Cardio training after cesarean section. Safe sports after cesarean. Physical activity intensity

When can you play sports after a caesarean section, and what types, read on.

First exercises after surgery

How to get rid of belly fat after cesarean section is a problem that women face after the pain goes away after surgery. Some exercises will even be useful in this situation, but everything should be done in moderation and slowly. You need to start practicing those sports that do not put strain on the muscles. abdominals. You can choose exercises for your legs. Sit comfortably, place a small pillow under your back. Vigorously rotate your feet, bending and straightening them. You can also bend and straighten your knees and straighten your legs alternately. You can also play sports after a cesarean section in the first weeks, putting stress on your gluteal muscles, slowly tensing and relaxing them. Repeat such exercises for 10 approaches.

If you had a cesarean section, after the operation you will need to protect your abdominal muscles from excessive stress. Exercises for these muscles can be started as soon as you feel ready for them. But after the operation, at least six weeks must pass. Experts advise starting with muscle exercises pelvic floor. The main thing is to perform them while exhaling, and not while inhaling. At the same time, try to retract your navel and release it upward, holding the muscles in a retracted position for 10 seconds. If these exercises are painful for you, and your stomach takes the shape of a dome during them, then you need to wait a little longer with sports.

You can pump up your abs after a cesarean section only after the scar has completely healed. In cities there are special groups for postpartum recovery, where classes are taught by experienced instructors. If you are wondering how to remove the belly after a caesarean section, it is better to first consult a doctor. Pilates classes are considered an excellent solution to this problem. If there is no opportunity to attend such trainings, you can do sports exercises at home.

When choosing a method to get rid of your belly, do not rush to immediately pump up your abs after a cesarean section. First, make sure that the suture has healed and that the pain has gone away - and only then begin to put stress on the abdominal muscles. It should also be taken into account that best method getting rid of extra pounds- This aerobic exercise, How race walking, bicycle rides or swimming. After all, by choosing exercises exclusively for the abs, you can only strengthen the muscles under the fat layer, which will not bring the desired result. Therefore, it is important to combine them with aerobic exercise.

Physiological recovery of a woman after surgery

The uterus contracts more slowly after a cesarean section than after a natural birth due to the incision and stitches. Her recovery after surgery largely depends on the age of the woman in labor, the characteristics of the pregnancy, and the conditions of surgical delivery. A woman may feel pain in the abdomen and in the scar area for six months to a year.

Regarding how menstruation resumes after a cesarean section, everything also happens individually, but is no different from how they return naturally after childbirth. First of all, they are directly related to lactation. The hormone prolactin, responsible for breastfeeding, suppresses ovulation. And if the baby is completely breastfed, menstruation may not appear for even a year and a half. Again, this is all individual. Sometimes menstrual blood after a cesarean section appears after 2-3 months. If a newborn is bottle-fed, as a rule, menstruation after a cesarean section is restored by the second month.

Usually after childbirth, no matter how it happened, a woman secretes lochia for 4-8 weeks. They are often mistaken for menstrual bleeding after a cesarean section, but there is a difference between them. Lochia indicates that the postpartum wound from placenta separation is healing. If you are concerned about excessive bleeding after surgery, it is better to consult a doctor.

The fact that a woman has not yet resumed menstruation after a cesarean section does not mean that she cannot become pregnant in the first months after the operation. But when asked when to get pregnant after a cesarean section, most experts answer that no earlier than two years later. Otherwise, the scar on the uterus may break apart, unable to withstand the stress of a new pregnancy. But you should also not postpone subsequent pregnancy for decades, because over the years, connective tissue, which does not stretch well, becomes predominant in the scar. When planning a baby after a cesarean section, it is important to undergo a thorough examination in advance in order to minimize all possible risks and complications.

Physical exercises after natural childbirth are allowed almost the next day if the woman feels well and the birth process went without any complications. Unfortunately, nowadays normal childbirth is becoming a rarity, and many women know what birth injuries, ruptures and surgical incisions of the perineum are. However, sutures after such injuries and operations heal relatively quickly - in about 2-2.5 months, and then you can play sports more and more actively.

And here When is sports allowed after a caesarean section? We have figured out this topic and will be happy to answer many of your questions.

When to start training

It is in this form that most women usually ask the question about the possibility of engaging in physical exercise of varying degrees of intensity. This is explained by the fact that beauty standards now require that a modern woman look a certain way.

