Mike Tyson: height, weight, interesting facts and biography of the boxer. Tyson as a child: a poor neighborhood, a street gang and the victory of the fists

Little Tyson spent part of his childhood in a dysfunctional area of ​​bustling New York. Hiding from the outside with soft traits of character and behavior, he was already hiding inside a big beast, capable of standing up not only for himself and his loved ones, but also raising millions of fans around.

What was the boxer's childhood like? What was the turning point in the development of his personality? How were the first fights of young Tyson? Learn more about your favorite champion!

Tyson as a child: a poor neighborhood, a street gang and the victory of the fists

The father left the family before the birth of Mike, leaving the mother with three children without funds and support. They often laughed at the boy, took away sweets, and even beat him up. He could not answer and give change. There was even sexual harassment in his childhood. But this could not go on for a long time, as resentment accumulated, and inner strength gathered and was about to come out.

When Tyson was 11 years old, one guy from a local group, tearing a white dove out of Mike's hands, brutally killed him. The gathered fury of the future champion was in full swing. His brain seemed to be switched off, and in the body every muscle ordered to act. A boxer woke up in Tyson! At that moment, everyone around suffered from his power. No more ridicule and humiliation. He is no longer a victim. And this is only the beginning, because there is still a whole life ahead.

Most likely, it is this childhood photo of Mike that reflects the turning point in his life. In the eyes one can feel the first, albeit childish, self-confidence, stamina and aspiration. While he does not know exactly how everything will turn out, he definitely does not intend to remain at the same level. From here begins his biography as a boxer.

Mike Tyson's childhood: important people and amateur fights

After what happened, much changes in Mike's behavior. The guy goes out into the night streets of the city, leaving behind broken shop windows, robbed gas stations, empty pockets of passers-by. He's just looking for where to direct his power. In this cycle of events, Mike often found himself in correctional institutions. At 13, he was sent to a special school for minors in upstate New York. The physical strength of the future boxer is at its peak. Every now and then he breaks the rules, is impudent, and as a result gets into a punishment cell for bad behavior.

At this moment, fate brings Tyson to his first coach. Bobby Stewart is a former gangster who worked as a physical education teacher at a school. He immediately saw something brutal in Mike and realized that such a storm needed to be given the right direction and support. Bobby takes patronage of a violent boy and thereby influences his fate.

The coach and the boxer made an agreement. The steward trains the guy to the fullest, and Tyson, in turn, no longer violates discipline and improves school performance. They started from the basics, day after day, working on the quality of each movement, not sparing themselves, with full concentration and dedication. Bobby gave Mike all his experience and, like a real mentor, decided that for great victories, the guy must move on and learn from the best. Thus, the famous coach Cus D'Amato appeared in Tyson's life, who raised, at that time, two world champions.

Photo. Tyson and Cus D'Amato

Mike was not yet 14 years old then, his weight was 80 kg, physical development was not inferior to eminent adult boxers, and his hairstyle in his youth and youth was not as bald as it is now. D'Amato became not only a coach and an engine for the guy, but also a family. At that time, Tyson's parents died. Boymoved into the home of a mentor. Influenced by watching old videos of fights of famous boxers, he decides to succumb to minimalism and perform in black shorts, with bare feet, without music. Focus solely on working in the ring and your opponent. Cus provided Tyson with his personal support as a coach, friend, father. And he surrounded him with a professional team: masseurs, managers, other coaches, seconds. All conditions were created for high-quality training and preparation for the upcoming tournaments, championships, even the Olympic Games.

When Mike was 15 years old, his first fight took place at the Holyoke Club. At the same time, the young champion got the nickname "Tank" for his iron character, his fist and his impenetrability.

Discipline was a tough condition for victory and moving forward. Since then, the American boxer has formed his own regimen: getting up at 4 in the morning for a run, training several times a day of a different nature, food, free time in strictly limited hours. And so it went week after week, month after month, no concessions. Habit, rigor and responsibility. If you have set a goal for yourself, then go to the end. Don't look at the barriers. Do many times more than your opponent does.

