Lesson notes for teaching children in the preparatory group to play basketball. Notes for training sessions "basketball" Notes for basketball classes at youth sports schools

Shubin Gennady Ivanovich
Job title: teacher physical culture, teacher-organizer of life safety
Educational institution: Municipal budgetary educational institution " high school Rytkuchi village"
Locality: Rytkuchi village
Name of material: Methodological development and self-analysis of basketball lessons
Publication date: 02.11.2016
Chapter: additional education


View training session:
By subject:
Physical Culture
Improving technical and tactical actions
UTG 1st year of study Shubin Gennady Ivanovich, p. Rytkuchi

Methodological development of a training session

Academic subject:
Physical Culture
improvement of technical and tactical actions
Form of the lesson:
Motivation for the topic and form of the lesson:
The topic is chosen in accordance with the curriculum. The form of the lesson was chosen to consolidate and improve previously learned techniques.
Lesson duration:
80 minutes
Location of the lesson:

Formation of motor skills, development of needs for strengthening and maintaining health.
Educational objectives:
1. Improving the game of basketball, practicing all the skills and techniques previously learned. 2. Systematization of knowledge of the technique of passing and dribbling the ball on the spot and in motion.
Developmental tasks:
1. Development of “ball sense” and coordination abilities. 2. Development of speed and strength qualities, speed of reaction, accuracy of movements, accuracy.
Educational tasks:
1. Fostering a conscious attitude towards physical education, independence, activity, a sense of teamwork, respect for opponents in the game, a conscious attitude towards one’s health.
Interdisciplinary connections:
Physics, geometry

Criteria and methods for diagnosing lesson effectiveness:
monitoring the correctness of the exercise, the activity of students in the lesson.
Lesson chart:

Organizational moment. Formation with basketballs, report from the duty officer,

communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson
– 1-2 minutes.

– 15-18 minutes.

Work on the topic of the lesson
– 55-60 minutes.

Final part -
3-5 minutes.

Outline of a basketball training session.

Topic: “Improving technical and tactical actions”

Purpose of the lesson:
Main goals.
Educational objectives: 3. Improving the game of basketball, practicing all the skills and techniques previously learned. 4. Systematization of knowledge of the technique of passing and dribbling the ball on the spot and in motion. Developmental tasks: 3. Development of “ball sense” and coordination abilities. 4. Development of speed-strength qualities, speed of reaction, accuracy of movements, accuracy. Educational objectives: 2. Fostering a conscious attitude towards physical education, independence, activity, a sense of teamwork, respect for opponents in the game, a conscious attitude towards one’s health.
individual, frontal, group, continuous, game.
basketballs, gymnastic benches, T-shirts of different colors, skittles, task cards for developing game thinking, a whistle, a stopwatch.
Lesson content



I. Preparatory part:

(15-20 min.)

1.Building with


duty officer's report,

message of topic and tasks


2. Warm-up:
1). Walking: -on tiptoes, ball over head; - on your heels, the ball in front of you, on outstretched arms; -on the outer arches of the foot, the ball behind the back with outstretched arms; -inner arches of the foot, ball in front of you with arms down; -walking at a normal pace, transferring the ball between the legs for each step. 2). Dribbling the ball in motion: o dribbling the ball around the hall comfortable hand; o dribbling the ball
1-2 min.

15-18 min.
2-3 min. 3-5 min. 1st circle Start the lesson in an orderly manner, check the suitability of clothing and equipment. Pay attention to posture, the exact position of your arms and legs. Keep your back straight. It's easy to run. Monitor the work of your arms and legs. When dribbling, look in front of you, at the playing field.
side steps with the right side forward; o dribbling the ball with side steps with the left side forward; o skipping the ball. 3). Breathing exercise on the go: o 1–4 steps – smooth inhalation, rotating the ball around the body in left side; o 1–4 steps – smooth exhalation, rotating the ball around the body to the right side. 4). ORU with the ball:  I.P. – half squat, m. on the chest 1 – step forward with the right foot, left foot on the toe, ball up, bend over 2 – i.p. 3- the same with the left foot; 4-i.p.  I.P. – half squat, arms to the sides, ball in the right hand 1-2 – standing up, throw the ball up and to the left over the head; 3-4 – catch with your left hand in IP. 5-8 – the same back  I.P. – basic stance, ball in front 1 1-Holding the ball in front of you, throw it over your head back and catch it behind your back with both hands. 2 With a 2-wrist movement, toss and return to the starting position.  I.P. – basic stance, ball on chest 1 – lunge to the right, arms to the side, ball in Ave. 2 – IP. 3-4 – the same to the left  I.P. – bend forward, ball below, feet shoulder-width apart, knees half bent “Figure Eight” – transfer the ball around and between the legs in 1 circle 1 circle 1 circle 1-2 min. 6-8 r. 6-8 r. 6-8 r. 6-8 r. 6-8 r. Maintain a distance of at least 1.5-2 meters. Keep your back straight, bending slightly while passing the ball from hand to hand behind your back. look at the ball, arms straight, bend deeper, look at the ball, catch the ball from above, look at the ball, throw from behind with the wrist. lunge deeper, arms straight
parallel to the rack, standing still.  I.P. – ball below 1-2 – squat ball forward 3-4 – i.p. 5-8 – the same  I.P. – ball below in front 1-Throw the ball above you, turn 360 degrees and catch the ball. 2-The same with turning in the other direction.  I.P. – Ball below in front 1- After throwing the ball above you, squat down, touch the floor with your hands and stand up.  I.P. – half squat, ball at the bottom, left leg in front 1- jump to change legs and pass the ball under your feet to your right hand; 2- jump to change legs and pass the ball under your feet to your left hand. 5. The game “Tag with the ball” - two drivers must tag the runners with the ball without letting go of it. You cannot dribble the ball, only pass. Each person who is dressed joins the drivers. 6-8 r. 6-8 r. 6-8 r. 6-8 r. 3-5 min. the ball lies on an open palm, try not to touch the ball with your feet, watch the ball, squat deeper, straight back, look at the ball, throw the ball high, watch the ball, pass the ball with an open hand, keep the pace of jumping and passing. The game is played all over the basketball court. You can't go to your head. The game continues until all the runners are killed.

