Coordination ladder exercise. The coordination ladder, or an athlete’s path to excellence for minimal money. There are also varieties of double, lightweight stairs, with connecting fasteners for increasing the length or making a cross

The overall speed depends on the manifestation of elementary forms of speed, such as the speed of motor reaction, the speed of a single movement and the frequency of movements. Speed ​​also depends on the coordinated work of tension and relaxation of the muscles involved in the movement ( that the same frequency, but on the other side).

Developing speed is an essential part of a football player’s work on his progress, and training aimed at increasing speed is necessary for any player. Exercises using the football coordination ladder allow you to develop both pace and coordination of movements. It is important that this form of manifestation of speed lends itself well to training.

I will say right away that the ladder is not the only option for developing tempo, much less the only option for developing coordination, but today we will consider it, and we will turn to other options later.

The essence of all possible exercises using a football ladder: perform the movements as quickly as possible, and it is characteristic that small steps are performed, without high lifting knee and without significant lifting of the foot from the surface - as often as possible, as quickly as possible.

Such a technique as developing the tempo by football ladder– refers to running along marks, when the performer of the exercise is required to perform a step (or two, to the side, a jump or some other combination) on each of them.

Players of all roles need similar training. Progress in the tempo of movements and their coordinated work will allow better (faster) movement over short distances, in episodes where the player takes a football stance, moves to the side, turns, backs up or puts pressure on the player with the ball. The ability to move with balance and move your feet at a high tempo is the basis for good ball control when dribbling and performing feints.

Quick short steps will allow you to increase the speed of reaction to a changing situation, both in terms of attacking and defensive actions. The legs will become faster, which will have a positive effect on both ball control and the combat of removing it.

As a result of training, the coordinated work of all parts of the body should be adjusted. Here we are talking about both the coordinated work of the arms and legs, and the muscles involved in the work. In many ways, the pace of movement depends on the ability of the muscles involved in the movement to quickly relax. We have done our job - relaxed, do not interfere with the antagonist muscles performing the return movement... and such a cycle throughout the entire movement. In the process of training with stairs, we “teach” the muscles, including this.

Actually about the exercises.

  • The starting position is similar to a football stance - the center of gravity is lowered, but the legs are not so wide apart, the legs are shoulder-width apart or even slightly narrower. Body weight on toes throughout the entire exercise.
  • The neck is not bent, we are not looking at the floor, the head is in a natural position.
  • We do not tilt the body too much forward - this limits the movement of the legs and leads to unnecessary back tension. The angle between the torso and the thigh is approximately the same as the angle between the lower leg and the thigh.
  • The arms are bent at the elbows and remain in this position throughout the entire exercise. Hand movement occurs in shoulder joint, there is no need to move your forearm separately.
  • The arms move in accordance with the movement of the opposite leg with the same speed and range of motion as the legs. It is important that when working on frequency, we do not bring our knee forward upward, and accordingly, we do not throw our arms too far forward. The movement of the arms is commensurate with the movement of the legs both in sharpness and amplitude.
  • It is wrong to move your arms too actively elbow joint. It's wrong to strain trapezius muscles and pull your shoulders up towards your neck. It is wrong to swing your arms to the sides.
  • The pace should not slow down towards the end of the stairs; it is important to go through the last square at high speed. To do this, you can set the finishing goal three to four meters from the last cell - so that there is a need to accelerate. You can also add different elements after the ladder for this: a turn, a zigzag or acceleration, and a strike after receiving or picking up the ball.

On initial stage mastering the exercises, we focus on technique, that is, what is described above must be observed. You can perform penetrations not at the maximum in order to “catch” correct execution. Next, we strive to increase the intensity while maintaining the technique.

The volume of training depends on preparedness; at the initial stage, you can select 3-4 exercises and repeat them 4-5 times. Rest time between approaches is 1-1.5 minutes. If the stairs are part of a strip, then the rest time can be increased to 2-3 minutes.

After mastering the basic exercises, you can add weights or elastic bands to your legs. Changing the surface on which the work takes place can also become a complication: the softer the more difficult . You can train not in the sand, on the snow, or even in water - the more your foot is immersed in the water, the greater the resistance and load. When training on soft surfaces, the starting stance should be slightly higher.