The stage "Mike Tyson's childhood and entry into youth" is coming to an end. He found himself, his path and the right people. At the turn of childhood and youth, the boxer had many amateur performances that brought experience, more than 25 fights and 6 defeats.

Tyson at 16: recognition and professional ring

The first serious recognition of the young Tyson receives at the Youth Olympic Games in 1982, where he became the champion in his weight. Then there will be several defeats that taught new things and showed landmarks. They were followed by a series of successful performances, which further incited the boxer. In 1984, Mike was again on the list of candidates for the Olympic team, but this time the Olympics took place without him. On September 16 of the same year, the Tammer tournament, which was held in Tampere, ended in victory. From that moment began the countdown of his professional career. D'Amato had a grand plan to take the future champion to higher heights. To do this, he updated his team, invited the best specialists, organizers of boxing fights.

On the professional ring Tyson defeated his first opponent already in the third minute. What followed was a series of exciting performances. In general, in 1985, the first fights of the young Tyson ended in a knockdown of opponents more than 15 times. Sometimes it seemed that it was not worth any effort to him, each new goal and victory was achieved so easily and quickly. Only close people, the team and Tyson himself knew that super hard work was hidden behind all this. Even then, in the boxing lobby, there was a rumor that D'Amato was raising a world champion. And so it happened, but later.

Tyson's height and weight at the age of 20 was: 182 cm, 98 kg. He was in great shape and was ready to go forward for titles and titles. 1986 was rich in interesting fights and various victories. In January, Mike sent, albeit in TKO Mike Jameson. In February, the boxer corners Jesse Ferguson, the result of the fight is the disqualification of the opponent. In March, Steve Zouski held out in the ring until the third round. The meeting with James Tillis in May was difficult and responsible. Both boxers showed their best moves and showed fortitude. Tyson even lost his balance and fell, but as a result, by a unanimous verdict of the judges, he won. Just 17 days after his last fight, Mike is back in action. hard fight against Mitch Green.

Mike Tyson in his youth. First fight at 16: Video

The audience remembered the spectacle, Tyson's defense and his superiority. Again victory. In July, another opponent was knocked down, followed by another one with a personal record in the form of the shortest knockdown in 30 seconds. winning streak fights of a young boxer, led him to a big event ...

Tyson at 20: a coach's dream come true

Tyson at the age of 20 becomes the World Heavyweight Champion. This victory is double, as there has never been such a young champion in the history of professional boxing. Opponent Trevor Berbick kept up with dignity, but Tyson's blow already in the second round made him rise and fall three times in a row - another record. Unfortunately, at that moment, Mike was not with his old coach. D'Amato had died shortly before. The young coach Kevin Rooney led the boxer to the championship. But everything that his second father taught him will forever remain with the champion.

Photo of Tyson in his youth. Fight with Trevor Berbick for the title of World Champion

Three months after the victory, there was another championship belt. And then more and more fights, knockdowns, titles. Glory is gaining momentum. Tyson's name is on everyone's lips. His mischief, antics, actions - everything is in full view of millions of fans. Life has changed. And the starting point of these changes lies in the first manifestation of his strength, when many years ago a boy from a local gang killed a white dove. And in the future champion, a desire to punish him for this flared up.

Photo. michael tyson and white dove

Friends, hello everyone. Today we will talk about one of the most famous boxers in the history of world boxing, nicknamed "Iron Mike" - we are, of course, talking about Mike Tyson - an American professional boxer who competed in the heavy weight category.

Mike Tyson

Mike was born in New York, in Brooklyn. Has an older brother and sister (Rodney and Denise). Until the age of 10, Mike had a gentle character, did not know how to stand up for himself, over him and other children ( younger age) were bullied by other children (older ones) taking away change, sweets from them and even beaten (p.s. by the way, Rodney's older brother also took part in this).

Mike had in his childhood (she, in principle, still has her main favorite hobby - “Breeding pigeons”).

