Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels 8 exercises. Chinese qigong gymnastics is the path to a healthy body and spirit. What is important to know

For the brain to function normally, it needs oxygen. It is from this that cells receive energy. Many problems are associated with insufficient supply to the brain. This often happens due to vascular dysfunction. Many diseases, for example, atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia or others, cause deterioration of blood supply to the brain. One of best methods combating this is very useful for it, as it improves their work. It saturates the brain with oxygen and activates blood circulation.

Why is the functioning of blood vessels disrupted?

Normal oxygen supply to the brain depends on several factors. Certainly, great importance has the air that a person breathes. But even a large amount of inhaled oxygen does not always reach the brain. This happens due to the narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, their spasms, and decreased tone. This condition may be caused by poor diet, stress, bad habits, sedentary lifestyle, some diseases. Various pathologies cervical spine spine can also disrupt the blood supply to the brain.

Moreover, for many diseases, ordinary exercises are contraindicated. In these cases, the vessels of the brain and neck are used. It helps improve blood supply to the brain and dilate blood vessels. Such exercises help with atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, vegetative-vascular or neurocirculatory dystonia.

How to breathe correctly

Breathing is the basis of life. But few people think about the fact that you need to breathe correctly. And many health problems are associated with this. Most people breathe shallowly. Therefore, the blood is poorly enriched with oxygen, carbon dioxide remains in the lungs. This leads to slower blood circulation. And the brain does not receive enough oxygen. Incomplete, shortens life and increases the risk of developing various diseases.

Therefore, it is very important to use the entire volume of the lungs during breathing. This affects the functioning of the blood vessels in the brain. Correct inhalation begins from the stomach, then rises rib cage, then the shoulders. As you exhale, you should try to release all the air from your lungs.

Physiology of breathing

As you inhale, the blood supply to the cerebral vessels decreases, and the cerebral cortex is excited. And as you exhale, the blood volume increases and a calming effect is observed. Blood circulation is activated with increasing breathing intensity, especially if it occurs through the nose. Doctors have already proven that impaired nasal breathing in children, for example with a frequent runny nose or adenoids, slows down their mental development. A person who breathes correctly protects himself from many diseases. Therefore, breathing exercises for the vessels of the brain are very useful.

To increase efficiency and tone blood vessels, you need a long inhalation and a short exhalation. On the contrary, a short breath and a slow deep exhalation with a pause after it will help you calm down and relax.

The benefits of breathing exercises

Even in ancient times, many healing techniques were associated with breathing exercises. But only recently their benefits have been officially proven. How does breathing exercises work for the blood vessels of the brain:

Principles of breathing exercises

There are many techniques for such gymnastics. Many of them come from ancient teachings, for example, from yoga or Chinese medicine. Others were created by modern scientists. But they all perform the same task - to improve the supply of oxygen to the brain and strengthen blood vessels. The basic principle of many exercises is a deep sharp breath in through the nose, mandatory holding of the breath and exhalation through the mouth.

You can also breathe through one nostril while closing the other with your finger. Studies have proven that breathing through the right nostril reduces blood pressure, calms you down, relieves headaches, and normalizes heart function. And if you breathe through the left nostril, the body is toned, vascular tone rises, and activates the work of the endocrine glands. Even ordinary deep, slow breathing using the abdominal muscles relieves cramps and lowers blood pressure.

Indications and contraindications

Breathing exercises are useful for everyone. But it is not advisable to exercise without consulting a doctor immediately after a stroke and in case of severe cardiac dysfunction. And for other diseases, exercises can be done at home on your own. Breathing exercises are especially useful for cerebral atherosclerosis and hypertension. It helps to normalize cerebral circulation and recover faster after a stroke, improve well-being during hypotension, and lower blood pressure.

What exercises can you do?

Breathing exercises are useful for strengthening the blood vessels of the brain, performed according to any system. You can use qigong, Chinese gymnastics, yoga, Strelnikova’s technique, deep breathing according to Buteyko. But individual exercises will also be useful. They can be included in your daily morning exercises or perform it several times a day, for example, when a headache occurs, to tone up or improve well-being. A few exercises are enough for this.