Often, captivated by photographs of slender beauties on the pages of magazines and images of participants in popular television programs telling everyone about their successes, young mothers rush to enroll in Gym, engage in “swinging”, running or other sports that involve considerable stress.

In this case, appearance becomes the main value, and health fades into the background.

Doctors are unanimous in this regard, and claim that even active fitness after a caesarean section cannot be allowed earlier than six months later. You can start with light exercises - gymnastics, exercises - after about 2 months, and before that do soft and gentle training, such as Kegel exercises. Under no circumstances should you strain your abdominal muscles after a cesarean section in the first months.

Sports or fitness after cesarean?

When people ask about the possibility of playing sports after a caesarean section, they usually mean not sports at all, but physical education. Perhaps it’s still worth figuring out what is what.

The fact is that the goals of sports and physical education are opposite, and today it is already difficult to argue with this. The main goal of sport is victory over opponents, so training is carried out according to certain programs and strict standards, and all life is subject to them. In this case, the loads endured are colossal, and the body often not only does not strengthen from them, but also suffers greatly. It is probably no secret that many famous athletes simply could not have children after winning numerous competitions and winning gold at the Olympics.

Physical education has its own main goal namely recovery: regular classes help restore health, strengthen and develop the entire body; In this case, the loads should be gentle and bring joy, and not exhaust and take away energy.

No one requires you to do physical exercise all the time - there are no strict standards. Of course, regularity of exercise is the most important condition for success, but in no case to the detriment of health - this is what you should be guided by when deciding on physical education or sports activities after a caesarean section.

Features of the first exercises

So, if we call physical education a sport, where should we start exercising after a cesarean section? And which sports are allowed and which are strictly prohibited?

About 1.5-2 months after cesarean, you can start with a warm-up: like in physical education lessons in a regular school, but even softer. This is walking and bending in different directions, waving your arms, circular movements shoulders, head, exercises for the hip, knee, ankle joints etc. Calm walking on a home stepper and even exercising on a home exercise bike are also not prohibited.

It is better to postpone energetic squats and high leg swings for now, but in another month you can do them, as well as do push-ups in different ways.

As soon as all this becomes easy, other sports join in. In some cases, classes can begin after 3-4 months, but usually doctors prescribe waiting up to six months. Sports allowed 6 months after cesarean section are called different types dances - especially oriental and Latin American; swimming; Pilates - muscle strengthening; yoga – relaxation and restoration of energy of the whole body.

For those who want to lose extra pounds after a caesarean section, it is recommended to do water aerobics: sports and exercise in water are much safer - the muscles are trained, and the joints do not suffer.

Race walking is also allowed in fast pace, or you can go to the fitness room: many special exercises are being developed for young mothers today, and it is better to perform them in the presence of a trainer - he will always help you choose an individual load.

What sport is prohibited

Even after six months after giving birth via cesarean section, you should not engage in sports that seriously strain the heart and muscles. A woman’s body tolerates this operation in a completely different way than natural childbirth: It only seems that everything turns out simpler and easier, but in reality everything is more complicated, although outwardly it is not noticeable. When something starts to happen “out of nature,” difficulties always arise, and the consequences can appear years later, so it’s better to recover completely and then think about active sports after cesarean.

So, let's start with what sports after cesarean section are not allowed in the first few months. After a caesarean section, you should not play tennis, football or volleyball; be active cycling, heavy and athletics, running, going on long hikes, skydiving and participating in other extreme activities.

It seems that about parachuting I don’t even need to mention it – who would think of that? However, experience shows that women decide to do this and much more, wanting to “not lose shape” or even “not to lag behind others.” As a rule, there are no strict prohibitions, and most doctors hardly expect such questions from their patients: they simply count on their prudence, but it is not always present. Such sports can have an extremely negative impact on women’s health, not to mention the fact that such activities can sharply deteriorate the quality of breast milk, or it can disappear completely.

Many women like to restore their waist shape using a hoop: you can also start spinning it no earlier than six months later. A light plastic hoop weighing about 0.5 kg can be spun after just 1.5 months, but a heavy hula hoop with massage spike attachments can be harmful to health. When practicing with a hoop, you need to achieve an increase in the amplitude of movements, and not try to accustom your body to withstand its blows - this is exactly extreme sport after caesarean section.

