Horses in the forest pencil paintings. How to draw a horse step by step? Drawing horse eyes

Horses are beauty, strength, grace... Horses are unusually smart animals and loyal friends of humans.

Horses inspire artists and poets, horses heal people through hypotherapy, and besides, they are truly beautiful animals! They are admired by the vast majority of adults and children. And if your child really loves fine art, then sooner or later he will want to draw a horse.

Doing this is not at all as difficult as it seems. Today you will find out what the most simple ways drawing a horse with a pencil. With their help, you can easily cope with the task assigned to you, helping your child in this matter. Start drawing today!

Instructions for kids on how to draw a horse

To help kids draw a horse with a pencil, a schematic image is usually enough. Such a horse is more reminiscent of a fairy tale or cartoon character, rather than a real graceful animal. The following visual diagrams will show you how to quickly and easily draw a horse for very young children.

How to draw a horse with a pencil step by step

1. First of all, to draw a horse with a pencil, mark the boundaries of your drawing. Of course, it is better to immediately determine the rectangle in which the animal will be located. This makes drawing much more convenient.

2. Now you need to draw the base of the future horse's head. To do this, draw a medium-sized triangle in the upper left corner of the picture. The corners of your triangle should be rounded. Do exactly as shown in the picture.

3. Now you need to draw two ovals, positioning them relative to each other at an angle. They will later become the basis of cereals and chest horses.

4. Connect your two ovals to create the horse's belly. Make the lines smooth, avoid sharp transitions and breaks.

5. Now you need to work on the image of the horse's legs. First, mark the places where they bend with dots, and then connect your points with straight lines. Try to make the proportions of the horse's body harmonious, pay attention to the drawing. Remember that the horse's knees are quite high.

6. Now you have to finish drawing the legs, make them quite muscular, full, draw the hooves. The heels are slightly raised, the hooves should be depicted in the form of trapezoids, the animal’s knees protrude slightly forward. For now, focus on the front legs.

7. You can begin to finish drawing the animal’s hind legs. Remember that a horse's hind legs are much fuller than his front legs above the knee. If the front and back legs are the same in your drawing, the proportions will be disrupted.

8. Draw the horse's neck. Here you will have to remember the golden mean in order to draw the horse correctly. The fact is that a neck that is too thin will look bad in the drawing, but an overly thick, massive neck will also spoil the impression of your horse. The neck should be quite powerful, but at the same time it is important to convey the gracefulness of the horse. To do this, you need to draw with smooth lines, be sure to indicate the transition from the body to the head, gradually making the neck thinner. Let it be slightly curved.

9. Once again draw the torso, legs, neck and head of your horse.

10. Take an eraser and remove all unnecessary lines left over from building the horse. Don't let them distract you. Erase the lines carefully, without leaving streaks or marks.

11. Now comes the most interesting stage. You have to draw a horse's head. In this drawing, the animal stands in profile towards the audience. Try to make the muzzle more expressive. Draw the ears, mark the large nostrils. Be sure to make the horse's eyes big.

12. It's time to draw your horse's tail. Sometimes the tails are cut, someone braids them and ties them with elastic bands. In our drawing, the horse’s lush, long tail flutters freely in the wind, which gives the drawing dynamism. You can immediately see that your horse is moving.

13. Update your drawing again, removing all the extra lines and unnecessary strokes.

14. Draw the horse's muscles. Outline them with strokes in the neck, back and front legs. If in doubt, completely follow the lines drawn in the drawing. A horse with such muscles will look more realistic and powerful.

15. Now decorate your horse with a lush mane that is lifted by the wind. Remember that you shouldn’t try to draw every hair or curl. Just mark the line of the mane, give it volume, and with a few strokes you can divide the mane into curls.

16. Add a few more neat strokes to indicate the bends of the joints on the horse's legs.

17. Now you can make your drawing more voluminous. Use pencils and shade them. Notice in which places the horse is darker and in which places it is given lighter shades on the sample. Do the same.

All! Your horse is completely ready. You can color it and make a background.

How to draw a beautiful running horse step by step

To draw a running horse with a pencil, you will have to work a little, but with the help of the instructions below you will definitely succeed.

