Lying on your back, arms extended. Crunches while lying on the floor. What is the essence of the technique?

We all love fairy tales since childhood. The belief in miracles does not leave us even from the transition to adulthood. On the contrary, it is strengthening. And sometimes in the most unrealistic areas. The dream of “not straining, but losing weight” is familiar to almost every second person on Earth. After all, I want a noble figure, but I absolutely don’t want to strain myself. It would seem unrealistic.

But the Japanese are also dream come trues. And one of them made it a reality fast burning fat without much effort. So a special one was created Japanese gymnastics with a back cushion. To carry it out, you need to have a towel and 5 minutes of free time. Hard to believe? Let's see.

Theoretical justification of the method

Japanese scientist Fukutsuji devoted more than 10 years to research and experiments on this topic. The result was issued in the form of a book with a huge circulation and lightning-fast sales speed. In total, about 6 million copies were released, half of which were sold out by Japanese compatriots, the rest by residents of Asia. And absolutely everything, after reading and applying the technique on yourself, doing Japanese exercise for the back with a towel roll, making sure it worked.

What is the essence of the technique?

Fukutsuji, having carried out a huge number of experiments, came to the unequivocal conclusion that the entire fault of a wide waist lies in the incorrect placement of the hypochondrium and pelvic bones. And to correct errors just it is necessary to return the bones to their original position intended by nature.

In this way, we will gradually get closer to the ideal figure: narrow waist, straightened shoulders, correct posture and tall height.

To get all these results, you need to lie on a rolled up towel for five minutes every day. The point is stretching the body in the hypochondrium.

The effect produced by the exercise depends on the location of the towel roll:

  • — place the device exactly under it.
  • For narrow waist– to the area where the ribs originate.

“Stretching is great. But what about fat?- you ask. The fact is that this method helps the body produce as little white fat as possible and as much brown fat as possible. What are the differences? White fat cells, surrounded by cytoplasm, are huge and clumsy, very difficult to oxidize.

Brown ones are small in size and contain a large number of mitochondria for their high-quality oxidation and thus for better processing into energy. They contain more connections with the capillaries of the body, thereby providing themselves with the oxygen necessary for high-quality fat burning. Thus, white fat cells are deposited and accumulate in the body, and brown fat cells regularly leave it.

This is interesting! By the way, it is possible to check whether your hip bones are in the correct position. To do this, you need to lie down and relax your body. And an observer from the outside should compare the positions of your legs. If there is something wrong with at least one of them (it is turned around, directed in the wrong direction), then your pelvis is not closed and the exercise lying on your back with a roller is mandatory.

How much time a day should you spend on the technique?

For some it is difficult to start with a seemingly small time like five minutes. But the whole point is that when correct technique performance, the bones will begin to move in the right direction already during the first lesson. And the sensations can be both unpleasant and even painful. There is no need to lie down and endure. It’s better to start small and gradually move towards the coveted number five.

Lying down for more than the prescribed time also has no particular benefit. The process will not go faster, but the body may not have time to recover by the next session.

Note! You shouldn’t expect stunningly quick results from this type of fitness. They can only be a pleasant exception. More often, the first changes can be noticed after 2 weeks of regular exercise.

Execution technique (video)

Such a roller you can do it yourself. How to make it? To do this, you need to roll up a towel and tie it with threads in several places. The diameter of the device can be very different: depending on your height, weight, preferences and convenience. You can also use a foam roller or Pilates roller.

To achieve results in a certain area of ​​the body, the appropriate position of the roller is necessary. To get rid of the belly - in the lumbar region, for the chest - strictly under the chest.

  1. Lie on a horizontal surface and place the cushion under your lower back, positioning it exactly at the level of your navel. The position will not be the most comfortable, but it will be effective.
  2. The legs are positioned shoulder-width apart, while their thumbs must touch each other. This means that when performing the exercise, the feet should be brought together a little, while the heels, on the contrary, should move away from each other. The more difficult the pose becomes, the more it works.
  3. We straighten our arms and place them behind our heads, palms down, touching each other with our little fingers. At first, an uncomfortable position will later become pleasant for real pleasure and relaxation. The basis of the entire exercise is relaxation. Need to learn relax even in the most uncomfortable position.
  4. Having completed all the instructions, you need to be in this position for all 5 minutes. If the start date is unrealistic, start with 30 seconds, gradually bringing the result to the desired amount of time.

