Masks with a hose for swimming underwater. Snorkel tube. Ideal places for snorkeling

It is probably difficult to find something more beautiful than cutting through soft, pliable spaces and admiring the stunning underwater world, which under normal conditions is inaccessible to the human eye. But to do this, you need to learn to swim and do it underwater with fantastic confidence and grace. Some people may have trouble sinking to the bottom. Newbies just float to the surface. There are also those who cannot open their eyes there. And others will not be able to hold their breath for more than ten seconds. How can all these difficulties be overcome?

Theory and practice

Before diving, you need to study the theory of diving and learn how to do it correctly. Usually, classes begin only with an experienced partner. They do this alternately. One person goes down, and the second one insures him at this time. After this, partners change. Diving without oxygen is prohibited. First you need to take a deep breath and then slowly dive in. Those beginners who neglect this rule may choke. The brain can simply give a reflex command to inhale involuntarily.

Diving for a long time is very dangerous. It is best to make a plan before starting a dive that will take into account weather conditions. Any swimmer should know what to do if danger arises. Do not use excessively heavy ballast. This may delay the equalization of pressure differences. Before diving, it is better to remove the tube from your mouth.

If ear pain appears, stop further diving to avoid rupture of the eardrums. It is forbidden to quickly release all the air. This may interfere with alignment. You should not look down while diving. Ascent is always done gradually. Between dives take breaks of at least twelve hours. For beginners, shallow water training is required.

How to learn to dive into the depths?

To learn how to dive, you need to go into the pool approximately up to your chest. Any sinking object can be placed at the bottom. The main thing is that this thing is visible under water and easy to get. Now you need to try to get it from the bottom. There is nothing complicated about it. It's better to do this exercise for training more than once.

After this, you should try to dive for the thing upside down. To do this, lie on the surface, make strokes with your hands towards the bottom and forward. The head drops below the level of the legs. At first, some difficulties may arise during training. This is explained by the fact that the liquid tries to push the body back.

It will take some effort to get to the bottom. Every experienced diver knows that it is most practical to swim breaststroke. In addition to the fact that it is easier to make strokes with your hands, your body will swim in the right direction on its own. When the object from the bottom is in your hands, you need to make a stroke in the direction of the surface. This way you can emerge quickly. Now you can complicate the task - you should put the object on the bottom again and move some distance away. You need to dive into the water and try to get to it.

How to learn to hold your breath for a long time?

The first training should be done on land. You need to take a deep breath and try not to breathe for a long time. When you feel like you're running out of air, you need to slowly let it out through your mouth.

If everything is done correctly, then a whistling sound should appear during this. After training on land, you can try to do the same in water.

There is no need to dive at first, just lower your face below the surface. We must remember that exhalation is done gradually. This feature will increase the time spent under water. At the same time, breathing does not stop. You need to try to hold the air not in your mouth, but in your lungs. Otherwise, you won’t be able to dive for more than a few moments.

How to learn to swim quickly underwater?

To learn how to swim underwater, you need to read one simple instruction:

  1. The first thing you need to know is that any body movements should be minimal. It is a mistake to believe that if you flounder quickly and a lot, you will be able to swim faster. This way you can either float or go to the bottom.
  2. When swimming underwater, it is better to make smooth movements. Your hands should seem to cut through the water. The legs should move relatively slowly.
  3. In swimming, body condition plays a big role. For this reason, it is better to relax him.
  4. For initial lessons, it is best to visit the pool. Any swimmer feels safe there.
  5. Before you can start learning to swim underwater, you need to master the skill of diving. Without this nothing will work.

Secrets of scuba diving

Usually the idea of ​​learning to scuba dive comes to people near the water while on vacation. Some guy with a tank on his back introduces himself as an instructor and offers to master everything in a short time. Self-training at home in any case ends in open water, so a beginner will definitely return to it.

Typically, a full course of such training ranges from 20 to 25 hours. Of course, with self-study, this time increases several times. After training, many questions may arise (what type of equipment is best to buy and where, with whom and when to go diving, how to continue your training). The instructor remains one of the main assistants, and most often the only adviser. For this reason, home workouts may not be effective.

But at the very least you can learn to snorkel. To do this, it is not necessary to take ammunition and scuba gear.