II. Main part: (55-60


dribbling and throwing.
1) Round game. Children are divided into two teams (one ball per team). The game is played as shown in the figure. While dribbling the ball, they go the distance and attack the ring from two steps before hitting. After the ball hits the ring, having caught the ball, they pass the baton to another by passing the ball. The team that finishes the exercise first wins. 2) Slalom dribble relay. Children are divided into two teams (one ball per team). The game is played as shown in the figure. At the signal, the players begin dribbling with a dribble, then attack the hoop with two steps until it hits, dribble the ball back in a straight line and pass the baton to someone else.

passing the ball on the spot and in

1) Passing two balls in threes. The players are arranged in a triangle. Two of them have balls. Player 2 passes to player 1, and he passes back to player 2. Player 3 passes to player 1, he passes back to player 3. At the whistle, the players change places so that each player works in the place of player 1. 2) The same thing, but player 1 after passing the ball jumps over a gymnastics bench on two legs. At the coach's signal, players change
7--12 min.
3-5 min. 3-5 min.
20-25 min.
3-5 min. 3-5 min. Dribble the ball with a comfortable hand and look at the ring while dribbling. The team that finishes the exercise first wins. When hitting a pin, the player must put it back in place.
in some places. 3) Passing two balls in sixes on the spot. The players are positioned as shown in the picture. 1 and 2 are holding balls. Signal 1 transmits 3, 2 – 4, etc., as shown in the figure. Players 1 and 2 need to be especially careful, since after the pass they must immediately receive a pass from the players on the other side. At the coach's signal, players 1, 2 change places 3, 5, and then players 3,5 change places 4,6. 4) Passing two balls in sixes with a change of places. The players are positioned as shown in the picture. Player 1 passes the ball to player 2 and runs to his place; player 2 runs to player 6 and takes his place. Simultaneously with player 1, player 3 also acts, then 4, etc.

in interaction

d c y x



come out"


groups (seniors)
1) Participants are divided into groups of four - two attackers and two defenders. The attackers make passes among themselves, then one of them makes a dash towards the basket, trying to receive a pass from a partner and score the ball into the hoop. The defenders obstruct, trying to intercept the ball. 2) A group of four people (juniors) work on dribbling the ball without visual control in front of a homemade simulator for 3-5 minutes. 3-5 min.
5-10 min.
3-5 min 3-5 min Carefully monitor the movement of the balls. After the pass, simultaneously with the movement of the ball, you should expect it from behind. The exercise is performed using all the baskets available in the room. The attackers must change their position in relation to the basket and alternate among themselves in performing jerks. Pay attention to false movement when making an exit to the basket. If the ball is scored, the forwards continue to play their role. If the defenders intercept the ball, a role change follows. Find two numbers covered by a basketball

4. Game development

Students are given task cards to develop game thinking. Students in pairs must solve four tasks with game situations on one sheet of paper.
5. Educational game
1) The group is divided into two teams, they play basketball without dribbling (3 minutes), with dribbling (4-5 minutes).
5 minutes

10-15 min.
Players must use passes to lead the game and attack the hoop. After passing, you need to open up to receive the pass. It is allowed to make one hit on the floor to pick up the ball or during a transition to attack the hoop from two steps.
III. Final part:

(5-7 min.)
1. Improvement in throwing the ball into the basket from the three-point zone. Participants are divided into two groups of six people. Everyone has a ball. Everyone makes a point shot into the basket, picks up the ball and moves to the next point. 2. Summing up the lesson 3. Homework: perform an exercise to develop speed-strength qualities: 40 sec – lifting the body, 40 sec – push-ups, 2 approaches with a 3-minute rest between them. 4. Organized departure from the hall.
4--6 min.
3-5 min. 1 min. 1 min. The exercise is carried out in the form of a competition between groups “Who is most likely to score 8 goals.” Assess the activity of children in the game, the use of passes on the spot and in motion, the accuracy of passes, technically competent movement and passing the ball to a partner in the game.
Player 1 dribbles the ball on the opposing side of the court (Fig.

What decision should you make: I - attack the ring yourself; II - pass the ball to player 2;


training session
in basketball Shubin Gennady Ivanovich
With. Rytkuchi
Basketball lesson self-analysis

