Methodological principles for organizing morning exercises. Rules for carrying out hygienic gymnastics in the morning Principles by which morning gymnastics are based

Oksana Poddubskaya
Methodology for morning exercises. Practical seminar for educators

Methodology for morning exercises

(practical seminar for educators)

Morning exercises- a set of specially selected exercises aimed at setting up, “charging” a person for the whole coming day. Its health benefits lie in its effect on the body, taking into account the anatomical, physiological and mental characteristics of children.

IN kindergarten morning exercises It is important not as a means of awakening, but as an organized communication of children in the process of motor activity. At the same time, emotional tone increases, being the result of “muscular” joy from movements in a group of peers, psychological stress from parting with parents is relieved, attention is collected, and behavior is disciplined.

During morning exercises the following are decided tasks:

1. Wellness:

"wake up the body";

Set it up for work;

Activate the activity of all important systems of the body;

Encourage everyone to work internal organs , promote hardening, formation correct posture, prevent the occurrence of flat feet.

2. Educational:

Consolidation of motor skills and abilities (walking, jumping, climbing, etc.);

Development physical qualities (speed, agility, strength, flexibility, coordination, etc.).

3. Educational:

Development of organization, discipline, independence, "muscle joy" from movements in a group of peers.

The following options are available conducting morning exercises.

Traditional (with switching on outdoor switchgear)

Game character. It is built on educational programs of varying intensity with different educational objectives. In the introductory part - mp\i, a game of average mobility; the main part is a high mobility game aimed at improving various basic movements; in the final part - mp\i, round dances, exercises to restore breathing.

Using an obstacle course.

Including health jogging.

Rhythmic gymnastics. The complex includes drills, outdoor switchgear, dance movements, running, jumping. The uniqueness of the rhythmic gymnastics is more fast pace, intensity of movements, in the work of all muscles and joints at the same time. Cheerful, rhythmic music creates positive emotions. Most often this morning exercises are carried out in senior and preparatory groups.

Gymnastics using task cards. The pictures show a schematic diagram of the exercise. The teacher shows the card, the child completes it independently. Used in older preschool age.

In progress morning exercises it is necessary to ensure the correct physical, mental and emotional stress.

: having reached its highest value during jumping and running, it decreases towards the end morning exercises. Motor density morning exercises should be high Therefore, minimal time is allocated for explanations and demonstration of exercises, distribution of physical education equipment and restructuring. Physical activity increases by increasing the number of repetitions of each movement, the pace of their execution and reducing the interval between exercises. It also depends on the total duration morning exercises.

Duration morning exercises.

Mlad gr. – 4 - 6 min

Avg. gr. – 6 - 8 min

Star. gr. – 8 - 10 min

Under. gr. – 10 - 12 min

Morning exercises consists of three parts, each with its own task.

I. Introductory part. Organizes children's attention, teaches coordinated actions, prepares the body to perform more difficult exercises, develops correct posture and prevents flat feet. into her include: formations (column, line, circle, drill exercises (half-turns, turns, formations, closing and opening, different types walking, running, jumping.

At the beginning of the year, children of the first junior group are not are building: they walk and run in a flock, scattered. Further morning exercises and in this group it begins by lining up in a column one at a time or in one line. Turns to the right, left, and around are more often used in older groups.

Suitable at the beginning and at the end morning exercises to prevent flat feet, give different types of walking in the following combination: normal walking, on toes, heels, edges of feet, etc.

At carrying out walking with high lifting knees imitation is used ( "horses", "herons", and etc.).

It is necessary to ensure that children do not shuffle their feet or sway when walking, keep their heads straight, swing their arms rhythmically, and breathe through their nose. Educator prevents errors with appropriate instructions, and if they do occur, corrects them without stopping walking.

Running on morning exercises V junior groups at first carried out by a flock, scattered, and then in a column one at a time, both in place and with advancement in different directions.

