Lesson summary on the topic "ship". The Steadfast Tin Soldier Boat exercise for children

Abstract of GCD

On social and communicative development

“The children of the whole Earth are friends.”

Age group: preparatory

Location: MBDOU No. 1s. Samara

Kind of activity: integrated

Date: March 29, 2016

Duration: 30 minutes.

Educator: Grigor Irina Anatolyevna.

Integration educational areas: “Social and communicative development” “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “ Physical development", "Artistic and aesthetic development."

Integration of children's activities: gaming, cognitive-research, communicative, motor, musical.

Purpose of the lesson: to form in children the concept of friendship between children living on different continents.



ü show children the similarities and differences of children living on different continents;

ü expand children’s understanding of the peoples of Africa, Japan, and the peoples of the North;

ü exercise children in the formation of adjectives;

ü strengthen the ability to describe the appearance of people; the ability to select related words with the same root;

ü strengthen children's ability to solve crossword puzzles.


ü develop logical thinking;

ü develop children's attention, memory, fine motor skills;

ü develop speech motor coordination;

ü develop the ability to convey the character of a musical work in movements;


ü cultivate interest, the need for movements to music;

ü cultivate a tolerant attitude towards the peoples of the Earth.

Means of education:

Ø tape recorder, audio recordings of Japanese music, music of the peoples of the North, music. Zheleznova “The giraffe has spots, spots”;

Ø interactive whiteboard:

Ø -physical map peace;

Ø - easel,

Ø presentation “Children of the whole Earth are friends”

Ø d/i "Tangram" (according to the number of children);

Ø “ice floes” made of cardboard;

Ø two hoops;

Ø crossword puzzle.

Methodical techniques:

Ø Verbal: problem statement, story, conversation on issues, explanations, activity analysis, summing up.

Ø Visual: virtual tour using ICT,

Ø Practical: game - travel, game exercises, crossword puzzle.

Used modern technologies: ICT, problematic - gaming technology, health-saving, personality-oriented.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the center of the hall, forming a circle.

Game exercise"Sunny Circle"

Educator:“Let’s hold hands together and smile at each other.”

People all over the planet are friends,

Adults and children are friends.

Let's go around the entire globe -

Let's carry our friendship with us.

Educator: What is the name of our planet? (children's answers). Yes, our planet is called Earth.

What is the name of our country in which we live? (children's answers).

Our country is called Russia. Our country is not alone in the world, there are many more different countries, in which people with different skin, eye and hair colors live.

Guys, how do you think children of all countries are similar? (Children's answers). Of course, you and children from other countries have a lot in common. All children of the Earth, despite their nationality, cry, laugh the same, love to sing and dance, go to kindergarten and school, love to run and play pranks, watch cartoons, play sports and play different games.

Guys, how do you think children of all countries differ? (Children's answers).

They differ in skin color, eye shape, they speak different languages, and wear different clothes.

But all children on the whole planet love their home, their family and want to live in peace.

I invite you to travel around the globe in search of new friends. The journey will be unusual. What will you and I travel on?

We will set off on a large ship (Slide 1).

Our boat is sailing into the distance (stretch your arms forward),

Let's sit in it, friends, and you and I will sail!

Let's hold hands together and smile at each other.

our boat is sailing into the distance.

The deck began to rock and my leg was pressed to the floor.

(Perform movements according to the text).

Press your leg tighter and relax the other!

The wind blows across the sea

(We swing our hands up)

And the boat speeds up

He runs in the waves, on swollen sails.

Educator: We guys have sailed with you to the African continent (show on map).

And here are the children who live here (slide 2). Let's welcome them. The African continent has its own greeting ritual. Its residents raise their right hand to their forehead (which means I’m thinking about you), then to their lips (I’m talking about you), then to their chest (I respect you). Let us also greet the children in the African way...

Now tell us what children from the African continent look like.

What color is their skin? What are people with black skin called?

What kind of eyes do they have? (large, brown) What are people with brown eyes called? (brown-eyed).

What kind of hair do they have? (dark hair, curly hair). What are these people called? (dark-haired).

It's very hot in Africa. Black skin and thick hair protect people from the scorching sun.

What clothes do children wear? ? ( It’s very hot in Africa, so children’s clothes are light).

Residents of different tribes in Africa love jewelry, beads and bracelets (both men and women), and prefer clothes in red, orange, brown and green (slide 3).

