Powerful hands. Strong arms, or how to pump up your hands. Clenching and unclenching the palm

This exercise tells us how to pump up your wrist and inner part forearms. The exercise is formative. Increases volume and strength of the inner forearm.

Execution technique

  1. Take dumbbells in your hands and kneel in front of the bench. Place your forearms across the bench so that the palms of your hands face up. Extend your wrists beyond the edge of the bench (the dumbbells should not touch the bench as you extend them). Move slightly away from the bench so that your arms are almost straight. The torso and forearms should be motionless throughout the exercise. The dumbbells do not need to be squeezed tightly in your hand; it is better to make your grip a little weaker so that the dumbbells seem to “roll” between your fingers.
  2. Straighten your wrists completely and then gradually lower the dumbbells down.
  3. Try to lift the dumbbells as high as possible, but perform the movements smoothly, while tightening the muscles of the forearm. Under no circumstances lift your elbows and forearms off the bench.
  4. ? The hands should be positioned 60 degrees above the horizontal at the top of the exercise. Having reached the top point, you can fully extend your wrists and smoothly lower the dumbbells.
  5. If you are using heavy dumbbells for the exercise, remember to be sure to hold your breath while lifting. Exhale when the dumbbells are already lowered.

  1. In the starting position, your arms must be straight. To achieve maximum muscle contraction, it is necessary that their ligaments be extremely stretched. And when you unbend elbow joint, all ligaments of the flexor muscle are stretched. This is how we ensure the maximum effect of the exercise.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to lift your elbows and forearms from the bench. If this does happen, then most of the load goes to the biceps, instead of providing tension to the forearm muscles.
  3. To increase the range of motion, we need to slightly relax our fingers and hold the dumbbells with a kind of loose grip. When you grip the dumbbells tightly, you lose the ability to fully extend your wrists.
  4. Right? As you lower the dumbbells, you will notice that your wrists may rotate outward slightly, causing your little fingers to spread apart. Don't think that this is in any way injuring your wrists; on the contrary, it allows them to extend much more. Additionally, when you try to keep your wrist still, you risk injuring it. Therefore, it is better to perform wrist curls with dumbbells (both safer and more effective) rather than with a barbell, which does not allow the wrists to rotate outward.


Intended for: Everyone from beginners to professionals.

When: At the beginning of the workout, perform on the biceps muscles reverse grip or “hammer”, and then proceed to wrist curls (after practicing all the exercises for the biceps muscles).

How many: 2-4 sets of 14-16 reps

Sports instruction: Wrist curls focus all the stress on the muscles of the inner forearm. This part determines the volume of the forearm (this is especially noticeable when you raise your arms or turn your palms outward).

This exercise is usually used to eliminate an imbalance in the growth of the muscles of the forearm and biceps, because when the forearms are small, even beautiful, voluminous triceps and biceps will not decorate your arms.

Wrist curls - great exercise, with which you can achieve success in volleyball, tennis, wrestling and basketball, thanks to the acquired strong grip.

Video - How to pump up your wrists?

There's no point in training strong muscles shoulder and forearm, if the hands remain frail and thin. Hand strength doesn't just show up during friendly handshakes—a whole range of exercises can't be performed without toned and strong fingers and wrists. So if you want to become professional athlete or just have it harmoniously developed body, you can’t do without working out the small muscles of the arms. In this article you will learn how to pump up your wrists using various equipment and exercises.

The wrist consists of eight small bones, the metacarpus - of five. Each finger is divided into three phalanges. In this case, the muscles of the hand are connected in a solid pattern.

Muscles are divided into three groups:

    Average. It consists of small worm-shaped muscles located from deep layers tendons to the proximal phalanges. The function of these muscles is to flex the proximal phalanges of the three middle fingers, adduct them and spread them apart.

    Muscles thumb. This group forms a hill around the base of the big toe. These muscles originate at the proximal phalanx and end at the first metacarpal bone and the sesamoid bone. This complex muscle structure allows the thumb to be very mobile and withstand heavy loads.

    Muscles of the little finger. They form an elevation on the outer edge of the palm. They begin at the wrist and attach to the fifth metacarpal bone. Their function is to ensure mobility of the little finger.

