Coordination ladder dimensions. coordination stairs. Overview. Always keep your back straight

All athletes regularly train, improving and perfecting their skills to perfection, and not only experienced coaches, but also simulators help them in this. Recently, the coordination ladder has been especially popular among them.

What is a trainer

In fact, the simulator is a regular ladder made of soft straps and plastic crossbars.

The dimensions of the coordination ladder are almost always standard:

  • width - 0.5 meters;
  • the distance between the crossbars is 0.4 meters.

The length may vary depending on the need to train alone or all sports team. Along with the length, the number of crossbars also increases.

How classes help

Absolutely all stairs are aimed at training speed, maneuverability and coordination. Of course, it can not do without building up endurance and strength. Most often, the speed ladder is used when training in team sports sports, where it is very important to make decisions quickly and correctly, as well as respond to them with your body. A coordination ladder is used for training runners and boxers, this helps them work out their reaction and speed.

In general, anyone can engage in this simulator. All exercises are both a warm-up and a workout itself, depending on the distribution of the load. Convenience also plays an important role, because when folded, the ladder takes up almost no space, and unfolds easily and quickly.

Training features

When exercising with the coordination ladder, it is important, first of all, to pay attention not to speed, but to the technique of performing exercises. Only after they have been worked out should one begin to increase the pace.

Most of the exercises for training on the speed ladder are designed for a specific sport, but there are also universal ones that can develop speed, technique and body balance in everyone. Properly performed technique will allow the athlete to feel the tension of the necessary muscle groups. Very nice results are received after such classes by athletes performing at short distances. They improve maneuverability, speed and coordination of movements. Over time at regular workouts on the coordination ladder, it is possible to accustom one's own body and brain to lightning-fast decisions and their implementation, which is very important in team sports.

Interestingly, when working with the simulator, the muscles of the whole body are involved, and not just the legs.

The cost of the simulator

The price category of speed ladders allows anyone to purchase them. The specific cost depends on the length of the simulator and its manufacturer. If desired, the ladder can be made independently, then the cost in general will be 2-3 hundreds of rubles. To work, you just need to buy the required number of wooden slats and 2 soft slings of a certain length, and then fasten it all, observing the required distance. It is best to use a construction stapler for fastening, but you can also take specialized wood glue.

Any movement is the result of the coordinated work of the muscle system regulated by the nervous system. The essence of training with a coordination ladder is exercises with a small amplitude, but a high frequency, which stimulate the brain to effectively send an electric current to the muscles, setting them in motion. In this case, the muscles learn to precisely regulate the degree of their tension and relaxation. You need to start with simple chains of repetitive steps, bring to automatism, and only then increase the speed and complexity.

coordination ladder- a mandatory simulator for athletes of all team sports allows you to train the speed of maneuvering, stability at speed with a sharp change in direction of movement. With the help of the ladder for coordination, you can improve the speed of the legs, increase dexterity for the implementation of deceptive passes and feints on the way to the opponent's goal.

In addition, the coordination ladder can also be used when training the upper body - arms and press: combining push-ups with moving along the squares.

The coordination track is also suitable for weight loss, as it allows intense high-speed movements that contribute to the active burning of calories.

With the coordination ladder you will improve:

  • Footwork speed
  • Lateral speed
  • Balance.
  • Rhythm and body control
  • Arm muscles and abs

All these skills are very important for any athlete who wants to perform at a high level.

How to use the coordination ladder correctly?

You need to start with simple chains of repetitive steps, try to do it right, bring it to automatism, and only then increase the speed and complexity.

Buy coordination ladder you can on the website of our online store Workout Area. In the presented range - different modifications coordination tracks: according to the length, the number of crossbars and the width between them. We can arrange delivery in any way convenient for you - by courier to your home / office, to one of the pickup points. We ship to all regions of Russia.