Before general developmental exercises, running is performed at an average pace and alternates with walking. Duration of running without a break.

Young gr. - 10-15sec

Avg. gr. -15-20sec

Star. gr. - up to 30sec

Under. gr. -30-40sec.

The running of the introductory part after performing different types of walking is given at a slow or medium pace, alternating with walking.

II. Main part. Strengthening core muscle groups body, formation of correct posture. Includes outdoor switchgear for the muscles of the neck, arms and shoulder girdle; trunk muscles, abdominals, leg muscles and arch strengthening (jumping, running). It is imperative that outdoor switchgear be made from different and. P. (standing, sitting, lying down). Can be performed in pairs, triplets, or links at the same time.

To perform general developmental exercises for children younger age they build in a circle, scattered, and from the middle group they usually rebuild into a column of two (through the links, by the end of the year through the center in pairs. From the older group they usually rebuild into a column of three, four (through the middle in threes, pairs). With this construction teacher it is easier to monitor the quality of performance of general developmental exercises all children, pay attention to correct posture.

General developmental exercises for morning exercises are selected in the next sequences:

1) exercises are given for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle,

2) exercises that strengthen the muscles of the torso and legs.

Number of outdoor switchgear in the complex

Young gr. – 3 - 4

Avg. gr. – 4 - 5

Star. gr. – 5 – 6

Under. gr. – 6 – 8

Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle are performed by younger children from the starting position - narrow leg stand apart, and for older children - the main stance, closed stoic position.

Exercises for the trunk muscles at a young age are carried out from the starting position, narrow legs stand apart, legs stand apart, and in the senior position legs stand apart, wide stance legs apart.

In leg exercises at a younger age, a narrow stance with legs apart is used, while at an older age, the main stance is used.

At carrying out For general developmental exercises with objects, you need to think through the order of their distribution and collection, and provide for the formation of the group so that the children do not interfere with each other.

At an older age, general developmental exercises occupy a larger volume without items.

In younger groups teacher performs general developmental exercises with children.

IN middle group he first names the exercise, briefly explains it (if necessary, shows it, and then gives a command for the starting position and execution. When explaining, the children’s attention is fixed on the most difficult elements of the exercise. If errors do occur, then instructions for correcting them are given during the execution exercises. Instructions should be aimed at clarifying the understanding of the elements of the exercise and promoting their correct implementation. This is helped by combining the count with words denoting elements of the technique, or even replacing the count with specific words (for example, instead of "once" the teacher says:“Sit down, back straight”).

The teacher must think when he will use counting when repeating the exercise, and when he will replace it with words that clarify the idea of ​​​​this element of technique. Appropriate alternation of counting, words (instructions) and other signals (hand movement down "sit down", up "straightened up" in the exercise "squat") helps children perform movements more correctly and with greater interest.

At an older age, children can perform an exercise by name, but sometimes senior group teacher doing the exercise with the children. This reduces the reminder time and increases physical stress on the body. Following Actions teacher, children clarify their understanding of movement technique and try to correct mistakes. But such a joint exercise is advisable only when teacher sees the whole group and can observe the children’s actions and behavior (when bending to the sides, when squatting, etc.). Sometimes a child who does the exercises correctly is placed at the front of the group.

During morning exercise teacher carefully monitors each child and, if necessary, provides physical assistance to individual children, gives instructions, encourages (especially younger children).

When performing general developmental exercises, imitation is used in all age groups.

For young children, the complexes are built in a plot form and based on one image ( "birds", "butterflies", "watch", "aircraft" and etc.). Instructions are given to children according to the chosen image (for example, "The sparrows have flown"). In the second younger group, children imitate different images in one complex.

In the middle group, imitation is used only when performing some exercises, in the senior group to perform individual elements of the exercise.

In progress morning exercises, the teacher supervises so that each exercise ends with a good straightening of the torso, which helps strengthen the muscles that support straight position body, as well as strengthening the skill of correct posture.

