When was volleyball invented? History of the emergence and development of volleyball - abstract. History of volleyball in numbers. The most significant events and dates

Lecture No. 1


1. The emergence and development of volleyball.

2. Evolution of game rules, technology and tactics.

3. Volleyball in Russia.

4. Characteristics of volleyball - how effective means physical education.

№ 1 Volleyball is a sport, a team game in which two teams compete on a court divided by a net, trying to direct the ball to the opponent's side so that it hits their court, or the opponents make a technical or tactical error. At the same time, to organize an attack, players of one team are allowed to make no more than three touches of the ball in a row (a block does not count as a touch).

There are several legends about the origin of volleyball.

The founder of volleyball is considered to be William J. Morgan, a physical education teacher at the Young Christian Association College in Helioke (Massachusetts, USA). February 9, 1895 in gym he hung a tennis net at a height of 197 cm, and his students, whose number was not limited on the court, began throwing a basketball camera over it. Named new game"mintonet". The game was popular, and when it was demonstrated in Springfield at the YMCA college conference in 1896, Professor Alfred T. Haleted gave it the name “volleyball,” which means “flying ball.” This name very accurately corresponded to the nature of the game of that time, since the ball was “kept” in the air for a long time.

According to another version, it is believed that the brave fire chiefs of one of the cities in the southern United States of America came up with this game. Having nothing else to do, they pulled a rope between two posts and began to beat the inflated rubber bladder through it. True, Japanese historians claim that in their homeland this game was known 3000 years ago.

For example, the chronicles of Roman chroniclers of the 3rd century BC have been preserved. They describe a game in which the ball was hit with fists. The rules described by historians in 1500 have also survived to this day. The game was then called “faustball”. On a platform measuring 50x20m, separated by a low stone wall, two teams of 3-6 people competed. The players of one team tried to hit the ball with their fist or forearm over the wall to the opponent’s side, and they had already stipulated three touches of the ball. It was allowed to receive the ball both in the air and after it bounced off the ground. The game lasted 2 halves of 15 minutes. Simple game, which does not require expensive equipment, spread very quickly in Germany, France, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Italy.

In 1897 they developed sports rules of this game, which included only 10 paragraphs, which were repeatedly changed and supplemented.

In 1913, a volleyball competition was held at the Pan-Asian Games. Teams from Japan, China, and the Philippines took part in it.

In 1922, the First US National Championships, held under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association, took place in Brooklyn. 27 teams from 11 states participated. In 1928, the USA Volleyball Association was formed.

In Europe, volleyball became popular on the eve of the First World War thanks to the American military expeditionary units. In 1914, the game became widespread in England, and in 1917 volleyball gained unprecedented popularity in France. After the end of the war, the number of fans of the game increased significantly. The game became part of resort leisure; schoolchildren, women, men, and elderly people played it.

At the turn of the twenties, volleyball emerged as an officially recognized sport game with its own regulations and a certain procedure for conducting competitions. As such, the game has gained the greatest popularity in the USA, Mexico, Brazil, China, Japan, Cuba, Korea, Poland, France and Russia. Official championships of European countries have begun. In 1934, an international meeting of sports federations was held in Stockholm. It was decided to create a technical commission for volleyball. This commission included 13 European countries, 5 countries of South and North America, 4 Asian countries. In April 1947, the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) was created at a congress in Paris in which 14 countries took part. This was important for strengthening the international authority of the game and increasing its popularity.

The first European Volleyball Championship among men's teams took place in the capital of Italy, Rome in 1948.

The year 1949 in the history of volleyball was marked by the holding of the first continental championship among women's teams and the first men's championship in Prague. The winners of both championships were the USSR national teams.

Despite the international scale of the game, Olympic form sport, it was recognized only in 1957. Volleyball was first included in the program of the VIII Olympic Games in Tokyo in 1964.

1990 is a new milestone in the history of volleyball. It was marked by the creation of the World League - a tournament main task which is to showcase the best national teams from all continents.

№ 2 Changes in the rules of the game reflect improvements in technique and tactics in volleyball. The first rules were developed based on the rules promulgated in the USA in 1897. According to these rules, the dimensions of the court were to be 7.6x15.1 m, the height of the net was 1.98 m, the circumference of the ball was 63.5-68.5 cm, its weight is 340 g. The number of players was not limited. One foot of the serving player must be on the line. A team received a point only if the serve was made from its side. It was prohibited for the ball to touch the net, but a repeat of the serve was allowed.