1. First, draw the body of the future animal, vaguely reminiscent of a potato in shape.

3. Now - the outlines of the head.

4. Using thin lines, outline the legs of a horse that is galloping.

5. Detail the horse's head and also draw the mane.

6. Now draw the muscular legs.

7. Draw a tail and make a few strokes at the bottom of the page to imitate grass.

8. Outline the drawing with a pen, and erase unnecessary lines with an eraser. Your horse is ready! If you wish, you can color it with felt-tip pens, paints or colored pencils.

How to draw a rearing horse

To draw a horse on its hind legs with a pencil, use the following instructions.

1. Schematically draw the contours of the chest, pelvis and head of the future horse.

2. Using thin lines draw the rest of the body.

3. Use simple geometric shapes to add volume to your image.

4. Draw the horse's hind legs in detail.

5. Draw the front legs, neck and head.

6. Complete the 3D sketch.

7. Outline the horse's body with a smooth pencil line.

8. Draw the legs and hooves in the same way, simultaneously removing more unnecessary lines.

9. Finish drawing the outlines of the body and detailing the head.

10. Finally, draw the mane and tail, outline the drawing with a bright line and delete all the auxiliary segments. Your horse is ready!

How to draw a horse's head with a mane

Perhaps the greatest difficulty during drawing in most cases is the image of a horse's head. To carefully draw this element, use the following detailed diagram.

1. Using thin and light pencil lines, draw a rhombus, and on its basis - a schematic image of the horse’s muzzle.

3. Add a cheekbone with one smooth line, and also draw a neck and a small area of ​​the back.

4. Detail the front of the horse's head and draw one eye.

5. Lightly shade the image as shown in the diagram and add shadows.

6. Sketch the approximate location of the hair and mane.

7. Gradually add more and more dark strokes, giving naturalness to the hair.

8. Make the mane even thicker and shade the image.

9. Finally, add a few strokes to create the background and remove any unnecessary construction lines. Your drawing is ready!

How to draw a horse's eye

If you want to draw a horse's head step by step, it is important Special attention pay attention to the image of the eye. You should remember all the nuances so that your horse’s eyes are as realistic as possible, reminiscent of real ones.

1. First, just outline the eye. Exactly repeat the lines shown in the figure.

2. Now you need to cover the eyeball with dark tones. Be sure to leave a light spot. It will be a glare from the incident light.

This lesson will describe in detail how to draw a horse step by step with a pencil. Simple steps will allow you to draw a horse beautifully even if you have never drawn. Prepare the materials necessary for drawing and we can get started! As a result, we will get a drawn horse like this.

The easiest way to draw a horse is to learn how it works. After this, you can easily draw the base, as in the picture below. We outlined the chest, thigh, base of the head and legs of the horse.

Next, focusing on the base, we begin to draw the body shape of our horse. First of all, let's draw the shape of the neck. Notice how the horse's neck widens closer to the body, and it's also worth spending ample time studying the curves. If you draw from a photo, then it will not be difficult for you to observe the position of the horse’s neck.

Now let's add auxiliary lines to our base. I draw two lines near the head, they will indicate the location of the horse's eyes and nostrils. We divide the legs into rectangular sections to make it easier to draw later.

Focusing on the previously marked lines, we begin to draw the horse’s head. On top we will need to draw her ears, then we will need to mark general shape heads.

Now that the head is ready, we begin to carefully draw out the shape of the horse’s belly and hips. Having a pre-drawn base makes painting much easier.

Horses look amazing with their gorgeous tails and manes, so don't forget to draw this important detail. I also add some folds and strokes to the horse's body.

Learn to draw a smart and graceful animal - a horse. The article contains diagrams and instructions for children.

Many old master paintings depict a horse. This animal has long served man and was considered one of his best friends and helpers. Of course, beginners and children will not be able to immediately beautifully depict this beautiful animal, but you can try to learn.
Let's start with a drawing of a running horse.

How to draw a real running horse with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?

A running horse looks very beautiful and graceful. We will create the drawing in stages, starting with schematic ovals.