How to snorkel underwater?

Everyone has seen on TV how fearless scuba divers like Jacques-Yves Cousteau dive into the water column, but not everyone knows what difficulties can arise during a dive.

The first difficulty is how to put on a mask?

The mask must be pulled over the head so that it fits tightly enough to the face, otherwise air will penetrate. But you shouldn’t pull the elastic too hard, since the elastic should only support the mask. The main thing that keeps the mask on the face is the vacuum. You just need to press down on the mask and release excess air, then it will stick to your face and won’t go anywhere.

The second difficulty is how to hold the phone?

The tube must be held with your teeth. To start, attach the middle of the tube to the mask so that you have another anchor point besides the jaw. Bite down on the tube and blow out the air.

There should be no water in the tube, otherwise when you inhale it will get into your mouth and lungs. To prevent this from happening, always keep your tongue on the border with the tube so that the passing air first hits the tongue and then goes around it into the lungs. This way you will always feel droplets or streams of water with your tongue and will not swallow water.

Hold your head so that the top of the tube is always exposed to air. If you suddenly get water in your snorkel, spit out the snorkel, float up, pour the water out of it and continue your swim.

The third difficulty is how to prevent the mask from sweating?

The mask fogs up due to the temperature difference between your body and the water. Since the water temperature is lower, condensation accumulates inside, right before your eyes. Some people advise rinsing the inside of the glass with salt water or even spitting on it. None of these methods will work, as it is a myth. If you are annoyed by glass fogging, then do not buy a mask with your nose inside, as steam still comes out of it when you breathe. Buy only with the nose separately and use special anti-fog agents. They are usually enough for 1-3 dives.

The fourth difficulty is what to do if water gets into the mask?

We are all living people and our face moves, and sometimes due to facial movements a little water gets inside. To get rid of it, you need to roll over on your back, turn the glass of the mask horizontally to the ground and blow air into the mask with your nose. Thus, the air will create pressure and squeeze out excess water. It will only work for those whose noses are inside.

The fifth difficulty is how to prevent your ears from getting stuffy?

When diving to a depth of even 2-3 meters, the ears begin to stuff up. You need to release the air from your ears that is creating excess pressure. Pinch your nose with your hand and create air pressure in your nose and ears so that excess bubbles leave you and dive further without pain.

How to swim underwater with your eyes open?

There are several ways to swim and see what's going on around you. Firstly, you can look here with your eyes slightly open. It is necessary to open your eyes slightly, and not widen them. Don't be afraid. It is completely harmless to human health. But you should immediately warn that a chlorinated pool or salty sea will have a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane and irritate it. You may notice itching in the eyes and slight redness after such swimming. And finally, the picture itself is not very clear here, so it is better to arm yourself with a mask or special glasses. They are selected purely individually in specialized stores.

Games for developing scuba diving

There are a number of games for developing scuba diving. To quickly learn to swim underwater, it is very good to use games, they help to turn off attention to the game itself and at this time the body begins to automatically learn to swim at the level of reflexes. One of them is called “Who can hide faster.” At the instructor’s signal, you need to quickly sit down and dive into the water. Several people participate in the game. Another game is called “little frogs”. The players are located in a circle. At the word “Pike!” The “little frogs” must jump up, and at the command “Duck!” - sit down. If someone makes a mistake, then he stands in the center and continues the game there. There is a game called “find the treasure,” in which players learn to find an object and dive for it.

What mistakes should you not make?

Safety precautions should not be neglected. All equipment, yours and your partner's, must be checked. Blowing away strands of hair that are in your eyes, for example, looks quite cute and erotic. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do this under water. It is necessary to immediately remove hair from under the mask to avoid flooding and discomfort due to this.

You should not be in a vertical position when diving. The diver's head is a kind of rudder. When in a vertical position, a person usually swims only upward. Another one of common mistakes- the suit is too thin. It must be remembered that you have to dive into cold, wet liquid, even if this action is performed in tropical latitudes.

In conclusion, it must be said that during the first training a person will probably be shy and may feel insecure. It is not right. The most important thing is to free yourself from complexes and constraint, and follow the goal you set for yourself!