All these muscles stretch from the fingers up to the forearm, which provides high flexibility to the wrist.

A person’s grip strength is ensured by the joint work of the muscles of the hand and forearm. Therefore, for strong wrists, pumped up fingers alone will not be enough. To increase the strength of such small muscles, it is necessary to perform a whole range of training.

Training methods

Arm Curl

This exercise is very simple to perform. It helps increase muscle strength and flexibility of the ligaments of the hand. Starting position: sitting on a bench, body tilted forward, forearms resting on hips. You need to take a weight in your hand - a kettlebell or a dumbbell - and raise your palm with the outfit up. You should stay at the top point for at least 6-7 seconds. Return to starting position. Do 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

With a wrist expander

This method of pumping up your hands is the most effective due to its targeted effect on the muscles. The projectile itself is cheap and takes up little storage space. The principle of its use is very simple: you should squeeze the equipment in your hand, training your fingers, palm and forearm. Minimum number of repetitions: 50-60 times in one approach, of which there should be 4-5.

Reverse stretch

This exercise not only trains the muscles, but also allows you to get rid of discomfort after training. It is very important to comply correct technique stretch marks.

You need to do the following: bend your palm, placing it with the back side out behind your back so that the thumb “looks” inward. If possible, you can lean on your working hand to increase the load. It is advisable to perform this stretch for two to three minutes. Sometimes the palm is placed on the fingers in front of you, resting on the first phalanges and pressing the open palm to the forearm.


This exercise is a mandatory part of the warm-up if playing sports involves high activity of the small muscles of the arms.

The exercise consists of the following steps:

    Starting position: standing on all fours, turn your hands so that your fingers point inward, towards your stomach.

    Then you should lean forward, moving your body weight onto your hands.

It is very important to be careful not to damage the ligaments.

No less effective method wrist stretches - cobra pose. You need to lie face down on the floor and point your arms towards you, raising your elbows. This exercise came to the sport from eastern martial and spiritual practices (in particular, yoga).

Pancake Squeezing

This method is very effective for developing grip strength. The weights should be taken from the bar with one hand and held by the edge perpendicular to the floor. It's better to take one or two shells. The mass should be large, but not so large that you cannot hold the pancake and drop it on your feet.

First, it is recommended to perform the exercise while sitting, and only after prolonged training can you straighten your legs and hold the apparatus at a height of about a meter. Holding the pancake must be done alternately with each hand. Exercise time: 40-50 seconds of static load or 30 seconds for 5-6 raised limbs with a weight plate.

Roller exercise

This special simulator is in every gym. If you are working out at home, you can use a short bar or dumbbell with a rope attached to it. You need to grab the bar with both palms and roll it back and forth. To enlarge your wrists, you should perform at least 5-6 sets of 30 reps.

Workouts for hand development

This complex includes a large number of exercises.

One-day gymnastics looks like this:

    clenching of palms;

    lesson on the horizontal bar;


    push ups;

    training with a barbell.

Let's take a closer look at all of the above.

Squeezing and unclenching the hand

This simplest exercise is both part of the warm-up and an element of developing the flexibility of the tendons of the hand. It's very easy to do.

It consists of two stages:

    Make a fist as tight as possible and hold in this position for as long as possible.

    Extend your fingers with force, bending them as much as possible and bringing them closer to the back of your hand.

To reduce the risk of injury, this exercise should be performed daily. Everyone determines the required amount of time individually, but not less than two minutes even for beginners.

Horizontal bar

Very useful for pull-up muscles of the hand wide grip. Starting position: hanging on the horizontal bar, legs bent, palms with a straight grip. As you exhale, you need to bend your elbows and rise so that the metal pipe is at the level of your collarbones, and your head is much higher than the crossbar. As you inhale, you need to lower yourself, trying not to sway.

A regular hang on the bar is no less effective. It is beneficial for the spine because it saturates the intervertebral cartilage with blood. You need to hang on the horizontal bar for at least two minutes. There are no limits - the longer you hang, the better. You need to wear special gloves to avoid getting a large number of calluses or slipping off the apparatus.