  1. We start the sketch with two ovals, place one, which is larger, in the center of the drawing - this is the future croup of the horse. Above it, towards the corner of the sheet, also horizontally draw a smaller oval - this is the future head of the running horse.
  2. Now let's connect these ovals and get the horse's neck. The horse’s neck is powerful and strong, remember the images of the animal in photographs and pictures. It is important to be able to observe proportions by eye. If you draw an animal neck that is too massive or too thin, it will spoil the drawing.
  3. The next stage is the legs of a running horse.
    For beginners and children, it is best to depict the two front legs and two back legs together. The front legs are thinner than the hind legs, back thigh the horse's is strong and powerful. We depict the hind legs in a position stretched back, while the front legs will be stretched forward.
  4. After you have a complete outline of the entire figure of the horse, you need to move on to the details. Make the animal's muzzle narrowed downwards, on the head you need to round the cheeks, draw ears, draw an elongated eye and highlight the nostril, because the horse is in motion. When the detailing of the horse's head is completed, start drawing the tail. We remember that horses' tails are long and bushy, and develop as they run.
  5. The last moment is painting the horse, removing unnecessary strokes and applying light and shade.

And here is another diagram according to which a child can draw a running horse. It is more detailed and complex.

  1. We start, as always, with ovals with which we mark the body and head of the horse.
  2. Draw the contours of the legs.
  3. We detail the horse's morgue, and immediately draw the mane and tail.
  4. We detail the horse's legs and draw the hooves.
  5. At the final stage, we erase the auxiliary lines.
  6. We draw the background and color the picture at our discretion.

How to draw a real standing horse with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?

But we will draw the standing horse, starting not with rounded figures, but with a rectangle, to which we will add other geometric shapes.

  1. We draw an oval in the center of the sheet - the basis of the body of our future horse. Draw a triangle to the rectangle, this will help in the future to draw the animal’s neck. We also use triangles to mark the legs and tail.
  2. We add the head and ears to the neck.
  3. The next stage is drawing the details of the animal’s shape based on a geometric sketch.
  4. So, it’s tedious to make the horse’s back concave, where we usually see a saddle with a rider on the back.
  5. But the line of the abdomen needs to be rounded on the contrary, making it convex. We also round the horse's body in front and behind.
  6. Let's draw the back and front legs, chest, neck, pay special attention to the tail, let it be thick and fluttering, like in a fairy tale.
  7. Now it’s the turn of finer details - hooves, bangs, ears, eyes, nostrils.
  8. At the last stage, you need to remember to erase all the original auxiliary parts with an eraser.
  9. At the request of the horse, you can draw beautiful harness and harness.

standing horse pencil: step 1.

Standing horse in pencil: step 2.

Standing horse in pencil: step 3.

Standing horse in pencil: step 4.

Standing horse in pencil: step 5.

Standing horse in pencil: step 6.

Standing horse in pencil: step 7.

Standing horse in pencil: step 8.

Standing horse in pencil: step 9.

Standing horse in pencil: step 10.

Standing horse in pencil: step 11.

Standing horse in pencil: step 12.

Standing horse in pencil.

You can also use other instructions shown in the figure below.

Standing horse step by step.

VIDEO: Drawing lessons. How to learn to draw a horse with a pencil?

How to draw a real horse jumping?

  1. We draw two ovals, larger and smaller (torso and head), connect them with lines, which in the future will become the neck.
  2. We draw the details of the animal’s face – eyes, mouth, ears, bangs, nostrils. We make folds on the neck using lines.
  3. Now we will draw the legs of the animal, and it is their position that will show the horse in a jump. Use additional features to emphasize the tension in the muscles of the jumping horse.
  4. At the next and more complex stage, the paired front and hind legs are drawn. On hind legs Don’t forget to define the hoof lines.
  5. We draw the developing tail and mane of the horse, clarify the folds of the animal’s body and muscles using additional dashed lines.

Horse jumping in pencil: step 1.

Horse jumping in pencil: step 2.

Horse jumping in pencil: step 3.

Horse jumping in pencil: step 4.

Horse jumping in pencil: step 5.

Horse jumping in pencil: step 6.

Horse jumping in pencil.

How to draw a horse's face beautifully step by step? How to draw a horse's mane beautifully step by step?