When doing exercises teacher strengthens children's breathing skills.

Musical accompaniment during morning exercises helps children simultaneously start and finish an exercise in a timely manner, determines the tempo of individual elements of movement, evokes positive emotions and creates a cheerful mood. Children learn to listen to music and coordinate movements with its character, perform exercises clearly, expressively, smoothly.

IN morning exercises different types are included jumping:

Jumping on one and two legs in place and with advancement in different directions (forward, backward, sideways, etc.);

Jumping over objects (sticks, hoops, cubes).

In younger groups, imitation is used when jumping ( "bunnies", "balls").

Dosage of jumping (total quantity per morning exercises) .

Young gr. - 5-10

Avg. gr. -10-15

Star. gr. - 15-20

Under. gr. - up to 30

Open switchgear alternates without objects and with objects.

Junior groups - flags, rattles, cubes.

Middle age - flags, balls, cubes, ribbons, strings.

Senior preschool age- hoops, sticks, balls, jump ropes.

III. Final part. Restore heart and respiratory rhythm, calm the body after physical activity. Includes different types of walking, mp\i, round dances, breathing exercises.

Methods physical exercise training.


Repeating exercises without changes;

With changes;

Game-based learning;

In a competitive manner.


Name of the exercise;

Its description;

An explanation of how to perform it correctly;

Directions, orders, commands;

Questions for children;

Story, conversation.


Use of visual aids;


Sound signals;

Visual landmarks.

Essential Preparation Elements morning exercises.

Compliance with hygiene conditions and time carrying out.

Availability of three parts morning exercises.

Correspondence of the outdoor switchgear to the age of the children.

Duration morning exercises.

Use of physical education equipment.

Dosage of exercises.

Techniques for regulating breathing.

Improving outdoor switchgear in the second week of children mastering the complex.

Using music escort.

Children's well-being and their mood.

At the end of the consultation it is proposed educators compile a UGG for the appropriate age.

I junior: plot;

II junior: with objects.

Average: gaming.

Older: using an obstacle course.

Preparatory: in pairs; using task cards

What is a healthy lifestyle and how do you implement it?

A healthy lifestyle should be considered as an active and purposeful form of behavior that ensures the preservation and long-term maintenance of mental and physical health. The concept of “healthy lifestyle” includes: maintaining a rational daily routine, alternating work and rest; following the rules of personal hygiene, hardening; balanced diet; optimal physical activity (exercise and sports). Motor activity is a person’s natural need for movement. The number of movements that a person makes over any period of time constitutes the volume of physical activity. Scientists have established: if the need for movement is not satisfied, then physical inactivity (insufficient physical activity) occurs. It negatively affects the activity of all organs and systems of the body, physical and mental performance.
Systematic training in a variety of physical exercises affecting various muscle groups has positive influence on all systems of the body and thereby contribute to the promotion of health and the prevention of various diseases. Combination physical exercise with hardening it increases the body's protective functions. Great importance regarding the conduct healthy image life has family traditions. If this is not the case in your family, then you yourself must take care of your health and involve your loved ones in physical exercise.

Rules for performing morning exercises (compose a set of exercises for morning exercises).

Morning exercises (exercises) are performed daily at home (with the window open) or in the fresh air. Sets of exercises are usually learned in class physical culture under the guidance of a teacher. Daily morning exercises foster the habit of systematic physical exercise. It consists of general developmental exercises that can be performed without objects or with objects (rubber bandages, dumbbells, expanders, jump ropes). Approximate duration of classes: for students in grades 1-4 - 8-10 minutes, grades 5-9 - 11-15 minutes. Morning exercises are performed in a certain sequence. First, stretching, which improves breathing and blood circulation. Then exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, torso and legs. Next, running and jumping are performed, which have a positive effect on metabolic processes in organism. Morning exercises end with exercises that normalize the activity of the respiratory and circulatory organs. After morning exercises, you need to take a shower. Exercise sets need to be changed regularly. In this case, you should gradually increase the load, complicating the exercises, increasing their number and pace of execution. The dosage of the load should be such that the exercisers experience vigor and not fatigue. The approximate duration of use of the same complex is 12-15 days.