Gymnastics using the Strelnikova method

This technique is now the most famous. Her breathing exercises are used for a wide variety of diseases. Its peculiarity is sharp short breaths involving the diaphragm. Thanks to this, such gymnastics is very useful for the blood vessels of the brain. It promotes:

  • improving lung ventilation;
  • better outflow of venous blood;
  • improving the functioning of vascular smooth muscles;
  • normalization of inhibition and excitation processes in the cerebral cortex;
  • enrichment of brain cells with oxygen;
  • improving mood and performance.

Strelnikova's best gymnastics exercises

There are many exercises created by Dr. Strelnikova. But to normalize the functioning of brain vessels, several can be used.

Chinese gymnastics for brain vessels

The ancient eastern healing system is based on the role of breathing. Chinese sages believed that only by being in harmony with nature can a person be healthy. Therefore, breathing should be deep and calm. Gymnastics for brain vessels based on these principles helps them work properly and prevents many diseases. You can use several of the most simple exercises.

  • You need to sit on a chair, spread your legs, put your elbows on your knees, and your palms on top of each other, clenched into fists. Place your head in your hands and relax. You need to breathe slowly and deeply, using your abdominal muscles. The chest does not rise.
  • The exercise is performed lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. One hand lies on the stomach, the other on the chest. As you inhale, you need to push out your chest and pull in your stomach. As you exhale, it’s the other way around. All movements should be slow and smooth.
  • While standing, place both hands on your stomach. When you inhale through your nose, you need to fill your lungs and stick out your stomach. You need to exhale through closed lips, pressing on the stomach with your hands.
  • Slowly inhale and stretch your arms up. As you exhale, bend to the left, pressing your hand on your left side. Then repeat the same in the other direction.

How to exercise correctly

Breathing exercises can be performed several times a day. The only condition for classes is the opportunity to relax and get distracted. It is not advisable to exercise immediately after or before meals. If breathing exercises are performed when the blood vessels in the brain are narrowed, you should consult a doctor before doing so. All exercises are performed slowly and calmly, without straining. Unless otherwise specified, when performing them top part the torso should be straightened.

Regular training physical activity really bring benefits, and not only to the muscles. There is a special gymnastics for blood vessels, and simple exercises of the Yangshen Gong system, which can improve the condition and tone of important blood vessels in the body, improve blood circulation.

It is difficult to say how many diseases arise due to the condition of the blood vessels. These include thrombophlebitis, problems with blood pressure regulation, and cardiac activity. Although initially born healthy, a person receives an “ideal” circulatory system. The blood vessels are working, the heart is beating. Then, over the years, it wears out. Add stress and various chronic diseases.

Sometimes problems arise even earlier if a person gets weak blood vessels as a “genetic gift.” However, vascular tone can be improved, strengthened and blood circulation improved. And without drugs, expensive procedures or health resorts. Special vascular gymnastics and simple exercises of the Yangshen Gong system are designed specifically for this.

Treatment of the circulatory system

Of course, when any disease occurs, doctors strive to quickly understand its origins. Why it appeared, how it developed, what affects the speed and scale of development. Treatment of blood vessels is complex. This is medicinal, basic therapy, massage, if necessary, and training focused specifically on blood vessels.

Yes, simple available exercises with a regular approach, they can improve blood flow, enrich blood circulation in the head area, this will reduce the risk of unpleasant headaches, and improve blood pressure regulation.

At the same time it will be a good workout for the muscles and the whole body. Vessels, even small capillaries, will gradually improve their tone.

Yanshen Gong – restore health to blood vessels

It starts with the smallest capillaries. These are small, sometimes microscopic vessels through which blood also moves, carrying nutrients and oxygen. After all, all cells in the body need nutrition. When the capillary is narrowed, the cells located nearby suffer, not receiving the required amount of nutrition. This is how different diseases arise internal organs, tissue inflammation.

Yansheng Gong is a now famous Chinese doctor who has developed several special exercises, targeting capillaries, gradually improving them:

Using vibration. It is usually performed in the morning, after waking up, when a person has already risen from the sofa or bed. The essence of the exercise is to raise your arms one by one, then your legs. Next, lifting the limb, you need to shake it for 2-3 minutes. Such a workout will wake up the body, at the same time improve the overall permeability of the capillaries, and help the body quickly get rid of toxins processed overnight.