Lesson topic:
Improving technical and tactical actions.
Purpose of the lesson:
Formation of motor skills, development of needs for strengthening and maintaining health.
Main goals.
Educational objectives: 1. Improving the game of basketball, practicing all the skills and techniques previously learned. 2. Systematization of knowledge of the technique of passing and dribbling the ball on the spot and in motion. Developmental tasks: 1. Development of “ball sense” and coordination abilities. 2. Development of speed and strength qualities, speed of reaction, accuracy of movements, accuracy. Educational objectives: 1. Fostering a conscious attitude towards physical education, independence, activity, a sense of teamwork, respect for opponents in the game, a conscious attitude towards one’s health. The lesson was conducted with the educational and training group of the 1st year of study, according to the roster of the group, 12 people were present. Lesson type – combined. This lesson is an intermediate lesson on the topic “Technical preparation”. IN thematic planning 116 hours are allocated for this topic. In previous classes, students practiced the skills and techniques of playing basketball. In this lesson, material on the technique of passing and dribbling the ball in place and in motion, studied earlier, is practiced, and new exercises are introduced to develop the “sense of the ball” and coordination abilities. In subsequent classes, students will continue training in passing techniques and dribbling the ball on the spot and in motion. The topic of the lesson corresponds to the educational thematic plan and program requirements of sports training for the Youth Sports School “Basketball” according to ed. Yu.M.Portnova, V.G. Bashkirova, V.G. Lunichikina. – M. Soviet sport, 2008 Students are ready for the lesson, their appearance corresponds to the form of the lesson (sports uniform). Gym ventilated, sports equipment prepared for each student. Children are physically developed, the psychological characteristics of children correspond to the age characteristics of students (adolescence). When conducting classes, the interests and inclinations and individual characteristics of children are taken into account, according to their age. The lesson consisted of three stages:
1. Preparatory part. 2. Main part. 3. Final part. The lesson began with a formation and a report from the duty officer. When introducing the goals and objectives of the lesson, emphasis is placed on consolidating previously learned material and practicing the technical and tactical actions of playing basketball. When organizing educational activities students were posed with the problem of educational tasks through the conscious implementation of assigned tasks. The preparatory part of the lesson lasted 17-20 minutes, ball dribbling exercises were used, various game exercises with basketballs: dribbling in a circle with the right and left hands; while walking and running, dribbling the ball with side steps, dribbling without visual control, general developmental exercises with balls during the execution of which all muscle groups were involved. These sets of exercises were used primarily to warm up the body well, as a means general training and as a lead-in to the main part of the lesson. I used a demonstration method, which was accompanied by an explanation educational material. From the first minute of the lesson, students worked with basketballs, which contributed to the development of coordination abilities. In the preparatory part, the exercises were performed using in-line and frontal methods using the entire usable area of ​​the gym. To enhance motor and cognitive activity, the game “Tag with a ball” was played. The main part of the lesson lasted 55-57 minutes. During the transition to the main part of the lesson, breathing exercises were used, which contributed to the restoration of breathing and at the same time solved an important health problem - stabilization of the respiratory muscles. The main part of the lesson included performing exercises to improve dribbling the ball and throwing into the basket, improving passes on the spot, in motion with changing places, and developing the interaction of players. Students improved their skills of passing the ball, dribbling the ball and then throwing it into the basket in a more complex form - in group interactions close to a game situation. The tasks used frontal, continuous, group methods of organizing training. In order to develop mental activity, during breaks between games, the children were offered test task cards for solving tactical situations. The structure of the lesson corresponded to the didactic principles:  from simple to complex;  from theory to practice;  conscious attitude towards performing exercises. During the lesson, I used the basic principles of organizing activities:  the principle of relying on the individual characteristics of each student,  the principle of self-development,  the principle of integrity was applied in solving educational problems, where the positive capabilities of each student were encouraged,  the principle of humane relations - a friendly tone, mutual understanding , assisting the student in solving the problem. The final part of the session included an exercise to improve basket shots, which gradually brought the group into a calmer state. The results of the lesson are summed up with an analysis of the implementation of the assigned tasks.
Throughout the lesson I used methods of stimulation and motivation. The style of communication with students is confidential and built on mutual respect. Students showed resourcefulness and the ability to interact in pairs and groups. During the training, the students' motivation for the lesson was observed: they love basketball, they have mastered technical and tactical actions well. When completing tasks, it can be seen that students receive satisfaction in their personality-oriented needs, which are expressed in the use of acquired skills and abilities not only within the framework of the lesson, but also in physical education lessons, extracurricular and extracurricular activities.. When organizing the provision of an educational lesson I paid attention to:  the integrity of the use of forms of organization for those involved;  integrity of the use of time in class (explanation, demonstration, exercises, active recreation);  compliance with safety precautions (interval, distance). The solution to the developmental task was carried out taking into account the functional state of students and the combination of workload and active recreation. When solving the educational task, attention is paid to discipline, interaction in the team when performing group exercises. I tried to create a friendly atmosphere of cooperation and develop the following qualities: self-confidence, independence, a sense of teamwork, mutual respect, and a conscious attitude towards one’s health. Individual work is monitored through planning the load, which corresponds to a given stage of preparation, and monitoring to prevent and correct errors. The conducted lesson corresponds to the assigned tasks. The objectives of this lesson work for the future, since the acquired technical and tactical skills will be used in the training game of basketball. Thanks to the variety of forms and methods of constructing training, students’ interest in further basketball training increases, this is evidenced by the fact that the bulk of the children in this group are members of the school’s basketball, volleyball and football teams. All stages were logically interconnected, which contributed to a holistic perception of the lesson material. In general, all the planned tasks and the purpose of the lesson were achieved. Thanks to the continuity of educational activities, it was possible to accustom children to discipline and organization, instill skills of cultural behavior and cooperation, develop needs for health promotion, and apply knowledge of learning in practice. I believe that the democratic style of communication, favorable socio-psychological conditions contributed to the creation of a friendly atmosphere and a situation of success in the lesson, which ensured the success of learning and mastery of the lesson material by students.

Lysenko Ekaterina Alexandrovna
Job title: physical education teacher
Educational institution: MBOU "Lyceum"
Locality: Protvino city, Moscow region
Name of material: Outline
Subject:"Outline of a mini-basketball training session (8-9 years old)"
Publication date: 16.05.2017
Chapter: elementary education

Outline of the training session

mini-basketball (8-9 years old)

Date of:


Municipal educational institution "Lyceum"

Purpose of the lesson: development of basic physical qualities through exercises with mini


Lesson objectives:

Repeat dribbling.

Repetition of practiced ball passes in motion and in place.

Throwing the ball into the basket.


- 8 mini basketballs.



Organizational and methodological


I. Preparatory part.

1 . Construction and communication of tasks

2. Walking on assignment:

2.1. On your toes, rub your palms;

2.2. on your heels, palms together,

tilt your finger towards the back

2.3. on outside feet,

perform a figure eight with your hands.

3 . Running on a mission:

3.1. in a circle in a column, one at a time;

3.2.with change of direction


3.3. with a stop at a signal.

4 . Walking with execution

breathing exercises and getting

mini basketballs.

Changes to perform O.R.U.

exercises on the command “left in

team of two “March!”

5 .O.R.U. with a ball:

5.1. I.p. - o.s. holding the ball with two

with your hands from below, toss it up a little

over your head, catch and

continue the exercise;

5.2. i.p. – o.s. hit the ball on the floor and

after the rebound catch it with two

5.3. i.p. - o.s. toss the ball with two

hands from below, clap your hands and

1min 30sec

1 min 30 seconds

Pay attention to the form.

While exercising

perform the following exercise -

While walking and running, keep an eye on

posture, maintaining distance,

correct breathing, technical

performing exercises in motion.

The signal is given by a whistle, then

the command to execute sounds

next task in the run.

The nature of signal stops

agreed upon in advance.

Inhale through your nose while lowering your arms

down, tilt, at the same time

exhaling through the mouth.

Fingers apart, try to ball towards the body

do not press.