The technique is discussed in more detail in the video in the popular show:

Or a more homemade option:

Useful properties and positive aspects

The method itself is static load, which helps improve posture and remove tightness in some areas of the body, influence the production of brown fat and thereby reduce your weight. The results have been confirmed by many doctors who regularly use this method.

But in addition to the above effects, this exercise also has other positive effects:

  • Minimum requirements for the place of execution- a nook where you fit in full height, but always horizontal;
  • Minimum budget costs– every average family has a towel and threads;
  • No harm to health if you follow the instructions carefully. Diets and fasting do much more harm;
  • Strengthening the whole body as a whole, since from correct position bones and all processes in the body begin to proceed correctly;
  • Beauty from within. They say about a person that he glows from within. This is the same case. Correct posture, straightened shoulders, and a chiseled figure greatly improve self-esteem. This, in turn, is reflected in the appearance and absolutely cannot escape the gaze of others.

Contraindications for implementation

Greater caution should be exercised by people who:

  • There are problems with the joints - hip or any other;
  • Various protrusions;
  • Various types of scoliosis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Intervertebral hernia.

If you have at least one of these diagnoses, then before using the exercise it is advisable Contact your doctor and get permission. A seemingly harmless exercise, in inept hands, may not only not help, but also aggravate problems. Be careful and don't hurt yourself even more than before.

Carefully! If, having any deviation in the back or joints, you still decide to try it, carefully monitor the technique and general well-being in general. In case of any unnecessary pain or ailments, it is better to stop the implementation. And in such cases, you need to start performing it strictly with a minimum time of 30 seconds!

Important nuances and secrets of the technique

Important points to focus on:

  • The rolled up towel should be placed strictly under the navel.
  • The legs must lie at shoulder level and their big toes touch – this way the pelvic bones will find their natural position;
  • The arms are straight and behind the head, connecting with the little fingers - thereby stretching the hypochondrium;
  • For a pronounced effect, the horizontal surface for performing actions must be hard. A sofa or bed is not suitable. Implement either on the floor or on a special couch;
  • To ensure that the feet are positioned as needed, they can be connected with an elastic band;
  • The method does not tolerate inconstancy. You need to do the exercise strictly every day without reducing the load. You shouldn't miss it. Everyone can find five minutes of extra time for health benefits, as long as they set their priorities correctly.
  • If you do not place the cushion under your back, but place it on your hips and roll on it, that is, the opportunity to increase blood circulation, thereby promoting fat burning and;
  • For any sedentary work, people have problems with the cervical region, giving rise to even greater deviations (headaches, migraines, increased hair loss). To get rid of these ailments, you can use the so-called “widow’s hill.” Place 2 tennis balls in the sock and tie with thread in the middle between them. Place your neck exactly in this notch and try to relax. You will receive the first improvements within a week of regular implementation.

The Fukutsuji method is not a magic pill that, if swallowed, everything will immediately improve. right places. The results are not lightning fast, as in any other activity. But with only one difference - without special effort and weights, without loading yourself to the limit.

When using magical actions, leave room for realism. Get rid of a lot of overweight This exercise alone is difficult. But regular classes will completely contribute to increasing the health and elasticity of the body, the main thing is to be able to wait. Two weeks - month, maybe more. Everyone's body is different. The main thing is that they will come. The main thing is to show persistence and willpower.

see also

  1. used to relieve back pain.
  2. will help with lower back pain.
  3. find out here.
  4. showed high efficiency.
  5. To strengthen the back muscles you can use

Ecology of health: We offer you a set of very light exercises that can be performed while lying on your back. Its main advantage is that each exercise allows you to stretch the muscles of those parts of the body that are difficult to relax in a normal position. The complex can be used for light stretching and relaxation.

Back exercises

We offer you a set of very easy exercises that can be performed while lying on your back. Its main advantage is that each exercise allows you to stretch the muscles of those parts of the body that are difficult to relax in a normal position. The complex can be used for light stretching and relaxation.

Back exercises #1

Bend your knees, touch the soles of your feet and relax. This pleasant position stretches the groin muscles. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds. Let gravity stretch this area of ​​your body naturally. For greater comfort, you can place a small pillow under your head.

Back exercise option No. 1

Without changing your position, gently swing your legs from side to side 10-12 times. In this case, the legs should act as one part of the body (indicated by a dotted line). Movements are performed easily and smoothly, with an amplitude of no more than 2-3 cm in each direction. The movement should start from the hips.
The exercise develops flexibility in the groin and hips.

