Kremlin Cup schedule grid. “VTB Kremlin Cup” - continuing traditions, creating a new era

« VTB Cup Kremlin" ended with victories for Görges and Dzumhur, attendance records and the arrival of Maria Sharapova.

The main event of the tennis autumn was remembered by the audience primarily for the arrival of Maria Sharapova, who attended the Moscow tournament for the first time in 10 years, performances by the legendary drummer Chris Slade and hot tennis battles and much more, but first things first.

The Sharapova phenomenon

The last time Maria performed at the tournament was in 2007, when she lost to Belarusian Victoria Azarenka in the second round, so her arrival was so long-awaited for the Russian public that literally immediately after the official announcement, tickets for Sharapova’s match were completely sold out, media representatives hung up on their phones in the hope of exclusive interview. Maria herself was cold-blooded and focused only on fighting. The fairy tale, which started so well, did not have a happy ending - Maria spent less than two hours on the court, but clearly demonstrated how the arrival of stars of this caliber increases interest not only in the event, but in the sport as a whole. As evidenced by the full stands throughout the subsequent days of the tournament.

“The support was wonderful, the stadium was full. I didn’t know what to expect, but I was really eager to play in my home country and knew that the whole country had been rooting for me for the last two years. I wanted to perform well, but it didn’t work out, but I think I will still have the opportunity,” Sharapova commented at the post-match press conference.


The winner in the women's singles was the representative of Germany, Julia Görges. Thanks to her triumph in Moscow, the athlete interrupted the series of disappointing defeats that haunted her in the finals and won such an important victory for herself.

Daria Kasatkina became the finalist of the tournament, despite the defeat, she was satisfied with the result and separately noted the special support of the fans:

“The stadium was full. I think that this should be the case, if not from the first day, then at least from the quarterfinals. It's really great: you go out onto the court and feel the atmosphere. People are interested, they come to get sick,” commented Kasatkina.

After a hard fight, Damir Dzumhur from Bosnia and Herzegovina became the winner in the men's singles, he defeated Richardas Berankis from Lithuania, for whom it was the second ATP level final in his career 6:2, 1:6, 6:4 in 1 hour 39 minutes. It is noteworthy that Dzumhur won his first title a month earlier in St. Petersburg.

“I don’t know why I perform so well in Russia, maybe it’s the special air here. (Laughs.) I just like playing in Russia,” Damir Dzumhur shared his impressions immediately after the victory.

In the women's doubles, tennis players Andrea Hlavackova from the Czech Republic and Timea Babos from Hungary won, in the men's doubles - Belarusian Maxim Mirny and Austrian Philipp Oswald. For one of the most titled doubles players in the world, Maxim Mirny, this victory was the fiftieth at ATP tournaments.

“I consider this tournament to be my home tournament: unfortunately, I don’t have an ATP tournament at home in Minsk, so this is the closest and dearest tournament for me. I have a lot of family members and friends - and that’s why I always want to play the best way. It doesn’t always work out, but when it does, it’s always nice,” the tournament press service quotes Mirny as saying.

Of the Russians, 21-year-old Daniil Medvedev showed an excellent result, who played in the quarterfinals for the second year in a row, and in the second round match knocked out the winner of the 2016 VTB Kremlin Cup, Top 10 player Pablo Carreño Busta. On her way, Natalya Vikhlyantseva beat her strongest rivals - Vesnina and Kornet, and lost to the reigning champion of the tournament in the semi-finals. Up to stage 1/2 male doubles Evgeny Donskoy and Andrey Kuznetsov arrived.

Attendance records

According to preliminary estimates, more than 77,100 people visited the VTB Kremlin Cup this year, which is almost 10,000 more than last year.

Of these, more than 7,000 people took advantage of the special promotion of the organizers and VTB Bank, visiting the first days of the event for free using Muscovite social cards, student cards, VTB plastic cards, Pochta Bank and electronic invitations.

Ticket sales increased by 52% and, according to the Chairman of the Board of Directors Shamil Tarpishchev, the positive dynamics will continue in the future:

“Of course, the tournament was successful. Despite the absence of Russians in the men's final, the stands were almost full. This year the tournament broke the attendance record. What I liked most was that they started going to the game itself, and not just to “their own” ones, as was usual. Since last year, the situation has changed somewhat and people go to tennis,” Tarpishchev noted.