The ball shouldn't bounce

too high.

Pay attention to fishing technique

ball-hands with a “funnel”, fingers apart.

catch the ball;

5.4. i.p. - o.s. same thing, but in time

perform two claps;

5.5. i.p.-o.s. toss the ball,

sit down, touch the floor with your fingers,

stand up and catch the ball;

5.6. i.p. - o.s. throwing the ball

from hand to hand;

5.7. i.p. - o.s. the ball is on the floor in front,

jumping over the ball;

5.8. IP - middle post

basketball player Dribbling the ball

place with the right and left hand.

10 jumps

20 seconds each

with each hand

Choose the ball flight height

individually, have time to sit down and

stand up. Only catch the ball

straightening up at the top.

Take a basketball player's stance, hands

Do not bend your elbows too much.

Accented foot work,

energetic repulsion, soft

landing on bent legs.

Relaxed arm, hand

tense, the ball bounces to the knee-

average vision, look at


II. Main part.

Repetition of dribbling the ball.

Slalom relay. In a row

objects are installed on

distance of 2 meters from each other.

a) dribbling the ball right hand

b) leading with the left hand

c) seeing from behind.

Repeat dribbling and

learned ball passes

2.1. Dribbling the ball in a high stance and

two-handed chest pass

players from the opposite rank.

Players repeat the exercise

in the opposite direction.

2.2. The same, but dribbling the ball in the middle

Passes of the ball can be like this:

a) one-handed shoulder pass;

b) two-hand overhead pass;

c) passing the ball with two hands from below -

2.3. Throwing the ball in pairs.

At the same time they throw the ball at

side of the other partner:

players from

Maintenance is carried out only

fingertips; palm never

must be in contact with the ball.

To control the ball better,

keep your hand on its center. News

the ball is hard and low.

When passing the ball, keep it under

clasping his chin from behind

thumbs to pass

came out strong and accurate

Take a step forward to strengthen


The ball sent by a partner and

bouncing off the floor, everyone

catches with opposite hands. Throw

performed by the hand that was

a) with both hands above your head

b) with one hand from a rebound;

Throwing the ball into the basket.

3.1. Dribbling, two steps and throwing the ball

Add to cart".

3.2. Management, transfer to the manager,

counter pass and throw the ball into


3.3 Counter penalty kicks

throws with both hands from below, standing with two

sides from the front line.

Game "Get away from the defender."

Player 1 is standing on the center line.

attacking team. Forwards 2 and

3 are freely located on the site.

In front of attackers 2 and 3 stand each

one defender. Three meters in front

repeat 3 times,

what would the ex



the ball is caught.

Independent ball selection and care

to the end of your team.

Before throwing you can only do

two steps, push off the floor and

make a throw.

After catching the ball on the fly, execute

After dribbling, perform the throw with

places. When throwing into the basket, bend

feet on knees and holding the ball

with your left hand reach up, removing

left hand and pushing the ball with your fingers

Forwards and defenders should not

cross the drawn line in 3x

meters in front of the "basket".

Interrupted transmission - gives 1

bonus point for defender, 1 point-

getting the ball into the basket

"basket" installed at the shield

draw a line behind which it stands

striker 4.

Game "Tag with balls".

Driving team with balls. Other

the team disperses randomly

the other half of the hall. Driving team

dribbling with your free hand

grease as many as possible

players from another team


2 minutes and

are changing


The team whose players wins

more players were insulted. Necessary

do something false and distracting

movement, turns,

make a sharp jerk.

III. Final part.

Cleaning equipment.


Performing breathing

exercises while standing still.

4. Summarizing.

5. Organized care

sports hall.

Mark performance

What exercises were the most


What exercises piqued your interest?

NOTE No. 70

Basketball training session for GNP-1 (girls)

(coach-teacher of MOUDOD "Youth Sports School" Alexey Anatolyevich Golendukhin)


Tasks: 1. Teaching the technique of movement, the technique of combining techniques: dribbling, throwing, picking up the ball.2. Development of coordination, speed, speed and strength qualities.3. Fostering activity, independence, and collectivism.

Type of lesson: Educational. Quality check, consolidation and generalization of what has been learned, conclusions. Consistent study of educational material according to the planned plan.

Lesson number:№70.Class date: 02/09/2011 Lesson time: 16.05-17.35 h. Method:

Location: Sports hall of municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 23", Glinskoye village

Inventory: Basketballs, racks.

Time spending: 90 min.




basketball training session

for a group of 8th grade students from Lyceum No. 180 “Poliforum”, Yekaterinburg city

competitor: trainer-teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution "Youth and Youth Sports School" in Rezh, Sverdlovsk region

Alexey Anatolyevich Golendukhin

Target: Training in mastering the elements of distance shooting technique in basketball.


1. Teaching the technique of movement, the technique of combining techniques: dribbling, passing, throwing, picking up the ball, group interactions before throwing. Improving field goal technique.

2. Development of coordination, speed, speed-strength qualities, strength qualities.

3. Fostering activity, independence, and collectivism.

Type of lesson: Combined. Lesson of generalization, systematization, testing and correction of knowledge and skills. Studying educational material according to the planned plan.

Lesson number:№1.

Class date: 04/25/2011 Lesson time: 09.10-09.50 h.

Method: Frontal, group, continuous, individual, game.

Location: Sports hall of Lyceum No. 180 "Poliforum", Yekaterinburg

Inventory: Basketballs, dribble stands, basketball backboards.

Time spending: 40 min.




basketball training session No. 1 for the group initial training

Objectives: 1. Learning to throw into the basket after a double step.

2. Improving catching and passing the ball on the spot.

3. Development of strength (general).




Organizational and methodological


Preparatory part

15 minutes.

Main part

I. Learning to throw after a double step

    Simulated throws against the wall

    Throws to the side boards from a place

    I. p. - left leg in front - throws in step

    Same with jumping

    I. p. – right leg in front – left step – throw in step

    I. p. - left leg in front, kick under the left, catch in a step with the right, step with the left, throw in a step

II. Improving catching and passing the ball on the spot

    Passing the ball with both hands from the chest

    The same with the rebound from the site

    Passing the ball with two hands from behind the head

III. Free throws

IY. Game of tag on half court

Y. Two-way game 2x10, during the break - free throws

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

5 minutes.