Breathing exercises

Special treatments will help you recover faster after a caesarean section. breathing exercises. They are done immediately after discharge from the hospital, and even earlier. For example, inhale deeply through your chest 10 times, keeping your stomach still; then, holding the seam with your hands, inhale 10 times with your stomach; Gently tensing and relaxing 10 times, pull the muscles of the perineum and abdomen inward.

When your child begins to walk, take him for walks more often without a stroller in convenient places - in a park, on a closed boulevard, or just in the yard. It’s interesting that kids often start running “unexpectedly” for their parents, and then the extra pounds go away quickly: after all, you have to constantly catch up with the children and be with them, helping them explore the world.

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Not all women, for various reasons, can give birth to a child on their own. In such cases, a caesarean section is performed, which very often saves the life of not only the baby, but also his mother. However, virtually all representatives of the fair sex face the problem excess weight after childbirth. Exercising helps to get your figure in order and get rid of a few extra pounds in the shortest possible time.

When can you start exercising after cesarean section?

Caesarean section does not occur without consequences for the woman’s health. The rehabilitation period takes a fairly long period of time. In the first weeks after childbirth, even minimal physical activity is completely excluded, because with the slightest overexertion, the stitches may come apart and bleeding will begin.

A new mother can start training only 2 months after a cesarean section. During this time, the body has time to recover, and minor physical activity becomes quite acceptable. You should start playing sports with short warm-ups of fifteen minutes. You are also allowed to do exercises on an exercise bike. Of course, you shouldn’t overexert yourself, but even twenty-minute workouts will give good results. Women are advised to go for walks more often fresh air. Walking will help burn a considerable amount of calories and tidy up your legs and buttocks.

Four months after the cesarean section, you can begin full-fledged exercises if the postpartum scar has managed to heal completely. It is better to purchase a gym membership, as you will have to deal with overweight much easier under the supervision of a professional trainer. He will help you create a training program and select some of the most gentle exercises, as well as give recommendations regarding your diet.

Most suitable species sports are such as yoga, swimming and aerobics. They help prepare muscles for more serious physical activity and restore ligaments. If you visit the pool three times a week, you can get rid of five extra pounds within a month. If a woman still decides to engage in figure correction at home, then preference should be given to light exercise for the abdominal and leg muscles, but for this you will definitely need at least a special mat.

Some mothers who worked out before giving birth professional sports, dream of returning to intensive training as soon as possible. But after a caesarean section, heavy physical activity is allowed only after six months. This is quite a long time, but you should take care of your own health and not neglect this precaution.

Sports after cesarean for a nursing mother

Training for women during lactation has some peculiarities, and there are several good reasons for this. Excessive physical activity is contraindicated for nursing mothers, as this affects the quantity and quality of breast milk, which can lead to the baby refusing to eat. Moreover, fatigue after exercise will not contribute to proper care of the baby. Therefore, a woman should rest as much as possible and take care of the health of her baby.

To ensure that playing sports does not cause harm, you must follow some simple recommendations:

  • You should completely exclude exercises that are aimed at developing the pectoral muscles.
  • Dehydration should not be allowed. Therefore, it is advisable to always have a bottle of water on hand during training.
  • It is strictly forbidden to bring the body to exhaustion. After childbirth, sports are primarily aimed at restoring muscles and ligaments, and shaping the figure. That is why you should temporarily forget about intensive training and building muscle mass.
  • Despite the fact that a nursing mother sets herself the goal of losing weight, her diet should be filled with nutritious foods.

When breastfeeding, you are allowed to perform standard abdominal exercises. While lying down, you need to raise your torso without lifting your legs off the floor. This will help tighten your stomach and get rid of excess fat in this area.

It is also recommended to do squats with extra weight. But don’t think that we are talking about a barbell. Two dumbbells weighing from three to five kilograms will be enough. They must be held in front of you during the exercise.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that playing sports after a caesarean section is quite acceptable, but only after a certain time after childbirth. A woman should be careful about physical activity so as not to harm her own health.

Caesarean section is a surgical delivery during which the baby is removed through an incision in the anterior abdominal wall and the mother's uterus.