Children live with their parents in such dwellings. The dwelling is a single-chamber round, square or rectangular in plan, with a cone-shaped roof. Construction material Clay, stone, shrubs, grass, wood, branches, straw, palm wood, bamboo, banana leaves are used (slide 4).

Residents of the African continent are engaged in agriculture: they grow some types of wheat and coffee, legumes; cattle breeding (camels), large and small cattle, horses (slide 5).

African children love to dance most of all, to imitate animals in their dances; they always invite guests to a friendly dance in order to make friends. Let’s make friends with them and portray animals in a dance (slide 6).

(dance, imitating animals).

Movement exercise to music " The Giraffe has spots, spots.”

Educator: Guys, what continent did we visit?

Well, guys, we have found new friends on the African continent.

We continue our journey (slide 7).

"Finger Gymnastics".

I will press my two palms and swim across the sea

. (Press both palms together, without connecting thumbs)

Two palms, friends, I made the boat.

(Make wave-like movements with your hands - “the boat floats”)

I'll raise the sails

(Hands joined together in a boat shape, raise your thumbs up).

I'll swim in the blue sea.

(Continue wave-like movements with your hands - “boat”)

And fish swim here and there on the stormy waves.

. (Completely connect two palms to each other to imitate fish and again wave-like movements - “fish swim”)

Educator:-Guys, we sailed to Asia (slide 8). Look, what country do you think this girl might be from? (From Japan.)

That's right, this girl is from the Land of the Rising Sun - Japan. Japan is located on the Asian continent. Together with Japan, on this continent there is Korea (its inhabitants are called Koreans), and China (Chinese), Mongolia (Mongolians).

What does the girl look like? (narrow eye shape, national hairstyle and clothing.)

Guys, what can you call a person who has narrow eyes and dark hair? (Narrow-eyed, dark-haired).

People living on the Asian continent have dark and yellowish skin tones. What do you call a person who has yellow skin? (Yellow-skinned).

Let's greet the girl in Japanese. Japanese greet each other with a bow.

The clothing worn by the Japanese is called a kimono (both men's and women's) (slide 9).

Residents of this country grow tea, rice, eat seafood (shrimp, squid, different fish), they like to make dolls from wood, from paper, weaving baskets and fans (slide 10).

(An illustration of Japanese children appears on the screen.) Japanese children could tell us a lot about their country, but how can we understand them? (Children’s answer options are listened to.) (slide 11).

We could understand each other using the language of our faces (facial expressions) and hands (gestures).

How can we make friends with these children?

What do all children on the planet like to do? (Play.)

In Japan they really like to play various puzzles, among them (the teacher demonstrates) the tangram - laying out geometric shapes. We are now going to play such a game.

D/i "Tangram" ( Japanese music sounds.)

Children do the task

Educator: Children, what continent did we visit?

How do they differ from us in appearance?

And now it's time for us to go.

Logorhythmic exercise “Boat”(slide 12).

Suddenly a strong storm began

(We swing our arms strongly and make a circle)

Thunder rumbled in the sky (claps)

Our boat rocked

(Arms to the side, legs began to swing apart)

Up with the wave first, rushed away, (hands depict waves)

And then he fell down (sat down)

Up, (stand up)

Down, (sat down)

Educator: We came with you to Russia, to the north of our country. Russia, guys, is a big country, it is located in both Asia and Europe. The north of our country is located in Asia. (slide 13).

How many of you know the name of the people living in the North? (Nenets, Eskimos, Yakuts, Chukchi.).

We are greeted by Eskimo children.

And the Eskimos say hello by waving their hands, let's get to know them. (Children say hello)

Why do you think these children are dressed so warmly? (children’s answers). Eskimos sew clothes and shoes from the skins of animals killed during hunting. Waterproof shoes are made from tanned seal skins without wool.

Now tell me what the children look like? (narrow eyes, dark hair, dark skin with a yellow tint).

Guys, what can you call a person who has narrow eyes and dark hair? (narrow-eyed, dark-haired).

There is a lot of snow and ice in the north. Ice perfectly reflects and enhances sunlight, which can be very harmful to the eyes - people go blind. Therefore, people living in the North have narrow eyes and dark yellow skin.

You said that children are funny. How else can you tell what they are? Match the word funny words that are close in meaning (joyful, cheerful, satisfied, lively).