For swimming a special mask is used under water, which allows you to clearly reproduce all underwater objects. If you plan to dive deeper than 2m, regular swimming goggles are not suitable as they put a lot of pressure on your eyes, which can lead to unpleasant bleeding.

A mask designed for underwater swimming helps equalize the pressure created near the eyes, which is achieved by exhaling air through the nose. However When diving with a mask, you should follow some rules, which will avoid many inconveniences and problems.

How to dive with a mask correctly

IN During the dive, water may flow under the mask. This occurs as a result of the mask not fitting tightly to the face, hair getting under the flange, etc. You can remove water in the following way: to do this, just bend forward and press on the upper part of the mask, and then exhale measuredly through your nose. If your mask has a special valve, then you will not need to press it.

Water is removed through the bottom edge of the mask. The procedure should be repeated until all the water has left the space under the mask.

During a dive, the glass of the mask sometimes fogs up, which leads to significant inconvenience. You can prevent fogging in different ways: for example, you can wipe upper area glass with saliva and then rinse with water. This method helps to quickly get rid of fogging and get a full underwater view.

Once the dive is completed, be sure to rinse the mask with fresh water. The mask should not be left exposed to sunlight for a long time, as this will damage its performance. Handle glass with care, try to avoid contact of the mask with sharp or hard objects. It is best to store and transport the mask in boxes made of plastic.

Pressure on eardrums when diving

When diving with a mask, unpleasant situations may arise in the form of increased pressure in the ears. This occurs as a result of the difference in pressure between water and air.. You can equalize the pressure in a simple way - to do this, you will need to blow out your ears by exhaling through your nose with your nostrils closed. If the mask has a special protrusion for the nose, then blowing through the ears can be done very easily.

Exhaling slowly through the nose into the space under the mask also helps stabilize the pressure on the eyes that occurs as the depth of the dive increases.

Snorkeling is not a cheap pleasure. However, this sport is somewhat cheaper than classic diving, since snorkeling equipment is a mask, snorkel and fins. This sport requires constant training, and if you do not have a suitable body of water nearby, you will have to constantly travel to seaside resorts - and this is expensive. You can’t do without the sea - in the river with its muddy water you will not be able to get the pleasure that sea snorkeling gives.

What is the point of snorkeling? An athlete wearing a mask and snorkel swims long distances without taking his head out of the water and saving energy. He breathes through his mouth through a tube, and determines the direction of swimming and orientation in space through the glass of the mask. This is why a mask is an essential snorkeling accessory. Therefore, before you start learning this exciting sport, get yourself some quality equipment, and first of all, a diving mask.

The mask allows you to see well under water and navigate your surroundings well. It has protective glass, an elastic flange and a head mount. The flange ensures a tight fit of the glass to the face and creates a sealed sub-mask space that does not allow water to pass through. The fastening strap is adjustable to fit the size of the head and ensures a comfortable fit of the mask on the face. A special protrusion for the nose is created in the front part of the flange, which ensures equalization of pressure in the middle ear during immersion and prevents the mask from sticking to the face.

When choosing a snorkeling mask, try to choose one that has tempered glass, which does not scratch, and upon impact, crumbles into small, safe pieces. Such glasses are usually marked Tempered or Safety. The flange material is better opaque silicone than rubber. It is more durable, soft and hypoallergenic. It is desirable that the flange seal be double and fit well to the face. The under-mask space is preferably small - it is easier to blow through and the closer the glass is, which ensures good review. It is better if the mask strap adjusters can be adjusted directly on the swimmer's head. The presence of a valve on the bottom of the frame, which will make it easier to clean it from water, is desirable: by simply exhaling into the mask, you can remove excess water through the valve.

A good mask is half the success when scuba diving, and even more so when learning to snorkel. Depending on your preferences, snorkeling equipment may also include a snorkel and fins if you intend to swim long distances underwater.

Learning to snorkel is a long process, for which diving schools have created a special training course, after which you will be issued a certificate. During it, you will learn the secrets and features of choosing equipment, learn how to navigate the underwater world, and also consider techniques for overcoming situations that may arise when diving with a snorkel.

Experts recommend starting snorkeling at the age of no earlier than 8 years, and for adult divers age restrictions no - it would be good health. Snorkeling lessons are held in pools or open water. At seaside resorts you can also take this course, but always in the presence of a professional instructor.