Subsequently, the rules were constantly improved. In 1900, the score in the game was determined - 21 points and established new height grid - 213 cm. In 1912, the size of the site increased (10.6x18.2 m) and the height of the grid (228 cm). In 1917, the score in the game changes from 21 to 15 points, and the height of the net rises to 243 cm. In 1918, the number of players in the team is determined - 12 people, of which 6 are on the court, and the rest can replace them during the game.

In 1920, a rule was established according to which no more than three touches of the ball on one side of the court were allowed before the ball passed to the opponents' side, which added entertainment to the game. In addition, back row players were allowed to play offensively.

In 1922, the dimensions of the site changed again, to which the current standard corresponds; now it is a rectangle of 9x18 m, that is, the middle line of the site divides it into two equal squares. In 1934, the height of the net for women was established at 224 m. In 1937, an attack line was added to the markings of the site. In 1950, the competition began to be held in 5 parties.

In 1951, the FIVB Congress in Marseille approved the international rules of volleyball, which have since undergone changes. In 1952, 2 time-outs were introduced instead of three, in 1957 the time of breaks was halved - to 30 s, in 1961 6 substitutions of players were established in the game.

In 1965, blockers were given the right to re-touch the ball, and they were also allowed to move their hands over the net to the opponent's side, which reduced the clear advantage of the attacking side and gave the defense an additional chance. In addition, it made the game more dynamic, since the need for numerous referee stoppages of the game was significantly reduced.

In 1970, antennas were introduced - the outermost parts of the net, limiting the playing space on the sides.

Relatively recently, since 1999, the first four games are played according to the “time-break” system up to 25 points, the fifth game according to the same system up to 15 points. The play of a free defender is allowed - “libero”, who is wearing a jersey different in color from the team. This player replaces any player on the back line and is not a permitted substitution. He has no right to hit the ball above the top of the net and cannot serve or block. The serve can be served along the entire baseline, without going beyond the side lines; the ball is allowed to touch the net when serving. In addition, blockers are allowed to touch the net, as long as it does not affect the further play of the ball, they can play with their feet.

№ 3 In our country, volleyball became widespread in 1920-1921 in the regions of the Middle Volga (Gorky, Kazan) and in the Far East (Khabarovsk, Vladivostok), and later, from 1925 - in Ukraine. The game was promoted by artists from Moscow theaters, university students and, of course, physical education institutes.

On July 28, 1923, the first friendly volleyball match took place in Moscow between men's teams of students from the Higher Art and Theater Workshops and the State College of Cinematography. This day is officially considered the date of birth of volleyball in Russia.

In March 1926, the first domestic unified rules for volleyball competitions were approved.

An important milestone in the development of the game was its inclusion in the competition program of the All-Union Spartakiad in 1928, preparations for which covered the entire territory of the former Soviet Union. The Spartakiad made it possible to compare the level of training and skill of various teams and evaluate new technical techniques. At the same time, a permanent panel of judges was formed in Moscow.

In 1929, the All-Union Spartakiad was organized young pioneers, demonstrated best achievements children's teams. In the spring of 1932, an independent All-Union volleyball section was formed (before that it was part of the Hand Games Section), which later became (in 1959) the Volleyball Federation in the USSR.

By 1933, the level of development of volleyball had reached such a height that there was a need to hold larger competitions than intercity meetings between teams of two or three cities. In April 1933, the first all-Union volleyball competitions were held in Dnepropetrovsk, which in their significance can actually be equated to the national championship.

In 1935, Soviet volleyball players took part in an international meeting with athletes from Afghanistan for the first time.

Since 1938, USSR championships began to be held among the strongest teams of the Voluntary Sports Society (VSS) and departments. This stimulated a further increase in the mass participation and spread of volleyball.

The Great Patriotic War claimed the lives of many outstanding athletes, among whom were Leningraders A. Shcherbinin and M. Balazovsky, Muscovites D. Yarochkin, G. Makarov, I. Sizykh, Tbilisi athlete L. Avakyan and many others. However, the war was unable to completely suppress sports life. In the Leningrad and Transcaucasian military districts, army, front, and district championships were held during the war. In 1943, championship drawings took place in Moscow, Tbilisi, Baku and other cities.