Online store website is

  • opportunity to buy coordination ladders and paths
  • delivery in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • possibility to order Sports Equipment for training
  • quality assurance and certified goods
  • goods for professional athletes

Athletes involved in different types sports, the same effective simulator is used everywhere - the coordination ladder. It can be used for both personal and group lessons. Standard ladders are tear-resistant nylon bands, between which 12 or 20 flexible strips are installed at a distance of 40 cm. Depending on the number of transverse, the length of the stairs ranges from 6 to 10 meters. The width of the stairs is unchanged - 50 cm.
If you are looking for a simple but effective trainer, the Coordinating Outdoor Ladder will help you improve your speed skills while performing exercises, designed for short distances. Strength, endurance, coordination, maneuverability are additionally developed. With repetition of exercises, control over the balance of the body is increased and fine synchronization of motor skills is observed.
Various exercises on the coordination ladder are necessary for team sports:

  • basketball,
  • football,
  • tennis,
  • badminton,
  • rugby,
  • skiing,
  • and others.

The coordination ladder primarily trains speed and balance, but is also good for increasing endurance.

Features of classes on the coordination ladder

The coordination ladder used for warm-ups (the video illustrates this well) is a complex-type simulator, combining the exercises themselves at the same time. Classes are available for everyone, regardless of the level of training, since the degree of load is easy to adjust on your own.

An important aspect is the convenience and compactness, which allow the use of the stairs both outdoors and indoors. If you repeat similar exercises from time to time, increasing the pace, you will be able to accustom the brain and your nervous system react faster to incoming impulses, thereby achieving stable progress.
If you need such an effective coordination ladder, you can buy it in our professional store - we will deliver your order to any point in Moscow in as soon as possible so you can start exercising right away.

The coordination ladder for running is one of the most common and effective simulators for training athletes in many sports.
Its use helps to significantly improve speed, balance, coordination, multi-directional speed and acceleration!
By repeating the same exercises, constantly increasing the pace, you accustom the brain and nervous system to faster movements - this is how steady progress is achieved!
The ladder consists of strong nylon tapes and 12, 20 flexible (6 or 10 meters) plastic cross bars. 50 cm ladder width, 40 cm - the distance between the slats.
You can connect several ladders at once with each other.

Scope of use:

The ladder for running can be used for training in various sports: football, hockey, basketball, in many team sports.

For individual training and team exercises.

The coordination ladder is used for:

Acceleration training

Velocity Data Improvements



Improvement in body balance in motion

Constant and sudden changes in game situations require young players to be extremely focused, quick to react, heightened attention, the ability to quickly respond to the actions of opponents and partners, quickly assess the game situation, instantly make a tactical decision and immediately implement it. Also to achieve best result a young hockey player must do everything quickly: start and run on skates, brake and maneuver, dribble around an opponent, dribble, pass and receive, throw the puck into the goal, stop the opponent by force or, conversely, evade power combat. These components of the game activity of a hockey player require a high level of development of coordination and speed abilities (speed), as well as distributed attention, spatial orientation and dynamic balance. For the development of the above physical qualities the system of training young hockey players uses a wide arsenal of means of general physical training. Not so long ago, in the domestic system of training hockey players, a new simulator began to be used - a coordination ladder (speed ladder, agility ladder), which contributes to the development of the players' physical qualities necessary for playing activities (speed and agility).

Exercise number 1 - "classics".

Start the exercise by taking a starting position at the bottom of the stairs, feet shoulder-width apart.
Jump forward, pushing off with both feet, and land on the first sector of the stairs on left leg.
Next, pushing off with your left foot, jump forward again, but land on two feet already.
Push off with both feet again, jump forward and land on the right foot.
Pushing off only with the right foot, we jump forward and land on two feet. This is 1 cycle. Repeat this cycle until the ladder ends.

Exercise number 2 - "inside out."

Begin the exercise by placing your feet shoulder-width apart before starting the stairs.
Step (do not jump, namely step) into the first section of the stairs, first with your left and then with your right foot.
Once your right foot is in the first section, immediately place your left foot to the left of the next section of the ladder, then your right foot to the right of the ladder.
Again, step your left foot inside the stairs, and then also step your right foot (as if returning to the previous position).
Repeat this movement pattern until the ladder ends.

Exercise number 3 - "step to the side."