“Fish” - first lie flat on the floor, then put your hands under your neck. Next, pull up your toes as much as possible, while tensing your whole body. Fix the position for a few seconds, then take a break. Repeat 8-10 times. This “exercise” does a good job of dispersing stagnant blood in the arteries and veins.

First lie flat, then raise both legs up. Bend them at the knees several times. Repeat as much as possible, preferably 8-9 times.

Similar easy charging It is very effective if you introduce it as a regular “rite” in the morning, along with brushing your teeth or your usual coffee. At the same time, the capillaries will improve their tone, and the body will receive additional charge.

Exercises for the legs

The legs, especially when walking, endure a lot of stress. In particular, the veins suffer. Exercise helps relieve tension.

First, stand up straight with your feet comfortably apart, looking at the width of your shoulders. Then slowly, leisurely bend over. Forward, lower, until your fingertips touch the carpet or floor (depending on what you stand on). If necessary, spread your legs wider.

Sit down with your hands folded together, approximately at chest level. Next, bend down, holding your arms so as not to straighten. Perform 8 times.

Stand up, leaning your knees. Then extend your arms forward. Walk like this, on your knees. The time is basically unlimited; you can walk until you get tired. Small break. Walking on your knees again.

Charging for the neck

As the place where the largest and most important vessels of the body are located. From the neck there is further blood supply to the brain. When the muscles in the neck are weakened, you have to strain to support your head in its usual, constant position. This tension compresses nearby blood vessels, impairing the supply to the brain.

Gymnastics helps in strengthening the neck muscles that support it. The main thing is smoothness in the proposed movements, without sudden jerks in bends or turns. At the same time, carefully monitor your breathing.

Exercise is an assistant for hypertensive patients

Gymnastics is extremely important for those suffering from hypertension. When blood pressure is high, the walls of the blood vessels are tense, and they are pressed by the increased mass of blood. Gradually, the walls lose their natural ability to relax, narrow, and it becomes more difficult for blood to pass through such narrow places. The problem is aggravated by atherosclerotic plaques. Unfortunately, if it is not treated in time and prevention is not carried out, problems with blood pressure will turn into serious, chronic diseases. Vessels, pressure.

Important: For those suffering from high blood pressure, it is dangerous to bend over sharply or actively move your arms, the effort will cause a blood flow that will certainly rush to the head. Also, you can’t not breathe for a long time, this will only increase your blood pressure.


  1. Sit down, then smoothly turn your body. Make slow, leisurely swings with your hands (to the sides).
  2. Sit down, raise both arms up. Then lowering them, move them behind your back, slowly bending forward.
  3. While sitting, raise your leg, then your arm. Hold for 1-2 seconds, lower. Then raise the other leg and arm.
  4. Sit down and slowly raise your leg. Hold it for a few seconds, then repeat the movement, but with the other leg.

Of course, exercise alone is unlikely to help relieve high blood pressure quickly. Gymnastics is needed as an additional means to the main treatment process.

Important: High blood pressure is extremely dangerous; it is better to immediately notify your doctor to begin treatment.

Charging is an assistant for brain vessels

Stand up straight, in a comfortable position. The arms are free along the body, and the legs are shoulder-width apart. Make slow, leisurely rotations with your head only. First following the path clockwise, then counterclockwise. The duration of the exercise is 2-3 minutes.

Bend your knees, then extend both arms to the sides. Perform rotations, left hand moving forward, right hand moving back. Then change hands.

Lie on the bed, raise both legs, supporting them upward. Hold the accepted stance for up to a couple of minutes, then relax.

This kind of training will be extremely effective if done regularly. Simple movements, they do not require expensive equipment or special shapes. You can do them this way or turn on upbeat music. At the same time, the exercises will be a good workout for the muscles of the body, which is necessary for everyone, especially those leading a quiet, sedentary life, when both sedentary work and a car are nearby.

Excellent gymnastics plus elements of creativity - dancing. The look is unimportant, be it a classic waltz, elegant ballet or Latin American groovy. The brain simply enjoys the increased flow of oxygen, blood circulation becomes faster, and blood vessels work more actively.

Physiotherapy exercises are officially prescribed as part of a complex of treatment for everyone who has suffered a stroke (heart attack).

Hello, dear readers. When the archive of Moscow State University professor G.N. Matyushin was discovered, several pages of tissue paper were found in one of his books, on which the Chinese health gymnastics Do Ying was described, reprinted from the magazine “China”, issue - September 1956.