What’s a big plus of the ladder is its execution options various exercises on her. Children, as well as adults, will not be bored or accustomed to training with this equipment. For example, 101 exercises are given and if you have a free half hour, you can read them. Not all possible exercises are suitable for football players. Although the ladder is a means general development physical qualities, nothing prevents you from making it a means of special development - that is, “footballing” exercises, performing those that will imitate or be close to specific football movements.

You can move up the stairs facing forward, sideways or backwards.
We add a ball to the exercises on the stairs - there are several options when there are soccer balls in each flight of stairs, and there are options when we move/lead in parallel with the movement up the stairs soccer ball. In the first case, when passing a flight of stairs where the ball is located, it is necessary to touch it so that it remains in place. In the second case, you can move the ball with both feet or only one, take it into the cages or carry it parallel to the stairs, and so on.

The staircase itself can be like ours, purchased in a store or assembled yourself, or it can simply be marked or marked. For example, our first staircase in the home version

You can develop the pace on an ordinary staircase (in the sense of leading somewhere upward, but not on a stepladder or fire escape), especially if its steps are small. Also maintaining the desire to correct position body and arm movements, take steps up the stairs as quickly as possible, stepping on each step. With this version of speed-strength work, the emphasis will noticeably shift towards the strength side. It is important not to go too far with the amount of work - we rise intensively for only 8-10 seconds.

Our video provides several options for performing exercises.


Exercises to develop pace on the football ladder can accompany a football player throughout his entire career - from the very beginning. early age and up to “veteran”. It is clear that training is required to develop strength and speed, but in order to maintain the achieved level of strength and speed, it is also necessary to constantly train. With a decrease in the volume and intensity of training for the development of individual forms of speed, and even more so when they are stopped, there is a drop in speed indicators.

Let's train, get faster and stay fast! Good luck!

The “coordination ladder” consists of two slings on which thin slats are attached - from ten or more. This simulator is widely used in team sports and athletics, that is, where fast and well-coordinated legs are important. Actually, just like in boxing. Therefore, it makes sense to master a number of exercises that will help improve a boxer’s speed qualities:

How to make a trainer yourself?

In a famous sports hypermarket I discovered “ Coordination ladder"costing just over a thousand rubles. Having calculated that he could make it himself in about twenty minutes and at the same time save money, he decided to do it on his own. By the way, in online stores this simulator is sold for two and a half thousand rubles. The cost of homemade preparation is only three hundred rubles.

To make your own projectile you will need:

  1. Ten thin wooden slats, up to 50 cm long.
  2. Sling for securing cargo - 10 m.
  3. Construction stapler and staples.
  4. Ruler

Watch in this video the process of making the “Coordination Ladder”:


  1. Lay out the wooden pieces evenly at a distance of 50 cm from each other so that they form a ladder.
  2. Attach slings to them.
  3. Secure the straps using a staple gun.

Your projectile is ready. We wish you productive training.

Any movement is the result of the coordinated work of a system of muscles regulated nervous system. The essence of the coordination ladder training is low-amplitude, high-frequency exercises that stimulate the brain to effectively send electrical current to the muscles, causing them to move. At the same time, the muscles learn to precisely regulate the degree of their tension and relaxation. You need to start with simple chains of repeating steps, bring them to automaticity, and only then increase the speed and complexity.

Coordination ladder - a mandatory simulator for athletes of all team sports allows you to train speed of maneuvering, stability at speed during a sharp change in direction of movement. With the help of a coordination ladder, you can improve the speed of your feet, increase your agility to implement deceptive passes and feints on the way to the opponent’s goal.

In addition, the coordination ladder can also be used when training the upper body - arms and abs: combining push-ups with moving in squares.

The coordination track is also suitable for weight loss, as it allows intense high-speed movements that actively burn calories.

With the coordination ladder you will improve:

  • Speed ​​of footwork
  • Lateral speed
  • Balance.
  • Rhythm and body control
  • Arm and abdominal muscles

All of these skills are very important for any athlete who wants to perform at a high level.

