Kyushu basho: Yokozuna Hakuho has won the Emperor's Cup, and the sumo scandals continue. Great Sumo Champion Harumafuji Renounced His Title After Beating Another Wrestler Beating with a Karaoke Tablet

It is impossible to look at the appearance of the sumoites and think that these are fat, small and clumsy Japanese guys.

These are really fat guys, but by no means small and clumsy, but big, powerful, very agile, flexible and with an excellent reaction. Many of them even sit on the twine and make a bridge.

But let's start a story about this magnificent fight from afar.

The exact date of the emergence of sumo is unknown. But traditions are many hundreds of years old. And they remain practically unchanged. This struggle is a whole philosophy or, if you like, a religion. Those athletes who dare to connect their lives with sumo remain in it forever.

And not everyone will be taken there. It must be earned.

Sumo schools have very strict discipline and hierarchy. The wrestlers get up very early and train for five hours. Then they rest and eat a lot. During the day, they must eat at least a kilogram of chanka (the traditional food of sumo wrestlers), which is prepared according to its own recipe in each school. But it always includes several types of meat and seafood. Beer is not neglected either. All this is done in order to gain weight and gain fat. Fat protects wrestlers from serious injuries; both when falling, and even more so from dohyo (this is a sumo ring, up to 60 centimeters high), and when colliding with an opponent. A special hairstyle on the head serves the same purpose.

Fighters of a higher rank are served by fighters of a lower rank.

Sumo has six hierarchical categories: Zenokuchi is the sixth, starting category; then comes the fifth, Junidan; the fourth is Sandamme; the third is Makushita.

The first two must be given Special attention... This is the elite of sumo. It includes only seventy wrestlers. And this figure does not change. If a wrestler has not confirmed his skill at the next tournament, and has not confirmed his right to stay in his own or start performing in a higher league, then he will be demoted.

In the first category, 42 wrestlers (rikishi) compete against Makuuchi. Here they have their titles.

The highest level is occupied by the Great Champions (yokodzuna).

The third step, the same sekivake. This title can only be worn by two wrestlers.

And also two wrestlers can occupy the fourth step-komusubi.

All other steps are maegasira titles. They are worn by the rest of the rikishi. Numerical values ​​are assigned here. Starting from the first maegasira of the east and west, and ending with the 16th maegasira of the west.

The title of yokodzuna is awarded for life. All others must be confirmed at every tournament held six times a year. And depending on the result, the wrestlers are demoted or raised in rank (bandzuke). The fight is fought for the emperor's cup.

All wrestlers are paid and are very popular in Japan.

I would like to pay special attention to the Great Champions. Although sumo is many hundreds of years old, the historical record goes back to the beginning of the Edo period, roughly from the late 17th to early 18th centuries.

The first yokozuna is called Akashi Shiganosuke. He is considered a legendary person. But practically nothing is known about him.

The second was Ayakawa Gorodji. Only the year of his birth is known - 1704.

More detailed Ykojun list you can

To date, only 71 rikishi have been awarded the title of yokodzuna (and this is more than 300 years). Until now, three are taking part in the tournaments:

69 The great champion is Hakuko Syo, who won the Emperor's Cup 32 times. Height 192 cm, weight 155 kg.

70 Great champion - Haramafudzi, who took the cup 6 times. Height 186 centimeters, weight 133 kg.

71 Great champion - Kakuryu, who has won 1 time so far. Height 186, weight 151 kg.

Nowadays, this struggle is gaining more and more popularity outside of Japan. For example, all three reigning Great Champions are natives of Mongolia.

And the Europeans left their mark on the dohyo. Moreover, in major league.

This is a Czech, outwardly not similar to the sumo wrestler Pavel Boyar (wrestling pseudonym Takanoyama), size-187 cm., In-98 kg ..

Estonian Kaido Xeuvelson(Baruto) r.-198 cm., H.-189 kg., And the Bulgarian Kaloyan Stefanov Maklyanov (Kotoosyu) r.-203 cm., H.-150 kg., Reached the high rank of ozeki. But, unfortunately, they have already retired. And Kotoosyu even once won the highest award - the Emperor's Cup. Most of the Great Champions can boast of such achievements.

Two Georgians reached, and may well be achieved, great heights in this struggle: Teimuraz Dzhugeli (Gagamaru), r. -185 cm, height -200 kg., And Levan Gorgadze (Totinosin) R.-191 cm., V.-159 kg ..

Not so long ago, the Russian wrestler Alan Gabaraev (Aran), born-187 cm, height - 152 kg, left his career as a rikishi.

The Russian rikishi Nikolay Ivanov (Amur), river-192 cm, height-130 kg, continues to climb to the top of the hierarchy.

By the way, the first record holder in terms of the number of victories in tournaments for the Emperor's Cup is Taiho Koki (Ivan Markinyanovich Baryshko) R.-187 cm, weight-153 kg. (Years of life 1940-2013). He was 48 yokozuna and won the cup 32 times. His father, as you understand, was a Russian citizen, and his mother was Japanese.

Very interesting, colorful and spectacular are the wrestlers' exits to dohyo.

Especially the Great Champions.

All these are age-old traditions of the Japanese people. They love and respect sumo wrestlers very much.

In the November 2014 tournament, Yokozuna Hakuko won the Emperor's Cup with 14 victories in 15 bouts, his 32nd cup, and equaling the victories of the great Taiho Koki.

The Russian wrestler Amur made his debut in the top division at this tournament, but unfortunately did not win enough victories to stay in it. In January, at the next tournament, he will fight in Dzyuryo, in the rank of the first wrestler. good result, in March will again perform in the highest motto Makuuchi.

The first tournament in 2015 won the Yokozuna Haku-ko. He did not suffer a single defeat. This is his 33rd victory and new record in sumo.

At the March tournament , again the Great Champion Haku-ko took the lead. He won 14 victories and 34 times won the Emperor's Cup.

Cupid returned to “Makuti” and won 7 fights and will continue to fight in the top division in May.

In May, the emperor's cup , won sekivake Terunofuji, winning 12 fights.

This young wrestler is originally from Mongolia. At the last tournament, he won 13 victories in 15 fights. Considering these achievements, the board of directors of the Japan Sumo Association awarded the title of ozeki to the wrestler.

The 69th and 70th Great Champions won 11 victories each. The 71st champion did not participate in the tournament due to a left shoulder injury.

Russian sumotori Amur, won 9 victories, and a little entrenched in the highest motto of Makuuchi.

July tournament 2015 won the Great Champion Haku-ko. This is his 35th cup. Indeed, we are witnessing the rise of a great sumo wrestler. His record is unlikely to be broken in the coming decades. In this tournament, he won 14 victories and suffered 1 defeat.

70 The great champion Haramafudzi was forced to withdraw from the tournament as he injured his recently operated elbow.

71 champions Kakuryu, won 13 victories.

Russian sumotorium Cupid, won 8 fights, and will be promoted.

September tournament missed Haramafuji due to elbow injury. Hakuko withdrew from the tournament on the third day, after two defeats to the maegasira privates. Therefore, the 71 great champions Kakuryu had a better chance of winning the Emperor's Cup. And he took advantage of it. Although with difficulty.