The text turned out to be rare and therefore very valuable. This type of gymnastics is incredibly effective, so all readers of my blog should know about it.

Simple gymnastics against serious illnesses

With the help of the new one, you can heal from many diseases without drugs, such as stomach ulcers, tuberculosis, neurasthenia.

Deputy Director of the Baidahe sanatorium Liu-Gui-Zheng himself was healed of many diseases absolutely without drugs, only with the help of these trainings and became their adherent, as well as their distributor.

When he worked in the village of Habei, due to serious illnesses, he began to weigh only 38 kg. Chinese and European doctors tried to treat him, but they could not recover.

When he returned home, on the advice of Liu-Ju-Chou, he began to undergo treatment using the method of Chinese gymnastics.

The old peasant advised me to live alone in a small hut in complete silence. Following all his advice, after 100 days he forgot what a stomach ulcer and tuberculosis were, all that was left was neurasthenia, but he was already able to go to work. Everyone was so surprised by this miracle.

When he began to study this method from Liu-Ju-Zhou, he said that Hao-Fei-Wu, who lived in 1644, knew the breathing training program. Having mastered the new technique, he went to Habei province to treat patients.

After establishing an accurate diagnosis, he treated 115 patients with stomach ulcers, 90% of them recovered.

It is not yet possible to provide an explanation as to why this method works this way. But experience shows that thanks to this treatment, the brain calms down and the internal organs begin to work.
This method uses all the advantages of physical education and hypnosis, increases metabolism, restoring the functioning of internal organs, healing their ailments.

Chinese health gymnastics exercises

1. Exercise to provide the body with oxygen

Close your eyes, remove unnecessary thoughts. Clench your hands into fists, the thumbs inside are easily covered by the rest, place them on your hips, stand straight, without touching the table or wall, press your tongue to the roof of your mouth.

Concentrate on the lower abdominal area. Take 50 breaths through your nose (at first breathe freely, after a while switch to deep breathing).

When finishing the exercise, return the tongue to its place.

Blood circulation improves, blood stagnation goes away, the body gets rid of carbon dioxide and is supplied with oxygen, eliminating the lack of oxygen.

2. Ear exercise

Massage with two fingers ears from bottom to top 18 times. Then, squeeze your ears with your palms so that your fingers are on the back of your head.

Then tap the middle finger 36 times with your index finger, you will hear the sound “DUN - DUN.”

Relieves headaches, tinnitus, activates the cerebral cortex, protects against deafness, and cures dizziness.

3. Exercise for teeth

Concentrate, hit your teeth (lightly) 36 times, helps strengthen your teeth.

4. Mouth exercise

Run your tongue in the mouth 18 times in one direction, then in the other, swallow saliva.

5. Throat exercise

Close your mouth, collect saliva, rinse 38 times. After this, swallow the saliva in three sips. When swallowing, mentally force the saliva to pass to the lower abdomen.

Protects against bitterness in the mouth, roughness of the tongue, heals sore throats, and moistens the stomach and intestines with saliva, helping digestion.

6. Nose exercise

Grind until warm external sides thumbs hands, then massage the wings of the nose 18 times with hot fingers.

Protects against runny nose, improves blood supply to the upper respiratory tract.

7. Eye exercise

Close eyes. Warm the middle joints of the thumbs by rubbing them against each other. After this, massage the upper eyelids 18 times. Next, massage your eyebrows 18 times outside thumbs, close your eyes, do 18 circular movements eyeballs to the left, then to the right.

Exercise improves vision, memory, calms nervous system. Prevents eye diseases.

8. Face exercise

Rub your palms to warm up, massage your face, moving your palms up and down 36 times, as when washing, touching not only the protruding parts, but also the depressions.

Prevents the appearance of wrinkles, improves vision, improves the action of the facial nerve, strengthens teeth.

9. Exercise for the head

With your hands, grab part of the neck from the back of the head, raising your head, looking up. Try to bend your neck down with your hands, and use your neck to prevent this.
Do this up to 9 times.

The movement of cerebrospinal fluid improves, as well as blood circulation in the head, and cures insomnia, dizziness, and painful sensations in the shoulders.

10. Exercise for shoulders

With the palm of your left hand, grasp right shoulder, carry out 18 circular movements with the shoulder, also do it with the right hand.