Even strong men have their weaknesses

I started talking about pigeons for a reason, the fact is that at the age of 10, Mike (according to him) one of the members of the local street gang (who was 3 years older than him) pulled out his beloved pigeon from Mike and tore off his head, he freaked out , rushed at him and severely beat him. From that moment on, he was respected among the local juvenile bandits, they accepted him into their company, taught him to steal (rob stores, climb into pockets, etc.). Well, as we know, nothing just happens in this life, over time, the consequences of everything they did began, Mike repeatedly found himself in a correctional facility for youngsters (ps by the way, during one of which Mike managed to see Muhammad Ali, he came there in order to talk (chat) with difficult teenagers like Mike, so to speak, instruct them on true path... According to Mike himself (as he later recalled), it was after meeting with Mohammed Ali that he first thought about a career as a boxer.

At the age of 13 he was sent to special school for juvenile delinquents, which was located in the northern part of New York. At that time (at the age of 13) Mike had a huge physical force(well, for his age), was incorrigible, often violated the regime, lost his temper, etc. In the end, one day when he got into the punishment cell, Mike asked for the opportunity to speak with the current PE teacher, who, by the way, was former boxer Bobby Stewart.

Mike Tyson and his first trainer, Bobby Stewart, at the Casa D'Amato Boxing Gym, Catskill, New York.

So when Stewart came to Mike, he said that he wanted to become a boxer. Stewart agreed to train him only on the condition that he would stop violating discipline. After the dialogue took place, Mike's behavior rapidly began to improve .. and after a while Stewart put forward another condition, which sounded like this: “The better you study at school, the more I will box with you.” Again, it worked. Mike rapidly began to improve his performance at school, at a time when everyone else considered him to be almost mentally retarded.

P.s. His passion for boxing is simply amazing. He did everything in order to learn how to box ... (study, discipline .. everything) sometimes the school staff forced Mike around 3-4 in the morning to train (he boxed with a shadow, developed physically). Speaking of physical training, according to Stewart (who was interviewed) when Mike was 13 years old, he could shake a 100 kg barbell in the bench press. And as for me, this is something beyond fantasy))).. but okay, let's move on.

In general, due to the fact that Mike constantly trained, he outgrew his coach Stuart, and he, without hesitation, decided to introduce Mike to the legendary coach Cus D'Amato. Mike was then 13 years old, he weighed 80 kilograms and had a well-developed physical form. At that time, Mike's mother died, and he did not have a father, because he left the family before he was born. That is why Cus D'Amato issued official guardianship over him (i.e. by adopting him). Mike has moved into his new coach's new home. While living at his house, Mike watched a lot of videos with old fights professional boxers, he was impressed by what he saw, by the way, it was thanks to these recordings that Mike chose for himself a rather unusual IMAGE for that time, i.e. he went out without any music .. without a bathrobe, just in black shorts and boxers on his bare feet.

It was Cus D'Amato (Mike's adoptive father) who laid the foundation that amazed us with every fight .. while Cus built around him professional team consisting of masseurs, trainers, seconds, etc. in general, a disciplined athlete was reborn from a street hooligan (bandit).

Amateur career

Amateur career began in 1981, when Mike was 15 years old. According to various sources, he fought from 25 to 30 fights, in which he suffered 6 defeats.

In 1982, Mike competed in the Youth Olympic Games, where he won the Olympics, becoming the champion of the 1982 Youth Olympic Tournaments.

In 1983, he lost the fight only to Al Evans, this loss allowed him to take part in the Golden Gloves tournament in the same year, where he received a silver medal after a losing fight with Craig Payne, although when the score was announced in favor of Payne, the fans sitting in the hall buzzed with displeasure .

Already in 1984, Mike won all the fights. The logical conclusion to his amateur career should have been Olympic Games in 1984 in Los Angeles, but Mackle lost the qualifying fight to Henry Tillman, by the way, he became the Olympic champion of that year. However, Mike took revenge for this loss a little later (June 16, 1990) but already in the professional ring, knocking out his offender (Tillman) in the first round! By the way, professional career Mike's debut, so to speak, took place on March 5, 1985 (he entered the professional ring for the first time), during that year Mike had 15 fights, defeating all his rivals - by KNOCKOUTS. Experts began to discuss that Cus D'Amato managed to raise the ideal heavyweight, who would certainly become the world champion. However, Cus D'Amato himself did not live up to this just a little bit: in November 1985, the 77-year-old coach died of pneumonia, while Mike was already 19 years old and on the threshold shortly before he managed to still become the World Champion in heavyweight at the youngest age in the history of professional boxing (20 years and 4 months).

