Abstract of OD on the OO "Physical Culture" "Traveling through fairy tales" methodological development in physical education (senior group) on the topic. Notes of an open physical education lesson “Journey to a fairy tale” Notes of physical education classes based on folk tales

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten "Fairy Tale"

Abstract open class

according to OO " Physical Culture»

on the topic: “Traveling through fairy tales”

instructor in FC, first CC

Laukhina T.A.

village Stanovoe

January 2015

Target: Fostering the need for physical education.



  • consolidate the technique of walking and running in all directions, crawling on a gym bench; jumping without stopping over obstacles;
  • learn to coordinate actions with poetic text;
  • observe and comply with the rules of the games.


  • To develop children's desire to maintain and improve their health
  • Develop endurance and courage.
  • develop the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text,


  • Strengthen children's ability to perform exercises that strengthen the arch of the foot, developing the skills of correct posture
  • Strengthen the ability to perform correctly breathing exercises.


  • cultivate the need for daily physical exercise;
  • to cultivate positive character qualities: resourcefulness, mutual assistance, courage, the ability to empathize, the ability to work in a team, willpower, determination, the aesthetic needs of the child’s personality.

Type. Physical education and health.

View. Physical development.


Form of holding. A journey through fairy tales.

Time spending. 30 min.


TSO : multimedia installation, stereo system, CD with music.

Methods and techniques:introduction to an imaginary situation, creation of a game situation. Using TSO

Visual: instructor demonstration

Verbal: artistic expression, instructions, questions, encouragement;

Practical : doing exercises

Individual work:- regulate the motor load of children depending on physical development child;

Preliminary work:

Health-saving technologies:breathing exercises, eye exercises, self-massage

Musical accompaniment:

Educational Resources:

Vavilova E. N. Strengthen the health of children: A manual for kindergarten teachers.

Kudryavtseva V.T. “Developmental pedagogy of health improvement.

Utrobina K.K. " Entertaining physical education for preschoolers."

Companion to the head of physical education, ed. S. Filippova. 2007.

Internet resources

Dress: sportswear (white T-shirts, dark shorts, socks)

Number of children: 12

Location: gym

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall and line up in a column.

Left! - Be equal! - Attention!

The instructor reads the poem “Movement is Life.”

Movement is life and beauty,

A healthy spirit and a clear goal:

Run away from laziness and illness,

Sport for health is the most beneficial of all.

How to teach to be healthy

And love physical education?

Just do something yourself

And give everything to the kids.

The conclusion comes without a doubt:

(together with children) “Health is life,

And life is movement! »

Instructor. Guys, what do you think the words “Life movement” mean?Children's statements

I invite you today to go on a journey to follow the movements of an amazing country that is not on any map of the world, a country where peace, goodness, beauty reign, where the impossible becomes possible if true and reliable friends come to the rescue! You, of course, guessed that I propose to take a trip to the country.....

Fairy tales, “to distant lands, to the distant kingdom.” Time in this country either flies incredibly quickly or, conversely, drags on very slowly, “how long or how short...”. The action is easily transferred from the present to the future. The road will be very difficult. You have to overcome various obstacles. You have to be careful, there are many surprises there.

What qualities will help us overcome this difficult path?(Children's statements. Courage, endurance, strength, ingenuity, friendship, good mood etc.).

Instructor . That's right guys. We must be attentive, strong, dexterous and courageous. And for this you need to gather strength and stretch your muscles.

Is everyone here?

Is everyone healthy?

Are you ready to travel through fairy tales?

Instructor. But how do we get to fairyland?

(children make their suggestions)

Instructor: You are right, you can travel by any transport, on foot, but it seems to me that it will be more convenient to travel on a carpeted airplane. Do you agree?

Educator: And here is our airplane carpet. It turns out that he is magical and will only be able to take the most friendly guys. Do you think he will take you? Then sit back, take your friend by the hand, close your eyes, and let's take off. (the sound of wind is heard).

Slide (Teremok fairy tale)

Instructor . And here is the first stop. What kind of fairy tale do you think this is?