Back exercises No. 2

Stretching the lower back, upper and side thighs

Bring your knees together so that your relaxed feet are parallel to the floor. Pressing your elbows to the floor, clasp your fingers at the back of your head (Fig. 1). Now throw it over left leg through the right (Fig. 2). In this position, use your left leg to push your right leg towards the floor (Fig. 3) until you feel a moderate tension along the outer thigh or lower back. Relax.

Keep your upper back, back of your head, shoulders and elbows on the floor. The stretch lasts 10-20 seconds. Your task is not to press your knee to the floor, but only to stretch the muscles within your capabilities. Repeat the exercise on the other side, crossing your right leg over your left and pushing it to the right. Begin the movement with an exhalation and, while holding the stretch, breathe rhythmically.

Don't hold your breath.
Breathe rhythmically.

If you have sciatic nerve problems in the lower back, this exercise may provide relief. But be careful. Give your body only such a load that brings pleasant sensations. Never stretch to the point of pain.

Back exercises #3

Pressing your right leg with your left, try to pull your right leg towards your body. This way you contract the thigh muscles (Fig. 1). Hold the tension for 5 seconds, then relax and repeat the previous stretch (Fig. 2). This way of doing the exercise is especially useful for people with stiff muscles.

Back exercises No. 4

To relieve tension in the neck area

Lying down can stretch your upper spine and neck. Interlace your fingers behind your head at approximately ear level. Begin to slowly pull your head up until you feel a slight stretch in the neck. Hold the stretch for 3-5 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position. Do the exercise 3-4 times to gradually release tension in the upper spine and neck. Relax your lower jaw (there should be a small gap between your molars) and breathe rhythmically.

Back exercises No. 5

Stretching using the PNS method: contraction - relaxation - stretching.

Lying down with your knees bent, clasp your fingers behind your head (not on your neck). Before you stretch back neck, smoothly lift your head up and forward from the floor. Then begin to press your head down toward the floor, but use your arms to counteract this movement. Hold this static reduction 3-4 seconds. Relax for 1-2 seconds, then begin to smoothly pull your head forward with your arms (as in the previous exercise) so that your chin moves towards your navel until you feel a light, pleasant stretch. Hold the position for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.

Smoothly pull your head and chin towards your left knee. Hold the position for 3-5 seconds. Relax and lower your head to the floor, then pull it towards your right knee. Repeat 2-3 times.

Keeping your head in a relaxed position on the floor, turn your chin toward your shoulder. Rotate your chin just enough to feel a slight stretch in the side of your neck. Hold the position for 3-5 seconds, then stretch to the other side. Repeat 2-3 times. The lower jaw should be relaxed and breathing should be even.

Back exercises #6

Reduction of the shoulder blades

Interlace your fingers behind your head and squeeze your shoulder blades together to create tension in your upper back (your chest should move up as you perform the movement). Hold the position for 4-5 seconds, then relax and smoothly pull your head forward. This will also reduce tension in the neck area. Try tensing your neck and shoulders, then relax and begin stretching the back of your neck. This will help you relax your neck muscles and turn your head without straining. Repeat 3-4 times.

Back exercises No. 7

Straightening the lower back

To relieve tension in your lower back, tighten your buttock muscles and at the same time tighten your abdominal muscles to straighten your lower back. Hold the tension for 5-8 seconds, then relax. Repeat 2-3 times. Concentrate on keeping the muscles contracted. This pelvic girdle rocking exercise strengthens the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen and helps maintain correct posture in a sitting and standing position.

Back exercises No. 8

Reduction of the shoulder blades and tension of the gluteal muscles.

At the same time, bring your shoulder blades together, straighten your lower back and tense gluteal muscles. Hold the tension for 5 seconds, then relax and pull your head up to stretch the back of your neck and upper back. Repeat 3-4 times and appreciate the pleasure.

Now extend one arm behind your head (palm up) and the other along your body (palm down). Stretch in both directions at the same time to stretch your shoulders and back. Hold the stretch for 6-8 seconds. Perform the exercise on both sides at least twice. The lower back should be straight and relaxed. Keep your lower jaw relaxed too.

Back exercises No. 9

Pulling exercises

Stretch your arms behind your head and straighten your legs. Now stretch your arms and legs in both directions as far as is comfortable for you. Hold the stretch for 5 seconds, then relax.

Now stretch diagonally. As you extend your right arm, simultaneously stretch the toe of your left foot. Stretch as far as you feel comfortable. Hold the position for 5 seconds, then relax. Stretch your left arm and right leg in the same way. Hold each stretch for at least 5 seconds, then relax.