Warm up. Walk in place for 1 minute. Breathe calmly and freely.

Feet shoulder width apart. Describe a circle with your arms and lift them up, while standing on your toes. As you inhale, raise your arms and stand on your toes. As you exhale, lower your arms down and stand on your feet. Perform 5-10 times.

Feet shoulder width apart. You can put your hands on your belt. Turn your head left and right. Tilt your head forward, backward. Then to the right shoulder - to the left shoulder, trying to reach the shoulder with your ear, but without lifting the shoulder. Perform 5-10 times.

Feet shoulder width apart. Left hand put it on your belt. Raise the right one up. Tilt your torso to the left. Change hands to lean to the right. Perform 5-10 times.

Feet shoulder width apart. Place your arms horizontally to the sides. Turn your body left and right like a helicopter. Perform 5-10 times.

Feet shoulder width apart. Place your hands on your belt. Bend forward and backward. Perform 5-10 times.

Holding onto the back of a chair (not a chair on wheels), swing your right leg forward, backward, right and left, in front of you. Then change legs. Perform 5-10 times with each leg.

Sit on the floor on a camping mat or an old wool blanket. Extend your legs straight out in front of you. Reach your toes with your fingers. Perform 5-10 times.

Lying on the floor on your back with your knees bent (with the knee of one of your legs), try to touch the floor to the left and right of your body. Hands lie on the floor, palms down, parallel to the body. Perform 5-10 times.

Get on all fours. Arch your back upward. Then bend it down. Try to achieve maximum amplitude. Perform 5-10 times.

Sit on the floor and spread your legs as wide as possible. Reach alternately to the left and right legs. Perform 5-10 times for each leg.

Feet shoulder width apart. Simultaneously rotate your shoulders forward (“going forward”) and backward (“going backward”). Perform 5-10 times.

Feet shoulder width apart. Rotate forward and backward with straight arms at the same time. Perform 5-10 times.

Feet shoulder width apart. With your arms straight in front of you, perform the scissors exercise. First the hands make horizontal movements(parallel to the floor). Then vertical. Perform horizontal movements 5-10 times and vertical movements 5-10 times.

Feet shoulder width apart. Squat, trying not to lift your heels off the floor and keep your back straight. Perform 5-10 times.

Jumping in place. First on the right leg, then on the left. Then on both legs. Perform 10 times on each leg and 10 times with both legs.

Run in place for one minute.

Feet shoulder width apart. Describe a circle with your arms and lift them up, while standing on your toes. Lower your arms down, tilting your torso forward. When inhaling, hands up, when exhaling, hands down. Perform 5-10 times.

Method- this is the method by which this or that problem is solved.

For example, when teaching a person a new exercise, you can show him how the exercise is performed. This is a case of using the show method. You can explain to a person in words how to do the exercise. This is an example of the use of the explanation method.

A special case of using a method or set of methods can be called methodology.

For example, to teach a child to roll forward, you can show him an example correct execution, explain, give 2-3 leading exercises, then ask to perform the entire somersault, then explain the mistakes and show an example of incorrect execution. The whole thing will be a technique for learning to roll forward.

A separate element of a method or technique is called methodical method.

In the case of teaching a forward somersault, when the child performs the entire element, you can belay by positioning yourself on the side of him. This will be the use of a methodological teaching technique.

Methodological principles- these are the principles on which a method or technique is built.

Methodical approach can be called a particular manifestation of a methodological principle.

Methodological approaches to the use of physical exercises in morning exercises

Duration morning hygienic exercises can last from several minutes (minimum 7-15 minutes) to several tens of minutes.

This is determined level of general physical fitness, health status and individual biological rhythms body.