Training and nutrition (mode) Mike Tyson

Now we will analyze how Mike trained and generally lived in the distant 80s, in my opinion, the most fruitful period of his life (this is the period from 13 to 19 years old) under the supervision of his coach and adoptive father, Cus D'Amato, because how I think it was Cus D'Amato who shaped Tyson.

And so Mike Tyson's daily routine:

4 a.m: climb and run for 8 kilometers, then shower and back to sleep.

10.00: rise and breakfast oatmeal, orange juice, fruits, vitamins + protein shake.

12.00: Training in the form of 10 rounds of sparring and 3 rounds of a standard set of exercises, which consisted of:

  • 200 crunches
  • 50 push-ups from the bench behind your back
  • 50 classic push ups
  • 50 shrugs with a 30kg barbell

14.00: Lunch in the form of pasta (pasta) + steak + vegetables.

15.00: Training (work in the ring (4 rounds of sparring), work with various pears, shadow boxing, jump rope, paws, etc. 1 hour of work on a stationary bike and at the end work with a heavy bag weighing 300 pounds and at the very end again 3 circles of a standard set of exercises).

17.00: Training in the form of 4 circles of a standard set of exercises, then working out strikes, various combinations at a slow pace, honing the mechanics of movements.

19.00: Dinner, which consisted of many PROTEINS + CARBOHYDRATES + VITAMINS.

20.00: Easy workout in the form of 30 minutes of work on a stationary bike.

21.00: Free time (TV, watching fights, films about boxing, watching various combinations, analysis of equipment, etc.).

And so 6 days a week (Mon-Sat), rest only 1 day - Sun. As we can see, Mike lived according to a very tough daily routine, where the basis of all the basics is boxing (because training from morning to evening).

Making calculations, we can highlight the following, Mike performed during the day:

  • 2000 crunches
  • 500 push-ups from the bench behind your back
  • 500 classic push ups
  • 500 shrugs

The video shows how Mike Tyson trained:

Personal life

He was married three times, first to actress Robin Givens, second to Monica Thorner, and third (July 6, 2009) to Lakia Spicer.

In 1988, Mike married actress Robin Givens, their marriage lasted no more than 1 year, the same marriage caused Mike great psychological damage, because during this year Mike went through public humiliation, various fights, scandals, etc. Mike was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, in 1988. received a concussion after crashing his car into a tree. In general, already in 1989 (namely, on February 14), the couple divorced, the divorce itself cost Mike 10 million bucks.

In 1997 Mike married a second time to a doctor (pediatrician) from the medical center - Monica Turner. Their marriage lasted until 2003. From Monica, Mike had 2 children: a daughter - Raina and a son - Amir.

Their marriage fell apart due to Mike's infidelity. Actually, Turner (Mike's 2nd wife) filed for divorce, saying that Mike was cheating on her, then these rumors were confirmed due to the fact that in 2002 his mistress gave birth to Mike's child - Miguel Leon. Actually, after the divorce, Mike began to live with his mistress, who later (in 2005) gave birth to his daughter - Exodus, unfortunately, when the girl was 4 years old, she tragically died, falling into a loop from a rope that was at home on a home simulator.

Two weeks after the death of his daughter, Mike, on June 6, 2009, marries for the third time, at that time, he was 42 years old, to Lakia Spicer. In 2011 the couple had a son.

Mike Tyson also has illegitimate children: Deamata Kilrain and Miki Lorna.


In the summer of 1991 Mike was at the Miss Black America beauty pageant where he met Desiree Washington. The next day, the girl accused the ex-champion of raping her. There was a lot of circumstantial evidence, a lot of testimonies that confirmed that everything happened by mutual agreement, so to speak, but the court sided with the girl and Mike was sentenced to six years in prison, of which he served about three years (he was released for good behavior in March 1995)

By the way, in prison, Mike became a Muslim under the leadership of Muhammad Siddiq. Although earlier (before that) he was a Christian. In general, he converted from Christianity to Islam, in the process of changing religion he received the name Malik Abdul Aziz.