  1. To make the horse's head beautiful and proportional, it is advisable to carefully study all the initial sketch lines and try to reproduce them.
  2. Immediately after this we outline the areas where the horse’s eyes and mouth will be, as well as the ears.
  3. Let's detail the indicated places on the horse's head. We focus on the inside of the ears. Let's follow the pattern.
  4. Let's make the drawing three-dimensional - get rid of the original auxiliary lines.
  5. Add bangs to the picture. By the way, you can carefully draw only one eye of the animal, and the second can be covered with bangs falling over it.
  6. To make the mane beautifully developing, you need to add several lines of the neck and back to the head drawing.
  7. Now let's start drawing long hair manes and slightly shorter bangs.
  8. Use additional thick lines to add thickness to the mane. Try to make it natural and naturally developing.

Horse head and mane: steps 1-2.

Horse head and mane: step 3.

Horse head and mane: step 4.

Horse head and mane: step 5.

Horse head and mane: step 6.

Horse head and mane: step 7.

Head and mane of a horse.

How to draw a horse with a pencil?

Today we will learn draw a horse with a pencil. Horses are ancient helpers and companions of humanity, since ancient times helping people in work, battles and rest. By its nature, a horse is a kind and peaceful animal, the image of which is often depicted in cartoons. With the help of my step-by-step lesson, you can draw a horse easy and not forced.

Tools and materials:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. Eraser.
  3. A simple pencil.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. Using a simple pencil, draw an oval, which will later serve as the basis for the horse’s body:

Photo 2. A little higher on the right we will draw a circle that will be half the size of the oval. The circle will serve as the basis for the animal's head:

Photo 3. Using winding lines we connect the circle and the oval. Thus, let’s draw the horse’s neck:

Photo 4. Now let’s draw the muzzle, which will be slightly to the right, with a rounded end:

Photo 5. Let's add two small pointed ears on the top of the head, looking in different directions:

Photo 6. Use an eraser to delete the circle that was drawn earlier during construction. It won't be needed anymore. Next, draw the animal’s face: eyes, nostrils and mouth:

Photo 7. From the top of the head we will draw a part of the mane that will fall onto the horse’s muzzle. Make the lines slightly wavy and of different lengths:

Photo 8. Now let's add the mane. The hair will be pulled slightly to the side (to the left), as if it were blowing in the wind:

Photo 10. Let's draw the horse's two front legs. Left leg will be bent and supported by weight, and emphasis is placed on the right leg:

Photo 11. Now let's add the hind legs. Parallel to the front, one of the legs will be raised, in this case the right one. The hind legs, in relation to the front legs, will look more massive:

Photo 12. Using an eraser, we erase the oval that was the basis of the body. On the back of the animal we will draw a long tail, and at the bottom of the legs – hooves:

Photo 13. Let's sketch it completely with a simple pencil eyes and nostrils:

Photo 14. Let's draw a shadow on the horse's face and neck, and also add a falling shadow from the mane:

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


A horse is a very beautiful animal. Artists know how difficult it is to convey all the grace of this stunning, majestic creature on paper. If you are learning the art of painting, you should know how to draw a horse with a pencil step by step. By learning some tricks and tricks, you can easily do this. There are several main nuances in the image of a horse, which you can learn about below.

Step-by-step master classes on drawing a horse

It’s worth saying right away that this task is not an easy one. You can watch lessons on how to learn to draw with a pencil step by step for beginners. The easiest way is to depict the animal schematically. First you should draw geometric shapes that resemble the outlines of a horse, and then pay attention to the small details. If you do everything correctly, the horse will turn out very realistic.

In order to make a beautiful drawing of a horse, you will need:

  • simple pencils: take several options of varying degrees of softness, because thanks to them it will be easier for you to create shadows in the picture4
  • in addition, you will need regular white sheets of paper;
  • Also stock up on a good eraser that will gently and completely erase unnecessary strokes; buying one today is not a problem.

How to draw a head and face correctly

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. If you don't know how to draw a horse's head, then start with the outlines. Draw three circles. The largest is on top, the middle one is below, and the smallest is at the very bottom. Move the small one a little to the left.
  2. Connect the circles with a common outline of the muzzle. Don't press too hard because they may need to be adjusted later. In the largest circle, draw a circle, which will then be the eye.
  3. Place two triangles on the top of the head, which will be the ears. Place the nostrils on your nose. Mark the line of the lips. Mark the horse's neck. You can erase the circles that you drew first.
  4. Start working on the bridle. First, place a ring with a leash near the edge of your lips.
  5. At this stage draw the details of the head. Add the mane. Beautifully paint the eyes, ears and nostrils, give them shape.
  6. Draw the remaining parts of the bridle. You're almost done.
  7. To make the picture natural, add shadows with a soft pencil.