You know, guys, Eskimos have very unusual houses. Their home is called an igloo (slide 14).

Since they are a northern people, they even build their homes from large, ground pieces of ice. Fur skins are laid out in it and a fire is made. The severe frost outside will not allow the thick layers of snow to melt, and the blizzard is not terrible.

The Chukchi live in a plague (slide 15).

Eskimos also engage in reindeer herding and love to hunt and fish. - Their main profession is reindeer herder . Repeat this word. What do you think they are doing? Reindeer herders lead a nomadic lifestyle. The deer eat the food and move on. And behind them are the reindeer herders (slide 16).

Guys, let's find related words for the word "fish". (Children's answers: fish, fisherman, fisherman, little fish, fisherman, fisherman, fish).

Now let’s select related words for the word “hunting.” (Children's answers: hunter, hunt, hunting, hunting) (slide 17).

Do you want to make friends with them? Then let's play the favorite game of Eskimo children, “Ice Pieces.”

Outdoor game "Ice". ( It is performed to the music of the northern peoples).

Progress of the game. Children are divided into two friendly teams. Each player has two ice floes. At the signal, players begin to move from ice floe to ice floe. When all the players reach the large ice floe, they must try to stay together so that no one ends up in the icy water.

Well done, you showed true strong friendship in this
easy struggle with ice floes, and one can really say about you, in the words of the proverb, “A strong friendship cannot be cut with an ax.”

What other proverbs do you know about friendship? (Children’s answers: “Where friendship is strong, things go well.” “Friendship is strong through care and help!”).

Educator: Children, where did we visit?

How do the children of the North differ from us in appearance?

Well, in cold countries we also found friends who were not like us.

It's time for us to head back. We will fly by plane.

Speech movement exercise “Airplane”(slide 18).

The plane is flying high, high,
It’s not easy for him to land!
The pilot makes a circle after a circle...
(children run easily on their toes, arms to the sides)
The plane is his comrade and friend!
The plane landed on the runway,
(squat, arms to the sides)
Ran forward -
and the flight is over.
The doors opened, the ground was under the ladder,
And passengers are greeted by friends!

Educator: So we flew home (slide 19).

And these are the children of our kindergarten. They are very friendly, love to play, dance, and can read and count.

We live with you guys in the European part of Russia, we are Europeans.

Look at the guys at each other, at your friends.

Tell us what kind of skin we have (fair), what a person with light skin is called (fair-haired), what kind of hair (soft hair), what kind of eyes (big eyes).

Educator: Guys, we learned a lot while traveling today. I suggest we solve a crossword puzzle and read the word that is encrypted in it.

1. What do the inhabitants of the North make their houses from? (ice).

2. What is the name of a house made of ice (igloo).

3. Where do black people live? (Africa).

4. What color is yellow in a person? (leather).

5. What did we sail on during our trip today? (ship).

6.What is the name of the game that Japanese children play? (tangram).

Educator:- Let's read what we got (friendship.)

What does it mean to be friends? (be kind, sympathetic, respect a friend, take care of him, understand him...).

Are you friends in your group?

When you are friends, do you pay attention to what kind of eyes, skin, hair your friend has?

If Japanese or African children join our group, will you be friends with them?

You and I must live in peace and harmony with all the people inhabiting our common home - planet Earth. Although we have different skin colors, different eye shapes, different clothes and different lifestyles, we all have one planet - the Earth. We must all take care of it together.

The outline of this lesson is intended for additional education teachers, tutors, kindergarten teachers, and parents. This lesson is comprehensive, it provides for the occasional inclusion of tasks from different disciplines such as “Speech Development”, “FEMP”, “The World around us”, “PHYSICAL”, “IZO”. The lesson is structured taking into account the age and mental characteristics of a given age.

The lesson is designed for one astronomical hour, during the lesson there is a change of activity.

The purpose of this lesson: Expanding children's knowledge about aquatic species Vehicle, enrichment vocabulary on this topic



Center for the Development of Children and Youth "HARMONY"


Outline of a comprehensive lesson for children 2-3 years old (together with parents)

Topic: “The boat is sailing, sailing”

Goal: Expanding children's knowledge about water vehicles, enriching vocabulary on this topic.