How to use the coordination ladder correctly?

You need to start with simple chains of repeating steps, try to perform them correctly, bring them to automaticity, and only then increase the speed and complexity.

Buy a coordination ladder available on the website of our online store Workout Area. The presented assortment includes different modifications of coordination tracks: length, number of crossbars and width between them. We can organize delivery in any way convenient for you - by courier to your home/office, or to one of the pick-up points. We ship to all regions of Russia.

Online store website is

  • opportunity to buy coordinating stairs and paths
  • delivery in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • possibility to order Sports Equipment for training
  • quality guarantee and certified product
  • products for professional athletes

In contact with

Exercises with coordination ladder there are many. Some of them are specialized for the needs of a particular sport, some are universal, but almost all of them are aimed at improving coordination and speed of footwork, movement technique and balance.

As with many technique exercises, the correctness of execution is more important here than the speed of execution. First you need to learn to do it right, and then learn to do it right and at the same time - quickly. More than once I have seen some kind of “speed race” in training, where players tried to go up the stairs the fastest instead of practicing the necessary elements. Hand work and the height of the center of gravity were also often ignored.

Working with your hands

When doing footwork speed exercises to increase your running cadence, arm work is just as important as footwork. It is impossible to run while moving your legs at one speed and your arms at another. The speed should be the same; accordingly, the arms need to be trained simultaneously with the legs and preferably with the required amplitude.

In more difficult exercises, where the movements are directed in different directions, but the legs work alternately as when running, more active work Using your hands helps you “catch” the rhythm and makes doing the exercise easier. In some exercises, the arms act as a balancer, allowing you to perform the exercises more sharply and actively. With your arms hanging or clenched into fists at chest level, there will be no balancer.

Center of gravity height

Almost all changes in direction of movement are associated with a lower center of gravity. Try to do these exercises not on straight legs, but on bent ones - this will make it easier for you to apply the acquired skills in the game.

Talaiko Natalya Vadimirovna,

teacher physical culture MAOU secondary school No. 22

Development motor qualities among students

through the use of a speed ladder in the lesson


All more people think about their health and try to start working on preserving it as early as possible. Availability of exercises from various types sports and various muscle groups on the Internet, allow you to set up a gym right at home. And if living conditions are not suitable for installing a large number sports equipment? Then the equipment that comes in a sports bag comes to the rescue, which can be used when exercising on street areas. In the bag you can put dumbbells, expanders, a jump rope, and more modern ones - markers, a speed ladder, a parachute.

Speedy (coordination) ladder- this is one of the most common and effective simulators For health activities Andtraining athletes in many sports. The ladder is equipment aimed at active sport exercises. Speed ​​stairs train both large and fast muscles and those lying close to the skeletal system, which form the framework of the musculoskeletal system. The core muscles are the most difficult to train because... they are deep, and a limited number of types of exercises can engage them.

Exercises on the stairs cause the human neurological system to send Additional information into his muscles at great speed, turning on more and more motor cells. This helps a person to be faster, more mobile and more agile.

The coordination ladder is used for:

Acceleration training;

Speed ​​data improvements;

Improving body balance in movement;

Develops a sense of body rhythm and coordination.

Using stairs in lesson activities and training process in children school age allows you to diversify classes, help students develop speed, speed-strength and coordination abilities. You can use the stairs both for warming up and for main activities.

Types of high-speed (coordination) stairs:

  1. The Traditional Ladder is equipped with crossbars that are attached as stiffeners to the sling at intervals of 37-40 cm from each other. Its characteristic feature is a flat bottom and a rounded top, or a completely round crossbar. It is important that athletes do not stand on the floor bars while using the ladder, and the rounded top reminds athletes to keep their feet suspended and springing from square to square.
  2. The Flat Ladder is equipped with rungs that are completely flat to the ground. These stairs usually have adjustable rungs, so the trainer can change their position from 37 to 50 cm. But such stairs have fewer rungs per total length.

There are also varieties of double, lightweight stairs, with connecting fasteners for increasing the length or making them crosswise.