Our wrestler Cupid, so far, is going steadily. He won 8 wins out of 15 possible. This is a good result and

He will be promoted.

The last November tournament of this year has come to an end. He won it by 70 Yokozuna Haramafuji.

Our wrestler Amur won 4 victories. He will be heavily demoted but will remain in the Major Leagues.

First in 2016, January tournament was not devoid of entertainment and intrigue, which lasted until the last day of the tournament.69 the great champion at first did not leave doubts about his victory. But in the last days something happened to him and he suffered 2 incomprehensible defeats, and one was earlier.

As a result, the cup was won by Ozeki Kotosegiku. Over the past 10 years, the Japanese have won the cup again. This is his first victory in the tournament (14 wins, 1 loss).

The first and so far the only Russian rikishi Amur won 7 victories and suffered 8 defeats. He will be demoted but will remain in the Major Leagues.

In March, the Emperor's Cup was won by Haku-ko. He did not behave very well in the tournament, in the sense of the discipline befitting a great champion. But this is his 36th victory. Cupid scored 7 victories, and will again be slightly demoted.

May 2016. The 69th great champion won the Emperor's Cup. He did not suffer a single defeat. Russian wrestler Amur was injured on the very first day of the competition. I missed 5 fights and went to dohyo. But the injury was serious and the sumo gods did not support our wrestler. He has won several victories, but they are not enough to stay in the Major Leagues. Unfortunately, Cupid is eliminated in the second elite juryo league. But let's hope that in July, he will prove himself and win a ticket back to makuti. Let's wish him good luck!

July 2016.70 great champion Haramafuji won 13 victories and won the Emperor's Cup 8 times. 71 Yokozuna Kakuryu withdrew from the tournament due to injury. Everyone hoped for the popedy of Ozaki Kisenasato, who at this tournament bore the unofficial title of "tsunatori", that is, a contender for the title of yokozuna. But after the treacherous "tatiakenko" (evasion from the fight), from his fellow tribesman Shohozan, the wrestler lost his temper and won only 12 victories. The unofficial status of "tsunatori" will be extended to him until the September tournament.

Our wrestler Amur won 9 victories and took the position of the 3rd wrestler of the West in dzyuryo.

September 2016. For the first time in the history of sumo, ozeki, who was in kadoban, won the Emperor's Cup and achieved the ideal result of zen-sho ("only victories"). Goeido became him, and if he wins the November tournament, he will receive the title of yokodzuna. Kisenasato lost the title of Tsunatori. Hakuko did not participate in the tournament. Yokodzuna Harumafudzi won twelve bouts, yokodzuna Kakuryu - ten.

Yokozuna Hakuho did not participate in the Autumn Tournament. On September 12, the 37-time Emperor's Cup winner underwent surgery. Surgeons removed from thumb the right leg of the White Phoenix is ​​a splinter of a bone broken in July in the city of Nagoya.Ozeki Kotosegiku came out of the kadoban, earning nine white balls.Sekivake Takayasu won ten victories.Sekivake Takarafudzi, komusubi Kaisei and Totiozan were unable to achieve katikoshi (predominance of victories in the basho). They will descend from sanyaku to hiramaku (become privates-maegasirs).The post of sekivake will rise in the new bandzuke (official ranking) Okinoumi.And in komusubi Mitakeumi and Tamawashi or Aoiyama will be produced. Cupid suffered 9 defeats and remains in dzyuryo.

November 2016. For the third time, Yokozuna Kakuryu won the Emperor's Cup.

First tournament in 2017 won (14 wins, 1 loss) o prisoners of Kisenosato. He will also become the 72nd great champion. He went to this for a long time and received a well-deserved reward. Cupid, unfortunately, suffered 10 defeats andlost elite sekitori status.

March 2017. 72 Ykozuna confirmed his title by winning another cup in a row. And although on the 13th day of the competition he received serious injury shoulder, and on day 14 Ozeki Terunofuji applied toKisenosato is a technique that is not revered in this fight (namely, tachiokenko "that is, he simply avoided the fight, thereby exposing the opponent to his own strength," but this technique is not prohibited in sumo. And many wrestlers can resist him). And despite this, on the 15th day of the tournament, a super duel was held, and the Great Champion proved that he is.

May 2017.Yokozuna Hakuho quenched the thirst for victory that had plagued the 69th Great Champion for an unbearably long time. The White Phoenix won the Emperor's Cup for the thirty-eighth time, twelve months after the thirty-seventh yusho. The Russian hero Amur, who has not yet recovered from a shoulder injury, has suffered six defeats and will be promoted.

July 2017. Hakuko won 39 trophies. The great champions Kakuryu and Kisenasato withdrew from the tournament ahead of schedule. In this tournament, 69, the Grand Champion broke another record previously held by Ozeki Kayo.White Phoenix increased the number of his victories in professional dohyo to 1050. But despite the absence of two main rivals, Hakuko again used techniques that did not correspond to his status.Several Yokosin members have delicately noted that slapping harite and avoiding a violent starting encounter with rivals (tatiai henka) do not add to the glory of the greatest champion.

Yokozuna Kisenosato, in turn, received a recommendation to properly improve his health and not to force the return of rikishi to the ranks at any cost.

Yokozuna Kakuryu, who has been filming three out of four tournaments this year, has received a hint that his results will be seriously discussed if he fails to perform well in the next basso.

The 33-year-old Russian hero Amur, who is gradually recovering from a shoulder injury, has completed the minimum kathikoshi (4-3). But he is fighting in the 3rd (non-elite league), and so far, he does not claim to return to the rank of sumatori.

September 2017. This time the cup was won by Haramafuji. It was not an easy win for the champion, although many of the strongest wrestlers, including 69, 71 and 72 Grand Champions, were unable to compete due to injuries. He won 11 victories, as did Ozeki Gueido. The fate of the cup was determined in an additional duel between these wrestlers.

The situation with the Russian hero Amur is not important either. He suffered 5 defeats in 7 matches.

The pioneer of the Russian professional sumo Aurora, he wrestles in the 5th league (jonidan) fixed the minimum makeoshi (3-4). Aurora (Aurora) debuted in professional sumo in March 2000. A native of the Buryat village of Zaigraevo, Aurora is now famous as the heaviest rikishi in the history of professional sumo. During the medical examination before the Autumn tournament, the 34-year-old Russian outweighed Konisiki's record, Anatoly Mikhakhanov registered 288.8 kilograms. professional career- rank of the 43rd wrestler of the third division (makushita).

November 2017. Yokozuna Hakuho won the Emperor's Cup for the fortieth time. The 69th Great Champion scored fourteen victories in the last classic of 2017, held at the Fukuoka International City Center on Kyushu Island. 32-year-old Munhbatyn Davajargal marred his anniversary triumph with a severe reprimand. On the eleventh day, Basho Hakuho violated etiquette. Not wanting to admit defeat, the White Phoenix put pressure on the judges and refused to bow to his rival.In an interview hot on the heels during the awards ceremony, Hakuho apologized on behalf of all rikishi to the fans for the scandal caused by the incident in Tottori Prefecture at the end of October, and promised “To do everything possible so that Harumafudzi-zeki and Takanoiwa-zeki again go out to dohyo.” The seventy-first yokozuna Kakuryu came to Kyushu, but did not enter the tournament. The seventy-first yokodzuna Harumafuji withdrew from the competition after the second failure, the seventy-second yokodzuna Kisenosato after the fifth.