Educational objectives:

  1. Formation of elementary ideas about water transport.
  2. To consolidate students' knowledge about land, air, and rail transport.
  3. Improvethe ability of students to distinguish and name colors and geometric shapes.
  4. F to form interest and need for the perception of books.
  5. Learn to walk and run without bumping into each other.
  6. Continue to teach jumping on two legs in place, moving forward and backward.
  7. Learn to name and distinguish the position of objects in space.

Developmental tasks:

  1. Promote the development of cognitive processes.
  2. To promote the development of skills to use generalizing words to name objects belonging to the same group.
  3. To promote the development of the ability to talk about the subjects under consideration.
  4. To promote the development of abilities to distinguish speech sounds.
  5. Promote the development of active and passive vocabulary.
  6. Promote the development of gross and fine motor skills.
  7. Contribute to the development of operational and technical skills (grasp, hold, move, combine parts of an object);

Educational tasks:

  1. Contribute to the education and accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers.
  2. Promote the development of partnerships in the classroom.
  3. To promote perseverance and interest in educational games with objects.
  4. Promote the development of independence.

Equipment: Thematic cards depicting land, air, rail, water transport; soft modules; trays for each child; two corks per child; ropes for each child; basin with water; counting sticks; semolina; brush and dustpan; preparing a “Sailboat” drawing for each child; watercolor paints; cotton buds; cups for drawing; aprons; sleeves; table mats;

Video sequence: Cartoon"L.

Scale: “car horn”, song “Locomotive Chukh-chukh”, song from the film “Masha and the Bear” “Hare exercise”.

Progress of the lesson

Welcome Ritual. All children, together with their parents, are located in a semicircle on the carpet, the teacher greets each child (If the child does not answer, his parent says hello).

We're kicking stomp!
We clap our hands!

Turn around yourself

Once - they sat down, twice - they stood up.
Everyone raised their hands up.
One-two, one-two,
It's time for us to get busy.

Teacher: Guys, today we are going on a trip. And we will go on a journey to...(car horn sounds), what will we go on?

Children: by car.

Teacher: That's right, by car. Where is the car in the picture (children choose cards). Show me how you turn the steering wheel, let's drive the car (teacher reads a poem)

We were traveling by car,
We reached the corner.
BEEP BEEP! (simulation of car signal)

Well done, we've arrived(teacher collects cards)

But we still have a long way to go, and we will go(train signal sounds)what will we go on?

Children: By train.

Teacher: That's right, by train. Where is the train in the picture? (children choose cards). I will be a train, and you will be my carriages(music plays, the “train” goes around the pins)

We were traveling by steam locomotive,
We reached the mountain.

Well done, we've arrived.

Look at the mountains here(bricks are placed on the carpet), let's fly over the mountains by plane. Where are our airplanes?(children show cards with a picture of an airplane)Well done, what is the most important thing about an airplane? That's right, wings. Show me what wings you have, let's fly(stepping over an obstacle, onomatopoeia of the drone of an airplane, teacher reading a poem)

I need to get on the plane
The plane is flying,
The motor is humming:

Well done, they flew in and sat down in the clearing. Tired? Let me tell you a fairy tale.

Reading the story "The Ship".

Examination of illustrations, children's answers to the teacher's questions.

Gymnastics for the eyes

We came to the forest, looked around us(we look left and right with our eyes), the trees grow tall(eyes look up), and the bushes are low(lowered down) . Look, there's a path here(blink ). Well done. There is a lake ahead of us(show picture) , how can we get to the other side? Let us make a raft, sit down at the tables.

Game exercise “Raft”

If you take a lot of logs,(the teacher takes two corks in one hand)
Tie them very tightly,(with his other hand he wraps the corks with string)
The raft will be reliable,
(puts it on his palm and shows it to the children)
And you can swim on it

Now look at your trays, you have plug logs, a rope is already tied to one log, take them in your hands and give them to your mothers, and now we will wrap the rope around our logs. Did everyone get a raft? Well done.

Game exercise “Breeze”

And now I will be the breeze. So that your raft floatsyou need to put it in the water, blow on it slowly, stretching your lips with a tube but without puffing out your cheeks (example from a teacher). (Children take turns lowering the raft into the water and doing the exercise)

Well done, what have we done to you? A raft, why do we need a raft? To swim across the lake. Well done, take your seats.

Teacher: Guys, look at what we have in the next picture?