Helps with insomnia, joint inflammation, improves blood circulation, calms the nerves.

11. Exercise for the spine

Palms in fists, arms bent at the elbows, raise them to shoulder level, swing to the right and left 18 times in each direction.

Strengthens internal organs, improves blood circulation, restores lung elasticity.

12. Lower back exercise

Rub your palms to warm them up, then massage your lower back 18 times with each hand.

Improves blood supply, relieves pain in lumbar region, calms the nerves, removes diseases of the genital organs.

13. Exercise for the tailbone

Using your index or middle fingers, massage on both sides of the tailbone 36 times in each session.

Exercise protects against hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, and genital diseases.

14. Exercise for knees

Using both hands, massage each knee 100 times.

Strengthens legs and joints, calms nerves, helps with joint inflammation.

15. Exercise for the lower abdomen

Rub your palms to warm them up, then do it 100 times with your left hand. Warm your hands again and do the same massage, but only with your right hand.

Massage helps better absorption of food.

16. Exercise for feet

With your left hand, massage the middle of the foot (only across) the right leg in 100 passes, then change hands and feet.

17. Exercise for the upper body

Sit with your legs crossed (palms folded). Top part Turn your torso 18 times from left to right, and do the same in the other direction. Inhalation is done when returning to the starting position.

Breathing improves, blood flows better through the veins, helps with lower back pain, diseases of the liver and reproductive system.

18. Exercise to improve overall well-being

Sit down, straighten your legs, raise your toes up. Extend your arms, palms out, reaching your toes. When bending over, exhale. Inhale - during extension, while the palms of the hands turn inward. Do 36 times.

Blood circulation and elasticity of the lungs improve, heart muscles are strengthened, excess fat disappears in abdominal cavity. The mobility of the diaphragm increases.

19. Exercise to improve vision

Keep your head straight, left hand raised to face level, palm straight, turned towards your face, middle finger at the level of the tip of your nose, look at it.

Slowly move your hand away, without taking your eyes off the finger. Extend your arm fully, then slowly bring it closer. Do the exercise 5 times.

Improves vision, blood circulation in eye muscles, reduces farsightedness, especially in older people.

20. Exercise - squat

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and squat low until you touch your calves. Do it 3-4 times.

21. Leg exercise

Stand up, raise your arms to the line of your shoulders, stand, then lower them together with your arms, repeat 5 times for each leg.

Strengthens the legs and trains balance.

Positive effect of training


  • do not require excessive tension,
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels, nerves and muscles,
  • all parts of the body are involved in movements, therefore Chinese health gymnastics Do-In has a healing effect,
  • treatment time is greatly reduced for patients,

The course of treatment is 90 days.

Centuries-old experience of Chinese traditional medicine embodied in a simple but effective system health-improving gymnastics Qigong, which is a set of elementary methods of controlling breathing and body movement.

Back in the 3rd century BC, the Chinese suggested that breathing is what directly connects the human body with its environment (the universe).

Health-improving qigong gymnastics is based on the ancient Chinese teaching about the harmonious relationship between man and nature. One of essential elements this interaction is breathing. According to Chinese sages, many diseases human body come precisely from disharmony with nature. As a result of conscious, harmonious interaction between man and nature, vitality and internal energy are born. The Chinese call this life-giving energy, invisible to the human eye, qi.

Qi is the universal energy that gives rise to all elements of life and nourishes both the physical and spiritual worlds of man.

Qigong teaches that qi is consciously brought into our body through breathing. By receiving the life-giving energy of the Universe through breathing, you can restore the weakened strength of the body, recover from many serious diseases, strengthen the immune system and increase your own energy. Qigong is not only philosophical doctrine, but also a number of specific physical exercises.

The complex of therapeutic exercises included in qigong therapy includes special, diaphragmatic breathing. This gymnastics is based on breathing exercises, which even a child can master.

Health-improving qigong gymnastics is most effective in the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the respiratory system and of cardio-vascular system and does not require much time and effort. Qigong therapy exercises not only provide healing effect, but also allow you to relax, “distract yourself” from everything that exists and tune in to a philosophical mood.