The 34-year-old Russian hero Amur won five victories.

January 2018. The first cup this year won third maegasira of the West Totinosin (14 wins). This is a rarity in sumo. True, of the 4 great champions, only one made it to the end - Kakuryu (11 wins). But this does not mean that the sumo wrestler from Georgia got the cup easily.

So: 70 Great Champion - Haramafudzi was forced to retire after hitting the junior sumo wrestler. And Hakuko and Kisenosato withdrew from the tournament in the early days due to injuries.

The 34-year-old Russian bogatyr Amur was content with a minimal makekoshi (3: 4).

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Topic of the article: Matsuo Basho
Category (thematic category) Lectures and articles

All our emotions and feelings are closely related to breathing. Breathing affects emotions, and they, in turn, affect health internal organs body.

Anger negatively affects the liver, fear harms the genitourinary system, very great joy can disrupt the normal functioning of the heart. But breathing exercises can preserve human health, so they should not be neglected.

Regular walking combined with counting breathing can help relieve stress for those under stress. You need to walk calmly and evenly, inhale for every 2 steps, exhale for the next 2 steps. After 5 minutes, you can switch to another account. Two steps - inhale, 3 steps - exhale. After all, it is easier to prevent stress than to experience any discomfort later. Walking every day for half an hour will greatly strengthen your nervous system.

I have already said that a person can hold or speed up his breathing at will and thus influence his own emotional state, relieving nervous tension and stress. With the help of breathing, you can quickly relax and calm down.

The exercise “Waves are losing strength” will help you.

Exercise Waves are losing strengthʼʼ

It is best to retire to this exercise. The pose in this case does not matter. It can be done while lying, standing or sitting. The most important thing is to try to breathe calmly and evenly.

Breathe in and out in 2 counts, then hold your breath for 2 counts. Inhale again, but already in 4 counts, turning into exhalation in 4 counts. Then again holding the breath for 2 counts. Inhale again for 4 counts, followed by exhalation for 6 counts. Holding your breath for 2 counts. Inhale again for 4 counts, followed by exhalation for 8 counts. Holding your breath for 2 counts. These steps must be repeated 4 times. After hᴇᴦο, inhale again for 5 counts and exhale for 9 counts. Holding your breath for 2 counts. Inhale for b counts, exhale for 10 counts, and hold your breath for 3 counts. After repeating all This 2 times, you should go to normal breathing.

Usefulness of yawning

Yawning is one of the easiest and most natural ways to rest and relax. It should be noted that usually, we suppress yawning, considering it something indecent, and it is in vain that we do it. Try one day, as an experiment, left alone with yourself, yawning for a few minutes. Very soon you will realize that in fact reflexive breathing is nothing more than the desire of the body to help itself, to feel better. I agree that yawning is often inappropriate, but what prevents you from retiring for a couple of minutes in a secluded place, so that later you can start working with renewed vigor?


For people who are just starting the practice of breathing exercises, those aimed at stabilizing breathing and general calming are best suited.

For example, this is a good exercise for relieving sleepiness. Put the tip of your tongue on the palate, suck in air with your mouth with a noise, hold your breath for several counts and exhale with your nose.
Concept and types, 2018.
After completing this exercise, sit quietly for a few minutes.

When you have mastered the technique of even and rhythmic breathing, you can move on to more complex techniques, but remember that haste is unnecessary in this matter. It is better to stay longer on one exercise, but perform ᴇᴦο efficiently - that's when it will bring maximum benefit... When doing the exercises, focus on your feelings, as mentioned above, you should not be tense or tired. Diligence is useless here, otherwise these exercises will not go for the future !.


Many exercises for bringing emotions into balance are based on uniform breathing, during which inhalation and exhalation are the same in duration. This state is characteristic of a contented and calm person.

Here is an exercise that is built precisely on the equality of inhalation and exhalation.

You can perform ᴇᴦο both sitting and lying down.

Inhale in 4 counts (6, 8, 10 as you gain experience), hold your breath for 4 counts, then exhale in 4 counts. Make sure to inhale, hold your breath and exhale the same duration.

You need to perform the exercise for 5 minutes. If during this time you feel unwell, it is best to stop and do the exercise on fewer counts the next time.

The higher the inhalation count, the faster the body becomes more active. But you should not rush here - in some people this exercise can cause an increase in pressure.


It is indisputable that even human abilities are the result of ᴇᴦο work on oneself. Of course, something is inherent in us by nature, but without proper attention, any skill is lost over time. But if you work hard, developing a specific direction, then even from a small talent you can make a real talent that will shock and delight people.

There is not a single person who would be completely deprived of all sorts of abilities. The most important thing here is to understand what exactly is your strength.

To enhance creativity and your development, you can recommend next exercise.

It is best to do it all while sitting. On the count of four, inhalation is made, then a smooth transition to exhalation, also for 4 counts. After exhaling, you need to hold your breath for a count of four. This exercise is done for 5 minutes.

Since some people may have a decrease in blood pressure as a result, at the slightest sign of nausea, darkening of the eyes or dizziness, you should immediately stop exercising and switch to normal breathing, and the next time reduce the number of bills for inhalation.

As in the rest of the cases, the higher the count for inhalation (and similarly for holding and exhaling, since they are equal), the faster the activation occurs.


The following exercise can be practiced to improve heart and brain function.

Sit comfortably and inhale for a count of four, hold your breath and exhale for the same count. After exhaling, hold your breath again for a count of four, and then inhale - hold, exhale - hold. The duration of the exercise is 5 minutes.

You can also practice the following rhythm: inhale in 4 counts (or 8), delay - 2 (4), exhale - 4 (8), delay - 2 (4).


Breathing exercises can help improve concentration. Here is one such exercise. Sit on a chair or mat in any comfortable position and count your breaths in and out. You need to breathe freely, evenly and calmly.

The invoice is made as follows.
Concept and types, 2018.
Inhale one, exhale two, next inhale three, exhale four. After this, start counting again: one, two, three, four. It's important to note that every time you lose count, start over. Concentrate on what you are doing and do not get distracted. The duration of the exercise is 10 minutes. Then rub your wrists, rub your face with your hands as if you were washing your face, read any quatrain and slowly get up.

If during the exercise you feel unwell, stop exercising, rub your wrists and auricles. Sit quietly for at least 5 minutes, then get up.


This exercise increases lung capacity, relieves stress after a hard day, and improves mood.

Before starting this exercise, you need to cut out the mill blades from paper and fix them on the axle so that they rotate freely without distortions and stops. You need to perform the exercise while sitting. The flyer is set on the table in front of the student. Having taken a breath, you need to rotate the blades of the mill with a thin stream of exhaled air. The exercise time is 5 to 10 minutes. The next day, the chair should be moved 10 centimeters further from the table and the exercise should be repeated. If it does not work, then return the chair to its original place and repeat the exercise at the same distance for a week.