Children: Boat, boy, bear.

Teacher: That's right, boat. A boy with a teddy bear in a boat floats along the river.

Look, the boy is holding an oar, he is rowing the oars, and the boat is floating along the river.

Finger gymnastics

small boat(palms cupped)

Floats down the river (imitation of boat movement)

Little boat, (imitation of boat movement)

Calling the kids. (inviting movements directed towards oneself)

We take the oars in our hands,(imitation of rowing with oars)

We row quickly to the shore

Game exercise “Boat”.

Laying out a boat from counting sticks following the teacher’s example(trapezoid)

The boat floats on the waves

And he calls us with him

Performance physical exercise to the music from the film "Masha and the Bear".

Losing (walking after each other)
1 verse
The hares stood up in order, (turns and tilts the head)
Hares do exercises
Sasha, don’t be lazy either -
Get ready to exercise.
Jump-jump, hands up (2jumping in place, 2 clapping hands above your head)
Jump-jump, hands down (2 jumps in place, 2 claps at the bottom)
Now come on, buddy, pull yourself up. (raise your hands up and stand on your toes)
Verse 2
Nearby a hedgehog is trampling the grass, (calf raises)
He wants to work with us.
Let's walk with a hedgehog, (march in place with knees high)
Raise your legs higher.
Top-top, step forward, (2 floods, step forward)
Top-top, step back. (2 floods, step back)
And now they will clap their hands
They got up and stood.
Verse 3
And the frogs on the water lily(jumping in place)
Together we straightened our backs,
Place their paws on their sides (put your hands on your belt,bending to the sides)
And they sway slightly.

Drawing on a decoy “The boat is sailing, sailing”

Children independently come up and pour semolina into their trays, and carry the tray to their workplaces.

Teacher: Guys, look, we have one more picture. There is a blue sea painted on it. A big wave is walking along the sea. (Following the example of the teacher, the children draw waves first right hand, then with the left, then with both hands simultaneously). Well done. But look, a boat is sailing on the sea. (the teacher and the children examine the structure of the ship, the children’s answers to the teacher’s questions)

Now we will draw a boat on our tray: first we will draw the hull of the ship with our finger. Well done, everyone made beautiful boats!

After working with semolina, children independently remove the trays and, if necessary, sweep their tables with a brush.

Watching a cartoon« L boats, boats, ships, sailboats, liners, tugs". Discussion, children's answers to the teacher's questions.

Drawing "Sailboat"

Teacher: Guys, now we will draw. What do we need for this?

Children: set the tables, put on aprons and sleeves.

Teacher: Well done, now look at what we are going to draw with today (step-by-step explanation and demonstration by the teacher of all the actions: take a tray, put paints on the tray, 2 cotton swabs, a piece of paper with a sailboat blank, take a glass and fill it with water.)

Children: independently perform the algorithm of all actions.

Teacher: Guys, look at the sailboat we have drawn on our pieces of paper. Why is it called a sailboat? (children's answers: there is a sail). Our sailboat consists of a boat, show us where the boat is on your sailboat? What color is the boat? (show, children's answers). A mast is a wooden pole on which a sail is attached (the teacher’s comments are accompanied by a demonstration). Where is the mast in your drawing? what color is the mast?

Children: Here she is, brown

Teacher: Sails, show me where the small sail is? What color is it outlined in?

Children: Green.

Teacher: And what color is the big sail?

Children: They show it in red.

Teacher: Where is the flag on our sailboat? What color is it?

Children: Blue

Teacher: A boat with a sail is sailing,

Calls to travel

Open the paints, take a cotton swab and dip it in a glass of water, excess water you need to remove it from the edge of the cup, carefully dip the stick into the red paint, paint the large sail red. We draw the paint stick from top to bottom, try not to go beyond the outline of the sail (The teacher's demonstration is accompanied by an explanation; the painting of a small sail, boat, and flag is carried out sequentially)Guys, our sailboat is sailing on the sea, and waves are walking along the sea, let's draw the waves.

Teacher: Well done, show everyone your work(children raise up their pieces of paper with a picture). Everyone turned out to have very beautiful and neat sailboats.

Teacher: So our journey has come to an end. Did you enjoy our trip? And now, let's remember what we traveled on.(the teacher raises pictures depicting several types of land, rail, air and water transport, children select the desired picture and name what is depicted on it).