20 minutes.

30 times

30 times.

30 times.

10 min.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.


25 min.

60 min.

Distance 1 m

Distance 1 m

No jump

Distance 2 m, with jumping

Distance 3 m

Exercise in pairs

In pairs, 3 throws per series

Final part

Strength development


    Bending arms while lying down

    Walking, running, walking with exercises to restore breathing

30 times

10 times

13 min.


basketball training session No. 2 for the initial training group

Objectives: 1. Improving movements in a defensive stance.

2. Learning to turn with the ball in place.

3. Development of jumping ability.




Organizational and methodological


Preparatory part

Formation, report, greeting, communication of training session objectives

Walking, running at a warm-up pace

A set of general developmental exercises in motion without objects

15 minutes.

Main part

I. Improving defensive movements

    Exercise in pairs: No. 1 – with a ball

2 – defender

From the baseline to the opposite baseline, No. 1 dribbles the ball in a zigzag; No. 2 moves with an additional step

II. Learning to turn in place with a ball

    Exercise in pairs: the player dribbles around his partner, returns, makes a stop, makes 2 180 0 turns and gives the ball to his partner

III. Standing throws from a distance of 3 m in pairs of 3 throws in a series of up to 10 hits

IY. Free throws

Y. Throws after a double step: the player of the right column dribbles the ball, throws and goes to the end of the left column, the player of the left column picks up the ball, dribbles to the right column

YI. Game 5x5

8 min.

10 min.

5 minutes.

5 m in.

10 min.


20 minutes.

58 min.

On side and main panels

3 throws per series

Medium tempo

Game with substitutions for the defender who missed the ball

Final part


    Jumping in place

    Jumping on a bench

    Jumping over a bench

    Walking, running, walking with breathing exercises

30 times

30 times

10 min.


basketball training session No. 3 for the initial training group

Objectives: 1. Teaching the technique of free throw with one hand from the shoulder.

2. Training in the interaction of two players in an attack.

3. Development of endurance

№№ p/p




body part

1 min.

14 min.

15 minutes.

Main part

I. Learning the free throw technique with one hand from the shoulder

    Story and demonstration of throwing technique

    Exercise at the wall: take the ball from the court, raise it to the level of the shoulder of the throwing hand, point the elbow perpendicular to the wall and, slightly bending and straightening your legs, throw into the wall 1.5 m above head level

    Distributing children among all boards in the hall and performing 20 throws each

II. Two-player interaction in a pass-and-go offense



The player of the right column No. 2 passes the ball to the left No. 1, No. 1 - No. 2 and enters under the shield, No. 2 - No. 1, No. 1 - throw.

Performed on both sides of the site

III. Game of “Hunter and Ducks”

IY. Free throws

Y. Basketball game with the task of using only short throws

YI. Free throws

Yii. A game of basketball with the task of making no more than 3 shots when dribbling

3 min.

20 times

15 minutes.

10 min.

5 minutes.

10 times

10 min.

10 times

10 min.

60 min.

Distance 1 m

Monitor the coordination of the work of the legs and arms

Final part

Developing endurance in moving the defender

The players are located in the center of the court along the line of the rings. Movement from sideline to sideline.

3 times 2 at medium pace

3 min.

15 minutes.


basketball training session No. 4 for the initial training group

3. Development of jumping ability.

№№ p/p



Organizational and methodological instructions


body part

Construction, report, greeting, message of lesson objectives

1 min.

14 min.

15 minutes.

Main part

    Dribbling the ball in place

    Walking in motion

    Dribbling with changing hands

III. Passing the ball:

    Two hands from the chest

    Two-handed with a bounce

15 minutes.

3x 5

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

1 min.

1 min.

1 min.

1 min.

1 min.


60 min.

2nd on the main shield;

3rd on the main shield

Final part

Development of jumping ability

Walking, running, breathing exercises.

20 times

20 times

3 min.

15 minutes.

With change of legs


basketball training session No. 5 for the initial training group

№№ p/p



Organizational and methodological instructions


body part

Construction, report, greeting, message of lesson objectives

A set of general developmental exercises on site

1 min.

14 min.

15 minutes.

Main part

1. Story, show as a whole.

2 sec.

III. Free throws.

IY. Game 5x5 (I half).

Y. Free throws.

2 minutes.

3 min.

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

10 min.

5 minutes.

10 min.

5 minutes.

10 min.

55 min.

After completion, players change places

Average tempo

In pairs for all shields

Final part

    Breathing exercises.

    Rest in walking.

    Repetition of exercise No. 1.

    Repetition of exercise No. 2.

    Repetition of exercise No. 3.

1 min.

2 minutes.

3 min.

1 min.

2 minutes.

3 min.

20 minutes.


basketball training session No. 6 for the initial training group

2. Game preparation.

№№ p/p



Organizational and methodological instructions


body part

Construction, report, greeting, message of lesson objectives

A set of general developmental exercises on site

2 minutes.

13 min.

15 minutes.

Main part

Number of attempts – 3.

II. Jump up from a place.

IY. Game 5x5 (I half).

Y. Free throws.

YI. Game 5x5 (II half).

20 minutes.

10 min.

10 min.

10 min.

5 minutes.

10 min.

65 min.

1 player participates in the race

Final part

general physical training

1. Push-ups

15-20 times

30-40 times

5 minutes.

10 min.


basketball training session No. 7 for the initial training group

Subject: " Improving the basics of throwing technique in motion».

The purpose of the lesson: Mastering the basics of ball handling techniques.


    Develop speed endurance, coordination and agility, as well as a sense of teamwork and mutual assistance.






Preparatory part

Construction, report, greeting, communication of lesson objectives.

25 min.

2 minutes.

Before the lesson, together with the person on duty, set up models, posters, prepare balls and other equipment. Pay attention to the student's form. Remind about PTB in class.

Exercises in motion

Type of walking:

    on toes, fingers locked, hands up;

    on your heels, hands behind your head;

    on inside feet, fingers locked, perform rotational movements;

    on the outside of the foot, fingers interlocked, perform wave-like movements in front of the chest.