That's right guys, Teremok. I propose to go with the animals to a housewarming party in the Teremok

I. Introductory part.

  • Normal walking.
  • Here the fox strides important -Walking on toes.
  • the clubfoot bear walks and waddles -Walking on the outside of the foot.
  • a mouse minces along the path -Walking in small steps.
  • the gray wolf jumps with wide leaps -Walking with long strides.
  • The animals are in a hurry, hurrying to the mansion -Run at a moderate pace.
  • Bunny is also jumping to the housewarming party -Jumping on two legs while moving forward.
  • The little animals are coming, hurrying - Walking is normal.
  • The frog is in a hurry, jumping from hummock to hummock -Jumping from hoop to hoop.
  • The animals are in a hurry, afraid to be late - Walking is normal

We saw the tower and were delighted.(facial exercise)

We approached the mansion, admired it, decided to settle in it and celebrate the housewarming: have fun, dance, play our favorite games.

II. Main part.

Instructor. Oh! Guys! Look! A magic ball, we might need it.

We'll go after the ball

And we will find a task.

And here is the next fairy tale.Slide (fairy tale bun)

The instructor throws the ball to a pre-prepared box. There are balls in the box.

(Children do exercises to music about kolobok)

ORU with a ball

1.“Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother in a clearing by the river”

I. p. - legs together, hands with the ball below.

This is such a tall grandfather

Children rise on their toes, ball up.

And here's a grandma!

Sink onto your heels, ball down. 4 times

2. “Grandfather and grandmother made koloboks”

I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands with the ball pressed to the chest.

1- turn the body to the right;

2- extend your arms;

3- I. p. Repeat the same in the other direction. Perform the exercise 2-3 times in each direction.

3. “Hide the koloboks”

I. p. - legs apart, hands with the ball behind the head.

1-2- raise your hands up, lean forward, look at the ball, say “Here”

3-4- I. p. 4 times

4. “They put the bun on the bench to cool”

I. p. – feet shoulder-width apart, hands with the ball in front of the chest.

1- sit down,

put the ball on the floor;

2- stand up, hands on your belt;

3- sit down, take the ball in your hands;

4- I.P. 4 times

Breathing exercise:

Let's blow on one shoulder, let's blow on the other,

Let's blow on the stomach, and then on the clouds.

We quickly reached out

And they smiled at me.

Walking one after another is performed, during which children put balls into a basket.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

We open our eyes - once,

And we close our eyes - two.

One two three four,

Opening your eyes wider

And now they have closed again,

Our eyes were rested.


(method of execution - continuous, the first subgroup performs the task with the teacher) slide (fairy tale Fly - Tsokotukha)

1. “Fleas came to Mukha,

They brought her boots"

Jumping non-stop through gymnastic sticks, placed at a distance of 80 cm from each other;

  1. “There are bugs and boogers here

They crawl out from under the bench"

Crawling under a gymnastic bench on your stomach.

3. The musicians came running,
The drums started beating.
Bom! boom! boom! boom!

Throwing sandbags into the distance.

(The second subgroup of children performs distance throwing with an instructor. Watch the correct IP and swing from behind the head).

Round dance game "Children and fairy tale characters."

Children stand in a circle. Some of them wear hats - masks of a fox, a hare, or a wolf. To the tune of the Russian folk song “Will I go, will I go out,” children holding hands walk in a circle.

They see a fleet-footed gray bunny galloping across the lawn.

And now they shook their finger at the bunny:

“Run away, little one, quickly! And don’t be afraid of children!”

A child wearing a hare mask jumps into the middle of the circle. Children shake their fingers. The “bunny” jumps in a circle and falls into place. They go in circles.

The children walked through the forest, looking for berries in the grass.

They see a fox, a red-haired friend, come out to the edge.

Everyone clapped their hands and said to her more sternly:

“You, little fox, run away and don’t scare the kids!”

A child wearing a fox mask on his toes runs around the inner circle and stands in place. Children clap their hands. They go in circles.

The children walked through the forest, looking for berries in the grass.

They see a wolf sneaking around. He clicks and clicks his teeth.

All the guys trembled and ran away from the wolf.

Friends run fast, there is no way to catch up with them.

A child wearing a wolf mask runs into the circle with wide strides. The children begin to tremble. They run away from the wolf.

III. Final part.

Instructor. Traveling through fairy tales, we completely forgot about time, but it’s time for us to return home. The Land of Fairy Tales is an amazing country, each of you will find your favorite fairy tale here.

Before we go back, let's rest a little and get a little massage.

Children take massage hedgehogs and sit on the floor in a circle. Quiet music plays in the background.

1. Hand massage:

Hedgehog, hedgehog, you are prickly, Ride between the arms.