In October 1945, the first post-war USSR championship was held in Dzaudzhikau (Ordzhinikidze). Moscow teams became champions: men's - Dynamo and women's - Lokomotiv. In 1947 Russian athletes traveled abroad for the first time to participate in international competitions in Poland. Since 1949, when our volleyball players won the first continental championship for women and the first men's world championship in Prague, USSR teams have become participants in all subsequent international competitions(except Women's Championship World 1967 in Tokyo).

In 1948, the All-Union Volleyball Section (then the Volleyball Federation) became part of the FIVB. She actively advocated for the democratization of the statutes and regulations of competitions. On her initiative, some changes were adopted that had great importance to increase the objectivity of refereeing and enhance the dynamism and entertainment of the game: Representatives of the All-Union Section actively sought unity in the interpretation of errors, the abolition of unnecessary restrictions that deprived blockers of the opportunity to reflect the ball. Four line judges were included in the refereeing team also on our initiative volleyball federation. Many Russian judges who have taken part in international competitions have the title of “International Judge”.

In 1991, the All-Russian Volleyball Federation (VFV) was formed, which in 1992 became the successor to the USSR Volleyball Federation. Currently, under the auspices of the VFW, Championships and Cups of Russia, Cups of Siberia and the Far East, as well as Russian championships among juniors and All-Russian competitions veterans.

G. Akhvlediani, Y. Kleshchev, N. Karpol, V. Platonov, A. Yakushev are recognized as outstanding volleyball coaches.

№ 4 IN educational process volleyball is used as an important means of general physical training students. The volleyball program provides for the acquisition of theoretical information by students, mastery of basic techniques and tactics, acquisition of skills to participate in the game and organize independent classes.

Widespread use of volleyball in physical education due to several reasons:

· accessibility of the game for different ages;

· the possibility of using it for comprehensive physical development and strengthening health, developing moral and volitional qualities and, at the same time, using it as a useful and emotional form active rest when organizing leisure time for young people;

· simplicity of the rules of the game;

· high entertainment value;

· simplicity of inventory, equipment and playing area.

Volleyball– a team game where each player acts taking into account the actions of his partner. The game is characterized by a variety of alternations of movements, rapid changes in situations, changes in the intensity and duration of each player’s activity. The conditions of gaming activities teach those involved:

· subordinate your actions to the interests of the team in achieving a common goal;

· act with maximum effort of your strength and capabilities;

· overcome difficulties during wrestling;

· constantly monitor the progress of the game, instantly assess the changed situation and make the right decision.

These features help to develop in students a sense of collectivism, perseverance, determination, dedication, attention and quick thinking, the ability to manage their emotions, and improve basic physical qualities.


Volleyball(English volleyball from volley - “to hit the ball from the air” (also translated as “flying”, “soaring”) and ball - “ball”) - a sport, a team sports game, during which two teams compete on a special site, divided net, trying to direct the ball to the opponent's side so that it lands on the opponent's court (finish to the floor), or a player of the defending team makes a mistake. At the same time, to organize an attack, players of one team are allowed no more than three touches of the ball in a row.

Volleyball- a non-contact, combination sport, where each player has a strict specialization on the court. The most important qualities for volleyball players are jumping ability to rise high above the net, reaction, coordination, physical strength for effective attacking strikes.

There are numerous variations of volleyball that branch off from the main type - Beach volleyball(Olympic sport since 1996), mini-volleyball, pioneer ball, park volleyball.

1. Origin of modern volleyball

Some are inclined to consider the American Halsted from Springfield to be the founder of volleyball, who in 1866 began to promote the game of “flying ball,” which he called volleyball. Let's try to follow the development of the ancestor of volleyball.

For example, the chronicles of Roman chroniclers of the 3rd century BC have been preserved. They describe a game in which the ball was hit with fists. The rules described by historians in 1500 have also survived to this day. The game was then called "faustball". On a site measuring 90x20 meters, separated by a low stone wall, two teams of 3-6 players competed. Players from one team tried to kick the ball over the wall to the opponents' side.