2 minutes.

One at a time in a column, distance 2 m. Pay attention to posture. Hands behind your head, elbows to the side.

Outdoor switchgear in motion:

3 min.

Hands to shoulders: 1-2-3-4 circular movements with elbows forward; same back.


Use your elbows to describe large circles 4 steps forward and the next 4 steps back.

The same, but circular movements with straight arms.


Ex. Perform with amplitude.

Right arm up: 1-2 jerks with arms for each step, changing the position of the arms.


Do not bend your elbows.

arms in front of the chest: 1-2 bended, 3-4 straight arms back.


Keep your head straight. Elbows at shoulder level, on 3-4 hands with palms facing up.

fingers in the “lock”, hands up: moving the hands back 1-2 times for each step.


Walking with long strides.

fingers in a “lock”, hands in front of the chest: moving the arms to the sides for each step.


Walking with side steps.

Types of running:

6.5 min.

Even running

2 minutes.

The pace is calm. Place your foot on the floor from the heel.

Moving with side steps on the right and left sides along the perimeter of the basketball court.

30 sec.

Along the front lines with the right side, along the side lines with the left.

Moving in a defender's stance with the right and left sides along the perimeter and along the basketball court in a "snake" and "zigzag" manner.


lateral - left. Lower your pelvis, sit lower, keep your back straight and do not cross your feet. The steps are moderate and short. The fingers are spread apart and tense.

The same, but alternate movements in defender’s stances with accelerations.


Do not cross your legs and keep your distance.

Stretching (muscle stretching).

9 min.

I.p. - sitting on the floor with legs apart, torso tilted forward


Keep your head straight in the direction of your hands.

I.p. – sitting on the floor, legs extended forward: move the left foot over the right thigh, foot on the floor, turn the torso in the opposite direction as deeply as possible (fixation of the pose). The same in the other direction.


Keep your back straight, don't slouch.

I.p. – lying on the floor, right leg straight, left leg bent outward (fix). The same with changing the position of the legs.


Do not lift your back from the floor.

I.p. – sitting on the floor, legs extended forward: bend in knee joints and connect your feet, grab your hands ankle joint. Press your elbows onto your knees.


Keep your back and head straight.

I.p. – sitting on the floor: raise your right leg straight up and hold the outer arch of the foot with your hand (fix). Same with the other leg.


The leg is straight, the toe is pulled back.

I.p. – lying on straight arms, bending over, tilt your head back (fix).


Perform the exercise with amplitude.

O.R.U. with basketballs:

2.5 min.

Hold the ball above your head with straight arms. Jerk your arms back with each step.

30 sec.

Keep your head straight. Perform all subsequent exercises with basketballs.

The ball is in the hands in front of the chest. Turn the torso and move the ball towards the forward leg.

30 sec.

Lunge forward.

Walking while transferring the ball from hand to hand, under in front standing foot at every step.

30 sec.

Keep your torso in an inclined position, raise your head, look forward.

Hold the “full” ball with your arms bent in front of your chest. Moving with lunges, send the ball to the floor and, after rebounding, catch it at knee level with your arms straight at the elbows.

30 sec.

Try to catch a “full” ball. Monitor the coordination of arm and leg movements.

Moving around the perimeter of the hall 4 steps with the right side and 4 steps with the left side in a defender’s stance, rotating the ball around the body at waist level, transferring the ball from hand to hand.

30 sec.

Rotate the ball around the body alternately to the right and left sides 4 times.

Main part

Improving the fundamentals of dribbling and passing the ball with resistance from the defender.

53 min.

Knocking and snatching the ball while actively dribbling it in a zigzag pattern and along the sideline.


When the attacker dribbles the ball, the defender accompanies him, stepping back, but when the attacker stops, taking the ball in his hands, the defender close to him does not allow him to make a pass or throw. Through the circle, players change roles. The game continues until three points.

Two players are behind the end line at the level of the side lines of the volleyball court. The right striker, after one hit, passes the ball to the left, who returns the ball back and goes into defense.


The attacker throws the ball after three, two and one hits.

The attacker throws after a feint.

Throwing the ball after a feint and deceptive movement.

All exercises are performed first without a defender, and then with passive resistance from the defender.

Throwing the ball in motion with one hand from above after dribbling the ball with a deceptive movement to pass to the side.


For a failed throw, perform 5 jumps.

Throwing the ball in motion with one hand from above after dribbling the ball and after rotating the ball around the body in the lumbar region.


When performing a feint, do not slow down the movement.

The same as in the previous exercises, but the half-hook throw.


Hit 7 shots in a row.


10 min.

Feint to throw - pass - throw:

The player takes aim to shoot and thereby calls the defender to move forward. Then the attacker quickly lowers the ball, covering it with his body, passes close to the defender - past him and attacks the ring.


When passing, hit the ball from the side, not in front of you.

Perform the exercise from the right and left, from the second points.

A throw feint is a throw. The player goes to the backboard, jumps and feints a throw on one side of the hoop, and throws with a “half-hook” on the other.

5 minutes

Perform the exercise confidently.

Feint to throw - turn - throw.

The center player, with his back to the backboard, feints a throw to the left, then turns forward to the right and throws the ball into the hoop with one hand from top to bottom.

5 minutes

When throwing with your right hand, jump on your left foot.

Feint to throw - feint to pass - throw. The player receives the ball in the center position, with his back to the backboard, shows that he is preparing to throw with his right hand with a “hook”, and then feints a pass to the left. It is difficult for a disoriented defender to effectively resist a throw with his right hand.

5 minutes

Bring execution to automation.

Form a column one at a time opposite the central shield. The directing player after the screen receives the ball from the next player with his back to the ring and shoots after the feint.

5 minutes

All previously learned feints and deceptive movements are used.

Educational game.

10 min.

Give the task to perform throws after feints and deceptive movements.


Final part


Completing the task of shots from the points: free throws - 8 hits out of 10 shots; 5 hits from seven points; from 5 points 4 hits and from five three-point points 4 hits.

8 min.

For each unsuccessful execution of the exercise, the player performs 50 penalty jumps.

Jumping while pushing the ball that bounced off the backboard.