A set of introductory exercises

Exercise 1. “Breath of a Toad”

Starting position – sitting on a chair, placing wider legs and bend your knees at approximately 90 degrees. The man clenches his right hand into a fist, which he clasps with his left hand. The woman does the opposite - she clenches a fist on her left hand and clasps it with her right.

Rest your elbows on your knees and tilt your torso forward and bow your head on your fist. Relax, close your eyes a little and concentrate. Breathing helps with this: you need to take a deep, deep breath, as if throwing off all the accumulated burden of life, remember something pleasant and rejoice again.

You should gradually tune out extraneous noises and voices and fully concentrate on breathing. Take deep breaths all the way to your stomach, and exhale the air slowly and evenly so that all the abdominal muscles relax. When breathing, the chest should not rise and fall; you should breathe from the stomach.

Then take a deep breath again, “fill” your entire stomach with clean air, hold your breath for 2 seconds and inhale again, and then exhale slowly.

Do this exercise as many times as possible in 15 minutes.

After completion, do not open your eyes suddenly, as you may feel dizzy. You need to slowly raise your head, rub your palms together in front of your chest, massage your head with your fingers, and only then open your eyes completely. Clench both hands into fists, stretch sweetly, take a deep breath.

Exercise 2. “Lotus”

IP - the same. Place your hands in front of you between your legs near your stomach. The man puts his right hand on his left, and the woman does the opposite. The torso does not touch the back of the chair, the shoulders are straightened, the back is straight. The chin is slightly lowered, the eyes are half closed. The tip of the tongue lightly touches the palate. The muscles of the whole body should be relaxed. You need to try to disconnect from the outside world and think about the good. As you inhale, relax even more, being sure to follow the breathing process. Breathing adjustment is carried out in three stages:

The first stage lasts 5 minutes. Breathing is deep, even, silent. Make sure that neither the chest nor the stomach rises;

The second stage also lasts 5 minutes. Only exhalation is controlled. The inhalation is arbitrary, and the exhalation is smooth, long and silent. All muscles should be completely relaxed;

The third stage is the longest - about 10 minutes. Neither inhalation nor exhalation is controlled. You need to breathe naturally, without paying attention to any breathing parameters. By the beginning of this period, you should already be half asleep, and all your thoughts should be somewhere far away...

As in the previous exercise, you should get out of this state gradually.

Exercise 3. “A toad jumps over a wave”

IP – lying on your back, on the bed, with a small pillow under your head. Legs are bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees, feet do not lift off the surface of the bed. Place one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest.

When you inhale, “puff out” your chest, drawing in your stomach; when you exhale, do the opposite. All movements of the abdomen and chest should be natural. The duration of the exercise is 10–15 minutes.

A set of basic qigong exercises

Having mastered a set of introductory exercises breathing exercises qigong, you can move on to learning the exercises of the main complex. A set of basic exercises helps normalize breathing, straighten posture and improve general condition. It is recommended to perform the exercises every morning, after stretching thoroughly in bed. It is very important to do the exercises daily, then a positive clinical result will be achieved. The initial number of repetitions of each exercise is 3. Gradually, as training progresses, the number of repetitions increases to 10–15. Movements are performed smoothly, slowly, with a large amplitude, synchronously with breathing. The tip of the tongue is slightly pressed against the palate.

The main complex consists of exercises performed while standing. Before starting the exercises, relax and imagine that life is flowing measuredly and slowly, and nothing and no one worries you. Get in a philosophical mood so you don’t get distracted by anything.

Exercise 1

Place your hands on your stomach and inhale slowly through your nose. During inhalation, the stomach protrudes. Then exhale slowly, but through pursed lips. As you exhale, draw in your stomach and press lightly with your hands.

Exercise 2

Stretch upward while taking a slow, deep breath. Exhale just as slowly, pressing your left hand on your left side and leaning to the left. Inhale again as you stretch, and as you exhale, press down on your right side and lean to the right.

Exercise 3

Take a deep breath. As you pull your left knee toward your chest, exhale slowly. When repeating the exercise, alternate legs. During this exercise, the arms are relaxed and hang freely along the body.

Exercise 4

Raise your arms up through your sides - inhale. Place your hands on your knees, lean forward - exhale deeply.

Exercise 5

As you inhale, raise your arms up and your right leg forward. As you exhale, lower your arms and legs, lean forward and relax your arms. When repeating the exercise, change legs.