Surgical births can be planned or emergency. Indications for elective caesarean section are:

  • placenta previa;
  • the presence of incompetent scars on the uterus (due to previous operations, including cesarean section);
  • Not correct position fetus - pelvic or transverse;
  • the presence of certain diseases of the mother - for example, those associated with the activity of the heart;
  • infections and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • large fetus (more than 5 kg) or multiple pregnancy (in rare cases, natural birth is allowed);
  • post-term pregnancy - more than 42 weeks.

An emergency caesarean section is performed in case of premature placental abruption, beginning or threatening uterine rupture, weak labor, fetal hypoxia and other complications that arise during natural delivery.

Caesarean section surgery is difficult surgical intervention, which can lead to negative consequences for the health of the mother and child. Therefore, artificial delivery is carried out only in necessary situations, for medical reasons, and not at the request of the patient.

The figure after a cesarean section changes in the same way as after a vaginal birth - the stomach sags, the skin on it becomes flabby and stretch marks often form, there is a high probability of folds and fat deposits appearing on the sides, abdomen, thighs, buttocks and arms due to overweight V postpartum period.

But during surgical childbirth, a woman has stitches placed on her uterus and abdominal wall, the care of which requires extremely careful treatment of her body in order for them to heal as quickly as possible. Therefore, a young mother cannot begin physical activity that helps restore her figure immediately after giving birth.

Caesarean section is performed in cases where natural childbirth is not possible for any reason.

Start and intensity of physical activity after induced birth

After discharge from the maternity hospital, one should not lead only a “lying down” lifestyle, but at the same time it is necessary to avoid excessive physical exertion, because at the first stage, the main goal of a woman after a cesarean section is to maintain the integrity of the sutures.

At this time, it will be enough to independently perform simple household chores and care for the newborn, as well as walking - these actions help improve blood circulation and metabolism, and tone the muscles of various body groups. Possible execution breathing exercises using the abdominal muscles rather than the chest, and Kegel exercises that train the muscles of the perineum, pelvis and buttocks.

TO simple exercises in the absence of any contraindications, it is recommended to start no earlier than 1.5–2 months after birth, gradually increasing the intensity of exercise. The load on the press at this time should not be large, since the seams are not yet strong and there is a risk of their divergence. At this postpartum stage, you should carry out simple gymnastics aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, hips, buttocks, and also promoting weight loss - for this you can perform bends and rotations of the body, squats, leg swings, etc.

More serious sports activities can be started no earlier than 6 months after the birth of the child - the sutures in most cases heal within six months. But since each organism is absolutely individual, the duration of postoperative recovery may vary - in some cases it takes a year. Therefore, before starting complex physical exercises, a medical examination and consultation with a doctor is necessary.

At the first stages of physical education, it is not recommended to continue more than 15–20 minutes a day - sports activity should not overwork.

If you feel well and there are no contraindications, you can perform a light workout 6 weeks after a caesarean section.

Exercise after caesarean section and permitted types of physical activity

Common exercises that have a positive effect on body shaping are:

  1. Plank. To perform this exercise, you should take a horizontal position with your stomach down - leaning on the toes of your feet and on your arms bent at the elbows, you need to fix your body parallel to the floor, without arching your back and straining all the muscles of the body. In this case, the elbows should be located strictly under the shoulders. At the first stages, it is enough to hold out in this position for 15 seconds, but gradually you should increase the exercise time to several minutes. Correct execution of the “plank” guarantees the use of the maximum number of muscles - the abs, back, hips, buttocks, arms. This means it promotes weight loss short time.
  2. Vacuum. The exercise is performed lying on your back and consists of maximally drawing in the abdomen while inhaling and exhaling. It is not highly effective without additional loads, but it has a positive effect on blood circulation, promotes weight loss in the sides and abdomen, and also tones abdominal muscles press.
  3. Bike. This popular exercise, familiar to everyone since childhood, helps to successfully fight excess weight by training the muscles of the buttocks, inner and outside hips, upper and lower press, used to get rid of cellulite. It is performed lying on your back - your legs are bent at the knees and riding a bicycle is imitated.
  4. Hoop. The use of a hoop helps to increase the tone of the whole body, improve intestinal function, blood circulation, and strengthen the abdominal muscles. But it should be used with caution after a caesarean section - it is necessary to wait until the internal organs are fully restored and in the correct position.