2 minutes.

Keep your torso straight, move your arms clearly, jump out smoothly.


2 minutes.

Mark the most active students in the lesson. Pay attention to common mistakes.

D/Z. Simulate throws after feints and deceptive movements.


basketball training session No. 8 for the initial training group

Objectives: 1. Improving the throwing technique after a double step.

2. Learning to move the ball in front of you.

3. Development of jumping ability.

№№ p/p



Organizational and methodological instructions


body part

Construction, report, greeting, message of lesson objectives

A set of general developmental exercises in motion

1 min.

14 min.

15 minutes.

Main part

I. Improving the shot after the dribble and double step

1. According to the markings in the hall: three blows for each step - double step - throw.

2. Throw the ball in front of you - catch in the first step - second step - flight - throw.

3. Running past the coach holding the ball, take the ball from his hands, perform a double step and throw.

II. Learning to move the ball in front of you.

    Dribbling the ball in place

    Walking in motion

    Dribbling with changing hands

    Sitting on a bench, leading from the right - transferring across the bench; then the same with the left.

    Management with on-site translation.

    Leading with translation in motion.

III. Passing the ball:

    Two hands from the chest

    One hand from the shoulder: right, left

    Two-handed with a bounce

IY. Basketball game (free throws during the break)

15 minutes.

3x 5

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

1 min.

1 min.

1 min.

1 min.

1 min.


60 min.

The 1st department is engaged in marking;

2nd on the main shield;

3rd on the main shield

Ensure correct hand contact with the ball

Make sure you catch the ball correctly

Final part

Development of jumping ability

    Jumping on a horse using your hands

    Jumping on a gymnastic wall

Walking, running, breathing exercises.

20 times

20 times

3 min.

15 minutes.

With change of legs


basketball training session No. 9 for the initial training group

Objectives: 1. Learning to stop with steps.

2. Improving the throwing technique after a double step.

3. Development of speed endurance.

№№ p/p



Organizational and methodological instructions


body part

Construction, report, greeting, message of lesson objectives

A set of general developmental exercises on site

1 min.

14 min.

15 minutes.

Main part

I. Learning to stop with steps

1. Story, show as a whole.

2. Jumping from the left foot to the right, etc. with a pause in

2 sec.

    Jumping “over bumps” with a pause of 2 seconds.

    Dribbling the ball while stopping on one leg while catching the ball in a step.

    Dribbling the ball while stopping on one leg while catching the ball while running.

    Dribbling the ball with acceleration and stopping in two steps in 3 circles (penalty, center, penalty).

II. Improving the throw after a double step

After picking up the ball, he moves to the other side of the court.

III. Free throws.

IY. Game 5x5 (I half).

Y. Free throws.

YI. Game 5x5 (II half).

2 minutes.

3 min.

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

10 min.

5 minutes.

10 min.

5 minutes.

10 min.

55 min.

Make sure to maintain a stable balance

After completion, players change places

Average tempo

In pairs for all shields

Final part

Development of speed endurance.

    Dribbling the ball 8 times at maximum speed.

    Breathing exercises.

    Rest in walking.

    Repetition of exercise No. 1.

    Repetition of exercise No. 2.

    Repetition of exercise No. 3.

1 min.

2 minutes.

3 min.

1 min.

2 minutes.

3 min.

20 minutes.


basketball training session No. 10 for the initial training group

Objectives: 1. Assessing the level of physical fitness.

2. Game preparation.

№№ p/p



Organizational and methodological instructions


body part

Construction, report, greeting, message of lesson objectives

A set of general developmental exercises on site

2 minutes.

13 min.

15 minutes.

Main part

I. 20m high start run

Players run 20 meters from a high start from the end line to the finish line at the coach's whistle. Time is recorded using a manual stopwatch.

Number of attempts – 3.

II. Jump up from a place.

The player stands in a 50x50 cm square, puts on a belt with a meter tape fastened behind his back at the waist. The belt pulling mechanism is located between the legs (Abalakov system). The player makes 3 attempts.

III. Standing long jump.

The player performs a standing long jump with a push with both legs according to the generally accepted method. The player makes 3 attempts.

IY. Game 5x5 (I half).

Y. Free throws.

YI. Game 5x5 (II half).

20 minutes.

10 min.

10 min.

10 min.

5 minutes.

10 min.

65 min.

1 player participates in the race

You cannot leave the square when performing a jump.

The result is measured at the heels at the moment of landing

Final part

general physical training

1. Push-ups

2. Jumping onto a gymnastic bench

3. Walking, running, walking with exercises to restore breathing.

15-20 times

30-40 times

5 minutes.

10 min.


basketball training session No. 11 for the initial training group

Objectives: 1. Improving the throwing technique after a double step.

2. Learning to move the ball in front of you.

3. Development of jumping ability.

№№ p/p



Organizational and methodological instructions


body part

Construction, report, greeting, message of lesson objectives

A set of general developmental exercises in motion

1 min.

14 min.

15 minutes.

Main part

I. Improving the shot after the dribble and double step

1. According to the markings in the hall: three blows for each step - double step - throw.

2. Throw the ball in front of you - catch in the first step - second step - flight - throw.

3. Running past the coach holding the ball, take the ball from his hands, perform a double step and throw.

II. Learning to move the ball in front of you.

    Dribbling the ball in place

    Walking in motion

    Dribbling with changing hands

    Sitting on a bench, leading from the right - transferring across the bench; then the same with the left.

    Management with on-site translation.

    Leading with translation in motion.

III. Passing the ball:

    Two hands from the chest

    One hand from the shoulder: right, left

    Two-handed with a bounce

IY. Basketball game (free throws during the break)

15 minutes.

3x 5

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

1 min.

1 min.

1 min.

1 min.

1 min.


60 min.

The 1st department is engaged in marking;

2nd on the main shield;

3rd on the main shield

Ensure correct hand contact with the ball

Make sure you catch the ball correctly

Final part

Development of jumping ability

    Jumping on a horse using your hands

    Jumping on a gymnastic wall

Walking, running, breathing exercises.

20 times

20 times

3 min.

15 minutes.

With change of legs


basketball training session No. 12 for the initial training group

Objectives: 1. Assessing the level of physical fitness.