Most efficient look the grip in this case is straight. You need to lean towards the barbell or empty bar, bending your knees slightly. Then, as you exhale, take the bar, hold the bend over with the apparatus for a few seconds, and straighten up, holding the barbell at hip level. Afterwards, you need to bring your shoulder blades together (this is the most important part of the exercise!) and stand in this position for 10-15 seconds. As you inhale, you should smoothly lower the projectile to the ground.

Push ups

This type of load is very specific, because few people manage to perform this exercise without “indulgences.” The idea is very simple: do push-ups on your fingers so that they do not bend in the opposite direction. When the level of skill grows, you can stand on the extreme phalanges alone. This is how warriors trained, learning the basics of martial arts.

If you cannot support your body weight on your hands, it is better to play it safe at first and lean on your knees.

Barbell training

You need to place your forearms on your knees in a sitting position and take the barbell in your hands. Slowly flex and extend your wrists with a weight. You should linger in the upper and lower positions for two to three seconds to work out the muscles and tendons more efficiently.

How to combine exercises

The best way to train your hands is by using A complex approach. It should include as many elements as possible.

The following training plan is suitable for beginners:



    hanging on the horizontal bar.

As experience grows, you can add complex push-ups on your fingers, deadlift, plate squeezes and deep reverse stretches.


In this video you will learn how to strengthen and pump up your wrist at home.

In pursuit of beauty sculpted body No workout is complete without a barbell or dumbbells. Progress in training occurs by increasing weights.

But more than once have you noticed severe trembling in the hands after the next set of bench presses/squats with weights/push-ups? It's difficult to even hold a water bottle. But according to the logic of things, with regular training, the hands should be ready for heavy lifting. But that's not true.

Even if you don’t forget about training a muscle group upper limbs, the work on the hands and wrists is minimal, most of the load goes to the biceps, triceps, shoulders, etc.

For high-quality training of the above-mentioned muscles, exercises for the hands are exactly necessary, which will strengthen and develop this vulnerable part of the body. After all, brushes are the main performers of the “dirty” work– lift, transfer the load to the necessary muscles, hold, release. Without your palms and wrist flexors, you won't even be able to lift the weight.

How to properly train this muscle group?

The training process of the hand muscle group is based on the principle of any strength training:, basic exercises, cool down. The load is also increased gradually. The main rule for effective trainingThe last few repetitions of the approach are difficult.

Build training process should be done in such a way as to work out all the functions of the brush:

  • Compressive– is worked out when working with an expander;
  • Retaining– works when performing various lifts and holds with dumbbells or a bar;
  • Plucked– emphasis is placed on holding the plates from the barbell or dumbbell with several fingers;
  • Wrist strength– bending your arms at the wrists, holding the chair by the front legs.

You need to combine working on each area in one session so that the muscles develop evenly. This method is suitable not only for men, but also for women, and even for children.


Before you start doing exercises for your wrists and fingers, you need to warm up well and prepare the desired area for stress.

To perform quality work on the body and avoid pain after training it is necessary to warm up the area being trained well. Brushes are warmed up by the following actions:

  1. Clasp your hands in front of your chest and perform 15 circular rotations alternately in both directions;
  2. Extend your arms straight to the sides and rotate your wrists 10-15 times back and forth;
  3. The forelimbs are in the same position. Stretch your hands upward with your fingers, imagine that you are pushing apart the walls. Then change the position of the brushes by pulling them outside fingers down.

The hand charger shown in the video is also perfect:

Set of 5 exercises

Shake your brushes and move on to the main loads.

1. Compression of the wrist expander

Exercises with an expander for the hands will not only strengthen this muscle group, but will also help get rid of stress, nervousness or anger. Let your emotions out and get some training done. The fingers, hand area and wrists are involved in this work. The difficulty of performing is average, depending on the rigidity of the device. There is, below we will consider only one of them.


  1. Position yourself so that your body is as comfortable as possible: sitting, standing. The back is straight, the shoulder area is relaxed, the carpal expander is placed in the hand;
  2. Inhaling, squeeze the rubber band with all your might, trying to use all your fingers;
  3. Exhale and relax your hand.

Watch the video for more details:

It is necessary to implement 20-25 compressions on each side in 2-3 approaches.

Important! You can select the appropriate expander stiffness in this way: do a test set of compressions for 20-25 repetitions. If actions are performed without special effort and by the end of the approach the fingers are weakly tense, which means you need to choose a more elastic device. At making the right choice the last 5 repetitions are performed with noticeable difficulty.