Of the mandatory rules that you need to know when learning to snorkel, you should remember the main ones: Before diving, blow your ears through the nose protrusion of the mask. Any diving is performed only while inhaling. There are some experimenters who try to do this while exhaling, but instructors strongly do not recommend such experiments with buoyancy. Previously, experts advised taking a good, deep breath before diving - it was assumed that this would saturate the blood with oxygen. Today they have abandoned hyperpurge - it is dangerous at depth. If you snorkel, try to raise your head less often. Without a tube, the glass will quickly fog up. If you are diving to a depth of 10 meters, then you first need to take a deep breath, then slowly go to depth, and when you begin to rise to the surface, begin to slowly exhale air in small portions so as not to feel strong pressure on the chest. When diving, to prevent the mask from sticking to your face, exhale lightly through your nose into the mask, and when rising to the surface, slightly inhale the air. Having emerged to the surface, exhale sharply into the tube so that the water flies out of it. When swimming and snorkeling, do not forget that snorkeling is swimming in shallow water, which prohibits diving to a depth of more than 10 meters. If you neglect these rules, you risk getting barotrauma, which is very dangerous for an underwater swimmer. Therefore, even in shallow water, follow the safety rules, which the diving school instructors should also teach you.

One of the most popular types Snorkeling is available at shallow depths. What is it? Snorkeling is a type of swimming underwater wearing a mask with a breathing tube. They swim to shallow depths, diving under water no more than ten meters. Recently, such swimming has ceased to be mere entertainment and has become increasingly common. sport competitions In snorkeling, beach lifeguards use a mask with a breathing tube to rescue people. And even oceanographers use such equipment when observing the coastal and reef life of marine life.

Snorkeling is a very interesting and educational activity

The main difference between snorkeling and diving, which are very similar, is that diving is used for underwater swimming. This allows you to dive to great depths, but has a limited swimming time by the oxygen content in the tank.
Snorkeling allows you to swim without any time restrictions. To practice this type of swimming, you must have special equipment, namely:

  • or underwater glasses;
  • breathing tube with mouthpiece;
  • fins or special fin;
  • wetsuit

All this equipment must be purchased in specialized stores. Today, the swimming accessories market offers a very large assortment. Most of the snorkeling equipment presented is ordinary consumer goods, which it is better to refrain from purchasing. Scuba diving is a rather risky activity and can cause significant harm to health when using low-quality equipment. So you should take seriously the selection of a mask, fins and breathing tube.

Equipment selection

Snorkeling does not impose any special requirements on equipment. The main thing about it is quality and ease of use. It is advisable to select a mask with a small internal space; it should fit tightly to the face and not allow water to pass through. The glass must be tempered and not subject to fogging and accumulation of water on its surface, which improves visibility under water. The mask seal should be silicone. It is better to choose the color of the seal white or transparent; such a seal will improve side visibility. Any colored seal will limit visibility. The length of the breathing tube should not be long, as this makes breathing difficult. The shorter the tube, the better. The valve in the tube must have a high-quality membrane, and the mouthpiece must rotate around its own axis. Before purchasing, it would be better to try on a mask and snorkel from several manufacturers, this will help determine their comfort and ease of use.

Snorkeling fins are made of thick rubber mixed with plastic. Special attention It is worth paying attention to attaching the fins to the legs. It should be closed, where the heel of the foot does not remain open. This fastening will not allow the fins to come off your feet while swimming. Medium sized fins would be an ideal choice. They should not be heavy in weight. The lighter the fins, the more maneuverable a person will be under water. Snorkeling does not require the use of fins. Having fins simply makes diving easier and allows the swimmer to stay underwater longer. Many professionals use a fin instead of fins. With its help, it is possible to make sharp maneuvers underwater and quickly dive to the bottom of the reservoir.

A wetsuit is not required when snorkeling. It is used when diving in cold water or during fairly long swimming. A simple amateur does not need such a costume. It is only used professional athletes, rescuers and oceanographers. Made from neoprene, the human body is inside itself and allows the swimmer to reduce the drag force of the water.