2. Massage of the right and left hand:

We move the hedgehog up and down, first along one hand, then along the other, lightly pressing on the ball (from hand to shoulder and back).

3. Breast massage:

We move the hedgehog with our palm in a circle on the chest.

4. Back massage:

Children turn in a circle and move closer to each other, so that each child reaches the back of the neighbor. Children massage each other's backs - move the hedgehogs up and down, then in a circle. At a signal, the children turn in the other direction and massage their backs again.

5. Foot massage:

Children again sit on the floor facing in a circle and stretch their legs. Massage first the right leg, then the left.

6. Foot massage:

Place the hedgehog on the floor, press it with your right foot, move it back and forth, pressing lightly. The same with the left foot.

Instructor. Guys, to make the magic carpet fly faster, you need to say the magic words.Remember, they must be pronounced clearly and loudly for the magic to work.

Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu - I really want to go to a fairy tale.(Clap our hands)

Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha - a magical fairy tale.(Stomp our feet)

Cha-cha-cha, chu-chu-chu - I'm already flying to kindergarten!

(Waving your arms, repeat several times, you can do it individually)

Instructor. Here we are in a fairy tale.

We learned a lot of new things.

And now we are the whole family

We returned home!

Summing up the lesson.

Lyubov Izotova
The role of folk tales in physical education classes

In the modern world, exciting group games have been replaced by computer games. Children have less and less time for outdoor games, walks, and communication with peers. Motor mode in preschool institutions allows you to fill only 55-60% of children’s natural need for movement. Imbalance between play and other types of children's activities, between different types games (mobile, calm, individual and joint) negative affects both on the state of health and on the level of development of motor abilities of preschoolers. The overwhelming majority of preschoolers suffer from movement deficits, as a result of which they lose interest in physical education classes.

In my opinion, to develop children’s interest in physical culture and sports, you can increase the need for natural motor activity by drawing up motor fairy tales in physical education classes.

Motor a fairy tale is(complex) system physical exercise, united by one storyline and aimed at improving motor skills.

Compose fairy tales possible in any part classes: how in the process of everything classes, and in its individual parts (warm-up, general developmental exercises, basic types of movements). It depends on the tasks classes, the form of its implementation, the preparedness of children and adults. Also motor fairy tales "invigorating" gymnastics in the morning.

Effective in the process of drawing up a motor plot fairy tales, offer children various figurative and imitative movements. Methods of presenting imitative movements to children can be different, it depends on the complexity of the movement and the image. For example, you can first name the image, and then show an imitative movement and ask the children to guess the image, and carry out the demonstration with an explanation of the movement of different parts of the body. For example: "frog"- front paws (hands) places them side by side, between the legs, and the hind legs (legs) spreads wide. "Bunny"- the ears may prick up, or they may lower, the paws may be pressed with fear, or they may be placed on their sides.

You can make up motor fairy tales content that is already well known to children or invented by adults, as well as by the children themselves. the main task such fairy tales– highlight and determine the movements of the characters. For example, Little Red Riding Hood can skip or pick flowers on the way to her grandmother, she can cross a river or jump over a stream, crawl under a fallen tree, etc. It is interesting to invite children to change the character of 1-2 characters. For example, what would happen if Little Red Riding Hood met a good wolf, and Little Red Riding Hood herself was very capricious. After the children have mastered this technique, you can invite them to introduce a tale of new heroes. For example, Little Red Riding Hood met along the way a cunning fox and a kind wolf, who wants to lure the pies out of the girl, and the wolf tries to help the girl bring the pies to her grandmother. When compiling fairy tales based on familiar plots (old fairy tale with a new ending) . U fairy tales fairy tales"Turnip"- bad ending, but fairy tales"Teremok" the result may be good, etc. In other words, speaking: « fairy tale“a means of developing interest in physical activity,” meaning not only the creativity of children, but the professional creativity of teachers. Here, in particular, we mean flexible, variable use of the proposed

All work on the development of motor creativity takes several stages:

At the first stage, in the group, the teacher conducts a certain Job:

Introduction to Contents fairy tales;

The number of characters and their characteristics are determined;

Non-repetitive motor images are invented and shown in accordance with the characters’ characters;

Plot change proposed fairy tales.

Correlation and execution of motor actions and physical exercises based on drawings and diagrams.