Special Events

The official press conference dedicated to the start of the VTB Kremlin Cup tournament was held in the very center of Moscow, in the new Zaryadye Park. Representatives of the media, directors of Moscow competitions and specially invited guests gathered on the territory of the Reserve Embassy. The event was the first in the park since its opening.

A pleasant surprise for tennis fans was the autograph session between Svetlana Kuznetsova and Anastasia Myskina at the end of the event. Everyone could receive a souvenir photo of the tennis players with an autograph and parting words.

For the first time, the tournament draw was held in an interactive format at the press center of the TASS news agency, and all those present could watch its results in real time.

Not only tennis, not only hard court!

For the fourth year in a row, the Moscow competitions were held under special stage lighting, which created a unique intimate atmosphere on the courts and arena. During the tournament, entertainment areas, quizzes and children's competitions were organized, and autograph sessions were held for tennis players: Anastasia Sevastova, Philipp Kohlschreiber, Coco Vandewey, Elena Vesnina, Alexander Bublik and, of course, Maria Sharapova at the stand of the title partner VTB.

The Moscow tournament will also be remembered by many for the enchanting show of ex-drummer of the group AD/DC Chris Slade, who performed in the final days of the tournament. Chris is a unique musician, who during his career managed to collaborate with Neil Peart just two weeks after he joined Rush, play with Tom Jones, Gary Numan, Olivia Newton-John (in the band Tomorrow). He performed with AC/DC at the historic Monsters In Rock festival in Moscow in 1991.

Social program

An important social component of the tournament was the charity event “Supporting Children and Families in Difficult Life Situations,” organized jointly with the Central Federal District Foundation. Thanks to this initiative, the tournament was attended by 238 children from orphanages and boarding schools. Little guests watched the matches with interest, took part in interactive zones, and took pictures with the stars.

SMEG - household appliances with history

0 1472

Drying cabinets for clothes and shoes are produced by many companies. Most of the Russian market is occupied by manufacturers from our country. Here we will look at two brands “KUBAN” (Amparo) and “RSHS” from the Moscow Rubin plant. The Moscow production association Rubin produces both traditional drying cabinets and infrared ones. The production is certified, the products have been on the market for 23 years. ...

Drying cabinets for clothes and shoes

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MAXANTO invites you to watch a video about how a serf talks about the eccentricities of a Hindu master and the mysterious and incomprehensible Samsara! ...

One-actor theater: serf, Hindu master and Samsara

0 1318

They say that actors are people who reveal human essence. Emotions overflowing, pantomime on the verge of a foul. All this is in the video that MAXANTO posted right below this text. ...

Who are you in fact? You have changed?

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Annie Veitch is an artist from Ontario (Canada). In her oil paintings - female figures. She explores and presents us with the simple beauty of the body, and also tries to convey the range of complex human emotions. ...

Paintings of dreams on canvases by Canadian Annie Veitch

0 1606

The history of the emergence and development of Urdu is extremely interesting. In the 9th century, with the advent of Muslim conquerors in India, North Indian Hindavi, a developed language with rich folklore, began to be enriched with a variety of Persian and Arabic words and adopted a slightly modified Arabic script. ...

India: Urdu language (Hindustani)

0 1246

When the time comes for the documents to be ready to connect gas, you need to start choosing a gas boiler. There are a lot of brands of boilers, and in this diversity of equipment, you need to choose a boiler that would satisfy all your requirements. Conversations with neighbors who have had gas connected for a long time, as a rule, do not yield anything definite. Everyone tells their own stories, some praise the boiler, and some already have their third, and the last one is very good. ...

How to choose a gas boiler, boiler, remote access system, etc.

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Nowadays there are many companies on the Internet that offer their clients a wide range of a wide variety of products. In this article we will talk about popular online stores that sell cleaning equipment and equipment. So, the top 5:...

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0 922

The construction of the Thupden Shedudling temple complex in Otradnoye is proceeding as usual. The Enlightenment Stupa has already been built next to the Temporary Stupa. ...

Stupa of Enlightenment of the Thupden Shedubling Temple Complex - Moscow

0 1467

The unreasonableness of the thought haunts me. Radiant boys sing their speeches from YouTube channels, collecting millions of subscribers. Having caught my breath, I realized that I did not envy them, but in some ways even admired them. Just imagine how many people want to learn business and become a “Big Boss”. ...

Trainings: how to study so as not to leave disappointed?

0 1210

Instructions on how to connect a combined indirect heating boiler to the heating system of a gas boiler. ...