The teacher says goodbye to each child and encourages children to say goodbye to each other.

Exercise "Stork"

(To overcome disinhibition and train perseverance)

The presenter invites the children to portray a stork that stands on one leg: standing on one leg, stand while reciting the poem:

Stork bird, stork bird,
What do you dream about at night?
- I want swamp frogs!
- And what else?
- More? Frogs!
To catch them is not to catch them...
That's all!
It's time to go!

Children walk in place.

Then the children recite the poem, repeating all the movements after the “stork” (flapping their “wings”):

Stork, stork, long-legged
Show me the way home.

The stork answers (the children stand still):

Stomp your right foot
Stomp left foot.
Again with the right foot,
Again with the left foot,
After with the right foot,
Then with your left foot,
Then you'll come home.

Exercise “Tsap!”

(Finger play therapy)

The driver slightly raises his hand and extends it forward. The players place their index fingers on the bottom of their palm, and they themselves move in a circle to the words of the leader:

Who's under the roof?
Cats, mice,
Hares and bunnies.
Dad, mom, toad: DAC!

When you hear the word “tsap”, you need to quickly pull your fingers away, otherwise the driver will grab the finger of the unwary person.

Exercise “Sounds of the surf”

(For relaxation)

Slow music is playing.
The children are lying on the carpet.

Host: “Let’s imagine that we are lying on the warm sand, a pleasant light wind caresses our body, we close our eyes and relax a little by the sea, the waves will sing us their lullaby ( children lie in silence for 20 seconds). A ray of sun touched our feet, the right leg was relaxed and warm, a ray of sun touched our left leg - the leg was relaxed and warm, it was pleasant to lie down, inhaling the clean sea air. Inhale and exhale, both legs are warm, it’s nice. A ray of sun touched my stomach and chest - it becomes even warmer, we like this warmth, we breathe deeply, there is pleasant sea air around us. A ray of sun touched our face, it all relaxed, our mouth opened slightly... How well we rest, calmly, we enjoy this relaxation, we breathe evenly, deeply, our whole body is warm. It is light as a cloud, we still want to listen to the song of the sea waves ( children lie and listen for a few seconds). But it’s time to go, we slowly get up, stretch and go to rest...”

Exercise "Boat"

(To develop the ability to regulate muscle tone)

The presenter explains, the children perform the movements: “Imagine that we are on a ship. Rocks. To avoid falling, spread your legs wider and press them to the floor. Clasp your hands behind your back. The deck swayed to the left - press your right foot to the floor. The right leg is tense, the left leg is relaxed, slightly bent at the knee, and the toe touches the floor. Straighten up! Relaxed! It swung to the right side - we pressed our left leg. The left leg is tense, the right leg is relaxed.

Straightened up. Listen and do as I do. Inhale - exhale!

The deck began to rock.
Press your foot to the deck!
We press our legs tighter,
And we relax the other.”

The exercise is performed first for the right leg, then for the left. The presenter draws the children's attention to the tense and relaxed state of the leg muscles.

Exercise “Neighbor, raise your hand!”

(For concentration training)

Players standing or sitting form a circle. A driver is chosen by lot to stand inside the circle. He calmly walks in a circle, then stops in front of one of the players and loudly says: “Hands!” The player to whom the driver addressed continues to stand (sit) without changing position. And both neighbors must raise one hand up: the neighbor on the right - the left, the neighbor on the left - the right, that is, the hand that is closer to the player located between them. If one of the guys made a mistake, that is, raised the wrong hand or forgot to raise it altogether, then he changes roles with the leader.

They play for a set time. The one who has never been a driver wins.

A player is considered a loser even if he only tried to raise the wrong hand. The driver must stop exactly opposite the player he is addressing. Otherwise, his command is not executed.

Exercise “Broken Doll”

(For the development of muscle self-regulation)

The presenter explains to the children: “Sometimes toys break, but you can help them. Draw a doll whose strings holding its head, neck, arms, body, and legs have broken. She's all loose, they don't want to play with her... Shake all the broken parts at the same time. Now collect, strengthen the ropes - slowly, carefully connect your head and neck, straighten them, now straighten your shoulders and fasten your arms, breathe evenly and deeply, and your torso will be in place, and straighten your legs. That’s it - you fixed the doll yourself, now it’s beautiful again, everyone wants to play with it!”