Exercise 6

Place your hands behind your head - inhale. Slowly squat down and place your hands on your knees - exhale.

Exercise 7

Place your palms next to each other at chest level. Make a small rotational movement with folded hands away from you - inhale. As you exhale, repeat the rotation, but with greater amplitude.

Exercise 8

Bend your knees slightly and extend your arms forward, palms facing down so that your thumbs point down. As you inhale, slowly turn your body to the left, and as you exhale, slowly turn your body to the right.

As you turn your body, try to keep your head straight.

Exercise 9

As you inhale, slowly raise and lower your right leg. As you exhale, do the same with your left leg. Raise your legs as high as possible without bending your knees.

You should finish the gymnastics with regular walking, gradually increasing the pace and then decreasing it. When walking, you need to breathe deeply and try to lengthen your exhalation. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Vegetative-vascular dystonia leads to a sharp decrease in vascular tone, which is why the sick person suffers a lot.

The cause of this disease can be severe psycho-emotional stress, stress, chronic diseases and a person’s genetic predisposition to circulatory disorders.

Treatments for this condition include massage, traditional medication and special gymnastics for vessels.

Using a special system of simple exercises, you can restore blood flow and improve overall circulation in the brain and lower extremities.

Gymnastics also allows you to give the vessels and capillaries the necessary tone.

The complex of gymnastics for blood vessels begins with the training of small capillaries.

They are the smallest blood vessels that are responsible for the functioning of all cells of the human body. With their help, nutrients and oxygen can be supplied to the entire body.

If the blood flow has an obstacle in its path in the form of a narrowed capillary, the person will not receive the necessary substances in time. This can lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system and other internal organs and muscles.

Chinese doctor Yanshen Gong has developed a complex of physical movements that have a beneficial effect on capillaries and improve their health:

  • Vibration exercise. It should be performed in the morning, after the person wakes up and gets out of bed. The exercise itself involves raising your arms and legs. Next, they need to be shaken quickly for a couple of minutes. With the help of such training, you can not only improve the permeability of capillaries, but also cleanse the body of toxins.
  • Exercise "Fish". To perform it, you need to lie down straight and put your hands under your neck. Next, pull up your toes, while strongly straining your body. Repeat ten times. This exercise will “disperse” the blood through the veins.
  • Lie flat and raise your legs up. Try to bend your knees several times. Repeat at least eight times.

You need to repeat this exercise every morning and then the health of your capillaries will not let you down.

To strengthen the legs, separate gymnastics for blood vessels is provided. The procedure itself is aimed at reducing the load on the veins that the legs regularly receive when walking. It has a kind of “cooling” effect.

This complex includes three exercises:

  1. Stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly bend forward and down, reaching your fingertips to the floor. Repeat ten times.
  2. Sit down and place your hands at chest level. Bend down, keeping your arms bent. Repeat eight times.
  3. Get on your knees and stretch your arms forward. Walk like this on your knees until you get tired. After a short break, repeat the workout.

The next part of the body that needs vascular gymnastics is the neck. It is in it that extremely important arteries are located, through which blood supply to the brain occurs. If the muscles of a person’s neck are weakened, the vessels are gradually compressed, because the muscles need tension to hold the head. In this condition, poor circulation and blood pressure problems are often observed.

By regularly performing exercises for the neck vessels, you can improve blood circulation and strengthen the neck muscles. The main thing is to smoothly perform all movements, without making sudden tilts or turns of the head. With all this, you should also monitor your breathing.

  • First neck exercise. To perform it, you need to stand near a wall and press against it. As you inhale, lean your whole body against the wall as much as possible, especially tense your neck muscles. Hold your breath for a few seconds, then relax.
  • The second exercise requires sitting position . In this case, you need to place your palm on your forehead and press hard, providing active resistance with your neck and head. Repeat the exercise ten times, then take a break.
  • Next exercise- This circular rotations heads, which needs to be held in the shoulder area. Repeat six times.
  • Last exercise for the neck - this is tilting the head forward and back. It is advisable to repeat them several times a day, especially if a person has a sedentary job.

Gymnastics for blood vessels for hypertension is very important. The fact is that with high blood pressure, the walls of a person’s blood vessels lose their ability to relax, so it is difficult for blood to pass further through the narrowed vessels. This is especially pronounced when, along with the problem of arterial hypertension, a person has atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels.