Now stretch again with both arms and legs at once. Hold the stretch for 5 seconds, then relax. This good exercise for muscles chest, abdomen, spine, shoulders, arms, ankles and feet.

You can also complement the stretching by drawing in your abdomen. This will help you feel slimmer and at the same time be a good workout for your internal organs.

Performing stretching exercises three times reduces muscle tension, helping to relax the spine and the whole body. These stretches help to quickly reduce overall body tension. It is useful to practice them before bed.

Back exercises #10

Leg grip

With both hands, grab your right leg under the knee and pull it towards your chest. When performing this exercise, relax your neck and place your head on the floor or on a small pillow. Hold a gentle stretch for 10>30 seconds. Repeat the same movement with your left leg. The lower back should be straight at all times. If you don't feel tension in your muscles, don't be discouraged. The main thing is that you enjoy it. This is a very good exercise for the legs, feet and back.

Back exercise option No. 10

Pull your knee toward your chest, then pull your knee and entire leg toward your opposite shoulder to stretch outer part right thigh. Hold the gentle stretch for 10-20 seconds. Repeat the same movement with the other leg.

Another option for back exercise No. 10

While lying down, gently pull your right knee towards outside right shoulder. Your hands should clasp the back of your leg just above the knee. Hold the stretch for 10-20 seconds. Breathe deeply and rhythmically.
Repeat the same movement with your left leg.

After alternately pulling your legs to your chest, pull both legs at once. This time, concentrate on keeping your head on the floor, then pull it towards your knees.

Lying on the floor, pull your knees towards your chest. Wrap your hands around your shins just below your knees. To stretch inner part thighs and groin area, slowly spread your legs out to the sides and down with your hands until you feel a slight stretch. Hold the position for 10 seconds. The head can rest on the floor or on a small pillow, or it can be lifted off the floor to direct the gaze between the legs.

Stretch your legs and arms again. Stretch and then relax.

Back exercises No. 11

Stretching the lower back and outer pelvis

Bend your left leg at the knee at an angle of 90°, and then right hand pull it up and throw it over the right one, as shown in the picture above. Turn your head and look at the palm of your left hand, extended perpendicular to your body (do not lift your head from the floor). Then, using your right hand on top of your left thigh (just above the knee), pull your bent (left) leg toward the floor until you feel a slight stretch in your lower back and outer thigh. Feet and ankle joints should be relaxed and your shoulder blades pressed to the floor. Hold a gentle stretch for 15-20 seconds on each leg.

To increase the stretch in the buttocks, grab your right leg from below the knee. Slowly pull your right knee toward your opposite shoulder until you feel a moderate stretch. Shoulders should be pressed to the floor. Hold for 15-20 seconds. Repeat the same movement with your left leg.

Back exercises #12

Back stretch

Take a position lying on your stomach, resting your elbows on the floor. In this position, you should feel moderate tension in your lower back and mid-back. Press your hips to the floor. Hold the position for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.

To complete a set of back stretching exercises, it is best to take the fetal position. Turn to your side, pull up bent legs to your chest and place your hands under your head. Relax.


It is best to relax your back muscles by performing exercises in the specified order.

Learn to listen to your body. If a movement causes tension or pain, your body is trying to tell you that you have done it wrong or that there is a physical problem. In this case, you should gradually reduce the stretching until you feel comfortable. published . If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project .

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Back pain is one of the most common problems in modern medicine. Doctors such as neurologists, orthopedists, and traumatologists often hear from their patients complaints of discomfort, chest pain, etc. Back pain when lying on your back can signal the development of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system or internal organs. In this case, you need to get diagnosed and start treatment as quickly as possible. But often such a symptom occurs due to common physiological or everyday factors. If you eliminate them or at least reduce the degree of their pathological influence, back pain will go away on its own.

The most common conditionally benign causes of back pain

So, there are 2 main types of factors that contribute to the occurrence of back pain: supine position. The first type, which is also the most common, consists of different options for negative effects on bones, joints, and muscles:

If in a particular case the above factors are absent, or after eliminating them the back pain does not go away, you should consult a doctor.

Pathological causes of pain when lying on your back

The back can hurt when lying down for various reasons. Sometimes pain radiates to the lower back due to pathologies of internal organs, in other cases it is directly in the spine itself or the tissues surrounding it. The most common pathological causes of back pain at night are:

  • Diseases of the kidneys or urinary system. Lying on your back makes it most difficult for the kidneys to do their job;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system - vertebral hernia, osteomyelitis, damage to the muscular system in the back. Spinal injuries, fractures in the pelvis, sacrum;
  • Diseases of organs located in the pelvic area or abdominal cavity– pathologies of the internal genital organs, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, abdominal aortic aneurysm, gastric ulcer, gastritis;
  • Diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system, lungs.