2. Squeezing paper/newspaper into a ball

Do you like to read newspapers? Do you work in an office and have a decent supply of draft paper? Combine business with pleasure. Load accessible to everyone, develops grip and grip strength. The difficulty is small, but the activity is interesting.


  1. Standing near a table on which sheets of paper/newspaper are laid out.
  2. Inhale, place your hand on the leaf and squeeze it until you get a lump;
  3. Having done the work with one hand, repeat it with the other.

To start, try crumpling 2-3 sheets with each hand. You can increase the load by increasing the number of sheets or paper thickness. Becoming more experienced try crumpling up a piece of cardboard.

3. Push-ups

Does not require special equipment or other equipment. For a beginner you only need working hill– chair/ bench/ sofa/ bed. For experienced athlete All you need is his hands and a flat horizontal surface. The complexity of execution is high.


  1. It is necessary to take a position lying down with your hands resting on the floor or a chair, your back is straight, your lower back is tucked, your neck is elongated, your hands are resting on your fingers;
  2. Inhaling, bend your elbows and lower your body down;
  3. Exhaling, return to the starting position.

Learn more from the video:

On initial stage 8-12 repetitions should be performed in several approaches.

Try to perform actions so that the load is on all fingers. Typically, the thumb, index and middle fingers are worked more productively than the rest. Raising the level of difficulty, try doing push-ups on your ring and little fingers.

4. Seated Wrist Curl

The load that develops the arm flexors is responsible for grip, lifting dumbbells and barbells in basic training for other muscle groups. The difficulty of implementation is not high. To implement this, you will need a chair/stool/chair/bench and dumbbells of a comfortable weight for you. In the absence of dumbbells, you can use bottles filled with water or sand.


  1. Sitting on a chair, knees bent at right angles, back straight, hands for balancing position exactly on the thighs of the legs, hands and wrists extend beyond the level of the knees and hold dumbbells;
  2. As you inhale, bend your wrists, stretching them upward;
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting point.

Learn more from the video:

You need to do 12-15 repetitions in 3 sets. To increase the difficulty of the execution, gradually increase the number of repetitions and the weight of the weight.

5. Holding the pancakes with your fingers

Even if you lift weights that weigh more than you or do easy push-ups on your fingers, there is a good chance that the pinch function of your hands poorly developed. This can be easily checked by trying to hold a plate against a dumbbell or barbell. Happened? In any case, you should continue to work. Either over increasing the weight, or over the ability to hold itself. The difficulty of execution is high, endurance and patience are required.


  1. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, the involved arm is lowered along the body and holds the pancake with the tips of the fingers;
  2. As you inhale, straighten your arm in front of you and hold the weight, count to 30;
  3. Return to the starting position.

This movement is shown very simply and uncomplicated in the video:

It is better to start developing the pinch function with a 5 kilogram weight plate and a hold of 30 seconds. Gradually increase both the working weight and the holding time.

Note! The ultimate strength of finger training is holding at least a 20 kg weight. This is much more complicated than it might seem at first glance.


After productive stress, careful relaxation is necessary in order to avoid stress. To do this you will need to do the following:

  • Extend your arms straight in front of you and pull the outside of your hands, fingers down. Then relax right hand, continuing to hold the left one. Grab the fingers of the tense hand with the other and apply force to stretch the muscles even more thoroughly. Repeat on the other side.
  • Stretch your arms forward again. Try to move your hands to the side until you feel voltage in all adductor muscles.
  • Place your palms together in front of your chest. As you inhale, point your fingers down to the characteristic tension or discomfort.
  • Now place your palms together behind your back. As you inhale, press your palms against each other with force. After exhaling, relax.
  • Place one bent arm behind your back from above, the other from below and try to clasp them in a lock. After 5-10 seconds lean forward with your elbow upper hand should be strictly parallel to the back. Swap your hands and repeat the previous steps again.

Train this area of ​​the limbs every 7-10 days and over time, any weights or heavy bags will give in to you with ease. Regular practice and gradual progress in difficulty will produce consistent results.

A strong man must be strong in everything. There is no point in training only the abs or only the legs. The body needs to be worked out evenly, not forgetting even the smallest muscles, including the muscles of the hands.