William J. Morgan, a physical education teacher at the YMCA College in Holyoke (Massachusetts, USA), is considered the inventor of volleyball. On February 9, 1895, in the gym, he hung a tennis net at a height of 197 cm, and his students, whose number was not limited on the court, began throwing a basketball camera over it. Morgan called the new game "mintonette." A year later, the game was demonstrated at the YMCA college conference in Springfield and, at the suggestion of Professor Alfred T. Halsted, received a new name - "volleyball." In 1916, the first volleyball rules were published.

The basic rules of the game were formed in 1915-25. In the countries of America, Africa, and Europe, volleyball was practiced with six players on the court, in Asia - with nine or twelve players on a court of 11x22 m without changing positions by the players during the match.

In 1922, the first national competitions were held - the YMCA championship was held in Brooklyn with the participation of 23 men's teams. In the same year, the Czechoslovak Basketball and Volleyball Federation was formed - the world's first volleyball sports organization. A commission was formed, which included 13 European countries, 5 American countries and 4 Asian countries. The members of this commission adopted American rules with minor changes as the main ones: measurements were carried out in metric proportions, the ball could be touched with the whole body above the waist, after touching the ball on a block, the player was prohibited from touching the ball again in a row, the height of the net for women was 224 cm, the zone supply was strictly limited.

In 1949, the first world championship among men's teams took place in Prague. In 1951, at a congress in Marseille, the FIVB approved official international rules, and an arbitration commission and a commission to develop and improve the rules of the game were formed.

The birthplace of this, without a doubt, one of the most popular games, is the USA. In 1895, in the town of Holyoke, Massachusetts, YMCA physical education teacher William Morgan created a new game, significantly different from all previously existing ball games. The point of the game was to throw the ball between the players of two teams through a net stretched to a height of two meters. It was from this moment that the report began history of volleyball. The word volleyball translated from in English means "flying ball". This original name was coined by a Springfield College teacher, Dr. Alfred Halstead.

The year 1896 is marked in the history of volleyball by the fact that the first public game was held. A year later, the first rules of this game appear, initially consisting of ten points. In subsequent years, volleyball begins to triumphantly march around the world, gradually becoming popular in countries such as Canada, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Peru, Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay.

Held in 1913 at the Pan-Asian Games volleyball tournament Teams from China, Japan and the Philippines took part. By the beginning of the twentieth century, volleyball migrated to Europe. Since 1914, this game has come to England. then to France, where it gains enormous popularity. In the USSR, Czechoslovakia and Poland, volleyball began to develop in 1920. Throughout Europe, official championships are being organized and held between different countries for the first time.

As it spreads around the world have undergone numerous changes and improvements. Power serves appear in the game, a large assortment of deceptive strikes is introduced, passing techniques are increasingly improved, and defense techniques change. All this makes the game more entertaining and dynamic.

In the United States of America, considered the birthplace of volleyball, the first official tournament Volleyball was held in Brooklyn in 1922. During the same period, the Americans put forward a proposal to include volleyball in the program of the Olympic Games in France, but this initiative did not receive appropriate approval. The year 1934 in the history of volleyball is notable for the fact that this year it created technical commission in volleyball. This decision is made in Stockholm, at a meeting of representatives of sports federations from different countries. The commission included representatives of thirteen European countries, four representatives of Asian countries and five representatives of countries of the American continent. This commission decided to take the American rules of volleyball as a basis. By the decision of the first volleyball congress, held in Paris in April 1947, the FIVB was created - the International Volleyball Federation, which exists to this day.

Volleyball- This team appearance a sport in which two teams compete on a court, separated by a net, and at the same time trying to direct the ball so that it ends up in the opponent's court, or so that a player of the defending team makes a mistake. When organizing an attack, players of one team are allowed no more than three touches of the ball in a row. Exist different kinds volleyball: 1) Beach volleyball 2) Mini-volleyball 3) Pioneerball 4) Park volleyball.


The history of volleyball began in the USA in 1895. The founder of this game was Pastor William Morgan, a college teacher, who proposed calling the game “volleyball,” which translated from English is “flying ball” (from “volley” - to hit on the fly and “ball” - ball).

