, but only pursues the goal of gaining slim figure and get rid of excess weight. The Pilates system allows you to lose weight quite quickly during classes. Healthy weight loss can be achieved through a reasonable reduction in calorie intake and three Pilates workouts per week. This weight loss formula is suitable for people of any age and weight category.

Pledge proper activities Pilates is step-by-step development course. You should definitely start with the program for beginners. The main thing in Pilates classes is correct body position and quality breathing.

Is it possible to lose weight by doing Pilates for those who actively engage in aerobics or exercise their muscles? gym? Undoubtedly. As a result of Pilates exercises, internal muscles are strengthened, which helps to reduce body volume. Maintenance internal muscles in good shape allows you to reduce the load on the spine and joints. In addition, Pilates workouts provide strong abs.

To lose weight with Pilates, you need to add exercises to develop cardio endurance to your workout program. This is necessary to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

How to lose weight with Pilates and what exercises are best to use for weight loss? What are the reviews of those losing weight with the help?

Does Pilates help you lose weight?

Pilates is a complex of calm, measured physical exercise, with moderate physical activity. Therefore, the question of whether it is really possible to lose weight using this technique worries many women.

The answer to this question: “Will Pilates help you lose weight?” can be answered in the affirmative. Pilates is not only about calm movements accompanied by slow music. Pilates is also effective weight loss and healing of the body. The principle of the technique is to accurately perform the exercises together with correct breathing. This method, even with seemingly insignificant loads, allows you to burn a lot of calories during training and strengthen the muscles of the whole body. Pilates exercises for weight loss do not require special skills, and therefore are available to everyone.

Many exercises may seem easy, but doing them the first time is quite difficult, especially for people without proper training. physical training. Therefore, Pilates is one of the optimal solutions for losing weight.

Pilates classes for weight loss can be done in either gyms or at home. Pilates exercises for weight loss are a complex simple exercises aimed at restoring general muscle tone. Pilates also helps burn excess calories. Below is

The question included in the table of contents of this article is the most frequently asked question to a Pilates instructor. And we will answer it in the affirmative - yes, you can lose weight by doing Pilates, but using the exercises as part of the strategy, which must necessarily include a general correction of the eating habits of the person losing weight, well-chosen physical exercise(why not Pilates on big equipment?), as well as using little nutritional tricks on training days.

However, we immediately emphasize that the rules set out below can only be applied to healthy people whose overweight caused precisely by an energy imbalance associated with increased food consumption (and excess intake of fats and carbohydrates) against the background of decreased energy expenditure for physical activity.

If excess weight is a consequence of obesity for neuroendocrine and other endogenous reasons, the weight control process should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician.

It is known that effective means Losing weight is fast walking, accompanied by normal or deep breathing - in order to release the energy contained in fats from fats, their oxidation is necessary, and this requires oxygen.

But, since we are talking about losing weight with Pilates, then in combination with the correct execution (in static-dynamic mode) of the exercises of the Pilates system and training at intervals of 2-3 times a week, we can also apply the following principles of nutrition, formulated by modern science of human physiology:

If the goal is to reduce the thickness of the fat folds while simultaneously increasing the strength and endurance of the core muscle groups, That on the day of training the amount of fats and carbohydrates is minimal, and any food intake should end 3 (three) hours before training, intake of complete (animal) proteins should be stopped 5 (five) hours before training. That is, three hours before training you can last time eat foods containing plant proteins (for example, legumes). You can drink without restrictions: teas, coffee, herbal infusions, rosehip decoction, most importantly, everything without sugar. However, 30-40 minutes before training, 150-200 ml of a sweet drink is allowed, you can eat dry cookies (biscuits).

Two hours after training You should not consume any food except any liquid without sugar. 90-110 minutes after the end of the workout, food is taken, preferably containing vegetable proteins, but animal proteins are also allowed (not pork, but boiled chicken breast, low-fat cottage cheese).

If training for the purpose of losing weight is carried out in the morning, it makes sense to carry it out on an empty stomach, observing a pause in food intake after training, as mentioned above, and also taking into account that for the next 10 (ten) hours you can only eat vegetables and a small amount of protein foods (50 - 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, meat, nuts, seeds).

The general rule is on the day of training. calorie content should be about 70% of the daily value.

On days between workouts the diet is normal, balanced, without excesses and rewarding yourself in the form of a cake for restrictions on the day of training.

Remember that the last meal time, both on the training day and on the rest day, should be no later than three hours before bedtime (not strictly at 18 o’clock. If you go to bed at 23 o’clock, then your dinner is at 20 o’clock evenings).

And also remember that if today you couldn’t follow the rules for organizing nutrition on training days, then the main thing is not to give up everything completely, but to start again.

The following sources were used in writing this article:

1. Myakinchenko V. B., Seluyanov V. N. “Health training according to the Isoton system.” – M.: SportAkademPress, 2001.
2. Prokhortsev I.V., Pshendin A.I., Sergeeva E.V. “Shaping nutrition.” – St. Petersburg, 2007.
3. Medicinal Physical Culture: textbook / ed. S. P. Popova. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2013.

About Pilates Studio

On the website of which we are pleased to welcome you, is the successor to the Pilates Workshop studio.

Why successor? Because in the current Pilates studio we have refused to conduct group classes, - we believe that this format of classes is not effective, since it does not allow achieving the student’s individual goals. In the group, everyone adapts to what is given by the trainer, who conducts a group lesson for an abstract average client.

Our Pilates studio only offers individual lessons Pilates:
– on large equipment (Pilates machines);
- on a mat, using small equipment;
- Oov contour arch (new in the world of Pilates).

The studio employs teachers certified by the American school Polestar Pilates.

Obtaining a certificate from this school is associated with completing 450 hours of training, passing an exam consisting of several sections, including analyzing a “case” - an example of a potential student - and drawing up exercise programs of varying levels of complexity for him, aimed at achieving the student’s individual goals.

The compliance of our studio specialists with the highest requirements of the Polestar Pilates school of Pilates guarantees that training with them will definitely not harm you and, moreover, will benefit you.

We refused additional economic costs in the form of a staff of administrators, so to start training with the specialists of our Pilates studio, we ask you write an application to the address:
[email protected]
(they will definitely send you a response letter), write to the head of the studio,