Photo gallery: exercises after surgical birth

The plank exercise uses almost all the muscles of the body.
At correct execution exercises “abdominal vacuum” tighten the stomach and reduce the waist, as well as improve digestion processes and improve the functioning of internal organs abdominal cavity When performing the “bicycle” exercise, the muscles of the hips, back and abs work.
The hoop is an effective simulator to gain slim figure at home

Water aerobics

It is recommended to engage in water aerobics both throughout a normal pregnancy and during the postpartum period. After a caesarean section, you can go to the pool after 6 weeks. Exercising in water has a beneficial effect not only on the general physical and psychological condition of a woman, but also helps to return to her previous body shape. When attending water aerobics classes, all the muscles of the body are trained and thanks to the water, tension is practically not felt, and the effect is achieved in a short time. And the load on the spine is also removed, which alleviates the condition of the young mother.

Water aerobics classes help improve a woman’s physical and emotional well-being


Fitness activities after artificial childbirth should be started no earlier than six months after the operation.

An ideal option during the postpartum period is one of the areas of fitness - Pilates. This sport improves flexibility and plasticity, tightens the stomach, straightens the posture and strengthens the muscles of the body. In this case, exercises do not include sudden movements with frequent repetitions, and do not use weights (weights, dumbbells, etc.).

Pilates classes include many exercises that effectively work different muscle groups. An important condition for achievement maximum effect Losing weight and getting a fit figure means proper and regular training, which can take place at home or in a fitness center.

Pilates exercises involve all muscle groups


A young mother is allowed to run after the stitches have completely healed - approximately 6 months after the birth of the baby. But since running is serious exercise stress on the body, then this method of body correction should be postponed until a later time.

Jogging should be done when you feel well, choosing short distances in the first stages of classes. Over time, speed and distance can be increased.

For weight loss, alternating fast and slow running will be effective. But at the same time, do not forget about the need to control the pulse rate and breathing - if your health worsens, it is recommended to avoid jogging.

After a caesarean section, running is not recommended for six months.


Bodyflex is a set of exercises that combines correct breathing and special poses and stances aimed at stretching muscles. This kind physical activity is effective method restoration of the figure after childbirth - body volumes decrease, the tummy tightens, plasticity appears.

After sectioning surgery, you can start practicing bodyflex after 8–10 weeks. To do this, you need to devote a little time - 15 minutes a day is enough, and the exercises do not require special physical training and they are carried out at home. Result regular training becomes noticeable in a short time.

Bodyflex promotes weight loss in a short time


There are several types of gymnastics used during recovery after childbirth - breathing, therapeutic, aquatic, sports. All of them have a positive effect on strengthening the body, improving the functioning of internal organs and systems, and also help get rid of fat deposits and correct the figure.

Doing light exercises artistic gymnastics acceptable 2–3 months after surgical delivery, but stress on the abdominal muscles should be avoided. The first classes should not last longer than 15 minutes, additional inventory not required for training.

With the help of gymnastics, it is possible to strengthen all muscles, including the abdomen (some time after the stitch has completely healed).

After artificial childbirth, gymnastics helps strengthen all muscles

Exercises in the gym

Before visiting the gym, a woman needs to make sure that the seam has completely healed - to do this, she should undergo an ultrasound examination and visit a gynecologist's office. Classes usually begin 6–8 months after birth, and sometimes after 12.

You should start training in the gym with a cardio load, the duration of which is no more than 5 minutes - with each subsequent workout it should gradually increase, reaching a maximum time of 40 minutes.

It is advisable to avoid running on a treadmill at first, especially when breastfeeding a child - shaking of the breast can negatively affect lactation. The most suitable option for cardio training is exercising on a stepper machine - even at a fast pace, the movements are smoother than when running.

Strength training used for weight loss after childbirth includes:

  • vertical row, in which the back muscles are worked - while sitting on a bench, you need to pull the bar to your chest and then straighten your arms up again;
  • leg press, thanks to which the biceps and triceps of the thigh are worked, as well as the gluteal muscles - this is performed on a special simulator using weights;
  • dumbbell press, which trains the chest muscles - lying on incline bench you need to raise and lower your arms with dumbbells to your chest;
  • bending the legs while hanging, which trains the abdominal muscles - while hanging on the crossbar, you need to alternately bend your legs at the knees and pull them to your chest, tensing your abs as much as possible.