Connecting a combined indirect heating boiler (IBC) to the heating system of a gas boiler

0 2018

The procedure and deadlines for processing documents and performing gas connection work. Provided that there is a gas main near your house. ...

Gas supply to a private house in the Moscow region, in TSN.

0 993

As soon as the conductor bows to the audience, waves his baton, with a wave of which the red theater curtains open and the orchestra enters, you understand: this is Imre Kalman. His music, solemn and eternal, takes you into the wonderful world of Viennese operettas, even if they are now called musicals. ...

Circus Princess of the Moscow Musical Theater

0 1627

Queen's new video with vocals by Freddie Mercury for the song All Dead, All Dead from the album News of the world. ...

New Queen video with vocals by Freddie Mercury

0 2276

On October 12, 2017, the Central Bank of Russia introduced banknotes with denominations of 200 and 2000 rubles. ...

The Central Bank introduced new banknotes in denominations of 200 and 2000 rubles

0 1922

Scientists believe that the first clocks were created and made public domain by the ancient Greeks. To ensure that the townspeople who lived in ancient Athens did not feel out of time, special people scurried around the streets of the city, telling them for a small fee where to this moment The sundial shadow mark is located. ...

Who invented the clock? History of invention

0 1872

“The bathhouse heals the soul,” that’s what they said in Rus', and they were right. You can remember how in the film “Midshipmen”, a Frenchman who decided to go to a Russian steam room shouted obscenities in his own language and fled in shame from the walls of the holy place. For a Russian, a bathhouse is part of his life. In the bathhouse, a person cleanses his body and soul after a week of work. ...

Bath for body and soul

0 1178

Sleepwalking is a special state of sleep, observed more often in children and adolescents. With sleepwalking, there is a disorder of consciousness, accompanied by automatic complex actions during night sleep. ...


0 1542

Traditionally, in the northern countries, a stove was used to heat the house in cold times, while in the southern countries they were content with fireplaces. This was the case until recently, when some manufacturers created a symbiosis between a stove and a fireplace, which combined the aesthetics of an open fire and the warmth from a real stove. We will tell you about the Swedish manufacturer KEDDY, which has been producing a whole the lineup stoves with supercassettes - glass-enclosed fireboxes through which you can watch the fire consume the wood. ...

Swedish Keddy Maxette stoves and fireplaces

0 1949

Registration of a land plot and a country house in ownership on a site intended for housing construction (if it is not a garden or dacha partnership) From January 1, 2017, instead of a certificate of registration of land rights, a new document was introduced, which is called an “extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate” (a single state real estate register). The extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate included: an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (rights) and the state real estate cadastre. ...

Registration of land plot and country house ownership

0 1180

After watching the show Exactly, where Gennady Khazanov acts as a judge, one gets a painful impression. Looking at him, one might decide that the era of acting is over. That is why the MAXANTO correspondent went with caution to the performance of Anton Chekhov’s theater “Dinner with a Fool”; Imagine his surprise when he rendered a verdict that Khazanov was perhaps the only one who “inherited” the enchanting manner of playing with strokes, a little at a time, characteristic of Arkady Raikin. And he not only inherited it, but carried it through the thickness of decades, without spilling the liquid from this precious vessel at all. ...

Dinner with a Fool - Gennady Khazanov

0 1318

There is an anecdote about a monk knocking on a woman’s door for the night. The woman set conditions for spending the night: drink with her, eat meat or spend the night. The monk refused, but there was little choice, otherwise he would have frozen at night, since he was in the mountains where there was snow. And the monk agreed to drink some wine with her. And only after drinking, he ate the meat, and then he slept with her. ...

Confession of a vegetarian or how I started eating meat again

0 1624

Moscow. Red Square. How much has been said, how much has been written. Military parades have been and are still taking place on Red Square; people go to meet Lenin in the mausoleum. It’s still a miracle, what if they remove it soon? ...

Moscow. Red Square. Summer 2017.

0 2195

On May 31, on the eve of summer, a MAXANTO correspondent attended a club meeting held by Andrey Veselov on the topic: “Strategic changes: awaken the power of 5P!” ...

Strategic Change: Unleash the Power of the 5Ps

0 2205

Those who are accustomed to looking at their feet in the summer know that in nature, and even in the urban jungle, many different beetles crawl on the ground. At the same time, sometimes we don’t even think about the fact that some species are listed in the Red Book... One of the endangered species is the Caucasian ground beetle...

