Cardio training: exercise for the heart. Exercises to train your heart. Can people with high blood pressure pedal?

However, exercise alone is not a panacea; it must be combined with proper nutrition, monitoring blood cholesterol levels and in a healthy way life.

Why train your heart?

Cardio training is most often used by those who have an increased risk of heart disease. Exercise therapy is also a mandatory part of rehabilitation after a heart attack or stroke. Why then should a healthy person do cardio training?

  • The heart pushes blood through every vessel in our body with powerful impulses, thereby ensuring vital activity. In order for it to work as long as possible, you need to regularly repeat special exercises.
  • The quality of your life directly depends on the fitness of your heart. If from a young age you are accustomed to daily cardio exercises, then in old age you will surprise your peers with energy and mobility.
  • One of the benefits of cardio training is that it helps burn fat. If you suffer from excess weight, then this kind of gymnastics is necessary for you.

Most patients with problems in the cardiovascular system are sedentary.

There are good reasons to train your heart, but you don't need to stress yourself out with hours of training. Exercises will only help if you do them systematically, gradually increasing the pace. Proper cardio training includes other positions.

How to train your heart muscle

Endurance training rules

Time. The main indicator of heart training is pulse. The idea is to maintain a certain rate for approximately 20 minutes. It is best to spend minutes training.

Systematicity. A one-time load on the heart will not help it, but will only harm it. Exercises should be repeated, forming a cycle. It is preferable to train your heart 4 times a week.

Pulse. Each person has his own maximum heart rate, the value of which is set depending on his age. Nowadays, many sites provide the opportunity to calculate the maximum heart rate; you just need to indicate your age. If you do not trust such methods, it is better to consult a doctor.

During cardio exercise, your heart rate should be within 60-70% of the maximum value. To measure it, purchase wrist heart rate monitor, thanks to which you can track the effectiveness of your training.

Warm up. Before starting the exercises, the muscles are “warmed up”. The same must be done with the heart. Complete 2-3 simple exercises, For example, breathing exercises so as not to overload the organ.

Preliminary exercises

Remember that you need to warm up regardless of whether you are going to exercise on or without a machine.

  1. Sit on a chair. Stretch your arms out to the sides and then inhale as you lift them up. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Do the exercise three times.
  2. Spread your arms to the sides with your palms up, then as you inhale, turn your body to the right, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise at least three times.
  3. Stand up, straighten your back and bring your legs together. Raise your arms in front of you, straighten your shoulders. Make 15 vigorous swings of your hands, then clench your fists the same number of times. This simple exercise will help improve blood circulation in your hands and fingers.

Basic set of exercises

Exercises without a machine

  1. From a standing position, perform 5 lunges in each direction. Perform several sets on each leg. You can lunge forward and backward, and then left and right.
  2. Stand with your legs together and your arms next to your body. As you inhale, raise your arms and stretch your whole body up. Return to the starting position as you exhale. Perform the exercise three times with pauses of 10 seconds.
  3. Lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides. As you exhale, lift your right leg and hold in this position for a few seconds. As you inhale, lower your leg. Perform the exercise alternately for each leg. In total, you must complete at least 8 swings.
  4. In a lying position, pull your legs to your chest and clasp them with your arms. Stay in this position for a few seconds, and then inhale and return to the starting position.
  5. Stand straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Raise and bend your right leg at the knee, and then lower it. Repeat the exercise for each leg. Try to do at least 10 times.

If you prefer yoga, then these asanas can be included in your cardio training:

Exercises on the simulator

When exercising on the machine, do not forget to monitor your heart rate. Now many fitness equipment have a built-in heart rate monitor, then the data will be displayed directly on it. Otherwise, it is better to purchase a wrist-based heart rate monitor or at least count your heartbeats by placing your finger on your wrist. Focus on heartbeats per minute.

  • Treadmill. You have two load options. The first is running slow mode within 20 minutes. Try to choose the running speed at which your heart rate will show the desired frequency. At the beginning of training, it is better to start with 10 minutes, and then increase the running time. The second option is interval running. Alternate 1 minute fast run with 3 minutes slow. It is better to carry out such training in courses of 2-3 weeks, and then stop doing this exercise for a week. How to choose a treadmill for your home here -
  • Exercise bike. It is best to pedal slowly for 25 minutes. You can combine an exercise bike and a treadmill: 10 minutes on each machine. You should start with a light load of 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing the time. See the selection of an exercise bike for your home in our article.
  • Stepper. A kind of imitation of climbing stairs. Here it is worth paying attention to which leg you lower onto the platform first. Spend 10 minutes lifting on your right leg and the same amount of time standing up. left leg. These exercises are good to combine with an exercise bike: 10 minutes on one, and then 5 minutes on each leg on the stepper.
  • Rowing machine. Do 3 sets of 10 minutes of active rowing. At the same time, after each approach, take a 10-minute rest. It is better to start with a shorter time period, increasing it each time.
  • Orbitrek. The combination of running and cycling is called “orbitrek”. This is a serious physical activity even for a healthy person. Perform 3 sets of 5-6 minutes. This is enough to get started. Make sure your heart rate is in the desired range. Over time, you can increase 5 minutes to 10.

After you have trained your heart and other muscles, they need to be relaxed. To avoid painful sensations, you can do several calming exercises at the end of your workout:

  1. Sit on a bench, raise your arms up as you exhale, and lower them as you inhale. Do the exercise several times.
  2. Walk in a circle, inhaling on every second step and exhaling on the third. Duration: at least 2 minutes.
  3. While sitting, slowly rotate your hands and feet. Do the exercise for a few minutes.

Cardio exercise should become a habit not only for people with heart disease, but also for those who care about their health. For achievement better effect from training, do not forget to take care of your diet. Include apples, nuts, dried fruits and young parsley. All of these products are rich in substances that fight the appearance of cardiovascular diseases. Articles about proper nutrition for weight loss, see the corresponding section of the site - Diets.

You don't need to train your heart!

Recently, articles on heart training have increasingly appeared on the Internet. “Training the heart is the key to health”, “Increasing the volume of the heart and training the cardiovascular system is very important for almost every person”, “We want to tell you how it is possible to prolong the life of the heart with the help of heart training”, etc. and so on. - we are actively convinced that everyone has an untrained heart, even those who do strength training, since when climbing the stairs to the third floor, slight shortness of breath appears and the pulse increases. The coach is persistently forced to include training programs training for the development of the cardiovascular system. Moreover, when planning training, you should initially train your heart and endurance, and only after that move on to strength training.

Broad Bone will not tolerate this and will not allow you to! However, we warn you right away: this article applies only to people with a healthy heart. If you have any heart pathologies, then this is a topic for a separate conversation.