On physical education classes, children get acquainted with correct execution exercises – motor fairy tale images, with the help of figurative and imitative movements in a playful way. To facilitate memorization of the plot and reproduction of motor images in the motor fairy tale, it is suggested to use drawings or diagram cards.

It’s better if you work on one for a month fairy tale, since preliminary preparation requires a lot of time and certain knowledge and motor skills from children.

This stage lasts depending on the skills and abilities of the children, on the volume of learned movements-images required for one or another fairy tale.

At the second stage, the instructor and the children are engaged in compiling a motor fairy tales, changing the plot of a familiar fairy tales, or inventing a new one fairy tale. The technique of the learned exercises is being consolidated and improved, and the ability to perform the learned exercise in different conditions. The child is asked to show (depict in movements) some story scenes in which they, performing role any character interact with other characters. An imaginative play situation is created, this helps children more or less independently search for and find expressive means to convey the character’s character, his mood of relationships with other characters. It is important that the movements found are not "the only solution". Let your child try to come up with options. Compose fairy tales possible in any part classes: how in the process of everything classes, and in its individual parts (warm-up, general developmental exercises, basic types of movements, outdoor games). It depends on the tasks classes, the form of its implementation, the preparedness of children and adults. Motor fairy tales can be used as "invigorating" gymnastics in the morning.

1. Motor shape fairy tales similar to short figurative plots stories. Into the plot fairy tales you can include different games, including relay games and sport games. Of particular value are story games with a large number of roles and, accordingly, opportunities for individual creativity. For example, games "Owl", "Day and night", "Make a figure" and etc.

2. The main condition for the development of motor creativity during training physical exercise in classes on physical education (basic types of movements, general developmental exercises) is sufficient motor experience for children. The presence of motor skills allows you to freely use them in your diverse activities, showing independence in changing your character and methods of action depending on conditions.

3. Thinking through tasks for composing motor fairy tales, it is important to create a positive psychological climate classes, taking into account the following peculiarities:

Age and psychophysical characteristics of children in the group;

Using a variety of methods of psychological influence and stimulation of children’s motor activity;

General well-being of children, in accordance with weather conditions;

Reasonable ratio of load on the body;

Compliance with pedagogical tact.

4. Effective use of problem-based learning methods.

For example: how can Little Red Riding Hood get through if there is a wolf on the way? (Swim across the river - the wolf can’t swim. Or where can the mice get cheese? - In the pantry. How to get there? Climb the bridge, etc.) The game form of the exercises maintains a steady interest in their implementation. A constant emotional-positive background of learning contributes to a more solid assimilation of the material being studied.

5 Thinking through, completing, changing images, situations, plots with the help of children.

6. You can make up fairy tales content that is already well known to children or invented by the instructor, as well as by the children themselves. When compiling fairy tales based on familiar plots, you can come up with different situations (old fairy tale with a new ending) . U fairy tales there can be either a good or a bad outcome. For example, at fairy tales"Turnip"- bad ending, but fairy tales"Teremok" the outcome may be good. Children are encouraged to come up with their own ending to folk tales: "Chicken Ryaba", "Turnip", "Kolobok", "The wolf and the seven Young goats". In other words, speaking: « fairy tale“a means of developing interest in physical activity”, which implies flexible, variable use of the proposed fairy tales in physical education classes in motor and play activities, as well as in other types.

7. While composing motor exercises fairy tales The teacher creates conditions for the fulfillment of the child’s needs, a subject-development environment, a comfortable psychological atmosphere, and encourages the child’s success in every possible way.

8. While coming up with motor skills fairy tales it is important to use gaming techniques (travel to fairy tale, visit fairy-tale heroes , fabulous motivations(do like a hero fairy tales, help the hero, etc.).

I would like to note that the compilation of motor fairy tales creates a need and desire in children to engage physical culture, creates a positive psychological attitude on class. All this helps to strengthen the child’s health, his physical and mental development. And most importantly, children are looking forward to the next one with interest. physical education class.


Bocharova N. I. Physical education of a preschooler in a preschool educational institution. - M., 2007.

Voloshina L.N. Play for your health! - M., 2004.

Gor'kova L. G., Obukhova L. A., Physical education classes at preschool educational institutions. – M., 2005.

Efimenko N. E. Theater physical development and recovery. - M., 1999.

Ovchinnikova T. S., Potapchuk A. A. Motor play training for preschoolers. – St. Petersburg, 2002.

Slutskaya S. L. Dance mosaic, (choreography in d/s). - M., 2006.