Health problems

As a child, Mike had problems with his lungs, because of this he often ended up in the hospital.

1989 Mike had problems with alcohol, due to divorce and all sorts of extraneous problems, he even gave up training. But after the duel with Douglas, Mike signed up for treatment.

Mid 1990 to 2010 Mike had problems with drugs, this greatly affected his psyche, career and problems with the law. By the way, due to drugs, Mike started having problems with overweight.. According to himself, in the best shape, he weighed no more than 98 kg.

2007-2010 Mike weighed about 150-160 kilograms, but already in 2009. became a vegan and began to play sports, as a result of which he lost more than 40 kg.

Well, this concludes the biography of Mike Tyson, I hope you, just as I was interested in studying (at least seeing) the biography of the Living Legend. I tried to touch on all the moments that were interesting to me, which were generally interesting .. but alas, I missed a lot of Tyson's fights, namely stories about them, i.e. who, when and where ... but if I did it, they would take up many pages .. much more spectacular, to see them, which I recommend to you.

P.s. Well, I could not help but lay out)) all the best 😀

Sincerely, administrator.

Mike Tyson is an American professional boxer who competed in the heavyweight division. Multiple world champion according to WBC, WBA, IBF and The Ring.

Childhood and youth

Michael Gerard "Mike" Tyson was born on June 30, 1966 in Brooklyn. Mike's father left the family before the boy was born, so the future athlete inherited his last name from his mother's first husband. Tyson also has an older brother, Rodney, and a sister, Denise.

As a child, Mike was weak-willed and completely unable to fend for himself. He was bullied not only by classmates, but even by his older brother. A fracture occurred in Tyson's mind when, in front of the boy's eyes, a local hooligan tore off the head of a dove.

Enraged, Mike attacked and severely beat the teenager, which immediately earned the respect of young bandits. Together with new friends, Tyson soon began to steal, for which he ended up in correctional institutions for juvenile delinquents more than once.

During another hit in the colony, Tyson was lucky to see the famous professional boxer Mohammed Ali, who arrived there to talk with troubled teenagers. After meeting with the great master, Mike first thought about the profession of a boxer.

At the age of 13, Mike, who by that time was already considered incorrigible and even mentally retarded, fell into the hands of the legendary coach Cus D'Amato. It was then that Mike chose his unique style - the fighter entered the ring without musical accompaniment, without a bathrobe, in black shorts and boxers on his bare feet.

Sports career

In 1981, Mike earned his first title - the teenager became the champion of the Youth Olympic tournaments. Tyson repeated his success in next year, and then received gold medals in 1983 and 1984 as part of the national championships. In the spring of 1985, Tyson made his debut in the professional ring. This year, the athlete participated in 15 fights, winning by knockouts.

The rise to fame occurred in 1986, after successful fights against such strong rivals, like Mike Jameson, Steve Zouski, James Tillis, Reggie Gross, and Mitch Green, who after the fight with Tyson did not enter the ring at all for seven years. Mike's popularity was brought by a fight with the most promising fighter at that time, Marvis Frazier, who at that time had only one defeat. In the first round, Tyson sent the enemy to a heavy knockout. After this loss, Marvis retired from boxing almost immediately.

In November 1987, the athlete won a fight against WBC world champion Trevor Berbick, which brought Tyson $ 1.5 million and the title of the youngest heavyweight champion. Moreover, Mike set a record in this fight, forcing the opponent to fall and rise three times.

This was followed by a victory in a fight against former champion Pinklon Thomas (who had never even been knocked down until that moment) and the title of the youngest undisputed heavyweight champion after fights with Tony Tucker, Tyrell Biggs and Larry Holmes. In addition to loud triumphs, Tyson also had unsuccessful fights - as, for example, with a weak, at first glance, rival James "Buster" Douglas in 1990.