In 1897, the first rules of volleyball were published in the USA: court size 7.6 x 15.1 m, net height 198 cm, ball with a circumference of 63.5-68.5 cm and weighing 340 g, the number of players on the court and the ball touches is not was regulated, a point was counted only when one’s own serve was served; if the serve was unsuccessful, it could be repeated; they played up to 21 points in a game. Over the history of volleyball, its technique, rules and tactics have developed. The basic rules, some of which have survived to this day, were drawn up in 1915-1925: since 1917, the game stopped at 15 points, and the height of the net became 243 cm; in 1918, the number of athletes on the site was determined - six; since 1922 it was prohibited to touch the ball more than three times; Well, in 1925 the modern dimensions of the court, the size and weight of the ball were established. These rules were used in the countries of Africa, America and Europe, but in Asia, until the 1960s, volleyball was played according to its own rules: there are nine or twelve players on the court, the size of the court is 11x22 m, with no change of positions between players during the match.

Next important point in the history of volleyball is the holding of a national tournament in 1922 - the YMCA championship was held in the city of Brooklyn with the participation of twenty-three (23) men's teams. In the same year, the Czechoslovakia Volleyball and Basketball Federation, the first in the history of volleyball, was created - the world's first sports organization supervising volleyball.

Since the 1925s, sports federations of the USSR, Bulgaria, Japan and the USA arose. At the same time, basic technical techniques are formed, such as serving, passing, attacking strike and block. Based on these basic techniques of playing volleyball, the team’s tactics develop. In the 1930s, insurance and group blocking began to be used, and attackers and deceptive strikes developed. Well, in 1936, at the congress of the International Handball Federation, held in Stockholm, representatives of Poland proposed the initiative to create a volleyball technical committee as a component of the handball federation. A commission was created, which included 13 countries from Europe, 5 countries from America and 4 countries from Asia. The members of the commission approved the American rules with minor changes as the basis: measurements were taken in metric proportions, the ball could be touched with the whole body above waist level, after touching on a block the player was prohibited from touching again, the height of the net for women was set at 224 cm, the service zone strictly limited.

In 1947, the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) was created. Volleyball development has begun at an accelerated pace. European and world championships began to be held, the Cup was played European champions. In 1964, volleyball was included in the Olympic Games program. Currently, more than 110 countries are members of the FIVB.

Soviet athletes made a significant contribution to the development of world volleyball.


Volleyball in the USSR began to develop after the Great October Socialist Revolution. Students of art universities and arts workers became its enthusiasts and propagandists. In 1925, on the initiative of the games section, an active meeting was convened in Moscow, at which the first rules of the game in our country were adopted. In the same year the first official competitions in volleyball. Since 1927, the annual Moscow championship has been held. In subsequent years, volleyball is developing everywhere. It is widely popular not only in Moscow, but also in Ukraine, Belarus, the Far East, and the North Caucasus.

In 1932, the All-Union Volleyball Section was created, which joined the FIVB in 1948, and was transformed into the USSR Volleyball Federation in 1959.

Since 1933, USSR championships have been held; volleyball was included in the program of all All-Union Spartakiads.

The first international matches of Soviet volleyball players with athletes from Afghanistan date back to 1935, and in 1947 the volleyball team from the USSR took part in the first World Festival of Democratic Youth in Prague. Having entered the international arena, Soviet volleyball players immediately became the leaders of world volleyball - 1949 was marked by the victories of the USSR men's team at the World Championships and the women's team at the European Championships. The 1952 World Cup, held at the Dynamo stadium, became the first major international sports competition, organized Soviet Union.

In 1964 in Tokyo, the USSR men's team won the first Olympic volleyball tournament. She also won at the Olympics in Mexico City and Moscow. And the women's team won the title four times Olympic champions.

Soviet volleyball players are 6-time world champions, 12-time European champions, 4-time World Cup winners. The USSR women's team won the World Championships 5 times, the European Championships 13 times, and the World Cup 1 time. Players Inna Ryskal, Yuri Chesnokov, Konstantin Reva, Nina Smoleeva and Ivan Bugaenkov, coaches Vyacheslav Platonov, Givi Akhvlediani and Nikolai Karpol, as well as Vladimir Savvin as one of the best volleyball officials were inducted into the Volleyball Hall of Fame.

The All-Russian Volleyball Federation was founded in 1992. Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the VFW is Nikolai Patrushev, President of the organization is Stanislav Shevchenko. The Russian men's team is the winner of the 1999 World Cup and the 2002 and 2011 World League. The women's team won the 2006 and 2010 World Championships, European Championships, Grand Prix, and the 1997 World Champions Cup.