If active action is not taken in time, this condition of the blood vessels can lead to chronic problems with blood pressure and serious illnesses.

Before considering exercises for hypertension, it should be noted that in this condition a person should not perform sharp bends, movements with arms and legs, since this may increase blood flow to the head. Also, do not hold your breath for a long time, as this can further increase your blood pressure.

The following exercises for blood vessels for hypertension are distinguished:

  1. Sit down and smoothly turn your body. At the same time, make slow swings to the sides with your hands.
  2. Sit on a chair and raise your hands up. Lower them down and move them behind your back, while bending forward.
  3. Sitting on a chair, raise your leg and arm at the same time. After this, change and perform ten times in turn.
  4. Sit down and lift one leg up. Hold it in this state for a few seconds, after which do the same with the second leg.

Gymnastics for cerebral vessels: exercise technique

Due to vascular dystonia, a person's blood circulation in the arteries and the supply of oxygen are disrupted, which can lead to dizziness, decreased performance, deterioration of mental performance, loss of coordination and neck pain.

Also in this condition, a person may suffer from cerebral vascular spasms. Stress, nervous or physical overload, stroke, as well as chronic diseases (hypertension) can contribute to their development.

Signs of cerebral vascular spasm are regular tinnitus, nausea, speech impairment, and fatigue.

Training the blood vessels of the brain will allow them to return the necessary tone and provide optimal load. Thanks to exercises for the blood vessels of the brain, you can improve a person’s general condition and minimize the risk of stroke.

This physiotherapy for cerebral vessels involves performing the following exercises:

  1. Stand straight, place your arms along your body, legs shoulder-width apart. Do slow head rotations counterclockwise and then back. The duration of the exercise should be no more than three minutes.
  2. Raise your hands up and cross your fingers. Bend down without bending your legs.
  3. Swing your legs and arms - left leg To right hand, and the right leg to the left.
  4. Bend your knees and extend your arms to the sides. Rotate left hand forward, and the right one back. After this, change movements.
  5. Lie on the bed and raise your legs straight up. Hold the rack for several minutes, then return to the starting position.

This training of cerebral vessels should be carried out regularly. In addition, dancing is considered an excellent gymnastics for the blood vessels of the brain. During them, the human brain is enriched with oxygen, and blood circulation improves. Also this great way relieve stress.

In the event that a person has already suffered a heart attack or stroke, it is vital for him to carry out restorative physical therapy, namely - physical therapy. With its help, you can restore blood circulation and restore vascular tone.

The main thing is not to do it in such a state sudden movements and severe overloads, since the vessels are very weakened. For this reason, the heart rate should not be more than 120 bpm.

It is best to perform cerebral vascular training after a stroke or heart attack in the morning. Exercise or massage is perfect for this.

If a person develops paralysis after a stroke, he must coordinate all exercises with his doctor.

Gymnastics for cerebral vessels with atherosclerosis includes the following:

  1. Walking over long distances. You can do it regularly, if you wish - at least daily. In general, walking is an excellent way to support normal physical activity.
  2. Stand up straight, lean on the back of a chair. Do alternate leg lifts.
  3. Stand straight. Take a breath. Raise your hands. As you exhale, lower your arms down. Repeat ten times.

Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels: varieties and features

Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels is still considered the most effective. It is precisely this, one might say, precise medicine or science that has been able to develop unique methods with the help of which every person can maintain active vascular tone, regardless of age.

It is possible to learn Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels, but for this it is recommended to take lessons from the masters of this treatment method. You can also learn new things from video trainings, of which there are many now.

Chinese gymnastics for vessels has several directions:

  1. Nishi Method.
  2. Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels by Hu Xiao Fei.
  3. Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels Yangshen gong.

The most popular today is the Chinese gymnast for blood vessels using the Nishi method. It is aimed at enriching the brain with oxygen. The main exercise of this method is vibration (discussed above).

As additional funds yoga can be used for blood vessels. It includes many unique exercises, with which you can remove not only muscle tension, but also emotional fatigue and stress.

Yoga has long been considered unique for a reason correct execution movements, which is why there is an increase in vascular tone.

While performing yoga exercises, it is also very important to monitor your breathing in order to maintain normal tissue nutrition. This is the only way to achieve it maximum effect and eliminate hypertension for a long time.