Exercise "Tree"

(For relaxation)

The children are standing. The presenter invites them to imagine themselves in the image of a mighty oak tree: “Stretch your arms forward with tension, clench your fingers into a fist, straining your hands, arms, and shoulders. Take turns relaxing your hands, then your arms and shoulders.

With tension, slowly spread your arms to the sides, spread your fingers, relax your hands, shoulders and arms. Drop your arms freely, swing your arms like a pendulum, gradually increasing or decreasing the width of the swing, as if oak branches are swaying in the wind.”

Exercise "Pinocchio"

(To overcome disinhibition)

Together with the leader, the children perform movements simultaneously while reciting the poem:

Pinocchio stretched,
Once - bent over,
Two - bent over,
Three - bent over.
He spread his arms to the sides,
Apparently I couldn't find the key.
To get us the key,
You need to stand on your toes.

Game "Buttons"

(To develop attention)

They play in twos. Each player has a set of buttons in front of them (both players have exactly the same sets; not a single button is repeated within the same set). The level of difficulty depends on the number of buttons in the set: the more complex the game, the more buttons are used. To begin with, you can take three buttons. Each player has a playing field, which is a square divided into cells. The more cells in a square, the more difficult the game. To begin with, take a playing field two by two cells. The player who begins the game places three buttons on his field. The second participant must look at the location of the buttons and remember where each is, after which the first player covers his playing field with a piece of paper, and the second must select the necessary buttons from his set and arrange them accordingly on his playing field. The first player then reveals their playing field and both players check whether they completed the task correctly. Memory time is 30 seconds.

For the first time, children may not be able to cope with the game; they need means of mastering voluntary attention and memorization. A pointing gesture and a detailed verbal description of objects and their spatial location were chosen as such means. Some children do not yet know the concepts of “left”, “right”, “up”, “down”. At first, the child explains out loud, after a while in a whisper, and then to himself. Then just pointing to the button is enough.

Exercise "Tin Soldier"

(For the development of self-regulation)

The presenter explains to the children: “When you are very excited and cannot stop, pull yourself together, stand on one leg and bend the other at the knee, lower your hands at your sides. You are staunch soldiers at your post, performing your service honestly. Look around, notice what is happening around you, who is doing what, who needs help. Now change your leg and look even more closely. Well done!”

Tatiana Sokolova
Summary of an integrated lesson for children junior group"Ship"

Integrated lesson

First junior group

Educator: Tatyana Aleksandrovna Sokolova, first qualification category.

Subject: Ship.

Target: Introduce children with a new type of transport - by ship.

Integration educational regions:



"Reading fiction"

"Artistic creativity"



Introduce children with a new type of transport - by ship;

clarify and activate speech children using nouns denoting types of transport (bus, car, boat, and also enrich the vocabulary children nouns(ship, sail, sailboat);

Learn to look at a drawing - an illustration, tell with the help of the teacher what is drawn in the picture.


Develop a psychological base speeches: attention, memory, thinking;

Continue to develop communication skills skills: listen carefully to the teacher and answer his questions, develop communication skills not only with adults, but also with peers.

Continue to develop the ability to listen to poetic text;

Continue to improve your ability to work with paints, practice drawing wavy lines.


Develop the ability to listen to the teacher and your comrades;

Cultivate emotional responsiveness.

Preliminary work: introduction to ground transport (bus and car) and water transport (boat): looking at books, illustrations, reading works of art, playing with story toys, active, didactic.

Material and equipment: pictures of a bus, car and boat, toy boat, sailing drawing ship at sea, flat figurine paper boat, song soundtrack « Ship» , music A. Pinegina, lyrics. D. Kharmsa, 6-8 boats for play - experimentation, 2-3 basins with water, an easel, paints, brushes, album sheets (for each child, glasses of water, a sheet of Whatman paper size A3.

Individual work: we teach Matvey, Dasha, Pavlik and Andrey to answer with a phrase of 3-5 words; we teach Nastya, Yana, Mark and Polina to show and name the objects shown in the pictures; We teach Vanya to pronounce words correctly, without rearranging syllables.

Interaction with family th: invite parents to read poems to children about boat, you can memorize the ones you like and make a model out of paper boat according to the proposed scheme and organize games with water with the child.