In 1991, Mike was accused of raping 18-year-old "Black Miss Rhode Island" Desiree Washington and after 3 years (instead of the original 6) he was released on bail. The fighter was destined to return to the ring only in 1995, and the media dubbed this moment the "event of the year." After leaving prison, the boxer's style changed significantly, which brought the athlete many victories, money and the title of a three-time world champion.

In the summer of 1997, the famous fight boxer against Evander Holyfield, during which Tyson bit off part of the opponent's right ear. The fight ended in a brawl, Mike was stripped of his boxing license and paid a fine of $3 million. Perhaps this particular case will always be associated with the name of this scandalous athlete.

Mike Tyson vs Evander Holyfield fight

Mike returned to the ring in 1999, however, according to critics, it was not the same Tyson. In addition, the fighter began to have problems with obesity, drugs and, again, the law. Subsequently, Mike admitted that he often used other people's urine tests to pass doping tests before fights.

Mike Tyson vs Lennox Lewis

In 2002, the highest grossing fight took place against British boxer Lennox Lewis, who knocked out Mike. And after the defeat of the generally unknown Irish athlete Kevin McBride in 2005, Tyson announced his retirement from the sport. During these years, Mike experienced serious financial problems and even declared bankruptcy.

Later career

To improve his deplorable financial condition, in the following years, Tyson tried his hand at various fields of art and business in order to stay afloat. He began to actively act in films and TV shows - Mike could be seen in Rocky Balboa (2006), The Hangover (2009).

In total, from 1993 to 2017, Mike starred in more than five dozen films and TV shows. The athlete also participated in an autobiographical show in Las Vegas and television wrestling programs. In 2012, Tyson was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, dedicated to the best wrestlers.

Mike Tyson. Best fights and knockouts

In the same year, Tyson created his own foundation, whose mission was to "give children a chance to fight." Tyson soon founded Iron Mike Productions, a boxing promotion company, with Harry Jonas.

In 2013, Fox Sports 1 launched The Mike Tyson Mysteries, an animated documentary television series dedicated to the life of famous boxer. In November of the same year, Tyson released his autobiographical book, Mike Tyson: Undeniable Truths, which hit the New York Times bestseller list.

In January 2017, Tyson launched his YouTube channel with Shots Studios, a comedy video production company with acclaimed vinners such as Lele Pons and Rudy Mancuso. You can find parody music videos and sketches on Tyson's channel.

Mike Tyson's personal life

Tyson has been married three times: to actress Robin Givens (1988-1989), to pediatrician Monica Turner (1997-2003) and to Lakia "Kiki" Spicer (since 2009). Tyson's third wife met the boxer at the age of 18 - her father, an influential Muslim cleric, often took his daughter to boxing competitions.

Her relationship with the controversial boxer took a serious turn in 2008, when Kiki was sentenced to prison for being in the company of her father, accused of fraudulent fundraising activities. A week before the prison, Kiki found out that Tyson was pregnant. In prison, the girl spent six months, and soon she gave birth to Mike's daughter Milan in freedom.

Mike Tyson (height see below) is a professional boxer from America. Multiple world champion in heavyweight. Holder of several records in boxing. Has three convictions. In this article, we will describe short biography athlete.


Mike Tyson, whose height is known to all his fans, was born in Brooklyn in 1966. The boy had a gentle character, and until the age of 10 he was completely unable to fend for himself. Therefore, older guys regularly bullied him, taking away sweets, money, and so on. Sometimes Mike was even beaten.

Everything changed the case. The boy had a hobby - breeding pigeons. Once, while Mike was sitting with one of these birds, a member of the local gang, who was older than Tyson, snatched the dove from his hands and ripped off his head. Mike went berserk, rushed at the enemy and severely beat him. This act led to the fact that Tyson began to be respected by all the juvenile bandits of the area.