Some patients are interested in why their back hurts at night. It is impossible to answer this question precisely, however, there are several factors that can explain such symptoms. Firstly, your back doesn’t hurt during the day because it doesn’t hurt internal organs. Some diseases manifest themselves at night, for example, gastritis. Secondly, if the muscles are tense during the day, then they may not hurt, but during the period of relaxation, just the opposite. Well, during pregnancy, the uterus puts pressure on the back the most when the woman is lying on her back.

How to determine its cause based on the nature and location of pain

By listening to your body, you can try to determine the most likely cause of the occurrence. pain syndrome. The nature of the sensation (pain) and the likely problem:

  1. Aching is a disease of the urinary system or muscle strain.
  2. Point – arthrosis or rheumatism.
  3. Strong, sharp, sharp, shooting – oncological or infectious-inflammatory diseases of internal organs. And if the pain is felt in the bone, it means a bruise, a fracture in a certain area of ​​the musculoskeletal system.
  4. Cramping, pulling, pressing - most likely the cause is pregnancy.

Depending on the location of the unpleasant sensations, the following patterns of diseases can be determined:

  1. In the lumbar region - diseases of the genital organs or urinary system, injuries, fractures, muscle strains, unsuitable mattress.
  2. In the abdominal region - pathologies of the digestive system.
  3. IN thoracic region spine - possible diseases of cardio-vascular system, lungs.
  4. IN cervical spine spine – various bone deformities, diseases of the bone or joint tissue of the spine. Less commonly, intracranial pressure disorders.

In order to more accurately determine the cause of back pain, you need to first consult a therapist. And then, depending on the characteristics of the clinical picture, the doctor will refer the patient to a doctor of a more narrow specialization. You can, if possible, seek advice directly from a vertebrologist - a specialist in pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Methods for diagnosing and treating diseases that manifest as nighttime back pain

To begin with, the doctor will listen to complaints, conduct an external physical examination of the patient, Special attention focusing on the spine. The following diagnostic procedures may be prescribed:

  • To ensure the integrity of bones and joints - x-ray;
  • To diagnose the condition of the muscular system and internal organs - MRI, CT, ultrasound;
  • To identify possible infectious-inflammatory and oncological processes in the body - general clinical and/or biochemical blood and urine tests;
  • To exclude diseases of the cardiovascular system - ECG.

You may also need to consult such specialists as a neurologist (to exclude pinched nerves), gynecologist, urologist, gastroenterologist, or oncologist.

Treatment methods for back pain directly depend on the diagnosis made by the specialist. If it's all about musculoskeletal dysfunction, complex therapy will be required. The doctor may prescribe massage, swimming. As well as drug treatment - the prescription of anti-inflammatory, painkillers, and multivitamin medications. And medications to restore, maintain, and strengthen the health of the musculoskeletal system.

If back pain arose as a concomitant factor in pathologies of internal organs, etiological treatment will be aimed at eliminating the primary disease. Medicines will also be prescribed for symptomatic therapy and alleviation of the patient's condition.

Australian trainer Kayla Itsines has gained worldwide popularity by developing the Bikini Body Guide system. It allows you to acquire a wonderful physical fitness by using special diet And physical exercise. We'll share a few exercises from this fitness guru that will allow you to get ripped, ripped abs.

Dumbbell Crunch

Starting position: lying on your back, straight arms with dumbbells extended upward. Do a twist while simultaneously lifting your knees bent and your arms straight. Smoothly lower your arms and legs to the starting position.

Lying leg raises

Starting position: lying on your back, arms extended along the body. Raise your legs straight up. Try to reach your toes as high as possible so that your pelvis lifts off the floor with your legs.

Starting position: lying on your back, hands clasped behind your head. Bend your right leg and at the same time move your left elbow towards you so that it touches your knee. Immediately after this, perform the movement in the other direction (left leg - right elbow). The movements are performed one after another without stopping.

Starting position: lying on straight arms. Bend your left leg so that your knee is near the elbow of your right hand. Return to the starting position, then repeat the movement with the other leg.

Starting position: lying on straight arms. In one jumping motion, pull your legs towards your arms, and then spring back to the starting position.

Starting position: lying on your back with your hands behind your head. Raise your body, then touch your right hand to the floor near your left knee. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement in the opposite direction.