Stepanenkova E. Ya. Creative orientation of children’s activities in outdoor games. - M., 2005.

Yanina Ushakova
Summary of physical education lesson “Journey to a Fairy Tale”

Type. Sports and recreation.

View. Physical development.

Form of conduct. Journey into a fairy tale.

Target. Consolidating the skills of crawling on your stomach on a bench, somersaulting forward, jumping from hoop to hoop. As well as developing interest in oral folk art (fairy tales) . Creating conditions for active use fairy tales in children's creative activities.


Improve the skills of basic types movements: the ability to crawl on your stomach on a bench, perform somersaults over your head, jump from hoop to hoop, teach children control and self-control.

Continue to develop the skill of orientation in space, using different options for children’s motor actions.

Shape correct posture, movement culture, pantomimic abilities.

To develop children's strength, endurance, flexibility, speed, agility, and coordination abilities.

To cultivate a child’s desire to pay attention to himself, his body and his body. Contribute to the creation of a stable, cheerful, active mood.

To promote the formation of interest in books, works of fiction (in this case, oral folklore - fairy tales)

Help develop skills in handling books carefully.

Equipment. Gymnastic bench, hoops, mat.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the hall in a column one at a time. They line up.

Instructor f. j. Hello guys!

Children. Hello!

Instructor f. j. Today I offer you something unusual class, journey into a fairy tale"Kolobok", she is familiar to you. And the heroes who can name fairy tales(children call heroes fairy tales) . Well done! So Kolobok himself sent us a telegram. Listen to what's in it. (reads the telegram).


Hello everyone from Kolobok, my cheerful friend!

Today I wanted to come myself, but now I’m on the road again! To be healthy like me, and flexible like a snake.

Very dexterous - like a monkey,

Both girls and boys need to play sports!

In gratitude, friends!

The Kolobok family will prepare a treat

Surprisingly for all the guests.

And now it’s time for everyone to hit the road, see you in fairy tale. kids!

Instructor f. k. Well, what do the guys agree to? journey. That's great!

Introductory part

Instructor f. To.

Alignment. Walking in circles.

Instructor f. To (Walking in circles)

We all walk along the path, strengthening our health and maintaining our posture.

Exercise "Cockerel" With high lifting knees, arms to the sides.

Here comes the cockerel, proudly raising his comb.

Exercise "Hen" on your toes, hands on your belt.

The chicken went out for a walk to pluck some fresh grass.

Exercise "Duck" walking on outside feet, hands behind back.

The duck waddles, leading her little ones.

Exercise "Goose" walking in a squat, hands on knees.

And our goose doesn’t lag behind and follows the duck

Gander, gander, thin legs, lead the children along the path.

Exercise "Dog" walking on all fours.

And now the dog walked along the path with us.

Exercise "Frog" jumping forward.

Frogs live in the swamp, they are like friends to me.

Exercise "Deer" walking in a circle, arms straight raised up.

Here is a handsome deer, slender, noble and calm.

Instructor f. To. (Endurance running with a stop).

And now we are running in a circle to catch up with each other.

Instructor f. To. (Stop at the signal inhale, exhale)

Let's run

Instructor f. j. Step march.

March slowly, as the weather is good.

Guys! How are you feeling, are you tired? Well done! Let's continue journey.

Exercise "Fox"

Just like the fox was walking through the forest - The children follow each other softly, slightly

with a springy step.

Top-top, top-top

Squatted under a bush - They squat.

That's it, stop!

The fox turned its head - Turn its head left and right.

That's it, that's it!

Yes, I looked around -

Top-top, top-top.

I swept the path with my tail - "Twist their tail"

Oop-op, op-op.

Suddenly the fox stopped. They stopped and sniffed.

I sniffed and was surprised:

Smells delicious food:

I'm going after her now! Easy to run on toes.

Exercise "Violet"

At the sunny edge Children press their palms together ( "bud",

The violet has blossomed. raise them and spread their fingers (“violet


Lilac ears Touch the ears with your palms.

She raised it quietly.

She is buried in the grass, they put their palms on their shoulders, crossing their arms

Doesn't like to climb forward. Move your index finger in front of you

right left.

But everyone will bow to her. They bend down.

And he will take it carefully. Straighten up, pressing your palms to your chest.

Exercise "Hen"

Children, children, co-co-co, Children connect and separate their index fingers

And thumbs ("beaks").