Experience shows that the foundation for the further successful development of volleyball in our country is its mass participation. The correct organization of educational work in grassroots groups, including in schools, creates the prerequisites for replenishing national teams with young, capable volleyball players. We recommend the video “About volleyball” for clarity.

Volleyball is a team sport that is very popular. Practicing this sport contributes to the development of many physical properties: arm strength and shoulder girdle, jumping ability, reaction speed, coordination of movements in space and time.

Volleyball appeared in the USA in 1895. The founder of this game was Pastor William Morgan, a college teacher, who proposed calling the game “volleyball,” which translated from English is “flying ball” (from “ volley " - hit on the fly and " ball " - ball). IN In 1900, the first rules of volleyball appeared.

Beach volleyball (2 x 2) has become very popular in Western Europe, last years European and world championships are held in this beautiful sport, and it is included in the program of the Olympic Games.

Volleyball, which originated in 1895 in the USA, quickly became popular in different countries, especially on the European continent. Originally it was a game of entertainment. The ball was in the air for a long time, because... a large number of players in the team (8 - 10 people) and weak attacking technique did not allow the ball to fall onto the court for a long time. However, gradually methods of kicking the ball over the net began to appear, making it difficult for opponents to defend. This led to the identification of the main techniques: serve, pass, attack, block.

The tactics of the game also changed. If initially all tactics boiled down to the balanced arrangement of players on the court, then the complication of the game made coordinated group and team actions necessary. Volleyball became a collective game.

In 1947, the International Volleyball Federation was created(FIVB). The development of volleyball has accelerated. European and world championships began to be held, and the European Champions Cup was played. In 1964, volleyball was included in the Olympic Games program. Currently, more than 110 countries are members of the FIVB. Soviet athletes made a significant contribution to the development of world volleyball.

Volleyball in the USSR.

Volleyball appeared in our country in 1920–1921. in Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and in other cities of the Volga region. Since 1925, it has been actively developing in Ukraine and the Far East. Active popularizer sports volleyball The physical culture and sports society “Dynamo”, created in 1923 on the initiative of F. E. Dzerzhinsky, spoke out. In 1925, the first official volleyball rules in our country were approved in Moscow, according to which the first competitions were soon held (in 1926). In the same year, the first intercity meeting was held between volleyball players from Moscow and Kharkov. And already in 1928 on I At the All-Union Spartakiad in Moscow, the All-Union Volleyball Championship among men's and women's teams was played for the first time. Meetings at the Spartakiad contributed to a unified interpretation of the rules of the competition and convinced of the need for collective team actions. After this, volleyball became a popular sport everywhere.

The introduction of volleyball in 1931–1932 contributed to attracting young people to play volleyball. physical education complex GTO, one of the objectives of which was to improve the general physical fitness of those involved in sports. On this basis, the skills of volleyball players improved and the technical capabilities of players and teams expanded. A volleyball player becomes, in the full sense of the word, sports game. It was included in the programs of many major competitions. In 1932, the All-Union Volleyball Section was created, and since 1933, championships of the Soviet Union began to be held regularly.

Our volleyball players held their first international meetings in 1935 with teams from Afghanistan. Soviet athletes won two games.

Soon, world volleyball championships began to be held. Men's World Cups since 1949, and women's since 1952. It is interesting that already at the first World Championship, the USSR national team took first place, and the women's team in the same year took first place in the European Championship. Since that time, our athletes are still among the best on the world stage.

Already in 1964, volleyball was included in the program of the Olympic Games held in Tokyo. At these competitions, volleyball players from the USSR and volleyball players from Japan took gold.

Over the entire period of the Olympic Games (since volleyball entered the Olympic Games program), our volleyball players and volleyball players became Olympic champions seven times.

The popularity of volleyball in the world continued to grow. Championships of countries and continents were held. The question arose about including it in the program of the Summer Olympic Games. in 1957 session of the International Olympic Committee decided to recognize volleyball as an Olympic sport. At subsequent Olympics, Soviet volleyball players and female volleyball players became champions three times. Our athletes also won at the 20th I I Olympic Games in Moscow.

The number of international competitions and tournaments has increased from year to year. Since 1965, the following sequence of events has been established by year: a volleyball tournament at Olympic Games, V next year- the World Cup, then the World Championship, then the European Championship, and finally the Olympic Games again.

1991. World Championship. Final. USSR-Italy.