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent in front of the chest, palms touching each other. Do a normal squat, and then jump sharply up, trying to touch your knees to your elbows at the highest point. Land softly on your toes and squat down again without stopping.


Lying on your back with with outstretched legs, arch your neck and chest upward while taking a deep breath, holding the air in your lungs, and sway your back from side to side 2 times. Exhale forcefully due to contraction of the anterior wall of the abdomen.

Effect. Activates the circulation of energy and blood in the body. Strengthens the back muscles and activates hard-to-reach parts of the spine, reducing sclerotic phenomena in them. It has a warming effect on the muscles of the neck, back of the head, and upper back. Effective in the treatment of rheumatism, joints and flu. Promotes sweating.

Indications. The exercise is recommended for almost everyone, with the exception of those with a spinal injury.

Accurate execution of breathing elements.


Lying on your back, rest your heels and top part your back to the floor and, taking a breath, bend at the lower back. Holding the air as you inhale, swing your back from side to side 2-6 times, with each movement trying to get a little more air into your lungs.

Strong release and vigorous retraction of the abdomen.

Objective: remove as much air as possible from the lungs.

Effect. Gives good effect for diseases sciatic nerve. Relieves back pain. Helps with rheumatism of the joints. Has a warming and stimulating effect on lumbar region, buttocks, back of legs. Exercise can cause you to sweat.

Indications. The exercise is not difficult and is recommended for almost everyone (with the exception of those with a spinal injury).

Features of the exercise. The exercise is designed to ensure strict adherence to breathing instructions: take a deep breath, hold on the inhale, vigorously exhale through the front wall of the abdomen and upward movement of the diaphragm, a slight hold on the exhale.


Procedure for performing the exercise. Lying on your back, rest your head, elbows and heels on the floor, take a deep breath and lift your body, arching your stomach and chest. Hold your breath and swing your body from side to side 2-6 times. Exhale deeply using the front wall of the abdomen. Keeping the abdominal wall tucked in while exhaling.

Effect. Inhibits sclerotic processes in the body. Relieves or significantly reduces pain in the neck, back, lower limbs. Corrects stoop and strengthens back muscles.

Indications. The exercise is not difficult to perform and is easy to control in movements. There are no restrictions on indications.

Features of the exercise. As much as a deep and complete inhalation is recommended, a strong exhalation using the front wall of the abdomen is desirable.


Execution order exercises. Lie on your back and place your palms under your buttocks. Pull your feet towards your buttocks, bending your knees to do this. Take a deep breath and hold your breath, while simultaneously spreading your knees to the sides as far as possible. Hold them in this state for 1-2 seconds, while inhaling deeply. After swinging your knees to the floor in one direction and the other 2-6 times, exhale the air strongly, while helping by pressing your knees to your chest, and then place your feet on the floor.

Effect. Activates blood flow and movement of energy to the most remote areas of the liver, spleen, stomach, intestines, female genital organs, and perineum. Eliminates back pain. Activates the activity of the abdominal organs.


Lying on your back, spread your legs 40-50 cm, bend your knees and lift your pelvis from the floor. As you inhale, holding the air in your lungs, bend your knees inward towards the floor 2 times alternately, trying to touch the floor. Exhale completely, hold on exhalation.

Effect. In addition to the main one, this exercise has a positive effect on the bladder and reduces the need to urinate at night.

Indications. The exercise is easy to perform and easy to control muscle tension. There are no restrictions on indications.

Features of the exercise. Pay attention to exhaling with your knees pressed to your chest.


Procedure for performing the exercise. Lying on your back, stretch your legs and place your arms along your body. As you inhale, raise your legs and bring them behind your head and touch your toes to the floor as far behind your head as possible. Hold your breath, support yourself with your arms bent at the elbows in the lumbar region and rock from side to side 2-6 times. Exhale completely. Maintain tension in the anterior abdominal wall.

Effect. The exercise actively massages the internal organs. Increases blood flow and energy to the head. Regulates and stimulates the functioning of the endocrine glands, especially the thyroid gland. Helps activate blood circulation in the neck area. Creates blood flow for hemorrhoids. Tones the entire body.

Indications. Contraindicated for those with high blood pressure. Indicated for those with low blood pressure.

Features of the exercise. Requires strict control over the condition of lowered legs, neck, tension in the abdomen, and knees. Never rush to achieve the final phase of the exercise: go to it slowly and persistently, never allowing severe pain in either the legs or the pelvic area, neither in the stomach, nor in the neck.