Cardio workout for the heart

Let me surprise you: you don’t need to train your heart! *Faints* The human heart is very strong and resilient. By regularly driving blood through the entire body, it creates such monstrous pressure that it can push a stream of blood to a length of 9 meters. It is constantly being reduced, without rest, reaching a huge figure of more than 40,000,000 reductions per year.

The main muscle of your body is not your butt, or even your abs, but your heart. At the same time, the heart muscle is the most trained muscle in our body with minor features. The main differences between the heart muscle include:

1. the heart consists entirely of oxidative muscle fibers and runs only on fats

2. the heart works without interruption and at full capacity always, from birth to death

3. The heart muscle is, as it were, suspended and has a reserve of space to increase its own size.

Let's take a closer look at the first point. At all muscle fibers There are oxidative and glycolytic. Oxidative (red) work by oxidation fatty acids and glucose, they require oxygen for their work, and glycolytic (white) ones work on anaerobic (without access to oxygen) glycolysis. Remember, in the article “Cardio or strength training: Better conditions for burning fat. Energy for muscle work” we discussed factories that produce energy for muscles?

Oxidative fibers are more durable and least strong, while glycolytic fibers have an extremely short duration of work (about a minute), but have highest power and the force of contraction. There is also a difference between them in the number of mitochondria.

Mitochondria are the energy stations of the cell (see the article “How to burn fat?”), the source of cell energy. Located in the cytoplasm of every cell, mitochondria are comparable to “batteries” that produce, store and distribute the energy necessary for the cell.

Oxidative fibers are surrounded by many mitochondria, unlike glycolytic fibers. Therefore, oxidative fibers are the most efficient and practically tireless, but weak. Our heart consists of only oxidative muscle fibers and many mitochondria. This means that the heart practically cannot gain weight, because it never acidifies, unlike most other muscles in the body.

Imagine for a second that if the heart became acidic, it would increase in muscle mass, namely in contractile organelles - myofibrils. Unlike other muscles, the heart works absolutely always; the poor thing is not given even a small break, but is treated to fat from French fries and hamburgers. If the heart gains muscle mass, its conductivity will deteriorate, just as a pipe with a thicker wall will pass less water than a pipe with a thinner one with the same outer diameter. Therefore, with the growth of the walls of the heart muscle, diseases inevitably begin, for example, hypertension, because the blood needs remain the same, and in order to pass the same amount of blood through a smaller heart per unit of time, you need to increase the pressure, arrhythmia and the end point - myocardial infarction, when the heart is completely unable to pump blood through itself.

In fact, the biggest problem is that people initially misunderstand the goals of cardio training. the main task any cardio training - increasing volume (not to be confused with increasing muscle mass!) left atrium. Those. we need to stretch the walls of the heart, not enlarge them! This is very important point, which almost everyone overlooks. There is no need to enlarge the heart under any circumstances.

There is a real danger of enlarging the heart if you force it to beat above 180 times per minute. At this rate, it simply cannot relax. Without relaxation, hypoxia sets in - lack of oxygen, and here the heart begins to acidify, because. Mitochondria cannot function without oxygen. The current situation contributes to the growth of muscle mass of the heart.

A big heart is bad, dangerous and unhealthy! And if acidification continues for too long or too often, this leads to myocardial infarction. After all, the body’s reserve forces are not limitless; following a sharply increasing load, new capillaries in a hypertrophied heart may not have time to grow. Muscle cells do not receive the required amount of nutrition and die.

Dead cells inhibit neuromuscular conduction from the sinoatrial node, which leads to heart rhythm disturbances. “Dead” heart cells inhibit neuromuscular conduction, which leads to heart rhythm disturbances. Plus, dead cells are replaced by connective tissue with the formation of scars, and this leads to chronic heart failure. When a large number of cardiac tissue cells die simultaneously, myocardial infarction occurs.

In other words, the heart can be large due to such “dead” tissue, but living heart cells occupy a smaller area. This is myocardial dystrophy or so-called. "athletic heart" In such cases, you simply need to consult a doctor, because it is a matter of life and death! Such a heart needs to stretch its thickened walls so that it can pump blood as efficiently as before, but only under the supervision of a doctor.


There is no need to enlarge the heart, it needs to be “stretched”.

How to properly train your heart?

The problem is solved very simply: you need to keep the pulse at the level of beats/min for a long time, thus the heart stretches and pumps more blood in one contraction. In an ordinary healthy person at rest, the pulse beats for about a minute. When a person begins to perform any long-term work (training with weights, running or walking quickly), his pulse begins to increase in order to supply all the organs of the body with an increased amount of oxygen due to the load. His pulse reached 130 beats per minute. A person in this situation can stabilize the load and continue working without increasing intensity. If he continues this training for an hour, the “flexibility” of his heart will begin to improve. The muscles will drive a huge amount of blood through the heart, and it will gradually begin to stretch.

When the heart stretches and its volume increases significantly, the volume of blood pumped per pulse beat will correspondingly increase, which means endurance will increase, and the number of pulse beats at rest will decrease.

In an ordinary person, most often the heart volume is on the order of ml. For a trained athlete - from 1000 to 1,200 ml. Unique athletes at the Olympic level have 1,500-1,800 ml. In sports, this is useful because Oxygen is supplied to muscles through the blood. A well-stretched heart allows you to place heavy loads on the body without raising your heart rate to dangerous levels of 190 or higher.

The process of stretching the heart is not fast, main role The duration of the workout plays a role here. While running, you can hold your heart rate without any problems for a healthy person without a lot of excess weight. But how long will you run? Half an hour, an hour is not enough. If you seriously decide to increase your heart volume, then the duration of your cardio workout should ideally be 2.

In principle, 6 months is enough for a pronounced result. With 3-4 workouts per week for minutes, the heart stretches by 10-40% in six months. Accordingly, the longer the time, the faster the result.

In this mode, the heart, due to the constant pumping of a large amount of blood, is simply forced to “stretch” in volume. By the way, over time you will have to increase the intensity of your activities in order to stay in the desired zone () pulse beats, because... your heart will learn to pump more oxygen at a time. And the load, which at first was sufficient to increase the heart rate to 130 beats per minute, will eventually drop to 120, then 110...100...etc.

That is, your goals:

Achieve an increase in heart rate to beats per minute;

To achieve this, it is not at all necessary to run or do cardio. Most often, trainers recommend running to train the heart. There is no need to explain to the client why, he told him to run and went to the trainer’s room to drink tea.

In fact, the heart doesn't really care what you do. The volume of blood that the heart must pump to ensure physical activity. And what kind of physical activity there will be is not at all important. The main thing is to preserve desired pulse without “holes” and strong “peaks”.