The sun is high again. Cross your palms, fingers apart, and

raise their hands up.

I've been busy since dawn, they put their palms on their shoulders, raise them and

drop your elbows.

I'm looking for worms for you. "Scrape" fingers on thighs.

Exercise "Cockerel"

Cockerel, cockerel! Children hit their sides with straight arms.

Give me a comb. Press your palms together and

put them to your head


Oh please! Ask! Stretch your arms forward.

I'll comb my curls. They pat themselves on the head.

Exercise "Kukaresha"

Go to the river, Kukaresa! Children walk in place.


Ku-ka-re-ku. Children clap their palms to their sides (4 times).

Walked to the river, to the river They walked in place.

And shouted:

Ku-ka-re-ku! Slap your palms on your sides (4 times).

Exercise "Bunny"

The gray bunny is sitting. Children squat down and put their palms to their heads.

and wiggles his ears ( "ears")

Like this! Like this!

It's cold for the bunny to sit and rub his palms together

need to warm up my paws

Like this! like this!

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump. They jump on two legs.

Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!

Phonopedic exercise "Autumn leaves"

There is silence in the forest. Children raise their hands up and say quietly

sound (Sh, shaking hands.

You can barely hear the leaf rustling

The wind will blow harder, make a sound (W) loudly, loudly

long and even exhalation.

The leaf will rustle more boldly

The wind will blow again, with soft, precise movements.

they lower their hands and say energetically

sound (P).

The leaf will fly off the branch.

He will dance, sing and rotate his hands.

And it will fall to the ground. They raise their hands and lower them down,

making a glissando sound (A) from the very

top to bottom sound.

Instructor f. To.

Guys, let's remember and show with movements how grandma baked kolobok. (children perform imitation movements to the text)

First you need to pour flour on the table

They took a jug and poured milk

Salt, sugar, egg, vanilla

Kneaded the dough and made the bun

They put me in the oven.

Instructor f. j. While the bun is in the oven. Let's do the exercises for the soul.

ATS (to music fairy tales)

1. Crawling on your belly on a bench

2. Jumping from hoop to hoop

3. Somersault over the head

formation in a circle.

Instructor f. To.

While we were studying, our bun was baked. We take the bun out of the oven, how good it is. So we got to fairy tale"Kolobok", and he prepared a game for us" Bubble", they are friends with the sky, the sun and the wind. Catch the bubbles, jump higher, you must catch them all.

Outdoor game "Soap Bubbles"

Look at the sky

There you will see balls

Jump higher and grab

Get the health ball!

(music plays, children must jump and “pop soap bubbles with their hands”)


Children lie on their backs on the carpet, close their eyes and relax to the sound of the lullaby song "Fluffy Clouds" "Waking up" occurs to the sound tambourine:

Quietly, quietly, my little bell, ring, ring.

Don't wake up anyone, don't wake up my bell, don't wake up

Loud, loud, my little bell, ring, ring.

Wake up all the boys and girls, wake up

The children stood up, pulled themselves up and smiled at the bun.

Instructor f. To.

Ours is over fabulous trip. But that is not all. There's a gift for you from grandma and Kolobok. For your success today.

(basket with gifts, letter reads out).

Letter from grandma: “I baked you pies, not too small, not too big, soft, rosy, just from the heat, help yourself kids, I’m treating you from the bottom of my heart, I wish you all good health, I invite you to visit a fairy tale".

"Granny and Kolobok"


Instructor f. To.

Thanks guys for class, goodbye, see you again. March to the right to the exit!

State government educational institution of the Vladimir region for orphans and children left without parental care “Vladimir Orphanage named after Karl Liebknecht”

Physical education lesson summary "Journey to a Fairy Tale"

prepared by the teacher Demina Elena Nikolaevna

Vladimir – 2012 Program content:

    improve walking, running, jumping; develop physical qualities: speed, dexterity; promote the manifestation of endurance and strength during exercise. Improve balance, coordination of movements and orientation in space; cultivate moral and volitional qualities: endurance, perseverance in achieving positive results; cultivate humane feelings.
Equipment:toys (frog, rag doll), plan, notes, tape recorder, two gymnastic benches, 6-8 medicine balls, skittles, basket, sandbags according to the number of children.