How to draw an eye beautifully

Instructions for the side view image:

  1. Draw a circle. Divide it into four sectors with oblique lines. Add another horizontal line at the top. Draw two vertical guides, thereby dividing the eye into four equal parts.
  2. In the lower sectors, mark an oval, but not ideal, but reminiscent of a lemon.
  3. Draw the upper and lower eyelids.
  4. Add straight, thick eyelashes on top.
  5. Draw a dark pupil. It will be located under the eyelashes and partly hidden.
  6. Add shadows and highlight the shine of the eyelashes.

Instructions for drawing from the front view:

  1. Draw a vertical oval and place guides as indicated in the diagram.
  2. Draw the eyelids and eyeball along the lines.
  3. Add eyelashes on top.
  4. Label the pupil. Add shadows and highlight the eye.

How to make a running horse

Instructions for those who don’t know how to draw a horse in motion:

  1. Using a hard pencil, outline the outline of the animal on a piece of paper. First draw an oval of the body, then draw a pear-shaped head. Connect them with a wide neck. Draw two straight lines. Once you're happy with the light outlines, add detail with small strokes.
  2. Mark the position of the legs and tail. Do this with slightly curved lines, this will make it easier for you to depict the horse running. Make sure your legs are proportional to each other and the rest of your body.
  3. Start drawing the muzzle. In the outline, draw a large circle on top and a small one on the bottom. In the center of the top mark the eye. In the small one, draw the lips and nostrils. Add ears at the top.
  4. Draw the hind legs along the contours, and then the front ones. They should taper slightly at the bottom. Add hooves to the horse.
  5. Start drawing the mane and tail. This is best done with a soft pencil. The mane should flutter. Depict this with light wavy strokes. Draw the tail in the same way. The pile in it should be longer than the mane.
  6. Erase the extra contours and put shadows on the body. Some areas of the neck, legs, and mane should be drawn darker. Select the base of the tail. You know how to draw a running horse with a pencil step by step.

How to draw a horse in a jump


  1. First draw the outlines of the head and torso. The first should be round, and the second oval.
  2. Start outlining the first outline. Make an elongated muzzle, draw an ear on top and work on the animal’s neck.
  3. Draw the muzzle with thin lines. Mark the lines of the eye, cheek and jaw, draw the nostrils. Mark the eyelid.
  4. The next stage will be the most difficult. You will have to detail the torso itself, draw the muscles. Work slowly, do each detail with small strokes to make the drawing three-dimensional. When the torso is ready, move on to the legs. Be careful when drawing the underside and hooves. Once the main outlines are outlined, draw the muscles.
  5. Work your back legs.
  6. Give the horse in your drawing a gorgeous flowing mane and tail. Erase all the contours; you won't need them anymore. Add shadows. Now you know how to draw a horse that jumps step by step.

How to draw a horse for a child

It is difficult to do step-by-step pencil drawings even for an adult, and it is generally difficult for children. Therefore, you can draw a simple beautiful horse on paper, and entrust the child with coloring the animal in different colors. Joint creativity always brings adults and children very close. Drawing is good for development fine motor skills, so do it more often with your kids.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a horse:

  1. First draw a large even circle, which will then be the head. Divide it in two with a vertical line. A little lower on the right, outline the oval outline of the body. Connect the leading figures with a smooth line.
  2. Draw a large circle, make a slightly oblong muzzle, and place ears on top.
  3. Place two oval eyes and nostrils symmetrically. Draw a curl of the mane on top and a few curls above the head.
  4. Draw the body of the horse.
  5. At the bottom, draw four cone-shaped legs. Add a bushy tail.
  6. Add a few more mane curls to the left and right.
  7. Draw pupils in the eyes and design the hooves.
  8. Erase the contour lines along which you started working. If you want your child to decorate the horse, outline it with a black felt-tip pen. Let your baby make it brown with white spots. Recommend painting his mane, hooves and tail black.