Therefore, there is no point in doing cardio specifically to train the heart: it doesn’t matter what kind of physical activity you do, only its level matters. During strength training in the gym, you do the same (if you work without long breaks, in medium repeated mode, supersets, etc.). During strength training, the pulse usually does not rise above the beat. If you follow the principle of cyclical training, then you have such training, which means your heart stretches and additional training you don't need it for these purposes!

In addition, one more important point. We do not argue that athletes need to train their hearts, because a dangerous situation can arise: high oxygen demands and a small heart volume. to put it mildly: most people who are involved strength training and are now reading this site, there is no need to take these words personally. We understand that in your eyes you are a world-class athlete and your 70 kg with a body weight of 60 kg in the squat is a truly impressive result. But we are still talking about the real ones, professional athletes with huge loads and frequent training. By the way, that’s why in almost every article we advise you not to get carried away - live your life, and let sports be its addition, and not the basis. This is much more interesting and safer.


1. Your half hour of walking on a treadmill or ellipse after or before training does not affect your heart training in any way. (And for weight loss, read the article Cardio: when and why?)

2. If you do strength training, then you don’t need additional heart training.

3. In principle, you don’t need to bother yourself with such thoughts at all if you go to the gym just for fun and are neither a professional athlete nor an amateur athlete (like you compete at local powerlifting competitions).

Cardio training

Cardio training (cardio, aerobic training, cardiac muscle training) is relatively low-intensity physical exercise aimed at developing endurance, reducing body fat, and most importantly strengthening and developing the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Prescription of cardio training

We use cardio exercises to strengthen the cardiovascular system. This serves to prevent and treat heart disease. Physical inactivity causes a variety of diseases, which leads to a decrease in the quality and duration of life. If your job does not involve physical labor, and you get to work by transport, then cardio training is absolutely recommended for you (regardless of your gender).

In addition, aerobic training is used to:

  • general maintenance of tone and health promotion - training frequency 1-3 times a week;
  • reducing body fat mass (drying) - from 3 to 5 times a week;
  • increasing muscle mass - usually no more than twice a week.

Positive effects

  • Strengthening the heart muscle, developing the efficiency of its work.
  • A decrease in the number of heart contractions at rest, which leads to saving heart resources.
  • Lower blood pressure (in a good way).
  • Development of skeletal muscles of the body and muscles responsible for breathing.
  • Mental stability and tolerance to adverse factors increases.
  • Reducing the risk of developing various diseases (including atherosclerosis), and not only diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Unfortunately, cardio training is contraindicated for people suffering from high blood pressure - they should be done light gymnastics. In addition, patients who have had a heart attack or stroke usually (not in all cases) should not do cardio.

Consider the condition of your joints (do not run with sore knees or a herniated disc), do not put stress on yourself after a recent operation or fracture. Those suffering from obesity, asthma or varicose veins veins, you should first consult a doctor.

In any case, do not give up ahead of time - first, consult your doctor; perhaps your situation allows for cardio exercises of varying intensity.

Rules for cardio training

Since our site is dedicated to heart health, and not to the development of maximum endurance and speed, the rules described below apply more to ordinary people who want to maintain and improve their health - not for athletes.

To achieve the health-improving and strengthening effects of cardio training, you should do it at least three times a week. Optimally - 4 times a week.

It is necessary to maintain a certain heart rate for at least twenty minutes. The optimal time for cardio training is from 30 to 60 minutes.

This is perhaps the most important thing in cardio exercises. Your task is to maintain a constant heart rate during training. This is what determines the healing and restorative effect. Insufficient heart rate does not produce a training effect, and too fast a heart rate is more likely to lead to negative health consequences.

Therefore, you should buy a cardio machine with a heart rate monitor. However, if your simulator does not have a heart rate measurement function or you run outside, then there is no problem - you can purchase a special heart rate monitor that is worn on your wrist like a watch.

The optimal number of heartbeats for improving the cardiovascular system is within 60-70% of the maximum heart rate (determined individually depending on your age).

Develop the frequency, duration and intensity of cardio training gradually - do not overload. If you experience discomfort, reduce the load and consult a doctor.

Best time to train

Note that cardio training also has a fat-burning effect. So, you can train in the morning (on an empty stomach) - this will further speed up the fat burning process. However, if you have problems getting up early or feel tired in the morning, then you should abandon this practice. When training on an empty stomach, some muscles will also suffer, remember this if you are trying to gain muscle mass.

Ideally, do cardio training during the day, but this regime is suitable for very few people. But many people can allocate some time in the evening for exercise. If you don't have anything for lunch, then you probably shouldn't run to the gym right after work - it's best to have a little snack. Two hours before your workout, eat a small portion of protein. Do you want to gain or at least not lose muscle mass after cardio? After training, you can also have a small protein snack.

How to combine cardio and strength training?

Use cardio exercises as a warm-up (about 5 minutes) before strength training and as a stand-alone exercise after it (20-30 minutes).

Keep in mind that both for improving the cardiovascular system and for maximum speed To gain muscle mass, you should not exceed your heart rate by more than 70% of your maximum. Work at 65% pace.

Choosing a Cardio Equipment

You can do cardio exercises without machines, using only your own body. However, there is not always free time, good conditions environment with clean air, or health for jogging.

Cardio equipment comes to our aid. All of the simulators listed below are capable of providing preventive and healing effect on the cardiovascular system. Choose according to your taste and capabilities, consider the size of the simulator and the weight of the user. For cardio training, constant heart rate monitoring is necessary - purchase a machine with a built-in heart rate monitor, or buy it separately.

Simulator of a regular bicycle. What's good about an exercise bike? Great for cardio training, weight loss, leg training and endurance development. Cons: loads the lower back and leg joints (pay attention to recumbent exercise bikes), does not engage top part the torso, the seat puts unpleasant pressure on the buttocks and squeezes the blood vessels. We strongly recommend that you pay attention to other cardio equipment (treadmill or elliptical) - we advise you to purchase them. If you take an exercise bike, then choose a horizontal one.

Running track simulator. The whole body is involved in the process of running, which is more natural compared to an exercise bike. Cons: puts stress on the knee and ankle joints, there is a risk of falling.

Elliptical trainer (orbitrack)

In its action and sensations it resembles skiing. Provides an even load on the entire body and does not impact the joints. Minuses: good trainer It is expensive and takes up a lot of space.

Simulates rowing at home. Develops the upper body, which is more suitable for men. Improves flexibility and strength in the arms, shoulders, chest and back muscles. Cons: not suitable for people with a sore spine, injuries to the joints of the arms or shoulders.

Simulator of climbing stairs. Takes up minimal space, is very mobile and lightweight. This exercise machine is designed more to strengthen the body and leg muscles than to lose weight. Cons: there is a risk of damage knee joints, the machine does not use the upper body.