Photo gallery: Doing exercises in the gym

When performing a vertical row exercise initial stages minimum weight should be used
When performing a leg press, it is necessary to place your knees parallel to each other. When performing a dumbbell press on an incline bench, the position of your hands should be directed away from you. When bending your legs while hanging on the bar, you must try not to sway or use the leg muscles

If pain occurs in the suture area, exercise should be stopped immediately.


If there are complications that arise during the postpartum period, sports should be excluded. Contraindications are:

  • presence of birth injuries;
  • pathological condition of the sutures, including their divergence;
  • endometritis;
  • inflammatory processes in the body with increased body temperature;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • uncharacteristic discharge from the genitals;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • problems with lactation.

Before starting physical activity, a woman should undergo the necessary medical examinations and cure existing diseases.

After a cesarean section, a day later, a woman can tie up her stomach with a simple cloth (for example, a diaper) - this will help prevent loose and stretched skin from sagging under its own weight. After a few days, the patient, in the absence of contraindications, is allowed to wear a bandage, which not only helps relieve stress from the spine, improve blood circulation and exercise internal organs correct position, but also effectively affects the figure - the use of bandage devices reduces the size of the stomach and sides.

In the first two to three months, you should be especially careful about your health and try to avoid excessive physical activity. At this time, proper nutrition can have a positive effect on restoring your figure - you need to exclude fatty, sweet, salty, spicy foods from your diet, and you also need to reduce the consumption of flour products and sweet carbonated drinks. You should eat fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, as well as fermented milk products and steamed or oven-cooked foods. This will have a beneficial effect not only on the correction of forms, but also on lactation - with proper nutrition With mother's milk, the baby receives useful substances and the risk of pain and colic in the baby's stomach is reduced.

Breastfeeding also helps effective impact on body volumes - during the period breastfeeding The enlarged uterus after pregnancy contracts faster, so the enlarged abdomen disappears over time.

You should not give up walking - walking with a straight posture helps to tighten your stomach and lose weight by burning calories.

Before the beginning sports activities A young mother must consult a doctor - training can only be carried out with the permission of a specialist.

At the initial stages, classes should be carried out with the least load and for a short time. At the same time, you need to carefully monitor changes in your well-being. Gradually, the duration and intensity of the workout can be increased.

Getting started physical education classes It is advisable to seek help from a trainer who will help you create an individual program.

I, like many other women, had to undergo an emergency caesarean section. During pregnancy I gained 20 kg and it did not go away without leaving a trace - after the birth of the child it remained big belly, and also increased in the volume of the hips and arms. Even in the maternity hospital, the doctor forbade me to engage in physical exercise for six months. And my ways to get rid of excess weight were daily long walks with the child, doing household chores, caring for the baby and using a bandage. Since the child was bottle-fed, I had the opportunity to use diets to lose weight. But in my opinion, regardless of the method of feeding the baby, any woman in the postpartum period should not exhaust herself with hunger, because a newborn baby requires a lot of attention and physical strength from the mother’s side, and without adequate nutrition it is not possible to provide quality care for your child. Not difficult exercises I started doing it at home 9 months after giving birth - early attempts at sports brought discomfort. Every young mother should listen to her own feelings and doctor’s recommendations - in this case, sports will not harm your health.

After childbirth, a woman wants to return to her previous figure as quickly as possible. Often the extra pounds gained during pregnancy interfere with this. How to get in shape faster? After natural childbirth physical exercise you can start pretty soon. If a woman has had a cesarean section, her recovery will take much longer.

Features of the operation

During a caesarean section, doctors perform the following actions: an incision in the skin, fatty and connective tissue, an incision in the uterus, removal of the fetus and placenta, and suturing. During the operation, general anesthesia or epidural anesthesia is used, during which the woman remains conscious and can observe the work of the doctors. After the newborn is removed, special contracting drugs are injected into the uterus to reduce blood loss.

It is important to know that the incisions made during surgery can be vertical or horizontal. This must be taken into account during subsequent births.

Usually, during a planned operation, doctors make horizontal incisions, and during an emergency cesarean, when there is little time for preparation, in the presence of fibroids and uterine bleeding, they make vertical incisions. If the incision is horizontal, then it is closed with a cosmetic stitch, which is almost invisible. With vertical incisions, a cosmetic suture cannot be used, so a visible scar remains.