Progress of the lesson. Children and the teacher play the low-mobility game “Passing Friendship.” There's a knock on the door. The teacher opens the door and brings in a toy frog with a letter.Educator: Children, look, a frog has come to us. But the frog is not simple, there is a golden crown on its head.Children: This is the frog princess!Educator: What fairy tale did she come to us from?Children: The frog came to us from the Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess.”Educator: Children, the frog is crying and saying something.A tape recording sounds: Hello, guys! My name is Vasilisa the Wise. Koschey turned me into a frog and cast such a spell that not a single prince would break the spell on me. Only very brave, dexterous, friendly guys can find me in Koshcheev’s kingdom and turn me back into Vasilisa. Help me, children!Educator: Oh, poor Vasilisa! If we don’t find her and don’t break the spell, then she’ll have to live her whole life in a swamp as a frog! Shall we help Vasilisa? Children: Yes! Educator: How to find the road to Koshcheevo’s kingdom?Children: And the frog brought a letter.Educator: This is a card with hints. Look, the path starts from the front door of the orphanage. It will be difficult for us, but we are friendly, dexterous, brave guys. We will overcome all difficulties and save Vasilisa! And now forward to the kingdom of Koshcheevo!The children get dressed and go outside. Alignment.Educator: Guys, do you remember that only the strong can pass Koshchei’s tests? Children: Yes! Educator: What do we do every morning to be strong and healthy? Children: Exercise! Educator: Correct. And now we will also do exercises.Children and the teacher perform a set of general developmental exercises to music.Educator: So we have more strength. Health is good...Children: Thanks for exercise.Educator: You can safely go to Koshcheevo’s kingdom.Children and the teacher look at the plan and choose the right direction along the arrow.They enter the site. The path is blocked by a ribbon with a note.Note: Guys, you have entered the Koshcheevo kingdom. Be careful! The second clue will help you find these magic bags. Carry them through the enchanted forest three times without dropping them: first, on a bridge over a ravine (walking on a gymnastic bench with a stuffed bag on your back), then across a clearing over stones (jumping on two legs over 6-8 medicine balls, successively through each), then take a thin log across the river (walking on a gymnastic bench with an extended step), and then quickly carry it past the enchanted trees (running like a snake).Children walk three circles, collecting bags in a basket.Educator: Well done! Here's a hint.Children and the teacher find an image of a basket on the plan. An arrow leads from the basket to the house. The children in the house find another clue (a note).Note: Those who are not afraid of the cold play and have fun. Play the game “One, two, three-run” and find out the third clue.Outdoor game “One, two, three, run!” . (Goal: orientation in space)Children, at the teacher’s signal, run to:- birch; - maple; - veranda; - sandbox. Children find parts of the picture and assemble the picture “Slide”. The teacher and children find the slide on the plan. They run up to the slide and shout the magic words three times: “One, two, three!” Vasilisa, come out!” Nobody comes out. The teacher looks under the hill and finds a large rag doll there.Educator: Koschey outwitted us. He hid Vasilisa the Wise in another place. What to do? Children:… Educator: Guys, maybe Vasilisa managed to leave us a hint?The children find a note.Note: Guys, look for me in the house with the red roof.The teacher and children find the house according to the plan, approach it and shout the magic words three times. Vasilisa the Wise comes out of the house and bows.Vasilisa: Thank you guys for saving me! I knew that you would help me. After all, you are such friendly, kind, strong, healthy guys. How did you become like this?Children: We eat right and play sports.

Children say together: Children really need sports.

We are very good friends with sports.

Sports assistant,

Sports - health,

Sports game!

Physical training!

Vasilisa: And so that you would always be as healthy, strong, dexterous, be friends with sports, help people, I have prepared for you an expensive gift in a gold box.

Vasilisa gives the children a box of physical education equipment. Children thank and name physical education equipment (jump ropes, balls, skittles).

Educator: Thank you, Vasilisa the Wise! This is a very good gift, it will help us improve our health.

Vasilisa: Now it’s time for me to go to a fairy tale! Goodbye, kids!

Children: Goodbye!

Educator: Guys, it’s time for us to return home too.

The children and the teacher go into a group and share their impressions of the trip.


    Varenik E. N., Kudryavtseva S. G., Sergeenko N. N. Physical education classes for children 3 – 7 years old. -M.: Sfera, 2012. Penzulaeva L. I. Health-improving gymnastics. Sets of exercises for children 3 – 7 years old. -M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2012. Frolov V. G., Yurko G. P. Outdoor physical education with children preschool age: A manual for kindergarten teachers. garden. - M.: Education, 1983.