Instead of a mill, you can use a small paper sail boat by placing ᴇᴦο in a bowl of water. Inflating the sail, make the boat sail in the right direction. Further, you can complicate the exercise by making an island in the basin, and either lead the boat past the island, or blow into the sail so that the boat will stick to it.

This exercise can be done together. For this, the boat is placed in the middle of a basin of water, and two docks are marked on the edges of the basin.

The students take turns blowing on the boat, and the winner is the one to whose pier it will moor. Children love this exercise.


It has already been said above that health is like wealth: you cannot only spend, you need to maintain the level, and it is better to strengthen and acquire. Therefore, breathing exercises are useful for healthy people to improve lung function. Here is one such exercise that will help both healthy and those who need to restore normal breathing after injuries and shocks to the solar plexus.

Wear loose-fitting, loose-fitting clothing with wide sleeves and no cuffs. Sit on the mat with your back straight. Imagine that the crown of your head is suspended from the sky, your buttocks are on your heels, your arms are relaxed, your palms are one palm from your knee, and your thumbs are looking at each other. Inhale, gently bend forward so that your hands also slide forward and touch the tatami. Bend over until your head touches the mat, and only then exhale. Repeat the exercise 10 times.


To perform the exercise, you need to stand up straight and imagine that the crown of the head is, as it were, suspended from the sky. The body should be relaxed. The feet are slightly wider than the shoulders, and the arms are freely lowered along the sides. Inhaling, turn your palms center up and slowly bring them to your navel. There should be a small distance between the fingers. Next, start slowly and synchronously raising your palms up along an imaginary line from the navel to the throat. Their movement should be smooth and uniform. The end of the inhalation should coincide with the palms reaching the level of the throat (tian-tu point), and the beginning of the exhalation should coincide with the palms downward turning. The palms should be slowly lowered in front of the chest exactly along an imaginary line, the end of the exhalation should coincide with the palms reaching the level of the navel. This is 1 exercise cycle. Next, the palms are turned up, slowly and synchronously raised along an imaginary line from the navel to the throat. This is the beginning of the second cycle. There should be eight of them.

This exercise should be started without taking into account breathing, practicing only movements. When practicing movements, breathing should be voluntary. The next day, 1 exercise cycle is performed. If there is a feeling of heaviness in the head, warmth, etc., you need to walk a little and breathe calmly. Next, place the center of the right palm on the right ear, and the center of the left palm on the left ear. Spread your fingers as wide as possible. Raise your little fingers and easily lower them on your head. Then raise the ring fingers and also easily lower it on your head. Then repeat all This with the middle fingers, forefingers and thumbs. Going down to the head, fingers should touch the border of hair growth. Gradually, you need to learn to repeat everything in more fast pace... At correct execution there should be a wave of raising and lowering the fingers on the head, causing sensations as if a light spider was running over the head. "Run" in this way for 5 minutes. Then walk and breathe freely.

The next day, repeat 1 cycle of the exercise, and if there is no heaviness in the head, rush of blood, etc., add one cycle every 3 days.

Ultimately, you need to do 8 cycles in a row slowly and evenly. This exercise should not be done by straining or by force. Pick a pace that suits you. There is no need to strive to complete all 8 cycles. Achieve perfection in at least one of them, because the exercise is designed to achieve harmony.

When performing most exercises, relaxation of the body is combined with inner composure and concentration on the action being performed. All movements should be natural for the body, they should be performed slowly and correctly.

Quite simple, but effective in terms of the effect of exercises, during which the breath is held. They can be performed in the following combination: inhale, hold the breath, exhale and hold the breath again, then inhale, hold the breath and exhale.


Such exercises help to increase the respiratory surface and the number of alveoli in the lungs, develop the cardiovascular system, and improve the functioning of the bone marrow. As a result of their implementation, cellular activity increases, metabolism in the body improves and immunity increases.

Also, since ancient times, breathing exercises with a change in the rhythm of breathing during fast walking were considered useful. They accelerate blood circulation and prevent the occurrence of various types of tumors in the human body.

Highly conducive to lung development sports activities... They develop most rapidly when swimming. Even if you just stand in warm water (+ 25 ° C), immersed up to the neck, after 5 minutes the depth of breathing almost doubles. Swimming is the most natural way to adjust your breathing to the correct rhythm. The vital capacity of the lungs in humans. systematically engaged in swimming, reaches 7000 cubic centimeters, and this is a lot. As a result of swimming and doing exercises in the water, the respiratory system develops, and ventilation of the lungs increases. When a person is swimming, ᴇᴦο the lungs experience additional stress, but it does not have a negative effect due to the presence of the body in the water and weight loss. At this moment, all, even the most distant, parts of the lungs participate in breathing, therefore stagnation in them is excluded.

In the best way, water activities affect the human body with a constant change of swimming styles, then new muscle groups are used all the time and the body develops harmoniously. Swimming has a beneficial effect on the development of the legs, muscles are strengthened, ligaments are trained ankle, flat feet disappear, gait improves. A person acquires correct posture, he begins to feel uncomfortable hunched over. Human immunity is strengthened, nervous system.

Some of the best breathing exercises is breaststroke.
Concept and types, 2018.
It is suitable even for the elderly.

For the development of the lungs, you need to swim, and it is best to use breaststroke or butterfly style. Swimming not only increases their volume, but also develops muscles, and in a similar way hardens the body. It has a beneficial effect on the lungs and holding the breath when diving. You need to breathe in, hold your breath and dive deeper. You can do a whole series of dives from the surface of the water. Regular swimming helps to avoid bronchitis, pneumonia and colds. A gymnastic exercises performed in water develop lungs better than similar exercises performed on land.

But it should be noted that swimming in the pool does not always have a beneficial effect on the human respiratory system due to various impurities in the water. When visiting the pool, you should always take into account the condition of the water in it. It is best to swim in natural waters. And if you swim in the sea, then the body is also saturated with sea air, and the skin is massaged with sea water, which improves its condition and the whole organism as a whole due to the microelements dissolved in sea water. Sea water likewise promotes healing of skin lesions.


In the morning, it is important not only to stretch your stiff muscles, but also to take care of your lungs. After all, they worked all night and also need aeration and light shaking. It's time to thank them too.

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms relaxed. Very slowly turn your palms forward and begin to raise your straight arms up, while inhaling. You need to start by inhaling for 4 or 6 counts. Close your palms above your head and begin to exhale slowly, lowering your hands with your palms down, as if pressing down the exhaled air. Return your arms to their original position and finish the exhalation.

Such classes should be carried out once a day. The essence of the exercise is to perform more and more slowly, increasing concentration and sensitivity. After a while, you will feel the heaviness of the air on your palms when you raise your hands and ᴇᴦο elastic when you lower them. Slow inhalation and exhalation should not cause discomfort and cause a feeling of lack of air.


The breath is like the wind. It refreshes and gives life, but escapes, only we have time to notice. Catching your breath means getting one step closer to perfect health. This exercise is truly magical. Give him a few minutes in the morning, and during the day you will not remember about fatigue, even if you unload wagons with bricks.
Concept and types, 2018.

Do ᴇᴦο while standing or sitting. When performing while standing, feet should be placed shoulder-width apart.