After a natural birth, the hormone oxytocin, responsible for the onset of labor and stable contractions of the uterus, quickly returns the uterus to its previous size. During surgery, natural oxytocin is not produced by the woman’s body, therefore all postpartum processes of uterine contraction are inhibited. The belly remains as large as at 5–6 months of pregnancy.

When can you start exercising after a caesarean section? This depends on several factors: the number of similar operations in the patient’s history, her state of health, the presence of complications, and the location of the suture. If the seam is vertical, then with an unreasonably high load on the body, a woman may develop hernias.

How long after a caesarean section can you start playing sports?

For about six months after surgery, you should not perform complex exercises or lift weights that exceed the child’s body weight.

The completion of scarring of the surgical suture is diagnosed using an ultrasound machine. Only a specialist can determine the degree of healing and give permission to resume training in the gym after a caesarean section, having analyzed the following factors:

  • what is the condition of the uterine scar, is its formation completed;
  • recovery nervous system after the anesthesia used during the operation;
  • whether the lactation process has improved, which may be affected by active sports.

Allowed sports

What sports are allowed after a caesarean section? Below are some exercises and sports activities allowed after cesarean section:

Prohibited sports

Many people mistakenly believe that a caesarean section is easier to tolerate by the body than a natural birth. In fact, anesthesia can have Negative consequences for the heart, which sometimes appear several years later, so you should not further overload the cardiovascular system in the next six months to a year. You need to give your body time to recover after a major operation. In addition, with intense exercise, a woman who has recently undergone surgery may experience problems with lactation - a decrease in the amount of milk is likely. A woman whose child was born by caesarean section should take care of herself and forget about such extreme sports sports like:

  • Tennis.
  • Volleyball basketball.
  • Run. Jogging should be postponed for 7–8 months, or better yet, a year. Before you start running, you should always do a little exercise to warm up your muscles.
  • Skydiving.
  • Professional cycling racing.

Regardless of the chosen sport, a woman needs to exclude squats, jumping, twisting the body and stress on the body. lumbar region. Be sure to exercise without weights, the maximum allowed weight is 4 kg.

When should you stop exercising?

In each case, the postoperative recovery period can proceed individually. If a woman can’t wait to play sports, and she feels the strength to do this, the stitch has healed and does not cause inconvenience, then you can begin to gradually introduce sports into your life (more details in the article: when can you start introducing sports into your life after childbirth?). You need to be wary of the following undesirable manifestations during physical activity:

  • sharp or moderate abdominal pain;
  • the appearance of discharge from the genital tract or suture;
  • seam divergence;
  • dizziness, lightheadedness.

All of these symptoms may be the result of too much intense load and cause complications after surgery. You need to see a doctor immediately and postpone playing sports for a certain period.

The ideal option would be fitness under the guidance of an experienced trainer, who will select a gentle program and monitor changes in the condition of his ward. It is worth asking where classes are held for women after childbirth. Additionally, in such centers you can get psychological help and recommendations for correcting your diet, which is also important for getting in shape.

Some useful exercises

The back of a woman caring for a newborn endures enormous stress - sleepless nights and carrying the baby in her arms take their toll. The simple exercises for the lower back, which are given below, are performed while lying on your back.

  1. First you need to relax all the muscles of the body. Bending your leg at the knee, bring it as close as possible to your shoulder, move it back, and relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times with each leg.
  2. Bend your legs at the knees, raise your pelvis. The fulcrum should be the shoulders and feet. As you exhale, lower yourself down and rest for 5 seconds.

There are serious reasons for not pumping the abs in the usual way - the postoperative suture may come apart (we recommend reading: How long before you can pump the abs after a cesarean section?). Special exercise“Lift” will help you delicately work your abdominal muscles and make flat stomach. Perform it 2 times a day, 3 times. You need to lie on your back and imagine that your navel is an elevator. A completely relaxed stomach will be the first floor. By drawing in your stomach and pressing it as close as possible to your spine, you gradually need to “find yourself” on the 10th floor. As you inhale, the elevator gradually rises upward, holding your breath for 10 seconds. When exhaling, it descends to the first floor. You can go up to the fourth floor and then go down, or from the tenth floor you can go to the 5th and back. The repetition rate is 10 times, with a break of 30 seconds.