Effective cardio training without the use of exercise equipment (at home) - video

At home, you can train without using cardio equipment, and this is not just jogging around the apartment

However, since our the main objective- this is improving the cardiovascular system, you still have to buy a heart rate monitor. Your exercises can be anything - the main thing is to constantly maintain your heart rate at a training level.

We remind you that the workout should last at least 20 minutes! If you have no idea what you can do for so long without exercise equipment, then just watch and repeat the steps shown in the video (video on English language, but this is the best there is for home cardio training and everything is clear without words).

Homemade 37 minute cardio workout

Short 23 minute workout

Don't forget about your pulse (you can find out the required number of heartbeats using our service)! The exercises are quite intense, and you should not chase the girls in the video, you should only focus on your heart rate.

Is it possible to drink during training?

There is a fairly widespread belief that drinking after, and even more so during, cardio training is harmful to the heart. If we are talking about water, then you need to drink it both before and after training.

This does not cause any harm to the heart. Stay hydrated; during exercise, you can drink a little water (ml) in small sips. After a cardio workout, you can immediately drink to your heart's content (as much as you want).

What are the benefits of cardio training for the heart?

Of course, cardio training has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, and you can do without cardio equipment: orbitracks, treadmills, etc. Cardio exercise occurs during jogging, simple running, race walking, cycling, jumping rope, climbing stairs.

All these types of activities not only burn a large number of calories, but also load the heart muscle, as well as the muscles of the legs, arms and form good figure. The benefits of cardio training are undeniable. Running, walking, jumping, swimming, rowing are the most effective and have a positive effect on the entire body. Firstly, they reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, reduce the risk of osteoporosis, and also strengthen muscles and shape beautiful figure generally.

In order for the classes to be most effective, you need to do about 3-4 times a week for minutes and this will undoubtedly affect the whole body. In addition to the goal of loading to strengthen the heart muscle, I would also like to lose weight overweight. To do this, you need to measure your pulse in the middle of your workout for 6 seconds, then add 0 to the resulting number. The result is your heart rate per minute.

Then you need to subtract your age from the number 220, then you need to calculate 70% of the resulting figure to find out your heart rate per minute. The number obtained in the end will be an interval; if it is below 70%, you should speed up the pace, but if it is higher, reduce it. By the way, there is an easier way to determine whether a person distributes energy correctly and what load he gives to his body during cardio training. You just need to say a phrase, if this happens with difficulty, shortness of breath, then you need to slightly reduce the tempo, if you can pronounce the phrase with ease, then the load needs to be increased.

In order to strengthen the calf muscles, abdominal muscles, and arms, you need to adhere to interval loads. This means alternating running with walking. Constantly changing the pace, the muscles are either loaded or relaxed, for example, running for 2-3 minutes, then switching to walking for 1 minute, and then switching to jogging again. This type of training will help improve metabolic processes, activate metabolism, as there is a shake-up and slight stress for the body, naturally the heart also trains.

It’s not for nothing that training that strengthens the cardiovascular system and trains the heart muscle is called cardio training. After all, from Greek cardia means heart. The name speaks for itself; these workouts specifically work on the heart muscle.

Cardio training for the heart is recommended for both adults and children, but the intensity and load should be distributed. Cardio machines are simpler and more useful in the sense that they allow you to monitor the number of calories burned, pace, speed, heart rate and time. Aerobics and exercise classes gym very effective and most correct.

Cardio equipment comes in the following types: treadmill, inclined bike, orbitrack, moving staircase, elliptical trainer. You need to alternate classes on all simulators, devoting a certain amount of time to each. In general, cardio training is intended for athletes as preparation for more serious exercises, so as not to immediately overload the heart and prepare the muscles, so cardio training takes about minutes.

Each person should individually choose the intensity of cardio exercise, because everyone has their own rhythm, physical training, physical abilities. For people who have health problems, in particular with the heart, joints, you need to carefully choose cardio exercises and their intensity, and also constantly monitor your heart rate per minute, breathing, and in no case overload yourself.

For a moving staircase, this is a program called Interval, that is, you need to alternate running with walking, 1 minute of intense running, then a minute of walking without stress, this should be repeated for 15 minutes. Then the next machine, a treadmill, is for her program - Endurance. The main thing here is to set yourself a pace and not slow it down. for 15 minutes you need to continuously run at the same speed. Then the elliptical trainer.

Time trial program, for this you need to set the average rhythm of the workout, do not strain or relax too much, then record the number of steps taken on elliptical trainer and after some time, compare the results and find out what the progress is. And the last simulator is an incline bike. Here is the Pyramid program, the meaning is this. that you need to work on the simulator for 1 minute at medium load. 15 seconds - at high, 15 seconds again at medium.

Add 15 seconds to medium and 15 seconds to high, reaching 60 seconds of high load. Also gradually reduce to 15 seconds of medium and high load. Each of these programs can be applied to each type of simulator. The main thing is to work no more than 45 minutes (maximum 1 hour) 3 times a week.

At high level loads, the results will be noticeable quite quickly, the effect will be amazing. Lots of calories lost, strengthening calf muscles, hips, gluteal muscles, press, arms, and stimulation of the heart muscle.

Cardio training was invented based on the simple anatomical properties of the human body. Their beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system has been proven by many athletes who use this type of training as a warm-up, as well as by many people who want to put their body in order and use a large number of muscles, including the heart, in order to prevent the occurrence of heart disease.

  • 02 October 2013

Aerobics is one of the main and most popular ways to condition your body. ideal forms. Often people start attending aerobics classes.

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Is it possible for everyone and what kind of cardio training to do for the heart?

Activities that involve multiple activities at the same time muscle groups, performed in a dynamic version, bring maximum benefit for heart diseases. Cardio training is indicated both for preventive purposes and for the rehabilitation of patients after operations on the heart and blood vessels.

Important conditions are the correct selection of load and constant monitoring of pulse rate and blood pressure. If you experience heart pain, you should stop training immediately.

The benefits of cardio training for the heart

Physical activity is one of the most important components in increasing the resistance of the myocardium to stress. Since the heart is muscular organ, then its strengthening is achieved exclusively regular exercise. In this case, you should choose cardio exercises. This type of training is called aerobic because the body consumes a lot of oxygen during it.

The intensity of the exercises should be low or moderate, they are performed dynamically and continuously, which is accompanied by an increase in heart rate and respiratory movements. TO aerobic exercise includes walking, swimming, cycling (exercise bike), dancing, running. All these workouts increase the functioning of the cardiovascular system and improve the nutrition of organs, including the myocardium itself.