MDOU "Kindergarten No. 30"

combined type





GROUP: preparatory to school.

GOAL: creating conditions for independent choice

various movements for the purpose of development

motor abilities and creativity of children.

formation of motor skills in

process of performing main types


2. Strengthen the technique of performing the main types


3. Develop an individual load, a complex

exercise for everyone


4.Develop motor abilities children.

5.Develop creativity.

6.Develop interest in physical activities

culture, skill and attention in the game.

7.Improve children’s ability to unite in

small subgroups based on interests.


І. First zone: balls of different types and sizes (massage balls, balls, tennis balls, etc.)

Second zone: hoops different sizes, jump ropes, flat rings of different sizes, ribbons, etc.

Third zone: an obstacle course consisting of modules, arcs of different sizes, mats, a tunnel.

Fourth zone: complex device simulators (“Bicycle”, “Treadmill”, “Mini Stepper”, “Wave Runner”).

Fifth zone: exercise equipment of the simplest device (dumbbells, expanders, health discs, massagers) ribbed tracks.

II. 1. Multi-colored “parachute”, “Pinocchio” cap,

2. Audio recording with a complex of rhythmic gymnastics.


4.Individual relaxation mats.

5. Schemes - models.

6. Board and printed game “Two Relay Races”.


Part 1 – preparatory.

Structure of adult-organized activities.


physical education instructor.

Children's activities.

Organizing time. Gaming technique.

Artistic word.

Musical mystery.

Gaming technique.

Guys, I invite you on a journey through a fairy tale...

There are many fairy tales in the world -

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We can't live without them.

In a fairy tale maybe

Everything will happen...

Do you hear!?

What kind of fairy tale is this for us?


(The opening chords of the song “Pinocchio” sound.)

Did you guess it? Well done! I invite you to the auditorium, make yourself comfortable, the performance is about to begin.

Children's answers.


At the beginning of the lesson, a game motivation is created: “an invitation to a fairy tale.” The use of this technique aims children at active motor activity and promotes the development of the emotional sphere.


Alternating load intensity and performing exercises from different starting positions helps prepare all muscle groups to perform basic types of movements.

Thematic musical accompaniment and the creation of vivid images of fairy-tale characters create a high emotional mood.

Game exercise.

Breathing exercise “Blow up a balloon.”

Psycho-gymnastics “Flying on hot-air balloon" Artistic word.

Guys, would you like to go to a fairy-tale city? I propose to fly there in an unusual way - in a hot air balloon. Do you agree? Then you need to inflate them.

But the winds


Under the moon itself,

The ball is rushing


High above the ground.

The whole city is like

Spread out underneath him.

Hey! Little people!

Look, we're flying!

Spun around

circled and fell to the ground


(The teacher prepares a game situation for performing basic movements).

Do a breathing exercise. Children with a diagnosis bronchial asthma perform an exercise with sounds and words.

Flight improvisation.


When completing the task, the task of restoring breathing in children is solved. Psychogymnastics promotes the development of imagination and creativity.

The 2nd part is the main one.

Main types of movements.


Gaming technique.

Where have we ended up? What miracles!

Who lives here? Well done, you guessed it.

Pinocchio, Artemon, Malvina, Piero and Papa Carlo invite you to visit. I think that you and I will have time to visit every fairy-tale hero. But if you get too carried away, a musical signal will help you... (The music director gives a signal for children to move from zone to zone, which is repeated every 4 minutes), which will remind you that it’s time to move on. All clear.

Welcome to the fabulous city.

(The physical education instructor provides insurance for children on the obstacle course, the music director promotes the development of creativity in children, gives a sound signal for a change of activity, the teacher monitors the quality of movements, controls the order in the zones, the head nurse controls the load on students when working on difficult simulators).

(The physical education instructor addresses all children with the last beep).

Guys, you and I visited all the fairy-tale heroes. It's time for us to go out into the streets of the fabulous city. I wonder what awaits us next?

Children's answers.

The children invite the teacher music director, senior nurse.

Children are united in small subgroups based on interests, perform various types of movements in accordance with the proposed equipment in five zones: “Pinocchio Theatre”, “Malvina’s School”, “Pierrot’s Studio”, “Papa Carlo’s Workshop”, “Artemon’s Circus”.

Children with the second health group perform breathing exercises after individual exercise.