2. Game preparation.

№№ p/p



Organizational and methodological instructions


body part

Construction, report, greeting, message of lesson objectives

A set of general developmental exercises on site

2 minutes.

13 min.

15 minutes.

Main part

I. 20m high start run

Players run 20 meters from a high start from the end line to the finish line at the coach's whistle. Time is recorded using a manual stopwatch.

Number of attempts – 3.

II. Jump up from a place.

The player stands in a 50x50 cm square, puts on a belt with a meter tape fastened behind his back at the waist. The belt pulling mechanism is located between the legs (Abalakov system). The player makes 3 attempts.

III. Standing long jump.

The player performs a standing long jump with a push with both legs according to the generally accepted method. The player makes 3 attempts.

IY. Game 5x5 (I half).

Y. Free throws.

YI. Game 5x5 (II half).

20 minutes.

10 min.

10 min.

10 min.

5 minutes.

10 min.

65 min.

1 player participates in the race

You cannot leave the square when performing a jump.

The result is measured at the heels at the moment of landing

Final part

general physical training

1. Push-ups

2. Jumping onto a gymnastic bench

3. Walking, running, walking with exercises to restore breathing.

15-20 times

30-40 times

5 minutes.

10 min.

Description of material: I bring to your attention a basketball lesson plan for 1st year students. This summary will be useful to teachers and students of higher physical education institutions. The lesson notes are aimed at familiarizing students with basic information, rules of behavior and safety precautions. As well as teaching a basketball player’s stance, holding the ball, catching and passing it with both hands from the chest.

Basketball lesson outline for 1st year students

The purpose of the lesson: Introduce students to the basic elements of basketball.

Lesson objectives:

    Provide basic information about basketball game, rules of conduct and safety precautions;

    Teaching the technique of a basketball player's stance, holding the ball, catching and passing it with both hands from the chest;

    Development of agility, coordination, speed and strength qualities;

    Fostering activity, hard work, and interest in basketball activities.

Location: gym.

Inventory: whistle, basketballs.

Teaching methods:



Drawings for the notes

Part of the lesson


(Organizational and methodological instructions)


1.Construction and communication of lesson objectives.

“Stand up!”, “Be equal!”, “At attention!”, “Pay off in order!”

2. General development exercises (GDE) on site:

Head tilts;

Circular movements head;

Hand rotations;

Forearm rotations;

Hand jerks in front of the chest;

Tilts to the sides;

Bend forward and backward;

Squats 20 times;

Push-ups 20 times;

Side lunges;

Lunges forward;

Swing with straight legs;

Jumping on the right and left leg;

Three jumps, high up on the fourth.

Watch your posture, the synchronized work of your legs and arms, and proper breathing.

3. Running exercises:

Running with high lifting hips 4x20 m;

Running with shin overlapping 4x20 m;

Running with side steps on the right and left side 4x20 m;

Running with a cross step on the right and left sides 4x20 m;

Running with jumping from foot to foot;

Mincing run 4x20 m;

Running with acceleration 4x15 m;

Running for each step, jumping 4x20 m;

Running in long steps 4x20 m.

Participants perform exercises as a whole group at once. Watch your posture: shoulders turned forward or backward, look forward, place your feet correctly. Prompt errors and correct them.


4. Tell those involved:

History of basketball (briefly);

Rules of the game (briefly);

Safety regulations.

Safety rules: before starting classes or competitions, you must wear sports uniform and sports shoes. All jewelry must be removed and fingernails must be cut short. Serviceability and reliability are checked sports equipment and equipment.

During classes you must:

Strictly follow the rules of conduct;

All actions must be performed only at the command of the teacher;

If you feel unwell, stop studying and inform the teacher about it;

5. Training in ball holding technique:

1 – side view;

2 – front view.

The teacher demonstrates how to hold the ball and reports its weight and size. Instructs how to determine if the ball is well inflated.

6. Basketball player stance training:

Create an idea of ​​a basketball player's stance. The legs are wide apart and bent at the knees, the pelvis is slightly lowered, the torso is slightly tilted forward, the arms are to the sides and the elbows are bent.

“Take the basic stance of a basketball player!” The teacher corrects any mistakes made.

7. Teaching the technique of catching and passing the ball with both hands from the chest:

Simulation exercises of catching and passing the ball (20 times);

Catching and passing the ball in pairs (30 times).

Students sit opposite each other. The teacher demonstrates holding the ball, then shows how the arms, hands, and fingers should be positioned when catching the ball.

At the moment of catching the ball, the student must extend both arms forward. The fingers of both hands form a funnel. Watch the flying ball. At the moment your fingers touch, squeeze the ball with them and bend your arms at the elbows, pulling it to your chest. The legs are also slightly bent at this moment.

Passing: the ball is held at stomach level, the arms are slightly bent at the elbows, the fingers are pointing forward, the legs are bent at the knees, one leg is pointed forward. Having released the ball, the hands straighten, following the ball.

8. Relay races with basketballs:

Dribbling the ball to the opposite end line and back;

Dribbling the ball with a throw around the ring;

Passing the ball to a partner with advancement and throwing around the ring.

Students are in columns, the first one starts at the teacher’s signal. Pass the ball into your hands. Be sure to hit the basket with a dribble and two steps; if you miss, then return to the center line and try again until you score. After the passes, the player who is closer to the ring throws, if he does not score, then returns to the middle.

9. Game "Tag".

The player, dribbling the ball, catches up with the runner, who is also dribbling the ball, and, without losing control of the ball, tries to hit him with his free hand.


The runner can be hit with a pass, but he has the right to catch the ball. In this case, it is not considered salted;

The player with the ball interacts with the player behind the court. The catcher can only stain the player by receiving the ball from his partner.


10.Cleaning equipment.

Cleaning is carried out by the person on duty in the group.

11.Construction, summing up.

Report mistakes in class.

12.Homework message.

To report homework– push-ups 30 times and squats 30 times.


    "Basketball for students." Textbook. Y. Portnov - M.: FiS, 2003

    Student physical culture. Textbook. Ed. IN AND. Ilyinich. – M.: Gardariki. 2003. – 448 p.

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