Once you have finished selecting your equipment, you can safely begin learning to snorkel. And this training begins, no matter how funny it may sound, with diving in a home bath. Being in a bath of water in full equipment will allow the body to get used to the unusual sensations of holding your breath, and will allow the swimmer to find out his own capabilities when holding his breath. And only after such training will it be possible to begin training in open water.

Places for beginners to snorkel

Swimming such as snorkeling is a rather risky activity, especially for novice swimmers. And this swimming does not forgive mistakes for a beginner, especially at depth. Therefore, you should not immediately rush to dive and swim at great depths without proper preparation. At any moment this can lead to tragic consequences. All beginners need to start with a shallow depth and with safety nets. It will be best if they teach you all the tricks of snorkeling and proper swimming under the water. The instructor conducts the first lessons in a pool or in shallow water. These classes focus on practicing breathing techniques and will teach the swimmer not to take accidental breaths underwater. At the next stage of training, the technique of diving and longitudinal swimming along the bottom of the reservoir is practiced. At the final stage, they practice holding their breath for a long time under water and correctly ascending from the depth to the surface of the water.

The sea coast is considered an ideal option for learning scuba diving techniques. In such conditions, training takes place in natural conditions, which allows you to quickly master all the necessary skills for snorkeling. At the end of the training, the instructor arranges an exam for all student swimmers. Everyone is taken out on a boat to the open sea, and there the instructor evaluates the skills of each swimmer and issues certificates of completion of the necessary snorkeling courses.

Having mastered all the basics of scuba diving with a breathing tube, the swimmer will discover previously unseen beauties of the underwater world. Proper snorkeling skills open up new opportunities during your stay at the seaside and will make your vacation truly unforgettable. With the help of fins and a mask, you can spend time spearfishing. Or just watch the behavior of the various inhabitants of the underwater reef, swim through a school of colorful fish and watch how crabs hunt for prey. And it is possible, as they say, who knows what, to find treasures hidden from view on the seabed, or to finally find the legendary Atlantis during the most seemingly ordinary vacation at sea.

The history of snorkeling

The history of snorkeling goes back to ancient times. One of the first mentions of the use of a breathing tube dates back to the times ancient Greece, where the chroniclers of that time recorded the adventures of Silis. A simple diver, Silis, was captured by the Persian army, but managed to escape captivity by hiding under water and breathing through a reed stalk, so he waited out the chase until night and returned to his relatives, whom he warned about the impending invasion of the enemy army. This is how he saved the Greeks from enslavement by the Persian army. Similar cases were often mentioned among many different nationalities, including the Slavs and even the Zaporozhye Cossacks.

The word snorkeling itself is borrowed from the German language, which is translated as a breathing tube. The first inventor of a diving mask was Russian-born engineer Alexander Kramarenko, who was in exile in France in the twenties of the last century. And all the equipment was invented and patented by the French inventor Maxime Forier. This happened in the thirty-eighth year of the last century. Since then, the principle of mask and snorkel technology has continued to this day.

The word “snorkeling” is popular. For those who are “not in the know”, it evokes different emotions - from simple curiosity to associations with the Moomins (there were snorks in Tove Jansson’s novel). Perhaps it’s worth finally figuring out what this unknown beast is.

What is snorkeling

The word “snorkeling” came into Russian from English, which, in turn, borrowed it from the Germans. In Germany, Schnorchel means snorkel; in Britain, Snorkeling means scuba diving. In Russia, it is permissible to say both snorkeling and snorkelling, and this word means a type of diving along with special equipment that allows you to see with your own eyes the beauty of the underwater world and its inhabitants.

Depending on the depth of the dive, a subtype of snorkeling is distinguished as skindiving greater depth). Snorkeling itself does not involve large-scale diving; it is enough to lie horizontally on the water and lower your head under the water. That is why snorkeling is considered accessible to people of different age groups and sports level.

Diving and snorkeling: what's the difference?

The first question that arises when reading the definition of snorkeling is what is the difference between it and diving (from the English Diving - “dive”)? It's simple. As mentioned above, snorkeling does not require a person to dive deeply; the body can remain on the surface of the water; this will not hurt to see the world of underwater inhabitants. Diving just involves going underwater as much as possible. Snorkeling is more affordable financially; diving requires expensive equipment. Snorkeling does not limit the time of a lover of underwater observations; the duration of diving depends on the amount of air in the cylinder.