Start the exercise by standing near the lower left corner of the stairs (we used to start the exercise being in the center, but now we need to move a little to the left).
Step onto the first section with your left foot, and without stopping immediately step into it with your right (as if doing a jump, or jump stop; in the original this movement is called "1-2 motion", minimize the time between each step).
Now you need to move to the right of the current section, again placing first the left and then the right foot.
Now step diagonally to the left and up, again using the left and then the right foot.
Move to the left, going beyond the stairs, first with your left and then with your right foot. Here we are in the starting position.
Continue in the same way to the end of the stairs. If you decide to perform this exercise several times, then each time start on the opposite side of the stairs, so that your leading foot (in the example this is the left foot) will change regularly.

Exercise number 4 - "Tango".

Start this exercise by standing at the bottom left of the stairs (like the previous exercise).
Step your left foot over your right foot and stand in the middle of the first section.
Further, without stopping, place your right foot at the level of the cross bar between the first and second sections, and immediately place your left foot near the right.
This exercise is performed at the expense of 1-2-3, as in a dance.
From this position, the right foot steps over the left, and becomes the center of the second section of the stairs, then the left foot…..

Exercise number 5 - "Five steps."

This is the most difficult exercise of all presented here, it will require a very high level of training and innate dexterity. But if you learn to perform this exercise smoothly, without slipping and at high speed, most of your opponents simply will not be able to keep up with your movements.
starting position- feet shoulder-width apart, we stand in front of the stairs in the center.
We stand with our right foot to the right of the first section of the stairs, almost simultaneously with this, put our left foot on the first section of the stairs.
The right foot moves to the left, after which the left moves to the second section (i.e. steps forward), and the right goes after it.
The movement consists of 5 steps - this is the first phase. The second is almost similar to this one, but the movement begins in the left leg. The exercise must be repeated along the entire length of the stairs.

Talayko Natalya Vadimirovna,

teacher physical culture MAOU secondary school №22

Development motor qualities students

through the use of a speed ladder in the lesson


More and more people are thinking about their health and trying to start work on its preservation as early as possible. Availability of exercises from various kinds sports and on various muscle groups on the Internet, you can arrange a gym right at home. And if the living conditions are not suitable for installing a large number of sports equipment? Then the inventory comes to the rescue, which is included in the sports bag, which can be used when exercising on outdoor playgrounds. You can put dumbbells, expanders, a jump rope in the bag, and more modern ones - markers, a speed ladder, a parachute.

Speed ​​(coordination) ladder- This is one of the most common and effective fitness equipment for health and wellness of athletes in many sports. The ladder is equipment aimed at active sport exercises. High-speed ladders train both large and fast muscles, as well as those close to the bone apparatus, which form the frame of the musculoskeletal system. Skeleton muscles are the most difficult to train, because. they are deep, and a limited number of types of exercises can use them.

Exercise on the stairs causes the human neurological system to send additional information to his muscles at a tremendous speed, turning on more and more motor cells. It helps a person to be faster, more agile and more agile.

The coordination ladder is used for:

Acceleration training;

Speed ​​data improvements;

Improving the balance of the body in motion;

Develops a sense of body rhythm and coordination.

The use of stairs in class activities and training process in children school age allows you to diversify classes, help students develop speed, speed-strength and coordination abilities. You can use the ladder both for warm-up and for the main activity.

Types of high-speed (coordination) ladders:

  1. The traditional Ladder is equipped with rungs that are attached like stiffeners to the sling 37-40 cm apart. Its characteristic feature is a flat bottom and a rounded top, or a completely round bar. It is very important that athletes do not stand on the floor on the rungs while using the ladder, and the rounded top reminds athletes that their feet must be suspended and bounce from square to square.
  2. The Flat Ladder is equipped with rungs that are completely flat to the ground. These ladders usually have adjustable rungs so the coach can change their position from 37 to 50 cm. But such stairs have fewer rungs per total length.

There are also varieties of stairs doubled, lightweight, with connecting fasteners for increasing the length or making up crosswise.

As a rule, the kit includes:

Convenient carrying bag;

4 pegs for fixing the ladder on grass surfaces;

11 (or more) plastic cross bars on strong nylon tapes;

Color yellow-black.