Caucasian ground beetle - a beetle from the Red Book

0 7233

Many people are thinking about building a country house. What to look for Special attention during its construction and installation of utilities? Where to begin? ...

Mistakes when building a country house

0 1878

A plant is being built in Kaliningrad where it is planned to produce automatic transmissions. According to the business plan, the production area will be 80 thousand square meters, and the planned production volume should reach 30 thousand ACPs per year. ...

KATE: Russian automatic transmissions

0 5773

Elon Musk proposes a radical solution - the construction of new metro lines specifically for cars. At first glance, this looks futuristic and not feasible. But let's digress for a moment and remember that another no less plausible project of Elon Musk - Hyperloop (the construction of tubes in which trains will travel at speeds of over 1200 km/h) is already being implemented. Therefore, let's see how the developers see the underground for cars. ...

Subway for cars

0 1360

Installing a heating element in an indirect heating boiler Baxi Premier Plus

0 4909

The first UAZ DEVOLRO will be ready in early July 2017! Orlov outlined the date for the appearance of the first car in the United States. UAZ DEVOLRO will be available for the first time to see (and buy) in July 2017! The price will depend on the configuration, starting from $15,000 and up to $35,000. ...

The first UAZ DEVOLRO will be available for purchase in early July 2017

0 1720

Today, disposers are no longer amazing devices. In many apartments and country houses their use has become commonplace. However, among the general population there is still no complete confidence that they are really needed. Moreover, the phrase “food waste shredder” sometimes confuses us, because it is not entirely clear why we should chop something at all? ...

Bone Crusher and InSinkErator disposers

0 1511

It is known that no two people are identical in nature. Even doubles, upon close examination, are not at all identical. Nature provides a countless variety of species, which is ultimately an element of evolution. Surely many people have noticed that everything in a person is different: even the ears. Thus, there are several classifications of auricles. Of course, when it comes to personal identification, we primarily mean the identification of corpses in forensic science. Thus, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, every year more than twenty thousand (!!!) unidentified corpses are discovered in the country. Therefore, this problem is of interest to a greater extent to experts in criminal investigation. ...

Personal identification by ears in criminology

0 2712

Caterpillars are known pests. Of course, then they will become butterflies and, although they will remain the same destroyers of crops, they will acquire a certain colorfulness and will be pleasing to the eye. As for their predecessors - caterpillars, or, as they are also called, larvae, they do not evoke sympathy. Although some representatives are definitely photogenic. ...

Caterpillars are phytophages that eat leaves

0 2281

In addition to Russia and Europe, “agile lizards” even live in the north-west of Mongolia. However, perhaps it was from Mongolia that they came to Rus' along with the hordes of Genghis Khan! Take a look at two maps - the habitat of the "agile lizards" and the outlined border of the Mongol Empire - they overlap. There is an alternative opinion that this is not without reason. ...

The path of the lizard: from Mongolia to Europe

0 1765

Ipoh is a city in Malaysia that began to develop rapidly at the turn of the 19th century. Now it is home to over seven hundred thousand inhabitants, surrounded by modern buildings. However, buildings from the colonial era have also been preserved. The graffiti on the walls of the Old town, which was created by Ernest Zakharevich, is also quite interesting. The drawings appeared after the artist’s trip around the country. This resulted in such images as “pedicabs”, “old man with a cup of coffee”, “children on a paper airplane”, “tea bags”, “girl on a stool” and “hummingbird”. ...

Graffiti on the walls of Ipoh, Malaysia

0 1240

MAXANTO correspondents attended the training “103 new tricks of active sales”, which was conducted by the famous sales trainer Dmitry Tkachenko. ...

103 new active sales chips

0 1884

Today, the international publication published a series of photographs of a “mysterious prototype of a large sedan.” The photographs were taken by the publication's photographers during sea trials on one of the frozen lakes in Sweden. And if some foreign readers are not entirely familiar with the design of the future presidential limousine, which should be ready for the upcoming inauguration in 2018, then MAXANTO readers will easily guess under the camouflage the future limousine of the AURUS brand, and not a Rolls-Royce or Bentley. ...