Classes for cardiology patients physical therapy are aimed at:

  • improvement of blood circulation due to increased muscle contractions and movements chest and diaphragm;
  • mobilization of the respiratory system, normalization of pulmonary ventilation to prevent congestion;
  • normalization nervous system, improved sleep, mood;
  • prevention of muscle tissue atrophy;
  • reducing the number of heartbeats at rest (transferring the heart to an economical mode);

Heart rate at rest

  • more fast recovery normal pulse and blood pressure after exercise;
  • preventing the progression of atherosclerosis;
  • normalization of cholesterol and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • decline overweight bodies.

The advantage of cardio exercises is that they do not require special equipment, exercise machines or special equipment. In this case, walking is an ideal option available to all categories of patients without exception. Walking has a beneficial effect on several body systems at once; it is easy to dose, increase or decrease the intensity, changing the speed of the step and the distance traveled.

And here is more information about exercises for the heart.

How to do exercises at home

The main focus when conducting independent studies you need to pay attention to such an indicator as pulse rate. For patients with serious illnesses, the load level is determined only by a doctor after special tests with an ECG recording. Incorrectly selected cardio training can worsen the course of the disease.

To strengthen the heart

Before starting classes, you need to know your initial heart rate, as well as determine the heart rate interval.

Going beyond this limit is dangerous for untrained, elderly people with heart disease or internal organs.

It should also be taken into account that exercise with a heart rate below the minimum does not have a training effect.

The load should increase slowly towards the middle of the complex, and then gradually decrease towards the end of the session. Between series of movements, short pauses are needed to rest and count the pulse.

It is important to exercise regularly, devoting at least 150 minutes to it per week. To increase overall activity, it is recommended to walk where possible, use steps instead of the elevator, and choose a type of dynamic activity that brings maximum pleasure.

Breathing exercises after surgery

In the process of recovery of patients after operations on the heart and blood vessels, several complexes are used: breathing exercises, in a lying position and then sitting. As you recover, they are supplemented by working out larger muscle groups, and then you can move on to general health training.

Inflating balloons as an alternative to breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are considered the most accessible type of exercise and are recommended in the first days after surgery. Changing the duration of the phases of the respiratory cycle normalizes metabolism in the myocardium, improves the supply of oxygen to cells and accelerates the healing of postoperative wounds, normalizes rhythm and blood pressure.

For example, we can give this version of the complex:

  • inhale, close the right nostril, exhale through the left; inhale with your left and exhale with your right;
  • smoothly raise both arms up (inhale), lowering them and exhale slowly, stretched out;
  • take a deep breath, hold your breath and exhale;
  • inhale through your nose, then exhale several times through your mouth, as if blowing out a candle.

It is not allowed to force breathing or overexert yourself. All movements should be comfortable. The duration of the lesson at first is no more than 5 minutes, and then it can be gradually increased to.

Exercises while lying down and sitting

You can go through this complex once during the day. All exercises are done in a supine position, 5 to 10 repetitions of each movement are recommended:

  • bend and straighten your toes, then your feet, circular movements with both feet in one direction and the other;
  • bend the leg at the knee, straighten it, then bend it and move it to the side;
  • raise your legs up and shake them;
  • clench your hands into a fist and rotate in one direction, then the other, bend and straighten your hands;
  • bend your elbows and touch your shoulders with your hands;
  • raise straight arms perpendicular to the body and move them behind the head.

Seated exercises are carried out after a series of breathing exercises. The complex may include:

  • tilting the head forward and backward, turning to the sides, lowering to the shoulder;
  • circular movements of the shoulders, alternately raising the shoulders, raise the shoulders to the ears, hold for a few seconds and sharply release;
  • raise your arms to a horizontal level, bend them at the elbows, then straighten them;
  • circular movements with hands, crossing (horizontal and vertical scissors);
  • Bring the bent leg towards the body, clasping your hands under the knee.

Watch the video about conducting exercise therapy for cardiac patients:

Why does your heart hurt after cardio exercise?

A properly conducted lesson brings a feeling of vigor. For people with heart disease, it is especially important to avoid any unpleasant sensations - difficulty breathing, palpitations, weakness or dizziness. The criteria for adequate load are:

  • you can talk calmly during the training period;
  • heart rate is within acceptable limits;
  • the number of respiratory movements increases every minute;
  • an increase in pressure of no more than 20 units for systolic and 10 for diastolic or a decrease of 10 mmHg is permissible. Art.;
  • At the end of the session, your pulse and blood pressure return to normal in less than 5 minutes.

The appearance of pain in the heart during training is extremely dangerous, since it is a sign of insufficient nutrition of the myocardium - an ischemic process. In this case, it is mandatory to stop the activity, rest in a sitting position, and take Validol or Nitroglycerin tablets (if prescribed).

It is also impossible to exclude the possibility of chest pain due to osteochondrosis, diseases of the lungs, and digestive organs. Only a specialist can figure this out.

And here is more information about physical activity for arrhythmia.

Cardio training is the best option for strengthening the heart muscle. Aerobic exercise helps saturate tissues with oxygen, increase endurance, and restore normal blood circulation. The great advantage of the course of exercises is the reduction in the period of return of pulse rate and pressure to initial values, the transfer of the heart to an economical mode of operation.

For correct selection intensity of loads, it is necessary to focus on well-being and monitor hemodynamic parameters. In the presence of cardiac pathology, the level of activity is recommended by the doctor after the examination. Pain in the heart during cardio training is an indicator of insufficiency of coronary blood flow, myocardial ischemia, and excess of the body's individual reserves.

Useful and necessary exercises for heart. Under the influence of regular physical exercise, the overall endurance of the body increases.

Since the blood vessels are compressed by tense muscles, the heart works under overload. . Therefore, it is important to alternate them with cardio exercises, as well.

And here is more information about the treatment of atrial fibrillation. Permissible physical activity for cardiac arrhythmia.

Physical activity in moderate doses is beneficial for all people. The patient has cardiovascular pathology, including cardiac arrhythmia.

Because of training, an athlete's heart is different from that of an ordinary person. For example, by stroke volume, rhythm.

We will publish information soon.

Heart training (cardio training) strengthens the heart and improves the heart's adaptation to stress. Train your heart in the office, on a walk, in the pool. Cardio training cheat sheet: monitoring cardio training loads by heart rate, how to train when you are sick or missed a workout

Trained Heart- the key to good health and longevity. In order for the heart muscle to be fully adapted to the load, it is important to correctly plan the sequence of exercises. Before you begin cardio training, it is important to determine how well your heart is trained. You can independently determine the functional state and fitness of the heart based on your pulse using the heart fitness test based on your pulse.

Train your heart daily!
Only regular training will give a noticeable effect.
Reduce your training load when you are sick. If you have a sore throat, runny nose, or acute respiratory diseases, stop cardio training until you recover. Exercising during illness harms the heart.

If you missed a workout
If you missed 1 workout, you need to return to the loads of the workout before last. 7 missed cardio workouts ─ the load on the heart is the same as 14 workouts ago, etc.