Bend your elbows so that the distance to your shoulder is about two palms. Thumbs up press to the indexes.

Close your palms in front of your face and spread them apart, while inhaling slowly through your nose. With your arms apart, begin to exhale through your mouth. Your task is to bring your palms together and catch the exhaled air in the "boat" from your palms. You need to repeat the exercise three times. The repetition should be smooth, without stopping. The exercise should be finished with free breathing.

It will help develop your lungs, invigorate and increase the vitality of the body.

It is advisable to do the exercise “Catch the Wind” in the morning outdoors or in a well-ventilated room.


Long walks over rough terrain are very beneficial for lung development.

The ancient Chinese considered it to be a morning walk one of the simplest and most powerful ways to recover. They talked:

Wake up with the first crow of a rooster, go out into the yard and free your mind.

The older a person becomes, the more important it is to maintain health the observance of this ritual. In old age, you need to walk calmly, and breathing should be natural. At this moment, it is very important to occupy yourself with pleasant thoughts or reading poems about nature or female beauty... This will help the body to automatically select the walking speed and breathing rate that are most optimal at the moment. The natural walking speed is beneficial for the heart, allowing it to rest. On a walk, you should not think about life problems, conflicts or anything exciting. The emotional state should be calm and the spirit carefree. Daily walks improve life, and many problems will solve themselves.

It is helpful for young people to combine morning walks with breathing exercises.

Clothing during a walk should be loose and free, not restricting movement and not creating pressure on the body. Tight belts and tight collars will have to be temporarily abandoned. The body at this moment must breathe, and loose clothing will allow you to do this the best way.
Concept and types, 2018.
In addition, comfortable clothes will not distract from pleasant thoughts and a person's breathing will become natural faster. A morning walk should be done in safe places, as the subconscious sense of danger will constrain breathing and the effect will decrease. Walking among flowering plants, trees, along the banks of a river or lake has an extremely beneficial effect on human health. When choosing a place, pay attention not only to the beauty of the views, but also to the condition of the road along which you will go: there should be no obstacles, holes and foreign objects on it, all this will prevent you from enjoying the walk to the fullest and can lead to falls and injuries. It is preferable to choose curvy paths, but the bends should not be sharp. The view around the bend should be visible to help maintain a peaceful state of mind.

Exercise before starting the walk

Before starting a walk, you need to stand up straight, imagine that your head is tied to the sky by an invisible thread. Then, without bending your neck, relax and lower your chin down, lower your shoulders and inhale air through your nose, pulling your stomach inward, after which you exhale vigorously through your mouth. After repeating this cycle three times, you can start walking. The speed of movement should be natural, and the breathing should be calm.

After 5-10 minutes, you can start performing the following ο breathing exercise.

Exercise Eight Stepsʼʼ

Start moving forward and at each step take an energetic breath through your nose, it should be sharp and deep. Then exhale sharply through your mouth. A complete cycle includes 8 steps, 8 breaths and 8 breaths.

After completing the exercise, take some rest and continue your walk at a natural pace. The Eight Steps exercise is done 2-3 times during each morning walk.

The exercise Quick stepsʼʼ

Here's another one useful exercise, which tones the body, boosts immunity and increases vitality. It has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, and in a similar way promotes healing from various diseases. It is performed as follows.
Concept and types, 2018.
While taking a step with your left foot, inhale through your nose, while taking a step with your right foot, exhale through your nose. Train at a slow pace at first, then increase ᴇᴦο to normal, performing up to 70-100 steps per minute. Inhalation and exhalation should be uniform, without tension, arm movements should be natural, in the rhythm of walking.

Walking exercise

Walking close to home, you can do this exercise. Bend your arms and bring your elbows as far back as possible. Fold your hands and place them at waist level. As a result, the shoulders should be straightened, and rib cage lean forward. Elderly people can stand in this position for some time, but no more than 5 minutes, while young people and middle-aged people need to walk in a slow rhythm, keeping the position of the shoulders and arms, 108 steps. Breathing with this should be natural.

This exercise helps to improve lung function, accumulate vitality and reduce the number of problems in life. After all, it is known that a person with drooping shoulders and a rounded back causes a negative attitude from others. This is a loser pose. Such a person is treated appropriately, which adds to his problems in life. Whereas a straight back and shoulders slightly turned back speak of self-confidence. Such a person is treated with respect and benevolence.


Foot massage

In the evening, before going to bed, it is useful to massage the feet. Afterwards, it is not recommended to wash your feet and take a shower, as the healing effect disappears. All water treatments must be completed before the massage. It is most convenient to massage the feet while sitting on a tatami, mat or bed. Rubbing feet has long been referred to the art of "nurturing life". There is a well-known story about how the poet, artist and calligrapher Su Dongpo taught his friend Monk Fo Yin to rub the soles of the feet in the morning and in the evening to strengthen the body and preserve youth, sharp eyesight and a healthy liver. When the soles are rubbed, all diseases gradually disappear. And this is no accident, because there are many points on the sole, which are responsible for almost all organs, and rubbing activates their work. You need to rub each leg separately, first one sole, then the second. This daily treatment helps to eliminate fatigue and bad energy from the human body, replace it with fresh and clean. Traditionally, it is believed that human aging begins with the legs and spreads upward, and rubbing of the soles prevents or significantly slows down the process.

Rubbing the sole of the foot is carried out 50 to 300 times on each foot.

Relaxing exercise before bed

It is similarly helpful to do some relaxation exercises before bed. For example, while lying on your back, put your palms under your head, pressing them together and aligning the centers. At the same time, the eyes should be half-open. One leg is straight and the other is bent at a 90 ° angle. Press your tongue lightly against the palate and open your mouth halfway. Begin to breathe deeply and evenly, so that you can make 8 breaths and 8 breaths per minute. It is more convenient to do everything according to the account. Inhale - one, two, three, four and exhale - one, two, three, four. After a minute, change the position of your legs: gently stretch your bent leg at an angle and slowly put it down, and bend your lying leg at an angle of 90 °. Make sure your movements are fluid. Breathing very deeply is not recommended as it may make you dizzy. If this did happen, then you must immediately return to natural breathing, and perform the exercise the next day, choosing a different depth of breathing. The exercise lasts 4 minutes. This is about 32 breaths and three to four changes in the position of the legs.


All lung cleansing exercises should be done outdoors. Doing it better in a beautiful place will have an additional healing effect. You should not practice where there are sick or dry trees - their appearance will upset your eyes, and the exercises must be performed in a calm and pleasant mood so that they have a beneficial effect on you. If you have to study in a room, then try to keep it clean, the air in it is fresh and there are as few objects made of artificial materials in the environment as possible.

The presence of an indoor fountain in the room has a beneficial effect on the results of the exercise. It should work at least an hour before your class begins. If you do not have ᴇᴦο, then there is another good way humidify the air. To do this, place a small cup of warm water on the floor and leave it on for a few hours. If you drop a drop of your favorite perfume or aromatic oil into the water, then the air will be filled with a barely audible aroma and it will be even more pleasant for you to practice. By the way, air humidification is generally very important. Modern city apartments have insufficient humidity. Because of this, the mucous membranes dry out, in particular the nasal mucosa, which reduces its protective properties. It will be great if you put a small saucer of water under the bed in the bedroom at night. It will maintain ideal humidity and will also help you sleep better.