Another, perhaps, important difference between these two types of underwater research is that diving requires a license, while snorkeling is available for free. This type of swimming, by the way, is not only a sport, but also entertainment - which cannot be said about diving. Rescuers also use it to work on the water. That's what snorkeling is!

What you need to know

Despite the fact that in general snorkeling is accessible to everyone, a person must have some basic knowledge and skills. You can’t just go snorkeling from the bay - after all, it’s a rather risky project.

So, in order to try yourself in snorkeling, you need to be able to stay on the water well - this is the first and mandatory requirement. If you lack confidence, a person may simply drown. Experts recommend practicing staying on the water for at least fifteen minutes before snorkeling. Basic swimming skills on your stomach and back are also useful. It is also very important to learn how to use a breathing tube correctly in advance, otherwise there is a high risk of choking. You should be confident in your ability to hold your breath for more than a minute.

It is also extremely important to get familiar with snorkeling equipment in advance, get used to it and to yourself in it, and learn to swim with all this equipment. Only after this can you begin training directly.

What you need for snorkeling

So, what snorkeling is is clear. What do you need to do it? Actually, not so much. There are only two mandatory attributes - an underwater snorkeling mask and a breathing tube. Also, “spare” elements (not needed by everyone, not always and not everywhere) are fins and a wetsuit or a life jacket.

Already experienced snorkelers (as those who practice this sport are called) can dive underwater without equipment, only wearing special swimming goggles. But to do this, you must be confident in your strengths and the capabilities of your lungs. And, of course, such a dive does not involve going to great depths.

How to choose the right mask

Paramount, most important element snorkeling - swimming mask. The main thing you need to pay attention to when choosing it is the size. This means that it should not leak. It’s easy to check: you need to put the mask on your face, inhale strongly through your nose and stop holding the attribute. If the mask falls off, it’s the wrong size; if it stays “sit” on your face, it’s what you need. You should also choose a mask without valves - in this case it will definitely not leak.

It is also recommended to choose this type of equipment with one or two glasses, with the presence of an under-mask space and a guarantee of a good viewing angle. It is also important to pay attention to the glass: if they are marked T or S, this means that they are tempered and the mask is safe.

The silicone on a snorkel mask can be clear, colored or black. Everyone is free to choose to their liking, but we must remember that best review will be with transparent silicone. At the same time, however, it glares more than others. Beginners are advised to stick with this option.

An important point: if the future snorkeler has vision problems, this will not be a hindrance. There are special masks for swimming, where glasses with diopters can be placed instead of ordinary glasses. This point needs to be clarified in advance.

Before putting on the mask for the first time, it must be treated - wiped from the inside so that it does not fog up in water. There are special products for sale for this, but they cost money, so those who want to save money can just get by with their own saliva and then rinse with water.


A breathing tube for snorkeling is needed to stay under water for as long as possible. It should be taken into account that its length is usually no more than thirty to forty centimeters, that is, it does not imply deep immersion. However, swimming with it on the surface is very easy and comfortable for breathing.

When choosing a snorkel tube, you need to pay attention to the presence of a bottom valve - it makes cleaning the tube easier. It is also important to choose the correct diameter - the larger it is, the easier it is to breathe, but the more difficult it is to clean the attribute from water. It is recommended not to take tubes with a diameter of more than two and a half centimeters. The location of the mouthpiece is also important - it should fit freely in the mouth so that there is no need to bite it, in addition, it should not be hard.

The snorkel can fit either on the left or on the right, but you should remember that it should fit closer to the face, not the ears. When choosing this type of equipment, you should try it on and understand whether the location is convenient. You should breathe deeply, steadily and carefully in the snorkel, otherwise there is a risk of water getting into your lungs.

Choice of fins

Fins are not a necessary element, but with their help it is much easier to stay under water. They allow you to maneuver and reduce the time and effort spent on diving and ascent, so beginner snorkelers probably can’t do without them.

When choosing fins, you should first of all pay attention to how comfortable they sit on your foot. They need to be worn on bare feet, they should be light, not too long, not stiff or tight. There are also fins with boots; when choosing this option, you need to look at whether the fastening is comfortable or weak.