Control your heart rate!
The load should gradually increase from training to training and always correspond to the capabilities of the heart, which can be easily determined by measuring the pulse during training.
The change in heart rate during training is the main indicator of the effectiveness of cardio training - the change in heart rate. The most convenient way to monitor your heart rate during training is with a heart rate monitor. It is important to do this before the test load and after 30 seconds. (for 30 seconds). The test load is performed for about 3 minutes.
Maximum allowable heart rate = 220 - age (years).
Optimal heart rate for heart training = maximum allowable heart rate x 70%
The load, in the first 15 minutes of cardio training, should gradually increase to the optimal level. For the next 20 minutes, you should exercise at an optimal heart rate. After this, you need to gradually reduce the load until the heart rate is the same as at rest + 10%. Only then can you relax and unwind.
The less your heart rate changes during training, the easier your heart adapts to physical activity.
If the heart rate does not reach the optimal level, it means that the training is ineffective and the load needs to be increased. If the heart rate borders on the maximum allowable heart rate, you need to reduce the load.

1. Train your heart in the office! First step

Do 2-3 five-minute gymnastic exercises during the working day. Let execution simple exercises. In an office environment, physical exercise can be performed while sitting or standing. A set of exercises for warming up in the office is suitable for this.
Once you are used to doing exercises indoors, move on to cardio training at fresh air.

2. Take a walk in the park or forest! Second step

Daily half-hour walks in the fresh air (preferably in a park area) will help adapt your heart to constant training. Start with leisurely walks: 1.5 km (about 2500 steps) in 40 minutes.
Each time your mid-workout heart rate is no longer at the optimal level for heart training, increase your walking route by about 100 m (about 170 steps). Accordingly, you will have to increase your walking speed in order to cover the entire route in 40 minutes. The heart will “take on new frontiers” of loads. When you can walk 4 km in half an hour, maintaining an optimal heart rate, sign up for a swimming pool.

3. Swim! Third step

Swimming in the pool for 15-30 minutes, 3 times a week allows you to train skeletal muscles and heart, without putting excessive stress on the spine and knees.
Swimming has no contraindications. The main advantages of swimming: the work of all muscle groups, the absence axial load on the spine and knee joints.

4. Fitness or running!

3 months after starting heart training in the pool, start running or sign up for fitness or... dancing! Dancing, aerobics, and running help train the heart muscle, improve your mood and allow you to achieve inner harmony.

“Training the heart is the key to health”, “Increasing the volume of the heart and training the cardiovascular system is very important for almost every person”, “We want to tell you how it is possible to prolong the life of the heart with the help of heart training”, etc. and so on. - we are actively convinced that everyone has an untrained heart, even those who do strength training, since when climbing the stairs to the third floor, slight shortness of breath appears and the pulse increases.

The trainer is persistently forced to include training for the development of the cardiovascular system in training programs. Moreover, when planning training, you should initially train your heart and endurance, and only after that move on to strength training.

Broad Bone will not tolerate this and will not allow you to! However, we warn you right away: This article applies only to people with a healthy heart. If you have any heart pathologies, then this is a topic for a separate conversation.

Cardio workout for the heart

Let me surprise you: no need to train your heart! *faints* The human heart is very strong and resilient. By regularly driving blood through the entire body, it creates such monstrous pressure that it can push a stream of blood to a length of 9 meters.

It is constantly being reduced, without rest, reaching a huge figure of more than 40,000,000 reductions per year.

The main muscle of your body is not your butt, or even your abs, but your heart. At the same time, the heart muscle is the most trained muscle in our body with minor features. The main differences between the heart muscle include:

    the heart consists entirely of oxidative muscle fibers and works only on fats,

    the heart works without interruption and at full capacity always, from birth to death,

    the heart muscle is, as it were, suspended and has a reserve of space to increase its own size.

Let's take a closer look at the first point. In general, muscle fibers are oxidative And glycolytic. Oxidative (red) ones work by oxidizing fatty acids and glucose; their work requires oxygen, and glycolytic (white) ones work on anaerobic (without access to oxygen) glycolysis.

During strength training, the pulse usually does not rise above 130-140 beats. If you follow the principle of cyclical training, then you have such training, which means your heart stretches and You don’t need additional training for these purposes.!

In addition, one more important point. We do not argue that athletes need to train their hearts, because a dangerous situation can arise: high oxygen demands and a small heart volume. to put it mildly: most people who are engaged in strength training and are now reading this site do not need to take these words personally.

We understand that in your eyes you are a world-class athlete and your 70 kg with a body weight of 60 kg in the squat is a truly impressive result. But we are still talking about real, professional athletes with enormous loads and frequent training.

By the way, that’s why in almost every article we advise you not to get carried away - live your life, and let sports be its addition, and not the basis. This is much more interesting and safer.


    Your half hour of walking on a treadmill or ellipse after or before training has no effect on your heart training.

    If you do strength training, then you don't need additional heart training.

    In principle, you don’t need to bother with such thoughts at all if you go to the gym just for fun and are neither a professional athlete nor an amateur athlete (like you compete at local powerlifting competitions).

Inactivity most often becomes fertile ground for illness. Physical exercise revitalize and normalize blood circulation, but in a motionless body the blood does not circulate freely, and the transformations so necessary for life and health do not occur in it. (E. White, The Ministry of Healing)

Cardio training is simple and fairly long-term physical activity that is accessible to everyone. These are absolutely necessary, one might say, basic classes, keeping the body in order. Without cardio training (at least in a minimal amount), you will not be able to build your health and your activity. They allow you to gradually strengthen muscles, including the heart, improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, reduce weight and the risk of developing diseases of civilization: hypertension, myocardial infarction, diabetes. In addition, cardio training increases ventilation and lung capacity, reduces the risk of osteoporosis, increases endurance, and helps cope with stress. By exercising regularly, you will feel much more energetic, efficient and cheerful.

Cardio training includes physical therapy, walking, running, cycling, skiing and roller skating, swimming, rowing, basketball, etc. Exercises on an exercise bike, treadmill, stepper or elliptical are also cardio training. Almost any workout that is performed for a long time (at least 20 minutes) at the same pace with an increase in heart rate to the level of the “green zone” (see below) can be classified as cardio training.

About pulse

The main sign of a healthy, trained heart is the ability to save energy by slowing down the heart rate at rest and speeding it up during exercise. If your resting heart rate is about 60 beats per minute, it means your heart is working normally. But, if the beat frequency is more than 80, the cardiovascular system has serious problems. This does not negate the need for training, but warns of caution.

The pulse is “listened” with your fingertips. Having found the pulse point (on the neck or on the wrist), count how many beats there are in 15 seconds (watch accurate clock), and then multiply the resulting number by 4. This is the heart rate (HR) per minute or pulse rate.