Why pump up your hand muscles?

For most athletes, grip strength is important. This is especially true for representatives power types sports and wrestlers. A bodybuilder can argue with this statement, because pumping up his hands will not affect his appearance. However, this indicator is important not only in competitions, but also in everyday life.

One common myth is that grip strength is entirely dependent on the size of your forearms, but these indicators are not directly related. On the other hand, some exercises for the forearms do involve the muscles of the hands, but if you want to fully work them, you will need to include additional exercises in your training program.

You can pump up your hand muscles not only in the gym, but also at home. Some exercises do not require additional equipment at all, while other exercises require basic equipment, which most sports fans have at their disposal.

Types of Grip Strength

To understand how to train your hand muscles and grip strength, let’s first figure out what grip strengths there are:

  • Compressive. You can appreciate it with a handshake. Trains the compression grip mainly with the help of expanders.
  • Holding. With this strength, you can hold objects for a long time. In sports, holding force is used, for example, during the stiff-legged deadlift exercise.
  • Plucked. It is also called thumb strength. It allows you to hold an object between your thumb and index finger.
  • Wrist strength. Take the chair by the leg and try to hold it with your straight arm. In this case you will feel your wrist strength. The strength of the entire forearm directly depends on it.

Exercises to work the muscles of the hands

Here are a few, both simple and complex, but very effective exercises, which will help you get into shape the muscles of your hands.

  • Clench your hands tightly into fists and hold this position for 30 seconds. Repeat 2 times.
  • Sit on the bench top part Place your hands on your thigh and take a lightly weighted dumbbell in your hand. Notice that the palm is facing up. Lift the dumbbell by bending and extending your wrist. Do 3 sets of 20 reps. Repeat the same, but with a palms down grip.
  • Stand about 60 cm from the wall. Do push-ups from the wall and then sudden movement push yourself away. Repeat 50 times. Over time, you can increase the load and perform the exercise on each arm separately.

Perform the exercises regularly to achieve results.

Training with an expander

The advantage of training with expanders is that they involve not only the muscles of the hands, but also other muscles. To get the maximum effect, follow the rules for training with an expander. Start your workout with a light warm-up using a resistance band with a low level of rigidity. Repeat each exercise 5-15 times, unless otherwise indicated in the exercise description. Don't exercise every day! Give yourself time to recover. The optimal amount of training with an expander is 2-3 times a week.

Here are a few simple exercises with this simple simulator:

  1. Squeeze and unclench the expander. Work for time (1-1.5 minutes - 1 approach) or for the number of repetitions (100 repetitions - 1 approach). Do 3-7 sets with 3-5 minutes rest between sets.
  2. Squeeze the expander all the way and hold it in this position for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Squeeze the expander all the way and unclench your fingers as slowly as possible.

How to choose an expander

There are 2 main types of hand expanders:

  1. Carpal expander in the shape of a circle (donut). It is made of dense rubber. The main advantages of such an expander are ease of use and accessibility. Disadvantage: it is impossible to adjust the stiffness. However, you can purchase several of these exercise machines with different levels of rigidity and gradually increase the effort.

2. Butterfly expander. It consists of 2 handles connected by a spring and vaguely resembles pliers. There are models on which you can adjust the stiffness. This is convenient, since one simulator is suitable for warming up and for a full workout.

Steel hand expanders stand apart. Among them there are models whose rigidity reaches 160 kg. These are exercise machines for advanced athletes; they are not suitable for beginners.

Here you can find different expanders that will help you pump up your hand muscles and increase your grip strength.

Finger training

Fingers also need attention. It is possible that your grip is quite strong, but your fingers are thin and weak. The main problem is that there are practically no muscles on the fingers, they are just tendons. As you know, developing tendons is much more difficult than muscles. However, if you show diligence, you can achieve success in this matter.

The ideal exercise to strengthen your fingers is finger push-ups. However, even if you know how to do push-ups correctly and a lot, do not try to immediately start doing push-ups on your fingers. They are really difficult and you can easily get injured.

To begin, stand in a plank position as you would for push-ups, but place one knee on the floor. Rise up onto your toes and gradually lift your knee off the floor. Try to hold this position for at least 5-10 seconds, gradually increase the time. If you feel pain or severe discomfort, do not force yourself, gently kneel down and shake your fingers.