I. Organizational moment and introduction to the topic classes.

V. – Guys, when you and I need to go somewhere in the city, what kind of transport can we use?

Children: by bus, by car.

V. – Yes, in the city you can travel by car or by bus.

(Teacher shows pictures)

II. Main part. Getting to know the sailboat.

V. – What if we need to cross the river? What transport will we use to do this?

Children: on the boat.

V. - Yes, here we need a boat (shows a picture)

V. – But to cross the sea, where the wind raises high waves, is possible only on a large ship. For example, on this one (shows boat) .

V. – As you can see the boat is not simple, it has a sail and is called a sailboat.

What is it called? (sailboat) (individual and collective responses children)

Sailboat game.

Let's stand in a friendly circle and look at the sailboat.

IN: Matvey, do you want to hold the sailboat? (Yes)

Take it, Matvey, please. boat.

The teacher gives the child boat.

IN: - Now tell me boat to Dasha and tell: “Please take it, Dasha, boat» .

- And Dasha will tell you: “Thank you, Matvey!”

IN: - The wind blows in the sails, and the ship is sailing there, where the person directs him.

I know a poem about sailing ship.

The wind blows across the sea

AND the boat is adjusting;

He runs in the waves

With full sails...

V. – And I also have such a beautiful painting.

The teacher shows a picture of a sailboat.

Show me where the sea is drawn in the picture?

What color is it? (Answers children)

Tima, show me the waves in the picture?

And where boat floating among the waves?

Where is boat sails?

III. Game-experimentation with by boat.

V. – I also have these boats. Let's try to use ours too boats on the water?

Children: Let's.

V. – But in order for our sailboat to sail, we need wind. You and I will now turn into little breezes.

They whirled and whirled and turned into little breezes!

The teacher and children blow on the sails and the boats are moving.

Then you can blow on the water, making waves.

IV. Musical and rhythmic movements.

V. – This is how our sea got raging! But the sailors ship They were not afraid and swam to the shore.

And who sailed on this ship with sailors, the song will tell us.

(Children and teacher dance to the song « Ship» )

V. - Guys, of course, you guessed who sailed on ship?

Children: Little mice.

V. Drawing the sea.

V. – I also have this one boat. My boat can't swim in the sea because it's made of paper. It requires not an ordinary sea, but a painted one.

Let's all draw a huge sea for him together.

To paint the sea we need to take paint.

What color should the paint be?

Children: Blue, blue.

V. – The sea is correctly painted with blue paint.

V. – Today we will draw the sea, on which the wind raises high waves

(The teacher on the easel shows techniques for drawing waves).

V. – This is the sea I got.

Show me how you you will draw waves.

Children draw wavy lines in the air with their fingers.

Now paint the sea with paints.

Children draw, the teacher helps children who have difficulty.

The drawings are displayed on the stand.

V. – What a huge sea we painted! - Who remembers what it’s called? ship with sail?

Children: Sailboat.

V. – Now sailboat, can swim for a long time in the blue sea.

The teacher shows how the paper floats boat on the waves, then gives the children a chance to play with him.

Fizminutka Korablik is designed to organize a minute of health in the lesson for children in kindergarten.

The purpose of the physical education session: to relieve fatigue and drowsiness in children younger and middle group, recovery physical strength preschoolers.


Rope in hand (march in place)
I'm pulling the boat
Along a fast river. (start moving as if we were pulling a boat)
And the frogs jump
Follow me on your heels (sit down and jump)
And they ask me: - Take it for a ride, captain! (wave hand).
(Agniya Barto)

Exercise "Boat"

Imagine that you are on a ship. Rocks. To avoid falling, spread your legs wider and press them to the floor. Clasp your hands behind your back. The deck rocked, press your right leg to the floor (the right leg is tense, the left leg is relaxed, slightly bent at the knee, with the toe touching the floor). Straighten up! Relax your leg. It sways in the other direction, press your left leg to the floor. Stand up straight. Inhale - pause, exhale - pause.

The deck began to rock!
Press your foot to the deck!
We press our legs tighter,
And we relax the other one.
The exercise is performed alternately for each leg. Draw your child's attention to tense and relaxed leg muscles.
Hands on your knees again
And now a little laziness...
The tension has flown away
And the whole body is relaxed...
Our muscles are not tired
And they became even more obedient.
Breathe easily, evenly, deeply...