As a rule, the kit includes:

Convenient carrying bag;

4 pegs for fixing the ladder on grass surfaces;

11 (or more) plastic cross bars on durable nylon tapes;

Color yellow-black.

Features of working on a high-speed (coordination) ladder

Exercises for coordination ladder there are many. Some of them are specialized for the needs of a particular sport, some are universal, but almost all of them are aimed at improving coordination and speed of footwork, movement technique and balance.

As with many technique exercises, the correctness of execution is more important here than the speed of execution. First you need to learn to do it right, and then learn to do it right and at the same time - quickly. More than once I have seen some kind of “speed race” in training, where players tried to go up the stairs the fastest instead of practicing the necessary elements. Hand work and the height of the center of gravity were also often ignored.

Working with your hands

When doing footwork speed exercises to increase your running cadence, arm work is just as important as footwork. It is impossible to run while moving your legs at one speed and your arms at another. The speed should be the same; accordingly, the arms need to be trained simultaneously with the legs and preferably with the required amplitude.

In more complex exercises, where the movements are directed in different directions, but the legs work alternately as when running, more active work with the arms helps to “catch” the rhythm and makes the exercise easier. In some exercises, the arms act as a balancer, allowing you to perform the exercises more sharply and actively. With your arms hanging or clenched into fists at chest level, there will be no balancer.

Center of gravity height

Almost all changes in direction of movement are associated with a lower center of gravity. Try to do these exercises not on straight legs, but on bent ones - this will make it easier for you to apply the acquired skills in the game.

Health and safety when exercising on stairs

  1. Exercise ladders should be positioned to provide sufficient clearance at both ends and on either side of the ladders.
  2. Avoid fatigue, which leads to poor technique and slower footwork.
  3. Proper foot placement helps prevent injuries and damage to the feet and ankles.
  4. Start slowly and gradually increase the speed of the movements.

Basic types of movements and exercises.

Walking, running, jumping. Hand exercises have appeared.

Use of notation:

Left leg Right leg direction of movement

Speed ​​staircase marker

Possible exercises:

The child runs along the side of the stairs, keeping his outside leg in upright position. Inside leg moves across stair slats using a sharp, rapid movement.

The child walks the length of the stairs, moving laterally, placing his feet alternately in each space between the steps.

The child walks the length of the stairs, jumping, alternating legs apart (on both sides of the stairs), legs together.

The child changes the position of his legs by jumping

The child performs two jumps forward and one back, repeating the pattern to the end of the stairs.

  1. Running in and out of the “rectangle”

The child walks the length of the stairs, moving sideways, alternately running in with his right foot and running out with his right foot.

The variety of jumping and running exercises performed on two or one leg, face, back or side in the direction of movement is amazing. Using the exercises in training activities, elements of the sport and, if any, the subject are added. The speed ladder is actively used in team sports and martial arts. A large number of exercises can be viewed on the video hosting site You Tube.

Combination of running exercises

Option 1.

Markers (6 pcs.), stairs (2 pcs.), barriers (2 pcs.).

stop jump acceleration run


start exercise 1 4 running steps sideways turn 360ͦ exercise 3

Option 2 (with a basketball).

Markers (11 pcs.), ladder (2 pcs.), barriers (5 pcs.), non-slip ball (1 or more)

br. for 2s. Exercise 4 Driving with a “snake” Exercise 2 with


Start lead hurdledribble touching the ball marker

right foot, ball in right hand

Improving and complicating the technique of performing exercises using stairs

  1. Changing the direction of movements.
  2. Alternating leading legs.
  3. Quick movement with one leg, the other is used for support.
  4. Additional inclusion of twists and turns
  5. Changing the direction of movement inside and outside the stairs
  6. Using stops and starts to help develop resilience
  7. Children should hold sports equipment (ball, gymnastic stick, racket, bat, etc.) so that it can be included in the exercise program.

Information sources:

  1. The school of instant reaction, deft movements, quick feet and strong hands. Physical development children 4-11 years old/Alan Pearson, David Hawkins; lane from English by L.I. Zaremskaya. – M.: AST:Astrel. 2011. – 320 pp., ill.
  2. Guide to using a high-speed ladder, 2013. – 15 pp., illus.