Test of the presidential limousine (project "Cortege") in Sweden

0 1932

They say that you can’t teach trading. But that's not true. For example, David Rockefeller Sr., who recently died, despite inherited capital, studied at the London School of Economics and Political Science. The “Sales and Marketing 2017” conference, organized under the auspices and with the direct support of B2Bbasis, has been taking place in Moscow for several years now. MAXANTO correspondents attended this interesting event to get acquainted with all the current trends in the field of marketing and promotion of services to the market. ...

Sales and Marketing 2017: This Year's Trends

0 1765

When Jean-Claude Van Damme did the splits on two moving Volvo trucks, the world burst into applause. But the video with Van Damme is not the first time that artists have shown stretching between moving objects. Of course, the first who began to show people such tricks were circus performers. MAXANTO managed to find a photograph of Vladimir Durov’s students. In all likelihood, the photograph dates back to the 60s of the last century. The picture shows circus artist Vladislava Varjakoene. ...

Twine on elephants, trucks, motorcycles

0 1665

Over the past decade, Satoshi Saikusa has created a number of projects that explore themes such as night, memory and the fragility of existence. Regardless of whether he works in a series of portraits, still lifes or installations, he says that the Buddhist concept runs through all his work impermanence - with an emphasis on memento mori. ...

Photographer Satoshi Saikusa: themes of death, birth and sleep

0 1865

Eva Green is the fatal beauty from the latest reboot of the James Bond films. The same Vesper Lynd who left scars on the heart of agent 007. We will not reflect on the attractiveness of this woman. Today MAXANTO will show you the images she created in collaboration with Japanese photographer Satoshi Saikusa. ...

Eva Green: Bond girl through a Japanese lens

0 2216

Of course, we will not be original if we say that praying mantises are alien creatures. Of course, they live on Earth and are very common on it. But take a closer look at them: weren’t their heads copied and copied by American film studios when creating their films about terrible aliens from outer space? Looking at them, only one thing is reassuring: praying mantises are small insects. If you imagine that they were at least the size of a cat or dog, we assure you that you would feel uneasy when meeting them. ...

Mantises: hellspawn from another planet?

0 1843

The performance is conceptual, as is the place where it is played - after all, the Zuev House of Culture is one of the most striking and famous monuments of constructivism in the world. But today we are not talking about that. The fact is that Oleg Dyachenko’s film “Faster than Rabbits” is completely devoid of video footage about phobias from the play, which immediately seems to decapitate the narrative. Comical episodes with Hamlet and in the Third Reich also deserve attention. MAXANTO offers a look at episodes not included in the film. ...

Faster than rabbits: phobias, Hamlet, Pinocchio and the Third Reich

0 1404

Concept cars deservedly attract public attention. Of course: this way we can move into the future at least for a while. Peering through a keyhole, we try to believe that the next miracle will become a reality. Lately there have been a lot of interesting concept cars in Russia, a number of which were never put into production. But there are still companies that give us optimism. One of these is a city car from the founder of Mirrowcars, Alexander Malyshev. ...

Mirrow Provocator: a cubist concept

0 1322

The obvious fact is that in order to become recognizable, you need to work hard. But if something is already widely known, does it take effort to maintain that status? ...

Location: Moscow, Russia

Time spending: 15.10.2018 - 21.10.2018

Coating: hard (indoors)

Prize fund: $912,680

General prize fund: $992,670

Tournament description:

Buy tickets to the XXVI International tennis tournament Kremlin Cup (VTB Kremlin Cup), 2018 right now!

Major tennis international tournament is the Kremlin Cup 2018. Venue - Moscow, sports complex"Olympic". The championships are held in doubles and singles among women and men. Men's competitions have a category of ATP 250, ATP Tour, and women's tournament BTA category.

The founder of the Kremlin Cup was the Swiss businessman Sasson Kakshouri. At first the tournament was held only among men, but six years later competitions began to be held among women. Men's and women's competition took place at different times, but over time they were combined, and they began to take place within one week.

Thanks to the unification, this championship was able to become the first tournament in the history of tennis in which competitions of opposite sexes were held simultaneously. The hosts are successful winners of the singles tournament: Evgeny Kafelnikov, Andrei Cherkasov, Alexander Volkov, Anna Kournikova, Anastasia Myskina. Of the 22 tournaments held, Russian tennis players won 14.

Maxim Mirny from Belarus succeeded in pairs performances at the Kremlin Cup four times, Paul Harhuis (Holland) three times, Nadezhda Petrova (Russia) won the women’s pairs three times, Natalia Zvereva (Belarus) and Lisa Raymond (USA) won two each.