Once you get used to the pose, try tightening your palms. And only after that move on to finger push-ups. Also increase the number of push-ups on your fingers gradually, do not do them every day, give your muscles a rest.

The beauty of the body lies in the physical fitness of every part of it. So, many people, when training, forget about the wrist area, which, naturally, is wrong. In conditions gym the instructor will suggest the necessary exercises, but some people want to know how to pump up their hands at home.

It is extremely important to pay attention warm-up exercises. They will also allow you to warm up the muscles of the forearm and prepare them for further stress. If you refuse to warm up, there is a risk of injury, which will be very painful. Kneading muscle mass performed daily, before each execution training complex. Basic warm-up exercises include:

  • “lock with rotations” - the hands are folded into a lock and rotate with a small amplitude. Completed within 1.5 minutes;
  • “compressing pillows” - a soft pillow is squeezed with your fingers and lifted up, performed in turn with each hand;
  • “catching the ball” - throwing tennis ball into the wall with a little effort so that on the way back you can catch it with your hand.

Before pumping up your hands at home, you need to work closely on stretching them, giving them elasticity and firmness, which will be facilitated by performing classical exercises.

Classic exercises

To pump up your wrists, you can use regular exercises that are familiar to everyone from class. physical culture At school. These include:

  • push-ups with fists - train the muscle components of the forearm at home;
  • finger push-ups - trains the wrist area.

These exercises are performed alternately on different training “arm days”. An exercise with bottles, the capacity of which will not exceed 0.5 liters, filled with water, will also help to pump up your hands. It is enough to lower/raise them one by one, as if brushing aside something, in order to give carpal muscles required load.

Next classic exercise A way to pump up certain arm muscles is to lift/lower a loaded bag or backpack by flexing/extending your wrists. Do not forget about the basic rule for performing all of these exercises: your hands must be supported, otherwise you can focus on another muscle group and pump up your forearm.

Exercises using additional equipment

When wondering how to pump up their wrists, many resort to studying information on using a special sports equipment. This includes:

  • expanders;
  • weights;
  • horizontal bar.

Anatomy of the forearm

Exercises with an expander

When trying to figure out how to quickly pump up your hands, you should give preference to strengthening them with the help of an expander. Similar exercises can be done daily, of course, after a mandatory warm-up. If they are performed correctly, the result will be noticeable in two to three weeks. The basic rules for performing exercises with an expander are:

  • doing a warm-up (8-10 gentle squeezes of the machine replace other ways to stretch your hands);
  • basic repetitions (rigidity increases, the number of compressions is increased to 10-15, 3-4 approaches are performed with rest intervals of up to 4 minutes);
  • completion of the workout (the most heavy weight, the unit is held alternately with two hands, then with one as many times as possible).

Exercises with weights

Before pumping up your muscles, you should make sure that the weight of the weights does not exceed five kilograms. The minimum weight to start with is 2-3 kg. Sports equipment placed on the hand in a hanging position, after which they are secured with an adhesive rubber band. Considering the fact that additional stress is placed on the muscles, pull-ups and rotational movements will give the maximum effect.

Horizontal bar

Using a horizontal bar to pump up muscles is perfect. To reach maximum effect, it is better to perform pull-ups while holding onto a towel thrown over the bar. In addition, you can hang a backpack on your back, first with minimal weight, then increase it, then your hands will return to normal much faster.

Boasting that “we exercise our hands and other parts of the body at home,” many do not think about whether they are performing the necessary exercises correctly. The training should be built in compliance with its main stages, namely:

  • warm-ups;
  • basic exercises (classical or with weights);
  • hitches.

It is not recommended to immediately put a large load on the wrist area, as this can lead to injury. Training is effective if the last approaches of the exercises required require additional effort. A normally structured training process allows you to pump up all the functions of the hands:

  • compressive (when using an expander);
  • holding (when lifting loads);
  • plucked;
  • carpal (achieved by bending the arms in the wrist area).

One lesson involves working on one function. If you put too much stress on your hands, working on all functions at once, you may not only get a dangerous injury, but also complete loss of motor ability wrists for several days after training.