I do not recommend doing lung-cleansing exercises in a room with linoleum floors.
Concept and types, 2018.
And even more so, I do not advise those whose lungs are not completely healthy to live in such a room.

Plank or wood or natural cork flooring is the best for people who want to keep their lungs healthy for a long time.

Performing the exercise "Soft breathing" allows you to cleanse the lungs well.


This exercise can only be done in a calm, relaxed state. "Soft breathing" increases the vitality of the body, cleanses the lungs, improves the condition of the skin, muscles and tendons.

Do not try to master the "soft" breathing quickly, the success of the exercise is in the "slow" execution. It is designed to be mastered within 3 or

4 months. So take your time.

It is best to do this exercise outdoors, in a garden or by the sea. You can do it at home, but only after thoroughly cleaning the room from dust and good ventilation.

To perform the exercise, you need to sit on a chair, and press your back against the back.

If the exercise is performed in the open air, then on the ground you need to spread a rug and sit on it, either in the "lotus" position, or on your heels. In this case, the back should be straight, and your hands should lie freely on your knees.

Try to relax as much as possible. Inhalation and exhalation should be soft and smooth, even and deep enough. Gradually increase your inspiratory depth from day to day. Therefore, initially breathe in a little deeper than usual. Inhale and exhale should be light and effortless. Everything should be silent. The flow of inhaled and exhaled air should go in a thin stream, without acceleration or deceleration.

Breathe in and out on the count of one, two, three. All such inhalations and exhalations must be done 3 or

4 in a row. In the second week of exercise, you can take 4 or 5 breaths in a row. If it becomes difficult, it is better to return to the original rhythm. In the third week, increase the duration of the breath to a count of four, and so every other week, increase the duration of the breath to a count of six. You should be able to inhale for six and exhale for six.

Finish the exercise by raising the arms to the side while inhaling and bringing the hands together as you exhale. The palms should be placed on the solar plexus. Then return your palms to your knees and breathe for a few minutes as you are used to. After that, you can get up. The exercise is over.


This exercise is performed no more than once a week. "A dog resting after a run" increases the body's defenses and cleanses the lungs.

The exercise should be done while sitting. Inhale a little deeper than usual, then exhale the air in small portions, imitating the breathing of a dog after a long run.

Repeat all This is 4 times.


Our health directly depends on the state of our lungs, because oxygen, which is a carrier of energy and is vital for the body, enters the tissues from them. If the lungs have lost their purity due to the fact that a person has spent some time in polluted air, they must be cleaned as soon as possible.

But even if you do not feel obvious pollution, you still need to cleanse your lungs at least once a week. Indeed, in small quantities, harmful substances are contained even in the purest air. When there are few such substances, they can be considered harmless to our body, but they should not be allowed to accumulate.

On the count of four

We inhale slowly, counting at this: “One, two, three, four”. Then we hold the air in the lungs, counting: “One, two, three, four”, and we exhale slowly, counting in the same way: “One, two, three, four”. And finally, we hold our breath, counting: “One, two, three, four”. The exercise is repeated 6 times. You need to do ᴇᴦο every day for a month.

On the count of six

After the previous exercise, we do the same, but only on the count of six.

We inhale slowly, counting at this: “One, two, three, four, five, six”. Then we hold the air in the lungs, counting: “One, two, three, four, five, six” and we exhale slowly, counting in the same way: “One, two, three, four, five, six”. And finally, we hold our breath, counting: “One, two, three, four, five, six”. The exercise is repeated 6 times. You need to do ᴇᴦο every day for a month.


Exercises with a change in the rhythm, frequency and depth of breathing allow natural massage of internal organs with maximum efficiency. It is difficult to achieve such positive results in terms of the effect on the human body from the inside with other methods (except for walking on all fours).

Natural cleansing breath ʼʼRest in the gardenʼʼ

How nice it is to go out into the garden after the rain, to breathe fresh air filled with thousands of scents of flowers, leaves, wet grass and wet stone walkway slabs! If possible, you need to sit on a bench and breathe in such air, it will help cleanse and restore the lungs, and strengthen the immune system. At the same time, your palms must be freely placed on your knees, relaxed yourself, and your back should be kept straight, it is better to lean everything against a secure support. Having assumed this position, you need to close your eyes and breathe, imagining a rotating mill wheel. After 10 minutes, imagine that the wheel slowly stops and open your eyes. This exercise is called natural cleansing breathing. During ᴇᴦο performance, tears may come out of the eyes, they do not need to be stopped - this is a natural cleansing, in a similar way, tingling sensations may appear in acupuncture points - thus, the energy of the body is harmonized. If dizziness, visions or other phenomena appear, the exercise should be stopped carefully, slowly stop the wheel and open your eyes. Perhaps, in this case, you need to start the exercise with a duration of several minutes.

Natural cleansing breath ʼʼFlickering Shadowʼʼ

This exercise is done in the morning or evening.
Concept and types, 2018.
To do this, you need to lie under a tree with dense foliage so that the shadow from it constantly “flickers” under a light breeze.
Concept and types, 2018.
It is better to sit on a mat or blanket so as not to catch a cold from the cool earth. Clothes should be small, it is better if it is loose and made of natural fabrics. So, lie more comfortably on your back, place your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms to the sides, point the center of one palm to the center of the earth, and the center of the second palm to the sky. Close your eyes. Breathe easily, freely, calmly and evenly, while listening to your breathing. You can imagine yourself as a lump of sugar melting in warm water. The exercise time is from 30 to 45 minutes. Next, you need to sit down and breathe calmly and measuredly. It is helpful to end the exercise with a few minutes of slow walking. You need to think only about the pleasant or read calm lyric poems about nature.

Matsuo Basho - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Matsuo Basho" 2017-2018.

TOKYO, November 29. / TASS /. The great sumo champion Harumafudzi relinquished his highest title of yokozuna, which was awarded to him for outstanding achievement, in order to take responsibility for beating another, younger sumo wrestler Takanoiwa. Harumafudzi himself said this at a press conference held with his teacher Isegahama on Wednesday.

“I am sorry to injure Takanoiwa. I want to take responsibility and resign as yokozuna. I deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused to everyone involved in this matter,” he said, bowing to the crowd with his teacher. When asked by reporters, Harumafudzi added that he "did what a yokozuna should never do."

In mid-November, several media reported that Harumafudzi on October 26, during a joint event for Mongolian athletes, did not like Takanoiva's behavior, and he hit him on the head with a beer bottle, after which he began to punish him. Even the yokozuns Hakuho and Kakuryu who were present there were unable to stop him.

As a result, the victim was hospitalized and could not take part in the basho (sumo tournament - TASS) in Fukuoka taking place these days, having submitted a certificate to the sumo association with a recommendation for two weeks of treatment due to a number of injuries, including lacerated head wounds , a fissure in the base of the skull and a concussion. The incident took place in one of the drinking establishments with karaoke in the city of Tottori (the administrative center of the prefecture of the same name - approx. TASS). At that moment, the sumo wrestlers, among whom was their compatriot Terunofuji, were in a separate room, and the bar staff did not see what was happening.