Features of work on the high-speed (coordination) ladder

Exercises for coordination ladder there are many. Some of them are specialized for the needs of a particular sport, some are universal, but almost all of them are aimed at improving the coordination and speed of footwork, movement technique and balance.

As with many technical exercises, correctness of execution is more important here, rather than speed of execution. First you need to learn to do it right, and then learn to do it right and at the same time - quickly. I have often seen in training some kind of “speed races”, where the players tried to go through the stairs faster than anyone else, instead of working out the necessary elements. Handwork and the height of the center of gravity were also often ignored.

Hand work

When doing footwork speed exercises to increase cadence while running, armwork is just as important as footwork. You can't run with your legs moving at one speed and your arms at another. The speed should be the same, respectively, the arms should be trained simultaneously with the legs and preferably with the required amplitude.

In more difficult exercises where the movements are directed in different directions, but the legs work alternately as when running, more active work hands helps to "catch" the rhythm and makes the exercise easier. In some exercises, the hands are a balancer, allowing you to perform exercises more sharply and actively. With hanging hands or with fists clenched at chest level, there will be no balancer

Center of gravity height

Almost all changes in the direction of movement are associated with a decrease in the center of gravity. Try to do these exercises not on straight legs, but on bent ones - this way it will be easier for you to apply the acquired skills in the game.

Health and safety while stair climbing

  1. Exercise ladders should be positioned to provide adequate clearance at both ends of the ladders and on either side of them.
  2. Avoid fatigue that leads to poor technique and slower footwork.
  3. Proper foot placement helps prevent injuries and damage to the feet and ankles.
  4. Start slowly, gradually increasing the speed of the movements.

The main types of movements and exercises.

Walking, running, jumping. There are hand exercises.

Use of notation:

Left foot Right foot direction of movement

Speed ​​ladder marker

Possible exercises:

The child runs along the side of the stairs, keeping the outside leg in upright position. Inner leg moves over the slats of the stairs by means of a sharp, rapid movement.

The child passes the stairs in length, moving in a lateral direction, placing his feet in turn in each space between the steps.

The child passes the stairs in length, jumping, alternating legs apart (on both sides of the stairs), legs together.

The child jumps to change the position of the legs

The child performs two jumps forward and one back, repeating the pattern to the end of the stairs.

  1. Running in and out of the "rectangle"

The child passes the stairs in length, moving sideways, alternately running in with the right foot, and running out with the right foot.

The variety of jumping, running exercises performed on two or one leg, face, back or sideways in the direction of movement, is amazing. Using exercises in training activities, the elements of the sport and, if any, the object are added. The high-speed ladder is actively used in team sports, martial arts. A large number of exercises can be viewed on You Tube video hosting.

Combination of running exercises

Option 1.

Markers (6 pcs.), Stairs (2 pcs.), Barriers (2 pcs.).

jump stop speed up run


start exercise 1 4 running steps sideways turn 360′ exercise 3

Option 2 (with a basketball).

Markers (11 pcs.), Ladder (2 pcs.) Barriers (5 pcs.), Baseball (1 or more)

br. for 2 sh. Exercise 4 Leading with a “snake” Exercise 2 with


Start lead hurdlingdribble with ball marker touch

right foot, ball in right hand

Improving and complicating the technique of performing exercises using stairs

  1. Change of direction of movement.
  2. Alternation of leading legs.
  3. Rapid movement with one foot, the other is used for support.
  4. Additional inclusion of twists and turns
  5. Change of direction of movement inside and outside the stairs
  6. Using “stops” and “starts” to help build resilience
  7. Children should hold sports equipment in their hands (ball, gymnastic stick, racket, bat, etc.) so that it can be included in the exercise program.

Sources of information:

  1. School of instant reaction, dexterous movements, fast legs and strong hands. Physical development children 4-11 years old / Alan Pearson, David Hawkins; per. from English by L.I. Zaremskaya. – M.: AST: Astrel. 2011. - 320 p., illustration.
  2. Guide to the use of a high-speed ladder, 2013. - 15 p., ill.