The best choice would be fins made of plastic and rubber - they are the lightest. But they are only worn at depth, and you will have to go barefoot to get there, which is fraught with various dangers. You can also wear fins and boots on the shore, but they are, of course, more expensive and heavier.

It is important to remember: if the dive takes place in a place where there is a lot of algae and various mud, fins can serve not as a help, but as a hindrance. Therefore, when snorkeling with fins, you should carefully choose the area for your underwater observations.

The right wetsuit

A wetsuit or life jacket is not always necessary. It is required only if the future snorkeler cannot stay on the water at all (however, in this case you need to think two hundred times before even starting such a procedure). The material from which the wetsuit is made prevents drowning and keeps a person on the surface. At the same time, diving with it is much more problematic than without it.

This type of clothing is also needed for certain temperature conditions. In cold water, it is better to wear a long neoprene wetsuit. But made of lycra, it will protect from hot sun rays and make it easier to stay in warm water. IN the latter case There is no need to wear a long suit at all - sets of T-shirts and breeches are sold.

You can also replace a wetsuit with a life jacket - of course, if diving is not intended. It will make your stay on the water more comfortable. In addition to it, you can purchase special armbands and ankle bracelets. The vest, like the wetsuit, is easy to deflate and inflate.

Snorkeling technique

What snorkeling is and what it requires is now clear. It remains to find out in more detail how exactly to start doing this exciting activity.

The first stage is the mask. Then you need to attach the tube to it and adjust its height. The fins are put on last (important: if a wetsuit is used, it should be put on first, even before the mask). You should enter the water with fins backwards, movements should be neat and smooth - otherwise there will not be a single underwater inhabitant left near the snorkeler and there will simply be no one to watch.

In water, you need to immediately relax as much as possible, lie down on the water and breathe deeply, evenly and calmly. The legs should not flounder in the water; they should be moved evenly, slowly and from the hip. Hands should be kept along the body; you should not try to help your legs with them. When immersing your head in the water, you need to take a deep breath, bite firmly on the mouthpiece of the tube, lower your head and exhale. As soon as you feel tired, you should calm down and rest; you should not remove the mask. Having emerged to the surface, you must remember to blow the water out of the tube - to do this you need to take two or three strong exhalations into the tube.

  1. After diving, all equipment used must be thoroughly rinsed in fresh water.
  2. The mask and snorkel should not be left in direct sunlight.
  3. Before diving, you should use sunscreen to avoid sunburn.
  4. In water, visibility is distorted by about twenty percent - everything seems closer than it actually is.
  5. Do not touch any of the underwater inhabitants.
  6. Before snorkeling, it is important to study the underwater terrain of the area and its inhabitants.
  7. Even if you have some experience, you should never dive alone - anything can happen. You should definitely tell someone about this before diving.
  8. When diving together (three people/four people, etc.) and wanting to talk, you shouldn’t take off and put on your equipment every time. It is enough to think through your communication signals in advance.
  9. There are inexpensive disposable devices for underwater photography.
  10. Sea water “holds” better, so if possible, it is better to train for snorkeling right in the sea rather than in the pool.
  11. It is recommended to carry out your first dives under the supervision of an experienced trainer.
  12. You should not start diving from great depths; it is better to first master the area near the shore.
  13. It is recommended to go snorkeling in calm weather, without waves, with water and air temperatures around thirty degrees above zero.

Ideal places for snorkeling

Snorkeling beaches - where are they? At first glance, it would seem - on any sea coast. In principle, this is true, but there are also places that are most popular among snorkelers. One of them is the beaches of the Red Sea and, accordingly, Egyptian resorts. The best time to snorkel in this country is in spring or autumn.

Snorkeling in Thailand is another common activity. The Philippines, Dominican Republic, and Vietnam are also perfect for these purposes. The best time to snorkel in Vietnam is during the winter months, from November to April. Snorkeling is also popular in Tunisia and the Maldives. However, the islands are chosen mainly by professionals - the currents there are too turbulent; beginners should not venture into such places.

Our world, our nature is full of mysteries and miracles. We don’t even half know the amazing beauties that lurk in the depths of our planet. Technologies modern life give a chance to touch these secrets at least a little. Therefore, snorkeling is an amazing opportunity to get one step closer to the beautiful nature of the earth.