Passion for boxing

At the age of 13, Mike got into a school for juvenile delinquents. Physical education was taught by Bobby Stewart, who used to be a boxer. The young man told the coach that he would like to do the same. Since that day, the only hobby young man boxing became. Mike Tyson trained very fanatically. Sometimes he even woke the school staff at 3-4 in the morning, practicing hitting the pear. In an interview, Stewart stated that Mike, at the age of 13, was able to shake a barbell weighing 100 kilograms. At the same time, his own weight reached only 80 kg.

Carier start

Mike's amateur career began in 1981 under the guidance of Cus D'Amato. Tyson was then only 15 years old. The athlete spent about 30 fights, of which he lost only 6. A year later, the young man won the Youth Olympic Games.

By 1984, Mike Tyson's punch had become so strong that he won every fight. The end of his amateur career was supposed to be the Los Angeles Olympics, but the young man lost the qualifying fight. His rival Henry Tillman became the then champion. Tyson "revenge" him six years later, knocking out in the first round.

Turning pro

In March 1985, the talented athlete finally switched to professional boxing. Mike Tyson spent about 15 fights, winning all by knockout. In November, he set a world record by becoming the youngest heavyweight champion.


In 1991, the boxer attended the Miss America beauty pageant. At this event, he met one of the contestants named Desiree. The next day, the girl accused Mike of rape. There was a large amount of circumstantial evidence and testimonies of witnesses confirming that everything happened by mutual agreement. But in the end, the court chose the side of the girl and sentenced the boxer to six years in prison. For good behavior, Tyson was released three years later.

By the way, while in prison, the athlete became a Muslim. Although before that he was a staunch Christian.

Mike Tyson: Height

Regarding this parameter, fans and eyewitnesses always talk about different figures. The first believe that the growth of an athlete is from 180 to 183 centimeters. The latter speak of lower figures - from 175 to 178 centimeters.

To find out the true parameters of the boxer, let's turn to the original source. Mike himself in an interview said that his height is 178 centimeters. Therefore, speculation about other values ​​​​can be thrown out of my head.

Health problems and overweight

Even as a child, Mike Tyson, whose height was indicated above, had problems with his lungs. Therefore, together with his mother, he often visited hospitals.

In 1989, the boxer began to abuse alcohol and abandoned training. But after the first loss in the ring, the athlete signed up for treatment.

From 1990 to 2010, Tyson was a drug addict, which caused his health to suffer greatly. So, Mike began to type excess weight. In his best form, the athlete weighed almost 100 kilograms. In 2007-2009, this figure reached as much as 160 kilograms. The boxer went vegan, went on a diet and reduced his weight to 120.

Mike Tyson's personal life

The boxer had three marriages. With his first wife, an actress, he lived only a year. The divorce cost the athlete ten million dollars.

In 1997, Tyson married Monica Turner, who works as a doctor at the clinic. This marriage lasted six years. Monica gave Mike two children - Amir and Reina. The couple broke up because Tyson liked to go "left" and did it on a regular basis.

The third chosen one of the boxer was Lakia Spicer. In 2011, the lovers had a son.

Name: Mike Tyson

Age: 52 years old

Growth: 178

Activity: boxer, actor

Family status: married

Mike Tyson: biography

Mike Tyson is a professional heavyweight boxer whose name remains the most recognizable among his colleagues to this day. For the force of impact and aggressive behavior in the ring at one time he was nicknamed the "killer boxer". Olympic champion among juniors absolute champion world, repeatedly recognized champion in the versions of WBC, WBA, IBF, The Ring. The master of a quick knockout, many of whose records have not been broken so far.

Childhood and youth

Michael Gerard Tyson was born in June 1966 in the New York area - Brownsville. His father was Purcell Tyson, but he left the family when his son was not yet born. Michael was the youngest child: the eldest daughter Denise and son Rodney were growing up in the family. V early childhood Tyson was very vulnerable. He was offended by peers, yard boys and even his older brother. He could not stand up for himself and often suffered because of this, coming home with bruises and no pocket money.

In June 2005, Mike met in the ring with the little-known Irish boxer Kevin McBride. Of course, the fans bet on Tyson. But in the 5th round, the champion's fatigue began to appear, and in the 6th he sat on the floor and refused to participate in the 7th round. After this fight, Mike announced that he had decided to end his career.