It is recommended to measure your pulse three times during training. The first - at the beginning of training, the second - at the moment of the most intense loads and a third time - approximately ten minutes after the end of the workout in order to assess the ability to compensate.

To calculate the value of the “green zone” of the pulse, you need to know the value of your heart rate at rest. The pulse is measured in the morning, immediately after waking up. The normal value is from 60 to 70 beats. It is better to take 4 - 5 measurements and calculate the “arithmetic mean”. If your resting heart rate is higher, you definitely need to train your heart (do cardio training).

“Green zone” is the permissible excess of resting heart rate during physical activity:

For people under 25 years of age, trained,

“green zone” up to the resting pulse multiplied by 2;

For moderately trained middle-aged people and untrained young people

“green zone” up to resting pulse multiplied by 1.7;

For the untrained, those suffering from cardiovascular disease, obesity and older people

the limit values ​​of the “green zone” are the resting pulse multiplied by 1.5.

For example, for a 22-year-old girl whose resting pulse is 70 beats per minute, her cardio training pulse is up to 140 beats per minute, and for a 40-year-old woman with little athleticism with the same resting pulse is only 105 beats.

As your training progresses, your resting heart rate will decrease. A decrease in resting heart rate by 1-2 beats per minute is an excellent result of high-quality two-month periods. regular training. A decrease in resting heart rate over the course of a year from 80 to 70 beats will mean that you did a great job and, most likely, happily escaped big problems with health.

From theory to practice

Any lesson must begin with a warm-up - a set of exercises to warm up the muscles. Exercises should be performed at a moderate pace in order to prepare the circulatory system, heart, muscles and the entire body for more serious physical activity. Ideally, the warm-up can take up about a quarter of the duration of the entire workout. During the warm-up, your heart rate should gradually reach your “green zone” level and remain there throughout the entire session.

For initial stage To ensure that the load is not too high, you should start with minimal loads, which should not exceed 20 minutes a day. The most optimal time Exercises are considered to last for 30-40 minutes, but for a trained body you can take a maximum time of 60 minutes.

For exercise, choose the type of physical activity that you like. You can exercise in the gym, outdoors or at home.

For those who have just started training, experts recommend three workouts a week; more trained people can do it more often. What if there is not enough time for this? Remember that there are many opportunities in Everyday life train your heart. Walk from the bus stop to your home or to work in the same rhythm, breathing regularly. Climb the stairs several floors up, not by running, but by rhythmically moving your legs. And remember: daily half-hour walks improve the condition of the cardiovascular system.

You should finish your classes with a cool-down, which relieves emotional and physical stress after training, normalizes your pulse, breathing and blood pressure. Unlike a warm-up, it must include stretching exercises. The intensity and duration of the cool-down are approximately the same as during the warm-up.

The main thing in cardio training, as in almost any other, is that everything should be done smoothly, without a sharp increase or decrease in load.

Important nuances

Clothes for training should be light and breathable to avoid excessive sweating. Choose sports shoes, for example, running shoes.

Food and water. Don't exercise on an empty stomach. Eat 1-1.5 hours before class. Serious cardio training in the morning (on an empty stomach) is not recommended. At this time, it is better to study for no more than 30 minutes. The glycogen reserves in the muscles and liver were exhausted overnight; there were no carbohydrates as the main fuel. Thus, there is a high probability of breakdown by the body muscle cells as energy, plus you may experience dizziness and weakness.

Be sure to drink non-carbonated clean water, if you want, before, during and after training. Dehydration may make you feel sick.

Rest. If you haven't slept all night, it's better to cancel the workout. Healthy sleep is necessary - at least 8 hours a day.


Listen carefully to yourself, even if you are absolutely healthy. Pain behind the sternum, feeling of lack of air, severe shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, weakness, headache - any sudden deterioration in well-being means that the training needs to be stopped.

Be careful if your resting heart rate is above 80 beats/min. This means there are heart problems. Perform all exercises smoothly, without jerking. Make sure there are no sudden changes in heart rate.

Hypertensive patients should not:

Do exercises with tension in the muscles of the shoulder girdle;

Hold breath;

Make jumps and sudden movements.

It is necessary to first consult with a doctor for those who suffer from arterial hypertension with frequent crises, severe cardiovascular insufficiency with attacks of cardiac asthma, edema, tachycardia, frequent attacks of angina pectoris, thrombophlebitis, severe forms of diabetes mellitus and cancer. You should not exercise during an infectious disease.

Skipping or cardio training with a jump rope

The name “skipping” comes from the English “skip” - to jump, bounce. Our jump rope is named after this newfangled word.

Cardiologists have come to the conclusion that such a simple exercise machine as a jump rope is equivalent in effectiveness to expensive cardio equipment. The famous American doctor Kenneth Cooper, who developed the system health exercises for mass use (aerobics), as well as numerous tests to assess the physical condition of the body, claims that 10 minutes of exercise with a jump rope has an effect on the cardiovascular system equal to the effect obtained by cycling 2 miles (3.2 km) ) for 6 minutes, or for 12 minutes of swimming, or for two sets of tennis, or for running one mile (1.61 km).

Indeed, jumping additionally stimulates the muscular and cardiovascular system, accelerates the removal of toxins from the body, eliminates congestion in the veins of the legs, which serves as an excellent prevention of varicose veins. At an intensity of 100 jumps per minute, you can burn 200-300 kilocalories in 15 minutes of exercise, which will not only strengthen the heart muscle, but steadily and gradually, if necessary, lose weight even at an average pace. This miracle exercise machine is cheap, takes up little space, and you can exercise anywhere: at home, in the park, in the yard, on the street.

An important point before starting exercises with a jump rope is the correct selection of its length (if necessary, you can shorten the rope by tying knots in the handles). So, if your height is up to 152 cm, then the length of the rope should be 210 cm, with a height of 152-167 cm the length is 250 cm, with a height of 167-183 cm - 280 cm, with a height of more than 183 cm - 310 cm. There is another way to measure length of the rope: take both handles in your hand and pull them out at chest level. The bottom end of the rope should touch the floor. If you select the correct length of the rope, it will be easier to practice, the load will increase, and therefore the effectiveness of training will increase.

After you choose the right jump rope, pay attention to some other little things.

Shoes should be comfortable. Sneakers are better. Women need to purchase a sports top that supports their breasts.

Do not jump on stone or cement floors to avoid injury. ankle joints and knees.

Never start jumping without a light warm-up (5-10 minutes) so as not to expose your joints and muscles to unnecessary stress.