Charger should not lead to significant fatigue of the body. Accordingly, excessive use in morning exercises is not recommended. strength exercises and endurance exercises.

The main purpose of exercise is to increase the tone of the nervous system, activate the activity of other organs, thereby increasing mental and physical performance body. Based on this goal, you should select the load of morning exercises.

The simplest a way to assess the adequacy of the selected load is how you feel after charging. If, as a result of performing a set of exercises, a person feels cheerful, energetic, good mood and well-being, which means the load was close to optimal.

A set of morning exercises should begin with low-intensity movements (stretching exercises, walking), gradually increasing the load on the body. The exercises of the complex should include all major muscle groups.

Exercises performed to cheerful rhythmic music have a greater effect on awakening.

Methodological approaches to using massage in morning exercises

In some cases, a set of physical exercises can be replaced with a general massage session, which has a similar effect on the body.

During massage, the nervous system receives a fairly intense flow of impulses from the massaged muscles; massage stimulates blood and lymph circulation, eliminates swelling, and moderately increases body temperature.

However, massage has little effect on increasing the work of the heart, respiratory system and endocrine glands. That is, in its effect on the body massage is less effective to improve physical and mental performance than physical exercise.

In addition, improperly performed massage contributes to a long-term increase in inhibitory processes in nervous system, that is, it has an effect exactly opposite to the required one.

A massage that causes an increase in excitation processes in the nervous system should be short duration, be executed at a fast pace, using superficial influences, using a relatively large amount shock and vibration techniques.

Please note that massage contraindicated persons with certain types of diseases (for example, thrombophlebitis).

Methodological approaches to the use of hardening procedures in morning exercises

If morning exercises are combined with exposure to various temperature stimuli (for example, cold air or water), the flow of impulses into the central nervous system increases quite significantly. The combined effect of physical exercise and temperature influences is extremely effective in accelerating the process of awakening the body.

Along with increasing the excitability of the nervous system, the effect of water procedures, fresh air and the sun has a hardening effect, increasing the overall resistance of the body and its resistance to various kinds of diseases.

Hardening of the body must be carried out gradually. You can start hardening only in the absence of inflammatory processes in the body (hidden infections, unsanitized oral cavity, etc.). Otherwise, hardening procedures can provoke an exacerbation of diseases.

Most often used as hardening procedures

Effect of sun rays

Effect of cold air

The effect of cold water (wiping, dousing, bathing)

Hardening procedures can be used individually or in combination with each other.

Most effective means hardening, which significantly stimulates the body’s defense reactions, is effect of cold water. This is due to the fact that water has high thermal conductivity (the ability to conduct the body). The least effective remedy is exposure to sunlight. The sun's rays have a hardening effect on the body, mainly through the mechanism of increasing the tone of the central nervous system and stimulating the synthesis of certain chemical substances(for example, vitamins of group D). These substances, among other things, are involved in the development of protective reactions. Increasing the tone of the central nervous system also increases the overall resistance of the body.

When using water douches as hardening procedures, it is recommended to start not with general douches, but with dousing individual parts of the body. The most effective remedy is foot soaking(especially the feet).

Initially, it is recommended to use water at a temperature slightly lower than body temperature, gradually and methodically lowering it, for example, by one degree per week. Subsequently, you can move on to general douches, again increasing the initial temperature of the water.

It is important not to take long (several days) breaks from using hardening procedures. If for one reason or another there is a break, in order to avoid the development colds it is necessary to increase the temperature of the water (air) used again.

You should especially strictly adhere to the methodological rules of hardening with children and with frequently ill people, since the general resistance of their body is reduced.

A fairly effective means of hardening is use of contrasting temperatures- alternation of cold and heat. Such procedures significantly activate excitation processes in the nervous system and the release of stress hormones (adrenaline and norepinephrine), thereby increasing the body’s overall resistance to the effects of adverse factors.