Beating with a karaoke tablet

According to media reports, Takanoiwa, who has the title of the 8th maegasira of the East (the second most important from the end in the top division of makunouchi - approx which I started to watch something in my smartphone. This pissed off Harumafuji, who demanded that Takanoiva tell him in the face, which he did not. In sumo, there is a tough subordination system, it is especially strict among Mongolian athletes, who now occupy leading positions in this type of wrestling.

The Japanese Sumo Association did not jump to conclusions and waited for the end of the bassho on November 26. During the investigation, as it became known to the press, Harumafudzi admitted that he had really beat Takanoiwa, but not with a beer bottle, as was claimed, but with a tablet for choosing songs in karaoke.

Despite the fact that sumo is a traditional martial art for Japan, the natives of Mongolia occupy the leading positions in this sport. Before Harumafudzi left sumo, only four wrestlers had the title of yokozuna, and there was only one Japanese among them. The most titled wrestler is Hakuho, who won 40 tournaments, followed by Harumafuji with nine victories.


The eleventh day Hatsu Basho did not give the sumo fans any sensations and did not change the situation. Ozeki Kisenosato (10-1) continues to lead, one step ahead of Yokozua Hakuho (9-2).

Yokozuna Hakuho, according to official statistics, won 7 out of 11 fights against the Terunofuji lake. In fact, he won them all - but he generously presented 4 victories to his compatriot, helping him to win his first Cup, and he supported him later. Ozeki need help now - but how Hakuho will act today, having already passed 2 fights, no one except him knows.

Yokozuna powerfully slammed into an opponent, grabbed his belt with both hands and immediately pushed him to the edging. But he didn’t win so quickly that he didn’t lose his compatriot’s authority - and gave the initiative to him, continuing to control the fight. Ozeki got the opportunity to counterattack, began to push the opponent to the center, throwing his hand off his mawashi, he himself grabbed the belt - and stopped, since the yokodzuna did not want to retreat further. The wrestlers froze for a few seconds in the center of the platform, and then the yokodzuna leaned back a little, freeing himself from the grip, and, grabbing the lake, immediately pushed him out of the circle.

9-2 for Hakuho and 4-7 for Terunofuji. There is practically no doubt that in a different situation Hakuho would have surrendered the fight, leaving his compatriot a chance to score kathi-kosi. But he has already passed 2 fights, and if he lost today, it would have deprived the tournament of the final intrigue. Which is artificial if the Association had long planned to give up the Kisenosato Cup and reached an agreement with Hakuho - but, to be honest, these intrigues are always artificial, since Hakuho can easily win all the tournaments.

Yokodzuna Kakuryu met today with the Kotosegiku lake, and if you consider that the Mongol has already scored 5 defeats - at least 4 of them were intentional - it is unlikely that he needs one more. Although for Ozeka, who started the tournament in the position of kadoban, today's loss is tantamount to losing his title - after all, he already has 7 defeats.

However, luck smiled at Kotosegiku - Kakuryu did not go to the platform, having withdrawn from the tournament in the morning. As stated in the statement, he has injuries to his elbow and leg, which explains why his sumo wrestling on Hatsu basho seemed so inaudible. Ozeka has 4-7 - but there is too little chance that he will be lucky in the next 4 days - and 5-6 for the yokodzun, who was credited with a defeat today.

Ozeki Kisenosato has always been favorable to him by lot - well, he would have been different - brought the maegasira of the West Endo to the fourth. For the Japanese wrestlers, ozeki is inviolable at this tournament - all the more so for another protege of the Association. In addition, Endo has already won against Kisenosato in November - and now he can lose.

But either Endo did not think so, or he was not given any instructions before the fight. And he did not want to give up. Ozeki won the starting collision with some difficulty and pushed him to the line, but he was able to slip out, grabbing the titled opponent's mawashi and dragging him to the opposite edge. Ozeki at some point turned sideways to him and was absolutely unable to defend himself, so if the maegasira had pulled him towards himself, he would have easily knocked over. But the ex-idol of the public for some reason did not begin to do this - and did not think of anything better than to unfold the ozeks with a jerk in his belt and try to squeeze him out of the circle.

The idea turned out to be a losing one - Ozeki could already defend himself, held back the onslaught and counterattacked, forcing the opponent to retreat. And, grabbing his left hand, he threw the maegasira out of the circle with a kotenage throw. 10-1 for Kisenosato, who after the meeting did not look as proud and complacent as usual - did he really realize that he was disgraced? - and 5-6 at Endo.

A strange fight. If Ozeki and Maegasira had previously demonstrated their artistry at least once, one might think that all this is nothing more than a performance - but they never had such abilities. And it turns out that the fight was real - and the strongest Japanese ozeki was completely powerless in the confrontation with an ordinary wrestler just above the average level. Why Endo did not receive recommendations to surrender the fight, it is not clear - as well as why he did not take advantage of the moment when the opponent was completely defenseless. Realized that you got carried away, but you can't win?

But no matter how much you watch this fight, the answer is not visible. And what happened behind the scenes before the fight and what was in the minds of both fighters, we do not know. But the fact remains - Maegasira was superior to Ozeki and could have easily won, but accidentally or deliberately missed the chance. And it would be funny if, after such a shameful fight for him, Kisenosato, thanks to the Association, still gets the Cup. Although the Japanese fans, who see everything through rose-colored glasses, will certainly not laugh. There will be those who understand - let it be a very sad laugh.

Ozeki Goeido won 12 fights against the third maegasir Ikioi West, losing only one. This is official, in reality the maegasir has more victories - but today he is unlikely to try to win. Still, in front of him are Japanese lakes, and besides, they are both from Nagoya, where Goeido is considered a local hero.

Ozeki met the opponent's starting attack, immediately shifted to the left and grabbed his mawashi with his left hand. Maegasira turned around and attacked again, ozeki took a couple of steps back, jerked his opponent by the belt and again shifted to the left, pressing with his right hand on the neck of the unbalanced maegasira and helping him fall.

Where there was a throw of uvatenage - and this is exactly what is written in the protocol of the competition - could not be discerned. But not the point is important. 8-3 for Goeido and 7-4 for Ikyoi.

Newly made sekivake Tamawashi lost to the second maegasira of the East Shohozan 8 fights out of 9. There is a very large gap, and although the Mongol is fighting in this tournament like never before, it is still doubtful that he will be able to win.

He could not - although the beginning of the fight remained with him. Maegasira attacked first, pushing the sekivake in the chest, he responded with a series of jerks, forcing the Japanese to retreat to the very edge, and went to approach, hoping to force him out by the edging. But the grip of the sekivake turned out to be not as reliable as the grip of the opponent - the maegashira jerked him up, lifting him from the platform, and turned around, changing places with the sekivake. The Mongol, finding himself dangerously close to the line, pushed the Japanese away, but the maegasira attacked again and pushed the sekivake out of the circle.

6-5 for Tamavashi - despite today's defeat, he can still keep his position, which requires 2 wins. And 4-7 for Shohozan, who certainly will not win the 4 remaining bouts - but will remain in the top three if he completes the bass with a result of 7-8.