How to jump correctly

Starting position: legs together, knees slightly bent, arms down along the body and relaxed. Jump low, rotate your wrists in a circular motion, keeping your elbows close to your body. The secret of long jumps is to rotate the rope with just your hands. You must remember this. Otherwise, if you involve your arms and shoulders in the work, an additional inertial moment will arise. And he, in turn, will disrupt the vertical balance of the body in a jump.

When jumping, land on your toes, not your entire foot.

Perform one jump for one rotation of the rope; any excesses (for example, double rotation of the rope for one jump) are not appropriate here.

An important condition for this is the uniform distribution of the load. Start jumping at at a relaxed pace, gradually increasing it. This rhythm of exercises with a skipping rope helps stimulate blood circulation. Don't forget to do short breaks to relax muscles and restore breathing.

For those who want to get serious about skipping, the following tips are suitable.

First level

To begin with, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Learn to jump for 30 seconds without stopping. Then move on to a cycle: 30 seconds of jumping, 30 seconds of rest. Rest does not in any way mean sitting, lying down or standing. Perform calm side steps from side to side, while normalizing your breathing. Session duration is 10-15 minutes. When you confidently master this rhythm, move on to a new one: 1 minute of jumping plus 20 seconds rest; duration - 15 minutes. The number of workouts per week is 3 for 10-15 minutes, while sticking to your “green zone” level.

As you adapt to the load, increase its intensity, but do it gradually.

Average level

At this level, try to stretch the initial routine (1 minute of jumping, half a minute rest) over 20 minutes. When you master the new interval, begin to increase the time of continuous jumps to 4-5 minutes, rest 30-60 seconds. The duration of the session remains the same - 20 minutes. The number of workouts per week is 4 x 20 minutes. When you overcome this peak, move on to a new level - advanced.

Advanced level

Practice a routine of 4-5 minutes of jumping, 30-60 seconds of rest for 20-30 minutes. Start shortening your rest intervals by increasing your jump interval.

In the future, you can either increase the time of the aerobic session to 45 minutes, or, by reducing rest to a minimum or completely eliminating rest, stretch the jumping interval to 30 minutes.

The number of workouts per week is 5 x 30 minutes.

Combine skipping with a balanced, healthy diet, which will also help keep your weight under control. All this will allow you to speed up not only the improvement of your figure, but also significantly strengthen the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Prepared by Nigina Muratova,
general practitioner, master of public health

Problems with the heart and blood vessels can be cumulative and hidden in nature - practically without manifesting themselves at all. But the longer this lasts, the worse the diagnosis may become later. After all, heart problems are by far the leading cause of premature death, heart attacks and strokes. This is why it is so important to monitor your heart and blood vessels, and also try to strengthen them.

Healthy foods that strengthen the heart and blood vessels

Foods that are rich in potassium are very good at strengthening the walls of blood vessels and the heart itself (orange and dark red fruits). It is also worth paying attention to foods that contain large amounts of fiber (cereals and vegetables). In general, your diet should be as varied as possible, including fruits and vegetables (preferably fresh), and do not forget about the benefits of omega 3 fats, which can be found in fish oil or flaxseed oil.

Hawthorn – increases and regulates heartbeat, regulates blood pressure through the heart and blood vessels.

Melissa – cleanses the blood and also strengthens and protects the heart.

Parsley - strengthens the heart muscles and reduces the risks of cardiovascular diseases, stroke and atherosclerosis.

Barley – helps the body lower blood cholesterol, which can help prevent cardiovascular disease.

Walnuts - regulate the ratio of good and bad cholesterol, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots in blood vessels.

Almonds are especially good for the heart and blood vessels because... it is rich in vitamin E, as well as fats, which are very healthy.

Apples – Prevents blood clots and improves low blood pressure.

Garlic is an effective and powerful natural remedy for reducing high blood pressure.

Vitamins and minerals

Magnesium is useful for strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

Potassium is an important mineral for the proper functioning of blood vessels.

Iron is necessary for good blood circulation.

– a vitamin that strengthens the walls of blood vessels and can also normalize blood circulation.

– good for the heart and blood vessels.

You can also add PP, A and group B to this list.

Physical activity

Physical activity can be different, and all of it can bring both harm and benefit to your heart and blood vessels. You need to be extremely careful to train correctly and without harming yourself. Below we will describe the basic rules for conducting training that strengthens the muscles of the heart and blood vessels, but before that, let's look at the main advantages of conducting such training:

  • The level of C-reactive protein (CRP) in the body will decrease. It is the culprit of inflammation in the body. A high level of CRP may indicate an increased risk of CAD.
  • People's blood pressure and triglycerides, a type of fat in the blood, are normalized.
  • Exercise helps raise HDL (good) cholesterol levels.
  • Exercising helps your body regulate blood sugar as well as insulin.
  • If you are overweight, it will gradually go away if you additionally use the right diet.
  • You will be able to quit smoking and bad habits faster.

Less active people are more likely to develop CAD than people who exercise regularly. Research shows that a sedentary lifestyle is a major culprit in cardiovascular problems.

How to train your heart with aerobic and cardio exercises?

To train your heart muscles with regular aerobic exercise, you only need three rules:

  • The heart rate should not be higher than 130 beats per minute and not lower than 100-110 beats, respectively; the optimal value would be 120-130 heart beats per minute.
  • Time spending aerobic training should be within one hour, and if the vessels are weak, then no more than 30 minutes.
  • You should train in this mode at least 2-3 times a week.

To do this, you will need either aerobic exercise and a heart rate monitor. For example: cycling, dancing, step aerobics, etc. If you don’t want to bother too much, then just take evening walks in fast pace at least 3 times a week. A clear result (obvious) will already be visible in a couple of months.

Exercises to strengthen blood vessels

Vacuum simulation

You need to take a deep breath and exhale, then pull in your stomach and in this position you need to push your stomach back out (put your palm on your stomach and push it from the stomach and back with your belly). Do all this while holding your breath after exhaling for 15-20 seconds. 1 per day.

Morning work-out

Exercise should include: swinging movements, rotation of the limbs, shoulders and torso, bending, raising the arms and legs, as well as walking in place. Charging is carried out within 5 minutes.

Exercises to strengthen your heart

Squats at the door

During squats, your arms should be extended and resting on door handles, and your knees should always be level with your toes. After 2-3 months you should be able to do at least 100 squats. In total, you can squat 300-400 times. In this exercise, the heart works as a receiver, pumping blood. For people of summer age, you need to squat 20-30 cm, and after 1-2 months of training you can squat to a horizontal line.

With this exercise you will not only strengthen your heart, but also strengthen your spinal muscles and make your legs stronger.

Nordic walking

For older people, you can use sticks as support. The movements should be rhythmic and natural, alternately raising the arm and leg at the same time. It is advisable to use aluminum poles with additional straps, the length of which should be higher than the pelvis.

To minimize the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, you will need to change your lifestyle and listen to the following tips:

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