Sekivake Shodai won their only meeting with the komusubi Takayasu - or received it as a gift, I can't remember now. But in this tournament, his chances of winning were small - Takayasu was in very good shape, he defeated 3 ozeki and received 2 victories from the yokodzuna, although he did not earn them, and in 10 days he scored 7 victories. Syodai has only 4 victories and cannot boast of any special achievements. And it is quite natural that today the score of their personal meetings became equal.

After a resounding starting collision, Komusubi pushed the opponent back to the Tawara with jerks. Sekivake rested, burying one foot in the edging, the komusubi, grabbing his hand, pulled him towards himself, stepping back - and the sekivake collapsed into the clay. A well-executed hikiotoshi - and 8-3 for Takayasu, who secured a promotion. Indeed, after this defeat, Shodai (4-7) is unlikely to retain his first title.

The first maegasira of the West Mitakeumi defeated the fifth maegasira of the East Takekaze twice, losing to him 1 time. And today I increased the gap. Although Takekaze at the moment of the starting collision grabbed him by the neck with both hands, pulled him towards himself and tried to carry out hatakikomi, Mitakeumi thwarted this attempt and attacked with jerks, forcing the opponent to retreat. The 37-year-old wrestler defended himself as best he could, either knocking his opponent's hands down, then slapping him in the face - and then grabbing his left hand and wanted to throw. But Mitsakeumi pushed him in the back with his right hand, and the veteran, losing his balance, fell onto the platform. 8-3 for the winner and 7-4 for the loser.

The thirteenth maegasira of the East Gagamaru lost to the seventh maegasira of the East Megiru 8 out of 9 meetings - but unexpectedly won today. A moment before the starting collision, the Georgian pushed the opponent away, forced him to retreat to the edge with two more jerks, and planned to knock him out with a final movement when he began to shift to the right. Left hand Teimur Jugeli touched the ex-sekivake, but the right one fell into the void, and he, "falling through", almost jumped out for the tavara. But he managed to slow down, turned around with an unprecedented speed and with a powerful push knocked the Japanese into the clay.

Yes, the Georgian today managed to surprise - in a positive sense, which happens very rarely. Much more often he unpleasantly surprises that he loses to debutants or recent debutants. And suddenly such a fight - and a spectacular victory. And on top of that, he does not lose his balance - although earlier this happened to him in the most innocuous situations. True, despite all that has been said on the account, he has only 4-7 - and he cannot get away from the decline. 3-8 at Megiryu - ex-sekivake, who almost became an ozeki a few years ago, is performing worse and worse. But he was once so good.

The seventh maegasira of the West, Aoiyama, won 5 out of 6 fights against the fourteenth maegasira of the East Tiootori - and today he won again. The ex-sekivake tried to resort to his favorite weapon, that is, pushing - but he was too close to the opponent and they did not give an effect. So he grabbed the Japanese and began to push him back, and when he rested, the Bulgarian, grabbing him right hand, pulled the ex-komusubi towards himself and threw off the kotenage with a dohyo throw. It is not often that Aoiyama (5-6) wins not in jerks - but at this tournament he rarely wins at all. 6-5 at Chiootori.

The ninth maegasira of the West, Isiura, once already met with the twelfth maegasira of the West, Daisemaru, and won - but today he did not succeed. The November debutant attacked, rested his hands on the March debutant, but could not budge him. Daishomaru (5-6) knocked down the hand of an opponent who almost lost his balance, pushed him to the edge and pushed him off the platform.

4-7 at Isiura - apparently, he will not escape the make-koshi. And this after such a bright debut tournament, where he won 10 victories in a row, acquired solid sponsors and a considerable number of fans. But already in January he disappointed everyone. Maybe it is too pressing that he is expected to repeat November - and the fear of not living up to expectations?

The thirteenth maegasira of the West Ichinojo lost both fights to the sixteenth maegasira of the East Osunaarashi, but today he had a chance to partially rehabilitate, since the opponent is injured. The Egyptian met the Mongol's attack, resting both hands on his chin, and immediately removed his hands, taking a step back and clearly hoping to fail the ex-sekivake and catch him on the hatakikomi. But the Mongol kept his balance, went to get closer, ignoring the strong slap in the face and grabbing the opponent's belt with his left hand. The Egyptian began to leave along the edge, the ex-sekivake followed him, hooked him with the mawashi with his second hand and carried out a forceful embossing without encountering resistance.

9-2 for Ichinojo - even if his fight is colorless as always, but he has not performed so confidently since July. And 3-8 for Osunaarasi - 8th defeat in a row after 3 wins in a row. It's unrealistic to understand why he hasn't starred yet. Yes, a good start - 3-0 - for some time gave him confidence that even though the old injury reminded him of himself again, he could win through pain. But after the 5th defeat, it was possible to realize that it would only get worse in the future - and it would be better to withdraw and undergo a course of treatment than to aggravate the injury. However, for some reason he continues to persist.

Well, after the 11th day the fate of the Cup has not become clear - and it shouldn't have been. It's too early for that - there are still 4 days to go. And even if Hakuho was persuaded to give up the Cup again - and in all likelihood he is - he, in order to maintain the conditional intrigue, must win before meeting with Kisenosato. Which is most likely scheduled for the penultimate day - it's safer this way. Suddenly something goes wrong, and if there is still a day ahead, it will still be possible to fix it.

But so far we do not know what will and what will not happen. There is no escape from unpleasant forebodings - all the more so with each victory of Kisenosato they grow stronger - but they may not be justified. So it's wiser to rely on fate. Moreover, we can’t change anything anyway. We can only make a choice: to watch or not to watch.

The great champions of sumo or "yokozuna" are expected to demonstrate superior sumo strength and technique despite recent scandals.

Great Mongolian Champion Hakuho won the last sumo tournament on Saturday when national sport Japan still continued to gain media attention after another famous wrestler was suspected by police in an attack on a sumo wrestler. Thus, Hakuho won the Emperor's Cup for the fortieth time.

The 69th Great Champion won fourteen victories at the last Classic in 2017, held in Fukuoka City on Kyushu Island.

“I was relieved to achieve (40th victory),” Hakuho told reporters without commenting on the scandal.

ARD previously reported that yokodzuna Harumafuji suspected of attacking his fellow wrestler. According to Japanese media reports, Harumafuji was angered by the fact that during a conversation with him Takanoiwa was busy with my smartphone. This behavior was perceived by Harumafudzi as disrespectful towards the senior fighter.

But the great champion Hakuho, who was also at the party, had his own version of what happened.

Harumafuji “didn't hit him with a beer bottle,” Hakuho said Thursday at the Kyushu Grand Sumo in Fukuoka.

Harumafudzi, 33, may have to step back from his position if indicted.

Note that Hakuho himself is involved in another scandal. On the eleventh day of Basho, he, not wanting to admit defeat, began to put pressure on the judges. The white phoenix refused to bow to his rival.

Oyakata Isegahama On November 23, the acting chairman of the Judges' Committee issued a stern reprimand to the great champion Hakuho.

White Phoenix apologized for his behavior after the fight with Sekivake Yoshikaze. Still, sumo is boring without Mongols.

By the way, the 33-year-old native of Inner Mongolia Sokokurai won champion title in juryo.